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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts โ€” singularly authentic โ€” ongoing for 80 years โ€” the key to our future survival

Meanwhile Back on Planet Stupicide

Lack of sleep can affect one’s thinking, maybe the woke need a lot more sleep so they can think clearly and get their values straight


We want to apologize for the image above which says:


It should say:


We didn’t mean to offend any spineless, politically correct, SJW, snowflake and/or alphabet people.


As is always the case when large amounts of money are raised for various causes, it wasn’t surprising that stories about financial scandals began surfacing regarding money raised by BLM.

It also isn’t surprising that so-called woke politicians on the Left quickly abandoned the principles they espoused that helped get them elected in the first place. These social justice warriors want to feather their own nests, and get their Teslas and other perks, like all the rest of the useless “leaders”.

At least some people weren’t afraid to bust the all-too-young-and-shallow, overly-woke, trendy, sold-out AOC.

Recently a couple of confused, easily manipulated, leftist “activists” tried to deface a Van Gogh painting, perhaps because it was an oilย painting and they didn’t know the difference between petroleum oil and…linseed oil.

Lack of sleep can affect one’s thinking, maybe the woke need a lot more sleep so they can think clearly and get their values straight.

And in This Corner

On the other side of the hopeless, pathetically polarized, partisan mess, there’s an up-and-coming demagogue on the right, one of many, in the person of Arizona gubernatorial candidate, Kari Lake. Yes, indeed, ordained by heaven, etc., blah-blah.

Based on her objection to using masks to prevent the spread of diseases like COVID, it appears the opportunistic Ms. Lake will make sure that the pandemic…spreads. With absolutelyย no comprehension of howย airborne pathogens are transmitted, or how such diseases actuallyย don’t give a damn about her unscientific beliefs, she may prolong the confusion and the disease.

Of course she also promises to fix all of the state’s current woes, illegal immigration, fighting the cartels and drugs, etc. All very well (and unlikely to happen) but it seems that sheย and Blake Masters are exemplifying the new American morality:

“If I don’t win the election it was stolen.”

There it is, “winning” is everything…blame the world in advance if you don’t. But wait, why stop there?

The next logical step is to do away with voting and troublesome elections and simply declare that one is already the winner, because any votes and decisions to the contrary would obviously be fraudulent, stolen, etc.

It’s long foretold that the coming US civil wars would also result in a breaking up of the country into five territories, where “sectarian fanatics will play a dictatorial role”. We may be getting a sneak preview of where all the “stolen election” claims could lead to.

The Chicken or the Egg?

Now it’s anybody’s guess what comes first, the world-encompassing war, or the US civil wars. It may not be that simple of course, because both are actually in their early stages.

Nonetheless, we march along, sowing the seeds at every opportunity. And we had an unprecedented opportunityย with Clayton Morris and Redacted, which continues to draw viewers, interest and inquiries from around the world.

See also:

โ€˜Pandoraโ€™s boxโ€™ Opens as Billy Meier Predictedโ€ฆin 1949!

OB-GYN Confirms Billy Meier Vaccine Infertility Warning fromโ€ฆ1949

New interview with Matt Buff:

Watch โ€“ย The Patriot Podcast Networkย on Roku TV

Watch โ€“ย The Matt Buff Show on Rumble

Watch –ย

Watch โ€“ย

Watch –ย



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I am wondering if there has been anything said about what is happening in Iran as the woke minded youngsters with little to no help from older population are standing up to a major religious government. Atrocities are being committed and political prisoners are being killed in suspicious infernos and the Watchers of the Earth are seemingly not interested in these events. Not even a word has been said in your type of media about the injustice that people of Iran have endured all these years.

Melissa Osaki

Billy has talked extensively about the abuse and oppression that women and girls have endured for millennia. That would include the women and girls in Iran. The rest would fall under religion and religious delusion, which is also talked about extensively. The goal/mission of FIGU is to inform people about the things that concern all people, such as overpopulation, torture, death penalty, etc.


Thankyou niceguy_77477. In answering your question I discovered a question I asked Billy, about a relief from Susa, Persia (pictured below) that I hadn’t realised had been discussed in Contact Report 559 and it was explained that the ancient peace symbol, published everywhere by FIGU since the 1970’s and by and for decades, had been passed on by, in this case, the people living in Susa at the time of the Elamic King Tepti-Humban-Inshushinak.

Billy said there are millions of symbols in a language of symbols which are ancient and have been used for communication purposes between different ET human groups, including ET settlers to Earth, including in Iran and who learnt and were taught this language of symbols by Nokodemion and shared again and again by later incarnations of the same creation-energy form (previously: spirit form or wrongly used “soul”) lineage, which includes all the well-known prophets from both the Christian and Muslim faiths, but where the truth about these men and what they taught was altered negatively but can be read.

I’ve included an unobstructed photo collage of the one featured in Contact Report 559, but in colour. In Contact Report 559, Billy talks about the origin for the country name Iran as he understood it from, his first ET human contact / teacher / mentor, Sfath. Here’s an excerpt which explains that the early Aryans lived in Iran [Aryan = “Awan” dynasty?]. Billy has mentioned on other reports that a peaceful ET human refugee group of ET human beings settled a long time ago in Iran but you’ll have search it out if interested.

“I do know, for example, that the early Aryans lived there [Persia], which then spread to India. I also know that before the Aryans in the Neolithic Age, small groups of Stone Age people lived in the Persian highlands as hunters, as your father Sfath once explained to me in the 1940s, when he showed me some things in Persia.”

Dan Williams

Let’s get something clear here. Those young Iranians are not woke, they do not fight for their freedoms and lives by the fundamentalism of an ideology – they are a truly suffering race of female humans subjugated by a newly organised state dictatorship that is a fermenting boil of growing cruelty and enslavement – merciless, hate-filled, fanatical and barbaric – using religious law and their own thirst for blood and lust yet again to enslave women into chains for the ownership of them as females and humans.
This is a natural and forceful internal outbreak of human freedom that has brought collaboration nationwide, just as the women in India and Pakistan did after their women were being held, raped and murdered, their children abducted, held, raped and murdered for years where no authority would do a thing about because they too were advocating for that evil…..and had to submit to the pressure of all of those women but also all of them men who stood with them and caused a major movement through the Country so vast it went international, which meant their authorities had to act! All of those stories were unthinkable, of those babies and children being brutally disposed of in acid and discarded into rivers never to be found again. Where were the wokey’s then I wonder?

All this would push even the most hard-hearted human to revolt against such unthinkable barbarity and evil, and not even religious faith comes into it….this is the explosive revolt of humanity who have had an absolute bellyful and these young Iranians are losing their lives not just for their own freedoms and human rights and dignity but for their descendants too, to show all men, and boys mostly who need to learn this to rectify their elders oppressive, brutal, vengeful, murderous and dictatorial measures of male tyranny, that women and girls are human too, that they deserve equality in every human department without question and must be granted this automatically by the laws of life, not by some decree of a male leader or ruler.

It’s without question, how much the teachings themselves and the plethora of times this is reiterated throughout every piece of literature produced from FIGU via Billy, the Plejaran and the members.

But one must understand that there is another sinister thing happening here. Iran is one the US hitlist! Every time a people want to topple a regime, the west have either already interfered or will announce their interference, offering humanitarianism which translated means:
‘we’re going to use our oligarchs to pledge millions in free loans to your country to buy everything you need for ‘liberation and freedom’ using the corporations that those oligarchs own to earn them 1000 times the loaned amount, and then turn your Country to dust via proxy war, start the propaganda machine for liberating your people by triggering the real wokeys in the west, and then bugger off leaving you to deal with the ruins and the new opportunist extremist death squads made up of all the boys whose parents, siblings, and families we slaughtered mercilessly for years, who have seized power to get revenge against us which we can use as new threats to our national security and use their inevitable barbarity to once more have loopholes to further annihilate your Country until we own it and you……..’

These Iranian people are not woke! In fact, they are anything but!


Delayed reply to niceguy_77477...

“A word has been said” on this blog and by Billy and FIGU about what has caused the injustices in Iran, as well as what was threatening in recent years and does threaten Iran in the future.

Please see this FIGU Special Bulletin #30, from 2006, which speaks about the original plans for a US invasion of Iran, dating back to 2002:

Should the attack against Iran, planned since the year 2002, actually succeed, then this would therefore be secretly prepared though an SOG team in Iran, as was also the case in Afghanistan and in Iraq. The CIA is more powerful than the entire government of the USA, which consequently in no way knows what the secret service actually does. Not even the US President is ever notified about all that which the secret service, which has become a state-within-a-state, really undertakes and everything that is associated with that.”

If US presidents don’t know anything, you can be sure those from the public who search for the truth via FIGU will know more, including this bit of recent history from Billy:

“As a matter of fact the CIA is a world power, and its list of crimes is so long that it cannot be measured. Along with innumerable other crimes, the overthrow of governments also belongs to their line of work, consequently, among others, in 1953 they overthrew the Persian, respectively, Iranian government, in 1954 that of Guatemala, after which followed Chile in 1973 and Turkey in 1980. The CIA was not concerned that several of these governments had been democratically elected by the population, because it was only significant to them that these governments did not fit into their goal, since they did not cuddle up to the USA. So they also murdered many politicians or allowed them to be delivered to kingdom come by paid assassins, as with, for example, Che Guevara, and so forth.” Source:

Published on this blog, there were Trumpโ€™s Plans for War with Iran Revealed.

There are also future warnings for Iran, such as this is an ancient prophecy from Henoch (or “Enoch” in some bible dramatizations):

“249. It must still be stated that the Russian attack will occur during the summer, in fact, starting from Arkhangelsk. Denmark will not be dragged into the war, due to the insignificance of this country.
250. Yet Russia will not be satisfied with this action of war, as her will for expansion will be ravenous.
251. And consequently Russia will launch a military attack against Iran and Turkey and will conquer these two countries in bloody fighting, causing enormous destruction.”

This blog,, has featured information on Iran from the few journalists left with any integrity and Billy mentioned the following in July this year (published in August)…

โ€œIf China, Russia, Iran, India and other countries break free from the tyranny of the US dollar as the worldโ€™s reserve currency and the international Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), a messaging network that financial institutions use to send and receive information such as money transfer instructions, it will trigger a dramatic fall in the value of the dollar and a financial meltdown in the US.โ€ Chris Hedges”

Please use the search function/s, top right in this blog, for seeing what has been published by FIGU and other sites, on any subject you can think of:

As for Billy and FIGU’s stance on religion, you’ll find they explain a lot about the origins, inconsistencies, violence, murder, rape, misogyny and lies of those, but also have the chance at reclaiming the truth for ourselves if interested.

I’m interested in Iran. Just 2 weeks ago, I had a dream where I was looking down at high mountain ranges in Iran (I verified that there was such a place in Iran in the North in Google maps), and someone in the dream was explaining that Brits lived there and then I read the contact report with my question and the information about the people in the Persian highlands and the connection to the Aryans which made sense of my earlier dream. Love it when the mysteries of life, both waking, imagined and dreamt, are brought together into sharp focus like that.

Barry Smith

Catastrophes reach proportions barely imaginable to people of Earth . Let that simmer in the brain pan . Catastrophes plural, meaning it wont be one event, it will be barely imaginable multiple events. Russia declared martial law today, China told its folks get out of Ukraine. Radiation detection gear is a hot topic amoung prepper channels on the tubes. Some say a tactical nuke is about to be used. All the fuss will go mum when the mushroom cloud rises, stay prepared. Salome

Terry Carch I Love Erra

Mabey we can finally do away with NATO and the EU but nuking this “Planet Stupid” is even “STUIDTER!”

Bruce Lulla

A US tradition – buying votes to get or maintain power.
I think Billy mentioned this in an old prediction about Trump without specifying how that was accomplished, but what’s going on now is unmatched and blatant, i.e. student loan forgiveness, pardoning marijuana violations (at the federal level) which is an empty gesture since most such violations are at the state & local levels, releasing oil from the SPR to get the price of gas down, etc. all timed in the runup to midterm elections.

The Biden administration continues to bribe mid term voters with cheap gas prices by releasing even more oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.’

Al Jedd

Again the climate activists/terrorists strike again.
This time German climate activists throw mashed potatoes at a Monet painting. Its possible in the art world that an extra million will be put on the price tag as the painting survived a terrorist attack.


John Webster
Hoota Thunk

Why did De Wit resign? Is it possible to catch the flu on a plane even if you are masked up to the eyeballs?