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Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

CR 881: The Truth about the Crucifixion


881st Contact,  Thursday, March 21, 2024 00:07 h

Greetings, Eduard, my friend.


Welcome as usual and greetings also, dear friend. You are here early again, Ptaah. Is there something special?


No, not at all. But I have to tell you that our committee is of the opinion that too many of our conversations are written down by you, so you should limit them. This is because you …


I have been used to working from an adolescent age.


But retrieving a conversation report once a month and writing it down would really be enough. We will talk about that later. But now I want to talk about the fact that, as we read further into my father’s annals, many questions arise that you can answer and explain to us in detail because they relate to events that you experienced together. There would probably also be important things that would interest Earth’s humanity.


But that begs the question, is it correct for me to say something?


It would probably be correct and necessary as well as according to the time, I think, that you would once explain everything or some of what you really know regarding the emergence of Christianity, because more is known to you than we fathomed last year in the past.


? – ? ?


It has been decided. that we now turn to the task of devoting ourselves over a longer period of time, but only intermittently, to the exploration of the Earth’s human past and Earth’s humanity, according to my father’s records.


Aha, when you spoke the other day about the fact that last year, by travelling back …


… yes, I mentioned that. But for our multifaceted tasks, these are always very time-limited, despite all the time manipulation.


But why should I tell you a few things regarding Christianity of all things?


Because the only knowledge we have is that which we know from my father’s annals, but nothing further, consequently also not the exact origin of Christianity, which you are supposed to enlighten us about, because the entire period of its origin and all the backgrounds do not emerge from my father’s records. However, you have together …


… yes, that is true, but I am not comfortable talking about it, which is why I have also kept quiet about it my whole life, because I did not think it was good to spread the truth about it. So I was wrong when I thought that you had fully researched the origins of Christianity.


No, we were only interested in finding out how it was that the first records were made, from which the Bible and the Qur’an were made. We did not find out what happened in earlier times, but it would be appropriate if you were to reveal at least some of your knowledge of how Christianity came to be. This would also confirm what my father listed in his annals, of which we have only checked very little so far, in order to find out for ourselves how the circumstances turned out. We can only do this by travelling back, but this requires not only a lot of time and opportunity, but also researching the exact time periods when something happened that needs to be fathomed.


Aha, I did not know that – then I did not. Sfath taught me that certain periods of time and times had to be travelled to when we went on return journeys or future journeys. I always thought it was a matter of chance.


That was certainly never the case, because my father Sfath was also not only prudent, but also strict about safety as well as doing everything impeccably and correctly as required.


Of course, I knew that, because he was always correct and endeavoured to do everything correctly. Perhaps I should really say something about what the real origin of the whole thing was, especially since lies and fantasy are again the order of the day. The lies and allegations about Jmmanuel are simply not being put to rest. This is probably because Easter time is approaching again and therefore Christianity is being stuffed full of lies and deception in order to bind the believers even more intensively to the lies and deception. And, as usual, people of other faiths and those who are hostile to Christians and unrighteous will also use this to wreak havoc, such as the terrorists of IS and the arms beggars, whereby Russia and many of its human beings will be the victims, and that before the actual Easter season arrives. But to say anything more about this is to be thrown to the wind anyway, because nobody wants to know the reality and therefore the truth, except those few who do not simply follow a religious and/or worldly belief, but think consciously and logically themselves and perceive, see and understand reality as it is effective according to the truth. But, as I said, perhaps it is really good if I say something about what really happened when the events surrounding Jmmanuel and the emergence of mendacious Christianity took place, as it also did afterwards …


Which you should not bring up though, because the fanaticism … You cannot protect yourself against that also in the Centre, because … But if you really want to say something about it, then that is better than me just reciting what my father ‘annalised’.


? ? Good, I do not know the word, but I understand what you are trying to say. It is probably a neologism of yours?


? ? ?


Annalensed, that almost sounds like ‘analyse’, but I think you are referring to writing Sfath’s annals?


Yes – is not what I said correct?


I am not familiar with it in Swiss-German vocabulary and also in German, but it probably says what you seem to be implying, namely that the very annals were recorded that Sfath recorded But as to saying something from my ‘sewing bag’ and mentioning how Christianity actually came about, that is a thing in itself, which is anyway and certainly disputed again by the Christian believers etc. So I wonder if I should say anything at all.


But it would be important for many Earth’s humanity that finally the truth …


… that yes, but it will …


I suppose it will, but necessity demands it for the future.


I also know that, but still there will be an avalanche that will …


That will be the case, but …


If you think, good, then so be it for once, even if I never had in mind to say for once what really was, because firstly I was never interested in undermining the simple-mindedness of those human beings who have sworn themselves to a belief of a religious or secular kind. However, and this should be said and explained, simple-mindedness does not mean any offence or insult, because the term only means that a human being is dominated by guilelessness and naivety and by a sham thinking and thus by credulity, which prevents logic, understanding and reason in certain respects. So simple-mindedness does not mean that the human being is abnormal or stupid, but simply guileless, naïve, deluded and gullible, as a result of which he or she is addicted to low intelligence resp. non-thinking with regard to a certain thing or view etc. This, in turn, is not to be misunderstood. This, in turn, is not to be misunderstood, for low intelligence in this sense does not mean that a human being who has fallen prey to it cannot be of good intelligence or clear-minded, but only that in certain views, things or directions etc. he has fallen guilelessly into illusory thinking and thus into non-thinking resp. non-thinking. As a result, he is guileless and naive, takes everything as a real fact and thus considers it to be the actual truth, which in reality only corresponds to an untruth and thus a lie. Secondly, I always hope – and I will continue to do so for the rest of my life – that sooner or later human beings will awaken their logic, intellect and reason, that they will begin to think for themselves and no longer simply believe guilelessly and naively, so that they will also recognise reality and its truth – even if it often takes a long time, if ever. This is the only way to prevent human beings from being influenced and falling prey to a belief instead of using their very own thoughts to develop their true logic, understanding and reason – provided that they have not already fallen prey to a belief and know what logic actually is. The human being must keep himself free from any form of belief through his very own thinking, for only in this way can he be able to move in a free world of thought of an effective, logical, rational and clear, responsible mind. And this must be achieved solely by presenting reality and its truth to human beings only in a form of clarification that is neither aggressive, attacking, discriminatory or insulting, etc., but only thought-provoking in an absolutely neutral wise. Thoughts must be free, as the old saying goes: “Thoughts are free.” But this is only possible if the human being discards his own simple-mindedness and low intelligence without any influence from fellow human beings and consciously turns to logic, understanding and reason and consequently actually grasps reality and its truth, follows it logically through the mind and realises it through the mind.


– – – But now what is to be said about what you think I should say. – Firstly, the correct name of Jmmanuel is not mentioned but falsified with ‘Jesus’, for which lies and assertions are also let loose which are so far removed from reality and truth that it is actually hilarious. It starts with the name ‘Jesus’, which is attributed to Jmmanuel, but which he never had. In addition, the so-called ‘Lord’s Supper’ was not such a thing at the time, but effectively simply a loose gathering of people interested in the teaching. These gathered in a circle around Jmmanuel, with a small number of his closest friends sitting at the same table with him. They were also the faithful who often – but not always – accompanied him, both men and women. In addition to this, not only Jmmanuel’s companions or closer friends were present at this evening meeting, but also numerous other persons, because Jmmanuel did not hold a ‘supper’, but rather devoted himself to teaching the teachings. The audience consisted of about 60 or 70 people in total. Jmmanuel’s closest friends, as I have said before, sat with him at a table and drank wine imported from Italy by the Roman occupation. The faithful drank from their own stone bowls, while Jmmanuel made do with normal drinking water, which he drank from a small clay jug, because he detested wine. Firstly, the wine was not drunk from a supposed ‘cup’, but from his own stone bowls, while Jmmanuel did not have his own stone bowl, but only an approx. 15 cm large clay jug with normal water, which he always carried with him.


The whole discipleship of Jmmanuel is just a lie, because all of his followers were never and never his ‘disciples’. In truth, they were all human beings who were only interested in the teaching which Jmmanuel spread far and wide and which found an abundant audience, approval and interest. This was because human beings learnt to think freely through Jmmanuel’s teaching and their new thinking freed them from the all-round prevailing Jewish belief in the polytheism of the Romans.


A fanatical group of Romans was constantly and secretly endeavouring to undermine and dissolve Roman beliefs because they had turned to the Jewish faith. However, the whole thing was not done openly, but was only to become public knowledge when everything concerning the religious conversion was to be realised on a larger scale, which only came about over a long period of time. It was the same back then as it is today, with countless sects all over the world carrying out their evil sectarian activities and mischief, as was also the case at that time and was also dangerous. Nevertheless, the fanatical Roman group succeeded in secretly undermining and breaking the traditional religious diversity of the Romans over the course of time, even though it also continued to exist steadfastly for a long time. Over time, however, a change of faith gradually took place, so that it later became possible to spread the whole of the one-god faith throughout the Roman Empire. This not only happened in Canaan and the Roman province of Judea, but also in large parts of the Middle East, even in Europe, in the Mediterranean countries and also in Egypt, where various temples were destroyed as a result of the religious fanaticism of the Christians, for example. In this respect, the temple that was often visited by Queen Nefertiti is particularly worthy of mention, but it was frequented by all kinds of people, which is why it was widely recognised as a ‘temple of whores’. It should also be mentioned that it was not until around 130 years after Jmmanuel that the land of Palestine was given this name by Emperor Hadrian.


Well, for a long time, the secret underground endeavours of the Roman group were deliberately concealed from the public, while certain members of the group rebelled openly against the polytheism of the Romans. However, if any of the rebels were caught, their lives ended in murder. Consequently, this fact was not publicised at first and was also not recorded anywhere in writing. There was polytheism and a wide variety of religions in the Roman Empire at the time, with the main religion being the worship of Jupiter, Juno, Mars and other gods. Other influences from Greek, Egyptian and Oriental religions also played a role, such as the cult of Mithras.


In the end, the secret sect group was also the one that was able to maintain itself secretly at first, but then over the course of time managed to assert itself openly. These fanatics cultivated their own religion with their own God, which was conceived in the sense of the Jewish God, which was preserved in their faith and could fanatise their descendants and these in turn could fanatise their descendants and so on. Then when Jmmanuel appeared, they accepted those parts of his teaching which they found good and right, but mixed them with their new faith and also adopted the laws of the imaginary one God whom they had taken from the faith of the Jews and worshipped. This early grouping, which included rude and evil fanatical elements who did not even shy away from murder, was the first to be responsible for the later emergence of Christianity from their delusional beliefs. This was something that brought murder and manslaughter early on – as did all religions – and as was the case in ancient times, it is still the case today, whereby persecution, torture and suicide, as well as forms of harassment, strife, hatred, slander, as well as abuse, revenge, retribution and murder are also commonplace with regard to religious sectarianism.


This has been the case since time immemorial, as the histories of all kinds of religions and their sects prove, with particular reference to the persecution of Christians and Jews, but also the Huguenot Wars in France – Catholics against Protestant Huguenots – and then the Schmalkaldic War, when Charles V’s army and the Catholic Nuremberg League fought the rise of Protestantism in old Germany. The bloody uprising of the Protestant princes is also a chapter that should not be forgotten. The 30 Years’ War between Protestants and Catholics, which was caused by religious and associated political disputes, is also worth mentioning. But there are also all the insane religious wars between the Islamic Shiites against the Sunnis, who wreaked havoc in Syria, as well as the Christians against Muslims in the Republic of Central Africa. However, wars also took place in Sri Lanka, when the ‘absolutely peaceful’ Buddhists fought bloodily against Hindus. Even in the 21st century, as a result of primitive religious differences, strife has been fuelled in many places on Earth, resulting in vicious and bloody violence and deaths. It is also worth noting what is going on around the Earth in this respect today, such as the idiotic endless conflicts between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, then the ‘loving’ Christians and Muslims who are up to their hateful mischief in Bosnia, for example. The religious beliefs of Christians, Jews, Druze and Muslims etc. create bloody strife, murder and manslaughter, hatred, war and terror all over the world. It is also no different with Hindus, as with all other religions and sects of all façons, and it was also the case with the Kali sect (Note: Kali goddess: ‘The Black One’; goddess of death/destruction/renewal; depicted figuratively and as a sculpture, she has several arms and hands and holds a severed human head in one hand, in the other a blood bowl into which she catches the dripping blood, while in a third hand she wields a sickle threateningly. She also has a third eye on her forehead and sticks out her tongue), during a tirade of hatred – as I was told in India – more than 1.5 million human beings are said to have been strangled to death with a silk ribbon knotted 7 times. Well, there are also the Crusades, which were religious wars in that the Christians and Muslims only murdered for the sake of their own religious beliefs. The first religious war was about 600 years before Jmmanuel, when the Athenians and Krissans smashed each other’s skulls, followed about 150 years later by the Spartans and Phroceans, who then took up the weapons of war again about 100 years later. But there is much more to tell. And just as it has been since time immemorial, it is still happening today, although this is officially denied, as is the fact that entire sectarian groups have been and are being driven to suicide, just as individual or groups of human beings are murdered for religious reasons, as are people who simply tell the truth. The fact that such people are harassed, threatened or summarily ‘killed’ is something I am only too well aware of, as I have also not been spared in this respect, as attempts have often been made to get me out of the world.


Now I have deviated again from what I was talking about earlier, namely that the secret Roman group was fascinated by the Jewish one-deity religion, but was not willing to accept the religion in its entirety, so they limited themselves to the one-deity and used it for their faith, paying homage to a single god. And later, when they partially accepted Jmmanuel’s teaching, they resorted to it, although they misunderstood many things, so they quickly distorted it and presented it as something they misunderstood, which did not correspond to what it really was. They quickly glorified Jmmanuel and called him ‘Son of Wisdom’, after which it was very quickly said that his knowledge was of a divine nature, so it was not far to claim that he had come on behalf of the only God. To add insult to injury, fanaticism of faith ultimately led to the human being acting on the ‘commission of the one and only God’ being labelled as his son and blood, whereby they naturally believed that he was the God they worshipped, whom they had adopted from the Jewish religion. So they quickly developed this delusion and began to call Jmmanuel the ‘Son of God’, especially after his crucifixion. As a result, it was not far after the brutal crucifixion that the fanatics of the Roman group quickly fantasised about his ‘holiness’ and even more so that the alleged ‘sonship’ of the imaginary only God was attributed to him in such an everlasting wise that it could no longer be imagined without it. In addition to this, the names ‘Yehoshua’ and ‘Mashiach’ were attached to Jmmanuel because he was supposedly ‘anointed’ and also supposedly brought salvation and salvation. This created the early ‘Jehoschuatum’, which began to spread quickly and openly, and this became established among the Romans and also in the Greek language, whereby Jmmanuel was referred to as the ‘Anointed One’ or ‘Christos’, which was then quickly changed to ‘Christianity’. And when the name ‘Jesus’ was added, the whole thing was then of course called ‘Jesus Christ’, whereby everything spread quickly and also made such a big splash with the Romans that they turned away from their polytheism relatively quickly. However, this did not happen before they persecuted this new Christian faith and its preachers, subjecting the believers to torture and then to death. But then came the time when the Romans gradually turned to the new faith, the emerging Christianity, which has since brought much and immeasurable suffering to Earth’s humanity as a result of fanaticism, which also happened and still happens in the form of its sects – even if this is denied – just as other religions do with their sects. And what has emerged from Christianity apart from quarrelling, murder and manslaughter, war, terror and revenge and other evil – as is also true of all other religions and religious sects – is also regrettably to be mentioned, namely that ordinances and laws have been devised and enacted through which believers have been and are being brought into ‘the devil’s kitchen’. In Catholic Christianity, this is particularly true with regard to the fact that priests, chaplains, bishops, cardinals and the Pope etc. are subject to celibacy, which is a religiously based professional obligation that means that Catholic ‘clergy’ must also live sexually abstinent lives and are therefore not allowed to marry. This is completely unnatural, which is why many Catholic ‘clergy’ also become paedophiles and sexually abuse their adolescent sheep, as do nuns, who may secretly give birth to babies who are also secretly ‘aborted’ and buried, as I was able to see for myself together with Sfath. We were also able to observe that religious women – even married women – were sexually abused by such ‘clergy’. And I saw all of this together with Sfath at a young age. This, as also in modern times – a few years ago together with you, which I am sure you have not forgotten – that many guilty people sat together in this regard, who did such reprehensible things themselves, but had the cheek to condemn others who were caught, betrayed or accused of such behaviour.


Well, so this is how Christianity really works and how it was invented, which of course all believers in Christianity and religious scholars refuse to believe and call everything a lie, a fantasy and a fraud. Just like the fact that the originators of the Christian religion were really a sect of the Romans who, in their fanaticism of religious mania, completely and thoroughly falsified the teaching of Jmmanuel and turned it into the world religion of Christianity, copied from the Jewish monotheistic religion and adopted and glorified the invented imaginary God Elohim, who is supposed to be the creator and ruler of all things, the only God and also omniscient, who rewards good and pleasing deeds, but punishes evil and bad deeds. But what religions and sects have produced has ultimately only brought evil and caused many millions of deaths through persecution, lies, deceit, revenge, torture, hatred, murder and manslaughter, war and terror, etc., as is still the case today with all religions and sects, even if this is officially denied. And that the so-called believers in Christ adhere to a religious faith – which has become a world religion – that is actually only a product of a Roman sect from time immemorial and – the believers in Christ should think about this with their very own thoughts – only makes them think and believe.


But what can now be fundamentally explained is based on the fact that the entire hatred of Jews resp. The truth is that it was by no means the Jewish people who had Jmmanuel crucified, just as they did not shout pro and hurrah when he was nailed to the cross, but only a few murderous spectators and mainly only superiors of the Sadducees, the radical Zealots and the Essene sect, as well as the Pharisees. All of them were hostile to Jmmanuel’s teaching and wanted to see him dead, just as they also insulted him as a rebel of the equally hated Pharisees, although he had nothing to do with them. And it was really only the leaders of these religious groups and not the Jewish people, who are mendaciously portrayed in the Bible as a ‘rejoicing people’ and who are said to have cheered at the crucifixion of Jmmanuel with cheers and hurrahs and other shouts. In total – together with the military of the Romans who crucified Jmmanuel – there were not even 70 persons present. This alone proves the lies that the Bible makes the believers of Christianity believe, but it also clearly shows that the Jewish people are persecuted, hated, disreputable and even murdered as a result of outrageous lies and equally outrageous deceptions and falsifications of history, etc. This also proves that the Jewish people are persecuted, hated, disreputable and even murdered. And it also proves how the whole of anti-Semitism is built on completely insane and idiotically sick and stupid lies and deceptions as well as falsifications and is now being fuelled again because of Zelensky and Netanyahu – of course under the devious leadership of hegemonist America – and the hypocritical part of the insane and lying neo-NAZIs in the German government. The righteous of this German government, who want to lead the country and its people correctly in honour and dignity, can do nothing about this, because the neo-NAZIs give them no chance to do so, which is why Jew-hatred is again spreading more and more and is being practised primitively. And the fact that these neo-NAZIs alone are being cheered to the skies with their anti-Russian policies by some of their listeners among the people is not just knocking the bottom out of one barrel, but of all barrels. This also whitewashes the war crimes of the Ukrainian army and its mercenaries and other foreign Western military forces – which are secretly involved in Ukraine, which is of course concealed – while Russia alone is accused of being the evil war criminal military. And the fact that around 50 countries and parts of their populations are being misled into supplying weapons, ammunition and money to Zelensky – who is enriching himself from this – and are blind to the truth about what is really going on, is causing a world war of the kind that has never been realised before. However, this now threatens to spread even further and become an effective world war – which is what America is striving for in its hegemony mania – with the threat of nuclear war looming in the skies of destiny. This is because the war-mongering, megalomaniac and power-hungry Zelensky is thoughtlessly supplying weapons, ammunition and money etc. to the war fanatic at his begging – of course with the devious support and propaganda of the greedy and world-domination-addicted America, which under the senile President Biden wants to keep Russia down by all nasty means. And the irresponsible arms and ammunition suppliers do not think about the fact that this could lead to a nasty nuclear war and that the murder and destruction in Ukraine will continue unabated. However, the suppliers and supporters of weapons, ammunition and money do not care, because they are not the ones suffering and do not have to take the fall, at least not until there is such a worldwide bang that they are affected. But it is still the case that lies and fraudulent claims are being spread in order to keep the senseless war going. This not only costs more and more human lives, causes destruction en masse and brings unspeakable suffering, but also creates much and more enmity through lies and deception, not only against Russia, but among humanity itself, creating more and more discord among them. This is also because sensible sections of the population are now slowly realising what is really being played out in Ukraine and that America really has its dirty fingers of world domination madness in the game, but also that the hidden and lice-ridden neo-NAZIs in the German government are also playing a false game and secretly working to promote anti-Semitism, while superficially playing and displaying friendliness towards Jews. In return, they also denigrate those who want to do the right thing and honestly mean what they say in order to truly create peace and resolve the unjustified hostility towards Jews that is based on old-fashioned and rather lousy lies. This neo-NAZI pack is a herd of evil degenerate and misleading predatory elements who pretend to be pro-Jewish, but in reality run around in sheep’s clothing, biting bloody and lacerating and revealing their predatory nature when the right opportunity presents itself.


And if we now look at the Ukraine war as a whole, then this leads me to say – as I know from Quetzal’s source, who has fathomed the reason for the Palestinian attack – that the time of war arose in Israel and Palestine because the hatred of the Jews flared up anew as an imitation process and began to take effect. This is because, as a result of Zelensky’s worldwide begging, many insane rulers of various countries and considerable parts of their populations took sides with Ukraine, which is ‘led’ by the Jew and war fanatic Zelensky. And everything is now happening as I already said at the beginning of the Ukraine war, precisely because Zelensky is known to the Palestinians as a Jew-believer and the rulers of various countries are helping him with weapons, ammunition and money etc. with the agreement of like-minded sections of the population and are playing ‘good friend’, although various of those ‘helping’ are anti-Jewish, but are hiding this in a playful way and hoping that the low intelligence of many others will not recognise this, but that they will make quite a big profit of some kind as a result.


The war waged by Israel against the Palestinians, who are really Arabs and who started it all, is being carried out by Netanyahu in such a way that there is practically no great difference to the last world war waged by Adolf Hitler and his SS henchmen. This war can now escalate against Lebanon, Syria and also Jordan, meaning that the attacks will no longer be limited to the West Bank if the war-mongering Netanyahu continues to push his boundaries. Obviously, he is just as much a religious and unpredictable war fanatic in his war-mongering as Zelensky – and as Adolf Hitler also was. In addition, America is undoubtedly behind the whole thing, even though it hypocritically ‘intervenes’ against this and that on the surface, but in reality only to deceive the world public Now back to what we are actually talking about: After a very long time, scribes appeared who endeavoured to write down the falsified ‘memories’ that had been handed down. In doing so, they constantly added to it and contributed a great deal to new falsifications, which ultimately resulted in the BIBLE.


Well, it can therefore be said that everything about Jmmanuel and the so-called Last Supper is a lie, because there never was such a thing, especially not when Jmmanuel was arrested shortly after the meetings and the last teaching of his teachings and was actually crucified, which he survived without the knowledge of the Romans and fled to Srinagar, where he founded a family and died at an old age. It should be said again: Jmmanuel never drank wine throughout his life, only water, just as there was also no cup from which he is said to have drunk wine. His followers themselves only used small personal stone bowls resp. drinking bowls made of patterned stone. These measured exactly 10 cm in diameter, were ‘bäsch’ or beige-coloured and speckled, I would say, as I have to describe them. Also, no relics were ever kept that were connected to Jmmanuel, so neither an imagined ‘cup’ from which he is said to have drunk, nor a ‘sword tip’ with which he was allegedly stabbed in his loin to see if Jmmanuel was dead; this, although it never took place and his alleged death was not ‘tested’ in this way and so there was also no such lance. The alleged shroud of death is also an unparalleled hoax, because it was only made in later centuries … and this happened several times at different times and in different places and the very first ‘shroud of death’ fell apart over time due to the poor quality of the fabric. This, along with other things that are also passed around and invented, tinkered with and lied about by believers, fanatics and, above all, fraudsters and forgers, such as that it is connected to Jmmanuel. This is actually the most important thing to say, but this alone is actually too much to do justice to the truth, because everything is dragged into the mud anyway and is not accepted, understood or recognised as such according to the truth by the unteachable and by those who have fallen hopelessly into delusional belief. This is because every form of faith is precisely the awareness of the blindness of faith …


What you say coincides with what my father also recorded in his annals, but which we have not yet realised ourselves by travelling back … well, you know. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of the Earth-humans is as you say, because most of them are not interested in the truth, but only in an illusory faith, which they defend to the point of murdering those who reveal their honesty and tell the truth.


Is unfortunately so, because the believers do not find it necessary to fathom the truth, no matter what it is also about. But another thing: Some time ago, together with Michael here at the Centre, we talked about the Sonaer, who fled to the DERN universe 30 or 35 million years ago, i.e. to the sister universe, because there was constant war among your peoples in the ANKAR universe. The Sonaer then developed very quickly and far in technical terms, and when peace finally came to you Plejaren more than 52,000 years ago through the great and mysterious sphere and your federation came into being, there were again closer connections between you and the Sonaer in the DAL universe, which also includes the peoples to which Asket belongs, and I had the honour of getting to know some of the persons there. But I do not want to tell you anything about that, because what I mentioned was just an interjection from me, because there is something else that I would like you to read. Here I have received a remarkable letter, which I would like you to read, which … wrote to me. However, he does not want his name to be mentioned for the time being, which is quite understandable, because his words speak the truth, and it is well known that the truth is not gladly heard and brings trouble to those who say it.


Unfortunately, this is the effective fact here on Earth, but I would like to read the letter now …
Dear Billy,
It has been many years now, since 1980, and I have regularly followed the FIGU from afar. And, what impresses me very much is the analysis of human beings in general, as well as the analysis of the leading persons, politicians and the entire so-called “elite” of the countries, made by you and friends.


You will certainly want to laugh about it, but in a way it confirms your analysis.


The last time, I watched a programme on the SWR TV channel in Germany, which went into the subject of human analysis.




There were doctors with biotechnology as well as psychologists who were interviewed. According to the findings of the study, there is a correlation between the diet of human beings, the milieu in which they live, the context of their environment and the development of aggression, aggressiveness. With food, there is the possibility of leading human beings to go there, or to do and be led where and how you want in the long term; in other words, human beings can be led “by the nose”, which happens simply by manipulating their diet. At this point, the food industry is, consciously or not, one of the accomplices to the poisoning and taming of human beings all in one. This is an interesting story because the food industry is, after all, “obliged” to feed human beings more or less good food, no matter how much of it is affected. Above all, the more human beings on Earth, the more additive means are declared as food and mixed in the process; and the portions of good food become smaller and smaller.


As I watched this programme, I could only think of you and our friends, confirming what you have all been trying to explain for years: We are being run by schizophrenic, sick people who are actually leading humanity into the abyss. If you want to talk about it, you would not believe it, the human beings who could understand it do not want to, and immediately turn against you, because it seems to them that thinking is too exhausting or repulsive.


They allow themselves to be “polarised” by “political” speakers because, as you have often said, they do not think, they simply think nothing, they have switched off thinking, forgotten that it is no longer part of their abilities, and are bombarded and flooded with a lot of life events or life events, so that they have no chance at all to formulate a sentence of remembrance. To me, this is people management on a grand scale. But where to? The human beings are kept so busy with enormous amounts of data that they have no chance to come to their senses. Just look at the thing with mobile phones: People are getting sick of them; that is intended for making phone calls, OK. But the devices are seen as consumer goods and for what? … yes, to take photos. The devices are nothing more than high-tech cameras, endless internet surfing and, above all, a gigantic source of games. But that is exactly what the leaders want, a society that makes a lot of money with trivial things and is always busy: that is not how human beings get to THINK. It looks like someone is leading people by the nose, as some institutions call it: like sheep.


As I write, I think of you and the Plejaren talking and following each other on this subject; it is interesting that alongside acute problematic overpopulation – and it is really acute – there is an excessive low intelligence. Someone said to me one day, “Human beings are taught that everything is very complicated, whereas everything is very simple. The human beings are just not allowed to understand anything.” That was the case back then and we know it is the same today.


But the consequences are much more than what you would expect: Because if human beings do not understand anything, indeed, are blindsided, switched off, then a stress situation does build up; they no longer understand the world, they become anxious about events. You know, it is like a balloon that you squeeze with your foot and before it bursts, it gets “big cheeks”. That is what happens with human thinking. The highest good that we have, that which connects us to greater things, is blithely trampled underfoot. Remember your book about the might of thought. The human beings are being neutralised: What a mockery this is! And their memories are gone, without substance, ineffective. They are happy to understand the events taking place right under their noses.


In the end, they wonder, and the leading elite rejoice in what they have achieved. It is perverse, but that is how many situations are handled, and marvel, the human beings themselves who are affected rejoice at the things they think they have achieved, even if it is just a bubble. How blind you have to be!!!


Today, people wonder why the world of human beings is getting worse and worse. Of course, this is also intentional; the worst thing about it is that when someone tries to enlighten others, they are quickly sidelined, pushed against the wall; it is the same with books that tell the truth, they are quickly censored. The people in general are not allowed to find out and be enlightened.


Dear Billy, and you Plejaren, how right you are!


And the road to shaking human beings awake alone is very hard and rocky. It is no use complaining about it, we have to try to help human beings, even if it takes millions of years. One day, the goal will be reached… If, in the meantime, the low intelligence that is now the order of the day does not destroy our beautiful planet.


The task is to educate human beings. The difficult thing is to move human beings in the correct direction in this technologised world in which we live, despite their little free time… And that is precisely where the hurdle lies: Because among the variety of things on offer today to keep human beings occupied, there is hardly a segment where you can start; people’s thinking is so overboard that they – human beings – have no desire or mood left at all to deal with this issue.


Dear Billy, it is a shame that we never met. I would have loved to have exchanged a few sentences with you… And I am sure I was not the only one. I wish you all the best.


In the meantime, I will continue to dive into OM. Thanks to you for publishing such a valuable book.


Greetings to you, Billy, and to our friends the Plejaren
… …


What … writes to you corresponds to reality, and it is completely understandable to me that he does not want to give his name, because unfortunately this is really connected with a certain danger here on Earth, which is even such that Earth’s humanity, who speak an open word of truth or otherwise do the right thing, are harassed and punished by the authorities, or endangered or actually murdered by hostile or other views of life.


Unfortunately, that is the case, I can tell you a thing or two about it, because this is the 25th time so far that someone has tried to blow out my life-light, whereby others could also have been taken away, with Silvano in particular having been more than lucky 3 times and Engelbert 2 times. Mariann and Willem were also lucky, as was Daniel, who was only ‘lucky’ because the bullet ricocheted off a tree when I was shot at and he stepped right into the line of fire when the shot rang out.


But here is another letter, a thank you letter that I do not want to miss showing you:


Country: CH


Dear Billy, Dear Eva and fellow supporters of the Creation-energy teaching cause.

At the end of last year you gave me the book ‘Creation-energy teaching’. I have now read it with the effect that it has stabilised and clarified my thoughts and feelings. I would like to thank Billy and all his helpers for this valuable gift, it is a great help on my path to becoming a human being. I have now become particularly aware of one of Billy’s statements … I always keep my Creation-energy and consciousness connections free so that the Creational laws and recommendations can work in me and through me. With this in mind, thank you once again for all your efforts.
D. …


These words are really very gratifying, whereby I want to thank these … because they really please me.


That is also true of me, and I thank … in this way for the good words, as is also the sense of Eva and all the others. But this letter is not all, because I have another one from a woman who writes that she reads the contacts and has read all the FIGU books and writings. She now has questions that are somewhat wide-ranging and would I be able to answer them. However, she is afraid to give her exact address and that she is afraid that she will be insulted if someone knows that she is involved with the FIGU and asks me questions. From this letter, I should take a position on the questions in such a way that when I talk to you, you can all read the answers afterwards if I call them all up and write them down. However, I am not supposed to publish their letter, but only their questions, which I will do now by reading out to you what is written here verbatim:


Question: Why are jet fighters in all states chasing UFOs and shooting at them? So far there is no evidence that they have evil intentions, because as I always see on television, they always evade and disappear. We also do not know where they come from and what they want, and I am sure you, Billy, can say something about that. And why are UFOs denied by the military and ridiculed by the newspapers?


Question: Why are many countries helping Ukraine and Zelensky and supplying weapons, but Russia and Putin are being insulted and belittled? The war does not stop and goes on and on and only helps to spread the hatred of Jews more and more, as you said and wrote months ago, because this Zelensky is a Jew and he is the one who is happy to wage war on behalf of the USA because he is addicted to war and greedy for power. Are the state bosses too lowly intelligent to recognise this, and why are such criminals tolerated as government bosses at all? This pack is not only plunging their own state into misery, but also the entire population and even the world.


Question: Why do the Plejaren and you want nothing to do with the UFOs?


Question: There is a figure flailing around in the Federal Palace who does not really belong in the Federal Council because, as they say, he is a traitor to his country because he has adopted sanctions from the EU and directed them against Russia. This has severely damaged our neutrality and I wonder why such criminals are not removed from office immediately and not punished so that they can continue to wreak havoc. But they also do other things there that are not right, like the newspapers, which always publish big lies, as was the case with the great rampantly spreading disease of corona.


Question: I have heard that there were several Atlantis, what about the one that has been described since time immemorial?


Question: What energy do the spaceships use for travelling?


These are the woman’s questions, to which I ask you if I should answer at all?


If you do not say too much when you answer, I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.


If – well, then I will try to give some answers. – The first question is actually more than one, but I will try to address it as a whole. When I look at the matter, I said just recently what is to be thought of the fact that fighter planes are used to attack UFOs and are also shot at. As I have said before, I find the whole thing not only extremely ridiculous, but also dangerous. It is ridiculous because primitive fighter planes are used to hunt down the flying objects, which can evade any approach at lightning speed. And it is also ridiculous that firearms are used against the UFOs, which quite obviously do not even have to resist the whole earthly primitive attempts, but simply let all the idiotic shot attacks fizzle out without any damage before the primitive projectiles even reach the outer shells of the UFOs.


The woman’s statement that nothing has yet been revealed about no evil intentions being detected behind the appearance of the UFOs may well be true, but the fact that they are being pursued and shot at by the Earthlings could possibly have a negative effect on the behaviour of the UFOnauts if they were to somehow suffer damage as a result of the shooting attacks on them. So the ridiculousness of the Earthlings’ actions against the UFOs is also associated with a danger that cannot be overlooked, but which is disregarded and can cause immeasurable damage to the Earthlings, which they are unable to cope with due to the vast technical superiority of the UFOs. That ‘national security’ is to be safeguarded and defended by tracking and shooting at UFOs is absolutely idiotic, because the technology of UFOs is so far ahead of and superior to all known earthly technology that there is no comparison whatsoever. All those idiots who give the corresponding orders for fighter planes to pursue and shoot down UFOs, or for UFOs to be shot at from Earth, should bear this in mind. These idiots with their medals think they are great and powerful, but in reality they are cowardly, beanpole stupid and not only fill their trousers with cowardly fear, but also crawl into the dirtiest holes when things get serious. The lowly intelligent are then those who have to fight on the front line and lose their lives while the loud-mouthed and self-important order bearers take refuge in their holes and squat there, as is the case with all armies and their superiors and with the rulers of every country, without exception, who glorify themselves and live under the delusion that they are greater and more powerful than the energy and power that created everything from the nihilo and brought it to life.


As for the fact that there were several Atlantis, this is based on the fact that Plato probably wrote about the Greater Atlantis, but not about the other places, which were widespread and only called themselves Atlantis in comparison, but had different names. However, this was only the case for their inhabitants because they traded with the Atlantis mentioned by Plato, so they also used the name Little Atlantis in addition to the correct place name. As for the question about the energies used by the spaceships, I do not really know, because all I know is that energy is created in the flying apparatus resp. in the beamship, namely for a special drive that is used for dimensional passages. However – if I have understood correctly, but I do not know how everything works – the main energy is that which is used by stars and planets. I do not understand what this is, what it means and what it means, and all I know is that the energy is drawn from suns and planets, tapped and ‘collected’ or stored. This energy, as I was told, is so immensely powerful and unlimited, and also superluminal, that it can reach several times the speed of light in a flash from a standing start, while at the same time creating a state similar to weightlessness in the beamship itself, whereby there is no pressure at all. With normal propulsion, in which the beamship simply ‘floats’ as if weightless – I do not know how that works – the steel ship is exposed to the wind and consequently also sways and wobbles because it is not protected resp. shielded against external influences. It is therefore also hit by the wind, so it is shaken or swayed. So the beamship has various energy drives, but I do not know what they really are and what they mean, and how they work and what they do – and I also do not want to know, because firstly I am not interested in this technology, and secondly I do not want to know, because I cannot give anyone any information about it and therefore I cannot cause the Earthlings to become aware of a technology that would cause a great deal of harm, because everything would immediately be used for murder and manslaughter, war and terror if something … well, you know what would happen.


Now the question still, which relates to where the UFOs come from, and what actually is the purpose of their appearance, and what they want and stuff, that …


… you are not supposed to have any …


… that is what I was going to say, because Sfath already told me …


… then it is good. When you wanted to speak, I was thinking about what my father particularly noted in his annals, that there …


… should be kept quiet about it. I have not forgotten that and I stick to it, so I do not say what I know and do not advertise it. Suffice it to say that there has been no threat from them up to now because they have only carried out peaceful functions, but this has been ignored in a hostile manner up to the present day. And what their endeavour is as well as what their origin is, that would not be called good.


Making that clear would really not be good. Besides, we also know that you cannot give out all the information via telephone because it is monitored …


Exactly. – As for the further question regarding the fact that states – there are about 50 of them, whose rulers are completely irresponsible and partly corrupt and are thoughtlessly working towards a real world war breaking out after all and expanding the strange one that now prevails – are supplying Ukraine resp. I would like to answer the question of who is supplying weapons, ammunition and money to Zelensky in this way: as a matter of principle, I do not engage in politics and also refrain from expressing any opinion in this regard, but I constantly endeavour only to state the facts and events from a clear and neutral point of view, without making any judgements. Thus I see that the rulers – and those parts of their supporters – with their actions of supplying weapons, ammunition and money etc. to Zelensky – who according to my and also your Plejaren knowledge is a warmonger and war fanatic who is undoubtedly in the service of America – are for the first time in world history waging a world war such as has never been seen before. And as this will also continue in the future, the whole thing threatens to degenerate into an open world war, which will no longer be limited to Ukraine, but threatens to spread to other countries. In the worst case scenario, this could also involve the use of nuclear weapons, as this scenario is already looming on the horizon.


The idiots of the government bosses, as they are called by Mrs …, whom I would like to divide into the righteous and the unrighteous, are the unrighteous in their low intelligence, those who do everything they can to support this strange world war in the interests of America’s hegemonic mania, which they cannot grasp in their boundless stupidity and simple-mindedness as well as in their rampant irresponsibility. That should be enough to answer the question.


Now there is still the question to be answered as to why you Plejaren and consequently also I want nothing to do with the UFOs, why you also protect yourselves against any tracking by them and also from the surveillance of the Earthlings. Enough has already been said about this in recent months, and if I recite here what has already been explained, then only to the extent that it should be prevented that neither the UFOnauts find their way into the ANKAR universe to the Plejaren and their federation, nor one day later the Earthlings, who know only murder and manslaughter, hatred and revenge, power, greed, war and terror as well as religious mania and imaginary gods. It must be avoided at all costs that this is spread again in the ANKAR universe and that things return to the way they were before peace finally came.


As for the question relating to the Federal Palace in Bern, where it is handled in such a way that those in power there enjoy very special treatment and rights with regard to any of their unfair or incorrect dealings – if any – than those granted to ordinary citizens. This also applies, for example, to the Federal Councillor who made a mockery of our neutrality and thus betrayed Switzerland. It is doubtful that she will still be held accountable because she is a member of the Federal Council, which makes it questionable, as the saying goes: “One crow does not peck out another crow’s eye.” The question is who speaks up and speaks justice, or which crow simply accepts the injustice. It is not my place to intervene in this matter, just as I am also not willing to politicise, but only want to observe and say what is really the truth and what needs to be said.


So basically I do not interfere, because the people responsible are always those in the Federal Parliament who were in favour of the whole thing and who should also bear responsibility for it, but they did not, even though they had to know that the whole thing was against the constitution and neutrality. This also applies to the fact that foreign judges must never, ever be allowed to decide on any matters and laws in Switzerland – and this also applies to the European Union dictatorship, with which lowly intelligent and unrighteous elements of those in power in Bern are irresponsibly flirting and doing many wrong things that every true and good Swiss person advocates, in the sense of what Schiller formulated in his ‘William Tell’, but which has obviously been forgotten by many Swiss of both sexes. What Schiller wrote in his ‘William Tell’ has been forgotten by countless Swiss people, especially those who ‘spar’ with the EU dictatorship. I changed the form of these words from Schiller many years ago and would like to reproduce them here for you, as I once called Saddam Hussein in Iraq and still have them saved on my computer:


“We want to be one people of sisters and brothers who never separate in adversity and also not in danger.


We want to be free at all times, just as our ancestors were. We do not want death, nor do we want to live in servitude, trusting in ourselves, our logic, understanding and reason, so that we are not afraid of the unrighteousness of human beings, but are constantly faithful to the truth and also to our country.”


It is a bit clumsy, I know, and it also did not make much of an impression on Saddam when Kurtelmush translated this outpouring of thought to him. But as far as the federal squatters are concerned, I cannot exactly praise them, because when I look at their behaviour, there is not much to praise. When I think, for example, of everything that came from the Federal Palace when the coronavirus was all around, it became clear that they were going hysterically crazy in Bern, together with the newspapers. They were tooting the same horns as those in the government in Bern and spreading roaring fear instead of providing thoughtful and sensible clarification and taking the correct steps. It was enough to exercise caution and – if necessary – wear a good and suitable face mask when travelling abroad, as well as to disinfect your hands under certain circumstances to be safe from possible infection with the Coronavirus, and also to have clean hands in other ways, which is certainly a good thing. Although I cannot judge the Corona rampantly spreading disease myself in terms of its effect and danger, I have realised that the scaremongering from the Federal Palace in Bern and the newspapers was grossly exaggerated, because as you Plejaren have clearly established and as you explained to me, on the one hand only many human beings have died from the disease whose immune system was battered or who suffered from diseases to such an extent that a Covid infection was the known icing on the cake that was enough to put out the light of life. And as you have discovered, the majority of deaths worldwide are due to injections because the ‘medications’ used were anything but life-sustaining. I would also like to say that we from the FIGU in the Centre, as well as the passive members, simply adhered to the safety measures you advised and got through everything good and unscathed, despite the horrendous scaremongering that was spread by newspapers and also from our Federal Palace in Bern. I think this is also the answer to Mrs …’s question and allusion.


I have nothing to say about that.


Unfortunately, it is the case in Switzerland today that there are various parties in government in Bern that are extremely divided among themselves and are therefore also unable to reach a unified consensus. On the contrary, everything that would be right and good for the country and the people is usually contested and destroyed, as the SVP in particular always strives to do, but is demonised for it and called right-wing extremist, as is also the case in Germany, for example, with the AfD, which is consistently belittled because it effectively wants the good of Germany and its people. In return, this party is portrayed as anti-state by certain other parties and even placed under the surveillance of the state security services. In Switzerland, for example, various parties are also working against the SVP because it wants what is good and correct for the country and its people through its endeavours, but its opponents are too lowly intelligent to understand this.


The neo-Nazis in Germany – in Switzerland, however, generally crooked idiots from other parties who consider themselves important and far-thinking and want to put a halo of glory on themselves – pretend to be particularly clever, but they are as lowly intelligent as bean straw and endlessly demonise the good, the right and the freedom of the people instead of doing what is good and right. They use all nasty means to make a pig of those parties that want what is right and correct, just as they also restrict or even completely stifle the people’s rights and even life, morality, personal self-determination and thus their own will of every kind through their primitive and stupid actions and work by means of new laws, ordinances, rules and decrees etc. These kinds of rulers are manoeuvred into an office that would demand true humanity and a good and valuable life experience, but these are completely lacking in the elements that fail in this respect. As a result, they are also unable to govern justly, but can only wreak havoc on the whole country and its people in a way that would never be possible for an ordinary citizen – without government office. All these ‘bibbed’ elements, however, who can neither govern the country of the right nor lead the people of the right, make a pig of those righteous people who want to fulfil their governmental office in a way that is fair to the country and the people and who endeavour to do everything good and correct, that all the righteous in government are rarely or never given a chance because their endeavours to do what is good and correct are trumped by the arrogant, self-important, power-hungry and self-glorifying with what is bad and incorrect.


Of course, it is not only in political parties that there are ricocheters who freak out and think and act against everything that is actually in the spirit of striving for what is good and right. The fact that other parties are wrongly labelled and slandered as right-wing extremist and anti-state also happens in other wise private ways, such as in families, groups and associations etc. and so everywhere. Someone is always of a different opinion and grumbles, which immediately leads to quarrelling, rejection and even hatred, which very quickly leads to violence, murder and manslaughter, revenge, war and evil terror. If all the wrongdoers are politicians and newspapers – because they are usually ‘run’ by politicians – then it is the wrongdoers who remain at the helm and deceive the people who believe in politics, keep them ignorant and can do whatever they want.


The usually incompetent governments consist of nothing but really only inexperienced rivets who call themselves rulers but are really nothing but lowly intelligent inexperienced people who arrogantly dare to disregard and undermine all the righteous in the governments. That may sound harsh, but it is also the truth that these inexperienced people are harassing the people more and more, restricting and even constricting their freedom with new perfidious laws, even worse than it was in the days of the bailiffs, when few laws burdened the people. Today, however, it is such that hundreds and thousands of laws and paragraphs, rules, ordinances, directives and prohibitions exist, as well as authorisation requirements and special orders, etc., which restrict and bailiff the Swiss people to such an extent that they can no longer do what they want on their very own land. Soon it seems that the Swiss population will need an identity card and authorisation to use their own privy resp. toilet.


That all this is indeed as you have said it has come about in the unpleasant and very negative change in the attitude and behaviour of human beings here in this beautiful country – as also in other states – is particularly regrettable, for it does not correspond in any wise with what I have learned from all the old books and writings concerning Switzerland, as also with all that has been made known to me by you and with what I have become acquainted as a result of all my father’s annals. What you have told me about the traditional behaviour, thoughts, actions and love of country of the human beings of Switzerland and about the freedom of this country and its people in earlier times is obviously no longer true, but corresponds today only to a persiflage.


Unfortunately, not only has a great deal changed over the course of time with regard to the country itself, but also the thinking and the attitude and therefore also the behaviour, the loyalty to the country and the conduct of human beings, as a result of which an irresponsibility and a kind of indifference in many relationships and a carelessness and even indifference towards everything and everyone and also with regard to fellow human beings has arisen. This is, unfortunately, the ‘zeitgeist’ of human beings today, who simply drift along with the masses, accepting and living out everything they do without really thinking for themselves, but instead allowing themselves to be carried away in a kind of trance-like faith and losing themselves. Nothing is as it used to be, just good, right and passable, in contrast to today, as it has become lousy, wrong, dishonest, indecent and evil in every wise. The Earthling eats himself to death with artificial food, degenerates more and more and forgets and destroys everything and anything that guarantees him life. Very few human beings today still think about ecosystems, about nature and its fauna and flora Only a few human beings still realise that the oceans and all of nature breathe and think, as do all life-forms in nature and its fauna and flora. The human beings are becoming more and more depraved, indifferent and blind to everything that means life. They also fail to see and recognise the pain and grief of animals, creatures and all other life-forms, the pain of trees and other plants, let alone even notice what is happening to their neighbour or to their fellow human beings in general. Murder through crime, war and terror, as well as through revenge, retaliation, hatred and strife is tacitly accepted, and the murderous organisation NATO is praised to the skies, the death penalty is advocated, and the extermination of animals, creatures and countless other life-forms, including plants of all genera and species, is accepted with indifference. Lowly intelligent and simple-minded, alleged ‘conservationists’ and other supposed ‘guardians of nature’ are banning and destroying foreign plants of all genera and species, even though they thrive magnificently in our climate and enrich nature, were once native to our climate or will be again in the future. They are nonsensically labelled as invasive plants, although they are not in any wise – real invasive plants can be contained – and enrich the plant world. The delusion of combating neophytes, the alien plants that were introduced to Europe after 1500 in particular, which are said to be invasive, aggressive, fast-growing and difficult to stop spreading, corresponds to an unparalleled lie and deception, which is why the so-called ‘Release Ordinance’ prevents the handling of neophytes. Neophytes (Greek: ‘new plants’) are plants that were introduced or introduced into Europe, and therefore also into Switzerland, after the discovery of America – the date falsely given for this is 1492 – and have become native here or have gone wild. In Switzerland alone, there are probably around 1200 genera and species of plants that have become native here within around 500 years and enrich nature and are demonstrably very valuable and important for the world of animals, creatures and many other living creatures, but this is neither understood nor accepted by the ‘fanatics of the fight against neophytes’ in their low intelligence. The very few neophytes that are effective invasive plants, aggressive and fast-spreading, displacing and even eradicating other plants, can be contained and prevented from growing at any time by the logic, reason and common sense of human beings. Consequently, it is not a problem to control the very few proliferating neophytes, which are so few in number of genera and species that they can be resisted if they do not become a measure of overgrowth of non-proliferating plants. Only the logic, intellect and reason of human beings is required to manage everything and anything also in the wild correctly. But it is precisely this that the crazy neophyte fighters, in their low intelligence, neither want to understand nor comprehend, because they want to be smarter and cleverer than nature itself, which for millions and billions of years has regulated everything correctly and in accordance with the climatic conditions and the possible living conditions, allowing everything to grow and flourish where this is possible according to the natural conditions. The enemies of neophytes should think hard about this and free themselves from their megalomania of wanting to be smarter and more clever than nature itself, which has been regulating everything for millions of years, allowing it to thrive and grow, while human beings – who can only call a few decades of life their own – want to be cleverer than Creation itself and its nature with all its laws and possibilities.


It should also be explained that ‘fanatics of the fight against neophytes’ have no wise understanding of nature and its way of life and mode of action, so they only proceed from misguided opinions and a justifiable belief as to how things might have been in earlier times with these and those genera and species of plants – from the smallest to the largest. The same applies to neozoa, i.e. genera and species of animals, creatures and other self-propelled life-forms that have arrived in Europe from foreign lands – independently, introduced and bred or as exotic species – whereby ‘experts’ such as zoologists have also only made assumptions based on faith as to what it was really like in much earlier times. They are also unable to find their way around ancient times in such a way that they would really know how, what and where everything actually was, so their ‘knowledge’ – like that of the ‘would-be plant experts’ – is based only on belief and opinion and their ‘evidence’ is often just smoke and mirrors, whereby in their megalomania of their ‘knowledge’ they had no opportunity to go back in time and explore everything on the spot as it actually was back then.


Neophytes in more recent times are not necessarily plants that in ancient times only occurred in a certain natural and climatic area, but which have only occurred in certain countries over the last 1-3,000 years, usually only because climate-related conditions and in the soil etc. prevail. This is usually only because climate-related conditions and soil etc. prevail that guarantee the plants’ basis of life. So if alien plants thrive and grow in the wild in Europe, then the climatic and soil conditions are so ideal that neophytes also have a right to exist there, as is also the case for neozoans that immigrate, colonise or breed independently and become stable and established. It is therefore absurd and absolutely inappropriate for human beings to have the audacity to interfere, to want to be smarter than nature and its laws and to destroy more than should be done correctly.


Well, I know that plants that used to occur in Europe but have died out will return naturally, but for the lunatics who want to know everything better than nature itself, these are currently neophytes, resp. plants that human beings have transported from foreign countries and introduced into Europe – and therefore also into Switzerland.


Many of these neophytes – of which you Plejaren have found around 12,872 in Europe, as Quetzal said recently, although the crazy neophyte-haters only have around 750 – were brought here by the wind in very early times or deliberately introduced by human beings as useful or ornamental plants, many of which have died out completely in their countries of origin for various reasons – also through the fault of human beings – but have managed to survive in Europe. A very large number of them have reproduced on their own and have become practically native to Europe – something the lowly intelligent neophyte-haters know nothing about – while a few of them are no longer able to reproduce even today. The fanatics ignore the fact that potatoes, maize and tomatoes etc. are also basically neophytes, as are, according to Quetzal, around 14,000 neozoan life-forms of all genera and species.


Well, many plants have been unintentionally introduced into Europe through contamination in seeds and seedlings, animal feed and other transport goods, and many of these plants have been able to establish themselves successfully in European soils and in nature and can continue to do so, especially now that climate change is inexorably altering the entire natural world, something that the pathologically hostile to neophytes are clearly unable to consider because they lack all logic, reason and the necessary common sense.


Neophytes pose no danger to nature or human beings if they are dealt with sensibly, including invasive resp. invasive plants. The scaremongering of those who are hostile to neophytes, the ‘fanatics of the fight against neophytes’ with their idiotic ‘Release Ordinance’ do more harm than good, especially because – according to your Plejaren data – 60,000 genera and species of small and large plants are already being introduced every year, animals, creatures and other life-forms are already disappearing and being wiped out every year because the new environmental conditions mean that they can no longer compete with nature, which has been destroyed by human beings, or because they are simply unable to reproduce and are no longer viable due to an atmosphere and nature poisoned by human beings.


There is generally no danger of an uncontrolled spread of neophytes, just as there is also no danger with neozoa, because such a ‘view of the future’ is only based on fear-mongering by the idiotically morbidly intelligent, fearful and unrealistic. Without the neophytes, humanity would have no chance of survival in the coming period of anthropogenic climate change, and also not if reason does not finally prevail and overpopulation is drastically and quickly ‘reduced’ through a global and controlled birth rate freeze.


There is absolutely no danger for the native fauna and flora that any genera and species of neophytes and neozoa could destroy the important habitats of everything useful and the natural living conditions or even destroy the living conditions of human beings and render the entire vegetation unviable, because that is what human beings alone do through their overpopulation and their other all-encompassing destructive and devastating and completely irresponsible machinations. The truth is that there are no ‘problematic species of invasive neophytes and neozoans’, and if any invasive species threatens to spread as a result of wind-borne seeds or the irrationality of human beings, then it can basically be contained and rendered null and void by taking corresponding early countermeasures, without harmless neophytes and neozoans being stupidly banned and demonised simply because idiotic ‘fanatics of the fight against neophytes and neozoans’ are scared and cowardly.


Only genera and species of invasive plants introduced by the wind or carelessly or deliberately or unknowingly spread by human beings are capable of spreading strongly and aggressively, displacing other plants and reducing the biodiversity of vegetation and endangering entire habitats, as well as in some cases humans or animals, creatures and other life-forms. However, human beings can keep them under control and, if necessary, contain them so that they cannot cause damage anywhere. The human being can also learn not to touch certain plants if, for example, they contain toxins and cause burns on the skin, such as the giant hogweed, which is completely harmless if left alone.


It should also be said that invasive and poisonous neophytes and neozoa have existed on every continent on Earth for thousands of years, and if I were to list the plants that are poisonous in Europe, the following come to mind, from the smallest poisonous mushroom, spotted hemlock, lily of the valley, cyclamen, daphne, aconite, oleander, blue verbena, belladonna, then the autumn crocus, which is often mistaken for wild garlic by the uninformed and can cause death by respiratory paralysis. Then there is also parsley, which is particularly dangerous in June/July when this herb is in flower, then angel’s trumpet, ivy, snowdrops, red foxglove, bitter almonds, thuja, holly, green beans etc.


These are among many other plants that grow in Europe and also here in Switzerland and are a completely normal and inconspicuous part of the vegetation. They can pose just as serious a threat as poisonous neophytes from foreign countries if they are planted here in Europe. However, all of these are just as absolutely harmless as the aforementioned poisonous plants – of which there are many more genera and species – if they are treated with sufficient care, respect and caution. And if this is observed, then there is absolutely no danger, so despite the toxicity of the plants, human beings are as safe as in ‘Abraham’s bosom’, as the saying goes.


As is the case with poisonous neophytes, the same applies to neozoa, with poisonous snakes, poisonous fish – such as the invasive Indian lionfish – scorpions, hornets, wasps and bees being particularly worthy of mention and actually completely harmless unless the human being does something abnormal to get bitten or stung.


Poisonous snakes are, for example, the adder, the horned viper, the meadow viper and the asp, and in the Mediterranean the invasive poisonous Indian lionfish and the poisonous jellyfish ‘Portuguese galley’, although the venom of these poisonous snakes can only be fatal in very rare cases. Although I am not a snake specialist, even though I have caught snakes in India at the Ashoka Ashram on Gurgoan Road outside Mehrauli, including a 2 metre long black cobra that I brought back to Switzerland, I can say the following and give the following advice:


Although many snakes in Europe are non-poisonous, not all are, and whether a human being is bitten or not always depends on his own behaviour. However, if they are bitten, they should never do certain things that are popularly known or shown in adventure films.


A snake bite wound is to be treated by immobilising the affected arm or leg, i.e. moving the leg or arm as little as possible, as the venom is quickly spread and circulates through the whole body with a lot of movement. The bite wound should also not be cut open and the venom should not be sucked out with the mouth, but it is important to bandage the affected limbs and – if possible – to cool them with ice. In the event of a snake bite, the nearest hospital should be contacted immediately. It is very helpful for the doctor or doctors if the type of snake can be described, which is why it is very important to memorise the appearance of the snake, as the description can give the doctors important clues for the first aid measures.


Basically, it should be said that snakes should be left absolutely alone, just as – where snakes are likely to be encountered – high and good shoes and suitable long trousers should also be worn.


Unfortunately, what you said before all your explanations cannot simply be changed like an item of clothing that is to be brought into a new façon. But what you have now explained is very amazing and instructive for me, which can certainly also be helpful to Earth’s humanity when you teach them what you know.


How right you are, we will see. – Well, I have actually said everything, so I would like to show you these letters here, which are from Berke. He has followed up the sign that I saw in ancient times, about 10 or 11,000 years ago or so, when I was travelling back with Sfath with a group of human beings in eastern Turkey and never forgot it. Berke has found all sorts of things about the sign, but read for yourself what he has written:


Dear Bernadette,


Warmest and dearest thanks to Billy, Ptaah and you for replying to my previous mail regarding the archaeological site. I am beside myself with excitement and joy! Please send my thanks to Billy for the enquiry to Ptaah and the mention in the contact report :-). I am amazed at the glyphs Billy included as well. I will research immediately and put together some rummages to find more clues or remarkable findings.


Kind regards and Salome




Dear Bernadette,


In addition to this email, I was surprised to find some strange similarities to the glyph Billy shared. The glyphs looked very similar to me as soon as I looked at them, as I was sure I had seen similar symbols elsewhere. And voilà, the glyphs bear striking similarities to the Mycenaean Greek logograms, Linear A and Linear B. In addition, it turns out that the Mycenaean counterparts of the similar glyphs also have the same phonetic value. Even more interesting is that the logograms also have agricultural elements, e.g. a glyph that looks like a shepherd holding a sickle. I looked into these glyphs a few years ago, but they have not been fully deciphered, so I got angry and gave up because of the insufficient knowledge of the earth scientists. In the following I am compiling the Mycenaean glyphs and writing them similar to the glyph Billy shared.


Linear B (partially deciphered)


= Da-so < Dä(nä)s(o) < Denes


Billy introduced the name of the people as Denes or similar. Mycenaean Greek is a syllabic script, i.e. each glyph stands for the same consonant and an associated alternating vowel, such as Da, De, Di or Ka, Ke, Ki etc. The ancient Turkish runes and those of some Asian languages are similar to this syllabic alphabet system. I do not like this type of alphabet because it is very difficult to handle and read ancient inscriptions to determine the correct value of a letter.


Anyway, I would like to share my findings with you as they are very interesting because the Cretan island and south-east Turkey are much further away, and also Billy has confirmed that the glyphs of the Denes people spread across Mesopotamia and survived for a long time. So I assume and find it plausible that it could be a kind of key, a small starting point to fathom ancient writings.


Kind regards and Salome




… and this combination of letters is also very similar, but the phonetic value of the second character is different, but this could be a misreading or misinterpretation by our linguists:


Linear B (partially deciphered)


= Da-mo


This is how I felt the last time I deciphered the Enoch parchment on my own, not knowing that Billy had previously presented the entire Old Lyran alphabet somewhere, counting to the lines of the prophets’ names and determining the letters, since proper names are written exactly as in Latin. I will never forget this joy and I am reliving it today. My new area of interest is emerging for this semester.


Kind regards and Salome Berke Dear Bernadette Heureka! I have just come across the most wonderful connection by browsing glossaries and excuse me for constantly piling up emails. I am one hundred per cent sure that the last character combination I sent you, namely (Da-mo), matches the glyphs Billy shared in the 879th contact report. In Mycenaean Greek ‘Damo’ means district, village, country; in an extended sense also the common people, which then lives on in Greek as ‘démos’, of which the word democracy is a part, which also applies to the commonality of these primitive people to work together democratically, and as Billy said, the origin of real democracy lies with them. Presumably demes resp. denes, since Billy could not remember the exact term, would simply mean people or community. How the ancient Greeks naturalised this word from the Göbeklitepe people into their way of life remains a mystery to me, but it is probably due to trade, immigration or war etc.


Could you please read my findings to Billy when you both have time? I would also like to know what he thinks. Perhaps it would also be interesting for the readers of the contact reports to know whether this mail is worth mentioning.


It is very exciting to find out unexpected connections in our still unknown history.



Kind regards and Salome




Mail from 6th March.


Dear Bernadette,


This is another eureka event! I have found the connection to the word Orlakta introduced by Billy. In Mycenaean Greek there is a word as Rawaketa, which is preserved in Phyrgian as λαϝαγταει (lawagtaei), which in Greek becomes λᾱός (lāós), where it means people, gathered people, people of a country. According to the interpretation of our scholars, the Mycenaean word Rawaketa means people, commander, leader of a people. I have attached a picture of the sign.


Best regards and Salome




Clearly Berke is a very observant man, very interested in everything, who also enjoys endeavouring to get to the bottom of reality and its truth in order to bring it to effective enlightenment.


That is certainly the case, and I think that this is very gratifying and also worthy of my thanks. Thanks are also due to Achim, who sent me the following:

Dear Billy,

In spreading the word about the correct peace symbol and explaining how it works, I have repeatedly experienced that human beings nevertheless continue to use the wrong peace symbol resp. the Celtic rune of death because they are simply unteachable or because they cannot understand the logic of how the SEL symbols work.


I would therefore like to suggest or ask, if this is sensible and necessary from your point of view, whether the explanation ‘Spreading the correct peace symbol’, which is always at the end of a ‘Zeitzeichen’ issue, could perhaps be expanded. Enclosed is a text I have written on the subject, which could serve as a template.


Salome and best regards




Explanation of the Creation-energy Teaching Symbols


In general, a symbol is not simply a lifeless combination of shapes and colours and thus an arbitrarily interchangeable sign or image that can be looked at without consequence, but rather symbols truly exert very specific effects on human beings according to their intrinsic meaning and swinging wave.


In general, symbols are a means of recalling forgotten thoughts, laws, insights and principles from our memory by association, without the need for long explanatory sentences. Thus, the neutral observation of the universal symbol for ‘PEACE’ triggers concurrent thoughts and peace-conforming swinging waves in him via conscious or unconscious perception, which in turn evoke concurrent feelings (conscious or unconscious) in him. The Creation-energy teaching symbols are not the arbitrary work of an artist, but originate from the scientific knowledge of the wise teaching of Nokodemion, who created several million diverse symbols and left them to posterity for positive and balanced use. Each of these symbols stands for individual aspects of Creation-energy teaching, such as the virtues, states of consciousness, mental states, energies, etc. The Creation-energy teaching symbols act like archetypal images in direct form on the consciousness, the subconscious and the psyche of human beings and trigger symbol-corresponding effects in them that are based on the creational-natural laws.


Achim Wolf, Germany


Spread the Correct Peace Symbol, Because It is Extremely Important.


The wrong symbol, the rune of death creates discord, hatred and disaster.


Use Your Car and Stick the Correct Peace Symbol on It and Spread It Around!
Make the Correct Peace Symbol into Flags and Let Them Flap in the Wind.
Spiritual teaching Peace symbol
The Human Beings of Earth Open the ‘Book of Life’
and Turn to the Creation-energy Teaching


We live in the year 2024 in a special time on the 3rd planet of the SOL system. Unnoticed and unnoticed by the consciously sleeping masses of Earth’s humanity, a human being is living among us who is the bearer of the oldest, most knowledgeable and probably the most love-filled form of creation energy in our universe. He was born in 1937 and has been working for the good of Earth’s humanity for a long time. However, he will not be with us indefinitely, because one day he too will take the prescribed path of transience. By learning, studying and living the Creation-energy teaching of this fatherly-wise teacher and friend of human beings, every human being currently alive can learn to consciously utilise their creational possibilities and awaken an enormous treasure of knowledge and true wisdom as well as a blissful measure of love, joie de vivre, contentment, peace and happiness within themselves. Creation-energy teaching offers every single human being on Earth, and therefore the entire we-community of humanity, a unique opportunity to realise themselves, to unfold untapped powers and abilities, to evolve effectively in terms of consciousness and thus to radiate inwardly. All human beings have to do is openly, honestly and ambitiously turn to the immaterial treasure of knowledge and wisdom that lies open before them, absorb it and allow it to permeate all layers of their consciousness, their conscious and unconscious thoughts, feelings, emotions and sensations. The human beings of Earth can at any time expand their consciousness to the positive-balanced, creational, knowing, wise, loving and harmonious and lift their psyche to true contentment and happiness when they finally recognise and realise that a wise, kind, infinitely patient man, filled with true love and deep wisdom, offers them all the key to the treasure chest of creation knowledge and to true human being. This treasure is the billion-year-old Creation-energy teaching created by the bearers of the Nokodemion lineage, which is also called the ‘Teaching of Truth, the Teaching of Creation-energy, the Teaching of Life’.
Creation-energy teaching’ symbol
But what do the vast majority of human beings in this world do? Apart from a few exceptions, they do not concern themselves with the true and deep meaning of life and do not fathom the connection with the life of death and the return of Creation-energy in ever new human beings with new personalities, whereby the essence of what has been learnt is <passed on> to the successor personality after the death of the next current personality or is deposited in their subconscious in an impulsive manner, whereby the human being always retains all the essentials of what has been learnt from life to life. The human beings do not endeavour to absorb the knowledge freely offered to them that they are fully responsible for their own lives, but that they must first acquire free will through profound recognition, experience and the formation of knowledge and wisdom in order to be able to think, feel, decide and act in accordance with creation. They do not open their senses to consciously mould themselves into a balanced, self-thinking and responsible personality. They close their eyes and senses to the knowledge that their innermost being is of a subtle nature and will one day merge with Creation and become one. In blind materialism and unbridled selfishness, they breed an exploding overpopulation on their home planet, thereby destroying their own livelihoods and ruining a possible good future in a self-destructive and lowly intelligent way. Instead of learning and cultivating peace within themselves, with their fellow human beings and with creational nature, they create more and more war, destruction, hatred, ruthlessness and greed for power through their deep-seated delusions of religion and God, strive for purely material possessions and wealth, practise unworthy personality and sports cults, fall prey to a one-sided belief in technology and distance themselves more and more from real life. There is an inner emptiness and darkness in the consciousness and psyche of countless human beings because they are blind and deaf to the reality of the subtle and creational in their deepest inner being, which makes them more dead than alive in their consciousness. What most Earth-humans call a good life is in truth not a real life in the creational-natural sense, because the goal and purpose of true humanity is either completely unknown to them, has not been taught or exemplified to them by anyone, or they are as hostile, egotistical and arrogant towards the teachings of true prophets as ever. They hatefully fight the truth and the teachers of truth who are nevertheless devoted to them in love, not realising how much they are harming themselves and what a radiantly precious gem of knowledge they are spurning. Instead, they devote their sad existence to their desires, cults and superficial pleasures and stumble through their miserable existence as if drugged and with diseased senses. They are comparable to drug addicts who chase after a life of indulgence and are hopelessly addicted to their vices, but are miles away from a worthy life in the true sense.


The prophet of modern times spreads the ‘Book of Life’, the Creation-energy teaching, openly and for all to see before the human beings of Earth. He offers every single human being clear, logical and fascinating insights into the reality and truth of all things of life and Creation Universal Consciousness, if only he is willing to take this book in his hand, to be taught by it in humility and to transform himself into a human being for whom the values of true humanity are more precious than all the gold and all the precious stones of the universe put together. For anyone who sincerely engages with Creation-energy teaching will realise that all gross material is only the means to the end of learning, but that it is always changeable and transient. The true treasures are the imperishable fruits of realisation, love, knowledge and wisdom, which every human being can taste for their own benefit and evolution when they turn to BEAM’s Creation-energy teaching.


BEAM ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier
His selfless gift to humanity is full of clarity, knowledge, love and wisdom and paves the way to individual destiny, inner fulfilment, lasting happiness, calm contentment and all-encompassing love for oneself for every human being who is truly and honestly willing to learn. For he realises more and more that he is actually one with all being and BEING in the immeasurable vastness of all dimensions, spaces and times of Creation. Every single human being can and should now take the first step for himself, take the ‘Book of Life’ of the last prophet of the 7-series in joy and gratitude, open it, turn openly and honestly to Creation-energy teaching and learn it from the ground up. This will change his life, whether he is a woman, man or child, with absolute certainty for the good, the better and the best and he will create peace, joy and light within himself and on the whole earth world.


Achim Wolf, Germany
What Achim has written, I think, are good and valuable words. It is only to be hoped that they will also be well and correctly understood and internalised by many Earth’s humanity. But now, Eduard, dear friend, I still have a few things to talk to you about that I do not want you to call up and write down.


Of course. …


FIGU Has Two New YouTube Channels Where You Can Find Out More About Billy,
the Plejaren and Creation-energy Teaching:


Michael von Hinterschmidrüti
Michael from Hinterschmidrueti
Neutral information on the current situation and other important topics:
Special edition Zeitzeichen:

For the original German and English translation, please click here.


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David Schweizer

Hello MH
Do you know if Billy or Ptaah have made any comments about Anthroposophy. The group that was founded by Rudolf Steiner in Dornach Switzerland.

David Chance

Hi David,
The Future of Mankind website has a search option. These are the results from searching for the word Steiner, some of which relate to Rudolph Steiner:

Charles V.

Try this link on the same website, a bit more exact.




How do people get their questions to billy my questions never reach and are ignored


Hi berke i too tried to translate the enoch script i could understand some letters but some i had no idea what they were and billy didn’t talk about them so would you bother and share your work if you like if not thats ok

Anyway another thing i did was to use an app called fontmaker and replace the german letters with lyran like billy gave them and the result are fun for research


Hmm,so the Sonaer sent the spheres to the Ankar universe for the Plejaren consciousness upgrade
” the Sonaer who fled to the DERN universe 30 or 35 million years ago, i.e. to the sister universe, because there was constant war among your peoples in the ANKAR universe. The Sonaer then developed very quickly and far in technical terms, and when peace finally came to you Plejaren more than 52,000 years ago with the mysterious sphere and your federation came into being,”

Melissa Osaki

Where does it say that the Sonaer sent the sphere?


My quote above is from this contact note, the paragraph doesn’t have a number to it, so you’ll have to scroll through.. I was under the impression the Plejaren didn’t know who sent the spheres. Billy says ”sphere” in singular, I thought there was more than one.


Hey,, it’s the last paragraph from Billy before he shows Ptaah the first letter..


Oh it looks like I misinterpreted that paragraph, it doesn’t say the Sonaer did that.. I think the translated grammar threw me off. This is why I like comic books they’ve got pictures.

David B

Looks like the reports are going to be reduced to once a month. It’s not something I am embracing with joy because I have already completely stopped watching news, Youtube conspiracy prophets, know it all idiots and the likes. So I guess I’ll take up knitting to pass the time. I literally feel like I am locked up in a 1’x1′ closet, guessing if my decisions on what I believe is real and what is not were/are the right choice. This constant “Any day now” something huge will happen formula seems to be a repeating scenario in just about everything. Religion, Politics, life and even the Meier case. “Just believe it” But don’t have a Belief. Someday, someone will save the world.

Yes I’m grumpy. Yes I am highly frustrated. YES I am tired of guessing.

I know, I know. I am responsible for my own life and thoughts even with all of the outside influences coming from every direction. but when you live in a hail storm, it’s difficult to find joy.

PS: For the record. I have had several people suggest I not use the word “Believe” when discussing the Meier case. To make this clear.
 The words Believe and Belief are similar but have different meanings depending on what words are used before and after it. The negative connotation regarding the word “Belief” as it is used, implies that it is wrong to “Just believe” simply because someone said it, which is correct.
“Believe” is not the same. “I believe that the sky is blue” is used as an actual observation and not guesses. The two words do not mean the same thing and in reality. The Meier case is operating under the same method. “We have writings and pictures to prove it.” Yeah well so does the bible and every other religion. Even flat earthers have books and pictures.
Just believe.

Land a beamship in my back yard please.


Eusebio Apellido

Belief, believe and faith are all the same. Since it serves the same purpose of having someone consciously enslaved (no freewill) to someone else’s whims.
The easiest example is the belief in Santa Claus. When we are children, say for instance in Kindergarden and first grade, if a child of this age does not believe as in when asked by their teacher in front of their classmates, “Do you believe in Santa Clause?” Well the child has no option or recourse than to follow along lest his or her peers would shun and make fun of the individual. Where this can also become worse when say because this child does not believe in Santa Clause, then they could not possibly participate in “secret Santa” for one such who does not “believe”.
Belief and faith works in the same manner, whereby as teens, adults and elders we are made to be “judged” if we do not follow along the same path. Yet once the child who is made to believe in Santa, they then are judged and ridiculed for believing such childish nonsense once they reach a certain age – like when they reach high school or college.
This means that in truth, the child was made to acknowledge something that is a lie, whereby the falsity of such belief has psychological effects on the individual. Like is belief, faith and believing truly a means to understand something? Or is it just a method to have the masses conform to an ideology – no matter if it is true or false.

This is different from the Billy Meier case because nothing here is to be believed, have faith to or is made into a belief. This simply means that every individual has their own freewill, whereby those who also newly found this information, is encouraged to not make it into a belief, faith or a believing because these three forms does not express freewill but rather inhibits free will, inhibits love, peace, freedom and harmony. For the individual is not consciously enslaved by Billy’s writings, nor made to follow the creation-energy teaching if the individual is not ready for it.

So how then can one use a term other than “believe, faith or belief”? Well, if we observe school for instance, we do not get good grades when we say we “believe” Einstein or Shakespeare, rather we use our intellect, rationality, logic and understanding to show the instructor or teacher what we learned. Hence instead of believe, other verb action terms such as acknowledge, analysis, comprehension, understanding, what I know, in my further observations, my thoughts lead me to comprehend, etc., etc., so on and so forth.
The term believe implies that we want the listener to side with whatever argument, insight or cognition that we made, above their own cognition, comprehension, logic and knowledge.
Yet as we observe attentively each other and ourselves, we find that what we say usually does not have enough forethought and analysis to truly see the truth of a matter. Whereby we always want to impress someone rather than learn and relearn what we are wanting to express outwardly. This is why when someone says “I believe this is better than that…” or “I believe Billy Meier is correct..” etc, is not, in my own assessment, not a right word to use because it imposes one’s will upon another – it stops dialogue in its track whereby one is saying their understanding is better than the one they are speaking to.
To understand what I mention here about belief, observe those who speaks and use “belief, faith and believe” in their common vernacular. Watch and observe in a neutral positive manner – without getting pulled in to an arguement – and just analyse what you see for what it is. Are they seeking common ground and seeing a friend, whereby the sharing of information can enlightened both parties, or does the one who uses such words express some form of a moral superiority above another? Things like that.
Where also we look at ourselves when we use the word belief, faith or believe to someone else, are we seeing them with love, peace, freedom and harmony in our thoughts and feelings? Or are we saying that we know more than the individual who may not know yet what may or may not be true, but we want to interject in any case.
In the end, it is all about self-responsibility because since time immemorial, the word believe has been used as a psychological tool to make someone bow to the one using such term, hence for those who are seeing and observing others as equal and not higher or lower than one’s self, the word belief, believe and faith is like kryptonite because of the religious connotation.

Mark Rudd

So, when I talk to someone about the creation energy teachings, as often as I can, how do I respond to the question of why do I practice these teachings, and why should I? I know them to be true or? Prove it they say, I usually say that they are scientific in principle, and they pass the test of scrutiny, and logic. It’s hard to compete with the words of ‘god”, whichever one they have ignorantly chosen to believe.

Eusebio Apellido

Well for one, it is recommended that we do not proselytize, whereby the information is there for “us” to gain knowledge and wisdom – “us” meaning we who chose to want to learn what this teaching is as students – not teachers. Another is that the teaching is there for us to gain insight, understanding and perception. If it is hard for us to explain some concept, say for instance how to bake a cake or tune a guitar, then obviously we should not teach on how to cook or on play a musical instrument. First and foremost, we are required to learn, which may require more than one lifetime to describe terms, laws and recommendations such that those we share information with does not feel more confused, at a loss for words, or discouraged.
We may express what we learned so that we can better understand what we read and for want to share in the experience, but it can be in a manner that we do not impose our assumptions to others, as well as to not impose our initial findings, where we may first fall in a belief mentality but as we learn more we can then turn this belief into something much greater, finding out truth by way of experiencing life in conjunction and along with what we learn. This way we slowly lose our belief mentality and change it into proving a concept or a new idea so that we know and understand, rather than simply believe. This is because we are learning, thus prone to mistakes, so we always try to be conscious and attentive that no falsification occur in things we share that is of importance.
For instance, in Facebook, we may feel encourage to share what we learn in say the book ‘The Psyche’. In order to express ourselves and what knowledge we are gaining from the book, we treat this in the manner that we use what we learned in say English class back in high school and college, i.e. give citation, quote the inspiration or teaching, and most important of all include the original German translation. This is because British English as well as all other languages on Earth are said to be inadequate in completely translating the German text word for word whereby falseness, mistranslation, and not completely thought out word choices are used. For instance, although English is known throughout the world, each western society that uses English as their main language still have different definitions for objects and things. So one can see that especially with sharing of any text that concerns the Creation-energy teaching, in order to fully convey the teaching, the German original is a direct priority. No matter if those we share to in social media does not understand the German, if we are sharing in a manner that we share a truth whereby others can also learn, then the German original is a must. If we cannot do that, or it is just too bothersome to write the German, then why share at all if what we share may contain errors, mistranslations and falsities.

How to prove something? Well let’s see, take for instance Prophecies and Predictions. In its most basic form we ourselves can make prophecy, albeit not in the form that Billy and the Plejaren can. However, if we observe engineers, doctors and our older siblings and uncles and aunts, when they say something like “brush your teeth every night so that the dentist does not drill your teeth” is one such prophecy because it is a practical warning or advice that if not heeded will turn into coming into reality by way of those who have already experienced going to the dentist and had their cavity drilled. So in this example, we can say that prophecy in its basic form is a warning and an advice so that those who we speak to can either heed the warning for themselves and do better or not, whereby if they do not, at least they learn a valuable lesson from not doing so. Same goes with the concept of causality, or cause and effect, we use our life experience to understand what we learn so that we gain knowledge, insight, cognition, and perception. Without understanding the teachings the way we learn things in our lives, then this implies that it is much harder to explain to someone else, whereby they would naturally be lost, if we ourselves know not what we speak.

Mark Rudd

So, we learn the knowledge, practice its teachings and then keep it to ourselves? some people have never heard of the creation energy teachings, or Billy, how are my grandchildren ever to evolve if they are not taught the truth and then are subject to religious trappings, or erroneous modes of thinking? I’m not talking about standing on the street corner with a sign around my neck, but a seed of knowledge must be planted in the subconscious so that a question/conflict arises in the consciousness requiring resolution or investigation.
Many phrases or simple words stick with us for decades and never arise until one day it pops up and we say that is what my grandmother was talking about, “which god do you pray to when you go to church?” what grandma? I don’t understand, maybe I’ll do some research.
That’s like building a great library, filling it with vast knowledge, and then locking the doors, the light of Creation shines through us, and we need to educate/steer as many as possible, before we can’t. I’ll open the door, but you must walk through it, or not, your choice you have free will. Yes, I am learning, but we all must learn the knowledge, because we are ALL swimming in the same pool.
I hope that makes sense I am an earthworm after all….