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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival


Trump puts arrow of truth in center of corrupt media/intelligence cabal

Whatever one may think of Donald Trump, the fact that he’s a non-political, non-politically correct (“his own one-man party”, according to the Plejaren) thorn in the side of the political status elite and quo, was driven home in his news conference of January 11. You’ll be able to watch the conference and loads of analyses about it online, so I won’t delve into the details.

The overall good news (and possibly the bad news) is that Trump unapologetically shot an arrow of truth and nailed the fake news purveyors, the intelligence agencies, the Clinton campaign, the preferential treatment given to her by the press, etc., in their collective bullseye.

Skewed Priorities

While all of the concern and subterfuge about Russia*, so-called hacking, false reports about Trump, non-existent business deals with the Russians, non-existent Trump personnel in Prague, etc., no concern seems to have been expressed by the media that the “hacked” information revealed the seething corruption of the DNC, the warmongering psychopath who ran against Trump, etc. People are only concerned that it was….revealed.

So, while the good news is that Trump actually tells it like it is and put an arrow into the bullseye, he simultaneously may have put a few bullseyes on a number of other people, including himself, staff, family members, etc., etc. – as Sen. Chuck Schumer even boldly suggested…or was it threatened?

While Schumer is probably among those in a position to indeed know about the “six ways to Sunday” that the CIA can use to strike back, like the ever-present troll McCain, another warmonger, who also seethes not only with malice but envy to “sit at the table of power”, lest anyone not be clear on how non-hyperbolic such warnings are, here’s what Billy Meier had to say about such things. For his trouble, Meier has been the target of 23 assassination attempts by parties mainly…unspecified.


In case people aren’t quite yet noticing, we’ve entered a new, highly volatile, extremely polarizing time in US history. Meier not only alluded, in 2012, to being informed in 1975 about what may be coming here (and the international ramifications) around 2020, depending on who succeeded Obama and what their policies, etc., would be, but we have an incredibly information rich document that fills in a lot of other information, again pertaining to the climb up to 2020, worldwide, as told to young Meier by Sfath…in 1946.

The Master of Understatement

Billy Meier is someone who chooses and uses his words very precisely and carefully. He warns but doesn’t theorize. He foretells, he explains, he teaches and releases to each person the full and complete self-responsibility for what they will think, feel and do with and about it.

As the time fulfills, as events unfold – many hopefully for the better – I invite you to review any and all prophetic information, the evidence and the already corroborated prophecies and predictions, the environmental warnings, and especially Meier’s brief videos on my channel and anywhere else they may be found online.

In light of what transpired in Trump’s press conference, we see that a(nother) gauntlet has been thrown at the power-hungry degenerates, several bullseyes have been hit…and others possibly issued vengefully and clandestinely.


What does await us, will it be détente and cooperation with Russia (and hopefully others) in the elimination of the IS, or will the globalists succeed in provoking Russia into a worldwide, terminal and long forewarned of final world war?

Will the traitors, conspirators, corrupt power-hungry in, and outside of, our country and government succeed in further polarizing the population of the country and push us into the also long foretold two, coming US civil wars?

The Same Answer

Strangely enough, the answer lies in whether enough people turn to the spiritual teaching. And while of course by this I specifically mean the spiritual teaching brought forth with the help of the Plejaren, Billy Meier and previous prophets in this lineage, I also want to emphasize that the core principles, which include complete self-responsibility, seeing things exactly as they are, neutral-positive thinking, the pursuit of truth, peace, love, freedom and harmony, are not the sole possession of this teaching and mission.

Many good, like-minded, consciousness-oriented people pursue these values and qualities. All who do so are contributing to positive evolution. So, coming together with like-minded people and sharing common concerns and efforts, and the elements of the spiritual teaching when welcomed, is all part of the overall contribution we each can make through the conscious and well-directed might of our thoughts.


*Bill Bonner put the concerns about Russian hacking in perspective in a recent newsletter:

“Republican Senator John McCain even says it was ‘an act of war.’ But if that were so, the U.S. has committed acts of war against dozens of different countries over the last 50… 100… 150 years!

Stephen Kinzer, a senior fellow at Brown University, wrote in The Boston Globe:

One of our first operations to shape the outcome of a foreign election came in Cuba. After the United States helped Cuban rebels overthrow Spanish rule in 1898, we organized a presidential election, recruited a pro-American candidate, and forbade others to run against him. Two years later, after the United States annexed Hawaii, we established an electoral system that denied suffrage to most native Hawaiians, assuring that only pro-American candidates would be elected to public office.

Ever since, says Mr. Kinzer, the CIA and other clandestine U.S. agencies have been routinely ‘hacking’ elections.”

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David Kamada

Thank you, Michael, for bringing us another excellent article. I’m always amazed at how fluid and organic your writing feels. Despite the rather serious nature of the issues tackled in your articles, one can never miss the tinge of wisdom and honest perseverance that is always there. That’s my compliment of the day, I guess. I hope all is well with you.

Diane Grebe


Don’t be so defensive of religious thinking. They are all human and some are very good people who believe that they are doing good. It is just that they are caught up in religion. The devisiveness in the country is felt very much where I am. Rural Virgina is beautiful and so is my property. My husband and I can not just pick up and move because we do not have the finances to do so. And we did not know that this area was part of the extreme religious right. My county, which I will not name, is called “the model for the Tea Party” by Sandy Rios from American Family Radio. You can make enemies here very easily if you do not agree with their thinking. That is all I am saying. There is no need to become defensive. In the end, we are people just trying to live our lives and be happy. It’s just that we should not try to make things more difficult for other people who do not share your opinions or religious beliefs.


Sheila Clark

Hi Diane, I’m not religious but do have to deal with religious people on almost a daily basis. It’s not that hard. Perhaps you should have checked it out beforehand before moving? Your other post made me think you’re playing the victim card, as if you had no choice where you live, and that you are actually afraid of where you live. Everyone makes choices, good, bad or otherwise. Just wondering what you are really afraid of? Other people’s opinions? Because that is quite funny.



Why are you being so judgemental? Please give Diane some slack on her choices and predicament, mrs hard-knock life. From my observation, it is YOU who is afraid of not being right…

Sheila Clark

Look Anthony, Diane’s fear apparently comes from other people’s opinions? Sounds a little dramatic to me. I love to argue with the creation museum guy, we have a lot of fun. I remember a few years ago being bombarded with god s**t, how he or angles saved her. I always corrected them and said no. And when I got Billy’s response, then I would tell them it was her consciousness along with her memory. Loved those dumbfounded looks though.

Diane Grebe

thanks for the psychoanalysis. I wasn’t aware that I have a fear of other people’s opinions. Thank goodness you cleared that up for me.



Can’t you see all the hating, segregation that the rat-catcher created? We have a family friend whose downs syndrome daughter was mocked at school, along with other Hispanic kids throughout the election. They were getting in her face and saying, “Trump!” Eventually she was physically beaten and was scared to go back to school.

Maybe her parents should just pick up and leave, eh? Pull her away from her friends. Sell their home. Get new jobs. Where should they go in America where Trump’s wrecking ball has not hit?



I don’t disagree there are agitators on BOTH sides. I agree with you. But in a week it becomes Trump world. I am willing to give President-elect Trump a chance. Remember, I am an open minded person. But even at this early point his wrecking ball is looking like it is about to swing at some dear issues of BOTH of ours, and the Figu. Do you not see the Batman villains assembling, that even Trump might have a hard time holding back if he changes his mind? Which he does a lot. So yes MH, who probably voted for Trump and wants to feel good about it, I am giving our new president the benefit of the doubt. But I am not blind………

Sheila Clark

Anytime Diane, I’ll send you the bill.

Sheila Clark

Okay Anthony this is how it works. You cannot hold someone to a higher standard than you can hold yourself. So start going through Billy’s information and ask yourself at every turn if you would have done the same as Billy or not? If not please explain how you would have done things differently. We in turn will come back and tell you why your way is wrong. Mmmkay? If you cannot hold yourself to the same standards, why should you be allowed to criticize? Because then you become a hypocrite.

Timothy Allen Anderson

Sheila, please allow me to throw some flowers at your feet. I have been reading and participating here for a while now and I would like to say that I always find your contributions to include a good use of logic and reason. Thank you very much.


Dearest Sheila,

Higher standard? What? Sometime I’m a hypocrite? I don’t care what Billy does or does not. I study his material daily. I have been doing this a long time.

I’ll tell you this. I voted for Hillary. I don’t care that Billy thought she was the devil. As long as she is not a criminal, or hurting animals, I could give a bleep if she is into the occult. Satanism is not just extremism religion. If you study religion you would know there are degrees. Certainly there are very sick people out there doing some monstrous things. But if you point your finger at ALL santanists and condemn them all as criminals, you are an extremist.

Based on my research, Hillary was into everything in her search of diversity, including the occult. The only real news on this was the spirit cooking, as far as I can tell. This is trendy nonsense for Hollywood and music types into satanic art and parties. Not all of this is criminal. The problem is that most of the views of satanism come from Christians. Remember, to Christians satanists are the enemy! So naturally they make hysterical videos and blogs how the satanists are EVERYWHERE, including all Hollywood films, Family Guy, American Dad and the Simpsons;) Seriously? Perhaps a lot of this is the we-from mass unconsciousness at work on our population of artists, writers, scientists, and such. It is true many entertainers are into the occult and satanism. Not ALL these people are criminals. Performers like Madonna, Lady Gaga, Beyonce are into ancient Egypt, ancient symbolism, noncriminal ceremonies, and things like this. BUT to Christians this is like god is being attacked by the devil if singers like Beyonce flash some nonsensical Illuminati hand-sign. Most of these trendies are harmless victims of yet another worthless religion. But the Christian world creates a hysteria out of fringe religions like satanism, and gets people scared. Obviously, as all readers of the “Goblet of Truth” know that all magicians, magic, spells, is nonsense. But as long as it is peaceful, I could give a bleep if Hillary flashed a devil hand-sign, prayed to a golden calf, or eat bloody body cake before she was chosen as the DNC candidate. Obviously, I would have rather voted for Bernie Sanders.

Sheila Clark

Unfortunately we’ve had satanists around here who will kill small calves and leave them hanging on the fence, the freaking low lifes. If I ever find out who these creatins are, I would turn them into the police for animal cruelty and destruction of property. Nothing but as****es. Like the sleazy Madonna, I’m supposed to look up to her cause she had a few good songs. Give me a break. Do I care what Beyonce is doing at this moment? Her music is crap. Every former catholic I know tells me the Catholic Church are the true satanists. So that doesn’t really jive with what you’re saying.
If you haven’t read Podesta Wikileaks Anthony you too are just another low information voter. Hillary is a criminal and how you can deny that is beyond me. But good to know you voted for the horrible witch, even after being warned, because somehow Anthony knew better. Lol


Knew better? For all I know Hillary really is the worst choice. But my head hurt trying to figure out who was the best. And I am not going to take some alien’s word for it if it does not make sense to me. “Criminal” this and “satanist” that, you sound like infowars. You better look under your bed for the boogie man! Certainly Trump too has a very shady past. But I don'[t know if he really has done anything criminal; nor can you say the same about any Democrats that are not being charged.

I loved President Obama. Not all his policies, silly. Obviously he was attacked and had his hands tied; they may have really hurt him too. I wish he could have stopped all wars, closed Gitmo, but I think once he got “his little talk” he had to go along with a kinder, gentler Bush agenda. The reason, and this effects you too dearest Canada, is that in order for our heavily abused fiat currencies to not fall apart, or turn to cigarette papers, the west needs to stick together. She can’t afford to lose countries to the Russia, and allow the eastern financial block to gain any footing. There has been enormous debt piled up. America, because of her hegemony, was able to take advantage of huge leverages in living standards, while at the same time taking on massive debt. Other western countries followed to also get higher living standards, probably a place you live right now. The same people who cry about globalism, and scream about derivatives and other fancy banking that has poisoned the system and added to irresponsible consumer spending, are also the biggest beneficiaries. Certainly globalism has created problems, but I would argue that overpopulation is the central problem once again. And this overpop has created a need to lower costs of living. So the west outsources jobs for basically slave labor. Talk about cruelty to animals, eh? Yet folks continue to buy cheap imported goods so that you can have the latest phone or the coolest sneakers. If folks lived a modest life, without numerous clothing outfits, bounties of food, palaces to live in, vehicles for every terrain, toys for every occasion, vacations to have memories of a lifetime, I think you get the picture, then there would much less of a NEED to keep prices low for consumers. So companies move operations to places they can produce products for a fraction of the cost at home, including shipping. All the while Wal-Mart shopping isles, are swarming with hypocrites, myself included at times, and still complain about globalism. In my mind, by Ptaah agreeing with Trump’s plan to stop globalism, may address the many ills folks scream about like nasty bankers, corruption and dictators, but it will destroy the standard of living of millions of people until such time things are fixed! Certainly made in your home country makes sense; but there is a transition period for reform and we are talking sloppy Earth human solutions. In my opinion, it would take a whole generation to bring back small localized producers and consumers. And then you are missing innovations in technology that are INCREASINGLY taking away jobs. Eventually with 3-D printing you won’t need all the cheap imported things you buy because it will become more cost effective to do this at home or right in the final consumer’s home. Remember, no jobs and overpopulation at the same time. The hard part is having folks voluntarily give up a few luxuries for the sake of the planet and their fellow humans and lifeforms. This is really the only way to start. So my question to you, do you think Trump is willing to put planet over profit? Please think about the question and give me an answer if you would like. ‘Cause this will get you real if you are not a hypocrite;)



My last argument was neutral-positive explaining overpopulation, geopolitics, banking, irresponsibility, and how all this relates to the good and bad, but mostly negative effects of globalism.

The poster child for phony is Trump university. Both sides are evil; that is why Billy called it the lesser of two evils. Not stick up for Trump because he shows some love for Russia. I am all for world peace and peace with Russia. But I am not willing to choose Hillary’s diversity and acceptance vs Trumps divide and concur. But this is my choice. I am glad you voted for Trump. My lady lost so I can’t be blamed if things go super south over the next four years. Stop carrying Trump???? He is worth smiling at, from a distance. A long distance. Maybe wave hello when he is not looking?


I don’t know. It was a joke from a few blogs ago. Having fun. No harm intended. Cheers!

Andrew Grimshaw

A 3-D printer can print, a 3-D printer.

You crack me up Ant-Man!!!!

Some very nice points there and some dodgy Dufus stuff too.
If One lives in Love, Peace, Freedom, Harmony, Carefree, Health and Joy; what does One mean by living? I think of the following:
Thinking, Feeling and Acting in Love.
Thinking, Feeling and Acting in Peace.
Thinking, Feeling and Acting in Freedom.
Thinking, Feeling and Acting in Harmony.

The past has negatives and positives, as does the future, and apparently we need to neutralize both possibilities, swing ever so slightly to the positive [progressive and healthy and creative, etc.] and then equalize again. And also be ready to defend our lives from violent unloved psychos. I think that we are damn lucky that we have gazillions less actions that actually get acted out taking into account the number of feelings and thoughts that race through us, and more importantly, the “nature” of those feelings and thoughts.
There’s that point in The Way to Live about the good Ones once being bad and the bad will become good.
3. You shall make every day into a day of celebration and keep it holy (control it)

Peace and all that

– Politicians’ policies pollute purity –

……. I can’t wait for the days of a natural population of Human Beings on my religion-free planet…….


Andy, please do point out the “…dodgy Dufus stuff too.” Then we can discuss the duficity, rather than just throw that label on me.

Sheila Clark

If someone has to spell it out for you Anthony you obviously don’t understand what you are posting.

Andrew Grimshaw

Don’t get me wrong!

Pffft… to the duficity, it’ll come around, it needs it’s contrariness a little longer…

It’s just that I find that you are growing on me, Ant-Man!

Love ya.


Thanks Andy. That feels so good….

Sheila Clark

No need Tim, but thank you. I’m just another one of those lowly unpaid trolls that your IC is warning you about, lol.

Diane Grebe

well said Anthony. Sheila, I do not wish to get into a discussion with you on who “deals with” religious people better. I am sure that you do an excellent job at that. But do realize that certain areas can possibly be different from where you live. For instance local culture is different from one area than another. Where I live in rural Virginia, religion is extremely important to these people. As you said you deal with it all the time. So I am sure you understand this very well. Glad we are all working together to try to make things better for everyone.

Eric Foster

John “songbird” McCain should have been jailed for his crimes against his country. He saved his own ass by doing recordings for the VC. His fellow prisoners have been saying for years that the VC did not even need to torture him and he began to cry and co-operate the minute he was captured. He sold out his country and his fellow inmates many of who were tortured, killed and/or sent to Gulags across the USSR for their bravery of not co-operating. What a disgusting waste of space, time and matter he is.

This tape was uncovered in the national archives recently. No surprise that not a single msm outlet has picked this up.

John McCain – 1969 Tokyo Rose Vietnam Confession, a media company founded by Charles Johnson uncovered the tape.
His interview is here.

Diane Grebe

To Carolyn Snyder:
Thank you for kind reply. My husband and I do try to keep a low profile as we are outnumbered here, but sometimes it gets a little uncomfortable. If you get invited to a gathering, after people introduce themselves, the next question is “what church do you belong to?” And it kind of gets awkward after that. My husband talked me into attending a pool party with ‘just the women’ and each woman talked about her personal experience with the devil. As it finally got around to me and I told them I did not believe in the devil/lucifer and they looked at me like I was nuts. They could not believe that the devil did not ever try to scare me in some way. Some of these women were college educated. I felt like I was the only sane person there. I usually never get asked back again. We keep a low profile to make life easier for us and our child. Again thanks for your thoughtful reply.


Sheila Clark

Thanks Diane for clarifying that you were only uncomfortable and not fearing for your life like you alluded to. Please feel free to use this saying from my dad when I asked him what religion we were. He said he was from the round church so the devil couldn’t corner him. Judging by your gathering, it would have been perfect. You also missed a good teaching opportunity. When it was your turn you should have told your audience about the apparitions traced back to the old lady having a nap and projecting her younger self in that house she used to live in as a child. You could have explained how teenagers also have that ability. You could have used that to explain what exactly they were really seeing. Perhaps next time?

Norman DeCindis

‪Trump & Putin Partnership would avert World War 3

Sheila Clark

I watched the Spacex launch this morning of Iridium satellites. The dragon launched and landed in 8 minutes, 15 seconds. Incredible.

Seth Whitaker

I personally (my own opinion, even before Billy made his public) think Trump to be the lesser evil, as I ,albeit cynically, feel it better to get a few cheap lol’s before we go out, rather than being slowly drowned in the perpetual misery Hillary would have certainly exuded to a catastrophic degree. But it’s almost as bad as choosing whether to be smothered or strangled. If the direction we’re headed was solely up to Trump, I would certainly agree with his supporter (at least those supporting him for the right reasons). Only the profoundly irrational could let their politically-corrected-panties tighten into such a knot that they could actually judge ignorance, offensive vocabulary, and crude behavior as worse than pure, calculative evil. But unfortunately, thinking that he’s capable of “making things right” is at the very best wishful thinking. In the end, Trump won’t follow his own agenda, if it doesn’t adhere to that of the true rulers (and if it’s beneficial for the greater good, it surely won’t). It’s simply impossible, unless the Plejaren help protect him from assassinations (Hint, hint! If you’re reading, Ptaah). They’ll force him into bed or find somebody else that’s eager and willing. We cannot ignore a recent quote from Billy regarding the the future of this country; “…Indeed, America will be wrecked.” He didn’t say “maybe” or “perhaps”. He said “will be”. It simply means exactly that. No amount of denial, wishful thinking, or bickering about the “what-could-of-been’s” can save us. It’s done, America is a miserably failed experiment. It’s time to move on and try again, but apply the lessons we’ve learned from our numerous mistakes. We must focus our intellectual minds with progressing with our study of the spirit-teachings, in tandem with our own exit/prepping-for-the-worst strategies.
Happy New Year 😀

David Kamada

Just wanted to share a different perspective on the so far unsubstantiated (read: phony) story of Russia’s hacking of the DNC servers. Here’s an analysis of President Obama’s body language during his recent press conference regarding the matter:

Body Language: Obama, “Election NOT Hacked”

I found it to be quite interesting. And although I have a great deal of respect for Obama, he needs to be called out for playing the same tune as some powers in the US of blaming Russia for just about anything.


Sheila Clark

Maybe he has to David. IC could have easily pinned the DNC loss on Obama instead of Russia. He’s done on Friday and now would not be the time for him to make waves.

David Kamada

You could be right, Sheila. Who knows what’s been going on behind closed doors? I only hope Trump succeeds Obama on Friday without incident.


Sheila Clark

Me too. I also love the fact that Obama has just granted Chelsea Manning clemency. She gets out May 17!


The idea of using our own minds to think given information about the probable future… is always a good and might I say… “fresh” idea. Having the idea about what may happen makes it easier to think, plan, strategize… which I’ve noticed is in short supply with many in the media… internet community…

Thanks for all the good concise information over the years Michael.


Terry Carch

“URGENT” Here is another rotten bullseye that is just too shamful to mention: From Democracy Now with Amy Goodman from In The news for Friday February 24,2017 1.Trump Suggest He Willk Seek to Expand Nuclear Arsinal 2. Pentagon Plans Would Expand US Troop Deployment Indefinetly From 1. Sleepwalking into a nuclear Arms Race with russia by Pierre M. sprayer-Franklyn”Chuck”Spinney 2. The United states of Permenant War by edward Hunt and there is one other article in counterpunch about a 100 year war too. This Trump and his shilly cabals are the “WORST” that Iv ever seen in m y entire life This Trump gang is a slam dunk no brainer that has to go to HELL! Talk about Hilary being even worse! As the the old 1960s song goes”Where have all the flowers gone,when will they ever learn!

Darcy Wade Carlile

Trump puts arrow of truth in center of corrupt media/intelligence cabal and here is a CIA whistle blower to corroborate this and much more. I was very amazed listening to this ex CIA agent’s symposium.

matt lee

It is more than likely that NK never had nuclear weapons.
Maybe this was the reason Trump had so much persuasive power over the discourse with Kim and now south and north are making historic gestures of peace
Ptaah commented some years ago that the nuclear test NK conducted was basically a sham and they were nothing more that conventional TNT.