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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival


Warning to America, false humaneness led to 131,476 criminal refugees now in Europe

On January 30, 2016, Billy Meier was informed by the Plejaren that there were 17,461 IS “sleepers” in Europe, largely because of the open borders policies of Angela Merkel. Let’s also remember the very specific advice from Meier and the Plejaren on what they called “the only way to stop the IS”.

Now, according to the Plejaren in a Contact Report from January 1, 2017, the number of terrorists, criminals, asylum seekers, etc., arriving in Europe is over 131,400 persons.

Ptaah: With regard to the criminals and violent criminals who have settled in all the European countries, our registrations for the whole of 2016 show a total of 131,476 persons, which, however, are actually distributed across all European countries, of which Switzerland is also affected. This number mainly refers to legal and illegal criminal immigrants from various African, Arabian and Asian countries, as well as from South and East European countries, of which 102,108 were registered in Germany alone and 916 in Switzerland. The remaining number is distributed to all states of the EU dictatorship.

Other suspicious refugees, such as economic refugees and those who wish to seek only financial aid, are not included in our registrations, because, if they are neither criminal nor violent, they are not relevant to our clarifications.

With almost eight times as many criminals now in Europe overall, and a figure of 102,108 in Germany alone, this statement from the Henoch Prophecies:

175. And it will be that the fanatics of Islam will rise up against the countries of Europe and all will shake and quiver.

…no longer seems like an outrageously absurd possibility, as some of my learned friends laughingly told me, not so long ago. It should also be noted that when he was nine-years-old, Meier was told by Sfath about the coming, and now present, breakdown in Europe from criminal elements among the vast numbers of refugees. Sfath pointed out that there will be problems because of those who are “so out of touch with everyday life and unrealistic, ignorant and naive as well as hypersensitive, weak, feeble, softened, fragile, squeamish, etc.”, which applies not only to those in Europe, but also to Americans who are afflicted by and suffer from the same delusions and false humaneness.

Trump’s Policies

Very much in the news now is the upheaval being caused by Trumps immigration policies and the people who are reacting most demonstrably to them. To be sure, this is no easy matter, although certain elements of it are actually quite clear. This article is one of a number available online that clarify the issue about the seven countries Trump singled out in the immigration ban which, we learn, were the…same countries that Obama had identified in his Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015.

Americans should heed the clear warning of internal decay brought about by Merkel (“a dangerous psychopath who wants to destroy Germany”) and her so-called “compassionate” policies that are a form of national suicide for Germany, which apparently also has its large share of self-loathing, guilt-ridden, confused do-gooders.


Recently, I had a conversation with some people who told me that there was a 25% poverty rate in the city. They said the main demographic is “undocumented workers”, a chokingly politically correct euphemism for illegal immigrants. Do you react to, think or feel, the same way about terms like “undocumented worker” and “illegal alien”?

Terms and euphemisms are often created to manipulate our feelings and opinions, to hide factual realities and create different, more favorable, or unfavorable, feelings about things…and people.

What was being obscured, what was being avoided by the euphemism, was that because of people’s inability to solve their economic problems in their own countries, they illegally entered this country. That means that their first action regarding this country was to …break its laws.

Now, they place the burden on the lawful citizens and create further economic burdens. There is of course the unavoidable slippery slope that some people indeed slip around on, as they try to justify their selective regard, or disregard, for the laws of the country. A very self-honest, objective examination of the murky so-called “compassion” underlying such ill-conceived conduct will reveal some very uncomfortable, hidden beliefs, even prejudices against the very people for whom they try to make excuses and legal exclusions.

Some well-meaning – but misguided – do-gooders now want to encourage people to create so-called “sanctuary homes”, as a means of resisting the repatriation of economic refugees back to their home countries.

To be clear, protecting the persecuted and truly endangered is a correct and noble thing to do. To “protect” those who gambled on entering the country illegally and benefiting from the economic opportunities here, instead of being responsible to their own country is misguided. How are people to learn self-responsibility if they are coddled, excused from the consequences of their actions and effectively treated like children…as well as exploited for votes, cheap labor, etc.?

If you or I default on our debts, payments, obligations, etc., or commit crimes that would lead to our being apprehended, tried, etc., should our fellow citizens take it upon themselves to give us “sanctuary” from the consequences of our own irresponsibility? Would we really want to be regarded as too incompetent to be responsible for our own lives? Hopefully not. Yet such condescension is what lurks, largely unrecognized, in the consciousness of many do-gooders.

Cause and Effect

Of course, at its core, the whole problem is a result of overpopulation and, in many cases. the insidiously insane policies and influence of the Catholic Church. A stereotypical condition is, especially in these Catholic countries, that people are encouraged to breed like bunnies and coerced to “contribute” to the church. Overpopulation produces the over-consumption of resources and some families find themselves with 4, 5, 6 or more children, unable to support them, with their own resources having been exhausted, land no longer workable, etc. And overbreeding doesn’t stop with arrival in the new country.

Dead-end Partisan Politics

I spoke with another person and explained that so many of these types of problems also, in addition to religion, had their roots in politics and the myopic, childish, partisan rigidity that it produced. I went on at length to explain how politics always seeks advantage and creates conflicts that could be far better resolved by prioritizing the discovery of, and agreement about, real, eternal values of truth, fairness, mutual benefit, cooperation, etc.

When I…took a breath and asked the person what her work was, she told that she was a professor of…political science. Amazingly enough, she told me that she found my ideas to be not only different but worthy of consideration.

US Policies

In our rush to save everybody from themselves – and the effects of decades of terrible US policies – we must also not compound the troubles that are coming as a result of trying to be the world’s policeman (or rulers, etc.), some of which have also begun to befall us already. It’s a complex situation. But realizing that so many people in the country either never knew about these destructive American policies, or opposed them, or were too young, etc., we still musn’t succumb to the kind of false compassion, guilt and self-loathing that has clearly befallen many people in Germany…and which has now set them up for the fulfillment of the actual destruction foretold in the Henoch Prophecies.

Culturally Compatible Countries

Dare we be so politically incorrect as to point out that there are any number of countries in the Middle East, Africa, etc., whose cultures, religions, beliefs, etc., are far more compatible with asylum seekers from other countries in those areas than with countries in the West, like the US and even Canada?

Meier and the Plejaren have long explained that the muddled mess of multi-culturalism doesn’t bring forward some utopian unity but only a wide variety of ills.

This is of no concern to most politicians; they are not altruists. They sought and attained positions of power mainly to attain personal profit, to secure their seat on the gravy train, quite often at the expense of the electorate that they were supposed to serve. There are rare exceptions.

Clueless in Canada

As has been rightly pointed out, it’s impossible to know the motivations of all asylum seekers and we can be assured that there are already a significant number of people in this country who have very bad intentions towards us. The same is probably true in Canada as well.

But some politicians will rush to embrace foolish policies in order to be politically correct, curry favor with their constituents, as well as certain powerful people inside, and outside, their own countries, instead of erring on the side of caution…and reason.

The Spiritual Teaching

The solution, as frequently mentioned, is to study – and apply – the spiritual teaching. For instance, whatever your point of view may be, take your strongest, underlying conviction, or belief, and examine it. How did you come to hold it? What thoughts created the beliefs you have and that you use to support your position? In other words, examine your thoughts about every aspect of the issue and especially the feelings that these thoughts give rise to.

And is it coincidental that Alex Jones featured this article on his site after we took him to task for perpetuating unpeacefulness? We’re glad he did, whatever the motivation.

From FIGU Regarding Averting the Coming US Civil Wars

Here is a response from Christian Frehner, at FIGU, to a question asked of him about the likelihood that the prophesied two coming US civil wars could be averted:

“Apart from the fact that I don’t know for sure whether the Civil Wars will happen, I would say that it is not impossible that they can be prevented, but that it is rather unlikely. It would require that the great bulk of the US people would immediately wake up from their hatred, racism, paranoia* and religious narrow-mindedness etc. That’s requirement one. And simultaneously, the overall greed for material profit among the ‘elite’ should change to a substantial degree to a perspective of decency, modesty and welfare etc. for the entire society. That’s requirement two. And above all, the shadow government (which is directing the course of the USA behind the official government and unknown to it) would have to make a 180° turn of its long-term objectives of ruling and exploiting the entire planet. And all of this would have to occur extremely fast (compared with historical developments). And of course additional measures and requirements would be necessary to bring a positive effect.

Who knows, perhaps Donald Trump may achieve some positive results if he really concentrates on the welfare of his country and would finally succeed to unite the different population factions which are at enmity with one another.

Everything depends on the thinking of the people. And usually, a change or development of thought modes and views need quite a lot of time.”

To Be of Equal Value

There are times to err on the side of compassion and there are times to err on the side of survival and rational self-interest. We know that there will most likely be an upsurge in Neo-Nazi, anarchy and racist activities, caused by extremists on the left and the right.

It would be most helpful, especially in these ever deteriorating, polarizing times, to contemplate what Meier wrote about “being of equal value”. While we may have to make hard choices about things like illegal immigration, etc., we must always remember to treat individuals, our fellow human beings, with the utmost respect, true humaneness and love.

While we will see ever more disagreement arising, only by seeing the other person as of equal value to ourselves, and worthy of understanding, listening to, reasoning with, etc., can we hope to direct de-escalate conflicts and turn our course away from…misguided, potentially nation-shattering civil wars, as unimaginable as such things may have…once seemed to be.


*625th Contact

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Darcy Wade Carlile

I would like to add to CF’s comment that the disharmonious music that began in the mid 1980s and has spread worldwide should be banned in order to effect a change to the good and prevent uncontrollable anarchy and roaring chaos from ultimately developing.

Jedaiah Ramnarine


While I too think disharmonious music has and continues to damage much of our mankind, we need to think of solutions in a very literal, practical sense that can be applied to our current world and the steps needed / necessary to get there. A global ban (in this current period of our history) may be too extreme and in fact, rebelled against – which may end up doing more harm than good.

Darcy Wade Carlile

It is worth trying what can you lose? The rebellion would be small and not last very long compared to if you let it go the way it has been going on for the last 3 decades. You need to get pass the fear factor first then try the ban on disharmonious music.

Jedaiah Ramnarine

“It is worth trying what can you lose?”

It’s worth it in a logical, reasonable, precise and wise execution that doesn’t *only* go off what you read in the CR, but also basing execution in the world you live in. Be practical. It’s a lot more complex than just saying “Ban everything”. That’s actually pretty religious, especially if you don’t have a specific plan.

“The rebellion would be small and not last very long”

You literally have no possible way of predicting the exact size of said rebellion. Your idea of a total world ban almost seems religious (IE: Don’t do this because it’s bad, therefore we ban it) And as history has shown, rebellion will arise if a human’s free will is at stake, even if you have the right intention.

You really want to move towards eradication of disharmonious music? Well, we need strategy. So let’s start right now.

What qualifies as disharmonious music?

We know the obvious – death metal etc., does this also include rap? Does it include ‘light beats’ with bad lyrics? What *exactly* qualifies as disharmonious music without reading the CR and making a decision based off of our current world’s affairs, its evolutionary level, how the people would react, what is necessary to do, the cause and effect of the execution etc.

You understand what I’m getting at? You need well-solid, structured plans and proper execution. Any of us, for example, can shout in people’s face that ‘god’ is a lie, and Creation is real, and we should ban all false idols. Doesn’t make it right.

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Also it’s to note, the best way to change the world is to change yourself and be an example to others. Be careful that, even in right intention, one does not become authoritarian.

Darcy Wade Carlile

You don’t need to right a whole fantasy novel about me Jedaiah. I don’t tolerate fiction when reality will do.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Right should be corrected to write.

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Um, okay? Have a good day.