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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Blackout on the Billy Meier Case

…isn’t entirely successful.

While you can be assured that the profiteers and poseurs in the (mainly U.S.) UFO “industry” who perpetuate delusions, fantasies, charlatans and utter nonsense, have decided to make the Billy Meier case – and its very inconvenient truth – “disappear”, the same attitude doesn’t extend to the rest of the world, fortunately.

Meier’s contacts with the Plejaren extraterrestrials, spanning over 70 years, continue to this day. Unfortunately for humankind – and largely because of the “UFO community”, “exopolitics”, MUFON and other mechanisms for disinformation, the long foretold and warned about events unfold unchecked…as the time fulfills.

I am the featured speaker at the Hong Kong UFO Congress next month and our new film will have its Asian premiere there. Hopefully, the audience will be hungry for the truth and decide to investigate the information without the bias and unrelenting escapism characterized by so many people here who get lost in all things paranormal, conspiratorial and, alas, UFO related.



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North America is a cultish world.


It is logical that Michael tries to talk to the other countries they seem to be more reasonable.

Aquarian Age

Maybe Michael should concentrate more on other countrys… they do seem to listen and take notice.
Maybe we should do more to get Michael invited on to mainstream radio shows in our own countrys, he explains things very well and calmly and will certainly get a lot of people thinking.


Good luck! At least it won’t be about mysterious holes, lights in the sky, or the Anu-nutty adventures that the ‘ancient aliens’ and other nonsense like shows seem fascinated on.

James Davis

I have long admired Billy Meier and his luck at getting those craft to come to him I just wish I were as lucky. If I were to get that lucky all I would want to know from them is how do I build my own craft so that I and my friends can leave this world before what he says happens. Anyhow just wishing and hoping for a break. Thanks for your hard work and what you do.

Marco K.

Hi James,

it had absolutely nothing to do with luck. Otherwise I agree, I would leave this dirtball full of idiots in a cloud of dust, if I had a ship. 😉


People, you don’t want to leave now. Don’t you get it? Billy is not leaving. He is staying in this planetary incarnation cycle right here on earth. In a thousand years or so, less than 20 incarnations from now for us, the planet earth is going to be shining star of both spiritual and technological evolution. Look at our ordinary technology today, it is accelerating at a rapid pace. And the real technological level of Earth is held by secret governments who have a level at least 100 years more advanced than what the public is led to believe. Earth already has clones armies, robots, androids, flying saucers and ray guns. And according to Billy, earth will learn how to time travel soon. Probably this century. Granted we are at the beginning of advanced technology, but so is our spirituality.

So you see the planet Earth is on a fast track of technological development that may be an example to the rest of the galaxy if not countless others. So, in about 800 years or so when the Spirit Teaching kicks in for the general population, you will be living on a futuristic planet of peace and progress that rivals places on Star Trek. What makes Earth special is that she is a melting pot so to speak of spirit forms from all over the universe. With all the different races and spirit lineages there will be a unique excellence on Earth that does not necessarily exist elsewhere once humans start using their unique spiritual powers/evolution. After all, Billy, or rather Nokodemion, is here too which is very special in the universe and beyond. So what I’m trying to say is Earth, as far as a homeworld, is the place to be for all aspiring cosmonauts and chrononauts looking for some peace.

Aquarian Age

I dont believe we have androids Anthony.. it was explained in the information that it would take maybe 2000 years before we would create bio-organic androids with no spirit forms. before this half human/half robot people will be used to navagate spaceships.
time travel will likely be even further off.. the plejaren have only been able to this since sharing tech with the timars.



Why do you do this to me? Contact 251: “This will be accomplished through the terrestrials’ diversion and utilization of energies from Black Holes from within the Milky Way system. Scientists at this time, though, will still be unable to travel to the center of our galaxy to tap the existing Black Hole in that region. Still, it will be unnecessary to go to the center of our galaxy, at least at that particular time, for nearby objects will produce sufficient energy to serve Earth’s needs. This new energy source, in fact, the energy type itself, will enable terrestrials to develop new forms of space travel. In the wake and expansion of these developments, a travel and transportation factor becomes reality which, prior to 1995 and long into the future, had been called fantasy: Time travel.”

I got one word for you, CERN. I could also bring up Dr. Mallet. But you got a search engine too. CERN is right now in the baby steps of understanding how to create mini black holes. The new form of travel they are talking about in the contact, that had it’s beginning in 1995, is teleportation. And with this tech you also get time travel, but also extra-dimensional travel or traveling to an alternate or even parallel time space configurations.

We are also in the baby steps of androids. I could site hundreds of mainstream examples like this one: I thought you might like a sexy female droid. Now secret government labs have droids 100 times better right now. Androids don’t have to be bio-organic and poses a spirit form. Just ask C3PO.


Once I have made a comment on You Tube saying that religion is a crime against humanity. I was accused that I am a communist. It was an insult for me because I’ve left my country because of the communism.
I can say only one good, just one good thing about communist countries. They kept clowns in Halloween costumes away from politics and other important fields of our life.
Well, good for Chinese people. Looks like, pretty soon, they will be leading in the world in everything.


I recently looked at the comments on the silent revolution of truth on YouTube, but the whole Meier case was deemed fake by viewers only based on the ray gun photo and nothing else. We Americans are guilty of not looking at things in and out and are quick to reach a conclusion. In class the scientific process is explained to us. If something were to be true there needs to be evidence supporting the theory. Meier had all of it and I’m sure Michael has mentioned this before. The scientific process can be applied to everything but religion, yet people cannot prove the theory of an all creating, powerful god to be true. 90% believes there is a god but none of the people in that 90% are willing to provide the proof scientifically to prove gods are real. The holy books do not follow the guide lines of APA or MLA yet it is they are all true.


I totally agree. Showed and I tried to explain this case to a few of my colleagues and no luck. They just skimmed over the facts and concluded it was fake.

Preferred Anonymous

Outsourcing the Truth to a more Capable Class.

I like it.

We who cannot wake up deserve to die.


The Henok Prophecies state through the fault of Scientists the worst will happen on the Earth. The grim reality put forth by the Henok Prophecies attempt to illustrate just how unrestrained scientific adventurism will simply lead Earth humanity into the disaster not ever seen by the Earth in it’s history! Without further adieu:

“Due to the fault of scientists, enormous power will be seized by the power-hungry and their military, their warriors and terrorists, and power will be seized as well through laser weapons of many types, but also via atomic, chemical and biological weapons. Also concerning genetic technology, enormous misuse will occur, because this will be unrestrainedly exploited for the purposes of war, not lastly due to the cloning of human beings for warring purposes, as this was practised in ancient times with the descendants of Henoch in the regions of Sirius. However, this will not be all of the horrors; as besides the genetic technology and the chemical weapons, far worse and more dangerous and more deadly weapons of mass destruction will be produced and will be used. The irresponsible politicians will unscrupulously exercise their power, assisted by scientists and obedient military forces serving them, who together hold a deadly sceptre and will create clone-like beings which will be bred in a total lack of conscience and will be scientifically manipulated to become killer machines. Division by division and devoid of any feelings, they will destroy, murder and annihilate everything. ”

“If the Third World War will actually happen—as calculations and observations appear to indicate to be probable now and also during the approaching few decades—then, as now, the civilian population will above all have to bear the brunt of the enormous suffering in tremendous numbers in this entire catastrophe and, last but not least, the fault of the irresponsible scientists who by cloning will create human machines for military purposes, devoid of conscience and feelings, and will create immensely deadly and all-annihilating computer-like weapons. At the same time, the danger could become reality that the human combat machines, the military clones, will gain their independence and under their own management will bring death, devastation, destruction and annihilation to the human beings of Earth and to the planet. The entire planet will become an arena of unparalleled suffering, which will never have existed before on Earth up to that time. The cruel happenings will last about 888 days and cause civilisation to collapse. Yet, the terrible scenario will continue, and epidemics and various diseases as well as enormous famine will be spread among the people, while the economy of the world will totally collapse and there will be no possibility to produce any goods. All foods and medications will be rationed. “


So even ufo hunters don’t want to seriously investigate this? They spend hours investigating a sighting that happened 70 years ago but don’t want to analyze the metal samples, films, movies, etc than really they must have a reason for not doing it.


Oh believe me, I’ve investigated the case. And I have no questions about the UFO photographic parts of it. My questions regarding meier have nothing to do with whether he actually had contacts.

With that said, I mean Plejerens are people (If they exist), so I could somewhat understand an evolving perspective. However there are some things that don’t add up for me.

With that said, I appreciate the insight on the Romney thing.:3

Aquarian Age

I agree michael .. (even though I have filmed many triangular craft like the one in belgium in the 90s, they are but flying machines and human beings terrestrial or otherwise) interest in ufology opens peoples minds to the meier case, thats how I found the meier case and id imagine most people may find their way to the case along the same channels.. so I suppose they will only take the predictions serious if they can relate some credibilty to his contact claims.


UFO Hunters spent one episode examining a hole in a ground to determine whether or not it was created by some sort of unknown craft. At the end of the show they determined it was simply a sink hole. This is apparantly show worthy for these folks to put on TV. The other shows are filled with ‘it could be true’ moments like most of what is on the “History” channel these days.

Stuff like this does not lead to Billy Meier or this site. No one expects anything intelligent out of these types of TV shows. I happen across the Meier material by chance looking over historical information. It had nothing to do with the modern UFO TV shows, MUFAIL, or New Age mumbo jumbo.

Aquarian Age

I agree Duke with your statement that most of the ufological shows out there as well as coast to coast is really a waste of time although not all of it.. whats annoying is they repeat the same old nonsense and interviews without proggressing to the meier case as you would expect they would. You would also imagine that they would follow the footsteps of a real ufologist like Col Wendell Stevens.
I also feel Shows based on factual data of sightings and film clips are good for ufology and awakening peoples minds to the reality.. but they should leave out the horror storys and approach it without judgment.
Personaly the disclosure project lead me to the Meier case as also the subject of Ufos lead wendell to the case.
Michael horn was also lead to the case by looking at an early release of Billys Ufo pictures.

I think the case could do with an army of Michael horns at each Ufo event.. not to massage anyones ego @_@


The last thing we need is another army in this world! If we did have an army of androids I think it would be more appropriate to give them a unique name such as Drozunak or something. Giving them some human names like Michael, Bob, or Bill makes no sense to me.



This is one of the few time I have to agree with Paul on this one. I love looking for lights in the sky. I love flying saucers and futuristic-like technology. I am a major Star Wars fan. One of my hobbies is building radionic time machines. And no I can’t get any of my machines to work — by I try.

Here you have the greatest flying saucer case in history, and FIGU wants to make the subject of UFOs something that only simple minded people are interested in. This is one of the main reasons I am NOT a FIGU member even though I love the Billy Meier case. Billy’s forum no longer accepts any UFO or alien talk, especially with the closure of the “ET Intervention on Earth” thread. I loved this thread.
If Figu wants to know why a lot of Americans are turned off of the Billy Meier case is because FIGU thinks they are always right. And yes Billy Meier has the Truth and he ultimately is right. But he is human and makes mistakes too. This is what you don’t get from Figu. I agree with even Methi Meier on this single point.
There are a lot of sci-fi/UFO hunters out there that really care about UFOs and filming UFOs. Please let FIGU welcome these people, instead of making fun of them and pushing them away!

Aquarian Age

Its nothing personal Anthony.. really , what you say makes sense in mentioning transportation .. but these are the smallest particles and are being transported from one place to another and not really travelling in time. Billy described how space travel will begin with long jouneys until hyper drives are created and time travel will likely come after this.
I share your enthusiasm for these great discoverys and am always excited when learning about them but real time travel of safely sending humans to a place from were they can return without fail is likely a few thousand years off.


Hi Paul,

I know it’s nothing personal. You just always makes me do a lot of work digging around looking for Figu quotes to back up what I’m saying. Paul, you can believe time travel is 1000s of years away for earth humans; you may be right. But how can you ignore the Figu quote about the discovery of time travel. It clearly says that things have their beginning in “1995.” My educated guess is that crude time travel distortion units will be available for humans in the next 20 or 30 years. And they probably will be dangerous. This is not some big mystery science. The science is basically out there how to distort time-space with gravity wells and get a quantum effect. This happens in nature with so called ‘time storms.’

This is my opinion, you won’t read this from Figu, but it involves my understanding of the Meier case, that Earth has an exceptionally fast technology learning curve compared to other advancing civilizations. And I think it has to do with the melting pot of spirit forms from other parts of space. We have a lot of diversified talent compared to a planet that only has an indigenous population. We may get to things faster than the Plejaren did or the Timers. Now our spirituality is an entirely different matter. But once we get our act together, we should learn this very fast too. If we have at least super computers, robots, genetic engineering, anti-gravity spacecraft, invisibility cloaking, laser guns, space stations, weather machines, etc. today, what is this all going to look like in 1000 years? That is the real question, Paul. My guess is that the Timers will eventually be coming to us; now this may be 1000s of years away.

Allen Anderson

It is truly unfortunate that there are so few citizens in the USA that are willing to open their minds and spend the necessary time to research the information that Billy and the core group at FIGU have so carefully and willingly made available. I can hardly explain how it has positively affected my life, and continues to do so every day. It seems that the planned distractions, and emphasis on materialism that those who want to make every effort to keep people from the truth, have absolutely succeeded to such a large degree. From my personal perspective, I can’t even imagine being without the gift that Billy has brought to my attention, it astonishes me every time I am in a public place, and observe how people interact with each other, what they are missing out on. I have also realized just how bad television has become, or has always been as the case may be, there are so many falsehoods, not to mention how much mis-information is spread on the average documentary, it seems as though those that hold themselves in such high regard as knowledgable ones, really are like petulent children, rather than learned elders. I will continue to learn and follow the spirit teaching knowing the benefit that it holds for me, and continue to direct those that show interest to the Meier material.

Jacqueline Purtell

Anthony , I find you comment on time travel interesting as I have seen a devise that uses time shift to cure diseases . Thomas Bearden ( physicist ) mentions , devises to do this develop a localized negative time field and cause the disease to , as he puts it; “to un-happen” . I have seen this occur and the disease does shrink to nothing over a period of time . This is not really what most people envision as time travel but it shows that many other use full applications spring out and can be quite beneficial to human kind .

Jacqueline Purtell

Time travel huh , seems like just another way for silly humans to create more trouble somewhere else . I told my dear old Mum that if I could build a time machine , we would go back to the 1950’s and go to a chinese restaurant and have some of the delicious food they used make in those days . It now seems that you can’t find any chinese food worth eating these days . I think everything is going to hell because of unbelievable greed .


Hi Jacqueline,

I just had Chinese food for lunch today. General Tao’s Chicken with fried rice. I gave my wanton soup to my friend Lyle. I thought it was amazingly good. But I can imagine it was better years ago when our food ingredients where more natural.

I am glad you like time travel too. I’m thinking right now Michael is wondering how this thread could get so out of topic. But I’m glad I brought up the distortion. So you would get Chinese 1952. If I had a reliable time machine I would want to go back and see prehistoric beasts. Of course it would be nice to have the safely of a beamship too, considering how dangerous it would be outside.


haha totally agree.

Jacqueline Purtell

Hi Anthony , you mention that you work on radionics. I have heard of a person known as Abrams who called his work radionics but it was a medical machine which used a sample of a persons hair/skin/blood to tune a type of transmitter to, as he claimed , to cure medical conditions at a distance . Any relation to your work ? I have a partially built Rife / Bedini inspired version medical machine but that’s on the shelf for the moment as there are other projects of importance that need to be looked at .
Oh , I’m glad Michael and yourself still can enjoy Chinese epicurean delights ; here in we have diminishing delight in that area due to cutbacks and substitutions if ingredients until there is little resemblance to what was and is now only a memory of what was .
We don’t need a time machine , we need plane tickets to America . Cheers .