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Friday, May 17, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts โ€” singularly authentic โ€” ongoing for over 80 years โ€” the key to our future survival

Terrestrial Astrology: Science or Superstition?

Since my previous blog also became a lightening rod for opposing views on astrology, I offer this one for the discussion of the topic. I have titled it Terrestrial Astrology: Science or Superstition? since the issue includes the idea that the astrology that the Plejaren are said to practice is far different, more advanced and accurate than our terrestrialย version.

Hopefully some light can be shed that will be of value to all concerned.


UPDATE on earthquakes:

Tsunami warning after 8.0 quake strikes off Chile

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Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

HI Michael,

I’ll start the discussion concerning reincarnation with the following excerpt from –

5.3 Development, 7 Stages

7 main stages/periods of development – 6.6-45

“The purpose of life, the after-life, and reincarnation is a field that even Plejaren science is not able to determine all of its secrets. So, only that which is known to them, or assumed by them, can be explained. In general, there are five very important points, which are not certain and those things refer to the secrets of Creation. Nevertheless, the Plejarens will not withhold their assumptions.”

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

To further the discussion on reincarnation, I will post the following excerpt from –

5.7 Reincarnation

Reincarnation – 7.190-200

“That is, each spirit form normally has a dwelling (body) that is specifically tailored to it, in which it lives out its life in a material form. Over an entire main period, it can be tracked that the facial features of the host body arenโ€™t always alike and, thus, that they change very noticeably. This applies until a high spiritual state is reached. Not with very low but rather with very high spiritual states do the faces of all host bodies of the various spirit beings begin to resemble each other.”

“Once a host body has died, the spirit escapes from it and normally enters a fine-material world. Even there, it has to live through certain periods again, before it can take up a host body once more. But if a host body is destroyed prematurely, by force and by any circumstances, before it becomes animated by the spirit on the 21st day, then it may happen that the spirit in question doesnโ€™t seek another host body as soon as possible and doesnโ€™t inhabit this but that it continues to linger in the realm of the other world. Thus, it wonโ€™t penetrate into bodies that are already occupied. Therefore, this wonโ€™t have as a consequence that two spirits live in a single host body and cause serious confusion. Herein, there are, therefore, no possibilities. This, then, is the normal process, by which the spirit goes back into the fine-material world and, in turn, spends a further period of learning there.”

You cannot avoid natural development – 22.13

“Every form of life should not try to fore-live personal matters and development of the future, as it has to go their natural way of development. It is not allowed to become influenced by knowledge of future events which could overlap stages of development without having experienced the necessary wisdom of each stage.”

Reincarnated guilt – 23.14-22

“When a form of life consciously brings guilt upon itself, then it must give atonement as the law of justice declares. If the guilt is too much to adequately atone for it, then the guilty party is unworthy of life and losses the justification for existence. When the atonement is valid and the entity is reborn, the life is limited to fulfilling the rest of the formerly eliminated life. But, this is only valid for living forms of barbarous nature so that they can reach a level of higher spiritual development. Not only times change, but also the form of life changes. It reaches a level of higher spiritual development and the exercise of laws also change.”

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Michael,

I have addressed it sufficiently in the many contributions that I have posted. Astrology is one subject that mostly has to be substantiated to oneself through years of study. I will let my life readings and predictions speak the loudest going forward from here.

Additionally, I will not hold discussions with skeptics, intellectually arrogant, disrespectful, or closed-minded individuals, but I am looking forward to discussing the great science of the stars with open-minded, interested, respectful, intelligent, and polite participants of this blog.

I do suggest that any interested person read all of my posts and think about what I have written, before engaging in a discussion with me.

Thank you.


Try not to let the door hit you on the way out.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

That’s the type of impolite disrespect I was referring to.


Hi Tony,

I just found this blog via MH’s email so I have not read the entire thread. However, let me share some thoughts.

Actually, I think the choice of words Meier uses to answer many of his QTBs (Question to Billy) are intended to be received by the broader audience of the general public. I could name a few examples, this being one of them “pseudosciences,” but I am not the authority, as some of the Meier followers would say, and open another can of worms.

At first, I was taken aback by some of Meier’s answers, but then I realize that perhaps Meier is referring to the astrology readings delivered for mass consumption in publications. Or, perhaps the word “pseudo” is applicable since Earthlings do not have the ability to pin down astrology to an exact second, and that variance could indeed explain why some identical twins do not have the exact same personality. Well, if the definition is perfection-driven, then anything less than perfect could be called “pseudo,” and Meier would be right.

Just out of curiosity, you mentioned a few different types of astrology, including Chinese. Besides the flaws you mentioned, would you care to comment on their use of the lunar calendar? Certainly if the planets play a role in astrological calculation, then it would be equally interesting to know the scientific-basis (if any) of using a solar vs. using a lunar calendar.

Lastly, some may want to read what Edgar Cayce had to say about astrology and free-will. (I cannot see the wisdom of killing a message because of the messenger, really.) Professional astrology as it is known on Earth today may not be perfect, but whatever it delivers, if applicable to a particular person due to whatever derivative of calculation, could just serve as another means “know thy self” a little more, or the modern version from Meier about acquiring more “self-knowledge.” Perhaps the person receiving the analysis would be the best judge of the information therein and use it accordingly.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

My prediction #2 above in this blog – Record breaking cold weather in USA… – has partially come true, the crop failures will be coming.


You mean this has never happened before on this blog site? Just thinking it might be a software glitch?

Dyson Devine

Wow. That’s unfortunate. But certainly someone more interested in the topic would have saved a copy later than the one I did from Feb 1st.

Anyone? – please send it to MH, so he can just replace the 100+ deleted entries.

That’s really interesting, especially in light of the fact, that with all the attacks we got during the ten years we kept our gigantic whistleblowing domain running, we had no special cyber-security measures, but not so much as a single byte of data was ever interfered with.

We always rather facetiously thought of it as ET intervention.



Perhaps the conversations weren’t meant to be … ๐Ÿ™‚

Here is a repost – please delete the original that was posted earlier if you recover it, since I found need for some minor correction.


Hi Tony,

I just found this blog via MH’s email so I have not read the entire thread. However, let me share some thoughts.

Actually, I think the choice of words Meier uses to answer many of his CRs and QTBs (Questions to Billy) are intended to be received by the broader audience of the general public. I can name a few examples, “pseudoscience of astrology” being one of them, but I will refrain since I am no authority, as some of the Meier followers would say.

At first, I was taken aback by some of Meier’s answers, but then I realized that perhaps Meier is referring to the astrology readings delivered for mass consumption in publications. Or, perhaps the word “pseudo” is applicable since Earthlings do not have the ability to pin down astrology to an exact second, and that variance could indeed explain why some identical twins do not have the exact same personality. Well, if the definition is perfection-driven, then anything less than perfect could be called “pseudo,” and Meier would be right.

Just out of curiosity, you mentioned a few different types of astrology, including Chinese. Besides the flaws you mentioned, would you care to comment on their use of the lunar calendar? Certainly if the planets play a role in astrological calculation, then it would be equally interesting to know the scientific-basis (if any) of using a solar vs. using a lunar calendar.

Lastly, some may want to read what Edgar Cayce had to say about astrology and free-will. (I cannot see the wisdom of killing a message because of the messenger, really.) Professional astrology as it is known on Earth today may not be perfect, but whatever it delivers, if applicable to a particular person due to whatever derivative of calculation, could just serve as another way to “know thy self” just a little more, or the modern version from Meier about acquiring more “self-knowledge.” Perhaps the person receiving the analysis would be the best judge of the information therein and use it accordingly.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Both of your points are incorrect. I’ll have time soon to explain it to you.

Thank you.


Always looking for different perspectives.

Looking forward to it. ๐Ÿ™‚

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Rob,

In my opinion, Chinese astrology is incorrect in every regard. I did study it thoroughly and found it to be worthless – one of the forms of astrology that the Ps and Meier refer to as pseudo-science.

As far as your comment about Cayce – astrology has many great uses. One of them is to know yourself to a very high degree. But the astrological forces do create reality, as well as influencing reality. Your natal chart is the blueprint of your life, and determines many things in your life. Of course you do have free will, which determines at least half of your life, in my opinion.

Read my post above where I describe the major ways of using astrology in your life.



If free-will determines at least 50% of your life, this is a possible explanation to the twins with different personality, because of the exercise of free-will?

Just a though…



Some would say that your prediction of record cold is just a “lucky guess.” After all, this can probably be seen as:

* Record Heat
* Hotter
* About the same
* Colder
* Record Cold
* Extreme temperature swings in both directions

1 of out 6 (16.67%) chance of guessing right, if that be. I do find it interesting that some psychics have predicted in the same “colder” direction (not necessarily “extreme”, including the infamous JT story). It would be interesting to know how these sources came to the same conclusion.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

RECORD cold temps, are RECORD temps.

Thank you.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

FYI, I never guess.


I wouldn’t have “guessed,” pun intended.

It was meant for the broader audience.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Here’s one for the “broader audience”, don’t try to throw doubt or skepticism on me, or you will find yourself in my No-Talk zone.


Sorry you feel that way, Tony, truly.

I was in the same position not so long ago so perhaps you can relax a bit. Let the teaching be your guide and you can forgive those who do not have the benefit of your experience (seriously). I’m not interested in arguments, just information please. ๐Ÿ™‚ Perhaps reading what I wrote more carefully will shed some light of my own experience.

Dyson Devine

Dear Tony,

I respectfully request a clarification. I’m not doubting or being sceptical.

You wrote, “FYI, I never guess.”

guess (gฤ•s)
v. guessed, guessยทing, guessยทes
a. To predict (a result or an event) without sufficient information.
b. To assume, presume, or assert (a fact) without sufficient information.
2. To form a correct estimate or conjecture of: guessed the answer.
3. To suppose; think: I guess he was wrong.

(May we assume, when you say you never guess, you’re excluding definitions 2 & 3?)

Would you be so kind as to explain why you identified a couple of “inaccuracies” in your 2012 predictions, if not due to sufficient information?

Similarly, I note that you’ve explained that, in the case of your predictions, the most difficult part is the timing. That is to say, when you predict – say – a death of a world figure such as Prince Philip on a particular year, and he passes away in the year following – your prediction is still basically “correct”, only the timing was off, perhaps due to insufficient information?

Is that a fair understanding of the process?

Thanks for your help.



Dyson, why are you being technical here with Tony. If you don’t believe in astrology, then be it and move on with your life. Don’t challenge his work because you are not qualify to unless you are an expert astrology. For example, only a medical doctor in the same field can challenge another doctor in the same area about it. You are picking words and looking it up in the dictionary just to make a point. When Tony wrote he does not “guess”, from what my understanding is he does not do “guess work”. He does his job according to the information and according to his chart and numerical system. This goes for everyone else. If you don’t agree with a person’s work or comments, let it be. All of us are studying Billy’s teaching and but seems like Billy’s the teaching is not helping some.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

I’m confident, I’m relaxed, but I will not tolerate skepticism. To me, it’s a waste of time. That’s 34 years of experience talking. As I said, I’m willing to discuss Astrology with open-minded intelligent people.


No comments? But I’m really interested in knowing how astrology is soo specific and yet is still “wrong”. I studied astrology for a while mainly for self purpose & I want to know the difference from terrestrial astrology & the correct form that they use. I’m just a curious Leo that loves to learn lol btw Hey Guys! I’m looking forward to Tonys counterargument with his perspective ๐Ÿ™‚

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Astrology is designed/intended to bring about love, peace and harmony through the understanding of one’s self and Creation. It’s based on the truth that everything is connected – The Oneness Consciousness.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Michael,

For those who are interested, here are a few more predictions for 2014.

1. Queen Elizabeth, England, dies – (Flu/Pneumonia)

2. American airliner crashes, hundreds dead, world news.

3. Powerful earthquake in Australia.

Predictions for the near future:

1. Hillary Clinton will be the next U.S. president – 2016.

2. Pope Francis will be murdered – no date.


Hi Tony,

Those are very interesting pieces of info to the puzzles that I’m working on. Thank you. If and when those events take place I will write you personally for a natal chart to compare with the one I have. For everyone’s information, I had to order a natal chart from the Cayce organization just to see how much truth is in there. Since I’m not into astrology my ability to comprehend it is limited. However, I will say that if anyone is in doubt of possible usefulness of astrology, have one ordered – through Tony or the Cayce organization, and let me know if you actually think those were generic statements that apply to most people. It was pretty inexpensive for an experiment. I don’t regret it.

Thank you again, Tony.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Readings using the incorrectly drawn up charts of the Cayce Org., using either Tropical, or Vedic astrology, could only be 66% accurate at best, regarding any usage of the charts. This is primarily due to the incorrect positions of the constellations in them.


Hi Tony,

While I am very open-minded, I would appreciate whenever you quote a hard-number like 66% or 50% etc, to provide more than just the number. Even if the % is based strictly on a cloudy gut feeling, it has to originate from somewhere, perhaps out of the 100’s of Cayce charts you’ve been shown of others, etc. etc.

I just think it is the more responsible thing to do to clarify how the numbers came about.

Thank you for taking the time to consider the request.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Rob,

That’s based on the fact that there are three major parts to the charts – the constellations, the houses, and the aspects(relative positions of the Heavenly Bodies to one another). All forms of astrology on Earth, except for the one I have developed, do not have the correct constellational positions. Therefore, the incorrect charts, can at best, only be 2/3 (66%) correct – houses and aspects. Of course, that percentage will go down, if the correct birth time is not known.


Sorry, I typed to fast … I do see your explanation that it was “due to the incorrect positions of the constellations.” However, it would be helpful to know if what you are saying is the Cayce organization charts are all consistently wrong by 66% due to this error?

So, if someone were to get a chart from you or your student one can expect a 66% match with Cayce’s?

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

No. I explained that above.


Hi Tony,

Let’s play devils advocate for a minute using sources acceptable by people following this blog and say just out of “probably” which one of these is the least likely to happen, and which is the most likely, and see if that helps improve the “prediction” so everyone is clear of my neutral stance on using astrology for predictions:

I had done some research on Australia when it was mentioned somewhere in the FIGU material it was one of the better places to avoid earthquake. In studying the geologic data that was available, it indeed did appear that way, so … if that prediction of yours come to pass, then I would consider it a milestone.

Pope Francis will be murdered – no date, is too open-ended to be indicative of anything. Pope Francis is supposed to be the last pope according to Henoch and St. Malachy. However, if I remember talks on the Henoch prophecy correctly, it was said the last pope would escape to South America when all hell breaks loose. If we continue on that line of reasoning, then we can assume that his murder would be after the he relocated.

By the way, does murder include assassination for your purposes?

Personally, I agree with some others that once the future is “handed out,” especially ones where “free-will” may be involved, it can change. For example, if someone predicts that I will become an Electrical Engineer when I was still standing before the cross-roads of choosing a career, I might just choose otherwise (or might not, depending on my level of understanding at that time). But if a prediction does not involve free-will, then it has a much better chance of happening. I would like to comment a previous post about warning North Korea about the poison of their leadership — this is were free-will does come into play, since the act of murder is carried by people, and by giving that information out so it is entirely possible to change the course of history, lest I read it wrong, something that Asket and the P’s have repeatedly suggested NOT TO DO when it comes to these types of events.

Since there is much time left in 2014, perhaps others can chime in likewise on their view of the predictions by Tony just for a friendly discussion?

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Rob,

Thank you, for recommending that people have their charts done by me. If you would like to converse with me, outside of this blog, I can give you my private email address.

Have a great day.


Hi Tony,

You’re welcome. I do want to say that it is not an endorsement, but an interesting venue for personal exploration. If, as you say, you are here to help others, as well as to validate your claims to the accuracy on astrology, I can see good things coming out of it.

I have sent you an email from my administrator account for off-line topics. It would say administrator in the email address. If that does not reach you, please let Michael know so he can get the correct info to me.