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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Russian Military Movements…and the Henoch Prophecies

UPDATE: Two new developments, pertaining to both Russia’s military movements and climate change, can be found here and here*.

There is, and most likely will be, no shortage of reporting (and hand wringing) about Russia’s new military move into Ukraine.

This is a brief blog to simply remind everyone of what is long foretold regarding Russia’s coming military expansion and aggression in the Henoch Prophecies published by Billy Meier.

So, perhaps if intelligent people in the Balkans, Europe, Norway, Sweden, Iran, Turkey, the Middle East, US and Canada are paying attention, we might start thinking seriously about how to rewrite some of our otherwise grim future history.

Or I guess we could just title this Part III of Now You Have a Ringside Seat to the Fulfillment of Prophecies, Unfortunately.

You can also see the unedited version of Dr. Weinstein’s comments about Meier’s foretelling of Russian troop movements in my new film, And Did They Listen?.


*Thanks to Ron Watson and Michael Vanderpool for noting these developments.


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Terry Carch

“To me Earth IS living HELL! To me Erra IS PARADISE”!

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Michael,

This Russian troop movement could very well be the start of what is written in the HP.

From my astrological point of view, the planets are lined up for the start of a major war through September – Mars in a constellational grand square with Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. I know non-astrologers will disagree with me, but I know for certain, that the astrological forces CA– — — USE wars to happen, not all wars, but many in history. For example, very similar astrological positions were present when WW1, WW2, and Viet Nam started.

From the Henoch Prophecies:

“Russia will not rest and will attack Scandinavia, and in doing so will embroil all of Europe. And months before that, a terrible tornado will have swept across northern Europe, causing great devastation and destruction. It must still be stated that the Russian attack will occur during the summer, in fact, starting from Arkhangelsk. Denmark will not be dragged into the war, due to the insignificance of this country. Yet Russia will not be satisfied with this action of war, as her will for expansion will be ravenous. And consequently Russia will launch a military attack against Iran and Turkey and will conquer these two countries in bloody fighting, causing enormous destruction.”

“In the Russian expansionist mentality will also be included the drive to gain control of the Middle Eastern oil deposits as well as to gain control of the southeastern region of Europe. Therefore, she will also invade the Balkans and conquer these countries there in enormous battles, causing ruthless and devastating destruction with many deaths.”
“But death, destruction and annihilation will not only rage in Europe but also in America, where much suffering will have to be endured and many deaths as well as destruction and annihilation will be. America and Russia will have the most terrible weapons of mass destruction at their disposal—a fact which is already the case to a certain extent today—and will clash with violent force against each other at that time of conflict, whereby Canada will also be dragged into this conflict. The source of this conflict will substantiate the Russian attack on the American State of Alaska and against Canada.”

In my opinion, nothing is being done to prevent the above mentioned prophecies from coming true. Instead, the current reactions by the US and Europe will increase the chance of their fulfillment. For example, there is talk that Russia will be cut off economically from the international community. Essentially, that’s an act of war.

“In interviews with three U.S. television networks on Sunday, Kerry also said foreign leaders are prepared to put sanctions in place to “isolate Russia economically” if Putin does not roll back his forces in Crimea, an autonomous region of eastern Ukraine with strong loyalty to neighboring Russia. He said options could include visa bans, asset freezes and isolation by the international community on trade and investment, as well as Russia losing its spot in the G8.”

So, we will see. Time will tell.


Hello history buffs, Crimea was part of Russia until the ’50s so those Russian “speaking” citizens in Crimea are in fact Russians.


US with its MILITARY INVASIONS, COLOR REVOLUTIONS , ATTACKS, KILLINGS OF MILLION PEOPLE , WILL bring SELF DESTRUCTION on the long run. All that you hear on your PROPAGANDA NEWS IS WRONG AND FALSE. Ukrainian president, Janukovic was elected in democratic way, with majority of votes, like in all normal countries. What has happened is that SOROS Wall Streat funds and US secret services has helped EX NAZI people, more precisely their grand childs in Ukraine to take power in VIOLENT WAY, the same way as was done in the past in South America, Libia, Syria, etc, the list is long. This Clerical fascist, are only small tiny percentage of people, graviting in Lvov, and Ivansk region of the country, and have historical hate towards their orthodox brother, as Northern Protestant Ireland has on Republic of Ireland. THE SAME RELIGIOS CARD , AS IN THE MIDDLE EAST, BECA– — — USE THE DIRECTOR OF THE MOVIE IS THE SAME. They ENTERED KIEV with weapons, killing and plundering, raping people, but yes, YOU DO NOT HEAR THIS THINGS on MINISTRY OF PROPAGANDA, cnn and others. You MUST follow the facts. Military encirclement of NATO all over Russia. NATO biggest war games , including Catholic Slavic countries, such as Poland, staging anti Russian protest in Polland, even 6 months before this Pentagon GOVERNMENT CHANGE, in Kiev. Now, helping this “– — — USEFUL IDIOTS’ the Hitlers SS divisions, has make Ukraine to enter in Turmoil.
RUSSIA MUST , NOT CAN , OR DO, OR WANT, BUT MUST, MUST, MUST ERASE THIS people that are killing orthodox Ukrainians. Russia MUST RE ESTABLISH PEACE AND ORDER, from the garbage, directed from US and Germany. Russia MUST TAKE ALL UKRAINE, AND MAKE PEACE. IN THE SAME TIME , ALL THE CONTRACTS THAT NATO (READ AMERICAN BANKING CABAL) HAS destroyed after fall of SSSR with Russia, MUST BE RE ESTABLISHED. NATO war invading forces must be out of Poland and all lines around Russia.
Lastly, YOU AMERICANS DO NOT UNDERSTAND ONE VERY IMPORTANT THING. INVADING RUSSIA, IS VERY VERY VERY BAD KARMA. Napoleon did it, Hitler did it , AND THEY HAVE MADE SUICIDE. THIS NATO INVASION, with the help of Useful idiots, will bring very BAD LUCK ON THE SIDE OF US. I personally do not want that. US is a country that provide (not only the BAD), but in the same time , the best things in the world.
If US goes on Russia, in any way, as will be presented to the HOMER SIMPSONS as liberation, democracy, help to government in Ukraine (SS divisions), this will finally means END of your country. Even when ads will be on the US side, some UNSEEN forces will intervene not in the begging but further on the road…
Be friends with Russia, as Russia want to be friend with US and the west.
If your elites try to go for SIBERIA – WHICH IS THE FINAL GOAL OF ALL THIS THEATER, than you know, the end is near. Walking Dead scenario will come upon You.

Henox prophecies, are totally right, but they do not tell precise , whole story behind Russia and China intervention. Such as using MUDZAHEDEEN KILLERS ALL AROUND THE WORLD FOR CIA AND PENTAGON MILITARY INTERESTS. SUCH AS HELPING SS NAZI DIVISIONS (in the PRECISE SENSE OF THE WORD) IN KIEV FOR HAVING NATO TROOPS NEAR RUSSIA. With SUCH actions, USA has lost its moral compass. It was NOT LIKE THAT IN THE PAST. What has happened with your country. How has become so corrupted…

Aleksandar, FROM MACEDONIA (not even close to Russia).

Darcy Wade Carlile

Back in WW2 there were no nuclear powerplants in almost every place on Earth. Those are targets today if idiots start WW3.


The 2nd worst nuclear disaster site is there!

Philip Brandel

“With SUCH actions, USA has lost its moral compass. It was NOT LIKE THAT IN THE PAST. What has happened with your country. How has become so corrupted”…

Good question… though like Michael, I am not very political for my own personal reasons.
Yet, how did the U.S. become so corrupted? How did she sink into the whole that we now find ourselves residing in? In today’s world one doesn’t have to be very political to see the many ill’s constantly facing us. One only needs to see the warnings painted in black and white.. amongst other things, within the Henock prophecies.
Though it does seem most Americans are truly unhappy with our countries style of governing(politics)… most cant and wont get off their ass to do anything about it though. How can anything change when MOST don’t want to get out of that nice little “instant satisfaction” bubble. To only do that which entertains and or gets one what is materialistically yearned for with as little thought/work as possible in getting to it. It seems we wont see the righting on the wall en-mass until unrest and war is right outside our front doors. That ‘seems’ to be the only way people will wake up to the corrupt, self diluted essence that resides with-in the belly of this nation.
What can we do at this point to make any difference? It seems our political system is rigged to loose either way, participating in it or not. Yet, they would rather we didn’t as our chances are higher for change if we did!
When the TVs and phones finally stop working will the sheeple finally stir to life? I hope! and I hope it is not to late at that point! Yet, as we have been warned for decades… things might just get A LOT worse before they get any better.
I just hope that those that do listen are prepared for that which I personally hope never happens.
When is mentally trying to help change a situation not enough on its own? Why are we not in the streets in this country trying to fight for real change!?! Will it eventually look similar to what is happening in Ukraine… yet, with our own government “cracking down/infiltrating” us with the help of others.

Is interesting the whole gun ownership debate that is happening here in the US. In Minnesota they fought hard(as it seems) to try and take our right to bear arms these last few years. Yet, enough people woke up and stopped them from getting their way. Though with what transpired since then(record gun and ammo sales, people becoming obsessed with guns even more, and gun organizations gaining power) was that their original intention? Now that the US population is ARMED TO THE TEETH, what will come next.
Or was that what they wanted all along?
Makes sense as far as what has been seen for this country in the near future. Funny how they were able to pass their draconian gun laws in their strong hold States….coincidence?
I to doubt(hope) the US will go to war with Russia… I think as far as I have seen, they will have more than enough to deal with right here at home! I for one have had enough and as the time fulfills, a civil war might just reside on the horizon!


Hi Aleksandar, FROM MACEDONIA (not even close to Russia),

You wrote – “All that you hear on your PROPAGANDA NEWS IS WRONG AND FALSE.”

Firstly, no need to go all hyperbolic. The fact is that not “ALL” that we hear on our “PROPAGANDA NEWS IS WRONG AND FALSE”.

Secondly, your post is full of irrationalities, illogic and incorrect statements taken from whatever PROPAGANDA NEWS sources you get your information from.

No matter what source one gets their information from, one must be critical and assess it with all their reason, rationality and with logic.


I agree with you 100%!! I have said before taht in most times the Henoch prophecies and Pleyarans fail to present the real reasons, because of which these prophecies are fulfilling in the way they are. They only state that Russias are going to invade Europe, but fail to explain tha US and EU provoked them to do just exactly that. This is the main reason why they are currently intentionally destrojing russian economy and devolving Rubel, and aconomy of other BRICS countries. The fact is that in the last few years US is doing everything to provoke WW; US wants World War, EU in only their colleteral damage.


Another perspective to consider from Joel Skousen.


You have to be extremely careful of taking the news from a guy’s show that treats the stack of news like the Bible, provides long orations and in some cases laces it with self praise, constantly berates his viewers calling them scum under various guises, and presents a narrative that is generally hostile. It’s fine if you’re trying to understand this weird counter perspective but certainly they’re not trying to be neutral with the information or even coming close to the right conclusions in many circumstances.

Also, they’re a bit late to the game as I don’t recall any media outlet expected something like this after the Olympics, and neither did all these alleged experts I imagine.


I fully agree.


I can only handle so much of alex jones. Although I think he brings a lot of truth to the table. Skousens In this interview has a refreshing perspective, if only he saw the delusion in his Christian belief. You should introduce yourself and send him some info. I’m sure he would find the Henoch prophecies interesting.


Hi Mike,

Russia had the opportunity during this weekend’s UN meeting as a separate country, not as the Soviet Union, to present itself as a diplomatic leader in understanding the issues of the country, find a place to meet in the middle together, and move forward. This did not appear to have happened. A potential for real leadership for a country that was actually expected to do so was actually missed. How this happened is a bit puzzling as it appears the wrong strategy was used here compared to Syria where media generally praised Putin for coming to a reasonable and responsible conclusion given that there IS fighting in Syria compared to this one here where there isn’t war. Night and day logic.

However, the US rep did say what was needed to be done and that a way forward has to be achieved. The obvious and logical thing to say. Being defensive is probably the best way of coming across negatively to folks that actually want to help.

We can see the natural reaction of Obama that no one in the US wants something to escalate.

This is in stark contrast to the fanciful beliefs/arguments, conspiratorial aspirations, or otherwise deluded sense of reality that would suggest otherwise is simply going to generate more defensive language and more barriers erected to having a peaceable solution. Those conspiracy folks, that should have lost face that though WW3 was going to happen in Syria, now are ranting this will happen in the Ukraine conveniently misplaced their logic to invent a scenario, consistently air a sense of fear even harking back to WW2 (which this isn’t even CLOSE to events of June 22nd), then sell all the survival stuff you need for it.

Let’s hope cooler heads prevail and real leadership takes to the forefront instead of defensive and ultimately hostile reactions.

If that didn’t make sense for folks or they would rather have someone else say it, we can read the first two paragraphs here if this brings any comfort:,_his_wise_politics_and_his_opponents

“It is a distinguishing characteristic of many human beings of Earth that they very quickly change their opinions and standpoints according to the inner or outer circumstances. Due to a lack of conscious selfcontrol and self-mastery, they succumb to very strong feeling-vacillations which lead to first abandoning themselves to a strong enthusiasm and fit of excitement concerning an event, a person or a project, whereby after some time these then abate and give room to feelings such as suspicion, hate, disappointment, frustration, vexation, etc. towards the former source of excitement.

The unsteadiness, instability, and susceptibility to vacillations of the world of feelings and world of thoughts of many human beings of Earth are undoubtedly the cause of great individual and societal crisis-situations of political, economic and social kinds on our earth, which, however, could be prevented or at least contained if human beings would learn to control and equal out, i.e. to direct onto neutral-positive tracks, their own thoughts and feelings as well as emotional outbursts. The importance of this control- and equalling out-process of one’s own world of thoughts and world of feelings, which leads away from a strong polarisation and towards a neutral-positive condition of the psyche and of the consciousness, becomes clearly apparent when one considers that a society, a country and – in the end – the entire humanity of Earth is made up of the sum of the individual human beings of Earth and that for this reason a present and future reality is nothing other than the product and result of the human beings’ intentions, bearings, proposed deeds, decisions and wishes of a conscious or unconscious kind that are thought and felt as well as partially put into action. “


I repeat. IT IS VERY BAD OMEN TO ENCIRCLE RUSSIA WITH NATO INVADING FORCES, AND TO MAKE PROBLEMS IN UKRAINE, USING NAZI RADICAL GROUPS. VERY, VERY BAD THING. Have US elites, or whoever rules US, did not learn nothing from the history. All intervention toward Russia, ended very bad for the invader.
The same will happen with US if somehow intervene within Ukraine (before OFFICIAL NAME for Ukraine was Small Russia, before Communist took power).

Russia provides balance of this world, and it is BARRIER, one power to take and conquer all the world. That is how cosmic forces wanted. And that is why they will always DEFEND Russia.
Red light of the Planet, will be switched is Russia will be attacked.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

24. The Western and so-called free countries also carry very much guilt for inciting the hate and negative propaganda against the Eastern countries and also the southern countries in Africa and America, also unfortunately in leading murderous underground wars.

25. The greatest screamers and damage bringers are thereby the Americans as well as the Germans, next to various others and principally Western countries, that take it that they must make themselves the directors/rulers and rebukers/remonstrators of the Eastern countries, next to which certain Western powers in an underground manner in the Eastern lands defame and derail their governments with infamy, through intrigues they stir up the people against their governments and sow disharmony in any form they are able to.

26. So everything would unfortunately change again, and one day again evil and bloody wars will thereby come about.

27. Especially America is in this regard active in very many evil forms, as this already has been since old times.

28. These people, with few exceptions of reasonable and actually truth seeking people, have, to this day, never learned to seek and to find truthful knowledge and true truth and true love and true honest peace.

29. Very many people in America are only directed in their inner place towards profit and power, and indeed at any price. It’s all the same if human life, friendships or animals and nature would be destroyed.


No one needs omens, soothsayers, or false prophets to get us out of this, just clear headed approach to things and to de-escalate the wording.

That being said, I seriously doubt NATO has an interest that’s war worthy in taking over Soviet Era mishaps from the Ukraine like Chernobyl where the sarcophagus is leaking radiation and being a potential disaster point for the world over. You would have an extremely hard time to prove otherwise that this would be the case. I think people forgot that, you know, obvious disaster in light of Fukushima disaster. Let’s not pretend there is a pot of gold here that some phantom powers are after when there are real issues that matter more than fantasies.

I don’t know what planet people think they live in or what era they want to make a point, they forget the reality of the situation is that nobody, except an exceptional few that are being overly defensive, want something bad to happen. You would be very hard pressed to prove this other than obnoxious demands on the internet kind where the actual issues are obviously avoided.

Let’s also be clear about the Henock Prophecies. It’s not the actual one that are given in an old language no one has a clue how to translate but a modernized one Quetzel gave to Billy. Case in point:

Billy: There is still more to it; at least that is what you told me.
Quetzal: You are untiring; so I will point out a few more important facts of the prophecies.

How much more is missing? Sure, it doesn’t really mention the US in a good light, but it seems to omit every other country intentionally and maybe give a small pin hole view of what could happen. That being said, if anyone read the other translated contact notes you would find some really good information there too for prophecies.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer


You are totally incorrect regarding the HP. They are correct, and not mistranslated in the least. As usual, you don’t know what you are talking about, and you come off as an absurd skeptic.


Pardon me, did you find the German version of the Henok Prophecies to verify? Also, are you suggesting Henok the first prophet spoke German?

Also, quite clearly you should go back and read it again as I did not say Quetzel mis-translated anything … that’s not even there in the discussion.

Darcy Wade Carlile

If people would consciously stop procreating world wide, than that would be a good and natural starting point in time to becoming real people and a giant step away from the barbaric far side we have lived in for century after century in the past time and in the present time.

Philip Brandel

Very true Darcy! Yet, this ‘in my eye’ is the biggest obstacle we face. Once people see the truth of religion and a few other things, then they may see the truth of overpopulation. As backwards as it sounds?
I know a few people that see truth in billy’s work in all areas but for some reason shun the overpopulation aspect? Its as if they think this world within our technology has no bounds on our numbers.
Yet, as is portrayed even at the Denver international airport in painting.. she can only hold 500million or so of us! ‘Someone’ knows more than they let on??
Even I have accidentally lost track of this very truthful and urgent necessity within all of us on this earth. A birth stop!!!!! It is so urgently needed for innumerable reasons! Yet, the urge to “do the nasty” must come at a bigger cost than what is presently present.
Slowly the wheel turns… Being 32 years of age, I have been heavily looking into a vasectomy lately not for my own selfish sexual reasons… but for the welfare of my unborn children that would have to reside in this already very crowded world. Where most kids would be so lucky to have one decent parent… let alone anyone who actually cared for them at all. And obviously and most importantly, a world where they can be supported ‘naturally’ by our dear mother earth.
Best regards:)

I always wonder as I get more involved with thinking with other people… Where might you be from in this big world Darcy?


I’m getting chills as I reread the prophecy and now China is joining Russia. Of course none of those with power will make the logical decision as we hope for. Instead those in position of power from the cold war era will want escalation to demonstrate either countries’ might and power, triggering the cause and effect chain reaction that has been foretold.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Nato warns that Russia is risking Europe’s peace and security

Tensions rise as Vladimir Putin mobilises all reservists and US Secretary of State John Kerry flies into Kiev.

Ukraine has mobilized for war amid warnings from Nato that Russia’s annexation of Crimea “threatens peace and security in Europe”.

With tension nearing boiling point, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Nato Secretary General, vowed the organization would stand by Ukraine, a nation of 46 million which occupies a vital strategic position between Europe and Russia.

Speaking before he chaired an emergency meeting of ambassadors from the 28 Nato member states, he said: “Russia must stop its military activities and its threats.”

The United States dramatically intensified pressure on Moscow, threatening to remove Russia from the G8 club of developed economies.

John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, condemned Russia for what he called an “incredible act of aggression” and threatened “very serious repercussions”, including Russia’s possible expulsion from the G8.

Allen Anderson

If only the governments on this planet would take time to actually listen to their citizens, you know, the ones that always pay the price for the decisions that the leaders of nations make!?!


Hi Allen, you know it. I saw an interview of a Crimean citizen who states that all the citizens (no matter what background) seemed to get along and that no one is really worried about Russia taking over their state. Who am I to argue with that.


Everyone can go back to sleep, Putin was only kidding. War games over now that he cashed in his chips on a Russian stock market slide. He just wanted to get into his favorite stocks at cheaper prices.


….. hmmm on the other hand the west (EU and the US) could be very well aware of the Henoch Prophecies, which is a reason why they make in their pants as soon as the word russia falls… This however creates overreactions which can lead now to an economic isolation of russia, which will be a new factor again for russia to strive more intensely for new ressources and economic stability….. which can lead the future or near future to a new imperialismenby the russians…. like the west did….. One can nicely see the bumerang coming back as it seems…. :))

The last what was said by Ptaah concerning a new WW was, that at the moment everything seems calm, but also that this could change very rapidly…. A WW is a war which starts locally between a few countries and then grows over the moths and years…. the stupid thing with this is that generally noone of the morons ever dared to stop it from growing, but they just continued in their blindness in what they were doing and never saw the consequences coming, like someone who starts a fight with an other person and with this involves ever more people the longer it goes without stoping,…. because he is afraid when he stops he will get a punch in the face…. so he continues…. and so the mob continues and grows until everyone lies in hospital…..

There are anyway now many reasons that could lead to a new WW… ressources, the imperialisme or thirst for world domination of many countries, a meteorite crash,…. etc.

OM: “Gute Heuchler sind stets in schlechter Gesellschaft.”



Economic Isolation … I don’t know how that works because all the alleged experts say it can happen but in all honesty does that suggestion even work? As big as Russia is, is that even a tangible thing to say given how much trade it conducts already and just how big the landmass and borders are?

I can say this much, there appears to be no encompassing idea on the effort it would take or the length, depth, and scale of the SIZE of a country like Russia is. I’m not talking about military analysts or actual experts, mainly the talking heads where people seem to be getting their news sources from these alleged experts (and conspiracy experts too). From what I can tell, no one clearly explained how they’re going to even approach that, let alone remotely have a workable plan to do exactly that, so it’s just talking heads reporting what they think from one alleged experts words to the audience. Or, all talk and no walk.

So if we did US geography just to give an idea on the scope on what we are talking about, which is Continental in SIZE, the Eastern border with the Ukraine’s European border (including Belarus and to the Baltic coast there) is like from the east coast from Northern Maine to Southern Florida. The Depth between between there to Moscow is from NY to something like Kansas City MO. How many millions of men & women do you think would cover that and that’s just Western Russia (approximately) if the folks that seemed destined for WW3 to happen would suggest? Then there is everything else and the Arctic, even more millions of men & women.


Dear Duke,
Exaxctly,… and … good question, maybe it is only a wish of western governments that never can be fullfilled, who knows…. maybe not an “economic isolation” for now, but at least sanctions on assets ect are planed at the moment…,0,4752834.story#axzz2v4MOJToQ

.. we will see how our neighbours will continue ….