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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts โ€” singularly authentic โ€” ongoing for 80 years โ€” the key to our future survival


I am glad to announce that I am in discussion with the leadership of MUFON about the Billy Meier UFO case. I have informed them that there are at least three more highly credible professionals in the fields of science and technology, who are now endorsing the authenticity of the Meier case and its evidence. These people wish to stay in the background for now but may be willing to participate in a public presentation withย MUFON regarding the authenticity of the case.

SInce my contacts at MUFON have assured me that there is no willful complicity at this time with any parties to hide or suppress the Meier case, they also agree that this is indeed the most propitious time to make a definitive assessment and publicly express their position. I have asked that should MUFON disagree that the case is authentic, they presentย credible evidence that supports an opposing position and substantiates any claims against the authenticity of Meier’s evidence.

I should also make it clear that it is not necessary for any of the parties to agree with, or promote, the Meier case and its information, only that the matter of its authenticity be settled for the expressed purpose of…letting the publicย determine the truth, validity and value of the information, prophecies, predictions, spiritualย teaching, etc., for themselves.


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Scott Teeters

BRAVO! That is indeed good news. No dialog… no understanding.


Bravo indeed :)well done!

Tony Vasquez - Astrologer

Excellent work Michael. I hope something good comes out of this. But I think the powers behind the scenes will nix it. We’ll see.

Matt Lee

Good news Michael
Its better late than never
If the past is any indication of the future should MUFON not follow through completely as indicated but just go through the motion only for appearance sakes what then?
Obviously MUFON is not end all be all

Don S

Great news Michael. Glad they’re are willing to make an assessment of the Meier evidence. Waiting to see how or if they will even attempt to prove the evidence is lacking credibility. Of course they could surprise us all and finally endorse it publicly. Waiting with anticipation.


Lets truly hope that โ€œThe Scientific Study of UFOs for the Benefit of Humanity,โ€ shall be possible for MUFON…

robert forrest

Go Michael Go Salome

J. Smith

Can’t wait to see where this goes. People on the outside looking in that have only heard and watched videos about the Meier case have absolutely no clue of what it’s truly about and just talk a heap of nonsense. They won’t even take the time out to read anything.


I don’t see them validating this case because it would put an end to everything they do. Unless they choose to jump on the wagon and start helping to promote Meier’s case which you deem not necessary and which I doubt will happen. Where do you see this going if they do or don’t validate this case? People are too afraid to change their perception of their own reality.

J. Smith

Michael, you’re right, but will they stop is the big question.

J. Smith

I’ll be waiting! SIL!

Tony Vasquez - Astrologer

Moo-Fon – the mindless herd – changing their view of the Meier case? There is no such thing as a miracle, but that would be as close as we could get to one. GOOD LUCK!

J. Smith

Me too!

Scott Reed

Good work Michael!
Constant dripping wears the stone.
Keep spreading the Truth.

Michael B

Great Work Michael! I hope this truly works out in a positive light in regard to the Meier case.

Lorien Fenton - CA MUFON Radio & State Section Director, Marin Sonoma MUFON

Hi Michael,
Keep up the good work. I’m planning to invite Jan Harzen, our MUFON director, to UFO CON this year. Maybe a meeting of the minds?
Looking forward to your presentation! FYI: pinning down the venue this week and will begin to sell tickets in a week or so.
You are a bigger “pitbull” than I when it comes to your convictions – you have my total respect.


Good luck MH! I’m watching with eager anticipation on the sidelines. And, here’s hoping for the turning of the tide of history!

Corey Mรผske

MH nice! Maybe this can turn a negative into a positive, by opening more people’s minds to the authenticity of the Meier case, in MUFON directly or in their audiences and networks of people. Either way, having MUFON on your side MH could open a lot of doors for you and your work. MUFON comments on this blog? If you asked me last week if this would have been possible I would have said “never”, but now?!? Positive shock is my reaction. Maybe, this is in some small way an example of Billy tries to teach when he says humans are capable of being a true human being if they choose it (in their thoughts and want it bad enough). I liked what MH posted about getting the truth out there so the public can decide for themselves if it is the truth. Salome/Peace/dauerhafte Frieden

Carolyn Milke

I agree. I too am surprised about the sudden turn-around in MUFON. . . could it be some kind of spiritual intervention???? Maybe some people are starting to take this all seriously. . . . about time!


das ist eine gute Nachricht … well done, sir MH … and well done MUFON representatives for using your creation-given intellect, developed further and further through thy own efforts, in openness, with Logik und Vernunft and the cajones to represent this to the whole world

Philip Cutter

That’s fantastic news Michael,
Let’s hope something good comes of this, and your persistent and tireless efforts bear some fruit with these folks.


I would venture to say there exists many observant and objective people within MUFON who are interested in investigating this case. The smart one’s will realize that if they pass up this oppurtunity to analyze the physical evidence, someone else will come along and do it before they do.

Philip Brandel

Its amazing how Billy’s case sits right out in the open… for anyone with a true yearning within their personal ‘might of the thoughts’ to find! It hinges on so many truths not found within our world that most don’t take another look, or reject it out of sheer earth created nonsense/lies. Seems this especially includes mufon, the ones whom should have been looking at all this decades ago! More suppression as has always been the case, if they know it or not. The truth will make it’s way to the surface eventually!
I hope this new avenue opens up a chance for more people to have a rational and intelligent look at this very truthful case!
Its ramifications as far as I can personally see are beyond life changing… they are but the truth!
Somehow within myself, the might of my thoughts, the being of what makes me human yearns to help push the truth forward and to give others a chance to see as well if they