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Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

New Age Blues

“You got affirmations you practice patience you visualize and you chant

but down beneath like a little thief the belief still says, ‘I can’t.’”

New Age Blues, 1986


The above is the first verse of my comedy song about the hyper-happy New Age movement…and the things it preferred to cover up with wishful thinking rather than delve into consciously.

A few years later, in 1990, I created my Standing in Spirit program (aka Consciousness Awareness Workshop), the focus of which is to consciously uncover and transmute the limiting underlying issues, problems, patterns and beliefs – of which we are usually unconscious – that are controlling our behavior.

Who’s In Charge Here?

In one of Bruce Lipton’s video clips he clearly explains how the subconscious runs these programs, which run us. He also speaks about how children up to the age of six aren’t experiencing and thinking in the same way as adults or older children.

In my own process of self-discovery, I had come to the conclusion that most of the underlying, usually unconsciously held core beliefs that tend to inhibit and run us were taken on during this early childhood period. I concluded that many of these patterns began as defensive reactions to perceived or actual traumatic situations in which we first experienced a break from feeling unconditionally loved.

The unintentional traumas could be things like being suddenly yelled at for unknowingly putting yourself in danger, i.e. as you were about to touch a hot stove or fire, walk into traffic, pick up broken glass, etc. The parent or caregiver would react in a forceful, shocking manner to protect us but since we weren’t at the stage of being able to reason, we perceived that there was something wrong…with us.

We tried to protect ourselves not only from further outside abrasiveness and assaults on our psyches, etc., but from the equally, or even greater, emotional pain that reinforced our insecurity, self-blame, confusion, etc. We may have compounded our difficulties by dutifully carrying our suppressed hurts out of a mistaken loyalty to a parent who we needed to also not make wrong by rejecting our misperception of their intentions.

The underlying sense of being unlovable was so devastating that many people became hyper-vigilant, automatically contracting inwardly and reacting with inappropriate feelings and behaviors to internal or external stimuli that are not at all related to the original trauma. In other words, we built and constantly reinforced defenses around us, which instead of actually protecting us, further reinforced and stimulated these bad, unsettling feelings and erroneous beliefs about ourselves.

Neutral-Positive Thinking

Bruce Lipton correctly says that thinking positive thoughts alone won’t change these underlying patterns. But utilizing neutral-positive thinking in a step-wise manner can first enable us to identify the underlying beliefs and associated thoughts. Then, through specific steps, we can dissipate the “charge” that they hold, which leads us to ultimately having conscious choice over how we respond to the formerly disempowering stimuli should they reappear externally, or arise internally. This is simply to acknowledge that while we can do a lot to clear these patterns we can’t expect the formerly triggering stimuli to not ever appear again. Nor can we expect to be completely free of any lingering elements within us. But we can through the might of our thoughts create and develop preferred responses to them.

Because the process incorporates attention to the usually simultaneously existing physiological elements related to mental-emotional issues, in my workshop I also show how you can test yourself by deliberately reintroducing the pattern to see if you have indeed dissipated the charge and are no longer unconsciously compelled to react in a habitual way to it. I introduce you to the three steps by which one can gauge their mastery over the issue.

Global Considerations

However one goes about it, once we are consciously monitoring and controlling our thoughts we may become aware that so much of the grief of the world is because the mass of humanity doesn’t value introspection to begin with. Indeed there seems to be no interest in consciously knowing exactly what one is thinking, feeling and consequently doing, moment by moment. Could we have gotten so far down the abysmally wrong road if we had been taught from the earliest age that every cause had an effect and that it all began in our inner world? If we had learned that chaotic actions were the “offspring” of irresponsibly propagating unbalanced thoughts and feelings, perhaps we also wouldn’t have overpopulated the outer world without regard for how to care for it and all the human progeny.

Of course we’d have to understand what real, true love is in order to value such self-responsibility and see the connection between the thoughts we nurture and the wellbeing of what Billy Meier refers to as “everything in everything” *.


* “What you call love is everything but love, because true love is the deepest spiritual-fine-sensitive-feeling-based

connectedness, and love is the absolute certainty of oneself living together and coexisting with everything in

everything, thus, in all that exists; in fauna and flora, in the fellow human being, in every material and spiritual

life form irrespective of its kind, and in the existence of the entire universe and much more (laws and recommendations).”

The Goblet of the Truth


New Age Blues

You got affirmations you practice patience

you visualize and you chant

but down beneath like a little thief

the belief still says I can’t

so you blame reality ’cause duality’s

always got somethin’ up it’s sleeve

well the joke’s on you your aura too

better take your karma and leave


New age blues someone dropped your crystal

new age blues better get a metaphysical

new age blues new age blues

I don’t wanna hear ‘bout your energy


While you seek enlightenment your uptightenment’s

drivin’ your friends away

in your search for meanin’ your cosmic schemin’

you’ve forgotten how to play

there’s so much anxiety to your piety

you’re givin’ love a bad name

may I suggest lower consciousness

and give us all a break


New age blues your ‘theric bod won’t travel

new age blues it’s ‘cause you’re stuck up in your astral

new age blues new age blues

I don’t wanna hear ‘bout your energy

You got some real bad news heard that your guru’s

tryin’ to get in everyone’s pants

now what do you do you’re still stuck with you

well that’s the name of this dance

but if you let love speak you won’t need technique

‘cause love always knows the way

stop tryin’ to be happy you won’t feel so crappy

everything will be okay


New age blues hey babe you celibate still

new age blues no wonder you’re so m’sble

new age blues anybody wanna network

new age blues sure beats tryin’ to get work

new age blues new age blues I don’t wanna hear ‘bout your new age blues

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Andrew J.


Amazingly good post, as well as supporting video. Such material should be obligatory in every school. Kids with parents, chained to the their own kids stools – so they would not escape 🙂 should watch it over and over again until it “clicks” inside – mainly in stubborn parents heads. I think kids will not have much problems getting it.
When I understood that my kids are being programed by me, my wife, close family and society, I decided to change myself first – which means I am in the process of erasing my programing. I quit outside work and totally concentrated on doing that “cleaning”, so my kids would learn first hand by observation, that POWER LIES in THE INDIVIDUAL and in his THINKING. By watching me doing everything home, and not outside at work, school, etc. they will have no choice but to conclude that there was no other way for me to do it. I realized that if I do not do it NOW, I may loose my chance to positively influence my kids, when it is the most important.
By working with them I realized that they have natural ability to perceive feelings/emotions (which is programing) locked in the body. Since I learned myself that “invisible field”, as Bruce Lipton calls, is much better felt while in the water, I took my kids into the bath at the beginning. It worked so good that even now when they have a hard time concentrating on a painful place, they themselves go to the tub to start the process, which they continue with more ease after living the tub. My kids learned that they themselves can remove a lot of pain in the body, without even thinking of going to the doctor. I wonder where the kids would be now with their work, If their mom would not work against it. But that is life – just more challenges to overcome.

J. Smith

Great blog MH!

Allah ( الله )

السلام عليك

Next episode: New Age Techno Dub.


I have found this excerpt from Quetzal regarding some of these issues:

Beginning at line 64:

“There, I am reassured. – How is it, however, with the thoughts, the feelings, and the psyche, as you also said that the genes play a certain role there?”
Continued here:
It does appear in fact that even Earth Humans may be able to change much of the genetic damage handed down to them by simply utilizing the power of thought. Through this, seemingly we can spark a certain metamorphosis that can facilitate all manner of repairs to a Human, both physical and psychological. Then this raises a very pertinent question. Do Humans really need to rely upon genetic science in the correction of our genes? The apparent lack of consciousness abilities seems our only barrier to properly correcting the degeneracies that have built up and distributed themselves throughout Human existance here, and probably else where. Even though we are now aware of the truth of these foul genetic traits, they seemingly continue to rule us in various ways. I have a feeling that much of this subject matter resides within certain “secret” and yet to be discovered spiritual sciences which are now becoming revealed to us, albeit slowly, a little too slow at times.


Its an interesting thought Forto, but — though it is indeed the case the genes can be modified through mental forces — this seems the long and slow, laborious route (not to downplay the might of the thought…).

Pretty sure Meier has suggested we can and will correct the genes of ours that have been tampered with through technical means.


You’re probably right Andy. I’m just glad some Humans some where finally got it right and continue to get it right. I must say I sort of envy them (Plejaren and others) and their way of life. At least there’s hope for us. If they can do it, maybe we can too. I wonder how many other planets have made it in our neighborhood? I often wonder about this more and more. Must be more than a handful.

J. Smith


I think that what you’re saying can be seen in the way of life of Monks and others like them who live a peaceful life….They meditate live together in peace and I think a lot of their culture has to do with the way they think and behave. I don’t know too much about their lifestyle tho.


When you start to delve into your beliefs keep in mind that the other person who you think has wronged you, probably doesn’t even remember the incident.


I personally have no beliefs in the terrestrial sense. My concerns lie with the learning and acquisition of knowledge, wisdom, and love that seemingly exists with these more advanced Human species. To harbor belief without a degree of scientific analysis is insanity. To strive for something that may be beyond your immediate reach is a justifiable goal in which one comes to understand deeper knowing and a deeper relationship with others outside our limited sphere of understanding. This understanding may include other Humans, other forms of consciousness, or simply an innate ability to connect to something in a fine-fluidal sense. Any of these things can probably be achieved with certain individuals, I know this for a fact. The trueness of all of this lies with how it affects us inside. Many simply do not understand, including me when it comes to certain things, but I can tell you this much, the Human here is not alone as we are part of an extended family from other generations, so to speak, notwithstanding the other possible things that exist around the planet to help ensure life perseveres itself. Certain experiences must be felt in order for them to properly register within the Human and even then, they remain a mystery.

Andrew J.

“I personally have no beliefs in the terrestrial sense”

That statement would imply that You have reviewed content of subconscious mind and you removed/rewrote all programing hat got there without you being conscious of it. Is that so? If yes, what method you have used to accomplish it?


Andrew, my answer to you would have to be multi-faceted at this point. The primary impetus for the potential to disregard false belief systems in their entirety may not have been fully of my own credit, but this will remain debatable for some time to come unfortunately until, shall we say more “data” can be gathered to support what I feel I already know. Having said that, once a person seems to reach a certain level of agony and dissatisfaction within their own minds as to the validity of religion and deities, the transformation is often self propelling, depending upon the individual of course, yet the process of digesting the realization is often frought with intense anxiety and often an overall sense of despair can insue. But once logic and intuition take hold, certain truths become so staggeringly obvious that it becomes difficult to imagine how anyone could have ever allowed themselves to be indoctrinated within such an insidious institution as religion and therefore it all becomes an automatic reinforncement on a sub-conscious level, thereby strenghtening the underlying truths. The most difficult aspect in this tranformation towards truth is the stark reality that the Human is essentially alone and at the mercy of his/her environment, but also coupled with this relaization is the knowledge that the Human can change his/her world if they can only garner the appropriate tools and resources to accomplish these changes. It’s going to be hard for a while due to the schizophrenic nature of blind belief and how it embeds itself within the grey matter of the Human brain and made all the more worse is the monetary influences which further degrade the population. If we’re not careful, we will forever imprison ourselves within an invisible cage forever locked away within the darkness of ignorance and no jailer will be necessary.


Just a quick correction on a statement I made previously. When I said we are alone, it is not to be inferred that there are no other Humans in our Galaxy or Universe for that matter. They exist and have already been proven factually. This isolation is of our own doing, mostly due to those in “power” positions here on this planet. I doubt very seriously that anyone would ever save us from ourselves, although part of me hopes I’m wrong. Knowing the truth is only the beginning of the process. Effectuating change in your world is the ultimate purpose of this knowledge.

Andrew J.

Thanks for the reply Forto,

I am looking at belief in a broader sense than religion, which is obvious. In my opinion, supported by Bruce Lipton’s video in the article, we unconsciously absorbed enormous amount beliefs (not our own) in childhood, on top of which later in life we added more and more of them. As I see it, anything that got into unconscious mind without our conscious mind review (refusing it or allowing it) becomes a belief that runs our life. For example, we read in a newspaper that margarine is bad for humans. We do not object the conclusion – hence we allow it to become a program that runs our body. Depending how much that view is reinforced, strongly felt, we may get no effects after eating it, to strong allergic symptoms.

There is a good example posted on Bruce’s blog (Thanks Bruce for that):

Very short Excerpt:
Billy: “I’ve tried out several homeopathic remedies over weeks and months, but in no wise have they helped me with my suffering or illnesses.”
Ptaah: 1. You simply do not let yourself in to illusion and to a belief, which is also why no effect could be achieved.

I presume that one can remove that programing completely, by following feelings down to swinging waves, and removing them. I used the word presume, as I have not finished doing it, so I cannot stand behind that statement 100%. It also could be done consciously, by recalling that information, belief into conscious mind and changing it or disposing it. The problem with the latest one is that it might take very long time to recall all garbage that is there. I guess we would need a lifespan of 1000 years 🙂

I want to clean “my blackboard” completely, as I am of the view that only that state of mind (which is balanced then) allows for self-realization. Otherwise the remaining swinging waves (beliefs, attachments) will obscure it. That is why I asked the question.


Andrew, you raise some very viable points. I often have feelings since last summer, although I’ve become much better at controlling certain aspects, but it is still very difficult. All mannaer of things still pop up in my conscious mind that I thought I had rid myself of, yet they continue to reappear. We are like sponges and often times the recollection is of something that I thought I had resolved, yet there it is. Such strangeness has occurred in the last 16 months it is difficult to vocalize properly. So many questions and so few answers, yet there are a few things I just seem to know some how, it just is. It’s odd that you mention the lifespan issue as I too often wish we had more time to work out the things we really need to work out. If I expounded further, I would appear as a mad man probably, yet something is there. It’s so frustrating, but I will see it in the end. We just don’t have enough time in each life to fully experience it. Thanks for your input my friend, it was very helpful.

Andrew J.


Since you mentioned control, I will add what I learned from Lester Levenson, and confirmed myself. When we consciously exercise control over stuff that pops from subconscious, we are mostly not aware, that the rest of connected thoughts that share same feeling with what emerged, is unconsciously controlled already – means suppressed. So we apply control over suppression – force over other force. Double whammy so to say.
What worked for me, and may for you, is consciously allowing feelings to emerge. Any sentence repeated in the mind, no matter what words we use, with a will behind it, will do. Following the feeling with our attention into the body, allows the rest to be recognized (sometimes takes more time). The more we allow (with a sentence), the more of it shows up. Going that way will allow one to recognize swinging waves.
So, what you may be doing is applying more suppression/control. That way thought/feelings may for a while be submerged, giving false picture of things, but the garbage is still there. Check for yourself. I have been removing my baggage for over 3.5 years 24/7 and I am not done yet. There is TONS of it within. But when we allow it to flow – it runs like Niagara Falls – then we do not need those 1000 years. Hope it helps 🙂

Matt lee

Spot on Sheila
Especially the people falling under the definition ‘psychopaths’ with a very thick skin who yell, scream, chuck a fit 24/7 with flimsiest of reasons, vindictively curse vitriolically, duplicitously back chat and backbite, negatively condescend, be hatefully spiteful and be egotistically self centered and selfishly me me me self preoccupied.
When, at the end of the day, it’s nothing but human response when it really comes down to it so what is the point of being hurt by other people’s words and actions when that moment will simply disappear forever just like everything else into distant memory.
Maybe the tendencies of being fixated and consciously absorbed in a particular memory, mostly negative, exascerbates the problem by flaring up strong and negative emotions and feelings coupling stimulus with certain response that negatively reinforces particular habits, tendencies, impulses, reflexes, psychological state and being.
I think everyone carries with them memories of bad and hurtful experiences that are relived over and over again when certain cues and triggers are present albeit in a subconscious form therefore it makes very logical sense as Billy had advised to see things as it truly is in a neutral positive equalised and balanced way.
So what better way than to rewrite and reinterpret unorganised past memories with logical reasoning applied so that those old memories formed during immature childhood don’t stay as it irrationally and illogically is creating lifelong problems until death.


Thank you Matt. Years ago I divided my life into blocks of 5 years. I wrote down 5 (probably 7 would be best) events that happened in those 5 year periods. I wrote down 5 negative things that I remember and also 5 positive things that I remember so it wouldn’t all be negative. It was a real eye opener how things that happen to you can effect you to this day. But I did find that when I confronted the person who had wronged me, they didn’t remember it lol. Which only shows that you are the smyth of your own destiny.


There is a fair bit of interesting discussion here on how our genes are effected by the way we are brought up but also importantly pointed out that those things can be overcome and changed with work. Also i think some collaberating referenced info about how we are influenced from the earliest stages in the womb.

David Scott

Awesome post! Music is my wheelhouse and I would love to play some guitar in that band. I have had some amazing experiences playing and the vibrations are really special. I have had a few rare out of body experiences doing it and the feelings are the closest I have ever been to creation. I am a big philosophy student and physics student and sting theory and vibrational elements are very interesting to say the least. I remember being almost taken over by sound playing a few times. When Eric Clapton and Stevie Ray Vaughn spoke of being in a trance where you were almost tuned into a radio station and you became the beacon are so real it gives me goose bumps. Just awesome to be blessed with those experiences!


Has anyone taken notice of this? Maybe we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel after all!


Mihael, I’m not sure you’re being entirely fare to the New-Agers. . . . some of them are relatively enlightened individuals. We shouldn’t be acting like Billy Meier and his Plejarans are some type of proto-nazis, who don’t permit the existence of other points of view and experiences of other-world realitires. Maybe the reason Mufon rejects the whole Meier programme, is that the Plejarans are supposed to have shared their technology with the Germans, who are now building spaceships which can fly to other worlds (in Brazil somewhere). . . . . . Could this aspect be part of the problem we/you are wrestling with?


You know, all these years I’ve not had any patience with the UFO community in Canada or America and didn’t take any of them seriously until recently I came across Billy Meier and had an “aha” moment. . . . my first thought was, “thank God, he’s still alive” (as I always do give thanks to the Great Creational Spirit in my thought) and realized that I already knew of Billy in my subconscious mind and was waiting to discover him. Again, thanks to the great internet and You Tube, and Mihael Horn, I have now re-discovered Eduard Meier. If I ever meet him (and I hope I do), I hope he will also remember me!


I think the older spelling is Mihael, but if you insist. . . . I see you take your name seriously. . . . .

Piyali Ganguly

Dear Michael, great post! Where is the song? I’d love to listen to it! 🙂

Philip Brandel

Another thought provoking blog…. have been thinking about it for a few days now.
The never ending spiral of our youths exposure to the mess the mass of humanity has manifested within thoughts, feelings, actions. With so many children thrown into this world with no guidance and little direction beyond negative…. its no wonder we are headed where we are going. The overpopulation problem is such an obvious one after just a little neutral positive thought that it shows how little most actually do it…. think.

Only if more steered away from letting anyone or thing dictate their thoughts, feelings, actions, our children would find a different world waiting for them.
The black sheep of the herds need to stand up and shout a little louder to our fellow folk or nothing will change….It wont happen while we sit on our hands until they are useless.
It seems to begin this journey one must become what they think, and think what they become.. join the inner and outer to be true to the responsibility within the person and the real world we reside in.