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Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Health Reminders from Contact 251 (1995)

Contact 251 is a fascinating document. First published by Billy Meier in 1995, the warnings regarding so-called harmless diseases and interacting with animals are now more relevant than ever and most likely equally as unwelcome:

“It is very important to realize, too, that many negative events will occur in the near future regarding diseases and epidemics on Earth. For this reason all humans must become very meticulous about their personal hygiene and must avoid physical contact with people of questionable health status. There should be paid great attention for harmless diseases and infections, because in future times these can turn into much graver and even incurable illness. The same will hold true also for physical contact with animals, including touching of any type. An additional concern will be the intake of animal-origin food products, absorption of viruses, bacteria, etc., of animal substances such as feces, saliva, blood, hair and so forth, which can cause also fatal diseases and epidemics. For this reason alone, creatures of every type should not be kept within the confines of human residences, indeed, they must not be tolerated therein even briefly.”

A full read of Contact 251 will reveal much more about Meier’s view of the future and may well turn out that studying it provides us with another opportunity to rewrite our future history, as I suggested 10 years ago, if we can avoid and survive what is still foretold in the so far very accurate Henoch Prophecies.


See also:

Antibiotic Resistance and Food Safety

Get Them Out of Here!


Thanks to Jacob Smits and Eddie Martin.

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Contact 251:
“But just before this transpires, terrestrials will develop the capability of allowing human organs to “regrow” for organ transplants. These organs will always be adapted to the particular body in need of the organ. As a result, the danger of organ rejection is eliminated. During this period, renewed advances into outer space will occur, whereby a large space project, critical to mankind, will take shape, and Albert Einstein’s theory on relativity will undergo several additional modifications.”

How much proof does one need?

Darcy Wade Carlile

The masses aren’t asleep they just pulled up to Hooterville and the Green Acres and it will take more time to get to the truth station.


A coup and civil war in america could be posible also.


I agree. This guy knows all about death and disaster! I guess there will be no one left to look at his medals, certificates, books, balls, etc. that will be able to buy his stuff. Who knows, maybe the dry cleaner that those this guy’s suit might spread it while he wears it!

But hey, given the colossal problems outlined by the guy, I guess only Obama could save the world? After all, the guy makes it sound like the US troops being sent down there are going on vacation given his certainty of 100% casualty rate. I guess the idea has not dawned on him that maybe there is some action to attempt to close the border or limit the spread of the disease there in the first place by using US troops?


“does this guy’s suit”, not those.



good grief, yeah, I’ll run right out and buy his book, maybe a bunch of them to past around! All sarcasm aside…..yeah, just go and lay it out for them, it would be so easy…opps! did it again! All this guy can talk about is the economic crisis it will create???? I will say it again…..good grief!


I have a couple of cats, mainly because it’s more interesting talking to them than to the humans. They for the most part retain a consciousness and a memory that reaches back thousands of years, and they have maintained their integrity as creatures. . . . . a cat will give very good advice, if you are smart enough to learn how to talk to it in its own language. For this reason (even though they do tend to get sickly in old age) I plan to keep a couple of them around for a few more years. Also, you will find them very helpful to you in your dreams, they will assist you in many ways, if you can make friends with them!


The cats told me that they too came from Sirius and they were created to help and protect people from other kinds of evil vermin-type creatures, and especially to guard the grainaries. When you sleep with them they will protect you from evil spiritual events. They are “gargoyles”.


Hi Carolyn, did those cats also tell you that they were a large part of spreading the black death? I’ll pretend too that my cat told me that, even though I read it in the contact reports 🙂


You can pretend your cat told you but don’t assume Carolyn is doing the same. It is better not to open your mouth about things you have no knowledge of.

Melissa Osaki

Please also include your last name when commenting. Thanks.

Sheila Clark

Thanks for that comment Dougal but since those posts were from 5 1/2 years ago, you’re a little late to these “cats know better” comments. In the case of coronavirus children and pets will be the biggest spreaders of the disease. Care to comment about that?


Regarding the Ebola crisis, no one seems to care how many people who are latently sick are flying out of those African countries! They need to quarantine those countries immediately and close the airports. No one should be allowed to fly into or out of those countries, except only for health care workers and military personnel. . . .Without a cure, this could be a deadly winter for humanity.