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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

An Open Letter to the Human Community

I have often addressed open letters to the UFOCI, i.e. the UFO community and industry (it really is basically a profit-oriented, entertainment and distraction business). Before continuing I’ll ask those parties to honestly evaluate everything else in the entire UFO field compared to the Billy Meier case and see if there are any reasoned conclusions other than:

There is absolutely nothing else of actual, tangible value, or practical significance.

No other incontrovertible evidence of extraterrestrial involvement exists.

Lights Out

We’re all familiar with the futility and insanity of continuing to do the same thing and expecting a different result. In all self-honesty, what more than just chasing lights in the sky – which are mainly secret military craft anyway – has been accomplished?

If there really are extraterrestrials in UFOs there must be a reason for their appearance. That reason, which is about trying to help us assure our own very threatened future survival, is to be found in the Meier contacts.

Some people think that there must be another authentic UFO contact case. Why? It’s already obvious that we’re unable to deal the overwhelmingly clear and important evidence and content of the Meier case.

Beyond UFOs

Everyday, events long foretold by Meier continue to unfold. Like the proverbial frogs in water we watch as the water boils and our only response is to…worry about imaginary “aliens”? How many more actual extraterrestrials and human prophets would it take for us to wake up…and help awaken others?

Take a look at these recent items*, randomly pulled from dozens in the news, and then read the prophetic information published by Meier since 1951, as well as specifically on Fukushima, and the BP disasterContact 251, the new Pentagon report and new UN report, both of which specifically corroborate Meier’s prophetic information, and the many other corroborations.

Nowhere to Hide

Consider the almost unimaginable consequences of São Paolo, with some 20 million people, running out of water, all because of human greed and ignorance. The warnings from Meier about the consequences of cutting down the rainforests date back to 1958. Yet the corrupt Brazilian government has given in to temporary profit over all other considerations.

For those of living anywhere on planet Earth, this should be sobering as well…if we’re not hopelessly intoxicated by irrelevant concerns.

It also should be plain to see that the relevance of the Meier contacts applies to every segment and sector of our population – especially the educational sector – distracted as some at Harvard may be by more…probing concerns. We’ve already seen that the truth was too much to bear for one university. Of course I have considered creating a course in The Social Significance of Trendy Tattooed Transsexual Twerking and Twittering, which should more than likely result in enormous funding and equally high class attendance levels (please turn off your cell phones, this is weighty stuff).

We made it to Times Square and hopefully we’re about to break through the politically correct truth embargo and open the Meier case up for discussion in environments supposedly dedicated to higher learning. However, anyone can take a FREE graduate course – now  – in the very thing all politics and religion only prevent:  learning how to actually think clearly, logically and effectively, which is at the core of how we can assure our own very threatened future survival.

Feel free to suggest, and/or invite, a presentation of this information to your school, college, university, etc. All questions and challenges are welcome.



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Thanks to Chris O’Brien, Paz Paz, Ricardo Ralston, Todd and many others.

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Bob wiegand

I had to do a math problem to send this comment but commcore math justification based on numerical argument gave me my correct answer but I had to succumb to dumb logic in order to get this posted. Happy whatever day it is, we have so many!

Brian Covington

It’s a shame how supposedly the most advanced country technologically seems to be the least developed spiritually in terms of the majority of it’s citizens,them being the people in the United States.Maybe that’s the problem that all the wonderful toys we have to play with are playing the players.America has a sanitized national media that makes sure we only hear about what they want us to know is going on around the world such as dead end politics and cultic mind numbing religion that have be proven time and time again that they aren’t based on reality and yet they black out the most important story in human history.I.e. the Meier material. Hopefully more and more people here in the U.S. and around the world continue to link up and connect spiritually so we can prevent some of these foretold prophecies that are still preventable but I think the world will not be at peace until America pulls it’s troops out of all the countries it occupies.


Do we know anything about the earthquake that caused the Tsunami that hit Japan in 2011? Is there an underwater volcano forming off the coast of Japan, or a rift that has opened up in the ocean floor? I am wondering whether it’s just radiation that’s killing off the fish and other life forms in the Pacific Ocean, or whether there’s something else going on there. Also, I’m wondering whether the nuclear bombs that have been tested in the Pacific over years have something to do with the state of the ocean right now. . . . I thought there was a ban on the testing of nuclear weapons, but perhaps that was ages ago and things have changed more recently? Does anybody have any thoughts about these ideas?

Darcy Wade Carlile

Those past nuclear atomic blast tests have generated elemental radiations that will linger on and harm all living things for many centuries. Fukushima meltdown was the Plutonium, the most lethal known poison to man on Earth. The blasting of atomic and nuclear bombs has shifted the Earth’s orbit and it will cause ice age and catastrophes in the ongoing present times.

Rasmus Outzen

Where did you get the idea that the blasting of atomic bombs has shifted Earth’s orbit? And we would normally be in an interglacial period within an ice age, as ice age seems to be the norm on this planet at the moment (with glacial periods seemingly of 100k-150k years and interglacial periods of 15k(?) years as I understand it).

I don’t take what the Plejaren at face value, but I’ve neither heard them nor mainstream Earth scientists claim that nuclear tests had shifted Earth’s orbit. I find it highly unlikely since the explosive power of these tests are miniscule in comparison with regular earthquakes. These nuclear tests are mostly of environmental concern.

Greg Dougall

Rasmus, you may have the coolest name on the planet. Somewhere in the contact reports, it is mentioned that 1. all of the oil we have pumped out of wells for the past 100 years have left large parts of the crust empty. 2. all of the dams we have built unnaturally build up large bodies of water. These two things combined contribute to causing an imbalance in the Earth and it’s wobble or spin. Taking away large bodies of liquid fossil fuel from inside the surface and adding large bodies of liquid on top of the surface has affected the balance of the Earth. It is not to our benefit, as well as the destruction of the habitats of migrating fish such as salmon, and the daily dumping of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Rasmus Outzen

But hasn’t shifted Earth’s orbit, right?

David Scott

Carolyne , what was exploded was exploded . We have a nuclear display of awesome proportions. Ahh ,I mean sickening events. So we evacuate an Island of beautiful people , BOOM a 20 megatun hellfire explodes , oops a few thousand feet off mission. ……oh no , big cheek squezze. Boôooooommmmmmm. Shit we got lucky ,Island gone , phew two hundred feet away from entire thermonuclear poof. We had enough as water to cool at that level. Whoo hoo our coordinate would have destructed the planet. So truth be now told . Much is hiding in plain sight .

J. Smith

What else can I say other than we’re heading down the path of some gruesome prophecies, which I think I’ve said before. This blog speaks for itself.

Matt lee

We deserve it
Cause and effect
Punish where the law of nature demands it.
No more get out of jail free card
No more pampering the spoilt children
No more soothing basalm on blisters for those who’ve played with matches.
No more ‘please’ but instead ‘get off your arse and make this world a better place stupid for your own sake’
No more falsely understood democracy but more straight to the point multinational peace keeping fighter troop kind.


I sure hate “We deserve it” but as a collective, it is true. I know I am do not deserve it, as a child the first shock in life is when my mother told me that there was such a thing called war, I couldn’t believe it!!! I still feel that time and still have a very hard time that peoples can do such a thing to each other. Yet as we have learned through this Meier material there were times like this before in a history we were never taught. Environmentally, as J. Smith said “we’re heading down the path of some gruesome prophecies”. Yet again this has happened before, one example is the destruction of Malona in which they decided to “diverting parts of an ocean into the subterranean or underwater magma chambers of a gigantic volcano”. Wars were also in the mix there too. Contact 251

This next part I should probably write somewhere in Michaels’ blog post, “Faint Hearted” but now have direction. I have gone along learning and understanding with an intellectual view, mostly. Just recently it has really hit me on a emotional level just now much at odds I am with most of the rest of this planet. The truth is not pretty sometimes, it is messy…..but beautiful in its way. Went Michael speaks about coming together in community, I am feeling this most keenly at the moment. The task at hand, work with these feelings I am experiencing, working with mind/thoughts toward the positive neutral position.

Chris L

There are underwater volcanoes off the coast of Japan just as there are troughs where earthquakes occur now and then, small and large. Probably no one can tell you where all these geological weaknesses exist and are prone to exist in the future. This is a very unstable geographical/geological area both on land and under the sea; and it will remain so.


As long as psychopaths and warmongers are in power no one’s going to trust such controversial ideas as reducing the population and the like. Pleiarens advise humanity to introudce direct democracy (not semi-direct like in Switzerland):


another confirmation about marijuana causing brain atrophy

Philip Brandel

There is no where for the loveless wanderers to run to. This is our mess to live through and change. We/I must face the world we have created with all the best we can muster.
The truth is only what it is and I only have myself to look at in seeing what more can be done, as it truly will never be to late… Even to just begin.
Michael not to do anything but suggest something, maybe you should do a Greg driven blog for the folks here. One in which is dedicated to us English speaking folk and how we came to ‘believe’ Billy’s life to be true. It would be an interested read and maybe a good way to solidify some peoples thoughts together here? Anyways just a thought:)
Are you planning on doing any presentations at some schools? Back in my college days they did offer a class on Et/UFOs, it would be interesting to see if it is still around and what the ‘professor’ would have to say about it all.

Greg Dougall

Michael, I don’t think the Plejaren story is the only game in town. This conclusion is based on my research sifting through other photos, videos, and sources of information. So perhaps out of 1000 things I’ve looked at, maybe 50-100 are legitimate. Here are about 70 pictures related to a few things I think are real: The large ancient cargo ship on the moon. Was there an Apollo 19 and 20? Structures such as buildings and towers on the moon. Structures on Iapetus. The Voynich manuscript, a notebook of extraterrestrial plants left behind by an e.t. girl written in a completely unknown language. Those large round stones in South America left behind as a gift which were supposed to depict planets in their locations. Ships spotted in outer space. Buildings on moons identified as mining operations. Recovered bodies identified of certain races. Much of this information comes from a Brazilian man who claims to meet with a young humanoid named Mythi who is here for research. The anomalies on the SOHO cameras pointed at the sun, especially when NASA edits them. Gary McKinnon who hacked NASA computers and found some interesting things. Several different videos from the International Space Station being cut off when a UFO appears. David Adair who touched a recovered E.T. engine. The military guys who witnessed ships shooting a beam into their nuclear weapons silos and disabling the warheads. There are also the “Yahweh tapes” from a man who claims to be from the other side of the galaxy. Billy Meier has the most comprehensive collection of evidence and conversations. But from what I have seen, no one has debunked or attacked Captain Bill from Brazil and his information from Mythi yet. See, the Plejaren only interact with Billy, but Mythi freely answers questions from the people on the site, and gives updates on current events on Earth and in the solar system every few weeks, so it’s a lot more of a friendly, back and forth relationship, instead of a one-sided, change the world now or you’ll all die kind of thing. They also talk about other races such as the Atouns, Aldeberans, Chithoks, as well as Pleiadians, Arcturians, and others. So that’s one reason why people look to other sources, because the Plejarens say “we did plenty for you 30-40 years ago and nobody cared, so we’re not lifting a finger for you now, you’re on your own, and when Billy dies we’re never coming back.”


Michael, There are two other cases of ET contact that I heard about but I don`t know if these two cases are valid.#1 Mirim Dilicado of Blu Star Prophecies and #2 Mixhael Discartae the French person who now lives in Austrialia who has been contacted by the people from Theopois. Is there any proof and truth to these other two contacts?


Mr. Donald and Mrs. Daisy Duck? Quack, quack. . . . .

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

Hello doug… : /
I would be very surprise to find in the CR this very odd speech you reported:

“we did plenty for you 30-40 years ago and nobody cared, so we’re not lifting a finger for you now, you’re on your own, and when Billy dies we’re never coming back.”

Perhaps it’s your own quote, with your emotional point of view?

Sure, there exist many other stories and also other human races all across universe. But you see all of this is also included in the big picture the one brought to us by Billy Eduard Albert Meier and his longue date friends, the Plejarens. So I personally think that you mostly are losing energies and times in some misleading “happenings” that won’t bring you any real knowledge. I think you should invest more time for this ONE very special case and let go the rest. Really.

If you really study the meier material, you’ll truly find out that most of what you pointed out is completely bs…
Maybe I should not say that but I will say it anyway, you won’t find any better cases anywhere else in this solar system for your entire life. Because the meier contacts is not only the best… it’s the only real one ongoing for years and years and years. And it’s always been true.

Seriously i don’t know what you are still looking for, I think you already found it but you just did not realised yet… it’s the Meier case!!!

… and who’s Mythi ? 😀


I am maybe the only person on this planet who thinks that Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” is in part at least a true story of something that happened on another planet. And I think that the Plejarans were involved in that story. . . . . just throwing this out there again! There are many roads that lead to the center of all things and we are all on one of those roads.


Yes Carolyn, you are only one that thinks that way. Not because you’re special, it’s because religion has tainted your views. Shake those cobwebs off and try again because there is only one road to the truth.


Greg, we know from the contact notes that there is another group of ET’s visiting this planet, which are well defined. . . . they come from the direction of the Constellation of Orion the Hunter, from planets near the star Sirius. Do not worry. . . . they will not leave us to the worst fate that could happen. . . . we need to have faith in their collective “goodness”.


Michael, there isn’t a human being on this earth who I personally “trust”, not even Billy Meier. I do trust the people who are older and wiser than humans, live longer lives and have experienced other “realities”. I believe what they tell me. I have no faith nor confidence that humans collectively will do what is best for themselves.


That must horrible not to be able to trust anyone except those you have never talked to (except in your own mind of course). If I were you, I would take your bible and burn it and hopefully some good will come out of it. You are still so stuck in your religious views. In my hometown, not only did the catholic church close, now they just closed the united church. Repeat after me: Hallelulah, praise the drol.

Philip Brandel

Sheila… that is awesome they are closing those re chit buildings. Seems in my area they keep popping up, taking the fertile land with them. The bible belt of the mid-west, Minnesota. Place for all the ‘orcs’ to get what they need! Long ways to go around here, yet got to keep plugging away somehow.


Who or what is drol you might ask? It stands for Definitive Reasoning Or Logic.


Michael, what does magic have to do with logic? Some problems require unlogical, unmethodical and intuitive solutions. Think about it!

Stephen Lane

Hi Carolyn. Think of it this way. If we continue on the track of the prophecy’s, the ‘goodness’ of other ET civilizations would, logically, let us perish. Trying to save us would not work. It would create more conflict between ourselves and from us to the ET’s. Why? Because we simply wouldn’t accept what they were telling us (oh, like now), and the consciousness of the population at that time can’t simply be changed with the click of ET’s fingers. It may turn out, in the distant future, that total annihilation of us (by our own doing) may be the best thing for us in the very long term. If/when we are ready to be saved we will save ourselves by our own volition. If not, we won’t. The effect must balance with the cause. Perhaps the majority of Earthers need to experience for themselves utter chaos and suffering on this world in order for the ‘penny to drop.’ And with that I wish you a good weekend.


Apart from the genocide of the twentieth century, which resulted in the murder of untold millions of human beings, I can’t imagine what you are talking about!


hi michael,i found this article that highlights a climatologist that proposes moving coastal communities inland because of the inevitable sea level rise that could be as high as six feet in some areas.i’m pretty sure meier or the plejaren suggested something like seems though that she is unwilling to propose this idea for coastal cities like NY (my home),she’s probably being politically correct.naturally overpopulation isn’t any case, she is the only person that has published academic work on this,she calls it “managed retreat”.

Darcy Wade Carlile

You can’t simply do that because real estate is a business sector and not a migration sector, do you not even know that much?

Darcy Wade Carlile

Meier material and FIGU advise people not to live near bodies of water and also warn about living near mudslides/avalanches/rock slides/permafrost based mountain ranges, ect., ect.,ect.


are you referring to me? my comment didn’t say real estate is a migration sector.

michael greenup

Hello michael. I just heard that their are racial beatings going on from White skinned Humans attacking Black skinned Humans because of the Ebola Stuff. If your Black skinned you are now associated with the Ebola outbreak. This is so off the scale Stupid I have lost all hope in the Earth Human. Every race in these united States of America have made notice to the fact that the Controllers (whom ever they are) have been trying to create Racial tension between the Races and have told the people Not to buy into it. I read in the Billy contact notes that it would be 400 to 500 years before their would be a turn in the Earth Human conscious for the better. When I first read this I thought this could not be True. Now I see that it is True and we whom are of a little more conscious are really in for it. The Earth Human is so easily Brain Washed. Nothing will change as long as their are these Dumb asses in large numbers.

michael greenup

Hello Michael. My previous comment is in the wrong place sorry. I would like to point out about the above comments. I hear all the time from these people whom buy into the Disinformation to take them away from the real Truth. The comments for Greg Dougall is in this category. Also their are people whom are paid to put out this False Information. For years now these Disinformation people have been trying to undermine the Meier contact Information and even tried to put a Spy into the Meier camp. The Meier Information is so True the Disinformation people have been Unsuccessful and will be for all time. They are easy to spot once you have enough Truth within you.

Matt lee

Well Michael you are personally setting the stage for 2029.
Do you get it?


Whats up with 2029?


Ah, nevermind, gotcha.


If we could just come together in groups, we may be able to more efficiently address the various problems. I’m seriously considering coming up with something, yet it requires such resources that are not always there. Nevertheless, this is what must happen here in the U.S. I feel in days of old, so to speak, this is how the various peoples gathered together to discuss the knowledge and share it with each other, thereby creating a more harmonious life. It’s sooo simple in theory.

David Scott

Hello everyone,
I am going to post a very intriguiging link to challenge your mind . And what its designed to do is provide a new story . And the awakening is of your mind vs. the pull of the story. True ? Who knows. But notice the usage of massive research and the players and you will find unfolding very many things . Its an exercise , a personal challenge in your psychological development and the window into the mind . Its like the Meiers material. It has depth and pull , or gravity. And the question is ….what about the believers. At least a very intriguing body of work and entertaining but…


This is the level of challenge we are up against including the religions….