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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Wake Up!

It’s very difficult for most people to accept the reality of the Billy Meier UFO case, so besotted and distracted are they with escapist entertainment, illusory images and living vicariously through sports stars and imaginary video game figures which, ironically, glorify the kind of barbarism now exemplified by the subhuman Islamic fanatics. The unpleasant realities of life are clucked about or avoided, without recognition of their overall scope and impact, mainly viewed as happening to “someone else”. We still don’t get it.

And we still don’t get that the Meier contacts are the key to our future survival, unlike the concerns of the shrill, impotent political whiners, the hyper-happy New Agers, the phony “UFO contactees”, or the brain dead attention seekers who have found a new, pressingly urgent cause to champion. (Usually the domain of women haters in the fashion industry, now it seems that many women have themselves created the latest, stupid, ersatz “freedom movement” – which has some of them idiotically mimicking the masked terrorists of the IS as a kind of “statement”, totally trivializing the real plight of women, and children, in this world. I would imagine – no, I would bet – that many of them are graduates of US universities where such politically correct “issues” supplant common sense and learning how to think.)

The End Is at Hand

 We’re not standing on street corners holding signs that say, “The End Is at Hand”, as likely as it may appear to be in this land epitomized by such slogans as, “He Who Dies With The Most Toys Wins”. Certainly toys preoccupy even, or especially, those who’ve attained sufficient years to qualify as adults but who are certainly not grown-ups.

However, we began issuing our recent calls to action, which of course contained Meier’s original, clear warning of what was coming…and is now upon us:

 83.) And it will be that fanatical Islamists carry out bloody revenge on the distant descendants of the Christians, for their earlier crusades when they accomplish their deadly and destructive acts through irrepressible terror all over the world.

We’ve done this with the hope that there are enough people paying attention, even if it’s in between relentlessly checking their email, texting and otherwise frittering their lives away, who’d take a moment to support our petition to president Obama. Certainly we heard from those who are more focused on being venting their righteous anger at the US and those who view this effort as futile, etc.

Or Perhaps the Beginning

 But as stated previously, the Meier contacts are about our future survival. The prophecies and predictions were given to us to not only warn of the then possibly still avoidable disasters, catastrophes, etc., but also to demonstrate the credibility of the source, which also offered us a treasure trove of information, advice and recommendations including and within the spiritual teaching.

This new show was taped before the recent horrific events in Australia and Pakistan. It’s clearly time for a new beginning.


See also:

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Mike B

Michael, this one is very timely and fitting especially for me, (and my family personally. I hope many others too), as last evening I sort of, well, perhaps pushed the envelope to the edge of trying to get my family to consider their “beliefs” are not exactly solid and certainly have not helped to better anyone here on earth to date for the most part. Or more to the point, what millions if not billions of other like minded peoples beliefs have helped contribute to, without really considering what they actually result in. Oh yea, those endless distractions, which in my view, are just a way for many to stay in “denial” and not face reality AS IT REALLY IS. Anyway, wish I had this as a script in front of me last night, I did alright but not as good as this. Thank you. Peace, Harmony and Balance to you and everyone. May you find it!


I really understand Mike B, since I’ve been coming out more with the Meier material I see a pulling away of people I have known. Here I thought they were much more open minded than I am finding out they are, but the material really flies in the face of what they hold to be, the foundation in which they stand and have stood for …..well, the whole of their lives. It is like there is a sense of them putting their toes in the water, because the UFOs fad is cool, but not willing to dive deeper because, for one thing, it takes work to get to a place of “getting it” or the beginning of getting it and they are not willing or it doesn’t call them. It is a lot simpler to just go along with what they think they already know, what the crowd is doing.

Mike B

Ev, “Exactly!”

Mike B

PS: Thanks for the new show installment.. It’s been a while. I’ll watch it next.


Really enjoyed the video, MH. Thank you for all that you do, you are an inspiration.



The [politically correct] hyperlink in the article above links to your Let’s Be Clear about the Mission blog post. Is the link correct? If so, specifically to what is it meant to refer? Was it meant as a reference to the Harvard University offers students ‘Anal Sex 101’ class entitled, “What What in the Butt: Anal Sex 101.”

As an RT News piece [ ], November 03, 2014, quote states: “Come learn everything about anal sex from the experts of Good Vibrations, a sex-positive store located right in Brookline!” reads the course description posted on the official Harvard Sex Week website. “They will dispel myths about anal sex and give you insight into why people do it and how to do it well.”



Thanks for the reply. with a fresh mind I re-read your Let’s Be Clear about the Mission blog post. Specially the politically correct response quote:

I watched the film today. It was quite interesting and I think you did a good job of explaining the background getting your point across. That being said, I can understand why ASU and NAU would not screen it. There were a few politically charged comments about abortion and population control that I am sure these schools would not care to support. Also, you managed to say that the whole thing is not about belief, but still managed to talk about reincarnation and telepathic communication like they are proven phenomena, which they are not.

Yet I wonder, is intellectual pusillanimity among other concerns preventing the University officials from critically examining your films in an open academic discussion? And, to what extent do monetary and sectarian patronage funding of the Universities influence the officials’ decisions to censor the films from the general student body’s consideration?


Very good video.I`m really very shocked and mortified that MUFON would be so stupid and shallow as to deny the Billy Meier evidence. Seems to me they are just as creepy as the US government is considering what just happened in Vienna Austria recently when Obama pledged 1 TRILLOON BUCKS for more nukes INCLUDING HYDROGEN BOMBS! I`ve NEVER EVER in ALL my entire life seen such blood thirsty cowards.I forgot the name of this guy whoi just stood up and said he would NOt go along and sign an agreement to ban ANY and ALL nukes an American Deep Sicko as far as I`m concerened and the ONY ONe too. JUst goes to show you just how mindless this country is getting with people talking and texing on their cell phones,talk about anal sex OUCH! YIKES!



Dear Michael,

I can feel your frustration and totally agreed on a lot of statement you have made over the years. My main issue which I would like to say is men/woman of this world don’t seem to understand the gravity we are in and do not wish to wake up from the hypnosis they have been put into.

I remember Billy explaining to never force the true into someone mind if he’s not ready to hear it. I have face this problem many times and decided to gave up as most people would not even want to make the effort to listen so logic could apply or arise from it (too busy watching football, drinking alcohol, watching movies or mumbling about life problems.)

By this, I decided to focus on myself rather than wasting my time to make sens when obviously the world we live in is just being drag more and more into a deep abyss of stupidity.

Don’t you think that man/woman have to realize by themselves first that something is wrong and meaningless in relation to theirs life. As you have exposed so many good points in relation to the mission and Billy, I truly understand that the mind is too complexe to just pretend we can change everything just by explaining or exposing the true if people do not feel attract by it. Overall I realize people don’t seem to evolve on the same spiritual level.

As an example, I remember Billy talking about sports in general, explaining all the body need is just a 30 minutes walk. He took me 6 years to realize what he said was the true. I came to realize this while practicing sports we are actually creating an ego, an alter personality.

He took me a long time to let go all the sports I used to practice, realising that this was a waste of time as my obsession was to loose weight or gain muscle. I came to realize that I should watch carefully the food I was eating rather than running 10K and igniting a craving which would have to be fought mentally as I was craving for food.

I had to re-balance my mind so that my emotions don’t allowed my feeling for me to rush to the fridge or any shop to buy food as a substitue to a real problem. Most of the people don’t realize by trying to loose weight or practicing a sport, the muscle or body required energy intake (food obviously) which create an endless and vicious circle.


Ps: I have been reading you and following you for a very long time (radio, website, movies).
I have bought you documentary in relation to the mission too, which are very good material and which I recommend to anyone who wish to have an modern understanding of our daily problems.


I don’t think I’ll be freeing my nipples in this -20 C weather. They’re quite happy under all that french canadian fur.

By the way Michael, will you be making a movie presentation with that NASA guy?


That would get an awful lot of support I think. When you brought the news out about him supporting the case, a lot of people shared the link. More than usual. It’s something die hard skeptics would have to think a few times about before trying to discard.

J. Smith

We’ve already had our wake up call in the form of Meier & The Plejaren’s message. Now for the rest of humanity that have no clue about this case and either have received emails or tweets from us to share the petition and/or sign it will have to come by way of tragedy from this cancerous group IS. Its a reality that we don’t take heed until we end up having to learn the hard way and then everyone is going to yell ‘Who let this get outta hand’ and then we’ll hear all the common cries for “Jesus & Jehova” or imaginary prayers to no one.

I understand totally where you’re coming from Michael whether our efforts bring forth change or not at least we put forth that effort I’m just not too sure about the deaf ears our messages tend to fall upon. I observed damn near the whole world pouring buckets of ice-water on their heads to support a cause where in return the money goes to the rich to make the rich richer while the little bit goes to the actual cause, but that never stopped them. Now we’re sending messages to some of these same “celebrities” and “big shots”, but to no avail.

I don’t know if this appeared to anyone here and may be off topic, but I was thinking about this. It seems like in the times of every prophet its always the “nobodies” either poor, unknown, “regular people” trying to spread the truth and help humanity move forward. I really wonder if this is by design or just something that is inevitable in the times of truth-bringers/prophets. If nothing else has been constant in this world this sure has.

J. Smith

These are the effects humanity will have to face if nothing is done about these deluded barbarians…….if they’re willing to kill a slew of children for no reason what else would they be willing to do.


Never in my life would I have thought children would be targeted (yet isn’t that what every generation thinks……”never in my life would I have thought”. If the killing and induction into the fanatical sects doesn’t wake people of the world up to the looming threat, I don’t know what will!!!! 132 children murdered in a Pakistan school, Taliban claim responsibility for the assault. Yet, perhaps it will take these sorts of atrocities that will finally do it, one would hope. But as I sit here writing this, the thought that people don’t want to wake up from their toys…..good grief, the Plejarens are right, who in their right mind would want to be around this vibration, so much hate….and fear.


Michael, Just how are we going to convince these deluded people to stop believing in some total ficticous god-religious-voodoo craving for salvation war-mongering degenerates? Seems to me they just DON`T want to believe or they think we are a wrong. I have another friend who once told me she found that reigion felt empty while at the same time she still believes in God of which I DON`T believe in but she wanted me to join her meditation group called Darma Shashka where we wouldsing and dance the Kurtan and the meditate. I even showed her the correct way to show the peace sign. Obiously she thought I was wrong. To this day she still think the peace symbol dhould be what is wrong! Upside down NOT right side up the way Billy showed us:( So much for Anada Marka. That is why I turned them down becacause it is a cult and I can`t stand cults! So much for that one. So you can relies just what kind of a world we live in.:((

Ho Chi Minh

Free The Nipple movement should be introduced to Middle East to pave the way for the establishment of Middle East Assembly, in which all Middle Eastern countries could settle their disputes without using arms and rebuild their common paradise they inherited from their ancestors. Make love, not war ! Free the nipple !! Long live Rationality !!!


Obama to speak about normalizing relations with Cuba. This is big and this is good.


And the irony hasn’t been lost on me that Obama cites the ineffectiveness of economic sanctions and other measures against Cuba for the last 50 years, as a reason to normalize relations and on the other hand, he still plans to go ahead with sanctions against Putin as if that will achieve anything positive. The Russian people laugh in the face of any such sanctions and such sanctions, in fact have the exact opposite desired effect.


My thoughts are of the Cuban people who just want to be free. I was hoping at some point that when the Castro brothers pass away there might be a new government willing to pave the way for democracy (like what happened in Spain after Franco passed away). These sanctions being lifted may only just prolong the dictatorship. After speaking to many Canadians who have vacationed in Cuba, they all say the Cubans are such happy people who obligingly serve them. I don’t for one second believe they are happy doing it (but are probably more happy about getting paid for doing it) so these sanctions being lifted might well prolong the servitude and dictatorship for Cubans.

Greg Dougall

Immediately, Marco Rubio was on CNN denouncing Obama, denouncing Cuba, denouncing all communist countries, saying Obama “gave all these concessions away” without getting much back in return, promising to block funding for the embassy, saying “Obama doesn’t understand how the world works” (I’m paraphrasing), that they support Venezuala, yada yada…. Also interesting to note that CNN said that the Pope and Vatican played a major role in brokering this deal…..



Excellent article; we all may know of a Gamer or two; A friend that is 40 plus and acts like he’s 18 minus will wait for hours to get the latest game or X-Box that hits the market; you’re correct, they all have factitious names; will call him Honcho. He does not watch much TV for the latest news so Honcho and his wife pretty much lives in a bubble. I have had a serious sit-down conversation with the both of them regarding Billy’s material; jury is still out.

On another note; people are like they’re in a coma. It appears that these folks believe everything is beyond their control; but continue to watch the news feeds. The latest ISIS killing of 145 children and teachers and execution of 150 women because they refused to marry militants is beyond comprehension for most folks. Yes, they are a gang of murders and psychopaths.

Your email “Wake Up” was sent to our friend G-Man; this is what he had to say about your article. “Wow – very stimulating, especially the first paragraph.”


Jeff Tan

I like to think that a majority of the population is suffering from “amnesia” and not so much in a “coma” like they have washed up on a beach with no recollection of where and how they got there and where they are going 🙂

George Champaninh

I’m going to disagree with you on the amnesia statement only because of the religious, political, and racial divides that seem to keep repeating themselves throughout history. For example, the racial divide between white humans and black humans that is going on in the USA is from too much reflection on the past and a lack of amnesia bring up old hatred that is carried on from generation to generation. The same applies to who’s religion is correct and who’s is wrong. Now if humans today, washed up on a beach with no recollection or path, the world would probably a better place.



Interesting front-line news source in the battle with the IS

The leading news source on Kurds and Kurdish affairs, in English.


I know an addicted Gamer. He actually told me he likes playing games because it helps him escape his troubles. He mainly plays role playing games like “dungeons and dragons”. He said he loves losing himself in these immersive fantasy worlds.

Daniel Zumon

People are addicted to games (in my opinion) because earth and its former extraterrestrial inhabitants is a game, the plejaren beam and the figu themselves are playing a game, the 144,207 degenerated evolved people are playing a game, just by being on a catagory 0 world, finance is a game, development, consumerism all a game. That is in my opinion where the root is, and where its rooted, all the way to the root. And people play games, many games because they are restricted from taking a role in a category 3 world, a high civilization, they are barred from the knowledge and barred from making progress due to the political and historical web of games of teaching primitive ape men civilization, a game.

Philip Brandel

Interesting the game thing. Some of my girlfriends in laws actually were surprised and semi confused to find that I did not play ‘games’. She told me they asked her; well, what does he do then? Such a weird response and one that still takes me aback.
This world is no game, reality of the life we live connected within it to its most basic level. Here in the states, the multi-billion petrodollar industries is fraught with zombies playing their ‘games’ of choice. All the while the reality of the world passes by the back of their heads. What a shame to be amongst. What an assault on our intelligence. Not only am I no longer a ‘gamer’, I have been thinking as of late, and with great challenge from the G.F., to get rid of the rec-hid TV entirely! A few within my family have successfully crossed this bridge and it seems to be a journey well deserving of taking. Not just for myself, but also for my daughter.


Great website and very informative. Here is an interesting perspective that should be considered to understand the problem and how to take the correct action.

Daniel Zumon

If were talking about real progress dubhaltagh. The media/newspapers/tv/radio etc by independent companies, has traditionally been, constituted the real formational components of democracy, and this idea of freedom of speech, quite a new thing, has been the real changing force, even though many still are not completely comfortable with it, given that its a new idea historically, many people still fear being hanged for saying the wrong thing. In much the same way that BEAM didnt like the coffin like size of the space capsule in contact report 31, people still dont like the idea of being able to speak whatever they want, because historically they were hanged/murdered/bludgeoned etc. So maybe just making the world properly aware that they can now do things (especially in europe and the older countries), and can do it freely and are permitted to do things properly if they so desire, would be the best start I think for most governments, a useful way of spending the tax payer money.