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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

As the Time Fulfills (Part 8)

The horror of the attack in Paris by Islamic extremists reminds (some of) us again that we were warned but didn’t listen to the prophecies and predictions published by Billy Meier, beginning in the early 1950s.

We even spelled it out in this blog, almost four years ago, and have published numerous other warnings, references, corroborations, etc., ever since.

Now, jumping to a seemingly unrelated matter, I had received links to this story from a number of people a few days ago, pertaining to the disappearance of the Mayan. Of course Meier was told about the connection between the drought and their disappearance, as far back as 1989.

Sometimes skeptics take something that Meier has verifiably published years, even decades, ago and suggest that there’s nothing remarkable about it, that he wasn’t the first to “suggest” or “theorize” about it, that a recently made available, otherwise obscure scientific paper stated or theorized something similar, or even the same, etc.

Not being able to see the forest for the trees – or to be able to deduce the obvious – seems to be an ever-growing deficit in thinking that’s, ironically, linked to the very technologies that allow us now to make available and find information instantly. However, in what one could call the age of reason (be it for an individual thinker or humanity as a whole) human beings were actually capable of, indeed even taught how to…think.

Finding a fact and using it to make or refute an argument is only part of the process. The glib skeptics, armed as they and we now are with the internet at our fingertips, may not have actually watched…enough TV, at least the kind that could have taught them something about research, investigation, critical thinking and deductive reasoning. Had they cozied up to any of the productions of Sherlock Holmes stories (or read the books), as well as any of the good detective shows that relied less on fancy technology and more on what was good ol’ detective work, they would have come into contact with concepts like means, motive and opportunity (MMO).

Had Meier indeed been a one-shot wonder, a lucky guesser, a backdating hoaxer and all the other things that the skeptics would hope that he was, we wouldn’t have such a broad spectrum of information that so far has proved to be completely accurate. But faced with Meier’s voluminous information, constantly being corroborated before our very eyes, a true critical thinker is forced to consider just how he – with his indisputably unique and difficult life circumstances – had the means and the opportunity to acquire all this information absolutely before it was widely, let alone provably available to him.

And of course the other question that the skeptics never can answer is…why? What was the motive for this man – who in addition to dodging relentless attempts on his life and is already at the center of the UFO controversy with his abundant, still irreproducible evidence – to go to the trouble to gather and publish this information, etc., carefully weaving it into lengthy, consistent dialogs between him and the extraterrestrial people whose craft he’s been photographing since 1964? The usual fame and fortune motives have long been shown to be inadequate and patently false.

But…this is the internet age, when all of your thinking is done for you by various experts, by…search engines. Of course, should anyone, skeptics included, be accused of a crime they didn’t commit, do you think that they’d not want to show that they really didn’t have the means, the motive and the opportunity to commit the crime? Or would they rush to their computers to search for…what?

We are often hesitant, if not loathe to apply the same standards to ourselves that we so willing apply to others in accusing them of wrongdoing. And we have a self-destructive perhaps even fatal habit of seeking to find the worst in others when they are the ones pointing out to us just where our own ignorance, stubbornness and lack of understanding is leading us.

In every way possible, Meier prophecies and predictions, his publishing of scientific information that will only later be corroborated as fact – not theory – have been offered to us that we may recognize the credibility of the source and get the underlying messages pertaining to understanding the spiritual teaching in everyday life, the laws of cause and effect and the equally immutable law of self-responsibility. When we break that law, we punish ourselves individually and collectively. When we ignore the warnings so amply, consistently and patiently provided to us by the prophet of the new time and his compatriots from the depths of space, we get to reap the otherwise avoidable, catastrophic results, as the French and many others are finding out…as the time fulfills.

See also:

France Prepares to Do Its Part to Fulfill the Henoch Prophecies

The Only Way to Stop the IS

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MiroslavStanko - Saalome84Blue

This are very sad news…

A few hours before this event, I have read this:

Furore over novel depicting Muslim-run France


Maybe we the people of Planet Stupid don’t really want to save ourselves from ourselves… The solutions for us to live together and thrive are simple…. Perhaps too simple for simpletons… As said, the writing on the wall is there for those with eyes.

Philip Brandel

This would be a good one for a certain Mahesh to read. Seems with all he has at his disposal, he sure is not deducing within MMO, let alone basic logic, in my opinion. Though his kind will most certainly help others see the truth within his continuous ‘lopsidedness’. As a friend Michael, it is tormenting to read this guys words. Though he has his place within all of this just like the rest of us.
Reading some of his stuff I get the K.K.K 2.0 feeling all over again. Seems he is building up to try and prove something… maybe how wrong HE is?!

Philip Brandel

I will do what I can and know others have also on the Facebook groups. Yet, he just keeps on trucking. He throws himself into the mix and definitely is trying to prove something other than the truth of the ‘case’. Comes of as trying to be neutral, but his motives are clearly visible.
Wants to confront you on facebook, but does not have the courage to come here and do the same.. Very strange indeed. Though how can it be any different on the thinking creatures created delusion we reside within.

Philip Brandel

Very cowardly and I think I will post that right now…. Why is he not here at the least? Maybe because deep down he knows its not just about you, and he is to much of a coward to see anything beyond. And as it looks, feels, smells, to much of other things to want to see it within himself.


That was my motive. I instigated a debate here today just to feel important. I regret it now.


It can’t be a hoax. The photograph of Asket doesn’t match a single frame from the clip of the Dean Martin show that Billy was accused of capturing with his camera.


So what did you deduce his motives to be?


Money and power, what else?


Jealousy too.


He’s jealous Michael has harems of women flocking all over him.


Right, Tyler. What are these ulterior, nefarious intentions of Mahesh? From what I can tell, his motives are solely to objectively assess the strength of the evidence, and particularly MH’s claims in regards to the strength of the informational evidence.

I’m a big fan of MH’s work. But, I think he is wrong in his treatment of Mahesh, and does a disservice to the mission when he makes unsubstantiated claims about the strength of the evidence. It’ll backfire.

MH seems to be conflating a couple things, namely, whether 1) the prophecies/predictions and scientist-usurping information prove the case beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt (lets say, 97% certainty), and 2) whether all the evidence — physical, informational, witnesses, etc., and Meier’s lack of ability to hoax — warrants the conclusion that the case is authentic by preponderance of evidence (51%).

MH had long seemed to back number 1, with his language about the “ironclad” nature of this “higher standard of proof”. But now, with the MMO talk, he seems to be backing away from that, and is pushing number 2. (It would be nice if he would do so explicitly, so we could have some fixed goal posts). Mahesh is simply bringing him to task here, i.e., he has proved number one is false.

I had long thought number 1 and number 2 were true, but unless we can really find a couple examples that survive Mahesh-type scrutiny, number 1 is erroneous. Below I will explain how MH conflates 1 and 2, and why MMO are irrelevant to the discussion under number 1 — and how by bringing up MMO under number 1 MH is implicitly conceding that number 1 is untenable.

(But, for the record, I do think number 2 still stands — I think the Meier case is authentic on preponderance of all the evidence. And, from what I can tell, Mahesh, thinks so too, or at least is yet undecided but open to an affirmative answer here).

BURDEN OF PROOF — The one making the claim has to carry the burden of proof. Again, with MH’s “ironclad” talk, he seemingly is suggesting he can carry a ‘beyond a shadow of a doubt’ (some 95+ percent certainty) by using the predictive/prophetic/scientific-foreknowledge information alone. The problem of course, is that apparently none of the prophetic/predictive stuff was actually published before the event, or was too unspecific, and/or could have been predicted by anyone sufficiently learned, reasonable, and observant (e.g., like the unfolding of the Muslims in France thing — books have been written about this going back a couple decades).

The scientific info appears stronger. But, apparently not strong enough, because — at least as things currently appear — in every case the information was in fact either known, or theorized before Meier published.

MMO does not matter here. Remember MH carries the burden of proof, and it is a high one (beyond a shadow of a doubt). In a criminal trial, the party carrying the burden of proof is the prosecutor, while the defense — here, Mahesh — only has to poke a couple of holes in the theory to open up a shadow of a doubt.

Because what MH is defending under number 1 is so extraordinary, and because he is attempting to meet such a high burden of proof, it doesnt take much to open up a shadow of a doubt. If in every case, one scientist, one publication, was ahead in time of Meier, than this is enough to say that number 1 is not true (but says nothing of number 2). Mahesh, or no one else has to say how or why Meier was able to write so much accurate info, just like a defense attorney doesn’t have to dismantle the prosecutors entire case, just has to show that there was other possibilities on a key issues; just has to open up a shadow of a doubt in the mind of the jury. It doesn’t take much. Perhaps Meier’s “contacts” where with a small group of very up to date scientists. Perhaps intelligence agents. Who knows — it doesn’t matter. If there is no real example were Meier truly, completely usurped terrestial scientists, then given the grandioseness of claim number 1, Occam’s razor rightfully steps in and MMO can practically be assumed. It doesn’t matter how obscure the journal was that the relevant info/theory was published in, it is likelier Meier some how got it from there than from ET’s.

But MMO certainly comes into play with claim number 2. Not only is all the evidence in total very impressive, the MMO’s for Meier to hoax everything does indeed appear lacking. But to be clear, to suggest that the informational evidence alone “proves” the case — thanks to Mahesh’s work — is clearly false.

But, I would bet a lot that claim 2 is true. But in any case MH does a disservice to the mission and mocks the scientific method with his bloated, unjustified, sweeping pronouncements about the strength of the evidence. Indeed, his corroboration page is virtually fraudulent now that MH is aware that in seemingly every case Meier did not publish prior to event/discovery.

Finally, his incendiary ad hominems are inappropriate and tiresome, and only further show he is losing this debate. It is time to cut his losses; he should back off of his claim number 1 (which he implicitly kind of already has), and adjust his language suitable to defense of number 2.

Philip Brandel

As far as I see it, he never saw truth in Billy’s case, because of strongly held earthly beliefs? I have for some time ‘followed’ Mahesh in at least going to his site and looking at some of what he has done, actually even before he turned Karl K. Koff on us. He has, as I have seen, amassed a rather large collection of original information on billy’s ‘case’. Including most of the late Prof. Deardroffs collection. It seems ones he had amassed all this information and material he started his current agenda. Which seems to most definitely cause disdain within some of the Meier English ‘groups’.
Sometimes it seems these kinds of peoples agenda are not even comprehended by them? As he most certainly has not answered the call to put out his own. Though he continuously says he is ‘neutral’.
Part of the issue with beliefs it seems…. is always based on half truths from someone else. And there are many whom have found this also within billy’s information! He will learn as many have before him that his actions will most certainly help only prove this all authentic, that much more for those thinking logically. Its just a shame that someone like this has so much material on Billy. Hopefully he at least does the right thing beyond his words, which are very questionable in being neutral, to me at least.

Philip Brandel

OK Andy this is lengthy and ‘unscientifically’ based ones again on Michael, solely!? So for those idiots out there that are not arm chair experts, at finding every little article that states the opposite of what this one man Billy has said. Lets not forget that I was the one whom stated Mahesh needed to maybe do a little more MMO. Maybe not so much on the internet and or within any information. Maybe it is time for him to stop beating around the bush and explain his motives to everyone? As his hour of fame is slowly fading away……
There are bigger things to think about, like the very survival of our world, with its thinking creatures in tow.
Sorry Mahesh and Andy, your 1 and 2 have not swayed my own personal thoughts one bit. Though that is just me as one individual sick of Michael having to take the fall for a JOINT effort! One effort that has and does include me.


Mahesh says “Objection #1: In CR 540, ET Ptaah just says “enormous masses of water” but he didn’t specify how many times the quantity of earth oceans (NewScientist says 3 times) is present inside the Earth. Also he didn’t specify the region, the distance from the Earth’s surface where this “ocean” region (NewScientist says around 700 kms in Mantle layer) is located. Remember, the radius of the Earth is 6,371 km (3,959 miles). So objectively speaking, Meier’s information in CR 540 is pretty vague and nowhere does it reveal any specific, unambiguous information (strong enough to prove Meier’s claims), as was published in the NewScientist article.”

Hello Mahesh and Andy, where the hell is your critical thinking skills when it comes to this information? You didn’t bother checking out the fact that the information in NewScientist claims that Jacobsen figured out the water inside the earth amounts to 3 times the size of our oceans based on findings under one country – the U.S.? At this point it’s mere speculation or a theory and why aren’t you asking Jacobsen how he managed to arrive at that number? Is it taboo to question scientists and why do you take everything they say at their word? But you think it’s enough to discredit the Plejaren and Billy? Oh you young ‘uns who think all information has always been at the fingertips of any person with a computer. You might want to remind yourself that most households did not have a computer until mid ’90s. Did you even check when Billy got his first computer? Back in the day, for the latest information, we had to rely on old Encyclopedia Britannica and libraries as these were our ONLY source of information. But you want people to think that Billy had access to some of the most obscure books which miraculously pop up when doing a google search? Kids nowadays…


I don’t know who this Mahesh guy is as I’m struggling to understand the legions of people that would think large amounts of water are inside the Earth as a normal thing to expect these days or even back then when the announcement was first made. It also appears to paint Billy as quite a prolific person to select such a wide variety of material to discuss about that would seem to have mattered to some degree much later on than compared back in the current time frame with which he conducted the contacts then with. After all, Mahesh’s Timex watch may be off on who cross the finish line first, but the tortoise and the porcupine would have known why they were running the race. Mahesh doesn’t appear to be exactly certain on why, who, where, or what exactly the race is all about in the first place (or last place?). Also, he seems to miss where we are going with talking about … water in the ground. Quo vadis Mahesh?

Maybe there is too much lack of mental stimulation with the UFO Community that seems to latch on to the whole “Experience” of it all as the end all be all of it. Kind of like how, you know, when mainly young people would sit in the freezing cold to see a ball drop just to be there with the experience with other folks of similar desire to take in the moment. There isn’t much to the ball dropping at a specific time but at least no one there claims something overly fantastic about the event (mostly), and promptly don’t make much fuss and politely know when the moment has passed. UNLIKE, the UFO Community that seem to jump up with joy at the first flash light that comes on and talk endlessly about it even though the Energizer Turtle already ran away and finished the race.

I’ve seen the very much entertaining value with little to no real substance with the vast tomes of crap from the UFO Community riding high on the circus hog, but it sounds like to me Mahesh isn’t really being as entertained by the Meier material as he would like to have been since water in the ground really isn’t his cup of tea it steams.

Wayne Anthony Sunter-Smith

Michael , i am having difficulty trying to convey the” new times millennium” prophecies and predictions in a way……………. .Let me explain further … If i explain to somebody that
what is happening today is foretold by Billy and all the relevant information pertaining to that , like wars earthquakes epidemics volcanoes etc etc …………. the response i get … “What”? Its always been like that ! whats new ! My question is … How can i explain to them in a way that they can grasp the difference !? I can CERTAINLY see it !!

Wayne Anthony Sunter-Smith

Thankyou Michael …. yes perfect sense .Salome Wayne

Barry Smith

everything Edward predicts , happens , the people of planet stupid cannot see the forest for the trees .. denial on every front , I guess if the Plejaren landed on their front lawn they would still find a way to say it didn’t happen and means nothing for Earth ..


Salome Michael,

Europe is indeed in shock over what happened today. It happened at a place where we often passed by because it is close to the Cathedral Notre Dame and restaurant aeria of Paris…… Also I liked the magazine Charlie Hebdo very much with their satire and hereby I give my colondeances to all the famillies that lost a cherished and loved member… Noone should die, or be killed, because she/he has a different opinion than others or other groups…. or because one is of a different religion, or an agnostic, or an atheist…. we are all part of Creation,…. through such acts, we only express how primitive we really are…. If we would not be living on a planet in a solar system far off site, between two spiral arms, other extraterrestrial humans would already have made a quarantene zone out of our solar system because we are creating such terrible mess……

The warnings from Billy were overheard … again…. as usual… and they continue to do so….. The prophecies and scientific corroborations that came true over all these years and reading them long time before, is self evident for everyone who uses his eyes and brains, they speak for themselves….. As an analogy, If one sees a real corn field with a majority of good corn spikes in it, one can say it is a good harvest and one does not pick out and focusses on the two or maybe fifty (if you like) bad looking corn spikes and says: “This is not a corn field”…..



it has gotten the attention of Anonymous, their press release
“In the case of the terror attack against Charlie Hebdo, as we had previously told you we plan on shedding light on all these events and to give a homage to those innocent killed.
The anonymous of all the planet have decided to declare war on you terrorists, we will track you down to the last one and will kill you.
You allowed yourselves to kill innocent people, we will therefore avenge their deaths.
We will track all of your activities online, we will close your accounts on all social networks.
You will not impose your sharia in our democracies, we will not let your stupidity kill our liberties and our freedom of expression.
We have warned you; expect your destruction.
We will track you everywhere on the planet, nowhere will you be safe.
We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forget.
We do not forgive.
Be afraid of us, Islamic State and Al Qaeda – you will get our vengeance.”


about a month ago or maybe a bit more, right after he left us here, on a Friends of Billy and FUGU post, which was deleted by the admin because it got out of hand, he (Mahesh) clearly stated in a comment that it was all about bring you down, MH. I was going to say something here at the time but with no evidence, as they deleted the post before I got back to it to copy it, I didn’t feel I should reveal it, but you probably already knew this.

On another note…here is a phone video showing two gunmen shooting a police officer execution-style on the street during an attack Wednesday on the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.


Yeah, I just saw Mahesh’s latest .. I left him a little constructive criticism. That post was clearly about going after Michael Horn and all his points were nitpicky at best and missing the forest for the trees.


Wow Bruce, I was just reading that before you posted it on here, good job! I didn’t want to sign up with google to post so could you please mention to MrUFOprofit that Jacobsen’s study was ONLY based on information of ringwoodite found under the U.S. Jacobsen is basically pulling the 2/3 number out of his arse because there is no concrete scientific information that this is worldwide.


Correction: 3 times the amount (not 2/3)


Sheila, I have a feeling Mahesh is lurking in these parts.

On another note, I find this quote very interesting considering it came well before the spiritual teaching was circulated. “There’s no telling how many lives your spirit will go through, die and be reborn.” Jimi Hendrix

I think he was associated with the mission in some form from ancient days.


That could very well be Bruce.


If that is the case, then a slew of other people probably are too.

“”I adopted the theory of reincarnation when I was 26 [years old]. Genius is experience. Some seem to think that it is a gift or talent, but it is the fruit of long experience in many [past] lives.” – Henry Ford

Spritual teaching has been around since “time immemorial,” even though it has been distorted. People choose to believe each new rendition (religion/cult/etc.) is the correct one. The danger has always been blind acceptance without application of logic and reason — even now. Is it any wonder some people readily grasp the concept and others have a difficult time? Is 3999 just some coincidence?


Smart phones are making us dumb.

“Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner.” ~General Omar N. Bradley


Mahesh makes out like he is sitting on the fence regarding his opinion to the validity of the Meier case. But he is not, he has clearly become a skeptic. Ulterior motives appear to be behind this back flip and maybe a bit of sheer stupidity too.


Michael can you recomend any good websites that one could look into to learn a little more on MMO

Darcy Wade Carlile

Andy you think you are a judge , however you make up your own rules. You should follow the rules of the court to avoid perjury.


I didn’t know James Deardorff died. 🙁 That sucks.


Thanks Michael. I just read about James Deerdorff. Very sad news. His work and research should be celebrated in some way.

Chris L

I think Mahesh just wants absolute proof and cannot or will not accept that with the majority of issues and subject matter that is not going to manifest. The whole point re making a stand on the Meier prophet issue is that we have to come to a conclusion via deductive, rational reason and logic, intelligence, and intuition and common sense. We need to exercise all these faculties. Maheshhas ffallen onto the trap that the P have warned about: wanting absolute and only scientific proof. This is a human issue not a test tube analysis. Mahesh reminds me of Thomas from the Jesus mythology. Now O often had a soft spot for that position, after all he only wanted proof; problem was he couldn’t believe the word of all his closest honest friends. He rather doubted them and all they said re the issue rather than use common sense. Of course in that mythology Thomas eventually got to see the markings and felt the embarrassment of doubting his honest friends. History never forgot the mythological doubter. We, the people of this earth are the ones on trial, not Meier. Even if one puts him in the dock it has to be realized that sometimes the court or jury must make up its mind when they just do not have ALL the facts. Nevertheless, their jury or court must make its stance and judgement based on all the evidence it does have. Mahesh is just refusing to do so.

Greg Dougall

The easiest way for me to decide about the Meier case was motive. Who in their right mind, would make up 600 contact reports, 40 books, 50 essays, 1400 photos, 20 films, 120 witnessed events, etc. not for fame or notoriety, but to do it out of the spotlight?

I don’t know of anyone one the planet who would spend their entire adult life justifying and constantly maintaining an elaborate, multi-faceted hoax. And then for all of that information to also make perfect, logical sense!? Everything makes sense! (if you can be open to intelligent life existing elsewhere in the universe, which I recently explained
(400 billion stars x 400,000 galaxies) which our scientists agree 100% on.)

It is more crazy to think that someone made or falsified all of this than to believe that someone just accepted their mission they had been prepared for and just did the right thing and told the truth every single time. And THEN if there is the TINIEST mistake or error in communications, they go back and correct those errors every single time, just to keep the record straight!? Why would someone fake something and then say, hmm, I’m going to change something I said several years ago, and make it slightly different? The volume and detail and logic of the Meier material makes so much more sense than anything I’ve ever been taught, but no one seems to care about “EVIDENCE” of what churches and governments tell us.

None of the skeptics can read an essay or book of Meier and say it’s not true or useful.

Philip Brandel

Ya Greg people will over complicate this to the next dimension, but find no need to look for logic in understanding the true meaning of the delusional cross stricken building down the street. Or the guy/ woman they elect to run there lives….
To go one step farther as per the Plejaren, and is interesting to think about, there are actually universes on top of universes, side to side…. so a group of humans that can go in between two universes in real time says they have never seen a ‘end’ to creation is unfathomable. The infinite being of space and life seems to be of an unimaginable scale. Just seeing the diversity on our own world, within nature brings but a glimpse of what waits for us out there. Lets just hope that this time we can avoid rewinding the clock and step ever closer to returning to what the truth may hold.
Hey and used your blog for a post today on Facebook…. Got to love those woman from Seritan:)

Philip Brandel

Quoted that ‘as per the Plejaren’…. but that is obviously just my interpretation of their information. As if can remember, they would call it different dimensions rather than universes?


The universes within universes are called “space-time configurations.” So when they Ps do their fraction of a second shift into our ‘dimension’ they are reaching our Goran space-time configuration within the DERN universe. The Ps space-time configuration within the DERN is called Siras . See contact 207. So the word “dimensions” are not really accurate for space-time configurations (translation error in my opinion), but a way for us to imagine between one universe to the next. As far as explaining dimensions. BEAM makes it very clear that there are 7 dimensions. Whereas there are infinite space-time configurations. As far as I understand it, the material realm is one dimension and the afterlife (fine matter world/spiritual realm) is yet another dimension, for example.


I jst read this contact report yesterday..:)

Philip Brandel

Thanks Anthony, was having a brain fart when I wrote this part… Will have to revisit all this again. A lot to take in and try and filter through the thoughts, to spit out in ones own words. Work in progress:)


I really love this subject; I study and think about it a lot. The difference between a space-time configuration and another dimension (or a different space-time realm), are the Creational laws. According to Ptaah, ” Fundamentally, the fine-fluidal energies follow completely different laws than is the case with the material energies. The fine-fluidal energies show other and unique characteristics if they are emitted or radiated. In addition to this, it also has to be explained that there is not only one kind of fine-fluidal energy, but there are several, consequently each kind of fine-fluid also expands in a completely different space-time realm.” Source

So what is important to understand is that ALL space-time configurations (universes within universes) have the SAME natural laws and directives; whereas in different dimension the “fine-fluidal energies follow completely different laws than is the case with the material energies.” So all space time configurations consist of galaxies, stars, planets, humans, animals, planets, elements, etc. Whereas dimensions like the fine matter world or the spiritual realm, there are NO physical objects so the law of ‘becoming a passing away’, for example, only exists as the Creation goes from its awake period to its sleeping period and continues forever in that pattern; and the law of time, for example, goes by at much different speeds to the material realm. After the Plejaren have made their little time-space configuration shift, they use hyperspace which is entering the spiritual realm (or going into another dimension) to fly around the universe once they get here from the Siras time-space configuration; and it only takes a matter of hours to travel the hundreds of light years from the Pleiades to see Billy on Earth. So the law of time is much, much, much, etc. faster in the spiritual dimension, than it is in the material dimension, for example.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Dern is a universe and Dal is a twin universe, Asket’s people were the only humans to travel here to the Dern for a while. Goran and Siras are dimensions that can be traveled with the Plejaren and Sirian technology and Asket’s technology. The technology to travel to other Uiniverses is very much higher advancement then dimensional travel. What about time travel that must be seperate issue too?


Dear Michael,

So where is hyperspace? When Billy was on the great spacer, the Plejaren spent like 7 minutes in hyperspace so that Billy could experience the spiritual realm. Billy did NOT want to come back from that experience the Plejaren where trying to give Billy of what the spiritual realm or fine matter world or the beyond or whatever you want to call it was like. Hyperspacing and shifting between space-time configurations are TWO different technologies and forms of travel.


Dear Honey Badger, thanks for sharing the Rutles song. Enough for this evening; I think I will go drink my tea. Cheers!



There are many ways to reach a universe. As Semjase explains in the 10 contact, “85. The entire universe which he sees is but one of many rooms and must be counted as myriads, because there are universes within universes, universes beyond universes, universes under universes, universes above universes and universes out of the universes within this ur -mighty, colossal and all-creative spiritual intelligence of the Creation’s existence.”

The space-time configurations are either “universes within universes” or “universes out of universes.” Whereas the DAL universe would be perhaps a universe next to a universe (“above” or “below”). The point being is that it takes different technology to reach these different types of universes. And you a missing the whole discipline for using the word “dimension” according to the Meier material. The “dimensions” we are comparing ARE the Creational-natural laws. So that is why it would be INCORRECT to call a different space-time configuration another dimension from our own. The natural laws are the same between space-time configurations, so they are in the same dimension.


Dear Michael,

Don’t you know the Rutles are bigger than God! God never had a hit record…

Darcy Wade Carlile

The creational natural laws exist in all universes or they would not exist. All life is interconnected with the 7 dimensions and most of us use 2 of them via the TV set or internet blog, however 3 are known that is why we live in 3D.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Space time configuration is materially what we see with our eyes and that would be our space time configuration. The past and future sound to me like dimensions you can travel to and actually see them with your own eyes, however that would now be a different space time configuration then today.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Each universe is an individual creation in the Absolutum, so I think that universes are seperate entities with their own seperate 7 dimensions and seperate space time configurations, but they all are the same laws of creation. The Plejaren live in the Dern universe and Asket lives in the Dal universe. Universe within universe is seperate issue and not to be confused.


“Universe within universe is seperate issue and not to be confused.”


I think you are the one who is confused. Please site actual Figu sources to build on your conclusions or rebuttal. This explanation of (space-time configurations vs. dimensions) is based on my own thinking and research, over many years, with supporting evidence from the Figu info; and I did not pull it out my bleep like so many people do here.


There seems to be inconsistency on the information about space-time configurations, creations, and universes. For the sake of reconciliation, please quote the source document.


“There seems to be inconsistency on the information about space-time configurations, creations, and universes. For the sake of reconciliation, please quote the source document.”

Dear Rob,

I agree there is inconsistency with the use of “dimensions.” My whole explanation, from top to bottom, was an attempt to clarify a rather misunderstood and misused term, with regard to the Meier information. James Moore shows the misunderstanding of the word “dimensions” on Future of Mankind page which was one of my sources.

Obviously there are many applications, like height, width, depth to describe a three dimensional object in the physical realm. But in terms of the spirit teaching, as you know everything revolves around the Creational laws and directives. These are consistent throughout Creation. So it would be WRONG to say that there are NO Creational laws in the spiritual realm or fine matter world. They are different, like Ptaah is saying, not nonexistent. The law of love exists on both the spiritual and material side, for example. BUT their dimensions do NOT look the same and are different. I gave the example of hyperspace vs regular space to travel in a destination universe. Time has a different dimension or measurement in the fine matter world as compared to the material world. I may be wrong, but I think that the correct use for “dimensions,” is to differentiate between the physical realm with one dimension of laws and the spiritual realm with another dimension of those same laws.

Here is my attempt to break this down as simple as I can how universes relate to time-space configurations. But remember, this is a ‘work in progress’ and susceptible to errors. We know about the DAL and DERN universes from the Meier case. The Ps say we live in the DAL universe and so do they. But Asket’s people come from another twin sister universe to the DERN called the DAL universe. But the Ps also say we live in the Goran space-time configuration or (misused commonly as dimension) too. So how do we put the two together? Both the DERN and DAL universes are ‘mother’ universes to an infinite number of space-time configurations or divergent universes to the originals. Remember the Goran and Siras space-time configurations are products of the DERN or ‘offspring’ of this particular universe. In other words, both these universe configurations look similar to their ‘mother’ universe the DERN. That is why the Pleiades STILL exist but as the Plejares star cluster on the Siras side. They are both there, along with the stars, but in the Siras universe they can support life where the Ps live on Era. The whole reason that the Ps call these divergent universes to the original universe, space-time configurations, and not “universes” is because even thought these configurations are universes themselves, they ARE NOT the original universe. They are configurations of a universe, not really a ‘new’ universe. So the Ps, being as precise as they are, even though space-time configurations ARE a physical universes as big as the original DERN, they would say they are in the DERN universe in the Goran space-time configuration to see Billy, for example.


I already screwed up. The original says, ” The Ps say we live in the DAL universe and so do they.”

CORRECTION: it should read” The Ps say we live in the DERN universe and so do they.”

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hey upside down username, thanks for the fine link you shared with me, nice. The Dern universe has a birthday and it has an age, just like all those other individual universes keep that in mind also. The positive and the negative seem to me to be the positive big bang and it’s 280 elements expansion and the negative is the slowing down energies on the far side of creation, however the two attract each other because unity or the super glue called creation/universe.



Thank you for the link provided.

“in the dimension where we and all other groups of the Enoch (Henok) lineage live, numerous solar systems exist that contain planets capable of supporting great varieties of life.”

That is a very revealing statement and makes me wonder if their universe is utopian compared to all other space-time configurations they have visited in this universe. I believe they mentioned they have only regular visits to 3 or 4 dimensions/space-time configurations in earlier contacts with Semjase.

Just a thought … if you are actively collecting space-time/time-travel related knowledge, not just limited to what is said in the BEAM materials, as I am (along with several other subject matters), we can pool together and try to work the puzzle out logically. 🙂


“Just a thought … if you are actively collecting space-time/time-travel related knowledge, not just limited to what is said in the BEAM materials, as I am (along with several other subject matters), we can pool together and try to work the puzzle out logically. :)”

If MH opens a time travel/space-time configuration blog I would be very happy to participate on the puzzle. I will do my best to keep it in line with the Meier case, even if I use outside sources.


Sadly, as much as I enjoy this blogsite for what it is, it is not the ideal platform for in-depth discussion of certain topics. That is why I insisted on taking things off-line with some people. Similarly, most other topic-specific sites (which should have been ideal for this type of discussion) also has an issue with getting past certain blockages by observation of the exchanges of the participants. Actually, some of these topics are best discussed/brain-stormed in person since they can get pretty tedious.


Actionable suggestions has been made throughout my participation here. I’m sorry if people do not remember them. This, does not change the public nature of this blog, which makes certain type of discussion untenable. If this is not agreeable, I have nothing further to add.

To clarify further, I help others by sharing my knowledge privately when interest is shown. I also try to help by pointing out some personal experience, or relevant knowledge, as I deem appropriate. If not, the knowledge remains in my own domain of experience, as I suspect many people on this blogsite also have their own fair share that I can learn from. I refuse to judge any fellow person beyond if a particular base of knowledge may be of interest to him/her, for the benefit of evolvement of both parties.

I don’t think you mean to label me an armchair expert. But if you actually did, thank you, as I know I am far from deserving of it.

J. Smith

People that don’t want to accept that the case is legit focus all their skepticism on photos because if they go to the written information its a closed case….Which further tells us that their intentions aren’t to know the truth.