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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

New Confirmation of Billy Meier’s Warnings about Apophis

NASA scientists informed that Billy Meier verifiably published warnings about the Red Meteor, now known as asteroid Apophis,13 years before “official discovery”

NOTE: The information here has been updated on May 6, 2015, since it was shown that Guido Moosbrugger’s book, Und sie fliegen doch!, containing the first verifiable publication of information about the Red Meteor, aka asteroid Apophis, bears the copyright date of 1991. Thanks to Mahesh for pointing this out to Matthew Knight.


There’s been some excellent new research and information concerning when knowledge of the Red Meteor by Billy Meier, now referred to by scientists as asteroid Apophis was first verifiably published.

Matthew Knight has discovered that the date is actually 1991, 10 years earlier than previously thought and 13 years before “official discovery”! Additionally, Matthew provides more information that supports Anton Hahnekamp’s theory that there could be a connection between referring to Apophis as the Red Meteor and the Torino scale. While that connection still remains speculative, there should be no doubt that Meier warned about this incoming object long before our scientists discovered it.

The following are Matthew’s notes on the new details:


In Contact Report 150, Billy Meier reports that he met with an ET named Quetzal. Billy discusses the “rote Meteor” (Red Meteor) with Quetzal. (1) [Note: Meteors are asteroids (rocks without comas/tails) and comets (rocks with comas/tails) that burn within the Earth’s atmosphere, extending 483 kilometres from the Earth’s surface. That’s about 100 times closer than current 2015 scientific estimates for Apophis’s pass.)


‘…und sie fliegen doch!’ is published in several different language versions and printings, including the first German version from 1991,  where it states that the Red Meteor will make a hole in the surface stretching from the North Sea to the Black Sea. (3)


Professor Richard P. Binzel had the idea for a near-earth object (NEO) scale.


Prof. Binzel’s near-earth object warning scale appears in print for the first time.


The ‘Torino Scale’ is officially adopted by participants of the June 1999 international conference for NEOs, held in Torino (Turin), Italy, hence: Torino Scale. It predicts the hazard levels (0 – 10) of near-Earth objects with five colour codes; from white, level 0, “NO HAZARD” near-Earth objects, to, red, level 10, “CERTAIN COLLISIONS” meteors. A “red Meteor”, as described by Meier in 1994, would be a Torino level 9, “CERTAIN COLLISIONS”, code red, object. (4)(5)


Guido Moosbrugger’s, ‘…und sie fliegen doch!’, 1991 book is translated into English in, ‘And Still They Fly’. When translated, the “rote Meteor” is changed to proper noun capitonym, “the Red Meteor”, gaining the status of a national adjective. The warnings about “land between the North Sea and the Black Sea” being devastated by the meteor appear on page 265. (6)


Kitt Peak Observatory discover Apophis (99942) on Dec. 21st. Arecibo Observatory researchers say that there is 2.2% – 2.7% chance of Apophis hitting Earth. Torino level 2 to 4. Size estimates drop from 450 to 390 metres, (7) to “the size of two football fields”, or, 210-330 metre diameters. Torino drops to level 1, “NORMAL”, code green. (8). No “Red Meteor” associated with Apophis. Apophis will fly by Earth on 13th April 2029 and reappear in 2036.


NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility in Hawaii estimates the size of Apophis as 350 metres in diameter. Torino drops to level 0, “NO HAZARD”, code white. (7)


1-in-45,000 chance of Apophis hitting Earth in 2036. Torino Scale 0, “NO HAZARD”, code white, asteroid. (7)


According to Contact Report 471, the Red Meteor “prophecy” becomes a prediction meaning it will definitely happen. Billy says, “…the Red Meteor… is not a prophecy, but a prediction and, therefore, a cosmic event. If I remember correctly… the great danger by the meteor would threaten Earth on the 13th April, 2029, while at the same time he also named a date for the year 2036.” Ptaah “And what to say about Quetzal’s prediction regarding the meteor; I can only confirm his information.” (9)


NASA: Apophis is 330-350 metres in size. (Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy). The Arecibo Observatory recalculate the chance of Apophis hitting Earth in 2036 as dropping from 1-in-45,000 to 1-in-250,000. Apophis estimated to pass 18,300 miles away from Earth in 2029. Apophis is a Torino Scale 0, “NO HAZARD”, code white, object. (7)


NASA: Goldstone single-pixel observations of Apophis rule out potential of 2036 Earth impact; Torino Scale 0, “NO HAZARD”, code white. The Herschel Space Observatory observations increased the diameter estimate by 20% from 270 to 325 meters, which translates into a 75% increase in the estimates of the asteroid’s volume or mass (7) which is closer to Ptaah’s 350 metres as stated in CR 475, part 2, published online before 2013. (10)


China, France & US estimate that Apophis is due to pass within 35,000 kilometres of Earth (21,748 miles) away from Earth in 2029. (The moon is about 363,000 km away from Earth). No collision is expected. US scientists research Japanese data of observations in 2005 of another asteroid similar in size and calculate that Apophis “is likely” to experience “minor landslides” as it passes the Earth. Apophis could be a “…mass of rocks of varying sizes clinging together” and “some of the rocks would be moved by Earth’s gravitational pull”, whereby, “a thin layer of the surface would be removed”. (11) In 2036, Apophis is expected to get no closer than 36 million miles (57 million kilometers) away. (12). The “Icarus” Journal, vol. 242, publishes an article about how tidal effects are likely to cause small avalanches on the surface of Apophis which bring it closer to Earth than estimated. (13)


NASA states there is NO HAZARD associated with Apophis. Size is about 330 metres in diameter. NASA collaborate with the ESA on the AIDA mission to impact a low-threat asteroid Didymos (800 metres in diameter) in 2022 and throw it off course with a probe travelling at 13,000 miles per hour. (12)(14)


The prediction is explicit: Apophis will create “a new continent, due to an enormous crack of the Earth, from the N to the Black Sea, from which will spew forth red hot lava” on, either, the 13th April 2029, or, 2036 – if nothing is done against it. (5)

Saturday, the 10th of October 1981, 3:15 AM:

Quetzal:  “Earth humanity should listen to your words and warnings, but that especially they do not do.” (1)

UPDATE: May 4, 2015

My Polish friend has confirmed my findings about the Polish book, ‘UFO Z PLEJAD’ being the first known publication date (1994) for the “Red Meteor” prediction. He bought the book about 20 years ago in a book store in Warsaw and still owns it. He confirmed that the text in the PDF file version of ‘UFO Z PLEJAD’ is accurate and the Red Meteor information appears (in Polish) on pages 307 and 308 in the original book!

Billy’s “Red Meteor” warning prophecy was codenamed “red” a year before Professor Richard P. Binzel had the idea for a near-earth object (NEO) scale, 3 years before the scale was in print and 5 years before it was officially adopted by participants of the June 1999 international conference for NEOs, held in Torino (Turin), Italy, hence: Torino Scale.

For the 1994 warning to exist as anything other than an as of yet uncorroborated prediction, three subsequent events had to occur:

  1. Many scientists to identify, monitor, discuss a named near-earth object (NEO) that could pose a high risk:

Confirmed: (NEO) Asteroid Apophis discovered and named an asteroid in 2004 and given highest ever Torino Scale 4 that fell to a Torino 1 later in the year. Since 2005, scientists have said that Apophis is NO HAZARD, code white, Torino level 0 asteroid.

  1. Billy to publicly name an already identified NEO as the Red Meteor.

Confirmed: Billy’s conversations with Ptaah since 2008, including CR 475 where the Red Meteor is identified as Asteroid Apophis. Quetzal’s warning would be a CERTAIN COLLISION, code red, near-earth object and was this warning was in print since 1994.

  1. NEO Apophis, the Red Meteor to hit Earth if nothing is done.

Matthew Knight




(3)’UFO Z PLEJAD’ Guido Moosbrugger AGENCJA NOLPRESS, Bialystok 1994, ISBN 83-85212-11-6



(6) ‘And Yet… They Fly’ by Guido Moosbrugger Publisher: Steelmark; 1 edition (Sept. 2001). Language: English ISBN-10: 0971152306 ISBN-13: 978-0971152304










See also:

   *More Apophis information from the Billy Meier case:  

            New NASA Discovery: The Earth Is Round!

The Red Meteor – Apophis

‪New Cartoon Warns of Devastating Impact from Apophis Asteroid

‪Scientists’ ‘New Discovery’ About Moon’s Surface Already Published

NASA Corrects Apophis Information, Size Is almost exactly what Billy Meier Foretold

Russian Meteor a Warning to Prevent Apophis Impact


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Hey Michael.

When Meier discusses the Red Meteor in the earlier contact notes he does not mention apophis only red meteor. Your friend then cane up with the theory to relate the two saying that Quetzal and Billy must have been indirectly using the red Meteor as creative way to let us know the danger of this Asteroid/Meteor. Have you been able to confirm your friends theory to the Torino scale with Meier. Has he said that in fact thats why quetzal referred it as red to associate it with the Torino scale. later we find out yes it is apophis but we do know that the RED was their creative way to associate it with the Torino scale do we? Is that still a theory. Have you ever got a direct answer.

If not. It would be very interesting to know



I agitse. None the less it is a good theory and we have been well warned of it seriousness. It will be another case of NASA admitting probably in the near future that this is in fact an certain threat. Meier wouldnt of put himself out on a limb with stating its a certainty to hit if he really didn’t know for sure. It would be more fuel for the firing squad if he was wrong. I’ve no doubt though he’ll unfortunately be proved right again


I am sorry to report you may not be of sound mind, speaking as one myself who had often veered from reality. This information here is seemingly the backbone of all your contributions concerning this material, although I hope I am wrong. You seem to lack the understanding of certain subtleties. Of course this is only my opinion and it may be worth nothing in the end, but there it is. It’s unclear what exactly you are trying to accomplish with this obvious summation of reports. You have exclaimed a “call to action” on many occasions, but fail to designate any particular action in which to take. Maybe you could clarify for us all what the next step is in correcting these things in the midst of others’ free will, and if your response is to change yourself first, then this is already under way and requires no further repetitiveness.


So essentially what you are stating is get with your interpretations or get out. Have you ever once thought, just once that maybe you might approach things here slightly different than you are? You’re very sensitive and when I say that you think I’m being condescending, and I am not. I am simply VERY worried about the direction some of these discussions are going, and that is of course my right to feel that and I would hope you would recognize that without having to quote something you read. I am concerned that the more you focus on these negative things, you could possibly cause irreparable damage in people who may not feel the way you do. You speak of others and equality, yet when one may differ from you in their understanding, you ostracise them. I know a few things too Michael, but none of us know as much as we think we know. Belief is a dangerous thing and we must use caution as not to indulge in delusion where no personal evidence is present and move forward with caution. You and I have no more control over Apophis than we do the length of our neighbour’s lawn. These types of warnings have been given more than you and I have days left here. I hope this is not being utilized as tool of sensationalism, because in the end it means nothing anyway.


I appreciate your including my comments, I truly do. My gut tells me that our intentions, our emphasis may need to lie somewhere in between. Far be it for me to tell you how to do anything, because that would be inappropriate. I know you feel strongly about these warnings and I respect them too, but there must be something more that accompanies these things, some opening into that other thing that you and I both know exits.


Some of these guys are probably high when they’re online, so don’t take the jargon too seriously, Michael!


Sorry Mike …and again….. FINAL (fully correct) VERSION.
Please can you use this version and tweak it for paragraphs, justified dates and with your links. I’ll leave it up to you whether to leave in the numbers in brackets and the Sources at the bottom, or, just delete them out:

NASA scientists informed that Billy Meier verifiably published warnings about the Red Meteor, now known as asteroid Apophis,10 years before “official discovery”
NASA scientists now have even more reasons to take Billy Meier’s warnings about the Red Meteor*, aka asteroid Apophis, very seriously. Matthew Knight has presented excellent new research pertaining to when Billy Meier’s information about the Red Meteor was first verifiably published.
Matthew has discovered that the date of publication is actually 1994, seven years earlier than previously thought, and 10 years before “official discovery”! Additionally, Matthew provides more information that supports Anton Hahnekamp’s theory that there could be a connection between referring to Apophis as the Red Meteor and the Torino scale.
The following are Matthew’s notes on the new details:

In Contact Report 150, Billy Meier reports that he met with an ET named Quetzal. Billy discusses the “rote Meteor” (Red Meteor) with Quetzal. (1) [Note: Meteors are asteroids (rocks without comas/tails) and comets (rocks with comas/tails) that burn within the Earth’s atmosphere, extending 483 kilometres from the Earth’s surface. That’s about one
hundred times closer than current 2015 scientific estimates for Apophis’s pass.)

‘…und sie fliegen doch!’ is published in several different language versions and printings, including a Polish version from 1994 entitled, ‘UFO Z PLEJAD’ which you can view as a .pdf file online where it states that the Red Meteor will make a hole in the surface stretching from the Baltic to the Black Sea. (3)

Professor Richard P. Binzel had the idea for a near-earth object (NEO) scale.

Prof. Binzel’s near-earth object warning scale appears in print for the first time.

The ‘Torino Scale’ is officially adopted by participants of the June 1999 international conference for NEOs, held in Torino (Turin), Italy, hence: Torino Scale. It predicts the hazard levels (0 – 10) of near-Earth objects with five colour codes; from white, level 0, “NO HAZARD” near-Earth objects, to, red, level 10, “CERTAIN COLLISIONS” meteors. A “red Meteor”, as described by Meier in 1994, would be a Torino level 9, “CERTAIN COLLISIONS”, code red, object. (4)(5)

Guido Moosbrugger’s, ‘…und sie fliegen doch!’, 1991 book is translated into English in, ‘And Still They Fly’. When translated, the “rote Meteor” is changed to proper noun capitonym, “the Red Meteor”, gaining the status of a national adjective. The warnings about “land between the Baltic and the Black Sea” being devastated by the meteor appear on page 265. (6)

Kitt Peak Observatory discover Apophis (99942) on Dec. 21st. Arecibo Observatory researchers say that there is 2.2% – 2.7% chance of Apophis hitting Earth. Torino level 2 to 4. Size estimates drop from 450 to 390 metres, (7) to “the size of two football fields”, or, 210-330 metre diameters. Torino drops to level 1, “NORMAL”, code green. (8). No “Red Meteor” associated with Apophis. Apophis will fly by Earth on 13th April 2029 and reappear in 2036.

NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility in Hawaii estimates the size of Apophis as 350 metres in diameter. Torino drops to level 0, “NO HAZARD”, code white. (7)

1-in-45,000 chance of Apophis hitting Earth in 2036. Torino Scale 0, “NO HAZARD”, code white, asteroid. (7)

Contact Report 471 establishes that Apophis is the Red Meteor by the date. The Red Meteor “prophecy” becomes a prediction meaning it will definitely happen. Billy says, “…the Red Meteor… is not a prophecy, but a prediction and, therefore, a cosmic event. If I remember correctly… the great danger by the meteor would threaten Earth on the 13th April, 2029, while at the same time he also named a date for the year 2036.” Ptaah “And what to say about Quetzal’s prediction regarding the meteor; I can only confirm his information.” (9)

NASA: Apophis is 330-350 metres in size. (Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy). The Arecibo Observatory recalculate the chance of Apophis hitting Earth in 2036 as dropping from 1-in-45,000 to 1-in-250,000. Apophis estimated to pass 18,300 miles away from Earth in 2029. Apophis is a Torino Scale 0, “NO HAZARD”, code white, object. (7)

NASA: Goldstone single-pixel observations of Apophis rule out potential of 2036 Earth impact; Torino Scale 0, “NO HAZARD”, code white. The Herschel Space Observatory observations increased the diameter estimate by 20% from 270 to 325 meters, which translates into a 75% increase in the estimates of the asteroid’s volume or mass (7) which is closer to Ptaah’s 350 metres as stated in CR 475, part 2, published online before 2013. (10)

China, France & US estimate that Apophis is due to pass within 35,000 kilometres of Earth (21,748 miles) away from Earth in 2029. (The moon is about 363,000 km away from Earth). No collision is expected. US scientists research Japanese data of observations in 2005 of another asteroid similar in size and calculate that Apophis “is likely” to experience “minor landslides” as it passes the Earth. Apophis could be a “…mass of rocks of varying sizes clinging together” and “some of the rocks would be moved by Earth’s gravitational pull”, whereby, “a thin layer of the surface would be removed”. (11) In 2036, Apophis is expected to get no closer than 36 million miles (57 million kilometers) away. (12). The “Icarus” Journal, vol. 242, publishes an article about how tidal effects are likely to cause small avalanches on the surface of Apophis which bring it closer to Earth than estimated. (13)

NASA states there is NO HAZARD associated with Apophis. Size is about 330 metres in diameter. NASA collaborate with the ESA on the AIDA mission to impact a low-threat asteroid Didymos (800 metres in diameter) in 2022 and throw it off course with a probe travelling at 13,000 miles per hour. (12)(14)

The prediction is explicit: Apophis will create “a new continent, due to an enormous crack of the Earth, from the Baltic to the Black Sea, from which will spew forth red hot lava” on, either, the 13th April 2029, or, 2036 – if nothing is done against it. (5)

Quetzal: Saturday, the 10th of October 1981, 3:15 AM: “Earth humanity should listen to your words and warnings, but that especially they do not do.” (1)

UPDATE: May 4, 2015
My Polish friend has confirmed my findings about the Polish book, ‘UFO Z PLEJAD’ being the first known publication date (1994) for the “Red Meteor” prediction. He bought the book about 20 years ago in a book store in Warsaw and still owns it. He confirmed that the text in the .pdf file version of ‘UFO Z PLEJAD’ is accurate and the Red Meteor information appears (in Polish) on pages 307 and 308 in the original book!

Billy’s “Red Meteor” warning prophecy was codenamed “red” a year before Professor Richard P. Binzel had the idea for a near-earth object (NEO) scale, 3 years before the scale was in print and 5 years before it was officially adopted by participants of the June 1999 international conference for NEOs, held in Torino (Turin), Italy, hence: Torino Scale.

For the 1994 warning to exist as anything other than crazy talk, three subsequent events had to occur:

1. Many scientists to identify, monitor, discuss a named near-earth object (NEO) that could pose a high risk:

Confirmed: (NEO) Asteroid Apophis discovered and named an asteroid in 2004 and given highest ever Torino Scale 4 that fell to a Torino 1 later in the year. Since 2005, scientists have said that Apophis is NO HAZARD, code white, Torino level 0 asteroid.

2. Billy to publicly name an already identified NEO as the Red Meteor.

Confirmed: Billy’s conversations with Ptaah since 2008, including CR 475 where the Red Meteor is identified as Asteroid Apophis. Quetzal’s warning would be a CERTAIN COLLISION, code red, near-earth object and was this warning was in print since 1994.

3. NEO Apophis, the Red Meteor to hit Earth if nothing is done.

Matthew Knight

(3)’UFO Z PLEJAD’ Guido Moosbrugger AGENCJA NOLPRESS, Bialystok 1994, ISBN 83-85212-11-6
(6) ‘And Yet… They Fly’ by Guido Moosbrugger Publisher: Steelmark; 1 edition (Sept. 2001). Language: English ISBN-10: 0971152306 ISBN-13: 978-0971152304


Hi Mike – Please delete the post I am replying to as its hefty and wrong. The version you have in the blog is spot on. Thanks for all your help with the corrections!


I don’t understand — where is the confirmation that Red Meteor = Apophis? I see exactly zero evidence Red Meteor=Apophis outside Meier’s word…am I missing something?

Jeff Tan

From what I understand Andy is that Red Meteor is referenced by Billy and the Plejaren back in 1981. The name Apophis was given to the meteor after it was discovered by NASA and other space agencies much later on.

From Contact Report 475 part 2.
Regarding the Red Meteor that endangers Earth on the 13th of April, 2029 and of which we have already spoken on the 16th of September, I have been asked about certain things and, therefore, would like to know how big that bloke is.
To my knowledge the terrestrial astronomers have already detected it for quite some time and are calling it Apophis or something.
It shall either hit Earth in the year 2029, or only whizzing by very closely.
Should it be the latter case, it (the meteor) would reappear in the year 2036 and its close approach to Earth could really lead to a catastrophe if the scientists undertake nothing against it.”


Well, I can see the connection even if the P’s did not call it Apophis directly. I’m sure skeptics like Mahesh will claim otherwise.

Thanks and good work Matthew!


What connection do you see exactly, Dennis?

I’ll have more to say about this real soon, but this ‘corroboration’ appears rather troublesome to me, to say the least.

PS- thanks for letting me post my skeptical comments, Michael.


The question remains: Is itvyhe North SRS to Black Sea or the Baltic Sea to Black Sea?
Futureofmankind CR 150 clearly says North Sea; however, both “And yet…they fly” (p316) and “Andstill they fly” (p265) and tthe Polish 1994 version all state in print Baltic Sea to the Black Sea.
Matta also confirmed the latter to me saying he is not sure where the intended North Sea version originated.
Re: RED meteor. As MH has previously stated “red” may refer to the Torino scale or red for danger. There is another possible reason I will put forward here for the first time, though it had been on myind for more than a decade: Apophis appears to be a high iron content asteroid this will very likely mean that if/when it impacts that iron will vaporize and/or form iron oxide dust which is red. This will color the ground and the earth with a red dust residue, and possibly result in ted skies as the very extensive dust cloud will also likely appear red. IMO the earth will be coated red after this impact.
I have not heard Bulky or any of the Plejaren mention this, though the Plejaren would know whether it will be so or not.

MiroslavStanko - Saalome84Blue

My copy of …And yet they fly (UFO: …A přece létají – Czech version, year 1993) , states from Baltic sea to Black sea…


Brilliant! Thanks Miroslav Stanko – That’s exactly the point of my post: To get people sharing information. Hardly anyone in the US, UK, possibly Australia, i.e., the English (only) speaking people, knew that the red meteor, or, CR 150 part 7 was in print in 1993. I certainly didn’t. Would like to share if OK? According to the website, there is no translation date for this contact. Please can you send that photo, along with any other relevant pages to do with the red meteor and the photo of the year of print and a photo of the front cover to me at If possible, please can you transcribe the text, or, find sources on the net that have it so that I have the text digitally too. That would be a massive help. Many are not sure where this meteor is going to hit – ‘Baltic to the Black Sea’, or, ‘North Sea to the Black Sea’. As (now) 1993 and 1994, books have ‘Baltic to the Black Sea’ in print much closer to the time of the actual contact, so, questions remain about how and why there was this change to the North Sea in the Contact report books? I will ask Christian F about this, but, just need the evidence. Thanks again.

Darcy Wade Carlile

What is the big deal it will be both perhaps because it splits into 2 continents and perhaps it causes Scotland to sink into the sea also.

MiroslavStanko - Saalome84Blue

I am afraid it is pointless to provide you with Czech version of …And yet they fly (1993), because there are many informations left out / omitted – the translators did wrong job with it…


Christian F. has confirmed that the red meteor will split the crust of the earth from the North Sea to the Black Sea and not the Baltic as was in print up to 2004:

“The new PP Blocks were corrected by Ptaah and Billy based on the Plejaren’s recordings of the discussions because they (the P’s) noticed that there were errors in the earlier contact reports due to the huge speed of the transmissions. Especially the tiny difference between the spirit-symbols of millions, milliards and billions was not easy to grasp for Billy, and quite a number of mistakes were published in the earlier versions (and, consequently, in the books as well, as e.g. in Guido Moosbrugger’s first edition of “… und sie fliegen doch!”). And if the Red Meteor should crash down on Earth, it will devastate the…North Sea to the Black Sea.

Darcy – you obviously don’t live in Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, or, Romania because those countries will be severely affected according to the correct version – North Sea to the Black Sea. Not sure where you get Scotland from. It’s all the same – over there – in Europe, right, so who cares? Not you, obviously.


You beat me to the corrections, Michael. Yes, smartphones are not so smart when it comes to auto writing/correcting what they think should be there; and they (or at least mine) don’t allow pre-viewing before posting. Maybe it’s the first time Billy has had his name “corrected” to “Bulky”.
There is a precident for the iron theory, in the US no less. Geologists have found these red/orange layers in a burried band of earth corresponding to the time of a previous asteroid impact. It’s appears to be a common feature of iron asteroid impacts and so not just my idea. I saw that program on Discovery TV not so long ago, confirming my earlier suspicions. There are also certain visionaries who have seen the earth covered in red dust after some kind of global disaster some time in the future.

Presumably the three books that say Baltic to Black Sea are all from the same original source, whatever it was. 1994 was before the futureofmankind that says North Sea to Baltic.

Regarding the divide between the seas, the books say “Red-hot masses of lava and natural gas and so forth, will also produce a deadly wall of sulphur which will cover the land, drifitng westward and creating additional death zones.”
That last phrase is more suggestive of the Baltic Sea/Black Sea split, as the North Sea to Black Sea split would already be covering most of Europe and would provide an East-West split rather than a North-South split. The latter N-S split would produce a more noticeable westard drift of the poisonous gasses. As you say we should find out soon enough. It would make a good question to Billy in the monthy sessions, as he specifically asked Quetzal where the rift would occur because he was, himself, interested. I always seem to miss the question sessions though.

Scott Reed

Hello MH and everyone else.
I was thinking about climate change and specifically the warming of the planet. If the ice caps continue to melt will this change the way that earths gravitational field flows into space? If so is this why NASA’s prediction of Apophis’s trajectory is incorrect? With 14 or 21 years of melting this seems possible to me. I do not know if my way of thinking on this is correct. Any insight is appreciated.
Peace and love to all,
Scott Reed.

David Scott

Yes Mier warned of Apophis , The Russians are preparing for it . NASA , the ones that scrub the pictures of honesty , quelch the words of Armstrong stating , whats that over their , ahh , oh my god its a two crafts , omg , they are watching us . Moon speak of course . Whatever , they kept that from you too . USA has no plans for incoming . They have a slew of workers watching space junk to keep their satellites , ahh , safe? Sending out S.E.T.I. toy speak . We are in the twilight zone , might as well be the destroyer . These people need to be fired . NOW . They are useless . The bitch has us on the radar and maybe , maybe we could avoid another one . Really ? its inevitable . Live for today for tomorrow will never come . I understand why people are jerks , care about themselves and why we are trying to change things and piss in the wind . I am just going to live my life , still commit random acts of kindess and try to sleep . C.E.R.N. can blow up Napal and distribute earthquakes to the Americas as our Muslim Sharia loving leader leads the crusade . Obamanation . Lean Forward . So your head can be lopped off . WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE , easy Maxwell , Pigs can have pinwheels and attend football games on TV with Progressive , but , yeah you too will have your head lopped off . Especially if you think for yourself . clink , NEXT ….

Marco K.

My personal opinion about this matter is, that we should not indulge in speculation.

I agree with most of what you wrote, Matthew, but the following sentence should be changed:

“For the 1994 warning to exist as anything other than crazy talk, three subsequent events had to occur:”

Since only two of the three events have occured so far, you are basically saying – unintentionally, I guess – that the warning by Meier is “crazy talk” at this point. I would distinguish between the three points made and call the third one “3. NEO Apophis, the Red Meteor to hit Earth if nothing is done.” an as of yet uncorroborated prediction.

At this point in time, the ones capable and responsible for a deflection will do it, either officially or secretly. Since that was the whole point of Meier’s warning, I would say “mission accomplished”.


Marco K – Tell the Plejaren they, “should not indulge in speculation”. Talking about a red meteor hitting earth would have been just speculation and “crazy talk” in 1994 without the subsequent corroborations 1 & 2. The confirming events show that we aren’t dealing with Billy talking to himself, we are dealing with real ETs that can make accurate calculations about the future. If the events since 1994 (now 1993 according to MiroslavStanko in her post above where she says that the red meteor is mentioned in the Czech book, ‘…A přece létají’ in 1993 – moving the date even closer to Billy’s 1981!!!!!) had not then happened in logical way as presented, i.e., that Meier would reveal more info later on, which would be ignored, so, would be “known about” in his lifetime, which suggests that the event is not too far away, proves that there is zero chance of it being “crazy talk”.

As for your “secretly” dealing with the meteor – that also makes no logical sense. Do you really think stock market dealers, business men in military and space organisations, etc., won’t see this land as “expendable” and that they can profit from the event by letting it happen? What’s it to them? A new continent means new land deals. Perhaps that’s why the Plejaren address EVERYONE in CR 150 and not just scientists, or, politicians as it will take everyone, not. ignoring this, but, doing something “against it”, talking about it, sharing speculations, etc., and voting in sensible leaders and buying goods sensibly, etc., rather than leaving the responsibility with NASA, the secret government who have shown themselves to be liars and not care a jot about human life and you expect them to save the day! This could also be the reason why the Plejaren put the word out there and why I thought it deserved a second, third, tenth, thirtieth, look, so, that people would start to think for themselves and take responsibility instead of expecting others to do it for them.

Fence sitter

MH, there are 1,000 good reasons to believe Meier, but Apophis ain’t one of ’em. The logic of tying a prediction that a meteor will someday hit the earth (shocker!) to Apophis is terribly weak. I’ve got to think there’s better evidence. Let’s move on. (I predict a yellow tornado will hit the Midwest U.S.)

Luis Marcelo Badano

Edmund Halley predicted the passing of the comet with his name in a specific time and specific point in the sky. Your example does not meet the specificity nor temporal criteria.

And not once, but dozens upon dozens of time Meier did this. If that doesn’t impress you… well… I don’t know what to tell you.


Fence sitter

Luis said: “Edmund Halley predicted the passing of the comet with his name in a specific time and specific point in the sky. Your example does not meet the specificity nor temporal criteria.”

I don’t not know if you’re talking about me or Meier. Either way, you’re right.

Regarding your statement, “…dozens upon dozens of time Meier did this,” unfortunately he hasn’t done it in a way that we can directly verify. I feel like the Plejarans have really hung Billy out to dry by not giving him proof. All of us who follow Meier are doing so out of:
1. Faith
2. Misunderstanding of the facts
3. Poor logic

I’m a number 1!

Fence sitter

You’re a number 3 with a twist of number 1.

Fence sitter

I think we’re making a similar point. An asteroid hitting earth is inevitable. Predicting it isn’t impressive. I just think your time would be better spent on more compelling evidence.

Regarding me: I was using my name when I first signed up, until Sheila suggested a better username. Regarding what I do, I like fine arts.

Fence sitter

Whether those space agencies are doing something or not, is there any evidence that they’re doing so because of Meier’s warning that someday a red meteor is going to hit earth?

I gave you a prediction above.

Your analogy of my liking fine art to your liking ice cream is flawed because ice cream is a food and fine art is something you can do.

Fence sitter

I like your paintings.


As to why NASA’s trajectory of Apophis is wrong: Apophis seems capable of landslides. These and chnages to its orbit as it approaches “the keyhole” on its flyby of Earth in 2029 could very likely result in a changed trajectory bringing it THEN onto a collision course with Earth. It is not made of ice so we are not looking at dissolved parts. It could be this is why Ptaah mentioned that Earth scientists need to be doing something asap as presumably after the flyby will be too late.

‘At this point in time, the ones capable and responsible for a deflection will do it, either officially or secretly. Since that was the whole point of Meier’s warning, I would say “mission accomplished”.’
Well, I certainly hope you are right, and that they heeded Meier’s warning, but that is one big presumption. All we have heard of to date is scout-like missions to check it out. Unless in secret top scientists know how the flyby will specifically alter the trajectory (something run of the mill scientists don’t know) and are sending a nuclear weapon out there to deflect it not enough is currently being done.

Fence sitter, Meier isn’t just predicting a meteor will “someday” hit the Earth: He is predicting its size, approximate date of arrival, specific point of impact, and resultant effects. Just a few important details you omitted. The US experiences hundreds of tornados a year. SInce when has the earth experienced hundreds of meteors a year. Your comparison is nothing short of ludicrous.

Fence sitter

If Apophis hits earth (as I’m confident it will), then Meier’s current prediction will have been proved impressive. That’s because common wisdom is to the contrary. What’s not impressive is saying a meteor will hit the earth at some point in the indefinite future (that’s the common wisdom), and then saying “that’s the one” and citing its size, date of impact, etc. AFTER scientists have announced it.

“Since when has the earth experienced hundreds of meteors a year?” Actually, for a LONG time. More meteorites hit the earth each year than there are tornados in the Midwest each year. Fun fact!

Is this prediction better? It addresses your issue with my last one: a yellow tornado will hit Teton County, Wyoming.

Fence sitter

It seems like your response to my argument is two-fold.

1. You (Fence sitter) are not impressive
Therefore: your argument is wrong.
1. You do not use your name when you post.
Therefore: Your argument is wrong.

I don’t think either of your rebuttals are sound.


Fence sitter – Billy identified that Apophis was the Red Meteor in 2009 in CR 475. That’s after 5 years of every astronomer on the planet agreeing that Apophis is NO THREAT to Earth. If Billy’s red Meteor could have been any old NEO in 1981, there would be no significant difference in the NEOs to choose from in 2009. Maybe Meier just got his ‘Scientist Monthly’ 2004 edition a little late and Apophis isn’t going to hit?

Now I ask you to take your yellow tornado warning, make it red (to be a fair comparison) and name the exact date that a red tornado will hit the world (’cause we all know a red one will hit sometime).

If Apophis does hit Earth, then the odds (how many near-earth objects were identified in 2009? Is it a lot?) make Meier’s prediction right and incredible! You talk about it dismissively – with the luxury of having been warned about it all by Meier. Spoiler alert: Apophis hits earth. Yawn…

Fence sitter

I agree with your post, Matthew, except I have no idea what you were trying to say in sentences 3 and 4. Regarding the red tornado (I’m happy to change it from yellow to red): I’ll announce the date as soon as scientists identify its existence near Teton County, as long as that date is well after my life expectancy has passed. Just like Meier did.


Hilarious – you even miss the point YOU made there that you would only be able to confidently make such a prediction about a red tornado if scientists’ already identified its existence. Didn’t you mean, “if scientists identified “the threat” of a red tornado? If scientists already identified a red tornado then it would already be upon us and your prediction would be laughable. Stick the same conditions as Meier and try making the prediction when all is calm and no tornadoes “threats” are expected. Would you stake others’ lives and YOUR own reputation on making such a prediction? So, put up, or, shut up as you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about.


The “hundreds of meteors a year” referred to above should be of 350m diameter plus since this is specified.


Upon closer inspection, as is with Iceman, a closer look at this ‘corroboration’ actually points towards hoax… Details found here:

As for this “Meier isn’t just predicting a meteor will “someday” hit the Earth: He is predicting its size, approximate date of arrival, specific point of impact, and resultant effects. Just a few important details you omitted.” This is true, but misleading. Let’s be clear, before Apophis was identified by scientists and the size and dates were known about it, Meier was effectively just predicting a meteor will “someday” hit the Earth. Well, he did give some details in this first, pre-discovery, prediction but those details appear to NOT match up with Apophis.

So what you say is misleading Chris, because what we have here is no more and no less then 1) First, scientists discover a meteor and give its details, and only THEN 2) Meier says this meteor will hit earth if nothing is done. As it stands, there is nothing particularly impressive about this because the meteor hasn’t hit (and indeed, scientists say it will not). Even though it is extremely unlikely according to our scientists, Meier could be right and this could become a stunning and devastating ‘corroboration’, but we won’t know for a long time yet. (The event that comes before #1 above — where Meier predicts a meteor will hit earth ‘someday’ — doesn’t corroborate anything for obvious reasons, and again, actually points in hoax direction if anything. See link above).


I just don’t understand why its a ‘yawn’ when the few details Meier did give about the ‘Red Meteor’ before its discovery appear to directly contradict what is known about Apophis… I don’t understand why you would expect anyone to take this warning seriously when by all indications ‘Red Meteor=Apophis’ is a lie…

Granted , learning how to deflect meteors is incredibly useful, but taking Meier’s word about all this is less than justified to say the least…


If you had actually bothered to verify dates of Meier publications and dates of ‘official discovery’ then you would know there is nothing prophetic about Meier’s info and thus the case is far from proven (and there is in fact mounting evidence of hoax). Or you could go to Mahesh’s site, who did all this for you, and it turns out than in your over zealous desire to find corroborations, you have wound up making extremely exaggerated (false) claims about Meier’s writings. In any case, if you had bothered to even read Mahesh’s extremely useful critique of your work, you would know the thing about Apophis size doesn’t really help your case much either — when Meier published about the size he used the figure that happened to be the prevailing estimate at the time in the available literature, thus evidence if anything that he is getting his info from terrestrial sources…


“Quetzal: “Earth humanity should listen to your words and warnings, but that especially they do not do.” CR 150, part 7. Saturday, the 10th of October 1981, 3:15 AM

For Quetzal to say that “humanity” should “listen to” Billy’s “words and warnings” in CR 150, strongly, implies, that people will one day hear more of those “warnings”, (plural!), after the 1981 contact, even, after 1991 and up to and before Billy kicks the bucket! It implies that scientists will identify Billy’s 1981 object within the next 40 years so that Billy can confirm – even though there’s nothing on the radar for 13 years. The “warnings” being given, but, that are not listened to by “Earth humanity” implies that a lot of people will know about the meteor and hear more warnings from Billy so that it can be identified and importantly, people have the chance to “listen” and do something about it even if, by all accounts, actually listen. After about 2050, we should be able to adequately defend ourselves from meteors, so, we can assume that the meteor is not a million miles away from Earth in 1991 or 2001 when we first read about the meteor and that it will probably hit within the next 100 years. Without more “warnings”, what would be the sense and logic in saying people “should listen”, or, even announcing the threat in the first place? Meier will not leave us with those questions in CR 150 forever and what was promised was delivered in regards to the meteor’s identity, proving himself a trustworthy source. The window for finding a NEO to fit te bill for all that drama in 1981 or 2004 when enough people had read about it is about 20 – 40 years based on the printing of ‘And Still They Fly’ (2001) and the average lifespan of men (including Billy). After 2050 we should be technologically equipped to divert NEOs ourselves.

So Billy had around 20-40 years for scientists to find a suitable asteroid and and for the other warnings promised in CR 150 to be delivered and then the meteor would have to hit within a 70 year period, before our defense systems are to good to warrant any warning. So, within 40 years from 1981, Meier would have to find a NEO that appears only once every 100,000 years and was not on NASA’s radar (until 2004) and that meteor would have to hit earth as a Torino 9 within the next 70 years from 1981 and everyone would need to know about it. You see, only meteors that are a threat before we have developed the tools to handle these objects are worth shouting about. We were warned… And still, they try…

Fence sitter

MH, your argument of 1 am appears to be based on the assumptions:
1. An argument is wrong if it comes from someone who hasn’t been to Switzerland.
2. Whoever spends the most time investigating something has the correct position in an argument.

(The means, motive and opportunity comment doesn’t seem to have anything to do with Apophis.)

Those assumptions seem flawed.

Fence sitter

Matthew at 8:47: I interpreted the word “warnings” to be referring generally to the warnings Billy gave previous and after the discussion, regardless of subject matter. You’re putting as much stock in the word “warnings” as some preachers do to specific words in the New Testament.


Fence sitter – Time to come off that fence and go to school because you interpreted incorrectly. Plural means more than one, e.g., red meteor, warning. Seems those awkward little facts in my post got up your crotch enough to not want to deal with any of them, except, make some illiterate interpretation. Was it because you were unable to face the frightening reality of grammar, context and theme because, oh yeh, you deal with “facts”. You have no more of an ability to look beyond your own blinkered view of the world than the christians did.

Fence sitter

Your rebuttal to Andy’s well-constructed argument appears to be:
1. Your (Andy’s) argument bores me (or makes me sleepy, I can’t tell).
Therefore: Your argument is wrong.

Jeff Tan

Andy I think what you are trying to do is muddy the water. What you are trying to do is generalize what Meier has predicted according to the Red Meteor by injecting your own misguided logic and adding further controversy to the subject. It is quite clear that you lack the necessary knowledge and wisdom to be able make sense of what is about to happen.

Fence sitter

MH, your argument of 1:09 am appears to be:
1. There is voluminous evidence that Meier is a prophet.
Therefore: Meier’s prediction about Apophis further confirms his status as a prophet.

I have to disagree with the conclusion until and unless the meteor hits earth.

Fence sitter


Fence sitter

What I need is Sheila’s opinion on all of this.


Oh sore cheeks, my opinion is that Michael is correct with his assessment. See, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Are you that incapable of thought? For a moment I thought perhaps you may have fell off the fence, but you obviously have velcro attached to your posterior. Are you here trying to defend your brother Mahesh?

Fence sitter

Sheila, where have you been?!? Please don’t go away like that again.