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Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

New Confirmation of Billy Meier’s Warnings about Apophis

NASA scientists informed that Billy Meier verifiably published warnings about the Red Meteor, now known as asteroid Apophis,13 years before “official discovery”

NOTE: The information here has been updated on May 6, 2015, since it was shown that Guido Moosbrugger’s book, Und sie fliegen doch!, containing the first verifiable publication of information about the Red Meteor, aka asteroid Apophis, bears the copyright date of 1991. Thanks to Mahesh for pointing this out to Matthew Knight.


There’s been some excellent new research and information concerning when knowledge of the Red Meteor by Billy Meier, now referred to by scientists as asteroid Apophis was first verifiably published.

Matthew Knight has discovered that the date is actually 1991, 10 years earlier than previously thought and 13 years before “official discovery”! Additionally, Matthew provides more information that supports Anton Hahnekamp’s theory that there could be a connection between referring to Apophis as the Red Meteor and the Torino scale. While that connection still remains speculative, there should be no doubt that Meier warned about this incoming object long before our scientists discovered it.

The following are Matthew’s notes on the new details:


In Contact Report 150, Billy Meier reports that he met with an ET named Quetzal. Billy discusses the “rote Meteor” (Red Meteor) with Quetzal. (1) [Note: Meteors are asteroids (rocks without comas/tails) and comets (rocks with comas/tails) that burn within the Earth’s atmosphere, extending 483 kilometres from the Earth’s surface. That’s about 100 times closer than current 2015 scientific estimates for Apophis’s pass.)


‘…und sie fliegen doch!’ is published in several different language versions and printings, including the first German version from 1991,  where it states that the Red Meteor will make a hole in the surface stretching from the North Sea to the Black Sea. (3)


Professor Richard P. Binzel had the idea for a near-earth object (NEO) scale.


Prof. Binzel’s near-earth object warning scale appears in print for the first time.


The ‘Torino Scale’ is officially adopted by participants of the June 1999 international conference for NEOs, held in Torino (Turin), Italy, hence: Torino Scale. It predicts the hazard levels (0 – 10) of near-Earth objects with five colour codes; from white, level 0, “NO HAZARD” near-Earth objects, to, red, level 10, “CERTAIN COLLISIONS” meteors. A “red Meteor”, as described by Meier in 1994, would be a Torino level 9, “CERTAIN COLLISIONS”, code red, object. (4)(5)


Guido Moosbrugger’s, ‘…und sie fliegen doch!’, 1991 book is translated into English in, ‘And Still They Fly’. When translated, the “rote Meteor” is changed to proper noun capitonym, “the Red Meteor”, gaining the status of a national adjective. The warnings about “land between the North Sea and the Black Sea” being devastated by the meteor appear on page 265. (6)


Kitt Peak Observatory discover Apophis (99942) on Dec. 21st. Arecibo Observatory researchers say that there is 2.2% – 2.7% chance of Apophis hitting Earth. Torino level 2 to 4. Size estimates drop from 450 to 390 metres, (7) to “the size of two football fields”, or, 210-330 metre diameters. Torino drops to level 1, “NORMAL”, code green. (8). No “Red Meteor” associated with Apophis. Apophis will fly by Earth on 13th April 2029 and reappear in 2036.


NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility in Hawaii estimates the size of Apophis as 350 metres in diameter. Torino drops to level 0, “NO HAZARD”, code white. (7)


1-in-45,000 chance of Apophis hitting Earth in 2036. Torino Scale 0, “NO HAZARD”, code white, asteroid. (7)


According to Contact Report 471, the Red Meteor “prophecy” becomes a prediction meaning it will definitely happen. Billy says, “…the Red Meteor… is not a prophecy, but a prediction and, therefore, a cosmic event. If I remember correctly… the great danger by the meteor would threaten Earth on the 13th April, 2029, while at the same time he also named a date for the year 2036.” Ptaah “And what to say about Quetzal’s prediction regarding the meteor; I can only confirm his information.” (9)


NASA: Apophis is 330-350 metres in size. (Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy). The Arecibo Observatory recalculate the chance of Apophis hitting Earth in 2036 as dropping from 1-in-45,000 to 1-in-250,000. Apophis estimated to pass 18,300 miles away from Earth in 2029. Apophis is a Torino Scale 0, “NO HAZARD”, code white, object. (7)


NASA: Goldstone single-pixel observations of Apophis rule out potential of 2036 Earth impact; Torino Scale 0, “NO HAZARD”, code white. The Herschel Space Observatory observations increased the diameter estimate by 20% from 270 to 325 meters, which translates into a 75% increase in the estimates of the asteroid’s volume or mass (7) which is closer to Ptaah’s 350 metres as stated in CR 475, part 2, published online before 2013. (10)


China, France & US estimate that Apophis is due to pass within 35,000 kilometres of Earth (21,748 miles) away from Earth in 2029. (The moon is about 363,000 km away from Earth). No collision is expected. US scientists research Japanese data of observations in 2005 of another asteroid similar in size and calculate that Apophis “is likely” to experience “minor landslides” as it passes the Earth. Apophis could be a “…mass of rocks of varying sizes clinging together” and “some of the rocks would be moved by Earth’s gravitational pull”, whereby, “a thin layer of the surface would be removed”. (11) In 2036, Apophis is expected to get no closer than 36 million miles (57 million kilometers) away. (12). The “Icarus” Journal, vol. 242, publishes an article about how tidal effects are likely to cause small avalanches on the surface of Apophis which bring it closer to Earth than estimated. (13)


NASA states there is NO HAZARD associated with Apophis. Size is about 330 metres in diameter. NASA collaborate with the ESA on the AIDA mission to impact a low-threat asteroid Didymos (800 metres in diameter) in 2022 and throw it off course with a probe travelling at 13,000 miles per hour. (12)(14)


The prediction is explicit: Apophis will create “a new continent, due to an enormous crack of the Earth, from the N to the Black Sea, from which will spew forth red hot lava” on, either, the 13th April 2029, or, 2036 – if nothing is done against it. (5)

Saturday, the 10th of October 1981, 3:15 AM:

Quetzal:  “Earth humanity should listen to your words and warnings, but that especially they do not do.” (1)

UPDATE: May 4, 2015

My Polish friend has confirmed my findings about the Polish book, ‘UFO Z PLEJAD’ being the first known publication date (1994) for the “Red Meteor” prediction. He bought the book about 20 years ago in a book store in Warsaw and still owns it. He confirmed that the text in the PDF file version of ‘UFO Z PLEJAD’ is accurate and the Red Meteor information appears (in Polish) on pages 307 and 308 in the original book!

Billy’s “Red Meteor” warning prophecy was codenamed “red” a year before Professor Richard P. Binzel had the idea for a near-earth object (NEO) scale, 3 years before the scale was in print and 5 years before it was officially adopted by participants of the June 1999 international conference for NEOs, held in Torino (Turin), Italy, hence: Torino Scale.

For the 1994 warning to exist as anything other than an as of yet uncorroborated prediction, three subsequent events had to occur:

  1. Many scientists to identify, monitor, discuss a named near-earth object (NEO) that could pose a high risk:

Confirmed: (NEO) Asteroid Apophis discovered and named an asteroid in 2004 and given highest ever Torino Scale 4 that fell to a Torino 1 later in the year. Since 2005, scientists have said that Apophis is NO HAZARD, code white, Torino level 0 asteroid.

  1. Billy to publicly name an already identified NEO as the Red Meteor.

Confirmed: Billy’s conversations with Ptaah since 2008, including CR 475 where the Red Meteor is identified as Asteroid Apophis. Quetzal’s warning would be a CERTAIN COLLISION, code red, near-earth object and was this warning was in print since 1994.

  1. NEO Apophis, the Red Meteor to hit Earth if nothing is done.

Matthew Knight




(3)’UFO Z PLEJAD’ Guido Moosbrugger AGENCJA NOLPRESS, Bialystok 1994, ISBN 83-85212-11-6



(6) ‘And Yet… They Fly’ by Guido Moosbrugger Publisher: Steelmark; 1 edition (Sept. 2001). Language: English ISBN-10: 0971152306 ISBN-13: 978-0971152304










See also:

   *More Apophis information from the Billy Meier case:  

            New NASA Discovery: The Earth Is Round!

The Red Meteor – Apophis

‪New Cartoon Warns of Devastating Impact from Apophis Asteroid

‪Scientists’ ‘New Discovery’ About Moon’s Surface Already Published

NASA Corrects Apophis Information, Size Is almost exactly what Billy Meier Foretold

Russian Meteor a Warning to Prevent Apophis Impact


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Anees Shah

Nice information!!
A large asteroid will impact our planet in 2068, according to research conducted at the State University of St. Petersburg, Russia. It is a rocky body of 370 meters in diameter, discovered more than a decade ago and baptized Apophis 99942.

Melissa Osaki

Thanks Anees, welcome to the blog.

Phil Marshall

From the 2001 english version of And Yet They Fly, the first photo showing the book publication info:

Phil Marshall

This photo shows both the publication page and one of the pages containing the red meteor info. This is to show that they are part of the same book.

Phil Marshall

From the 2001 english version of And Yet They Fly, the second photo showing the Red Meteor info:

Phil Marshall

From the 2001 english version of And Yet They Fly, the third photo showing the Red Meteor info:

John Phillips

Since the age of 7, I have often had what I call,” dream visions”. (Many will laugh…so what?). Some years ago, I “saw” Apophis 99942 hit the Earth on Friday the 13th. April 2029. There is nothing to be done. It will not kill all on Earth, but MANY. With respect, I believe that if we would ask the forgiveness of the ONE who created us & loves our souls the best (I do NOT support organized human religion, but rather the person ALL religions are supposed to point us towards), this collision would be averted, at least for a while. I do not see that happening, therefore Apophis will strike our home on Friday 13th. April 2029. May we all take this very seriously. Sincerely, John.

Melissa Osaki

Humanity stubbornly relies on a savior to save us from our ourselves. That plan hasn’t worked out so well, which is why humanity rushes into the deepest abyss. If we want to stop Apophis, we have to get off our butts and actually do something rather than praying for forgiveness to a nonexistent creator god.

The first step is recognizing that we are responsible for everything that happens. And we alone are the only ones who can change the future for the better.

“…No god or saviour will help you throughout your life. No god or saviour will guide you. No god or saviour will punish you. Your life is in your hands. How you live your life and the choices you make throughout your life is your responsibility as a human being. You are responsible for everything you think and do.

The choices you make for your life should be based on the responsibility you yourself undertake. You are responsible for your future. The choices you make for your future are your responsibility. If you choose not to take responsibility for your future or leave your future in the hands of belief, that a god or saviour will help you or save you, then you are not being self responsible, acting in self responsibility. Every day you make decisions and choose what you think and do which affects your future. There is no god or saviour that is giving you your thoughts or making you act in a certain way. You are responsible for your decisions and the choices you make as the decisions and choices you make come from within you. Thus you are responsible. If you make a bad decision or bad choice then you are responsible for this. No one else is responsible for what you think or the choices you make. No god or saviour will punish you for making a bad decision or bad choice in your everyday life…

…You as a human being are solely responsible for the care of your planet, which for the time being is your only home. Your thoughts, actions, decisions and choices you make on how to live your life affects the planet you live on. Therefore you are responsible for your planet. If through your thoughts, actions, decisions and choices you start to destroy your planet, the air, water, land, flora and fauna, then you are responsible for the degenerative actions and evil brought about on your planet. No god or saviour is making you destroy your planet and no god or saviour will help you from your own destruction. You are solely responsible.

Over the past few centuries you Earth Humans have disregarded your self responsibility and your responsibility for your planet, your only home. Through your irrational thoughts and actions, your greed, selfishness, wars, power hunger, loveless ness, beliefs, wrong doings, exploitation of Earth, overpopulation and ignorance of the appearance of nature in Creation, have turned your harmonious evolving planet into a disharmonious dying planet which only gets worse by your irresponsibility. You, the Earth human, is solely responsible for the destruction of your planet, your only home…”