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Friday, May 17, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Racing Down the UFO Road to Nowhere

The real price of the cover-up of the Billy Meier case will be paid by humankind for a very long time to come, which bothers the shills and hucksters not one bit

In my presentations and interviews I’ve been emphasizing the very overlooked fact that the confirmed existence of extraterrestrial life forms would be the single most important discovery in all of human history…exceeded only by contact between them and a person on Earth.

Nonetheless, the UFO field is filled with one unsubstantiated claim after another from people popping out of the woodwork in an attempt to reap some kind of bounty from the delusional, distracting, disinformation rich circus.

To the Rescue

Yet another “UFO investigator” has popped up to proclaim how he’s gonna follow, find and reveal the truth no matter what – and also help anyone else who has real, verifiable evidence and information to get it out there too.

Right. Meet self-proclaimed “UFO Road Warrior”, Jeremy Corbell*, a nice fellow I’m sure who thinks he’s just discovered the equivalent of sliced bread. Worse yet is that it appears that some veterans of the UFOCI are encouraging him to take his kindergarten approach to UFOs very seriously.

George Knapp, a veteran TV reporter who’s done tons of pieces on UFOs – and who interviewed both Wendelle Stevens and me extensively so that he knows the Meier case is singularly authentic – seems to be a driving force behind Jeremy’s rather naïve but slick venture.

I emailed Jeremy to introduce the Meier case and myself to him but got no response, despite his gushy, “If you can prove or document compelling evidence in support of your story, I will amplify your case to the public, and help you expose the truth.”

I tried again a couple of days later, with a more in-your-face approach. Still nothing. So I don’t know if he’s sitting around in shocked silence now that he knows his whole approach is rather banal and irrelevant, or simply doesn’t care because he’s created a nifty persona that he wants to capitalize on.

You may wonder just why Knapp and some of the other people associated with this thing are out there pushing it. Familiar as I am with the cynical, deceptive, disinforming idiocy from the UFOCI, I find it even more troubling now that we’re so undeniably deep in exactly what Meier and the Plejaren have been warning about for decades. Whatever the perceived profit, the real price of the cover-up of the Meier case will be paid by humankind for a very long time to come, which bothers the shills and hucksters not one bit.

How It Works

Jacobus recently posted this on the blog, which helps to explain some of how this essentially suicidal process of manipulation works:

“The secretive GCHQ and JTRIG training manual which was leaked via Glenn Greenwald and Ed Snowden says:

‘Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable.’

According to these latest documents, there are paid government agent/contractor persons on social media posing as someone they are not, whilst on the payroll of the government. Their job is to befriend members of the alternative media, embed themselves in the ebb and flow of day-to-day communications, and then to engage in elaborate subterfuge – by any means necessary. The training exercise uses terms like ‘befriend’, ‘infiltrate’, ‘mask/mimic’, ‘ruse’, ‘set-up’, ‘disrupt’, ‘create cognitive stress’, ‘use deception’, ‘ruin business relationships’, and ‘post negative information on appropriate forums’ – all of which is not only illegal and morally bankrupt, but also runs completely contrary to the very fundamental ‘values’ and indeed founding principles, of a modern free democratic society or constitutional republic.”

When Orphans Beg the Court for Mercy

If one wants to see a glaring example of en masse participation in such stuff, take a look here. You may notice that this thread started in 2009 with negative comments about the Meier case, me, etc., setting the tone. I started posting there a month ago to respond to a challenge by someone named John Razimus who’s been busy defaming the case, Meier and me for years. This particular coward kept up his attacks, claiming that he’d substantiate them and debate me anytime…while steadfastly running like a scared rat. (Radio host Dr. J just agreed to host that debate later in August…no word from Razimus yet.)

While the thread is filled with one anonymous loser and shill after another, it’s noteworthy to point out that “astroguy” is none other than the cowardly, long defeated, pseudo-scientist…Stuart Robbins. He apparently feels at home as a skeptic and debunker on the forum of Art Bell, who for the most part has been the champion of promoting all things paranormal, UFO, alien and pseudo-scientific. (Robbins is predictably not only cowardly in trying to attack from this blog, shunning any direct debate with me but he also exudes a seething jealousy that his go nowhere blog doesn’t get a fraction of the interest and participation as this one. Whose fault is that?)

In case you don’t have the interest or stomach for perusing page after page of attacks in this cesspool, another quaint aspect of the way it works – and I imagine it would be true on any thread there where anyone would present facts to counter the vicious attacks – is the way the snarling dogs take exception to being “insulted”, e.g. “You have time to insult but not enough time to answer questions.”, “All you seem to do is pout and insult us.”, “Lashing out with personal attacks, etc., etc.”

This reminds me of another joke. A man is being tried for killing his parents and in his own defense he pleads the court to spare his life because…he’s now an orphan.

Enter the Law of Causality

These particular orphans who shamelessly slash and stab, while paradoxically being so filled with shame they dare not mention their own names, who fancy themselves wizards, can only hide behind the curtain for so long before it’s pulled back by that dependable equalizer, the Law of Causality. Whether paid shills or simply empty, self-loathing, envious, misanthropic losers, they too are as Meier says, smiths of their own destiny. As Meier also points out, one cause can have many…effects. To say more would be superfluous.

Paying the Piper

The subject of UFOs, extraterrestrials, etc., has been deliberately and effectively marginalized into a tabloid topic through the efforts of the intelligence agencies and their willing paid and unpaid shills in the UFOCI, as well as the media. While the original purpose wast to hide any evidence of the existence of actual extraterrestrial life forms, the Meier case soon became the main reason for the UFO cover-up. There is nothing left of things like the crash at Roswell, which while authentic can’t any longer be proved, as is the case with other crashes.

The government can’t be forced to reveal what doesn’t exist, what it may not even know, etc. So of course the various “disclosure” events, hearings and other variations on the farce likewise serve the disinformation agenda. And the most willing disseminators of all of the disinformation and distraction are associated with the UFOCI, a fertile field for those looking for a safe haven with the least scientific standards for credible “research” of any subject imaginable. No doubt this too is deliberate, or at the very least a possibly unforeseen “benefit” of letting every lunatic and their claims have more than equal exposure than is accorded the only authentic, still ongoing UFO contact case.

As stated, the real cost of this is anything but insignificant and fictional. An ever-growing portion of the world’s population is being turned into techno toy toting dummies who can’t conduct a coherent conversation with another human being, who willingly give up their own identities as well as conscience and consciousness for momentary celebrity, while at the same time anonymously eviscerating anyone who reminds them of their own unbearable and empty worthlessness.

Through their willing complicity they have helped to assure the fulfillment of the long foretold prophecies, the specific, pointed, non-allegorical warnings of the man made environmental destruction, the wars, terrorism and devastation that could have largely been averted had not humanity willingly descended into greed motivated, religiously and politically fueled, degeneracy and denial.

How’s about all that, UFO Road Warrior, chaser of lights in the sky, imaginary aliens and a quick buck?


NOTE: My Canadian trip was a success. I ended up doing three presentations at ACE instead of one, because of audience demand (two were standing room only) and a presentation at the Lillian Smith Library in Toronto. I did four interviews as well and hopefully they’ll be posted soon, including the one in a car where I was partially asleep.


*It’s possible that circumstances prevented him from responding, so I gladly await correction of any inaccuracies, etc., should Jeremy care to clarify them.




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The more I hear the word “hybrid”, the more I think of the Honda Civic…Quite an ugly design, they would benefit from a design overhaul… what was I saying? Oh yes.

Funny how I ask Terry about something, then resourceful Rino jumps in for team ignoramus to do the dirty work. Right, I also read your story, and your argument is a weak one, naturally. Yaawn…

I almost feel bad, because it must’ve taken you quite a while to construct all of that BS.

No shred of evidence to back up your claims. Just lies. Painfully obvious lies.

It also makes me scratch my head Melissa. If you give a very creative artist the assignment to design the most god-awful creature imaginable, he would probably come up with something quite similar to what is being described here in these fantasy stories about evil little grey men.

Rino, since you are the expert on this, one question. How do these greys prevent their heads from accidentally snapping off? They look a bit top heavy, don’t you think?


Hey, we’ve got a master linguist in the house! I still cannot understand a word you’re saying.

Scott Reed

Do you have an opinion on Richard Syrett? I know he broadcasts out of Toronto and sometimes is a guest host on c2c. Did he attend the seminar while you were there and has he ever interviewed you? Thanks.

Scott Reed.


Here’s the link Scott Richard Syret interviewed with Michael Horn..ttps://

Scott Reed

Thank You, Jhaag.

Scott Reed.


Haha Scott, good one.

I would just change one bit.

Peace to all, trolls excluded.


Hello Michael.

Maybe you could put up a wall of trolls. People who continually violate and post disinforming and distracting content. Obviously we all have to start somewhere and some may genuinely be confused but repeated distractors placed on the board. That would funny or maybe you could post the jacobus top 20 list. Call their bluff.


Place somewhere in your header a static list of the top 20 things trolls do.


Yes, I know dad.

The Judas-lineage Matthew

Unfortunately the Bafath were psychopathically might-greedy enough to think it was a good idea to breed (outbreed and inbreed) such degenerate sabotaging scum who consequently from birth are plagued with such pervasive and profound mental illness that there is little helping them. These were then used to infiltrate and sabotage what the Bafath saw as potential competition, a small settlement of descendants of Adam which they raped and pillaged, but thereby were “polluted” by the intelligence of this group, so here’s to hoping that those intelligence-genes kick in in a minority of these people in time for them to stop the endless insanity of the others. They do have a choice which of their “fathers” they want to resemble more. Every genetic group has people like this (the schizophrenic, cowardly kind of psychopaths) ranging from 1 – 5%, but among these particularly special ones it ranges up to 30%, maybe more in some “communities”. Such people are highly intelligent and cunning but also totally inhumane as their psyche is dead and they are being steered by a collective entity in the subconscious, a “demon”, or “god”/”G-d” if you will. Thus, the intelligence is all wasted on the most petty non-sense, like the brilliant strategizing for nought of a backbiting teenage bitch. That’s them in a nutshell. I speak from personal experience. Better to treat them like the animals/djinn that they are than to argue with them.

The Judas-lineage Matthew

These are what the Hopi and other Puebloans call “Two-Hearts”. Incomprehensibly the Bafath thought they could control this human disease as it spread throughout the entire world through manipulation of “goetic magick”, overlooking the fact that eventually they would die off, leaving us to deal with this immeasurably wicked, subhuman pest in its now unprecedented mass.

The Judas-lineage Matthew

James “The Amazing Randi” Zwinge and others like him not only are not honest skeptics with a genuine interest in debate, they are, like Menachem Begin and Ruhollah Khomeini, inside their corrupted minds something for most people unimaginably, horribly subhuman and corrupt, the closet thing to “evil incarnate” that can exist in a human form. To talk to leviathan or behemoth will only provoke its endless mendacious responses and excuses. They exist to lie, because telling the truth would mean implosion into their fundamental worthlessness, the collapse of their delusion-healed inferiority-complex. That which is more negative than positive is worthless, and they know this, but would rather not acknowledge it. These creatures are so denatured/degenerate that they cannot even physically exist except as parasites on undead human beings. Their purposes are to mend their fundamental worthlessness through lies and to ensure their future survival by preparing new hosts. They are not human.

The Judas-lineage Matthew

There are two main kinds of people poo-pooing Billy Meier: those who are just total schizophrenic psychopaths who cannot accept the truth due to their dependence on their own delusions (or else they would have to face their fundamental worthlessness and kill themselves), and those who would rather keep certain information for themselves out of a delusional belief that they are destined to rule the world (because … because they are them!).

The Judas-lineage Matthew

What’s ironic is that they and their slaves are about to ram the Titanic into the proverbial iceberg, because NO ONE IS IN CONTROL (unless you consider maniacal-suicidal impulses of the collective subconscious to be “someone”) and they are too foolish to listen to sound advice. Only fools seek a piece of this pie. The wise survive. What any conscious person with the ability should be doing is giving these Ketuvic animals a good beating and at least putting them back into rank (below man, where they belong, or excommunicated from society), but unfortunately they have masses of delusional fanatics at their beck and call. ISIS alone is proof is the remarkable foolishness of terrestrial human beings and their slavish desire to serve subhuman dogs as their masters – a desire so dangerous that it must be curtailed by force, like flushing the heroine down the toilet before the addict can shoot up his last overdose.

Dyson Devine

Good heavens, The Judas-lineage Matthew!

This has gone right over the top. I take it that you do not read German and you don’t realise how in opposition to the renewed teaching you are with all this self-demeaning talk of sub-human “dogs” (bred by the Bafath??!) and their capital punishment.

Please don’t try to TEACH the Meier material – most especially here in non-German land – at least until you’ve adequately familiarised yourself with the core material at the very least.

Same thing goes for Daniel Zumon, big time.

Just a product warning to genuine truth-seekers.

Don’t believe. Do your own thinking and researching.


The Judas-lineage Matthew

I can read German pretty well, though I am not as good at writing it as reading it. I started with Nietzsche and Goethe as a teenager (maybe that’s where I went wrong?). I own the full set of contact-reports in German and typed out a reference from them elsewhere in this thread. But I seem to have miscommunicated: I did not mean to advocate capital punishment, but only what I see as a necessary amount of violence. Capital punishment in my view means having someone already neutralized, i.e. captured, and then murdering them for no reason but revenge. What I am talking about is more like capturing or killing a wild Bengal tiger that is eating children in your Indian village. I do not think that genocide or the like is an effective means, but actually I recommend a mass psychological census to identify the most profoundly schizophrenic-psychopathic people and remove them from society, as one would with the Bengal tiger, but putting them in tents or the like in cordoned-off sections of wilderness. Then and there they take on more the character of a wild beast than “evil incarnate” – it is relative. When I speak of “subhuman dogs” I mean people who are effectively subhuman through the destruction of the human ego and psyche whereafter it is replaced by irrational, bestial collective subconscious impulses (such people can only be identified individually, not be broad-brush genocide or the like). I think the term is more accurate than hateful. In my view “subhuman dog” is almost not enough to describe people like Begin. Maybe I am too influenced by Arus-type thinking. Maybe you are too soft. If you have the time go ahead and translate that portion of Contact 30 for the English-speaking readers here and see what you and they make of it. Asket speaking around line #170.

The Judas-lineage Matthew

I do not advocate capital punishment or genocide, because these methods are totally illogical and ineffective. If you kill the host of the “demon”, you let the genie out of the bottle so to speak. If you kill one people infested by this parasite, then you let another form of the same thing survive, besides unnecessarily taking a lot of innocent people with the guilty. This is where I strongly disagree with Arus, who thought it was right to stimulate degenerate societies to destroy eachother and/or themselves. It is just not a rational method because the result is too much loss to justify the resulting relief. Also, nature already destroys the degenerate, and there is no need to accelerate it, even if this is seen as “putting fire out with fire”. I recommend that a band of “merry men” be formed. Robin Hood had it right. Probably however this will only be effectively possible following WWIV.

The Judas-lineage Matthew

I view incarceration or banishment not necessarily with the hope of rehabilitation but with the aim of totally controlling the danger of such degenerates, by keeping them in a known and isolated place rather than forcing them to reincarnate again. If you kill, you lose control and then do not know where the beast will reappear.

The Judas-lineage Matthew

What I gather from Billy’s spirit-teaching/Geisteslehre books is that love toward all creatures is the basis of knowledge of reality. Thus, I love even these degenerates, but recognize that their Ausartung means a certain mercilessness is also called for. I do not hate the Bengal tiger, but only want it to be in a place where it is not harmful. It is kind of like Steve Irwin applied to the human race. What is evil and dangerous in one context is relatively harmless in another.

The Judas-lineage Matthew

By the way, Dyson, I do not consider myself a “teacher”. I am just at the “Anfang aller Anfänge” with the Geisteslehre and have begun the serious teaching after having discovered the ground-truths of it for myself. Really I consider only Billy is the “teacher”, and anyone who seriously wants to know what he has to say needs to learn German and buy his books. I recommend starting with “Die Psyche” and “Einführung in die Meditation”, which I bought and began studying (i.e. reading, re-reading and practising) about 9 years ago.

The Judas-lineage Matthew

I in no wise advocate out of control hate, but only a defensive use of unbiased, neutral aggression in order to control those who are consumed by an extreme level of psychopathy, which generally actually results from hate.
Such people become a danger to the entire terrestrial humanity through their bestial, soulless aggression which no longer can be reasoned with or otherwise diplomatically resolved.
I recommend to all those who can read German to read this article by Billy, “Hass macht den Menschen zum Unmenschen”. Note that he uses the word “Unmensch” where I have used the perhaps inadequate English word “subhuman”.


Ok, I ‘ll switch off my sarcasmometer(or whatever you call that). Click. Back to normal.

Peace to all, trolls included. Have a nice day!


Oh, I see, I see… Moshes still going strong! The old fox. Have you noticed, this particular species of trolls’ obsession with grammar? I mean, they really sh*t themselves over it.

A quote from Moshe, “I think I remember that guy. If I remember correctly, his English got a lot worse as time passed.

Then from Daniel Zumon, “I choose not to word things the way Michael does. With me its a case of sharpness and use of language properly etc.”

It called grammarphobia, and apparently it is a kind of an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Very hard to cure case of verbal diarrhea and according to medical experts, it runs in the family.

Melissa B

Notice how Michael provided a 74 page document of the WCUFO and they are still asking for proof? He gave them the proof they were looking for and they’ll still be the last to know. I guess they can’t produce the two sparks needed to connect one brain cell to the other. Some people have absolutely no ability to think for themselves!

Melissa B

I noticed it seemed like a hot mess over there. Geesh! I can’t imagine putting my name on that either. Pretty pathetic way to make a living. There seems to be an explosion of crummy people in this world. I hope they eventually pull their heads out and turn towards the truth.

Melissa B

Ha ha! I loved that last post over there! You crack me up! I may have to join in the fun and come on down!


I really do enjoy them! They give me those belly laughs.

Melissa B

I just laughed so loud after I read your replies over there. I’m sure my co-workers are thinking I’ve lost it. Oh well, laughing is my favorite hobby. I got myself an account, but they told me I have to wait until I’m approved. =)

Melissa B

I’ve been following along for sure. I’ve got something I’m writing up just for them. I know they will call me names and whatever, but I don’t care. What I have to say is the truth. Keep up the great work Michael! We are your sand!

Allen Anderson

Sometimes I catch myself wanting to see the effects of stupidity by todays average Joe Knowitall, then, after spending far too much time doing so, I realize my alter-ego must be that of a masochist as I am only shaking my head to the point of pain. The benefit……….far more appreciation for what Michael Horn subjects himself to on a daily basis!!!

I love you Michael, you are real and that means so much!!!


You all are cracking me up tonight 😀 ( in a laughing way, just so no one get the wrong impression 😀 )


We can always do a sing a long with “Tears Drops on my UFO”.

“My UFO.. Is scary, My friends won’t even ride with me
It’s always over heating, The engine kind of radiates funny
And it’s so pitiful, I know without a doubt
There are no seatbelts so in a crash I’ll litter the ground!

There’s no A/C, the air always smells flat to me
And I can’t even see ‘cuz the whole thing lights up like a tree
The fuel is rare, the navigation doesn’t work..
And when I levitate this thing I feel like a colossal jerk!

There’s many reasons for the teardrops on my U F O
It only hovers around a 10 mile circle and it shoots way too far
Yeah the LIGHT blinds me EYES
And the radiation shield is busted too!

It hardly ever starts, the battery melted down
I wish that MTV would come along and pimp my ride!

There’s many reasons for the teardrops on my U F O
The ‘Check Engine’ light is always on, and the breaks don’t work
There’s a hole in the roof
And the radiation just kind of slips right through..

My UFO is scary
I’ll cover it up so you can’t see.”


Hi Mike,

It’s a change up of a parody “Tear Drops of My Old Car” which is a parody of Taylor Swift’s Song “Tear Drops on My Guitar”. Both of which can be fount on the ‘tube for those wanting to listen to some tunes on their spare time. I really can’t claim originality on it, just some tweaking to fit with the UFOCI just for laughs.


Scott Reed

Please post my last reply on the new comments page. Thanks.

Scott Reed.

Scott Reed

Please post this copy as I correct a few errors. Thanks.

Scott Reed.

Daniel Zumon,

On second thought you’re correct but not in the way you may perceive.

I should not have responded to your post with the words I chose. Not because I hurt your feelings, that is to say that, not because you took it personal. Which is therefore, a behavior of yours that needs corrected. This would truly help you find peace.

I shouldn’t have posted it, on the one hand because, I recognized the silliness of it and on the other hand, I never want to effect another human beings thoughts in a negative wise so that they may create negative thoughts towards fallible human beings such as yourself.

I never and never, intentionally say things that may hurt a fellow human being. I, that is to say, this fallible human being, Truly,Reverently, and Respectfully, endeavors to recognize the Truth.

I will never consciously respond to a human being the way you seem too. Arrogance truly is a blindness of human beings that needs urgently corrected.

I endeavor to choose loving thoughts when it comes to my fellow human beings. Because, firstly and foremostly, this way of thinking undoubtedly helps me in a positive wise and secondly, which is JUST as important, may or will effect different human beings in a good way.

Bluntly, I’m not a p#%sy, nor am I a dumbass. I don’t take your words personal. I try and see if there is any truth in them. I recognized a few certain truths because of your words however. For this I thank you.

May you find Peace and Recognize the Truth.

Scott Reed.

Daniel Zumon

Respect for having recognised it in both yourself and for having recognised that by me repeating what you said makes my behaviour no better than yours, for taking the time, I respect that, Thank you Scott for not wasting any time and just being honest and sincere, realising we cant prompt each other etc. that we have a duty of responsibility as men to get it right, I appreciate it, thanks – Its big of you to say and its the right thing to do, good example for others.


Here is a checklist to identify your local troll, hiding under the bridge:

• glib and superficial charm
• grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
• need for stimulation
• pathological lying
• cunning and manipulative
• lack of remorse or guilt
• shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
• callousness and lack of empathy
• parasitic lifestyle
• poor behavioral controls
• lack of realistic long-term goals
• impulsivity
• failure to accept responsibility for own actions
• juvenile delinquency
• criminal versatility

Wait a second…did I not just describe a psychopath? Just checking….didididi , yes, I did indeed just describe your typical psychopath. Interesting to note how similar they actually are.

Daniel Zumon

If I may say something briefly without any of the back chat, useful, if I may, please…

If the individual is going to conduct independent study into human beings, they would be better off not taking ‘trolls’ as they’re initial inspirational base, they’re in-road into the subject. Just saying, please, its just a little generous advice, thank you, your welcome.

Dyson Devine

Ptaah recently explained (in one of the recent bulletins or special bulletins) that about 25% of the planet’s general population are psychopaths, and, when we look specifically at world leaders, the number goes up to about 75%.

That figures.



happy to hear about your presentations and interviews. thanks for your hard work,Michael.


Little leg humping grey aliens don’t exist(thank god), in the same way that Santa Claus doesn’t exist. Reptilian shapeshifting humanoids don’t exist (not really bothered), in the same way that the tooth fairy doesn’t exist.

It is an incontestable fact. Whoever claims the opposite is a babbling moron.

Honestly, I mean, when you give yourself away as chewing gum, expect a bit of chewing to be involved.

The Judas-lineage Matthew

The truth is actually worse than “reptilian shapeshifters” – nebulous collective entities in the subconscious that freely murder their hosts as expendable ants in their anthill of schizophrenics (observe: symbolic murder-suicides). And some of these “reptilians” (“demons”, collective Father Sams) are worshipped as gods (read: “God”, “Jesus”, “Allah”) by terrestrials. Also, they can pop up anywhere (i.e. are not restricted to certain bloodlines) as all that they need is a schizophrenic psychopath host to do their dirty work. Previously these entities did inhabit bodies that correspond somewhat to their monstrousness, i.e. the “evil giants” and their cherubic and seraphic hybrids – a real nightmare that could happen again if we decide to engineer human-animal-hybrid psychopathic “supersoldiers”. While the MILABs guys are faking sci-fi anal probings a real-life nightmare is developing out of a certain degenerate portion of the terrestrial population, but being at present a “mundane” nightmare of theater-shootings and warmongering it apparently is not spooky enough to make good propaganda. That and telling the truth would give away certain occult secrets about the subconscious, so Ashtar Sheran opted instead for the David Icke propaganda as a pretext for his final solution. Such hive-minded entities were at one time the main tool of Bafath global control through religions, &c, which were designed to put these crafty subhumans in the sheep-dog positions, i.e. “in control” through secretive networks of symbolic communication, etc, which in turn were under the command (like a computer) of the irresponsible mad scientists at Giza.

The Judas-lineage Matthew

I agree that these are just “thought forms people create” – but then again so is a personality, which has to develop in a brain. An alter-ego with telepathic abilities which is based on old stored impulses, collective beliefs, etc, which can behave just like a conscious personality in certain respects, having cunning, understanding and organization, etc, as we observe with certain religious fanatics who have become total slaves of “God”, which is such a “demon”. “Reptilians” are a fiction invented by certain insurrective Bafath for what they called “Kuk”, the obscure darkness of the antilogos in the collective subconscious which seems to be, at least empirically, a kind of collective “entity”, Billy refers to these as “Scheinwesen”. Asket explains that these influence various mighty people through their subconscious. “Demons”, etc, are just metaphors for something which can be observed (hive-minded copycat behaviour and the like by mentally ill people), but does not necessarily have a real substance.

The Judas-lineage Matthew

“170. Vielfach werden Machtführer der Erde auch von solchen kollektiven menschlichen Unterbewusstseins-Intelligenzen bösartig unterbewusst beeinflusst und lösen wunschgemäss Tod und Verderben, Unwissen, Verdammung, Irreführung, Hass und Vernichtung aus; dies in politischen wie auch in religiösen Bereichen, jedoch werden auch Einzelmenschen von diesen bösartigen kollektiven Unterbewusstseinskräften beeinflusst, infolgedessen sie dann im Wahn oder im Wahnglauben Morde, Selbstmorde und Massenmorde begehen und Katastrophen auslösen.” – Asket, Kontaktbericht #30


This is pretty interesting. Do you have any more cases in the Meier material of such a thing? I haven’t really focused on looking for this particular thing there but would not mind doing a glance over it.

Dyson Devine

Michael, you write, “As for any kind of “Reptilians” and “entities”, I think the Meier material makes clear that none such exist except for the thought forms people generate.”

For the last 14 years I’ve been evidently fruitlessly trying to tell you that they are Earth humans who are hypnotically and surgically converted into fake “extraterrestrials”.

For the last 8 years so has Ptaah.

Is this “denial”?

Ptaah – Feb. 3rd, 2007: “For the entire machinations of the group, the meanest machinations are quite good enough which, as said, were already operating since the 1920s and to that also belong highly developed electronic weapons systems, futuristic flying discs, Earth humans who are hypnotically and surgically converted, as well as converted in their consciousness, to robots, whereby some have an appearance like the being which is called the ‘Little Gray'”.


The Judas-lineage Matthew

Keep in mind that Apollo 11 was at least partly hypnotic implanted memory. I would bet that the majority of these things do not even require a physical encounter with a victim of horrible plastic surgery gone wrong, but only a kind of induced lucid dream. I don’t doubt that someone has been crazy enough to make such plastic surgery victims, however. There are a lot of things involved. That is how spooks work.

The Judas-lineage Matthew

Another interesting possibility is related to the use of hallucinogens. When Dr. Rick Strassman IV-ed dimethyltriptamine into his test-subjects, many of them reported nightmarish experiences similar to “alien abductions”. Many people report such experience while under the influence of DMT. One of Strassman’s subjects reported being raped by a giant crocodile. The technology of “Realvision” used by the Bafath to fake alien contacts is certainly interesting.


There aren’t any secrets in a secret society. It’s only made that way so that folks going in think they’re more special than the rest and when they are there for a considerable time they get ‘locked in’ so to speak. Katherine “Kay” Griggs did several hours of videos in the mid 90s that went into detail such “special” activities.

Just FYI: It’s the aversion of confronting the reality of how life works, in that everyone will die one day, which is what “time immemorial” refers to with regards to Earth Humanity at least as far as I can determine from the Meier material. Since EH is a conscious human, EH has yet to come to terms with the sober reality of how life works and constantly finds solace in religions with the promises of “immortality”. EH will bend the very language itself to find conscious solace in avoiding death for the time being.

Is it no wonder why some folks have a deep seated fear that hits their lifelong comfort zone from the Meier material that their material being one day will not exist and you’re spirit will become someone new? That news usually is the confrontation point people will hit so not everybody is going to take the news nicely.

Dyson Devine
Dyson Devine

Matthew, I’m really starting to wish that you’d keep your increasingly naked agitprop away from people who think you are actually sharing truthful Meier info instead of what looks like the exact opposite with your poetic use of English and talk of demons and bloodlines and misleading Internet static as indisputable fact. It’s not Billy. C’mon. Please. And “Ashtar Sheran opted instead for the David Icke propaganda”. Did he? You know this? Did Billy say this? I thought it was secret UK USAPs.


Dyson Devine

Jacobus, please see my earlier posting re contact 441.

I think you have fallen for the first level of the disinformation from the “Order of Darkness” or the Bilderberger Group*, or whoever does these horrible things.

According to Ptaah, the so-called (fake, terrestrial) “Little Greys” (not to be confused with the REAL “Crabwood alien” (do a Google image search) are a material reality. But the generation of this confusion is obviously intentional.

Santa Clause does not exist in reality as he is traditionally portrayed, of course, but imagine if – after inculcating the Santa myth in the innocent minds of our children – we had criminal, corporate/military counterfeit “Santas” enter houses at night, and semi-covertly kidnap and conduct sadistic sexual torture experiments on children waiting for Santa to bring them toys. Soon the “real, good. loving Santa, who brings toys to all good little girls and boys” would be seen as either not to exist at all, or as a monstrous sexual predator. Cunning.

Nevertheless, I appreciate your comments about Billy, but his material can only be properly understood in the broader context of the truth revealed by the Disclosure Project Witnesses. Please see previous posting and maybe this will be of interest:


Daniel Zumon

Ah thats now interesting Jacobus, “Whoever claims the opposite is a babbling moron” combined with what you said about me earlier, that I’ve got ‘grammarphobia’ -that would be a fear of grammar btw, not quite the correct way around. Anyway look here, do whatever you want with this info, no insults from me;

~The little, mid-sized and large greys do exist -(check the details before repeating that)
~Santa Claus was defined under the contact report 127-128 number exercises to be boosted by the power of the magic square 666 numbers of the current time.
~Reptilian humanoids are a real species that have been catalogued by the Plejaren federation, only they’ve never been to Earth.
~Shapeshifting incidentally has nothing to do with shifting shape literally or any of that, its do to with the psyche and the ability for those that live for hundreds or thousands of years to ‘refresh’ themselves and they’re life and path they are on etc, they’re wellbeing and zest for life etc.
~Tooth fairy yes, your right about that one, though something like a fairy human is also a possibility though, if we consider there are species of human that are like 40cm tall and other species of human that have wings etc. But no, none have ever visited earth.
~Billy was once attacked by a compelling invisible force from the word ‘god’, a special device was set up by the giza intelligences to channel all the energy from the entire world of people saying ‘god’ and were able with their device use it and direct a fine-material toward him, which turned into an incident in one of the earlier contact reports.

But look Jacobus, we’ve been through this with people for years and years now, I am not insulting your intelligence, no one here is calling you stupid, no one here is attacking anyone else. Ok friend 🙂 loads of info, its all yours, its our shared property as Earth human beings.

Dyson Devine

The above posting from Daniel Zumon July 16, 2015 at 4:43 pm is full of errors of fact which seem deliberately slanted, and thus look like lies.

Daniel writes:
“~Santa Claus was defined under the contact report 127-128 number exercises to be boosted by the power of the magic square 666 numbers of the current time.”

666=antilogos. (an absence of reason) Please check your pseudo-scientific magic squares at the door.

“~Reptilian humanoids are a real species that have been catalogued by the Plejaren federation, only they’ve never been to Earth.”

They are fully human, unlike us. And the “reptilians” here doing all the terror are the terrestrial military/corporate counterfeits Ptaah discusses in CN 441.

“~Shapeshifting incidentally has nothing to do with shifting shape literally or any of that, its do to with the psyche and the ability for those that live for hundreds or thousands of years to ‘refresh’ themselves and they’re life and path they are on etc, they’re wellbeing and zest for life etc.”

Pure nonsense. Where did you read that? What about Gilgamesh, described in the contacts as a physical shape-shifter?

“~Tooth fairy yes, your right about that one, though something like a fairy human is also a possibility though, if we consider there are species of human that are like 40cm tall and other species of human that have wings etc. But no, none have ever visited earth.”

Please check out Semjase’s stories about the history of Easter Island, where tiny winged ET humans (“cherubs”) capable of flight are depicted in rock carvings contemporary to the giant ET statues.


Daniel Zumon

You can go much further than that I am quite sure Dyson, combining facts and principles from various other books etc {pillars of truth, aka never changing facts with other principles and externally existing fact}. Truth is~ few of these people care anyway about all that more difficult to reach information,

Thats probably why about your site too. People like soap operas, supermarkets, individually wrapped products, rounded speeches, celebrities etc. We have already discovered most if not all the facts already, wikipedia will tell you no differently, scientists have already discovered everything. Its only the fringe sciences left and the plejaren wont allow us it, we havnt evolved earned it.

Daniel Zumon

I disagree with a couple of your points Dyson. Reptilioids are not full human, they are from a taxonomical species of consciousness based lifeform {as is humanoids} that are more animal, with the consciousness evolution. In fact its difficult to even go that far, they may have an exclusively instinct intelligence based evolution.

Shape-shifting, to revisit the book about the psyche, that is what it is as far as I am concerned, would love to be proven wrong though.

Google magic squares, the official mathematical squares that any math teacher will say, oh yeah, that is what it is, and then check in CR 127 and 128 like I said and look at the calculations in 128. It means much more than an absense of reason, its configured for this current prevailing time by the creation itself, that is why, this is why the entire ‘billy meier’ episode is taking place, so that we might get a boost and skip the evolutionary sequence, assuming we can get a grip on anything, so they know very well its only a hand ful of us that will ever get that grip on reality, and even then we are not able to undermine fate by choice alone, only through vigorous education. Its all there Dyson, its always been there.

Daniel Zumon

Good find on the Cherubs by the way. Haha, about the Gilgamesh thing, this is how it sounds when spoken; a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg.

I am quite confident its the psyche alone that ‘shifts’ maybe a slight change in physical appearance, but any normal person would forgive it for being a normal age related change. Also it can take 3 month to a year for these changes to occur, and as I said before its absolutely linked to the lifestyle changes, fitness diet, change in environment-helps, the thoughts and ideas change, the social engagements change.

Because that is normal, that is what normally happens in normal universes and anyone can verify it. Many Earth humans can also ‘shape-shift’, though again I would call that a change in the psyche, and psyche related.

Please tell me I’m wrong if I am wrong, but I have my opinion of the facts, and your welcome to yours.