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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Morning After…as Predicted in 2008

Psychopath sent packing, narcissist gets the nod

While already anticipating how skeptics will react to what Billy Meier was told, in 2008, about Hillary Clinton being defeated in the primary by Obama, nonetheless it turned out to be prescient for the presidency in 2016 as well*.

One of the things that is characteristic of the exchanges between the Plejaren and Meier, which also extends to the way in which Meier himself has answered questions**, is that the answer is usually strictly limited to the question without addressing future possibilities, or further speculation. So, to be consistent and at the same time leave the door open for the poor skeptics who are addicted to denial, I won’t hit them over the head with the obvious and complete accuracy of Ptaah’s poignant, pointed, prognostication.

Those who follow this blog know the possibility was raised quite recently. But people have unimaginably short attention spans these days and, as has often been said…repetition is a basic element of teaching and learning. With so many slow learners, it appears that much repetition is necessary, especially in trying to present the vitally important information within the Meier case, pertaining to our future survival, to a world deeply immersed in…superficiality. Also ironically, it must be noted that in an expression of absurdity that often forms the basis for good comedy, as well as occasionally accurate prediction, Donald Trump had been foreseen as president in The Simpsons show, in 2000.

Left, Right

Peaceful leftists are already making it clear that it isn’t the right-wing militias that are going to be the first to rush into the streets and cause mayhem. As pointed out in that article, it was actually elements within the Democratic party who instigated violence during the presidential campaign. Perhaps several decades of carrying around the symbol for death has seeped into the subconscious of a large segment of the population, though the American psyche has been and is bathed in all forms of death and destruction for a very long time.

This is a good moment to note that there’s practically nothing that’s “correct” about politics, aka the art of advantage, when one juxtaposes this dead-end, conflict promoting manmade abomination against true, eternal, principles, ethics, morals and values.

Hopefully the precious sensibilities of the overly sensitive (read: spineless) students and other people who’ve been entertained and distracted, coddled and confused by realities that neither their social media, socialist professors, or online escapism and unrealities have prepared them for, won’t…melt under the oppressive, sweltering heat of such a politically incorrect outcome. With additionally idiotic, escapist practices now being legalized (there’s really big bucks in bud) we should be sufficiently “imaginative”, if not sane and sober enough, to deal with the “barely imaginable” catastrophes Meier warned us were coming to America after the destruction of the WTC. Most people already can’t tell the difference between reality and make-believe, as Meier predicted in 1958 (see 127) so why the hell not check out completely; bio-chipping a compliant, dumbed down, drugged out population is even easier…and more trendy.

What to Expect

There are a few safe bets as to what some of the outcomes and effects of this election will be, such as:

1. The rise of online news – providing the internet isn’t shut down – and the continued decline of the importance of the deceptive, corporate mainstream news. Alex Jones, who really did help carry the banner for Trump to the masses, will not only see increased popularity but may also refine, combine and perfect his weepy, “Praise God, praise Jesus!” histrionics with his relentless product pitching into an art form in itself.

2. We can look for interesting developments when Donald Trump fails to build a wall but begins to deport illegal immigrants who are criminals, gang members, etc. Of course bringing US troops home from all the countries we don’t belong in could provide a force sufficient to enforce the integrity of the borders.

3. The hopeful détente with Russia could bring Trump into conflict with weapons manufacturers and elements in the military, both of whom he’s outspoken in his support of. His desire to unite with Russia to fight ISIS/the IS could also suffer, unless the weapons manufacturers, being pragmatic, would see that they’d still profit.

4. With Trump’s friendliness towards Israel, and antipathy towards the other terrorist supporting states in the Middle East, all of whom are customers for US weapons, there may be a dilemma in need of serious “negotiating”.

5. Of course if Trump is to carry through with his dismantling of environmental regulations, support for a renewed, highly polluting coal industry, etc., further degradation and destruction for dollars would result.

6. As for his promise to “bring jobs back to America”, since more and more robotic automation is already underway, and since it’s unlikely that he can actually force companies and corporations to return and create jobs, this new “man of the people” may not have many possibilities, unless he decides to invest his own great wealth in something like…Trump Taco Towers (at minimum wage – with possibilities for advancement for the industrious and hard working).

7. It remains to be seen if Trump, someone who certainly understands the importance of providing suitable, classy accommodations, will (despite her conciliatory words of defeat – which she contradicted of course when speaking to her supporters) proceed to prioritize providing Hillary Clinton and associates, with comfortable, government subsidized living quarters, three square meals a day and job opportunities making license plates (which actually may not be a perk if incarcerated in a federal penitentiary).

8. As for the Republicans who opposed him, it may ultimately come to light that a number of them did so to protect their own perceived vested interests and perhaps their own ties to the Clinton Foundation, associated pedophiles, etc. Time may tell.

Ah, promises, promises, which ones to keep, which ones to break and let’s not forget that Trump too, invincible as he perceives himself to be, may be treated to a private showing of the famous Zapruder film, along with a couple of nice, pointed “compliments” such as, “You really do have a lovely…family”, by the real string-pullers, Deep State, Dark Order, globalists, etc. He would be quickly reminded of just who he really works for, lest he get too carried away with any of his own delusions.


Let’s take a moment to consider that we also greatly overestimate our own importance, by contemplating our brief, small lives as dwellers upon a piece of cosmic…lint, barely a pinpoint in a tiny solar system at the end of a spiral arm of one of truly countless billions of galaxies, in the fourth belt of the seventh, in an ever-expanding universe that exists along with countless billions of other universes, all floating in the endless…void.

While stated before, this is really a fine time to delve into the spiritual teaching the ancient non-religious, belief-free teaching, as there’s no better way to live and prepare oneself and positively influence the direction of the country and the world, now that we know who follows, i.e. succeeds, Obama as we move towards…2020.

See also:

Billy Meier on America’s Coming Civil Wars

Highly recommended reading:

The Way to Live

The Might of the Thoughts


*Excerpts from the 465th official contact conversationfrom May 7, 2008

Billy: However, do you have still something else about unusual predictions? And what interests me, relates to the presidential primary in the USA; who will ultimately win the race, Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, who in my opinion extremely craves for power? Do you have something yet to say regarding this?

Ptaah: 61. Yes.

62. Barack Obama will win the Democrat primary.

63. And what you say regarding Hillary Clinton corresponds to the truth.She is an extremely power-craving woman, who up to the end does not give up, but nevertheless will suffer a defeat.

64. If she would actually come to power, then the USA and many countries of Earth would be heading for a really unpleasant future.

65. However, humanity can consider itself fortunate, that power is not laid in the hands of this woman.

**You can join the FIGU forum and read through well over 10 years of questions asked of, and answered by, Billy Meier.




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Steve Suggs

Kevin Barrett explains how Trump will be used by the globalist elite to set the stage in 2020 or 2024 for a candidate who openly calls for global government/New World Order.
Expect fear, false flags, economic decline in spite of Trumps rhetoric. says Barrett. I predict Barrett is an up and coming alternative to Alex Jones in the alternative media (False Flag Weekly, Truth Jihad, Veterans Today). Also Barrett is interested in the Truth about the ET’s and UFO’s. I suspect he knows something about the Meier case.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I can’t listen to him for more then 3 minutes because his voice makes me sick, maybe his voice is a symptom. He is definitely religious if you want my opinion MH.

Terry Carch

Hey MH Noory had Stepen Basset on the other night about the Disclosure Progect. What a religious Bum Basset agaimn Eh? Yikes!”

Ned Duke

Speaking of this man that comes in the name of the Truth and Jesus Christ, I’ll quote some things from Jmmanuel:

6. And when he sat on the Mount of Olives his disciples came up to him and said, “Tell us, when will this take place, and what will be the sign?”
7. And Jmmanuel answered, saying, “Two thousand and more years will pass, but meanwhile Israel will never find peace because wars and many calamities will threaten the unlawful occupants of this land; but see to it that nobody leads you astray.
8. “That is, many deceivers and false prophets will come in my name and say, ‘l am Jmmanuel, and I am the sign of the time,’ and they will mislead many.
9. “People will hear about wars and threats of war, and they are to witness this but not be frightened because it must transpire; but it will not yet be the end.
10. “For many a nation will rise up against its government, one nation against another and one kingdom against another, and there will be times of privation, earthquakes and immense storms and floods all about.
11. “All of these events are just the beginnings of the woes.
12. “Soon the knowledgeable people will be consigned to misery and will be killed.
13. “They will be hated on account of the truth of the teachings and the wisdom.
14. “Various religious cults will rise up against one another, and much blood will flow.
15. “Then many will succumb to the temptation, and they will betray and hate one another because they remained small in consciousness.
16. “Love will grow cold in many people because ignorance will gain the upper hand.
17. “Hatred will rule over the world and evil will reign,
18. “but those who persist in the truth will survive.

6. “But before I leave you, I will give you my final lessons of the teachings:
7. “If humans live according to the laws of Creation, they live correctly in truth. But the ultimate goal should be this:
8. “Everything human within human beings must die, but everything of Creation within them must rise and embrace Creation.
9. “Consider the universe as the place where Creation lives in infinity.
10. “Everything humans possess has its origin in Creation; therefore it belongs to Creation.
11. “Human beings shall transform their entire spiritual lives and perfect them, so that they will become one with Creation.
12. “Whatever human beings do, they shall do with the awareness of Creation’s presence.
13. “But a human being shall never attempt to force the truth onto another, because then it would only be worth half its value.

Robert Forrest

If you really want to know, who Alex Jones is just go look up his y2k broadcast. That’s all you need to know. His connection with Bill cooper and that whole mess. No MH, you are not harsh in your description. It’s not enough. If Alex jones gets a hold of this info, from Billy. He will try to cut billy out of it and make it his own. He’s says that he does not beleave in ufos. Because he says that he can not prove it. In regards to Billy and his info, it would take apart his show. He is a phcyopath and turns his audience into the same. Sells products under the paranoia of war. Well that’s my speculation on it. Salome Robert.


Great article Michael…

I am glad Hillary did not make it… She does not stay on point going one direction for very long… also what did she stand for? Doing it together? Most of her rallies were like a basketball bake sale with less buyers than normal… And the Hillary bots… like robots… no substance a bit like a neocon type answer to poignant and specific questions. Neocon (former liberal turned conservative) is a trend since the late seventies… We got over it in California in the mid 80’s but there are some that thing it is the newest thing…

I think if the military does not get the contracts that “Helly” wanted there could be skirmishes and coups occurring here and there. Many folks have swallowed the “Mom” idea and feel like mom got thrown under the bus… but she vacillates from one idea to the next and never thinks a bit about each side. We should “farm out” our military… let our guys retire and let some “young guns” handle the pressure. We could have a multinational combat peace force and that is not an oxymoron because it would detract from violence if there is a group there who would stand up for laws of every country. Just by being there a per capita (cost depending on number of folks in your country) basis so we can get out of the multinational pay for play game the Killary meme has been performing secretly according to Wikileaks (Yea!) and now should just stop. We will see… One contract was for thirty nine billion dollars and the Chinese now fly top secret US planes which they got from Killary’s open source “secret” super kung fu better beta server in which several confidential “secrets?” were leaked or fell out… and then there’s the ten billion in Haitian relief… that we may or may not have donated to for the devastating Earthquake back in the 2014… missing?!? Not too good with money?

Folks say… “but Donald did bad stuff too…” well he did nothing wrong so Wikileaks has nothing to report… not to beaming in the upstairs department… Remember what they did to Bradley/Chelsea Manning for leaking that video where a father and his kids were gunned down by a state-of-the-art chopper which can see a knat’s you-know-what from 50 yards and killed them for having cameras with telephoto lenses… Thirty five years in jail! Or the other guy that brought his kids on a military nuke submarine and took six photos that were in a locked drawer of his office desk… and got several years of having his life totally screwed up… but you get a couple of folks in the White House which is OUR house right?… and they sell the furniture on the Antiques Roadshow… that was in the Lincoln bedroom since Lincoln’s time a side table for $500,000! No wonder the folks of the US wanted that family out of our home! There are going to be a lot of pissed off people when they find out that Trump is not going to let them have the arms promised by the Clinton White house… and blood will flow… for want of weapons!

Materialists are really hard to deal with… everything is money money money… gimmie, gimmie gimmie with no regard to the truth or any human condition. So yeah… be prepared.

The nice thing about the Meier material is that it teaches you to think rather than react in fear… remember FEAR False Evidence Appearing Real… this is something I wrote the day after Trump was elected:

My condolences to those who feel bad about the elections… It is not lost… it still happens within each and every one of us… the world can be fixed and peace can be maintained and we don’t need any stuffed shirts to tell us how or what to do… It will come from us… from within… so-to-speak: from our thoughts, feelings and actions… not someone else and once we know this and find we are all equal, we become free… because we no longer have a reason to fight. The answer will find itself from those observing our correct, thoughts, feelings and actions… lead by example and teach them how to behave. Eventually truth will find a way to peace.

Learn to think for yourself… enjoy the ride… be prepared for anything and know you will make it through by logic and reason…

Salome: Be greeted in peace and wisdom…

Our Swiss friend says the Donald is sort of out in left field but maybe he can work it out and give Russia back the privilege of using American goods and not create nuclear war…

Sean Kane

U.S. is screwed either way. Trump believes in

1. Killing all terrorist family
2. Bring back torture, Quote from him- “Bring back torture, even if it doesn’t work” (many detainees in Guantanamo bay are complete innocent, but still torture them anyway)
3. Giant tax cut for the rich
4. Support countries like Saudi Arabia (that’s the worst one), Japan, Korea to develop nuclear weapon.
5. Snowden is a traitor and should be murdered.
6. Literally banning free-speech. He wants to bring back libel law.

List goes on.

*The only good thing about him so far is he is actually trying to repair the damaged relationship with Russia. (Let’s assume he doesn’t flip-flop like usual)

On the other hand, I agree with BEAM. Clinton is Bush 2.0. But for people to be thinking we are safe because Trump is elected, you are dead wrong. It is 50/50 I would say. This is a gamble path as we have no clue what’s going to happen, versus Clinton we all know what’s going to happen.

Matthew Reed

Like Billy said, neither Trump nor Clinton are qualified to be president.

Matthew Reed

I honestly don’t know how to feel about this election. Hillary was clearly not the right choice. However, Trump, as a person, terrifies me. His narcissistic tendencies are so over-the-top that I can’t imagine him being capable of leading a country. When I first read about Billy & Ptaah saying America might not be a superpower by 2020, I thought 2020 seemed to-soon. I no longer think so. America is so divided, identity politics are so-entrenched that the once unthinkable for me is now completely plausible. I know the Meier case is real, but the prophecies had always seemed distant to me in a way…something for the future that I could just read about now and not worry. Now I’m worried, now I’m scared. Sorry for the rant.

Andrew Grimshaw

What is Donald going to do about:


todd markus

If ancient fossils ,microbial life or temples were revealed to exsist on marrs alot of unpleasant predictions, like nuclear war with russia. Or the U.S cival war would probably dissapate and go away. And like michael Horn said the powers that be. The Establishment, like the rothchilds, bush family, the betchels, the rockefellers, saudi royal and qatari royal families will do anything to control trump. Threaten him and his family and destroy anything good he trys to do for 330 million patriotic , hard working american citizens and families. If the establishment could just see the errors of their ways and release this info everyone would benefit including them. But i doubt the establishment is filled with balanced, rational people. And the secret group of 12 people running america are either the establishment or no better than the establishment themselves. They would rather lose everything vs telling the truth and letting everyone including themselves benefit. If america is destroyed thru nuclear war or cival war then everything is lost and america will have absolutley no influence or power. The elites have forced us into a situation , because they ignored us and looked out for themselves and did whatever the hell they wanted. And now its a situation in america where its damned if you do, and damned if you dont. The america people never would of allowed in all these foreigners or allowed are jobs to be sent overseas to begin with. And these elites like the families above and secret panel running america put us all in this position and unless a major breakthrough is made we will, including them , all suffer the dire consequences. A book by nasa scientist john bradenburg admits that nasa knows life exsisted once on marrs. And covered it up of course. I dont know why the u.s keeps such info secret. At least let people know about marrs and the solar system. America and the world would beging to move in the right direction. Investing in technology, education and solving disputes peacefully. But the global elites and secret services will do their best to sabotage trump. ALL to keep everything to their greedy useless , selfish selves. Gubermint tax dollars at work. Or gubermint tax dollars being used against the american citizens and voters of america.

Terry Carch

One thing I just found out about Trump,her is not only racist.he HATES the handicapped and sisable and wants to punish them for be disabled which includes ME for BEING diabled with multiple disablities such as hearing loss and cataracts etc! That explains why the handicappped and disabled will get the highest taxes to pay. Another Stalin and Htler this time in the White House? Hilary could be worse,who knows? I guess now we will be the Soviet Union of the US of A:-((((

F londono

Figu bulletin 56 make remarks about trump and Hillary and make reference of Paul Craig Roberts (article October 5 2016)

Terry Carch

Hi MH, I tried to look up FIGU bulletin 56 October 5,2016 article on the coments about Trum and Hilary but I discovered that the article is noit in English even the Google Crome won`t transalte this article in English? I wanted to know what Paul craig Roberts comments were oin Trump and Hilary since both candidates are just most discustingly horrible! I just wonder how in living hell are we going to get out of this degenerative living hellish nightmare and survive IF at all! Thanks. Be greeted in peace and wisdom. Salome Terry

Tyler Rutland

Please look after your health Terry. You’ll make it, and be fine, if you just look after yourself and do what it takes to get yourself calm. I promise you’ll be OK but you have to put down the newspaper now and then, and don’t keep coming back to Michael’s blog every day. Too much time in the Internet will drive anyone loopy with worry. We need to alternate the time of stress with time of calm to turn it into something useful and produce something that lets us feel like it’s going to be OK somehow.

Pick up the big blue book and just read, please – chapter 21 is very nice and with not too harsh words. Or go for a walk in nature. Do you have a favourite spot in nature to visit? Go there as soon as you can, and if you need to, just yell at the top of your lungs to get it out. You’ll feel better, and I promise the embarrassment is a lot better than feeling the sinking dread.

Ah Chi

Baba Vanga, blinded, who passed away in 1996, had bunch of prophecies that are almost exactly same as Billy.

What do you think about her MH? I think Billy did mentioned very few people in planet earth have some special psychic ability, especially blind people?

Matthew Deagle

Simplest explanation – she is ripping off Billy.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I agree with Matthew, and she is not the only one because I hear it on the radio too with those preachers out there in radio land as far as my research goes in the Meier case.

Terry Carch

And so are the MUFON UFO people too Mathew! When will this world EVER learn to take Billy seriously if ever?

Tyler Rutland

How could she have ripped off Billy if she was blind since childhood, and Billy had not even given his (written!) predictions and prophecies until she was decades into her blind existence? And these also were provided to the world leaders and scientists (whom it can be safely presumed neither lived nor worked near her small church in the remote mountains) at the time when she lived as a blind, esoteric herbalist in the remote Bulgarian mountains, who was additionally said to have been illiterate or half-illiterate?

I suppose the “simplest explanation” may be turned out now for a second time? Is it “simplest” because it is banal and completely mundane, or does the “simplicity” have to do with it requiring completely zero discernment effort?

Tyler Rutland

Well some of us are trying to build up optimism and hope and join together in brainstorming efforts, but it is really pretty difficult when we’re hindered constantly by know-it-alls who wear the symbols on their sleeves but still keep their senses firmly shut.

Matthew Deagle

Easy – she was not really blind but faked it, or she was helped by someone else.

Terry Carch

I did read Paul craig Robers article for October 5,2016. Thanks MH but I think there is also very much more sinister acts going on right now even before Trump and his cabinet take office before January 2017!!! Let`s just hope we still have an internet and freedom of speech and privacy still intact once Trump and co take office. I think the same could also hold for Hilary too if she were elected as president. After all this is a very very primitive savage backwards world that hasn`t learned toi grow up!

Matthew Deagle

Alex Jones is a useful idiot, like Trump also is.
Here we have Jones, who himself exposed Bohemian Grove in 2000, promoting a president who will appoint Grover Newt Gingrich to some high position in his government merely because he sucked up to him during the election.
This man, Trump, is a child in a man’s body, and like Merkel, will therefore be easy to manipulate by the real rulers of the USA, the 17th Intelligence Agency, Agency 17, who demolished the WTC on 9/11, started the Iraq War, etc, all with the help of useful idiot George W. Bush. Clinton also was a useful idiot set to be puppeteered by neo-cons like Robert Kagan.
People, including ‘anti-establishment’ people like Jones, are so stupid, wishful and delusional now that I estimate a 95% probability of every bad prophecy coming true within the next 12 – 17 years.

Matthew Deagle

Also consider that one of the few ‘honest’ and ‘unbiased’ conspiracy-theorists out there, David Icke, is a (conscious or unconscious) propaganda-agent of the dead Ashtar Sheran, who wanted to stage an alien invasion in order to take over the Earth.
Things do not look pretty for this pathetic little planet.

Jason Awuku

It’s already looking precarious. I’ve never seen America so divided. At least in the 1960’s, with the Civil Rights Movement, despite the tension, there was a feeling of people converging together.

But now, I just cannot see how these many factions can come together. The society has developed so many fault lines such as race, socioeconomic status, ideology, lifestyle and family structure, gender, sexual orientation and many others.

With these riots, are we seeing a possible precursor to a civil war?

America has hopefully dodged a nuclear bullet, with the election of Trump, and gained a breather in international relations with Russia, in my opinion.

It however, still faces many problems, on top of a nearly 20 trillion dollar debt.

How does the society heal itself?

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hi Jason, I stopped in BP’s in Stettler, Ab last night for supper and a trucker came in a started a conversation with me about that. He came from New Jersey and said the tension is great there too. He also told me he purchased 20 acres in Texas desert so he could start a pot farm there. He asked me where he could find peat moss and I told him Rocky Mountain House has it all.

Jason Awuku

Hi Darcy,

yes, I think that many such conversations are going on all across America as we speak. I think, that it will be best, if like-minded people got together, learned skills, supported one another, improved their health and fitness and prepared for the coming fall-out.

The same sort of conversations need to be held across Europe too.

By the way, is pot now legal in Texas, like it is in California? 🙂

Adrian Martinez

A society heals itself by fixing themselves individually from within. It is the only way. I think though that those of us that are aware of this case and are discussing following and studying the spiritual teaching and practicing the peace meditations will assist with delaying the inevitable if more change doesn’t come soon. I feel the 800yr thing is a worse case scenario. We here and those out there aware of the case is helping more than we all think. Listen to this interview about half way in where they discuss what I just mentioned. Interesting!

Sheila Clark

Why so pessimistic Matthew? None of the talking heads know if Newt will even be part of it. Speculation at best. According to Billy, what happens now will determine the events that play out in 2020. Currently the Islamist State is the biggest problem worldwide. This is from the John Pilger interview:
Julian Assange: “There’s an early 2014 email from Hillary Clinton, not so long after she left the State Department, to her campaign manager John Podesta that states ISIL is funded by the governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Now this is the most significant email in the whole collection, and perhaps because Saudi and Qatari money is spread all over the Clinton Foundation. Even the U.S. government agrees that some Saudi figures have been supporting ISIL, or ISIS. But the dodge has always been that, well it’s just some rogue Princes, using their cut of the oil money to do whatever they like, but actually the government disapproves. But that email says that no, it is the governments of Saudi and Qatar that of been funding ISIS.”

“Under Hillary Clinton, the world’s largest ever arms deal was made with Saudi Arabia, (worth) more than $80 billion. In fact, during her tenure as Secretary of State, total arms exports from the U.S. in terms of the dollar value, doubled.”

Matthew Deagle

Gingrich is his top pick for Secretary of State. Consider the following (from 6 July 2006):
“GINGRICH: We’re in the early stages of what I would describe as the third World War and, frankly, our bureaucracy’s not responding fast enough and we don’t have the right attitude. And this is the 58th year of the war to destroy Israel and, frankly, the Israelis have every right to insist that every single missile leave south Lebanon, and the United States ought to be helping the Lebanese government have the strength to eliminate Hezbollah as a military force — not as a political force in the parliament — but as a military force in south Lebanon.
RUSSERT: This is World War III?
GINGRICH: I believe if you take all the countries I just listed that you’ve been covering, put them on a map, look at all the different connectivity, you have to say to yourself: this is, in fact, World War III.”

Only Hillary Clinton would be a worse Secretary of State.

Matthew Deagle

Typo: 16 July 2006.

Jason Awuku

Even worse, Matthew, is the prospect of NeoCon John Bolton.

Meet the same bosses, same as the old.

It almost makes me want to shut myself in, hug a puppy and finish a colouring book! :)))

Oh dear!

Sheila Clark

The George Soros machine is hard at work with the and other paid actors and he will profit from creating anarchy.

Tyler Rutland

Better make the drawing in that colouring book a big bold sentence called “I am a human in the real and true sense”

Sheila Clark

Because no one has ever changed their opinion one iota in the last 10 years and because of that perspective no one else has either?

Terry Carch

Hi Sheila, I heard the the Saudis wore working with the US government to get arms from the US to supl[p[ort the IS thugs to fuel more wars plus the IS thugs say they are not afraid to die! I think Trump would also supp;ort the Saudis too.! As far as I`m concerned both Trump and Hilary will both do the same thing support more wars no matter what happens. I just sent a note to my other organization wespac to see if the American Civil Liberties Organization will look into the Trump and Hilary case to see what can be done to stop these ego maniacs from starting another war let alone a nuclear war from starting in the first place but Idon`t know if this will help etc. We may need to take stronger measures to put a stop to all thse horrors from even starting in the first place!

Sheila Clark

No Terry, Trump has already talked to Putin and vowed to work together to fight IS.

Tyler Rutland

I think we should prod Putin to keep on pushing for the world nations to come together to deal with ISIS. I’ve already written to him in the past. And by the way, he speaks and understands fluent German.

The reason why is, although Terry please go away for a while because I really worry about your sanity buddy .. Well, the reason why, is in one of the tellings, it’s said that if one group of thugs and terrorists is eradicated, then an even worse one will sprout up in its place.

I thought I could out-clever Billy, but he said that a multi-national peace fighting troop is the only thing that will permanently work. So, I think he’s right now. We should make that part of our deliberations, when deciding what to do.

Sheila Clark

Hi Tyler, a multinational Peacefighting troop is the only answer, Billy would not steer us wrong. So we have Russia fighting IS in Aleppo and the U.S. fighting IS in Mosul. According to western media, Russia is bad. How did CNN reporters make it into Mosul when US troops aren’t there yet? How did IS leader Al-Bagdadi just escape from Mosul? Curious minds need to know. Btw Canada is no better than the U.S. in arming the Saudis and Qatar. They in turn, are arming IS. So Canada, just like the U.S. is arming both sides. Plus now, with no parliamentary mandate, we are sending Canadian troops to Russia’s border. It does not look good. NATO needs to be dismantled and an international Peacefighting Troop built up in its place.

matt lee

Still as crazy as he is the message from Jones is still having some positive effects which we cannot discount.
Focus on the message and not so much on the messenger.

Matthew Deagle

Alex Jones is a denier of climate change and overpopulation, as well as a naive right-wing mouthpiece for the new Republican Party. The negative may well neutralize the positive.

matt lee

Well be that as it may if you look at the content of his message it is very close to the truth so much so that I believe he gets his cues from the FIGU forum.
There is no such thing as 100% in this world therefore you’ve got to be a little bit more liberal with your assessment of the legards.

Ned Duke

We still think Jones “exposed” Bohemian Grove? I’m being a little facetious as it is pretty clear considering how much character he has to be to stick out in the minds of people.

Terry Carch

Hew Mathew you just took the words out of my mouth. I couldn`t agree with you more. I think planet earth is deteriorating more and more every minute. Earth is getting so pathologically sick as well as pathetic that I wonder if we will ever get by from day to day on such pathetic sick world as this planet earth. No wonder the P`s left earth in February 1995. Gee Earth keeps on getting sicker and sicker etc,et,etc! Seems to me earth lost it`s head etc! Yikes where do we go from here?

Sheila Clark

When people say that Hillary won the popular vote I notice that the media will never bring up the fact that during the election in 1960, Nixon won the popular vote against JFK. It’s what the media does best, manipulating the information.

Terry Carch

I just finished contemplative meditation of just what the year 2020 will look like from a Youtube video about this solar system being hit with meteors etc like the destroyer meteor etc including black holes etc if a nuclear bomb hit earth. Funny how nasa predicted by 2925 this world would be taken over by a government that would be spying and watching EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING with NO freedom EVER again! WW4 anyone?:-((( These wretched dark spirits Trump,Hilary,Podesta,Bolton, etc DON`T belong on earth and DON`T deserve to even live of this is their idea of living!!! Fortunately I DIDN`T vote for these dark forces trying to wreck dear old planet Earth!!!

Terry Carch

Here is an idea for a wearing a white ribbon against the US warmongering military industrial complex for not only Trump but also for Hilary for trying to start another war which could lead to WW4. The white ribbon would say you disprove of both Trump and Hilary and their cabals and shills including the deep black ops etc.