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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts โ€” singularly authentic โ€” ongoing for 80 years โ€” the key to our future survival

My Letter to President Trump

Every voice needs to be heard, yours included

I took the opportunity to send President Trump a letter, using the contact page provided for just such things:

Dear Mr. President,

We tried to bring this to the attention of the last president without success. But because you have already shown a deeper understanding of the worldwide danger of the IS/ISIS, if not dealt with promptly and properly, I offer this information to you. First though, I of course understand that it is extremely unconventional in many ways. However, the impeccable accuracy of the source, over the past seven decades, establishes a firm foundation of credibility, which hopefully will be the important factor to consider.

I provide the following links, which also lead to further information, and support your brilliant foresight in seeking an alliance with Mr. Putin to end this scourge upon humanity:

The Only Way to Stop the IS (

“Paris Will Be Destroyed from Withinโ€: Billy Meier, 1981 (

I am fully aware of the โ€œunusualโ€ nature of this information. So I will add that we now have physicists, NASA aerospace engineers, former Navy Seals, etc., vouching for the singular authenticity of this source. And aโ€ฆskeptical professor not only facilitated my two presentations at NAU but also thanked me for providing Mr. Meierโ€™s ADVANCE warnings of the radical Islamist attacks in Paris in 2015 (


Michael Horn

Authorized American Media Representative

The Billy Meier Contacts

If you think โ€“ we could use the word believe โ€“ that your opinion doesnโ€™t matter and use that as an excuse, I ask you think again and to step up, first inside yourself, and recognize that every voice needs to be heard, yours included. This issue is of worldwide importance. Perhaps you have other issues that you feel more passionately about.

Whatever the case, use this opportunity to politely express your opinion. Where you already see bad policies forming, or possible good directions that you want to encourage this president to take, speak your mind.


See also:

My Letter to President Bush, May 2004

The Donald Trump Presidency & the Henoch Prophecies

The Donald Trump Presidency & the Henoch Prophecies, Part 2

The Donald Trump Presidency & the Henoch Prophecies, Part 3


Misguided, Part 2


Thanks to George Madeyski for the White House contact info.

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Corey Mรผske

Dr President Trump, stop funding Al-Nusra in Syria, and become allies in the fight against IS/ISIS with Russia in Syria, then it can broaden to Iraq, etc.

D-Hawaii Tulsi Gabbard returned from secret fact-finding Syrian trip and claims there “are no moderate rebels”. The following link has excerpts, and viewpoints from Elizabeth Kucinich, who of course is married to D-Dennis Kucinich, who was leader of impeach Bush Jr movement in 2007, and author of the “articles of Impeachment for George Walker Bush Jr:

Another Tulsi Gabbard D-Hawaii link:

She has proposed legislation ending US-based support for terrorism, and Mr Trump, I have heard you make many comments on the campaign trail that the US shouldn’t be supportive of these people, because we don’t even know who they are, and Mr Trump, you have made many speeches professing the time has come to bring an end to US regime-overthrowing operations overseas. Let’s bring it to an end now, and join forces with Russia in Syria, and defeat the common enemy of the scourge of IS/ISIS.

William Ter Burgh

Thank you Michael for informing the president of this crucial issue that I hope he reads and at the very least follows through on his promise to work with Russia to eradicate ISIS.

I will have to write one to him as well urging him to capitalize on his populist support to create reform of our political system along with the Meier Case’s importance to our survival.

As always Michael, thank you for all your hard work!

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Thanks for taking the time to do this. One could only hope this president would at least give a curious ear.


Mr.Horn I am interested in you’r thought,opinions, and solutions on the immigration policy. It seem that the media is not providing the full details of the policy and end the discussion by calling it raciest and inhumane. As we both know we can simple look at Germany and see the results came of it.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hi MH, does your blog policy allow- aka fiction names- or are you suppose to use your real name like they use for drivers licence and birth certificates?

Carolyn Snyder

I can’t use the form because I’m north of the 49th parallel. However, you can tweet to him too. I tweeted that he might think of pardoning Julian Assange. . .. particularly since Assange definitely helped get him elected (though I didn’t mention that in the tweet). But did you know that he intents to increase America’s nuclear arsenal by several megawatts? He’s not a peace-loving man!

Adrian Martinez

If EVERYONE that reads this blog, or posts comments, took the time out to write President Trump, it could be hundreds to thousands of messages flooding his inbox, forcing him to at least read some of the material. Individually you may feel like it won’t matter, but together as one, we could make a difference. So….put up or shut up.

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Btw, have you seen this Michael? Seems to collaborate the prophecies even further.

Chika Udeokoro

“Non-violence violence/force”, “brute force”, “peace army”, “…tanks, fighters and tactical missiles, etc., etc. Only with this huge and powerful…”. These all sound almost like the original cause or stimulants for the ever growing murderous followers of these terrorists.
I don’t think that much force is what will solve this problem. They feed off such brute forces for recruitments. Someone whose family was killed in a missile strike or whose home was destroyed by tank fires will only have a cause to pick up a weapon and immediately declare vengence on the perpetrators, regardless of the good intentions behind such missile strikes.
I’m totally against these murderous terrorists. But we need to educate the people of these countries. Education, education, education. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Better way of life. Don’t ask me how to achieve it as I’m no military general or military strategist. But when you have collateral damages, the person you intended to save may not find it in their heart to eat at the same table with you.
Just like torture has been proven to not be a good way to extract information. But being respectful and “courteous” does most of the time, we need to find a way to make them friends, them I’m regerrring to are the people, young men and women, children who will eventually grow up, elderly, the disadvantaged.
Our highly advanced friends may have such a method of winning a war without firing any deadly shot, but we don’t. These solders and highly trained seal teams are humans and will err as humans in their special ops. The enemy’s family will turn terrorists by not knowing how to understand why their 6 year old daughter was killed in an air strike, thus stoking revenge.
And we must respectfully welcome or “unwelcome” the immigrants. They all need to feel compassion in order not to join the other lying and murderous team.

Corey Mรผske

Chika Udeokoro, you bring up some good points about bringing about education, and jobs in Middle East countries. Unfortunately, according to Billy, the time has past to defeat IS/ISIS using logical force, it can only now be defeated using Gewalt, and brute force, although a multinational peacekeeping force is still recommended.

The following came from Billy, via Patric Chenaux, and the FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada:.

“How to Defeat IS

Billy explained the following to me regarding the only possibility to still defeat the IS:
Unfortunately itโ€™s quite too late to defeat the IS with the use of ‘Gewaltlose Gewaltsamkeit’, because in the meantime the IS has become much too strong.
There was a time in the past โ€“ quite a couple of months ago โ€“ when it was still possible to send out a kind of special forces unit into the area where Baghdadi, the head of IS, and his ringleaders and followers were located in order to take them out by arresting them or, if there wasnโ€™t any other possibility, by killing them .
In that way the IS could have been defeated from its inside, in a logical wise, by using the lowest possible use of Gewalt.
But this isnโ€™t possible anymore, because unfortunately Baghdadi is now too well protected. The only realistic way that still exists to overcome the IS, is to use brute Gewalt (brute force), but still in reasonable and logical wise.
This means that only some kind of huge multinational army could help, which should be made up of all armies of each country of the entire world or at least an alliance of all countries around Iraq and Syria and completed with strong armies of countries such as the USA, England, France, Russia and China etc.
The number of soldiers of this multinational army should outnumber the soldiers of the IS army (which already has around 100 000 soldiers โ€“ men and women) by at least a factor of 3.

And the soldiers should be armed with the best and newest weaponry and supported with all kinds of military equipment such as tanks, fighters jets and tactical missiles, etc. etc.
Only with such a huge and powerful army would it be possible to defeat the IS quickly and with the least possible amount of war casualties as well. Because of being radicalised and fanaticised, the IS soldiers should be arrested and given a life sentence of banishment to an island or region far away from the civilisation and without having any possibility to communicate with the outside world.
Unfortunately, if the USA, under the command of George W. Bush, had never conquered Iraq and tracked down Saddam Hussein and killed him, Saddam Hussein would have had the ability โ€“ besides the armed Kurdish fighters, called Peshmerga (who ironically helped the USA in its mission to capture Saddam) โ€“ to control Baghdadi and the IS. Hence the United States of America has to take the main responsibility for this evil outcome โ€“ as almost always. But right now the USA has the opportunity to react in a wise manner and encourage the UN and as many other countries as possible to join a kind of peace multinational army in order to protect peace, our freedom and all good and true human rights from the evil IS and therefore from the peril of falling back into dark ages.

Patric Chenaux

FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada”

Corey Mรผske

For those that need a little explanation of the German terms I reference:

The method to defeat IS/ISIS that Billy explained to Patric Chenaux that the world waited to long to use was “Gewaltlose Gewaltsamkeit”. Something that is achieved in rationality, and logic represents a โ€œGewaltsamkeitโ€, so “Gewaltlose Gewaltsamkeit is something that using “un-violence” to achieve defeat of the IS/ISIS in rationality and logic, it is too late for that.

The way that is still recommended to use is “gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit” (roughly translates into English as “forced forcelessness”, and this logical resistance is used in a way that you actively [opposite of passively] use force to achieve desired state of forcelessness, this form of unification where the world’s entire militaries are working as a team should be used to stop all war on Earth).

gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit = a short explanation from “Goblet of the Truth” 19:46:

19:46: โ€œTruly, however, there is also a venerable rage which moves in fairness and in composure (restraint) and serves to fight (strive) against unfairness (irresponsibility) and unrighteousness (consciencelessness) through gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit (actions in logic and rationality) and to put a stop to them so that fairness (responsibility) and righteousness (conscientiousness) may come forth (come about). (= gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit is the way of passive, logical Gewalt, because gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit means in other words active Gewaltlosigkeit, in which Gewaltlosigkeit is practised and implemented with Gewalt, i.e. actively. In gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit as active Gewaltlosigkeit, Gewaltlosigkeit is practised and implemented with Gewalt, i.e. actively. However, gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit also means passive resistance, where passiveness in this sense means a power, i.e. a might or simply passive Gewalt, because power, might and Gewalt also in Gewalt-less, passive form as resistance represent a form of Gewalt, which is however carried out in gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit. At the same time, however, this Gewalt-less, i.e. passive Gewalt must not be understood in the sense of the usual understanding that human beings of Earth have of negative Gewalt, but rather only in the sense of a positive, peace bringing, harmonising, balancing, buoyant and regulation establishing effort in the form of a power, might and influence, etc. offering passive resistance in a logical wise.”

Billy explains that the world must now use Gewalt to defeat IS/ISIS (tanks, planes, soldiers, guns), and it we have to use it in the gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit method.

Jedaiah Ramnarine


Thank you for that post. Great information.

Terry Carch

Does Trump use emails,facebook etc besides twitter? If so mabye we can get Trump`s attention pm these other sites too etc.

Terry Carch

I don`t think Trump uses Youtube,instagram etc,if so mabye you can also get his attention there too. It`s just a thought, idea.

Terry Carch

Here is another idea,. I wonder if you can get Joe who was on Youtube last summer maybe he might just get Trump`s attention there about the IS/.ISIS thereat lumming in the Midddle East. This might get Trump`s attention to face the facts as Billy and the Ps are predicting,maybe Jacobus and/or Crhris Freiner might get Trump`s attention etc? Somebody has got to get this warning iout to Trump say nother ofr the 2 civikl wars too etc? otherwise we wil all be in trouble if we don`t get the message out to heed alkl these warning signs etc and sooon!

Pradesh Kuthrepali

Donald trump only uses twitter and he hardly ever visits Paris, or Islamabad and rarely is ever goes to Baghdad with his parents and only one wife ever had their honeymoon with him in Mosul and that was years ago, so I don’t know how well he will relate to this, but you people are so wishful that it will make you all feel better about your cause even if it’s a self-generated lead.

Jessy Varghese

Pradesh, even if it is wishful, we still have to try. If we do not try at all, then we have failed at that one attempt, which might (hopefully) get his attention. I think that is what we all are striving to do here. Try but do not fail to try is the motto here. Thanks.


yes, Trump uses Twitter himself personaly

Matthew Reed

When reaching out to Trump on Twitter, keep in mind that Trump responds well to encouragement, not to negative poll numbers or challenges to his authority. See recent examples below:

Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting.
7:01 AM – 6 Feb 2017

I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!
7:07 AM – 6 Feb 2017