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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

My Letter to President Trump

Every voice needs to be heard, yours included

I took the opportunity to send President Trump a letter, using the contact page provided for just such things:

Dear Mr. President,

We tried to bring this to the attention of the last president without success. But because you have already shown a deeper understanding of the worldwide danger of the IS/ISIS, if not dealt with promptly and properly, I offer this information to you. First though, I of course understand that it is extremely unconventional in many ways. However, the impeccable accuracy of the source, over the past seven decades, establishes a firm foundation of credibility, which hopefully will be the important factor to consider.

I provide the following links, which also lead to further information, and support your brilliant foresight in seeking an alliance with Mr. Putin to end this scourge upon humanity:

The Only Way to Stop the IS (

“Paris Will Be Destroyed from Within”: Billy Meier, 1981 (

I am fully aware of the “unusual” nature of this information. So I will add that we now have physicists, NASA aerospace engineers, former Navy Seals, etc., vouching for the singular authenticity of this source. And a…skeptical professor not only facilitated my two presentations at NAU but also thanked me for providing Mr. Meier’s ADVANCE warnings of the radical Islamist attacks in Paris in 2015 (


Michael Horn

Authorized American Media Representative

The Billy Meier Contacts

If you think – we could use the word believe – that your opinion doesn’t matter and use that as an excuse, I ask you think again and to step up, first inside yourself, and recognize that every voice needs to be heard, yours included. This issue is of worldwide importance. Perhaps you have other issues that you feel more passionately about.

Whatever the case, use this opportunity to politely express your opinion. Where you already see bad policies forming, or possible good directions that you want to encourage this president to take, speak your mind.


See also:

My Letter to President Bush, May 2004

The Donald Trump Presidency & the Henoch Prophecies

The Donald Trump Presidency & the Henoch Prophecies, Part 2

The Donald Trump Presidency & the Henoch Prophecies, Part 3


Misguided, Part 2


Thanks to George Madeyski for the White House contact info.

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Matthew Reed

It seems that people voicing their concerns to Congress / Trump about losing healthcare has made a difference so far…good news:

Terry Carch

Funny,I don`t even know how to use twitter,facebooik even know I have it,nore do I even know how to use instagram. I just got a new email address for outlook when I got my computer fixed but somehow my computer guy never really connected me to outlook-((? Fortunately I can still use the internet but on Coogle Crome and I can still watch Youtube for other things such as for meditations and watching ballet videos but that`s just about it.

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Hi Terry,

As an active user on Twitter, the likelihood of contacting Trump through it is extremely low, due to spam and millions of other tweeters contacting him. I’ve posted a tweet toward him already, but it was drowned out in seconds. It’ll be better for direct contact.

Terry Carch

I heard on the news that Trump supports NATO which is a BAD idea since NATO is NOT a peace keeping force!:-(((

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Not so much support as in he realizes that dismantling it will require a lot more work and must compromise etc. Things aren’t so simple and the globalists, elites, corrupted officials, unproductive whining lunatics etc. are not making it any easier. For almost every progressive move Trump does, they try to undermine him.

Thankfully it’s like blowing air on a fire. It will only backlash. Enemies and evil only fall on their own sword.

george madeyski

Good show Mike!, Let’s see if the Force is with US!


Diane Grebe


Good luck with your letter to Trump. I give you credit for trying, however, I don’t think it will matter much to him or his staff. Along with his arrogance/insecurities and the people around him whispering in his ear, I fear your letter will be over looked. I know sending him a letter or a tweet is better than sitting around doing nothing. What I am worried about is if what Billy said that by 2020 America will no longer be a super power, then all I can assume is some of that will be due to the things Trump will be doing in the next 4 years. I hate to be so down, but it just seems like it is hopeless and the divisiveness in the USA is getting worse. Very uncertain times.


Diane Grebe

To me, anybody that is in the far left or far right is just not balanced and have very erratic, vindictive thinking and behavior. It’s funny that they are diametrically opposed on most everything, but they more or less react the same way and then blame each for doing the same thing, all the long while claiming that they don’t act that way, but they do. It’s insane and they just don’t see this. So it’s going to be 5 territories. Does Billy have any idea which one is the better one or are they all going to be crazy? What a world we will be leaving our children and future grandchildren. I hope they can figure it out because it looks like we sure can’t.


Jedaiah Ramnarine

” It’s funny that they are diametrically opposed on most everything, but they more or less react the same way and then blame each for doing the same thing, all the long while claiming that they don’t act that way, but they do.”

So well said. Dealing with both sides on SM daily, you get a full dose of the extremism which continues growing on both sides due to lack of reason and honest neutrality. It’s like a boxing match – and a lot of supporters on both sides, continue to fan the flame for their own personal agendas.

We have the chance to do something right, and even though the prophecies come true every day, we still have to try to not avoid some of them.

Tweeting to Trump will be extremely improbable as he’s flooded by bots (our team verified this) who are paid off to drown any possible reasonable tweet. Sending him a letter will also be very difficult, but still worth a try.

Jedaiah Ramnarine

” try to not avoid some of them.” was a typo, what I meant was ‘try to avoid some of them’

Diane Grebe

Thanks for your reply. It is so hard at times to remain ‘neutral’, as I find myself struggling with this even though I read/study the spiritual lessons a lot. It is the only thing that pulls me back into logical, nonemotional thinking. Otherwise, I would be constantly getting mad at things said that I don’t agree with and being very defensive if any body said something I didn’t like or pissed me off and lash out at them by saying snarky/arrogant things. That type of behavior is completely nonproductive and only plays into the whole fighting and ‘civil war’ thing.


Jedaiah Ramnarine


Indeed it does! I’ve discovered the best way to deal with them, while shall we say, ‘flavoring them with the truth’ is to always keep your cool. Never take it personal, always take on their opinion / actions, but never attack the person(s) themselves. This way, whoever gives into emotional turmoil; loses. At the same time, one can get their point across to help influence what is right (even if in some minor way) through clear and concise rational debate and logical reasoning etc.

Eventually even they see their stupidity (have seen this 100s of times at this point)

It is very understandable how it can be difficult not to be infuriated, especially with knowledge of the pure insanity, horrors and if I’m to be blunt, pure stupidity many people are involved in / doing. I suppose we must be patient, and we must stay true to what the teachings advise. It’s the only way.

Salome 🙂

Diane Grebe


Mark Gilbo

You see it from many people who have even read or continue to read Billy’s material. They openly get mad at Billy for saying things that counteract their belief. You see how strong beliefs are when people who openly support Billy and his teachings, turn against him in a split second about the Trump Presidency. It doesn’t take long for you to realize why it will take 800-1000 years for people to start thinking properly.

Jedaiah Ramnarine


Great point and very well said.

Carolyn Snyder

Trump is guilty as charged of: extreme racism, bigotry, misogeny (hatred of women), extreme pride and arrogance, a septic hatred of Muslims, encouraging the use of false information to create mass hysteria and numerous other “attitudes” which all point to a madman who is out of control of his own mind and not fit to lead the government of a super power.

Mark Gilbo

And Carolyn wins the prize.. He hasn’t been in office 21 days and he’s done all that? Get back to reality Carolyn.

For a man that routinely appoints women, minorities, and people of all color to high positions in his companies, your comments are borderline psychotic. The ones creating mass hysteria is the left, who have always been easy to manipulate.

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Seems like MSM influence and hurt feelings versus reality. This by no means paints Trump as a perfect figure. He’s far from it. He’s also not the Hitler the radicalized left is painting him to be.

Also worth a look concerning Trump, The CIA and its influence, Mainstream Media aka Fakenews, Reform of the American gov’t and the theatrical criminal organizations of Republicans and Democrats etc. to create natural division:

Sheila Clark

Billy doesn’t hold back in saying which part of the political spectrum is at fault for false humanitarianism:

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Politics are a cause of natural division. It should be eradicated.

Sheila Clark

Until that happens (politics eradicated) everyone needs to be vigilant on whose message they are spewing and why.

Mark Gilbo

Religion and politics grew from the same seed. Carolyn’s comments are religious in nature and she needs to learn to seek reason instead of saying she QUESTIONS Billy’s material because her party and or candidate didn’t win the election, which she stated in another post. No one loves trump but at least we can live another day without atomic and biological weapons raining down on us, which is what we would of had if Hillary had won. Her problem is in her head, not in the White House.

Sheila Clark

Hi Mark I believe it’s called Catholic Immersion, you get to the point where you cannot tell what is real. Carolyn always complains about Trump’s wealth like its wrong to have a successful company. I’m always happy for people who run a good, clean operation. Usually jealousy is the root cause. Catholics also think it’s a sin not to give all you hard earned money to the church. My first exposure was after school, going to a friends and seeing the weird Mary statue ritual which involved saying weird stuff while turning a bracelet, darn near bolted for the door. I thought it was strange cause I did know one of their commandments was to have no other God and here was my school mate on her knees praying to a statue of Mary. I never went back though and to this day she still has a hard time grasping reality.

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Also, Michael this is some information we recently found in connection to possible future events (further citing the prophecies?) that is worth a look:

Does this also tie into the ‘fanatics’ who will cause division from within, both right and left?

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Honestly scary how the accuracy becomes more of a reality each passing day. Meier’s material is to be taken very, very seriously.


Great… taking action Michael… I hope he watches the video or at least one of his staff follows up with you.

Salome: Be greeted in Peace and Wisdom…

Again the videos you linked: The Only Way to Stop the IS : (

“Paris Will Be Destroyed from Within”: Billy Meier, 1981 (


To whom it may concern reiteration:

This blog… may be the only place you hear this truth from… and I know in Business… truth is good… but all is fair in love and war… THIS INTEL IS GOOD and accurate!!!

Pay attention…


Seth Whitaker

Thanks for taking initiative Michael.
If I may get more or less off topic I must say that I’ve been avoiding Berlin, even though it’s the best place for an outsider to be in for an extended period to practice German, because I was afraid of ISIS and also felt as though my opinion wouldn’t materr when trying to spread realization. But with the message of this post I’m inspired to face such fears to spend some time there to raise such awareness.
By the way, can anyone lend a hand by linking the Figu bulletin (in german) that warns of ISIS plans to attack Berlin? I searched a few different times and couldn’t relocate it nor the blog referencing it.

Terry Carch

Topday I notified wespac foundation iof the predicted income twio civil wars and that everyone from here on will have to watch their backs and keep an eagle eye out for any trouble that might start to ignight these terrible times very soon. if anyone wnts to they can chedk out Democracy and counterpunch etc yoiu wilkl niotice how very serious things are are starting to get. Trouble is there is somuch bad news now that I`m just reading one or tewo articles and things are starting to get very very bad. I think very soon the Ps will have to reopen there bases to stop the impendidng nuclear war before it starts because milions of live s we be bruned to death due to nucear attacks thanks to Trump for supporting NATO and niot the 300,000 peqce keeping forces instead. As I`ve said before”There are NO good politicians and religions are just as bad, What really gets me is that 80% of the Russian population stil believe in the Russian Orthadock Church. as Billy has stated befiore,yiou can`t force people not to believe in a god and religion. There is one episode in Star Trek TNG where one character states that we must let people come to us willingly. I think the episode was Violations. This was at the beginning of that episode. I trhink this is what is going to kill the human race off of this planet due to religions,greed lust, economics, power,money plus NO president shoukld EVER be above the law which Trump thinks that he is above the law whch MUST be “OUTLAWED fuirst and formost and that wilkl dio Trump in very very soon if he dosen`t stop acting like a biggot and a bully like Archie Bunker fro All In The Famly sit-com!”

Terry Carch

I also think the Ps better keep a watch on what is happening because I think Trump`s rash above the law could possibly start the 2 cvil wars wich could lead to a nuclear war soon he Trump dosen`t back off with his bad behavior and bad temper meper plus Melonia isn`t very nice ether which isn`t helping one iuota ether! “These Trumps are ALL NASTY!” Yiou better get the Ps attention on this before all hell breaks out soon! POtherwise we will go down like the Akart and that other civilization that had no means to escape their plight in the Andromeda Galaxy who callled out for help some time ago!

Jedaiah Ramnarine


The P’s are most likely already paying attention, but it’s extremely unlikely that they would step in. The fate of our world is in ours hands, they can only give us wise counsel. Besides, it’s getting tiresome of needing ‘outside help’ to straighten out our problems. Earthlings will never learn if we ourselves don’t do something instead of the usual ‘relying on a higher power / more evolved race etc.’

Anthony Svab

Compared to Obama, Hillary and all the previous US presidents in the past 60 – 70 years, Trump is doing magnificently, better than all of them together! He was clearly the best choice amongh all of the presidential candidates, not much of a choice, but still… the lessest evil. The only his mistakes up untill now is his politics towards Iran and his green light for that pipeline through indian territory, everything else he did was more or less what he should do. Everything else what he supposedly did wrong is just lies and false propaganda. I doubt that Pleyarans would have to say much more about what Trump is doing wrong up untill now, besides maybe his approach towards Climate Change and Obamacare, both of which are in reallity not what they seem to be; since the Paris Agreement would really do absolutely nothing to improve Climate Change, and Obamacare is in really not a right for every American to a healt service.

If Civil Wars are going to break out in US, then it won´t be the fault of Trump but the fault of the Shadow Governement, which is trying to pust for civil was through Soros organizations, through luciferian “elite”, through Clinton Foundation and through “Democrats” and their prostitute MSM, who are all trying to do everything to either preserve their Status Qou or to wreak havoc, not just in USA but also all over the world. The road to US Civil Wars is therefore not spontaneous but orcestrated, just like the road to race war in the last few years has been. At the top they all support illegal immigration only because it is another way to wreak havoc – Civil Wars in US and Europe. So you can stop blaiming Trump for something the onse on the opposite side are doing!

If you don´t get that either you are troll or mentally ill…

Diane Grebe

So are you saying that if someone doesn’t agree with your thinking on this that they are trolls or mentally ill?


Jedaiah Ramnarine

Suggested look concerning Trump’s victory and the future of his presidency, Hillary, Brennan, etc.

Anthony Svab

This actually might work, but only in theory! Trump is, beside Putin, the only leader with good intentions of any state in the world and in the same time bold enough to dare to deal with BEAM information, make it known to public and follow it through. Even Putin doesn´t dare to do that. The main problem is that this letter is almost certain going to get intercepted/censored/deleted by chickenhawks and valtures in WH before he might even receive it, let alone read it. To be sure he would get it and read it, one would have to give it to him personally! Though; Bravo 2 U for a great idea! But I am prepared to bet whatever that this letter is never going to reach Trump!

Shawn Bineau

Meier right again!

Wandering black holes discovered in our galaxy.

Perry Caravello

I can almost smell the combined brain power of Trump, Meier and Horn searing through the chains of ignorance and disbelief.

Terry Carch

“:Trump is getting so bad it`s scary Trump is behaving like a bawling two year child! Trump and co. who`s gotta have everything their way or else! That Trump gaing are acting and behaving like a bunch of dirty spoiled two year old brats!”