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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Gullible Americans Fund TTSA UFO Fraud

Over $500,000 and they can’t find the Billy Meier UFO contacts?

To see all the information at TTSA, you’d think that the most amazing thing on earth and in the skies is about to happen…with your financial help. Having already raised over one-half million dollars, these experts from the intelligence and military communities tell us they are going to help reveal all the truth about UFOs, etc.

So, what happens when they’re asked about the Billy Meier UFO contacts? Here’s the response Adrian Martinez received when he wrote and inquired if they knew about, and had researched, the Meier contacts:

“From: General Inquiries <>
Date: Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: To The Stars: Adrian Martinez

Hello Adrian,
Sorry, I don’t have any information to provide about this case for you. You will have to check out our website in the future for updates and news and hopefully you will be able to find the answers you are looking for in time.

Thank you,
To The Stars… Academy of Arts & Science”

Really, more than $500,000 later and they haven’t found the singularly authentic Billy Meier UFO contacts? Even though their mouthpiece, Tom DeLonge, has also been sent the information several times over the past year?


Here is a Billy Meier UFO photo that Tom DeLonge used in his Instagram page – without credit to Meier – while TTSA says that they “don’t have any information to provide about this case for you”:

See also Greg Dougall’s link also showing my comment from more than a year ago!

Gullible Americans

Yes, Americans often lead the way in being gullible and falling for every scam, hoax, and snake oil salesman who comes along. But when faced with the singular truth, what do they do, other than run from it and pursue more…entertainment?

We get what we deserve and, apparently, we’re getting prepared for something quite other than what the TTSA seems to be offering. Some people think that, worst case, it’s a set up for a fake ET attack.

But feel free to send your hard-earned money to these so-called “former” intelligence operatives so they can invite you into their inner circle, as they did Tom Delonge, and bamboozle you as well.

I just sent my third email to them:

“Dear TTSA,

Mr. Martinez forwarded to me your response to his inquiry about the Billy Meier UFO contacts. While I haven’t received any responses to my two inquiries, I am providing the information below* to you…in advance of my blog about the apparent ineptness of your organization to find what’s not only freely offered but right under its nose. I’ll be glad to apologize for calling TTSA out as a fraud, should it be truly – publicly – responsive to the information about the Meier contacts.


I included a comprehensive introduction to the information, documentation and evidence, along with a number of Meier’s still irreproducible UFO photos.

Do you think they will write back and say thank you very much for informing us about the Billy Meier UFO contacts, telling us that they’re suspending all further fund-raising in order to dedicate all their time, energy and resources to researching and investigating all of the (FREE) information, etc.? Do you think they’re going to say that, somehow miraculously, they didn’t know about it and now are even going to help to let the world know about it? Or are they going to continue to ignore it and make more cartoons, fancy press releases and other nonsense, cynically aware that the public has the intelligence and attention span of fleas?

But of course, what does it matter, so many people want to run and seek things outside themselves to distract themselves from their aimless, pointless, consumer-oriented, entertainment-seeking lives.

La Palma Warning!

As Billy Meier first warned – in 1975things are pointing towards the inevitable eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in the Canary Islands. Scientists are monitoring the situation closely. Ptaah explicitly explained how to know when a volcano is going to erupt. The people were warned…and did they listen?

Episode 3 Next Week!

The next episode of Michael Horn Live is on Tuesday, October 31. For more information see these links:

Tuesday’s Show Here


Future Self

We know that “the” future is uncertain…but yours doesn’t have to be. Create your future the way you want it to be now, with Future Self.

Thanks to Dave Holmes for the La Palma update.

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Greg Dougall

I would like to make two points…
1. I watched one of the videos posted by Arnoud Schutte in a previous blog. The researcher tracked the corporate shell game of “Tom Delonge in the tooth” and saw that he is transferring over $440,000 of debt into this new corporation and it’s shares.
2. Tom also tweeted last year an “obscure UFO photo” to promote his upcoming projects and book for sale. Low and behold this “obscure” UFO photo was taken by Billy Meier of two beamships in the air, as he is in another. I believe it is “Ober[Over]-Zelg”. This proves that a. Tom DeLiar is clueless about the singularly authentic and ongoing E.T. contact case, and b. he will use Billy Meier’s photos to promote/ sell his books while his company says they are not aware of this case. Ironical, isn’t it? Thanks to Jane at Texas UFOs who interviewed you several times to bring the Tom DeWrong tweet to my attention.

Greg Dougall

Instagram link:
haven’t found the twitter link yet, could have been one or both.
-funny you replied then in summer of 2016
here is my link of the screenshot for when they take it down: comment image

Terry Carch

“The Ps DON`T use beamships anymore,the use startgates thanks toi Asket and her people from Timers in the DAL Universe!”

Stephen Lane

Hi Terry, you have mentioned several time that the Plejaren don’t use their beamships anymore. I was just wondering where you have read that? Was it in a contact report or FIGU bullitin, etc? I may have missed it. Many thanks.

Also awaiting a reply from TTSA. Apparently they have big ‘reveals’ at their conferences.

Terry Carch

Hi Stephen I heard on one of MH`s blogs that the Ps don`t use beamships anymore but I don`t remember where MH got the information. probably when MH last saw Billy in Switzerland last time? And I remember asking MH and Billy what will the Ps do with all those beamships and motherships that they no long need to use now that the Ps are using stargates instead?

Melissa Osaki

It’s disgusting for them to use Billy’s photo and then act like they have no idea where the photo came from. Billy’s photo’s are the clearest authentic photo’s you will ever see and I find it strange that these people aren’t jumping over top of each other to find the truth. It’s very bizarre to me. There’s only a few reasons why someone would willingly suppress this info: fear, power, and money. These people are mentally and physically enslaved.

Melissa Osaki

I sent them a message. If I get a reply, I’ll post it here.

Terry Carch

MH This makes me wonder IF and WHEN will these sham frauds EVER learn the truth from Billy and the Ps? Everything else is just pie in the sky as far as I`m concerned!

Melissa Osaki

Just as I suspected–they don’t care about the truth. They sent me their standard “we don’t want to be bothered” email.

From: General Inquiries
Date: October 26, 2017 at 3:14:58 PM PDT
Subject: Re: To The Stars: Melissa Osaki
Hello Melissa,

This is a general inquiry contact e-mail for general questions about the Academy and the investment phase. Any substantive information about what the Academy wants to do or their goals are on either the Offering Circular or at

Thank you,
To The Stars… Academy of Arts & Science

Scott Reed

These so called “searchers for the truth” are disgusting vile examples of the lack of integrity that has infected the overwhelming overpopulated mass of humanity. It truly lies outside my own reason and understanding of why a human being would choose fame and fortune over the wellbeing of any life form, including themselves.

On a side note, China is about to hasten the collapse of the U.S.
China’s launch of ‘petro-yuan’ in two months sounds death knell for dollar’s dominance.
Peace with love,
Scott Reed.

Patty Fletcher

I have sent them a message too…If I get a reply, I’ll post it here too!

Paul Russell

The Age of Delusion.
Do people have to want to know the truth before they are able to hear it?
I don’t know.

Greg Dougall

Two more instances of him using Plejaren beamships / beamship fan art on his twitter “#sekretmachines” to promote (sell) his fiction novels:

comment image

comment image

He probably has multiple twitter accounts.
Forget Twitter. TWTL is better. The Way To Live.

Don Schneider

I’ll be directing all my questions in correspondences ‘To the Stars’.
Its more about the UFOI industry and the bottom line.

Jedaiah Ramnarine

It’s funny how hypnotized and brainwashed the fabric of society is that this could exist.

Ned Duke

Did those folks @ TTSA notice the whole Equifax issue in the news? At least John Oliver puts it into some sort of light since it’s important. I don’t know what they plan to do or who to talk to if things go south … fast … .

Speaking of gullible:

Andrew Grimshaw

I wonder why Last Week Tonight don’t want Australians seeing that youtube video? BUT, Thank You Tor for allowing me to view it, anyway!

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Gullible and lost in their hypnotized state, the latter affecting them more than they even consciously know. TTSA is “cool” and “rad”. It’s exciting, and so, attracts that kind of attention. It’s about being thrilled, not being true.

John Webster

For the sake of argument, [devil’s advocate for fun.] In consideration of today’s version of life on Earth, I would never expect that a ‘sudden shift’ into a more desirable state of Being [critical mass] could occur as laid out in the Plejaren understanding. Not to take away from those who appear in these comment threads with abounding words of wisdom, but I’m resonating with thoughts which might describe telling the egg what it’s like to be a chicken, or, to explain to the caterpillar the state of being a butterfly! it’s something that obviously can’t be easily absorbed by the masses, yet there seems to be a % group [worldwide?] who claim to live and experience the spiritual teaching. I’m not convinced that ‘judging the masses’ is correct with the ‘spiritual teaching’.

Jedaiah Ramnarine

I hear what you’re saying John, but it’s not so much judging if it’s the truth. This is the world we live in and it’s majority stupid, unevolved and brainwashed. It will take centuries before we can evolve into world peace.

John Webster

I respect your reply, Jedaiah. I also respect that there’s no apparent attempt to convert the “stupid” the “brainwashed”. Obviously it’s natural for people like Eduard Meier, Michael, yourself, etc to share the insight and to emphasize that people map out their own course from whatever understanding one can assimilate. I know of a man who stated, “to convert is to enslave, to share is to enrich.”

Jedaiah Ramnarine

That’s a great quote. Wise.

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

Contact attempt… 😉

I’ll post in the future if I recieve any response from them

Here is a copy of my message:

Hello guys

I think i’m a rising star… I am a french Canadian and here we are much late in the UFO field so to speek… and we are not yet aware of the extraterrestrial phenomena very much… I did manage to find some nice footage online through American medias etc. I also found about the Billy Meier case which I find truly amazing… but am unable to share it with anyone in my region… I might go to the five stars states in the future and I wonder if you guys know anything about the 80 years old contactee named (should have said known as/nicknamed) Billy?



Send from windows 10

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau
phone number: N/A

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau


Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

Simply wanna say that I never received any answers from those clowns

Sunday 12 november 2017 16:22

Sent from windows 10


John Webster

I’m currently reading this article and decided to c & p here.

John Webster

I’m not interested in ‘Mysterious Universe’ … but I emailed M J Banias who wrote the article about Delonge. If Banias responds to my email [particular question put to him] I will share it here.

Christian Brown

This is off topic, but I remember reading that Flagstaff was approved to be a location for an Interest Group…is that something that is being pursued still? And if so, in what form (e.g. In a physical community, or a less formal kind of community)? Apologies for not having the exact source for where I read about the approval of Flagstaff as a location for an Interest Group. Also, let me know if there is a better place to communicate about this information.

Christian Brown

That would be great. Where can I find your email?

Anthony La Vecchia

Tom Delonge did an interview today with Joe Rogan and while asking basic questions from the host about “UFO” technology he says “he does not want to get into it.” I will leave a link below to a clip of the show but just from watching a few minutes, Tom seems very confused and clearly try to steer to the topic he only wants to talk about.

Sheila Clark

Both of them are paid fools. Joe may have taken too many hits to the head and caused brain damage whereas Delonge took the money and is running with it.

Adrian Martinez

No, Joe got out of the mma sport to avoid the hits to the head. I would love to have MH on that podcast. Joe rogan has a lot of listeners and I think Joe doesn’t know anything about Billy Meier. He was once interested about ufos but found nothing but endless Roswell, grey aliens kaa kaa. His podcasts are really good, but he’s a tough one to crack regarding anything related to UFOs. That’s why I think MH would make Joes head spin with the proof from Billy Meier… my opinion…

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Adrian is right about that. Mike on Rogans podcast would be great