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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts โ€” singularly authentic โ€” ongoing for 80 years โ€” the key to our future survival

The Wrong, Wrong Man

A massive case of buyer’s remorse awaits

This is a nonpolitical, nonpartisan commentary on the flim-flam farce that’s been perpetrated on Trump supporters and the American people as a whole. So, whether you’re a supporter or not, there are some very bright red flags waving briskly in the breeze.

To all my friends who were enthusiastic that Trump was going to:

  • Drain the swamp
  • Clean out the Deep State
  • Stop illegal immigration
  • Make America Great Again
  • Fix the economy
  • Prosecute Hillary
  • Restore good relations with Russia
  • Stop incessant American wars of aggression
  • Bring American troops home
  • Turn thousands of โ€œsealed indictmentsโ€ into actual trials, convictions and jail sentences

There are other major failures on the part of Trump, with health care, the environment, foreign relations, etc. So, while those who supported him were very hopeful that heโ€™d end the corruption, fulfill all the failed promises made by those who preceded him, and the rest of the usual lunacy that is politics, especially American politics, they also forgot that heโ€™s aย billionaire, who didnโ€™t acquire his wealth through altruism and humanitarianism. Trump is first and foremost out for Trump.

Either wittingly or unwittingly, Trump was used by the same people whoโ€™ve done it all before and who were just as glad to see him successfully sell his supposedly populist agenda, as they wouldโ€™ve been to proceed with Hillary in office.

Trump can’t and won’t drain the swamp and clean out the ย Deep State because he’s now effectively no different than, if not already part of, them.

Itโ€™s also time to recognize that Trump is no โ€œmasterโ€, as portrayed by Qanon aficionados, those people who feel involved and important, thinking they’re actually part of some “movement”, as they sit around trying to figure out silly cryptic messagesโ€ฆwhile Trump continues to blunder and bumble and turn the world ever more against America, if thatโ€™s even possible.*

The Democrats are also to blame for galvanizing Trump supporters, as they tried to disenfranchise all the people who voted for and elected him, with their phony-from-the-start Russia collusion scheme. This of course followed on their cynical attempt to sell the psychopathic warmonger, Hillary Clinton, to the country. They should’ve focused on cleaning up their own mess and attracting a viable, decent candidate to oppose him. Billy Meier’s understated, prescient warning about the “just as dumb” Trump now rings painfully clear.

And while there wonโ€™t be anyone sane and qualified to vote for come next year (the very principled Tulsi Gabbard certainly wonโ€™t be the Democrat candidate) many people on the right will most likely suck it up and vote for Trump again.

The toxic preoccupation with the cult of personality in America is a very long-standing ill. It’s directly related to religious conditioning that has an imaginary deity and/or savior supposedly responsible forย yourย life and everything in it. This kind of indoctrination spills over into American politics, with too may people transferring their personal power, their hopes, fears and dreams, onto the the projected image of one “almighty” leader or another, whichย alwaysย works out to our detriment. How could it not?

So, in one of those extended “Pied-Piper-meets-the-emperor-has-no-clothes” moments, Trump supporters will do everything possible to keep convincing themselves that heโ€™s really the answer to their hopes and dreams, instead of one of its biggest nightmares. Barring unforeseen circumstances, he’ll probably be reelected by those who consider, and proudly refer to, themselves as โ€œpatriotsโ€, etc., and ย deceive themselves about the man who deceived…them.

Yes,ย politics makes people stupidโ€ฆvery stupid.

*According toย Henoch:

217. Far in the West, it will be different; the United States of America will be a country of total destruction.

218. The cause for this will be manifold.

219. With its global conflicts which are continuously instigated by it and which will continue far into the future, America is creating enormous hatred against itself, worldwide, in many countries.

NOTE:ย I wrote the above articleย beforeย I read this, not-for-the-faint-of-heart,ย assessment of Trump (and many other things) authored by Sfath, over 70 years ago. My criticisms pale in comparison with Sfath’s, whose very detailed description of what is coming to our country and our world with certainty – as obtained through time travel – is beyond staggering.

Perhaps it’s fortunate that the majority of people would be completely unwilling to give any credence to the claim that such a means is possible, thereby protecting them – at least for the time being – from being utterly overwhelmed by the reality of the approaching “storm”, for which no adjectives can possibly suffice.


Needed Now More than Ever

The now unstoppable external events fulfill as they must, because of the unreasonableness of humankind for far too long. For those who wish to remain alert and clear-headed in the extremely demanding coming times, nothing is more important thanย learning how to think. Our thinking determines everything about how well we live our lives and in fact our thinking is what forges our destiny.

The Might of the Thoughts

Get It Here!


Arahat Athersata

โ€œAfter several cover-to-cover readings of the Arahat Athersata book, I became able to neutralize or eliminate my migraine headaches within seconds.โ€
Eddie M.
โ€œI just finished reading the newly translated Arahat Athersata and Iย must say that it is the most helpful book I have ever read. The bookย puts it in simple and easy terms how anyone can change their badย thinking nearly overnight, a manual for a healthy mind if you will.
And a human can not only eliminate pain, anxiety, doubt, desperation,ย etc. but also real illnesses by just thinking as nature intended itย for the human being.โ€
Anthony A.



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William Frederick Ter Burgh

Sad state of affairs for America; all the good people who want to change things for the better are either unfairly shut out (like Tulsi in the upcoming debate), or smeared to the point where educated people believe the smears against them in the mainstream media like Bernie.

I hope you’re wrong Michael. I hope Trump’s followers don’t just suck it up and vote him in again, although we’re dumb enough to do that because it maintains the status quo.

I hope logic will prevail and the mind numbing cult of personality is finally stopped. Not that this would prevent the next Civil War but at least 30-40,000 people a year won’t die because of lack of access to adequate healthcare if we use logic during the next election cycle….a pipe dream I know.

Thank you as always for your hard work Mr. Horn! Your work is needed now more than ever…we are on the presibis.

-Bill Ter Burgh

Luis Sanchez

*This country doesnโ€™t need civil wars or civil conflicts in families or communities, if anything it needs to come together in love and friendship. The opposites of conflicts….is commonality of interests. Reasoning thinking about today to build a better tomorrow in progress. False American instigations that been already exposed by extraterrestrial intelligences, these disgraces should be left in the past. If America wants stop creating enormous hatred against itself world wide it must also do the opposite, create love within its own country…and for its neighbor.

Luis Sanchez

Just to add, America and the world must adopt the higher values of love and friendship for themselves and others or otherwise the hatred and false instigations of today with foreigners…will compound into the future with more hatred and false instigations and mistreatment and more inhumanity. Right now at these present moment in time, theirs a realization of this form of compounding hatred and mistreatment and loss of humanity, an inherent theft of a whole humanities time of existence. MAO-A (artificial genetic manipulation inheritance which overall equates to self annihilation and overall loss of human time existence) humanity on earth can either continue this form of inherit loss in all things, or thrive in the natural course of all things in a logic laden love. Compound the future in more inhumanity is yet again a complete loss. Let true love and friendship and real humanity compound to win. Salome

Scott Reed

The president did try and buy Trumpland, er ah… Greenland. For the good of the people.
I think it was Mark Twain who said, “It’s easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled”.
Peace, Scott.

Xila Clark

It was funny until we realized there’s already a couple USA military bases in Greenland and have been since WW2.(3).

Matt Knight

“The regular course of the celestial bodies will also be disturbed” stood out for me.

Bet NASA didn’t factor that possibility into the risk of Apophis hitting us in 2029. I’m assuming Sfath is referring here to the effects of the melting polar regions which is changing the Earth’s spin / course in some way which then affects the course of other planets in our solar system? Just guessing.

Xila Clark

There was also a recent contact report that said due to the nuclear detonations the earth has moved into a slightly different orbit around the sun, which has also caused the earth to spin faster. Sorry I don’t have the CR#.

Matt Knight

Hi Xila, Yes, I remember reading that. Earthquakes (and likely volcanoes) could also be a factor:

Our scientists say that the Earth axis has shifted about 6 – 10 centimeters because of the two sea quakes in south east Asia.

A shift of the Earth’s axis has actually take place, yet the measure named by you does not correspond to the facts, because in reality a shift of 12.4 centimeters came about.


Terry Carch

There is a program in New York Channel 5 which is mc`d byErny Anastis at 6pm Monday through Frinyday on t he local Fox News where Anastis brings who discuss various topics bring bring hope good news and a bright future doing kind things thelp for humanity. I don`t know if Ernie has a website but you may want to check him out. Also WABC Channel 7 in New York every so ften on the local news has a segment called Be Kind helping the less dfortunate. These a but two positive ideas that we need to and makethink about here in the US if we want to survive and make a difference and also bring love and peace too. Salome

Bruce Lulla

Was it really a case of ‘buyer’s remorse’ or rather ‘the lesser of two evils’?, which is most unfortunately usually the case in the USofA.

I don’t think anyone who could think for themselves really viewed Trump as the messiah, which he would have to have been to accomplish his whole bag of promised hot air.

Our lovely pseudo-democratic system presented us a choice between a billionaire reality TV star who has always been all about profit and the mirage of image above all else vs. a psychopathic Deep State whore.

And our lovely sham-democratic system will not present us with the possible Earth-mother Tulsi to get us and the entire world on a track to peace, love and harmony.

Lolo Courtemanche

Hello Michael, this is echoed by Paul Craig Roberts in one of his last article :

Matthew Reed

Sfath referred to Trump as “Hilter-like”…just like the “crazy leftists” said he was. Hmmm.

Matthew Reed

Thanks for posting Christian’s comment on this Michael!

Bruce Lulla

Frankly, I don’t think the percentage of the US population that follow Trump like sheep is very high and certainly not enough to carry out Hitler-like machinations. This Hitler-like comparison is absurdly hyperbolic imo.

Over 50 % of the population voted against him and despises him and of the 49% who voted for him, maybe 50% of that number at most really likes the guy.

The media continually bashes him relentlessly. The intelligence agencies attempted a soft coup. Do you think Hitler would have just bitched and moaned about all that in Trump-like fashion, or would his Gestapo/secret police made them all disappear?

Trump is a lot of things, some good and more bad, but invoking Hitler’s name is going too far. Does anyone really think Trump comes close to this kind of clever manipulation, charisma, intelligence, etc.?

Bruce Lulla

Unfortunately, the US war machine is always ready and willing, whether it’s Trump, Bush Sr. or Jr., Obama, etc. It doesn’t take much for the eveer-present war-mongers to get their PR machine, i.e. MSM rolling to get the dumbed-down, lemmings and sheep public on board. I don’t think Trump stands out among US Presidents in that regard.
In fact I think Trump’s instincts are not for further wars but as has been noted, he is so erratic and ridiculous that it cannot be put off the table.

And the US drumbeat for war always lies in wait.

Xila Clark

The “crazy leftists” are also responsible for starting the anti-Russian sentiment so I would take everything both sides say, with a grain of salt.

Matthew Reed

Except the things both sides say that are obviously true…like Trump being a horrible person. Nothing partisan about it.

Xila Clark

You know what else is non partisan? The fact that both sides are pro war. Where can one find a politician that never took “donations” from the military industrial complex?

Lolo Courtemanche
Xila Clark

Maybe Tulsi Gabbard doesn’t take “donations” from the military industrial complex, but she does take a paycheque. I like her, unfortunately she won’t make it past the primaries.

Patty Fletcher

I’m with BEAM, I too think it is a good thing that from time to time that Ptaah review and control the reports of the conversations, because only by doing so can Ptaah discern such perfidies which are caused by these sectarian-energetic vibrations, the existence and work of which not even the best earthly scientists have any idea! Just one question: What are these sectarian-energetic vibrations? Are they from all the religious BS? Or are they a form of computer manipulation?

Melissa Osaki

To a large extent, they are caused by religious and sectarian delusion.

Matt Knight

Hi Patty,

My reading is that it will be related to some kind ultra-rich Egyptian Goddess-cult that involves Bastet, Sekhmet (Cat) and especially “Isis” cult (Isis the Egyptian mother and Ra the father of Bastet) as Ptaah hints at this in the excerpt from 717th contact report in MH’s Greta Thurnberg blog. They probably have some secret, either, ancient, or, recently discovered, swinging waves generating device they use to promote sectarian, matriarchal, feminist, ideas. It’s probably centred around an ultra-powerful living female descendent of whoever was obsessed and responsible for the many depictions of the Eye of Ra in the 20th century.

Ptaah hints they may have a misguided sectarian idea from the Egyptian hieroglyphic depictions that the psyche can be preserved for the next life in some way (mummification) to transcend death, perhaps reclaim materials and status and like Tibetan Buddhists, will probably indoctrinate this early. A much earlier history is now being fleshed out by Ptaah in his mentioning his Egyptian ancestor Isobron in MH’s most recent blog and Nokodemion’s teaching, where, perhaps the distorted Egyptian myths were handed down. Just guessing though.

Luis Sanchez

Rattling premature accelerated rusting sabers and causing false conflicts for purposes of controlling the lube supply. It would be wise to get the cause of such symptoms of this premature quickness to rust and dust through wars. Perhaps not forging so many premature rusting and dusting humans would be a good start to get rid such an erroding circumstances. The underlining erosion to civilization is overpopulation. A mutiple year world wide birth stop with equal birth control need to be brought to the surface in order to prevent the erosion of civilization.

John Webster

I would be interested in knowing [the Plejaren] and Meier’s perception on the performance of the Swiss method of governance. IF Earth humanity needs to continue with any system, is the Swiss system the most successful in delivering an ‘of the peopl,e by the people, for the people’ concept? Do the Free Democratic, the Social Democratic, [ the Christian Democratic ] and the Swiss People’s parties still exist?

John Webster

Or have I already answered my own inquiry?

Mark Weatherly

Very informative, well-written and professional in presentation. Thanks Michael for presenting these all-to-rarely mentioned prophecies and the unfortunate onslaught that appears to be prediction now. I appreciate this perspective on Donald Trump, as I voted for him twice. He is not a savior, as his staunch and ardent supporters suppose. He’s merely the other side of the same coin, but packaged differently than the other. As far as a potential presidential candidate, former Congressman Tulsi Gabbard D-HI would be a good choice, as she is anti-war, compassionate, and possesses more of a nuturing aura about her.

Irene Clow

Michael, can you articulate exactly how Trump has turned the world against us?

Irene Clow

The demonization of Trump really is some kind of hysterical neurosis, its based on allegation, insinuation, negative character evaluation and pure invention.

Everything l read in your synopsis falls into the catagories above.

I’ve asked here before for anyone to table one violation of the constitution or one crime Trump has supposedly committed and all l get in response is aghast responses at my inability to see these things. Save me the rhetoric.


Irene Clow

Michael, Now see here you you maaan!!
The notion that Trump should have donated his wealth to the public as a proof of character and intention is not the meazure of a president. The value he gives is in running a country in which people can create wealth for themselves.

I want yoo too read this over&over till you agree lam shmarter..

John Webster

Respectfully, are you so easily distracted my historical / current machinations of the failed experiments in ‘ideology’?

Your comments [beliefs] exhibit ‘resistance’ . . and, more often than not, [resistance] brings about the opposite of [its intent.] A war, is a war, is a war . . be it a verbal, and/or a physical affront, are you thinking there’s a winner?