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Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Russian War Robots and the Henoch Prophecies


WABC radio host Frank Morano interviewed Michael Horn about the Billy Meier contacts, the phony Pentagon “UFO disclosure”, and the “threat” disinformation spread by Lue Elizondo, all of which will likely result in a push for more new weapons and war with Russia & China.

Russian War Robots and the Henoch Prophecies

Russia is building an army of war robots, as detailed in this Newsweek article.

Once again, we are reminded of the Henoch Prophecies:

190. The irresponsible politicians will unscrupulously exercise their power, assisted by scientists and obedient military forces serving them, who together hold a deadly sceptre and will create clone-like beings which will be bred in a total lack of conscience and will be scientifically manipulated to become killer machines. Division by division and devoid of any feelings, they will destroy, murder and annihilate everything.

205. If the Third World War will actually happen—as calculations and observations appear to indicate to be probable now and also during the approaching few decades—then, as now, the civilian population will above all have to bear the brunt of the enormous suffering in tremendous numbers in this entire catastrophe and, last but not least, the fault of the irresponsible scientists who by cloning will create human machines for military purposes, devoid of conscience and feelings, and will create immensely deadly and all-annihilating computer-like weapons.

206. At the same time, the danger could become reality that the human combat machines, the military clones, will gain their independence and under their own management will bring death, devastation, destruction and annihilation to the human beings of Earth and to the planet.

227. Even when the North American continent will be stricken by the most terrible catastrophe which has ever been recorded, evil military powers will wreak havoc with computerised and nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, whereby it will also happen that computerised weapons become independent and cannot be controlled any longer by human beings.

275. Not only nuclear, biological and chemical weapons will be used en masse, but also enormously deadly systems of computer-controlled weapons that are only in the beginning stages of development today, or will be invented and constructed during the third millennium.


Michael Horn show.JPG

Betsey’s website


Skype: betsey.lewis2


As the Time Fulfills: Russian Buildup in Arctic

Russians Preparing Predicted Attacks on U.S., Canada and Scandinavia?

As Billy Meier Predicted – in 1987 – and Happening before Our Very Eyes

Were We not Repeatedly Warned?



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This is great news, I was getting bored sitting at home isolating. At least now I have the chance of WW III to look forward to and killer robots. The only thing that would top this, is if the robots were led by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Is this not grounds enough for self defense. You don’t have to kill anyone, just take away their freedom and their power. Stick them on a remote island, or even better, how about a remote planet. How can this be a directive to the Plejaran to allow this to unfold. What’s worse these bozos that are planning this or knowing it’s happening and doing nothing about it. How about some names, It’s insanity, no matter how you look at it. I CAN’T BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN!!!!

Terry Carch

A week ago I had this nightmare about clones singinging and performing in an open meadow somewhere in upstate New York and I was sittiing on the grass watching them behind them but the stupid nightmare would not go away! “Jeeze!” What an awful nightmare!!!

Terry Carch

I think that dream or better yet that nightmare that I had a week ago might have been holographic of rock artist singing on stage but in my dream I was sitting in the grass trying to see if theses androids or holographic images were real so i tried to put my hand on their backs to see if they were real etc? “What a nightmare!!!”

Ned Duke

Cheapo drones were used to ferry explosives around the size of a hand grenade as soon as such things were invented. They were used in Donbass and in Syria/Iraq. More sophisticated robotic machines are being acquired by more nations around the planet. I cannot link the video footage of Azeri drones firing missiles at human figures but its already happening and spreading as more nations adopt and acquire machines of these types. Yes, human figures being hit with larger explosives flying unexpectedly across the field. It’s not limited to tanks, buildings, or vehicles with the PR footage that made its rounds. We’ve come a long way from the ‘luckiest man’ in Stormin Norman’s Gulf 1 video.

Stan Del Carlo

How to become a Black Magician like a real Russian Psychic Assassin, or just hold out and wait for Apophis 99942. After all whats the hurry, going somewheres?

Ned Duke

Automat und telespiel leiten heute die zukunft ein.

Basil Miracle

I’m just going to leave this and this and a little bit of this here as well.

You know… I’ve had nightmares about the coming Nuclear holocaust since I was about 13 years old(Star Trek First Contact introduced me to the idea and I had a nightmare about it). Now there are times when I am simply looking at something, and the vision of it in the future intrudes on what I currently see…destroyed, ruined, bombed out, and lifeless. I know…somehow I live through this and I’m seeing what I have seen. As the time grows closer, it is harder and harder to ignore.

Sometimes, I sit and wonder why. Why does everyone else close their eyes when it is so close you can reach out and touch it?

Ohh well, it’s a good thing that I’m just crazy. Otherwise I’d be worried.

Terry Carch

Last night Richard Doland was o n c2c but I was not interested thanks to MH and Billy but you might want to read the first 2 paragraphs from Wednesday May 25, 2021/Thursday May 27, 2021 or listen on the c2c website or your local radio in your local area in the first two hours to see if Dolan is telling the truth about secret military crafts to start WW4 etc. Salome

Terry Carch

Here are Richard Doland`s website 1. and 2, should you need to find out about all his books and other issues etc, etc, etc. if you want to. Salome

Basil Miracle

The level of advancement of killer, autonomous machines is likely far, far ahead of what the common person thinks.
How long do we actually have? 2060 sets a very hard limit on how long we can forestall a world wide conflagration, because oil is rapidly dwindling and by that date it will likely all be gone. As the oil supply of the world continues to diminish, tensions will continue to rise between world powers. The hungrier they are, the more they will fight to control this diminishing resource. It’s clearly a powder keg that needs but a tiny spark to ignite. Whether it is the provoking the Chinese in the South China Sea, NATO troops on the Russian border, or directly attacking Iran. Any of these could spark a war that would rapidly sweep the globe and bring many million fold deaths and obliteration.

Every world power knows these facts and have been acting accordingly for a long time now. Both Russia and China have stepped up their military advancement(Largely due to provocation by the USA and her allies). Yet, the provocation must continue, as official US DoD budget continues to climb, year after year, now topping nearly three quarters of a trillion dollars.

Do the scientists who make these weapons of terrible power step down and refuse to work to spare their fellow human beings? Hardly, as that paycheck is more important than life. Do the politicians listen to wisdom and reason? I think the Sun would sooner fit through the eye of a needle than that would happen. Do the masses of humanity finally stir and wake up to the true danger that now lurks just around the corner? Not a chance, because they pointlessly squabble amongst themselves about being “woke” and their thoughts are constantly guided along predecided routes.

And most importantly, as is often asked here, and did they LISTEN? I guess it is hard to hear a quiet, old Swiss man, when the sound of war drums, idiotic noise(“music”), pointless bickering, and the falling of golden coins into pockets is so loud.

Al Jedd

To put us in some perspective where technology is at today.
In the article you will be able to see how small this “very simple chip” is with respect to the syringe needle.

Also we are having more successful transplants

Back in 2009 an Italian who lost his left forearm in a car crash has been successfully linked to a robotic hand,


Adding this data up, it looks like, it’s not that many years to go.

I understand that “Dolly” the cloned sheep was already 6 years old when born back in the 1990’s. And I wonder how long it might be before scientists actually build these monsters ?


Al Jedd

Needle and chip

Ned Duke

Good analysis video: