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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

COVID, Vaccinations and the Spiritual Teaching

No matter what Elon Musk may do, you determine the way to live and forge your own destiny

While we mused about Musk’s possible participation in mind-body control from above the earth (not actually considered outer space) the following information from Billy Meier – from February 3, 2020 – explains a sequence of cause and effect, showing how thoughts and feelings have a profound relationship to, and effect on, the function of the immune system:

173. As a rule, such an infestation inevitably leads to impulses caused by thoughts and feelings, which immediately lead to a negative influence on the psyche, which weakens the moral state and thus the physical state, and the virus attack is given the opportunity to spread and take effect, whereby it can become uninhibitedly effective.

174. In this whole process, according to our findings, it further emerges that the earthly medical sciences do not take into consideration the fact that the infection also results in a negatively forming mental state of the human being due to thoughts and feelings, through which the entire organism and thus inevitably also the entire immune system is impaired, consequently the latter becomes attuned to it and does not defend itself extensively against the attack of the dangerous germ.

There is also this in the 770th Contact, from May 5 2021, pertaining to the same factors, as they contribute to the negative effects of the vaccinations:

“These are some of the consequences of vaccination that can be mentioned, but they are determined by the negative susceptibility of the physical-organic constitution as a whole, e.g. by a mentally negative attitude and thus by a psychically negative constitution. Negative consequences of vaccination are mainly caused by the degree of effectiveness of the immune system, but this degree is mainly determined by the person himself, namely by his behavior in relation to his whole way of life.”

Now there’s the – inevitable – news of surging COVID cases, and misleading attempts to blame them on the unvaccinated*, instead of what was also warned about over two months ago:

“…He also explained that the Corona virus has a sneakiness that can manifest itself in such a way that the virus appears to be retreating, only to suddenly break out again in greater numbers and spread vehemently once more, which is why a drop in infections and deaths could possibly only be a warning sign of a new outbreak.”

The Immutable Law of Cause and Effect

The clear, causal relationship between overpopulation and the rapid rate of rampantly spreading diseases, like COVID, is never mentioned though, as the Plejaren explained…in September 2020:

“Earthly medicine will not be able to counteract this fact for very long centuries, because the mass production and mass births of the growing overpopulation will carry the whole thing far into the future by heredity, which started months ago and cannot be stopped or stopped anymore.”

 And, while psychoneuroimmunology is not a new or unknown field of study, it too has not been widely (if at all) discussed in relationship to the disease…or the vaccinations. This brings to mind the invaluable teaching about the might of the thoughts and how it determines everything about our lives.

Our thinking all too often proceeds as an unconscious process, which nonetheless is unfailingly determining everything about our lives. Learning the way to live of course entails the application of the might of the thoughts, moment-by-moment, throughout our lives. If we choose to engage in this study for no other reason than maximizing control over our own health, we will still accrue all of the other benefits of a life lived consciously, which is indeed the way to live.

So, no matter what Elon Musk may do, you determine the way to live and forge your own destiny.

See also: This “new discovery”, Unusual Variant of Guillain-Barré Syndrome Linked to COVID Vaccines, was of course foretold – over one month earlier – in the 770th Contact, May 5, 2021

13. Guillain-Barré syndrome, damage to the nerves, especially in the spinal cord, resulting in sometimes severe motor dysfunctions such as paralysis.

Thanks to Cyprian Taraciński for the information on the G-B Syndrome.

*758th Contact, November 15, 2020:“This also in the relation that in the governments of various states will appear idiots who will strive for a separation of vaccinated and unvaccinated. What we also observed were evil consequences of moral nature, because the vaccination brought up in the idiots in governments not only this separation nonsense, but also hatred arose among vaccinated and unvaccinated in parts of the populations. The reason was that parts of the vaccinated became sensed the unvaccinated would be to blame for masses of further infections, while conversely parts of the unvaccinated became hateful against the vaccinated as a result of favoritism.”

NOTE: Meier is speaking about what he and Sfath observed during their time travels into the future, from the 1940s.


These books belong in your consciousness library:


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Arnoud Schutte

Thanks Michael, very useful and important information

Terry Carch

I don`t know where to place this question which as ethical moral implications due to the savage predictor world that Earth is but I just thought of this question. Why would anybody want to kill, mame , harm anyone out of hate, jalousy and so on?

Terry Carch

Here are two very important articles from counterpunch Front page( for Wednesday July 14. 2021 1. Internet Censorship: TheReal Monopoly Threat By Thomas Knapp 2. On “Gain of Function Research COVID 19 and the Shortcomings of Biological Weapons Convention an Interview with Laurie Garret By Jenna Orkin

Shiva Balu

In India,when there were 400,000 cases of covid per day in the month of May 2021,there were 4000 deaths daily. But now with only 34,000 infected per day over 2000 deaths are being recorded. The delta strain is indeed deadly.
According to govt sources the R factor is steadily but slowly increasing from 0,78. to 0,88 .Now that all shops are open ,we can expect another surge
by September/october To be on gaurd all the time is getting to be tiring but is top priority.


Shiva, also the numbers which we see in the government sites are always greatly undercounted. My office is also now slowly opening on all 5 days and so one has to be very careful in the offices, with the colleagues and during the commute when one does not have their own vehicle✌️

Ian Perry


So are we supposed to think positively if we get the virus to fight it?

Melissa Osaki

Wouldn’t it be better learn how to think Neutral-positively now and apply it in our everyday lives to improve them?

Terry Carch

Didn`t Billy state taking vitamins and other supplements better than taking the vaccines?


I wonder if thinking overly positively is better than neutral-positive for your immune system?

Melissa Osaki

According to the Spiritual Teaching, being overly positive is a form a degeneration, the same as being overly negative.

Eusebio Apellido

Ja, agreed on how the populace are being divided from those who are vaccinated and unvaccinated. Observed this today in local news and in Youtube personalitites like Dr. Campbell where they put up numbers of infections while also inserting subconscious manner how if the people were vaccinated more, the rise would not have happen. If one observes what they speak and how they speak them, the innuendo goes along the lines of promoting vaccines while as well as blaming the spreading towards those who don’t want the shot. An american-english term, (like most we have seen in the past like the words: ‘trickle down economics’; affordable healthcare’; ‘depopulation’ or ‘racist’ or other term that serves to shut discussion down), is the new word “vaccine-hesitant” – which implies that those who aren’t getting the shot as shy folk who can’t decide what to do (hesitancy). Have always wondered why in the future the American-English language would become unpopular, so in those things I watch in media and elsewhere (like printed text), trigger words that spread unknowledge and ignorance is heavily prevalent in the language and how it is being expressed by folks.

Melissa Osaki

It’s an amazing thing to see people who deliberately disregard the already occurring illnesses and deaths from the vaccines in order to promote suicidal propaganda. Perhaps many of these brilliant people have received some kind of…financial incentive.

Let everyone decide for themselves of course what’s best for them.


The authorities continue to push vaccinations at their own peril.

In the last weeks there have been revelations by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Charles Hoffe, and Dr. Peter McCullough warning about micro-blood clots (in capillaries) in >60% of those vaccinated that cause the heart to work harder to push blood. While this is in progress, damage is occurring to affected organs (heart, spinal chord, brain, …) some which are permanent and will likely lead to premature death.

Note that Dr. Peter McCullough does say there is a virus out there that does cause clinical disease to dispel claims the virus does not exist. At the same time he refers to the pandemic as a bio-terrorism operation – both the virus and the vaccines. He is unaware of the swinging wave storage of the virus but suggests natural immunity together with early treatment can crush the curves and reduce spread making the untested vaccines unnecessary.

Also mentioned is the Absolute Risk Reduction of the vaccines is really in the 1% range in contrast to the vaccine manufacturer and FDA touted 95% Relative Risk Reduction. That link also has a PDF link containing a table with RRR and ARR values.

Spike protein shedding by the vaccinated is now old news making those un-vaccinated wary of the vaccinated.

Isreal with a highly vaccinated population is exhibiting a surge in clinical cases with higher rates (by multiples) for all age groups in those who are vaccinated vs those un-vaccinated.

Another big problem was and remains the issue of the vaccinated erroneously believing they were protected from infection when in reality the protection was only in the 1% range compared to the un-vaccinated. This erroneous belief made the vaccinated careless allowing for new spreading events.

Radhivindra Maan

I a a retired Med. Lab. Tech., to my knowledge, vaccines preparation takes approximately between 5 to 8 years from the pathologys’ onset to human vaccination. But here’s a case where it was achieved within 18 months. I can only logically conclude that the vaccine was already prepared before the infection was disseminated. I must say that this is the only way that all this makes any sense to me.