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Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Confirmed Predictions Show Past the Point of Any Return

US bioweapons labs in Ukraine; Ukrainian officials secretly confirm Zelensky a Nazi 

The following was published by Billy Meier on April 2, 2022:

“The senile president of the USA, Biden, took this as an opportunity to bring out his hatred and vindictiveness against Russia – influenced and steered by the dark government – which he harbours within himself. And since he has the might to influence also the NATO organisation, it will come that the superiors of this organisation will soon approve that tanks will be delivered to Ukraine, consequently what you have already said will come about, namely that the war will continue and become worse than before.”

Prediction Confirmed April 26. 2022

Germany approves tank sales to Ukraine, bowing to pressure

Past the Point of No Return

The singular authenticity of Billy Meier’s contacts, and the impeccably, prophetically and predictively accurate information – which could only be obtained through time travel – should now be apparent to even the most stubborn, unthinking, politically and religiously deluded human beings.

However, as you will learn in Contact Report 799 below, the agenda of the darkest forces and parties on earth is to continue to ramp up the destruction, largely made possible by the indifference, ignorance, ineptitude and laziness of the masses, who also elect, allow and empower those who “lead” the world into destruction.

While we may have collectively passed the point of no return, now, more than ever, we must remember that we cannot be disposed of that which is intrinsically ours, and which we can consciously reclaim and reinforce through practice, patience and focus, quietly and consistently, unbeknownst to anyone.

799th Contact
Easter Monday, 18th April 2022, 13:12 hrs

Billy: Ah, there you are again at last. It has been a long time since you have been away, however Bermunda has represented you well. However, be joyfully greeted with a warm welcome. It is really very pleasing to have you back and I am really glad.

Ptaah: Greetings too, my friend, and peace is within me that I can see you again and talk to you. I have missed the conversations with you very much. But I don’t want to talk to you here in your workroom today, I want to talk to you somewhere outside.

Billy: That’s alright, because we can sit down in the meadow on the left-hand large pulpit, where no one will see us and we will not be disturbed. Unfortunately, I heard from Eva over there less than a minute ago that my sister Hedy and her husband Todo are coming to visit at 15:00 hrs and I have to be back here at that time. So I would have to interrupt our conversation and go back and stay with the visitor, which will surely take an hour or so before he leaves. But to be honest, the time has also become long for me, and like you, I missed our conversation. Now you’re here again, and there’s a lot to talk about, mainly about the general state of affairs that has arisen here on Earth.

Here, for example, is this letter that I received 4 days ago, of which I don’t know whether it is really genuine or not, I mean, whether it really comes from government circles in Ukraine or not. It says that Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, is a NAZI who greedily clings to might, etc. The letter is signed by … but here, please read it for yourself.

Ptaah: … Whether this letter is genuine or false, I cannot judge, but I can put it on the table here and have it picked up to be verified, if you like? In any case, the seal here seems genuine, so it really is from someone in the inner circle of the state leadership, although the letter was posted in Germany. However, if it is as described here, then it is really bad that this man is in power in Ukraine. But if you want to know whether the letter is a genuine thing and thus not a forgery, a joke or a negative mood-mongering etc. against Zelensky, then we should have it clarified, but that will take time. In this respect I can act freely, because it is a question of clarifying something here on Earth, consequently I can pass on the letter here in order to clarify the matter. Someone from our station will handle the letter and try to clarify it.

Billy: As you say, but how long will that take?

Ptaah: I don’t know, but our capabilities allow us to sort it out. It will take some time, but

Billy: … then please, let’s let it go. If it just takes a few days, then was …

Ptaah: … you don’t have to wait days for it, because it will just take some time, which will be calculated in hours.

Billy: Oh, I misunderstood you then. Then put the letter on the table, but how is it to be done?

Ptaah: It will be taken away from here and processed immediately, by investigating in Ukraine.

Billy: I’m as anxious as a spring on that one. But what are you doing here?

Ptaah: The necessary – it is already done. The letter is being picked up and getting to the bottom of it.

Billy: You’re shifting gears fast. But if we leave now, what about my visit?

Ptaah: That is not a problem because I will be watching the entrance to the centre. – Sometimes something unexpected comes up, consequently a change has to be made, which will be the case now. But that really won’t be a problem because in the meantime, if I let you go down, I can stay up on the lawn, which will be a pleasure in this weather.

Billy: Good.

Ptaah: – Yes, when it’s time for you, when your visitor comes. – What else I wanted to say in your workroom: Bermunda kept reporting to me, consequently I am well oriented. What is happening is very unpleasant. You have known since the time with Sfath that the war in Ukraine is coming, that is known to me, but you did not look at everything that will happen. Also not extensively that adventurers, other lust murderers and rapists enter Ukraine and do a lot, like some of the Ukrainian military, who rape, murder and bury their own compatriots, but then blame this on the enemies, which will never be clarified. Of course, the enemy military do the same, but not everything can be blamed on them. I have been told that in this regard, our surveillance has observed in various places such incidents by foreign adventurers, some of the Ukrainian military and fellow murderers, taking place in the area of the capital Kiev, as well as elsewhere. Our surveillance has also registered looting on a large scale by the Ukrainian military and the country’s own population, as well as, of course, by the enemy military. Many people are caught looting, and if they are nationals, they are shot mercilessly by their compatriots – men, women and children alike.

It is also worth mentioning what I have said, that all those leaders of the Earth who rashly and criminally supply any weapons to Ukraine are also guilty of war crimes. This is because firstly human beings are inevitably killed and destruction caused. Secondly, the war and everything will be aggravated and prolonged, and thirdly, this irresponsibility will only encourage the whole event, whereby the murdering, raping and destroying will continue longer and longer. In this way, however, those who supply weapons are guilty of war, murder and destruction, regardless of which side the weapons end up on, i.e. the attackers or the defenders. Neither party is better than the other in terms of murdering, raping and destroying. It is true that in this war Russia is to be understood and in the right with regard to the breaking of the promise that no eastward expansion of NATO should take place across the border of Germany and that therefore Russia would be harassed with it. This was already promised to Russia by America and Germany in the 1990s, but since then, due to America’s desire, the promise has been consistently broken and disregarded, as has been customary for the USA since time immemorial. America’s leaders were not and are not concerned with the welfare of their own people, but rather with firstly, personal might and secondly, world domination, which is to be achieved with the help of NATO, of which the leaders of this organisation, which Harry S Truman, as a secret member of the government of darkness, explicitly brought into being for this purpose, know nothing.

There have been urgent warnings against the eastward expansion of NATO. This was already done by Boris Yeltsin and other notable state officials, who warned that because NATO’s advance to the east would threaten Russia’s security, war would inevitably result one day if NATO did advance to the east. And that is what has happened now because America, or rather its President Biden together with the President of Ukraine, provoked this for so long that Russia or rather Putin lost patience and started the war. Of course, this cannot be considered correct, because war is always a crime against the peoples involved in it, because all round war is irresponsible, criminal and absolutely inexcusable. Thus, all those who delight in murdering, raping and destroying, be they military, special forces, adventurers or murderers, who use theatres of war to indulge their passion for murdering, raping and destroying, get a kick out of it.

Overall, all those who supply arms to a warring party are murderers who are also guilty of the rapes and destruction, also by benefiting and encouraging those groups who then show themselves to be terrorists.

Billy: – It was also not … – well, it was enough anyway. But as usual, I stay out of everything, remain truly neutral and only say what observation and assessment of reality and its truth reveals, what people say about it, without bringing my own opinion to bear. And if I openly mention the names of those human beings who do everything wrong in the governments in terms of quarrelling, partisanship, war and the exercise of power, wrong doing and acting, etc., then they are mainly and actually the following persons and organisations: Putin, Zelensky, Biden, NATO and the EU dictatorship and in the latter the ‘von der Leyen’, in Germany Baerbock, those of the Federal Council, National Council, Council of States or those of the people of Switzerland, as well as of various other countries, who through their loudmouths and their thoughtless wrongdoing and wrong actions are promoting the war in Ukraine and even more prolonging it. In this respect, however, it is especially those who supplied weapons to Zelensky, whereby, as already said, deaths and more and more deaths will have to be mourned as a result, just as with every weapon supplied criminally and irresponsibly by those in power and also private individuals, the war can be waged further and all the longer.

For my part, I cannot and do not want to favour one side of the one party and disadvantage the other, but only to say that most politicians make counterproductive decisions and act in a counterproductive way, and as a result nothing but screw-ups are made and the war in Ukraine is kept alive by the stupidity and stupidity of those who partisanly help one side or the other and supply weapons, which is absolutely contrary to what they actually want to achieve, namely peace. By supplying weapons, they are fuelling the war and prolonging it, thus increasing the number of deaths, destruction and war crimes. The fact that adventurers and other personal ‘mercenaries’ who enter Ukraine for the pleasure of killing, raping and destroying and indulge in their ‘hobby’ are completely disregarded or deliberately concealed, as is also said from his personal circle, if what is written here in this letter is really true, that Zelensky is a power-hungry and depraved neo-Nazi. At any rate, that is what is said in this letter here, which bears the official mark of the Ukrainian government, and is signed by a … and which also says that Zelensky is a genuine Nazi.

Ptaah: After clarification, destroy this letter and the envelope, you must not keep it. That would bring you great inconvenience and danger. Because like this or otherwise, you have to reckon with all the powerful people in the world having long arms.

Billy: As you say, then it would probably be better if I don’t write down that part of our conversation when I retrieve it.

Ptaah: I’d advise against that, because either way you want it to be known what’s written to you. Let’s go – or beam. …… and here we are. – Yes, and there seems to me a good place to sit.

Billy: I think so too, then let’s go there. – What I want to say about the letter, though: Many earthlings are unfortunately mendacious and still bear an important name, such as Schliemann, who supposedly found the Troia described by Homer, which he did not. In truth, of the 11 cities that were built one after the other over thousands of years on the ruins of the ancient cities, he excavated the wrong city – the cities were destroyed 2 or 3 times by earthquakes. But the gold treasure etc. that he found was stolen by him in its entirety and then bequeathed to Germany as a gift, even though he had a contract with the Ottoman government that he would leave 50% to them and keep 50% for himself.

Just as America has been breaking fixed or promised contracts since time immemorial, Schliemann also acted in this way. But it gets even better with the lying and fraudulent actions, for there are, for example, lies spread in religions, such as in the 3 of Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the so-called religious books Torah, Bible and Koran, which could not be more hair-raising and lead back to Babylonian origins. For example, the so-called Flood was nothing more than a ‘wild water’ or a flood or high water as a result of a storm. This had an easy time in Babylonia at that time, because the ‘water architects’ had large watercourses built by the cities, whereby the rising wild waters could quickly burst their banks and cause floods. The Babylonians called such floods ‘deluge’, which the Jewish peoples had simply adopted in the same way when they were brought into captivity to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar and established the term ‘deluge’ with world flood and the like. There they had also heard of the fantasy story of the Flood and the fable of Noah’s Ark, which was also written down in cuneiform by a scribe in Ur, although the name of the alleged Ark builder was renamed, as moreover the necessary material for the construction did not actually grow in Ur – today’s Basra – but in the south of India. Moreover, it must also be said that ancient cuneiform writings dating from the early primeval times of Babylonia state that this ‘ark’ was supposed to be around 70 metres in diameter, which at that time was an impossibility to build such a thing and to seal it with bitumen in such a way that it would have been waterproof. Not to mention how it would have been possible with a round boat – which, by the way, are still in use today in certain areas of Iraq and measure about 1.5 to 3 metres – which, according to an ancient cuneiform inscription, would have had a diameter of just about 70 metres, to take a pair of each animal species on board, since there are known to be millions of different species of animals, creatures and other living beings. At that time many more than today, because in the meantime the human beings have already exterminated many of them. Nevertheless, all these Babylonian stories were taken over by the Jewish peoples, who were very strongly influenced by the Babylonian beliefs and integrated much into their own religion, which was later also adopted in the Torah, the Bible and the Koran. So also the Jewish religion is no longer original, but distorted and interspersed with foreign religious knowledge, which the ‘captives’ in Babylonia have appropriated, as is inevitably the case with earthlings when they come into contact with other faiths, consequently this and that ‘sticks’ and is adopted. Besides, the Jewish people in Babylonia had nothing to complain about, for they could move about freely and, after Nebuchadnezzar’s order, even pursue their occupations, which they had done before, from which the Babylonian people profited. That was once in between, but we have stopped at the war that is taking place in Ukraine.

As well as the fact that many human beings are being murdered completely senselessly, correctly said executed, by the immigrant and murderous, rape-lusting and massacring rabble alone, while they are causing chaos through senseless deeds and destruction, that will not be made public at all. I also hear from Ukrainians that a clown was elected president and is power-mad at the helm of the country, who brazenly and war-mongeringly cries out for weapons, which are then actually supplied by partisan dimwitted foreign states, with which further senseless and vindictive murder and destruction takes place. Truly, this beats to death all reason and rationality of those who support the delivery of weapons, regardless of whether they are given to the Ukrainians or the Russians. Both sides are senselessly murdering, destroying and annihilating, because neither side is better than the other, because both sides and opponents are completely irresponsible.

In fact, in the war in Ukraine – as in every war – only revenge, murder, massacre, torture and rape as well as pillaging and plundering etc. are carried out by all sides, both by the attackers and the defenders. But due to the partisanship of various governments and parts of the peoples, everything is only praised or cursed one-sidedly, because those who have fallen prey to partisanship do not see and do not recognise reality and its truth – or for certain reasons do not see and do not want to recognise it. And this is also the case with the whole debacle between Ukraine, Russia, America and NATO. Uninvolved states are interfering, which has already led to a special kind of ‘world war’ as a result of the partiality of the governments and peoples of various countries, based on the partiality of a large part of earthly humanity. The question is indeed how stupid and dumb all those human beings of various governments and peoples really are, who have done exactly everything that led to the fact that it could come so far and now there is the danger that it can get even worse, namely to a world war that can degenerate into a nuclear war.

As Sfath was able to prove to me as early as the 1940s, the USA, imperceptibly, deceitfully and greedy for world domination, as well as unnoticeable to the world public, is doing everything – secretly, however, in the background, the dark government – to ensure that various Nordic states of Europe will endeavour to join the NATO organisation, whereby the bordering Russia is to be all the more militarily encircled by the Western forces. In addition, NATO is to equip countries all around with combat material of all kinds, allegedly pretending fear because of the current war. However, according to Sfath, the real reason for this is America’s desire for world domination, which the actual leadership of the murderous organisation NATO unwittingly encourages. This fact was already calculated in 1949 by Harry S Truman – according to Sfath – when the foundation of NATO came about and since then the plan of America’s aspiration for world domination has been secretly maintained in order to be implemented in reality when the opportunity arises. Something that is now threatening to become acute, bringing the danger of nuclear war closer. The US, however, is not bothered by this, and the lazy and disingenuous speeches of the US Department of Defence that ‘deterrence is the central element of peacekeeping’ are only preparatory and mendacious words, as Sfath said at the time, to maintain the false policy position until the appropriate moment is created by NATO expansion to the point where Russia is encircled by NATO and everything can take its intended course. And when that actually happens, then America will strike in the name of the state mercenary organisation NATO – which is actually headed by stupid, gullible, blue-eyed and misguided superiors who have no idea what is actually being played – for which America also provides the most military, namely more than 1.3 million men, if I am still correctly oriented, along with a lot of war material – and of course the nuclear arsenal. Claimed to be by far the best military in the world, even the dumbest earthling can work out what to expect if it actually comes to that …

Ptaah: … But you we…

Billy: Yeah, I don’t write it on retrieval either, I realise that. Basically, what a human being thinks, feels and does is always the decision of each individual human being, in every respect, consequently I do not have to interfere in it, but I am allowed to say what is fact, reality and truth of the whole. In this way, however, I am absolutely entitled to form a judgement as to whether what the other corresponding human being does, orders, how he acts, thinks and decides, decrees or commands etc. is correct or wrong. It is every word, every decision and every action of a human being always and in every case the personal and own thing and the personal responsibility, consequently I can only judge and say whether it is correct or wrong what the neighbour does. For this, one does not need to be a superhuman and also not to be of the opinion that one is better than one’s fellow human beings, because truthfully it only requires a clear mind and the necessary reason to logically judge everything that is observed and analysed.

If one is in charge and has to see that something functions correctly, such as an order of living together, correct behaviour, etc., then perhaps a shouting match is necessary, but that’s all over with once everything has been set right and explained. Human beings are different and must be dealt with in such a way that they can understand everything correctly.

However, it is and always will be the case that everything has to be decided by each individual himself, what he wants and might do, what he decides to do, and so on. In my opinion, it must also be the case in a community, group or organisation etc. that it is not a single person who decides something ‘collectively’, but rather the entire community, group or organisation. But in governments, as in communities, organisations or groups etc., this is not the case, because there is always one person who leads the sceptre and influences the others in such a way that they take over everything that the person leading the sceptre wants. The truth is that a matter is not decided in solidarity, which would require a vote, but it is scrounged by one or two or three persons until an over-scrounging of the whole organisation, group or community gives a yes and amen. Something that is also done in families, when one person rises to become the head and simply decides something. The only unfortunate thing is that nothing can be done about it. One is simply completely helpless.

The powerful, whom we call rulers, simply do what they want, usually the wrong and wrong thing, and think they are so clever. The fact that there are masses of deaths in the process, precisely when war is dictated as the ‘solution’, is of no concern to the powerful, who are at loggerheads with each other, because they are sitting in safety and do not take up arms themselves in order to smash each other’s skulls in with them. They send their people forward to take up arms and murder, and they are stupid and dumb enough to do everything the higher-ups ask of them. Only a few refuse, flee or are executed as deserters if they are caught. The human beings behave like lamblike sheep and allow themselves to be treated slavishly by the superiors, even to the point of being sent to war and murdered, again by other human beings of other nations who neither know each other nor have done each other any harm or harm. This is the way it has been since time immemorial and it goes on and on, because no nation is behind the other in this respect, not even in Switzerland, because now even the neutrality has been broken by the Federal Council, because it has unthinkingly taken over the sanctions of the EU dictatorship, which are directed against Russia. Da…

Ptaah: … Excuse me, but to that I must say that this can never be reconciled with neutrality, because this is so comprehensive in respect of a state that absolutely no interference of any kind is allowed.

Billy: Tell that to our Federal Council, which is completely of the wrong opinion that the sanctions assumed would not affect the neutrality of the country, that in fact, to the contrary, they would even be compatible with it.

Ptaah: But this must not be, because such action is a serious violation and an effective breach of neutrality. Obviously, it is not understood what ‘neutrality of a state’ really says, means and what values are enshrined in it.

Billy: I am sure that this is not only the case with the Federal Council, but also with many of the National Councillors and the Councillors of States, as well as with the majority of the people. Unfortunately, ignorance in this respect, as well as elsewhere, is widespread. But I will talk about that later, because there are other things that we have to discuss first, but which must remain between us. For it is …



Ptaah: That was really necessary to clarify.

Billy:  I just thought so too, that’s why I brought it up.

Ptaah: Things like that also need to be clarified, and it was good that we talked about it. But there is something else, because Bermunda reported to me that you were not doing well health-wise, but you didn’t want, as she said, to …

Billy: … yes, she harassed me. However, I refused her offer because I am used to myself.

Ptaah: … but Bermunda is really a very good doctor.

Billy: I know that, but still I don’t let her help me with every ailment, as is also the case regarding the well-intentioned help from you.

Ptaah: Yes, I know you don’t think much of medical treatment, I know.

Billy: Self is the man – also in that respect.

Ptaah: How you manage to help yourself a lot is puzzling to me, because often medical help would really be appropriate. Some things I don’t understand about you, like when you broke your shoulder with the ponies thing and refused an operation, but it would have been very necessary.

Billy: Of course it would have been necessary, as you say, but the assistant surgeon said that I should have had it done sitting down, as the chief or the chief surgeon had ordered. The assistant surgeon, however, said that the chief surgeon had said that I would probably not survive the operation in the sitting position due to my new ‘heart conduit’ that was inserted in the university hospital in 2015. So I decided otherwise and went through the whole thing in my own way, the way I am used to, namely according to the method ‘the man is himself’. Of course, sometimes a doctor’s assistant is probably necessary when you can’t do something yourself, or especially when it’s – well, when there’s just no other way, for whatever reason.

Ptaah: Understanding you in this regard is certainly not easy for Eva, because I know how concerned she is about you. She is also concerned about you.

Billy: Yes I know, she was with her father and with her mother, and she cared for them until the last hour. But she is also that concerned and loving with our daughter Selina.

Ptaah: – But now you must go, for there is evidently your sister driving up. –

Billy: I guess that’s her. So let me… – …

Ptaah: It’s good that you’re back. There were people up there on the street, but nobody came down.

Billy: Good, and here I am again too. But you switched on time and got me back here, because I was just coming into the office and you were already beaming me down.

Ptaah: The device was adjusted in such a way that when you appeared it reacted immediately and you were here at the same moment. But before your sister came, I wanted to say, if I may continue the conversation we had, that the whole thing is still an inexplicable mystery to me, what you have managed to do regarding your severe shoulder injury, that today everything is back to the way it was before, just as if there had been no injury. You let me see the whole thing and I saw that your shoulder was really shattered, but you move it in such a way that you can move your arm completely normally, as if nothing had happened. But for my part, I know that after an operation of this kind ….

Billy: … the freedom of movement of the arm is severely restricted, as I also know. Eva has this problem now, after she had a shattered shoulder because she fell into a concrete pit in the garden. Practically everything was broken in her case as it was in mine, which is why she had to have an artificial upper arm shoulder ball and also a new shoulder piece with a so-called socket operated on. She has had to go to therapy every week since then, which is only now slowly coming to an end, but she can no longer use her arm as she did before her accident.

Michael also suffered the same fate when he fell off his bike. He even had to have a metal plate screwed in, which has now been removed, but he can’t move his arm like he could before the accident, just like Eva can’t.

Ptaah: I understand that completely, because artificial parts were operated on Eva, and these usually do not fulfil the function as the body’s own and therefore normal natural parts. It is also similar with Michael. This arises in the same way as it does with foreign organs that are implanted. Even if they are implanted and function, they are no longer capable of functioning in the same way as the body’s own organs, in addition to the fact that medical additives are usually required. The human being can live with foreign implants, but a foreign body always remains a foreign body, also an organ implant from another human being.

Billy: So it would only be correct if the body’s own material were cultivated and used for transfer or for surgical insertion or for transplantation into a body. This is just the way you do it, that only organs are allowed to be used that are grown from one’s own body material.

Ptaah: Yes. It’s getting uncomfortable here though, let’s go back to your workroom.

Billy:Okay – and here we are already. And while we are already dealing with what we have just talked about, it also comes to my mind – which has already been talked about once, but I don’t remember when it was – that we recently talked in the kitchen of the centre about the fact that after the actual death of the human being, the consciousness continues to work for 15-20 minutes, and namely in such a way that it still perceives everything that is happening all around it. This, however, is only in terms of perception, without the consciousness still maintaining own thoughts, but thus rather only taking in perceptions, something which, however, cannot be ascertained by our medics, etc. The whole phenomenon could perhaps be compared to a kind of tape recorder, which records everything but is not able to reproduce any sound, because it happens to run soundless, when it is played back. This is how it happens, and namely also when beheading takes place or when the human being dies in some other way, in an accident or the like. Sfath explained that only in the completely switched-off state of conscious perception matters would be different, namely then, when during the dreamless deep sleep the death would occur and the consciousness would completely ‘run dry’. Then, as he explained, the perception would also be present, but would be such that it would only take in emptiness.

Ptaah: This is indeed so, but this will be impossible for earthly scientists to ascertain, because it is really impossible without the necessary apparatus and equipment.

Billy:So what all our ‘experts’ who deal with death don’t know about either.

Ptaah: That is unfortunately so, because in order to fathom this fact, special technical apparatus is required, which can never be developed and manufactured by Earth-humans, because …

Billy: I know this from my time with Sfath, because the bulk of earthlings want to be cleverer than they really are, especially those earthlings who believe that because they have studied, they have eaten wisdom with shovel diggers. But all their delusions of grandeur will be of no use to them, for it … That, after all, will be the end of the song, the verses of which, and their length or brevity, however, will still be written by the earthlings until then….

Ptaah: To be silent about this, my father told you ….

Billy: Yes, I know, and I’ll stick to that too. When I talk now, I only do so with you, and since I am allowed to say everything. But that doesn’t mean that I also have to give everything in writing, but can simply put dots in the places that are to be concealed. But what human beings then make up out of that and imagine is, as usual, up to them. In any case, it is always their business, consequently I should also not be asked about it, because I will simply remain silent.

Ptaah: That keeps escaping my mind – excuse me.

Billy: I often struggle with that too, because it is probably because you actually only trust yourself when you have calibrated yourself to it and can rely on it high percentage. The only reason it’s so high is because, in spite of everything, you can never grant yourself one hundred percent certainty. To do so would be more than just arrogant, but a delusion that would ultimately only bring disaster. As human beings, one can, so to speak, be perfect to a certain degree, e.g. in a work performance, a calculation and construction etc., as also in the assembly of a technical object etc. after the elaboration of a draft and plan etc.. But in the end there remains a residual risk that cannot be foreseen or calculated in advance, be it whatever, whether it is the service life or anything else.

Ptaah: But Earth-humans don’t think that way.

Billy: I know that, and unfortunately it is so. Therefore, earthlings actually live only in such a way that they think everything they do is for eternity, but in truth it is only for the present and what is to come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but not in such a future way that it would become permanent. This refers to the true peace and freedom of human beings and peoples in general, because all this is only for time, so it will change again sooner or later. But something else that just comes to my mind and about which I also want to say a few words.

For pesticides, medicine as well as for Corona vaccines, the strictest level of secrecy is generally applied by their manufacturers and by the authority that is responsible for officially approving a medicine, a vaccine or a poison. This is very often done in exchange for bribes paid by manufacturers of such products to officials of the regulatory authorities, as you, Ptaah, have found out yourself. This is a fact which is of course vehemently denied, but which nevertheless corresponds to reality and its truth. What I want to address is that it is actually largely about the dangers of infection, the dangers of disease and the risks of death. Nevertheless, the authorities and the manufacturers of pesticides, herbicides, medicines and vaccines do not ensure any transparency with regard to the many medicinal products and substances, etc. In the same way, however, the authorities and the manufacturers of pesticides, herbicides, medicines and vaccines do not ensure any transparency. In the same way, the regulatory authorities do not do this either, they remain silent and keep secret what toxic substances are contained in the approved medicines, vaccines and pesticides.

In the case of Corona vaccines and medicines, as well as pesticides, which are divided into herbicides, fungicides and insecticides, the manufacturing companies or groups of manufacturers and the licensing authorities always keep quiet about what they contain as active substances, etc. The same applies to pesticides.

Pesticides are produced in different poison variations, so many different poisons and combinations of poisons are put into circulation worldwide as so-called plant protection products – which are also called biocides. Knowing how harmful, destructive and devastating these really are for the plant world, every singer remains silent about it – not out of politeness, however, but because he is paid horrendously for it. However, all pesticides of any kind are also dangerous to health in every respect and may be fatal to human beings, animals and creatures and many other crawling, creeping and flying life-forms, which are even completely wiped out, just as, in any case, pesticide poisons also have an absolutely destructive and exterminating effect on certain plants and are just as absolutely fatal and exterminating for many species of insects. This is in addition to the fact that these poisons also settle at least in the outer skin of the fruits and vegetables and thus reach the stomach and intestines, the blood and the whole body of the human beings, animals and livestock etc. as additional ‘food’. Something that is vehemently denied by our scientists, but you Plejaren have investigated and established exactly the opposite in laboratory work, and also that the toxic residues are even deposited in the blood – just like the finest particles of plastic – and cause a kind of addiction as well as physical and brain changes.

A closer look at all this unfortunately reveals the fact that the poisons are being used and applied unconscionably by human beings. All these chemicals are highly toxic and are used against unpopular plants as herbicides, against fungi as fungicides and against insects as insecticides. However, all these poisons are also harmful to human beings, and they can also be lethal.

The manufacturers and authorities keep the raw data and the approval studies for the pesticide poisons under strict lock and key, as well as the manufacturers’ own detailed assessments of the effectiveness and danger of the products. They also do not give anything to the authorities, who usually request them, because these papers allegedly contain trade secrets and business interests that are to be protected – so it is claimed – because allegedly the manufacturers would be harmed if the data became known. This is the real reason why outside experts cannot critically review these studies. Human beings have no choice but to blindly accept what the regulatory authorities claim, which has proven fatal time and again and cost many human lives. This is because, for example, medicines and vaccines were insufficiently tested and life-threatening – and still are – and were and are approved for use on human beings by medical and chemical laypersons – namely by persons from the regulatory authorities who have no idea whatsoever about medicine or chemistry etc., let alone that they have studied medicine or chemistry. So ignorant people in medicine and chemistry are let loose on mankind as those responsible for medicine and for the approval of questionable remedies, who often suffer serious damage to health or even death because the ‘medicine’ or ‘vaccine’ approved by the regulatory authorities has a harmful or lethal effect.

As an example the following: Fungicides, the anti-fungal agents, for example, emit the decomposition product metabolites, which are even already contained in drinking water. And this will continue to be the case on a large scale for many years, affecting the health of human beings, even though the application of fungicides has been banned because it was finally discovered that fungicides contained a carcinogenic agent that has been eliminated. But that was not enough, because the poison was also used for decades in the cultivation of cereals and vegetables, as well as in vineyards and on sports fields, earning the manufacturing company billions, but it took legal action against being officially named as the poisonous substance that caused cancer. What will result from this is still written in the stars, because the lawsuit is still pending, and what the court will decide, only the imaginary gods know.

A great many degradation products of pesticides pollute not only groundwater and drinking water everywhere, but in many places also cereals and vegetables and fruits and berries, etc., which are grown in the fields in the open and are consequently visited by insects of all kinds and species, just as plants grow in between – which is completely natural – but which are considered pests by the producers and are therefore fought with toxins.

Only in the course of the last few years has there been a gradual publication of certain environmental protection organisations and individual passionate environmentalists who are openly talking about the misery of what pesticides are actually doing to nature, destroying and destroying. But even in the year 2022, they are still something akin to the lonely caller in the desert where no one hears him call – or perhaps a human being who by some providence passes by.

It is probably the case that my interpretations are neither heard nor taken seriously by the bulk of indifferent human beings, and others will brand my words as harebrained or even as lies, but it is the full truth that I speak and thus reach a few human beings who are still able to think for themselves. Human beings who do not simply cling to an imaginary dear God through their mad religious faith, who in their view will already fix everything and bring it in order, or hope and wait that everything will sort itself out again. These people, however, who take my words seriously and are also capable of thinking about them and drawing their logical conclusions from them, must finally jump over their own shadows and unflinchingly arrange for a complete publication of this and teach the human beings in plain language what the aim and purpose of living together with the planet, nature and its fauna and flora truly are. But also that the human being must deal with his neighbour as a true human being, just as the peoples of one country must deal with those of other countries in peace and freedom and be led by human beings who do not indulge in self-importance, megalomania, the lust for power and the desire to rule, but who do what all human beings want in peace and freedom on an equal footing. That is what else I wanted to say.

Ptaah: – As I could not have expected otherwise from you. – You are absolutely right in what you say and cite. Furthermore, it is to be said that the official and health authority data concerning the daily deaths and infections regarding the Corona epidemic do not correspond to the truth; they only announce what data they receive in this regard. But these are far below what really is, because in reality they are more than twice as high as is generally stated.

Billy: Good, then I have something else. – During your absence, a lot has happened, also with regard to the fact that many human beings have contacted us who were previously foreign to us. Apart from the letter I presented to you, I have received a number of things by e-mail, such as also the following, as I should take it here in one of the time sheets:

To the FIGU for publication in a Zeitzeichen

To the FIGU,I, as a Swiss, am ashamed that we, as a former neutral country, have been betrayed and sold by incompetent politicians of the Federal Council, the National Council and the Council of States, by elements who are obviously not in the least capable of the Swiss way of thinking of neutrality, because, moreover, they do not adhere to the homeland, but to the European Union, which not only has the death penalty in its treaties, but also makes enslaving demands on its member states.

Switzerland is also partly affected by these regulations, and now even the Federal Council is adopting the sanctions of this questionable ‘community’ and applying them against Russia. This is no longer neutrality, but sheer betrayal of Switzerland, which is now indistinguishable from other states that do not know neutrality.

I really have to ask myself why such elements are elected to the Federal Council, the Council of States and the National Council in the first place, if they don’t even know what neutrality is in the first place, consequently they can kick it into the dirt in such a way that it is now broken and void and everyone can rightly call the Swiss traitors to neutrality and the homeland, which I myself even want to call treason.

I see that the guilt of all the councillors who betray our Swiss neutrality do not know what it expresses in the first place, namely that one remains truly neutral in every respect and does not get involved in anything that corresponds to an opinion other than a neutral one, no matter what it is.

In fact, I cannot understand why such elements are allowed to be Federal Councillors, National Councillors or Councillors of States at all and are not checked before their election with regard to their views and their suitability for Switzerland before they are let loose on Switzerland. The question now is how Switzerland’s good reputation can still be saved and neutrality restored, and how it can be avoided that such Federal Councillors, National Councillors and Councillors of States who betray their homeland and neutrality are elected and take the helm at all.


But there is another one of the various telephone calls that I want to read out to you, which I also had to note down when I called and write down afterwards. The man then read what I had written in the Zeitzeichen, but he was not satisfied with it and therefore intervened by telephone and said that I should write everything again according to his meaning, which I had already done before, but not published everything. I assured him that I would and then said that I would bring the whole thing up in a contact conversation, which he could then read on the Internet. He didn’t want that, however, but said that I should send him a copy of it by post, which I then also did and gave it to someone with a postal deposit. However, he wanted me to read out to him everything I had written. This also happened, so I am now reading the whole thing to you according to its meaning:

Reader telephone call

…Dear Billy,What I have to say is the following: What is going on in Bern at the Federal Council is treasonous to Switzerland, because obviously those up there do not know that they have betrayed Switzerland and neutrality with their criminal adoption of the EU sanctions. Contrary to neutrality, they have indirectly interfered in the war by their actions, which, however, Switzerland’s neutrality forbids, which is why Switzerland is no longer neutral. Even if the Federal Council, which obviously cannot think, obviously does not know what neutrality means at all, and moreover claims that what it is doing with regard to sanctions is compatible with adherence to neutrality, this is eyewash and deception, because sanctions directly intervene in war, which, however, neutrality forbids. But the people in Bern in the ‘Ochsenschür’ and in the ‘Küheschür’ obviously can’t think that far, they just do something over the heads of the population without asking them first.

But there is also the theatre that various states are irresponsibly supplying war weapons of all kinds to the begging and warmongering President Zelensky in Kiev, as is probably also happening on the other side by Russia-friendly states, which are also supplying Putin with some kind of war materials, whereby the conflict will become bigger and more ongoing and last for a long time. With every delivery of weapons, regardless of which side of the belligerents, more human beings, women, children and men die, and it is inevitable that through the irresponsible delivery of weapons the war will continue and continue, and continue longer, longer and longer. And besides, it is interesting to note that Russia alone is always condemned and condemned for war crimes and has been since time immemorial, while all the other states are given the filthy snout, even though they are doing the same thing as America, NATO and the French Foreign Legion have done. But they are left alone for their war crimes and are praised for killing, torturing, massacring and raping, so they do nothing but legalised murder, torture and other war crimes. But all these are left alone, while Russia is attacked incessantly, obviously controlled by America, which obviously has a great interest in destroying Russia so that it can be captured and dominated by America. And what else I want to say: in my opinion, the weapons industry should be banned, because weapons are only used to kill, murder and cause mischief of all kinds. Weapons are used to wage war and there will never be peace as long as weapons are manufactured. And as they told me on the telephone, the more war and hatred and revenge will arise, the greater the overpopulation will be, and as they also say, humanity will degenerate more and more, which will ultimately lead to a bad end. And what is more, Zelensky’s constant begging on television is obviously having a lot of success, because the stupid politicians who fall for the slimy and self-important guy, and the stupid politicians who are partisan to the begging and thus ramp up the killing and prolong the war, should be removed from office immediately, because with every weapon they deliver, human beings are killed and destruction is caused. This, however, is irresponsible, and the question is whether those responsible for supplying weapons ever have a guilty conscience, which is probably not the case, because in their stupidity they certainly do not think about the consequences of their ill-considered actions. But how could it be otherwise, because in the governments there are only fools who want to make themselves great and do not understand anything at all about how they should lead the state and the citizens. And the irresponsible arms suppliers do not think about the fact that the war is getting even worse and lasting longer and longer. They supply the madman, the power-hungry maniac and the Nazi-like idiot with everything he wants so that he can keep on murdering and exercising his violence and lying for longer. He himself sends his soldiers ahead, as Putin and the big mouth Biden in the USA – who is crazy anyway – also do. And while all these good-for-nothings are sitting at home in safety by the warm stove, they send their army to war, where the soldiers have to stick their heads out and get killed.


So I have only partially published the letter according to the telephone conversation in No. 3 of the April Time Sign. What I am now reading to you refers to the whole of what was said by H.B. in its entirety and he also accepted what I wrote about it in my epilogue, which I had to shorten somewhat in the Zeitzeichen, but which I now want to reproduce in its entirety:

Afterword by Billy: It is very regrettable to note that all the pro-America earthlings have double standards and thus react biased to the point of beam-breaking to what is happening between Russia and Ukraine. For my part, I see and hear how one-sidedly Russia is railed against and cursed, while Ukraine is lifted up to the heavens and, at the request of its president, various states fulfil his wishes for weapons and other war material. On the one hand, this makes the war, the murder, the massacres, the torture, the rape and murder of uninvolved private people even worse. More and more adventurers from many countries are also finding their way to Ukraine to murder to their hearts’ content, of course with and without the permission of the Ukrainian president, who advertises that any ‘help’ is welcome. In this way, war murder and massacres become an international war spectacle, fuelled daily by the Ukrainian president. But that is not enough, because irresponsible warmongering is also being practised by governments and populations, with those in power at the top pouring more evil fuel on the blazing fire that everything will get worse and last longer and longer – freely as the senile president of the USA scrounges this ahead and incites hatred against Russia all the more.

Truly, I stay out of any partisanship and remain neutral in every respect of the assessment, and I try to see and assess the whole thing as it is effectively true, whereby the truth, however, looks different than it is perceived by the populations deliberately deceived by the power-hungry and partisan rulers and warmongers. The fact is that exactly the same rapes, tortures, massacres and genocides etc. are committed in all wars as are being committed in Ukraine. This criminal activity is commonplace in every war, on both sides of the adversaries, and it is almost impossible to control which atrocities are committed by which warring parties. Consequently, the militias of Ukraine slaughter human beings just as mercilessly, rape women, torture and massacre, etc., as is also done on the side of Russian militias. But this is not spoken of because of partisanship, because it is not made public and must be concealed in order to let only Russia be the bad guys. In addition – and this is the full truth, which has been largely concealed from the world public until today, thus keeping it stupid and ignorant – the US military raged in Korea, just as the American military raged in Indochina, partly committing genocide, wiping out entire villages and the lives of all human beings, raping women and children, torturing, committing mass murders and massacring human beings, just as is currently happening in the war in Ukraine. And the world public has not heard anything about it until today, because everything is hushed up because it concerns the USA and NATO. The question is not whether everything can only be blamed on the Russian military, or whether the Ukrainian militia and the many adventurers and ‘war helpers’ from foreign countries who have entered the war zone out of sheer murderousness have their fingers in the pie and can thus strengthen the world’s hatred of Russia. This is all the more so because the primitive verbal attacks of the senile US president and the hatred against Russia deliberately stirred up by the Ukrainian warmonger president do not allow any clarification, and besides, it is not desirable for the truth to be known. Just as the USA’s addiction to world domination is not, which officially should not be made known to the peoples of the world either, not even that America has already established itself militarily in many states of the world and stationed itself in them, as for example in the European Eastern states, and is thus moving ever closer to Russia, which wants to be ‘kas- siert’ by America. Contrary to the promises made in the 1990s that NATO would never expand its organisation outside its eastern border in Eurasia against Russia, this promise has been broken and thus not kept. This was mainly done by the USA, from which a written as well as a verbal promise has simply been disregarded and broken since time immemorial and is as indifferent as smoke and mirrors that simply blow away somewhere. In the same way, the same thing happened elsewhere by the US military, such as in Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea and Iraq. But nobody talks about this, instead the USA and the American military are praised to the skies – as is the NATO military, which is a murderous international organisation in the same context, because war always means murder and mass murder – and whoever has the courage to openly expose these war crimes – as if war were not a crime in itself – is persecuted and murdered by the USA worldwide. If, however, the murderous elements of the US secret service do not succeed in doing so, but the alleged ‘traitors’ can flee, as these truth revealers are then called by the Americans, then the irresponsible people of any foreign states are so friendly to America that they help the USA to get hold of the wanted people. The best example of this is Julian Assange, who has been ‘waiting’ for years in England to be extradited to the USA. In Russia, Edward Snowden is constantly facing the prospect of being killed by undercover US intelligence agents, just as others have been murdered or imprisoned for life.

Supplying weapons to any party involved in a war is completely unconscionable and criminal and also counterproductive, because it will lead to more and more murders, more and more deaths and more and more destruction of important and expensive human achievements. Destructions of nature and many exterminations of life-forms of fauna and flora also result from this, because the biased and unconscionable as well as absolutely criminal supplied weapons of all kinds spread death, destruction and annihilation even in horrendous masses in the ranks of those to whom weapons are supplied. This is because this side also uses the weapons for fighting and thus for murder, which is avenged by the other side with further murder and destruction.

Billy: I think that the most powerful people in Switzerland, the Federal Council – in whole or in part, I don’t know – have made a mockery of Switzerland’s neutrality and thus pilloried it for betraying neutrality, which is really the hammer of the incompetence of the country’s powerful. But the same thing happened in earlier years and decades, because other Federal Councillors have already tampered with Switzerland’s neutrality in the same way, and since then Switzerland can no longer boast of it, because it has not only been violated, but has even been rendered null and void by the adoption and implementation of sanctions. Thus, since the last century, Switzerland has been neutral only in name. This non-neutral state of Switzerland has now been further deepened by adopting and applying the sanctions of the EU dictatorship. The Federal Council has thus revealed its true and personal convictions and made Switzerland so impossible in the world and put it on the shame pole that it has become obvious that the Federal Council or that part of this body is incapable of governing which initiated and carried out this. This also includes all those elements in the National Council and the Council of States who walk the same line and unthinkingly support this treacherous act of breaking neutrality. In addition, I think that these human beings, who are so stupidly stupid and thus non-thinkers, 1. do not belong in government, 2. however, do not even understand what neutrality is at all and what it demands. In their delusion of wanting to know better, they do not know and do not understand – probably because they can show off their bigotry in government and think they are big – that neutrality is something completely different from what the people misunderstand by it. What is to be understood by it in terms of constitutional law is already stated in the following, which can be read by all Swiss – whether they are women, men or adolescents and know how to write and read – as proclaimed for all citizens by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), word for word, as I have a copy of the whole thing here and can reproduce it:
NeutralityPermanent neutrality is a principle of Swiss foreign policy. It contributes to peace and security in Europe and beyond its borders. It serves to safeguard the independence of our country and the inviolability of its territory. In accordance with the law of neutrality, Switzerland does not take part in wars between other states.

Neutrality in the Federal Constitution

According to the Federal Constitution, the Federal Council and the Federal Assembly take measures to safeguard Switzerland’s neutrality. The authors of the Constitution deliberately did not anchor neutrality in the article of purpose or in the foreign policy principles, because it is a means to an end.

Right of neutrality

The law of neutrality, which was codified in the Hague Conventions of 18 October 1907, is part of customary international law. It sets out the rights and obligations of a neutral state. The most important of these rights is the inviolability of the state’s territory. Among the most important duties of a neutral state is to,

– refrain from participating in wars

– to ensure its self-defence

– treat all warring parties equally with regard to the export of armaments

– not provide mercenaries to the warring parties

– not to place its territory at the disposal of the belligerents.

The law of neutrality is only applicable to interstate conflicts and does not apply to internal conflicts, which constitute the majority of conflicts today. The law of neutrality is not applicable to a military operation authorised by the United Nations (UN) Security Council, because the Security Council is acting on behalf of the community of states to restore international peace and security. Therefore, the law of neutrality does not prevent neutral states from supporting such missions.

Neutrality policy

Neutrality policy is not bound by legal norms. It stands for the totality of measures that a neutral state takes on its own initiative to ensure the predictability and credibility of its permanent neutrality. The implementation of the neutrality policy depends on the analysis of the current international environment.

Switzerland’s neutrality is humanitarian in nature and oriented towards peace issues. It is thus in the tradition of good offices and humanitarian aid. Switzerland shapes its neutrality taking into account the requirements of international solidarity by placing it at the service of peace and prosperity.

(Billy: Sanctions against other states are fully and completely contrary to all the articles on peacekeeping and break neutrality, rendering all other articles null and void as well. Neutrality and conduct in neutrality means that there must be no interference whatsoever in the affairs of other states, i.e. no sanctions whatsoever may be taken against another country, otherwise neutrality becomes null and void as a result. This is also the case when, out of persuasion, neutrality is considered only from a military point of view, which is absolutely wrong, because true neutrality encompasses everything and anything, which is especially true of Switzerland, which prides itself so greatly on its neutrality).

Ptaah: On this I suppose I am right to wonder how such people are allowed to be at the helm of the state and not removed from office by the people and not chased away, this because as state leaders they obviously do not know what neutrality means and act contrary to it, as well as what value it contains and this serves real peace.

Billy: That is indeed the question, but those in government and their sub-groups and advisors etc. are probably not asked for a comprehensive general education, so that knowledge rivets are elected to governments and the offices involved in them, who then perform their duties more badly than well and only pay attention to the people in passing and even lie to them. So it is also with the Federal Council’s lying about the sanctions, which were adopted by the EU dictatorship and are now being levied against Russia, to whichthe Federal Council and those like-minded members of the National Council and the Council of States, as well as parts of the people, brazenly claim:

The adoption of the EU sanctions does not change Switzerland’s neutrality.

Switzerland is adopting the sanctions that the EU has imposed on Russia.

This was decided by the Federal Council on 28 February 2022. Questions and specious as well as very lappish, stupidly stupid answers of the Federal Council’s and all like-minded people in the National Council and the Council of States’ failure to understand what neutrality is at all in view of the Federal Council’s decision can be found on the internet.

The lies of the Federal Council with regard to the breach of neutrality – who is effectively culpable in this respect in the Federal Council body, I unfortunately do not know, I want to have this emphasised again – correspond in any case to the non-understanding and the stupidity and stupidity also of all those in the Federal Council, National Council and Council of States with regard to what neutrality really means.

Neutrality was obligatory until it was broken for the first time by the Federal Council, and Switzerland was only neutral in name, as early as the last millennium, when the Federal Council carried out sanctions against other states. Sanctions, however, can never be reconciled with neutrality, for they are absolutely tantamount to it and are also, in truth, nothing other than a declaration of war against the state on which sanctions are imposed. By adopting sanctions from the EU dictatorship and applying them, as the Federal Council did in the past, the Federal Council has clearly declared war on Russia.

Although neutrality has been a very strongly anchored principle in Swiss history and culture, Switzerland has never taken sides in conflicts, neither for one side nor the other, as in the 1st World War, which was triggered by America in 1756 and lasted until 1763, but which history conceals and simply calls the 7-year war. Then in the 2nd World War from 1914 to 1918, and finally in the World War 1939 to 1945. Our country has done well with this since its foundation in 1291 until the day when the Federal Council irresponsibly took sanctions against other states and betrayed the neutrality of the country. Now the sanctions of a dictatorship have even been taken over, namely by the EU dictatorship, in order to apply them against another state. Since then, persons from Switzerland and also from abroad have been calling the Swiss government biased and treacherous. The whole of the Federal Council’s mishandling of the issue has obviously dissolved neutrality to the point of non-existence for many previously good Swiss citizens and foreigners. This also with the crazy opinion that exists together with those of the like-minded of the National Council, Council of States and the wrong-headed and ignorant population, who however mendaciously deny this fact and do not understand the opposite, although they are of the same wrong opinion as precisely those in the Federal Council, who have made a pig of Switzerland’s neutrality and at least demolished it severely.

Neutrality in political and state terms means that it applies fully in every respect, so not only militarily and in terms of war, but also in terms of anything and everything that relates to harming another state in any way, which therefore also relates to sanctions that cause economic harm in any way. And thus, in a sanctioned country, it is not its government that is hit, but the economy and the people, which creates a hatred against the sanctionists, but an endorsement of the actions of its own government. So sanctioning a state has a counterproductive effect because it achieves exactly the opposite of what is actually intended. But the stupid ones who invent and apply sanctions do not understand this, because their logic, their intellect and their reason are just enough for them to be able to do their own washing up.

Neutrality in relation to a neutral state includes politically not only the military, but everything, so also everything and anything in economic terms, and that without IF and BUT. Neutrality encompasses everything and anything in such a way that in each case nothing is done other than a clear factual assessment of given facts. This, however, requires a clear narrowness of observation and perception, according to which the result then provides an indispensable moment of critical thinking, according to which a just judgement takes place, respectively a proper, correct and just judgement of the given facts, which also requires a subsequent completely neutral way of acting and behaving, as a result of which any form of partiality is excluded. In this, however, the necessary is already done, namely that clarity prevails as to what is right and what is wrong, which can then only be represented by the word of truth and possibly – in the case of dispute or war etc. – be attempted to explain impartially to one and/or the other party. More, however, is not allowed, because that would violate neutrality and make it null and void, because – especially politically – neutrality is valid in every respect and does not allow any deviations of any kind.

The same also applies in accordance with the law when a criminal offence is to be clarified on the basis of verifiable facts, after which the just verdict must be passed according to the given penal law – either acquittal, conditions or punishment. In this case, however, action must be taken in accordance with the law, which means that a sentence imposed must be implemented in accordance with the law.

If a human being or a country is neutral, this means that the human being or the country, regardless of what political nature it is, does not interfere in wars and other affairs of other countries, also not in economic affairs etc., and of course does not take part in actions of any kind against warring other countries. And this is how it has always been, and this alone means neutrality, which corresponds to soberness of opinion, objectivity, impartiality and objectivity in every respect. This also means that no sanctions etc. may be taken against other states, regardless of whether or not they are waging war or have other dealings with other states. However, it also means for the individual human being that no lies, insults and deceit should be levied against one’s neighbour, violence of any kind should be used and damage or destruction etc. should be caused.

Neutrality, seen in sobriety, can be explained in such a way that it is an indispensable moment of clear and critical thinking, which is of the highest value as a filter against untruth, which unfortunately is still disregarded in religions and in the belief of human beings in an imaginary God. As a consequence, neutrality is also not understood as what it really is, namely a sobriety of faultless clear ascertainment, observation and perception as well as judgement of what effectively corresponds only to what is the truth, which cannot be shaken even by all malicious lies and deceptions. Something that, on the contrary, has unfortunately been caused and continues to cause distortions in history and the present by lousy traditions of lies and deception.

It is necessary and unavoidable, if peace and freedom are to be achieved on Earth, and thus in all the states of the world, that everything and anything necessary for this purpose be done and, above all, that neutrality be approached and cultivated with absolute comprehensiveness and clear sobriety, understanding what neutrality means for individual human beings, as well as for the states themselves. Above all, it must be clearly understood what is meant by the term neutrality in the first place, and that it encompasses everything and anything that is addressed in a given matter, etc. This means especially with regard to a state. This means, especially with regard to a state which has committed itself to neutrality, that it must remain absolutely and in every respect neutral with regard to the machinations of a foreign state, and this also with regard to a war and the factors generally connected with it, such as the economy of every kind, e.g. agricultural economy of every kind, religion and faith, special economy or industrial economy, etc., and so on.

Quite obviously the Federal Council and many in the National Council and Council of States are so blatantly uneducated and have no idea what the neutrality of a state even means. For this shabby reason of ignorance of those in power, it was possible that the Federal Council destroyed Switzerland’s neutrality by taking over the sanctions against Russia from the EU dictatorship and now implementing them. This is completely contrary to Switzerland’s neutrality, to which the Federal Council mendaciously claims and misleads the population that everything is compatible with neutrality, although this is not the case with any iota.

It is also urgent to say that in the present and coming times of the future, true neutrality will become just as urgent and necessary for every state as it is for the individual human beings living on Earth.

For true peace and freedom, as well as for the unity of the peoples of all states of the Earth in this respect, it is necessary to finally become neutral, and truly neutral, which means that there must be no interference whatsoever in any affairs and forms of other states, and of course 1. not in ongoing acts of war, nor in any economic interests etc. What the Federal Council is doing, however, is interfering in the war in such a way that, as a result of the war, it is specifically taking the side of Ukraine and imposing sanctions against Russia, and thus acting in a partisan manner, contrary to Switzerland’s neutrality, which has been proclaimed since time immemorial. The sanctions against Russia drawn up by the EU dictatorship were adopted and implemented by the Federal Council, contrary to Switzerland’s existing neutrality – unthinking of neutrality – and as a result Switzerland has lost its neutrality. Therefore, it is now up to the Federal Council to somehow repair this damage – which should never have been done by state powers, but was done anyway, probably out of ignorance and stupidity, which testifies to insufficient education. By taking over the sanctions from the EU dictatorship, Switzerland inevitably intervened officially and directly in the war effort and broke neutrality, rendering it null and void and thus making Switzerland a traitor state with regard to neutrality. It is also treason, which wants to be legalised with false federal official declarations, by claiming and lying about it – because in the majority of the people all the stupid-idiots, who are incapable of thinking for themselves in any way and know nothing, as they have it in them through their religious faith, they also believe the Federal Council’s drivel – that sanctions can be compatible with neutrality, which, however, can never and never be the case. The whole thing not only corresponds to a deliberate lie, but also proves that a lot is already being done for Switzerland’s membership in the EU dictatorship lying slave community, which also wants to ‘eat’ Ukraine according to the wishes of the Ukrainian president, whose attempt to join NATO ultimately led to war, because America, at least its president and his fellow travellers and lackeys, behind whom stands the dark government indicating the direction, wants it that way, it should still be said.

However, if a so-called neutral state also takes sides in the slightest way between opposing states for any reason, its neutrality is broken and becomes null and void. To understand this, however, is only possible for those human beings who do not indulge in stupidity and stupidity, but have their brain and consciousness to be self-thinking, or are still capable of thinking for themselves, deciding and then acting correctly. But this also requires a certain education and life experience, and these are not acquired through big and stupidly stupid sayings and words or through ‘being elected to high government positions’.

And I would also like to say, because real neutrality cannot be explained enough, that it requires complete non-participation and impartiality, whereby this applies in every respect to a neutral state, which means that it may not participate in wars or in any military alliances, nor may it intervene in the economy in any way, and thus may not exercise any sanctions. This is because the application of sanctions results in a direct or indirect attack on one party, i.e. on one side or the other in the case of wars between foreign states.

Neutrality, called ‘neutrālis’ in late Latin, which meant non-attachment to any other side, as well as non-interference with another side, as well as non-partisanship, was adopted into the language of politics around the middle of the 16th century, with the interpretation that neutrality did not permit any interference in the affairs of another state, of whatever kind. This made it clear that no interference of any kind was allowed, so in today’s sense also no sanctions. Unfortunately, this was quickly falsified in writing and its meaning was also changed in thought, so that neutrality was erroneously interpreted in purely military terms, which, however, has neither been corrected and rectified nor changed since this happened, so that neutrality is still fundamentally misunderstood today by human beings who are not concerned about the truth, but are believers, as they are told by their mendacious religion, which is geared towards the stupid and stupid, and so towards the non-thinking of the believers, but not towards the effective truth.

At the end of the 18th century, the term was also introduced into the language of natural science, denoting ‘neither acid nor basic reacting’. Today, however, it is used for everything, whereby hardly any human being still knows what neutrality really means, because fundamentally, rarely does anyone care about it, even if it is still bandied about. Also, the term was led in France, so as ‘neutralité’, and already in the 14th century, from where it actually spread. France, however, did not adhere to neutrality and distorted everything, ultimately with the Foreign Legion.

The meaning of neutrality was distorted to such an extent that it was defined primarily in military terms and is also defined in this way today. What neutrality really means, however, has been forgotten and is today misinterpreted and misunderstood, so that it is very often misunderstood as being only militarily neutral and it is no longer known that neutrality does not refer to any interference of any kind in any facts, affairs, interests, problems, events and happenings of foreign states and other persons. However, this has been largely forgotten through various distortions.

Neutrality therefore applies in a military sense, but also in a private sense, and thus has its comprehensive value, for neutrality is the fact that militarily no offensive or defensive warring party is given any assistance in waging war or for war advantage, or that damage is done to defeat in war or to bring down the economy of any kind.

Neutrality of a state therefore means that it should not have its own military or military army, nor should it engage in any kind of positive or negative military activity, nor allow military groups, such as mercenaries, in the state, nor be affiliated with any other political system, nor belong to any military alliances, such as the murderous organisation NATO, etc.

Neutrality means that impartiality must prevail in every respect, as in the case of a truly neutral arbitrator who has to judge a fact impartially. Something that would also be necessary in the bulk of ordinary everyday people, who would actually have to adopt a neutral attitude throughout their lives, resulting in neither strife, hatred, revenge, jealousy, retaliation, nor war, etc. It would mean, above all, that peace and freedom would reign among human beings and among all peoples. However, this would also mean that leaders of the state or human beings would finally be elected to lead the people who were effectively capable of doing so, but who would have to be deposed immediately and without apology if they acted high-handedly and not in accordance with the rights and will of the people.

In everyday life, however, people must also adopt a neutral attitude and understand what neutrality actually is, for only in this way can it work out that there really will be peace and freedom among Earth-humans, although there is also the necessity, which must be mentioned, that at last the reason of the Earth-humans will prevail and they will realise that overpopulation must be drastically reduced if humanity is to continue to exist in much smaller numbers. But if it disregards this and continues in the same style, then it will not only destroy the planet and all of nature with its fauna and flora in such a way that life will become torture and ultimately impossible, so that humanity will wipe itself out, and faster than can be imagined. And this time it will not only be individual peoples who die out and disappear from the surface of the earth and their buildings sink into the ground, as was the case as a result of the respective overpopulation of the individual cities and small countries, because this time it will affect humanity of the entire world. And it will not be that the problem can be solved by wanting to colonise the Moon and Mars, for everything will turn out quite differently from what was wrongly thought and the future will prove, for the correct and true world space is much further away than the SOL system, for world space only begins where the SOL system ends. And before the earthling would get there in millennia, the Earth will have long since burned up in the sun. Truthfully, only those will be fortunate enough to …

Ptaah: You shouldn’t say that openly.

Billy: It is the heat of the moment. Of course, you’re right – besides, I only told you.

Ptaah: When I consider what you said regarding the sanctions that were taken over by Switzerland from the European Union against Russia, it corresponds to a breach of neutrality. However, as I understand it, it corresponds to saying: A breach of neutrality is officially treason. Moreover, it is to be said: an exercise of a sanction is a declaration of war, namely that a war is thereby started and waged against the sanctioned state.

It is incomprehensible to me that such persons who do not know what neutrality means and how it must be interpreted are elected to the leadership of the state and, moreover, tolerated. The earthly guidance of peoples is effectively not what must be understood by state leadership, because it is only a blatant misguidance of peoples, which is carried out by arbitrary ruling subjects incapable of leadership in a determining and, as I said, blatant manner. Something that the bulk of the peoples, in their non-thinking and indifference, accept and accept without contradiction.

Billy: That is unfortunately the case, because the earthlings simply allow themselves to be directed and let themselves be ruled over without daring and mustering the courage to say what would be necessary. The peoples are like will-less cows that are jumped on and ruled over by thuggish bulls and do not dare to stand up to them.

Ptaah: What you say, we are aware of. We know that this has been so since time immemorial and will remain so for a long time to come, and for such a long time until the bulk of humanity finally awakens and demands its rights of being independent, so that it is finally no longer deviously and incorrectly guided according to the will of those in power, but is guided justly according to what it wants and determines for itself in common with its own kind, uninfluenced by vocal propaganda.

Billy: You are thinking of the libertarian system that you have and maintain on Erra?

Ptaah: Yes, you know that very well, and this maintains the free opinion of the human being as well as of the whole people, which also ensures peace and its freedom, Federation-wide in such a way that between all 274 worlds belonging to the Federation, spread over 702 light-years, there is vain peace and freedom.

Billy: You use the same idiom as I do, I find that interesting.

Ptaah: Yes, they are just good words that you have chosen, they resonate with me and are valuable according to what they are really meant to say as well.

Billy: It’s nice that you like them and use them. But tell me, shouldn’t we say what is actually connected with the naming of the ‘foreigners’, what is behind it, as well as that it is … about, and that …

Ptaah: The whole of the connections of the ‘foreigners’ we must continue to keep quiet about, for far too much depends on it, which reaches far into the future and will change everything to such an extent that … But about that silence is still the order of the day, and you must keep to it, as before.

Billy: But I suppose I can bring that in and write down what we talked about, can’t I? I’m sure it would also help me for not being asked anymore what and who these ‘foreigners’ actually are and what their purpose is.

Ptaah: You really must not let any of this be known, because it would also be dangerous for your safety. Your knowledge of the whole of the connections of the foreigners, as we call them, so as not to have to say what they are really about, that should stay with you and not get any further, because it is really too …

Billy: It’s good – don’t worry, I’ve kept quiet about it all my life, because Sfath already explained it to me in a similar way to you, and much more besides, as also that Asket and your daughter Semjase showed me some things without the ‘foreigners’ being able to notice anything, I hid it so deep in my memory that it didn’t even come out when you tried to bring out my knowledge about it through hypnosis.

Ptaah: That was really very tedious, but unsuccessful – I know.

Billy: So I guess it will remain that way.

Ptaah: I also know that for a fact. However, it is …

Billy: … but which must not be said openly. In any case, I have already been made a promise by Sfath that I will keep silent about it and never mention the true factors and the 3 … unless you would affirm in the distant future that I may speak about it, which you deny. So the promise given to Sfath is something that must never be broken, otherwise I would be a traitor to myself. That is why I asked you, because if you had said yes, the promise would no longer have been valid.

Ptaah: You have kept silent about these ‘foreigners’, as well as about many other things, all your life, and you will continue to do so. I have no doubt about that. 

Billy: Then it is good that we can talk about something else. So in that respect I think everything is said, as I think also in terms of neutrality, so we can talk about something else or I can ask. About 20 or more years ago we talked about the fact that after death the consciousness can still perceive everything that can be noted by it for 15 to 20 minutes. The consciousness in a severed head or the consciousness of a decapitated human being still perceives what is happening for 15 to 20 minutes. Admittedly, it is only a kind of unconscious perception without being able to consciously think about it, just as it cannot be medically determined that the consciousness still perceives everything in the underground, so to speak, during this time.

In my opinion, the USA is acting as traitorously to peace as ever, because what else is it if biological weapons are being researched and produced in Ukraine on behalf of the USA? Moreover, the world public knows little or nothing about it, just as it does not know that America – as usual – is lying that it is not true that biological weapons and corresponding pathogens for the B warfare agents are being bred and developed in laboratories in Ukraine.

This is allegedly in order to make itself capable of defence and to protect itself from enemies who allegedly want to spread highly dangerous pathogens and are planning bioterrorist attacks against Ukraine – in my opinion this probably means Russia and Belarus. And the fact that the politically inexperienced comedian and stupid president of Ukraine fell for it and wanted to join the NATO organisation and EU dictatorship, that was certainly controlled by the president of the USA and his fellow travellers, and the whole bunch above, but in the background by the dark government.

If I may continue to talk turkey: America does not give a damn that Ukraine was dragged into a war as a result, on the contrary, it was even controlled that it came to this. Moreover, and this is also to be said, America denied for a long time that Ukraine had long been commissioned for research. The whole thing, however, meant that there was no danger for the USA that something could go wrong in its own country and cause damage. But what is also worth mentioning is based in the fact that the USA – as other states do, for security reasons or because it might be forbidden in their own country – outsource the research of B warfare agents to another country.

Ptaah: I know that America has been doing critical gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China – the site of the Corona outbreak, which is still not acknowledged to be man-made, which was vindictively conceived by an American, together with the Chinese strongman in the 1970s, and over time developed into what it eventually became. Gain-of-function research), which was strictly forbidden in America, though in 2017 the corresponding moratorium was lifted by the irresponsible President Donald Trump.

Billy: The only thing I know about it is that the US did research in China, but how, what and where and how everything was connected to that, I don’t know anything about that. We also never talked about it. The last private conversation we had before you left was about our stupid researchers who claim that the dark-skinned human beings came to Europe from Africa, when in fact they went east to what is now Borneo and Australia and New Zealand more than 1.2 million years ago. In Borneo, however, there were already the small human beings whose shyest distant descendants still live there hidden from civilisation in the jungle, which Sfath and I were able to visit. At that time, there was a huge continent between today’s distant Asia and Africa, before it subsided and the sea of today’s Indian Ocean formed above it. It was a time when there was still heavy volcanism and there were also many land connections, so that it was possible to walk dry-footed where nowadays large ships travel.

When the Indian Ocean came into being, or rather when the giant continent sank and actually only the large island of Madagascar and smaller islands remained outside today’s continent of Africa, and in the east the various large islands below today’s India, as well as further east, e.g. Indonesia, Borneo, Malaysia, Guinea, Java and the Philippines, etc., and to the south, Oceania and Australia and New Zealand, the continent was finished. However, everything was primeval and looked completely different from today. Everything changed in such a way that today there can be no comparison with that time. This is also the case with the continent of America, which was still connected to Europe and Asia 18,000 years ago, and where Europeans and Chinese went to America at that time, i.e. a long time before Columbus, who was a distant straggler from Europe and many millennia later, when the Africans from today’s Africa were still dry-footed and also centuries before him ‘rafted’ with large fins from the Mali region in Africa to South America. So Eric the Red was not the 1st European to go to the Americas, as others had done so many millennia before him.

Ptaah: Now, unfortunately, time is very advanced, so I must go now. But I will not be gone very long. So be of good cheer, and goodbye.

Billy: Take care then. 23.56 h

Bermunda: Dear friend, greetings.

Billy: Oh Bermunda, welcome and greetings. In fact, I thought …

Bermunda: Ptaah informed me, but unfortunately the exact clarification took longer. Between the four of us, we were busy for quite a bit longer than 6 hours clarifying the whole thing, whether the letter was true or not in terms of authenticity, because this was apparently very important to you.

Billy: Yes, because I wanted to make sure and not get myself in hot water with a false report.

Bermunda: That will not be the case because it has been proven that the letter is indeed genuine and was written by the inner circle around Zelensky, and indeed by …. The inner circle around the president is made up of members of the state leadership who do not agree with what the president is doing and who are using it to make themselves important. What is written in the letter is completely true and cannot be disputed. I have brought the letter back to you, which you should destroy immediately.

Billy: I will do that immediately, along with the envelope. You can watch it.

Bermunda: But then I must go again, because I only came by to tell you what our clarification revealed.

Billy: Good, it’s already done, the letter is shredded, and the cutlets are going away never to be seen again.

Bermunda: Then all is well, goodbye, dear friend.

Billy: Take care, see you soon.




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Important information! Again, it would be great to have a link to the original German text to be able to read and share the original also. Could that be added?

valdinilson de souza martins

I live in a society that was stuffed with milk with pears that slept on a pillow with goose feathers that played in an allergic sand playground where consequence and duty are words that are not in their dictionary.

Irene Clow

Michael!! Why is Billy even talking about this letter??? (Omg)
It just opens the door to the possibility of something bad coming his way..
You have to stop him from doing these things…!

John Webster

To the ‘core group’ on this blog . . some music could well be applied . . to keeping us all spiritually afloat . . . let’s be Earth humans! Let us share our individuated music that resonates with this blog!! I’m a drumming fool, and I have foolish drumming history . . but, then again . . the ‘beat must go on!” . . . Michael is musical . . so, somehow, my suggestion must be the
yflyblog relevant. Tell me . . .

Al Jedd

There are 2 documentaries from
The short one is 27 minutes and titled “Fast Forward to Fascism”.
The 2nd one is titled “Donbass:I’m Alive! Mariupol survivors of Ukrainian attacks find shelter”. 50 minutes.
Both worth a viewing as its about; what the news that the western media doesn’t show.

Role on Peace Meditation weekend.


Rex resa

I’m still of the opinion that “the point of no return” has yet to be reached…

And it likely won’t. I’m counting on it. Only time will tell.

We shall see, won’t we.

-rex resa

Dalibor Moyzes

Tim Truth – Compilation of Vaxxed Blood Under Microscope

John Webster

I attempted some ‘mild trickery’ with:

‘To the ‘core group’ on this blog . . some music could well be applied . . to keeping us all spiritually afloat . . . let’s be Earth humans! Let us share our individuated music that resonates with this blog!! I’m a drumming fool, and I have foolish drumming history . . but, then again . . the ‘beat must go on!” . . . Michael is musical . . so, somehow, my suggestion must be theyflyblog relevant. Tell me .’

To explain further, I had the thought that someone might put a monocle on the lyrics of Gabriel’s composition. If anything, the words, literally, do not exemplify a true sense of ‘self responsibility’, but more of a depiction of dependency. The video, the resonance of the music, however, make me feel a part of a harmonic human race . . . we simply need to dance it into reality!

That’s all for now! Salome!

Charles V.

Good thing you didn’t use his “Sledgehammer” song 😉 lol I couldn’t resist, I’m an idiot lol



P.S. In all seriousness, “In Your Eyes” is actually a harmonic & rhythmic song, just listened to it via the link you provided, haven’t heard it in awhile, thanks for the re-up John, take great care of yourself

Melissa Osaki

The 80’s really were the end of harmonic music for the most part. The mainstream music now is gross.

John Webster

Yes Melissa . . mainstream mush.

John Webster

I’m still dancing!

Miroslav Stanko

799th Contact
Easter Monday, 18th April 2022, 13:12 hrs
Billy: …In Borneo, however, there were already the small human beings whose shyest distant descendants still live there hidden from civilisation in the jungle, which Sfath and I were able to visit.

Anthropologist Gregory Forth at the University of Alberta in Canada authored a controversial opinion piece in The Scientist on April 18, 2022. In it, he claims that a relic population of elf-like ancient hominins might still roam the jungles of a remote Indonesian island.

– interesting… 🙂