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Monday, May 6, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

“Experts” Finally Discover Obvious Means to Save Children from COVID

Report shows radical – parental responsibility – approach may save children from COVID without poisoning them, who knew?

While the “experts” continue their push to poison young children with untested vaccines, Mike Addelman, of the University of Manchester, reported that, according to a new study of 130 countries, published on June 17, 2020, it was determined that Closing schools and workplaces linked to reduced early COVID deaths. The report also included other factors, presented with the same clarity and unambiguous decisiveness that’s characterized the vacillating, incompetent handling of the disease, and ever-changing recommendations, etc., from the beginning.

However, more than two years ago, I warned some “childcare experts” (read: profiteers) against sacrificing the children. Shortly thereafter, I reported on, and again tried to warn, the slow-learners in Arizona, who shamelessly prioritized their business and economic concerns over their own children’s health and well-being.

In case you didn’t know, I began sending Billy Meier’s error-free, life-saving warnings to Arizonans, on March 5, 2020, when there were five cases in a state that now has…2.09 MILLION cases and 30,400 deaths.

It wasn’t until the end of May 2021 that this Johnny-come-lately doctor woke up, while as recently as September 2021, stupid, stupid people were still endangering their children.

Action: If not Now…When?

So, dear readers, how’s about taking a few moments to share the above, and our New Online COVID-19 Test, with Mike Adelman?

Brigitte de Roch has made an art form out of politely reaching out to various experts to gently inform them that they’ve been scooped by our friend, Billy Meier, and his advisors from the stars. You can use her examples as templates.

See also:

Billy Meier Warnings about New More Infectious COVID Mutation Confirmed

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rolland smith

Save the children by NOT giving them a vaccine. Scientists have NEVER isolated a virus. Do Not Consent to Tyranny.

Melissa Osaki

I think you’re barking up the wrong tree. You also seem to be in denial about the Coronavirus.

Andrea Logue

I also think we may have a double brain amputee in our midst. Someone call a neurosurgeon stat!

Melissa Osaki

I concur. 🙂


Take a look at 3:46 -4:26 min mark in the following video for the statement by Dr. Wu Zunyou – Chinese Centre for Disease Control:

Many say the virus does not exist as there is no evidence of isolation. But that is a false conclusion as something was causing AIDS after the 80’s decade but isolation was not claimed until 2008. And there are researchers who contest that claim (of AIDS virus isolation) as there is no documentation anywhere showing a virus isolated from everything else. Don’t have a link to the Judy Mikovitz interview with Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Thomas Cowan where Judy Mikovitz admitted there was no isolation from everything else.

The claimed code for SARS-Cov-2 published so far is part of the entire sample taken from a sick patient.

Nevertheless, large numbers of people were getting very ill and dying before the EUA so-called vaccines became available. And this is further convoluted as the standard treatment protocol allowed disease progression to a very severe stage of viral replication. That protocol is still in place today.

Melissa Osaki

What is the fascination with the virus isolation? We know that the virus does exist. For what purpose would someone constantly state that the virus hasn’t been isolated if they are not trying to say that the virus doesn’t exist? What’s the point? Even if it hasn’t been isolated, how does that stop the virus or the millions of deaths? It all seems very irrelevant when considering the crap storm that we currently live in.

Terry Carch(I Love Erra)



Without “purified” virus isolation, no test or vaccine can be taken seriously!

Melissa Osaki

So you think for the last 2 and 1/2 years they haven’t isolated the virus or made any progress? I’m not a scientist or a virologist, but that seems highly unlikely to me. Considering that the virus has invaded every country on Earth, I find it hard to accept that the best minds haven’t been working on it since the virus first became widespread.

We know the virus exists, and we also know that the vaccines were rushed and poorly made. The constant harping on the virus isolation when there are multiple legitimate sources from multiple countries showing their scientific findings seems like such a waste of research. You think you are right and all those scientists are wrong, and they would probably say that they are right and you are wrong…round and round we go. I still don’t see how it’s relevant when we obviously have a virus that’s infecting and killing people in massive numbers. We should focus on finding a way to stop the spread so that life can eventually return to a somewhat normal existence.


A sibling trivialized the virus from the start even after being shown the CRs. A week ago, his son was diagnosed with covid. Fortunately, there has been an apparent recovery. In the mind of the sibling, this is no worse than a common cold. He, his wife, and children are fully vaccinated and boosted. He gives no concern visiting his parents even though he has heard of vaccine shedding. He only wears a surgical mask not FFP2 or better. He cares not for distancing. So he continues to trivialize the virus. He is well educated and works for a large business in Engineering Sales. When his son was diagnosed with covid (PCR test), he was prepared to follow the standard protocol of isolation without “early treatment” and re-purposed drugs allowing the chance for severe viral replication.

The vast majority also trivialize the virus. They all see this virus as no worse than the common cold.

The only thing that will change their mind is if they become severely ill from the virus and come close to death but make a recovery.

With such an attitude, we are all at mercy of our collective ignorance.

There is no doubt there is a virus that is making people ill. But most (85%) of the deaths could have been prevented if early treatment with re-purposed drugs were the standard protocol.

For “purified” virus isolation, one cannot make use of a reference sample that has not itself been “purified” (excluding everything else). One has to take the suspected “purified” RNA sequence and administer to lab animals to see if it results in disease. If the animals exhibit disease, have to find volunteer human test subjects to be injected with the purified RNA sequence for the suspected virus. If the human subjects exhibit the disease, then one knows one has a “purified” virus. This has to be done for all age groups with a statistically significant population across different blood types and races. Now that one has a purified virus sample, one can go about developing a vaccine over a period of 10 – 15 years.

HI virus was supposedly purified back in 2008. Development for an HIV vaccine is still in progress (


Dr. Tom Cowan proposes a study to settle whether viral theory is true or not (

Ok. Testing of the purified virus should be confined to animals to see if they present with disease. A vaccine should be found that works on animals first, without causing injury or death, before being trialed among a small cohort of humans, confirmed to have covid with pictures from affected organs, with the trial ending the moment an injury or death occurs.


Here are three videos to watch questioning SARS-COV-2 virus isolation:

Dr Andrew Kaufman & Dr Judy Mikovitz with Marcy Cravat

Round Table Drs Mikovitz n Kaufman discussing purification n isolation (?? 2020 ??)

Response to Judy Mikovits with Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman

The issue here is RNA degradation outside the exosomes.

In the second link above for the Round Table, Judy Mikovitz around the 28:39 mark says there is no virus isolation for Sars-Cov-2

And there is the CDC China statement on no virus isolation:
BioNTech Questions Its Own “Safe & Effective” Vaccine
See 4:04 – 4:24 mark.

Terry Carch(I Love Erra)

The news is blaring Blarny-Ho-Hog to get children under 5 as young is 6 months to get vaccinated? So much for saving children, just how stupid can you get there? Theses kids won`t live long to be adults into there ripe old age!

Marko Miro

This is not about their stupidity but about United Nation`s Depopulation Agenda 2030 and World Economic Forum Agenda – The Great Reset! Globalists Governments are killing these children, just as well as everybody else, with these vaccines with the sole goal for 95% global depopulation. Also, they are provoking war with Russia, just as well as food sortages and total global economy collapse, for the same reason! Globalists want to save NOBODY with anything they are doing! They are not doing all this BS they are doing lately just coincidentally but by Design! Governements of Russia, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea, etc. are not a part of this Depopulation Agenda, so Globalists want to destroy them by any means necessary.

Melissa Osaki

Two things can be true at the same time. If the people weren’t so stupid, they would be able to think clearly and assess the situation. It is due to the stupidity of humans that we have such incompetent leaders in every level of government. The people have allowed themselves to be ruled by psychopaths. And in their greed for more and more profits, the vaccine companies pass off their useless and dangerous vaccines to the masses of unthinking people. The dark leadership may be itching to reduce the population, but humanity itself is to blame for the catastrophic and unstoppable coming events.

Dan Williams

The novel Coronavirus and many of its subvariants related to the were isolated decades ago. The first isolation was achieved as far back as the 1930’s with albeit early technologies.
This ‘virus has not been isolated’ nonsense is derived from Chapter One of ‘The Kitsch-likers Guide To The Fallacy ‘ which has been parroted now for two years. Chapter 2 is all about why masks are oppressive and Chapter 3 is about Illuminati, Indigo star child omnipotence and chemtrails.

These blase statements without a shred of accountable evidence from genuine and honest education and research only goes to further prove that when it comes to in-depth research, education and critical individual thinking without being coerced by the mantras of the reality-fearful self-deluding conspiracy theorists, the obtainable and most reliable information and route to truth itself, becomes lost in a maze of confusion and belief.
To witness the collossal amount of falsehoods being dealt right under our noses only to see these people resorting to accepting more convoluted and illogical untruths as a counterweight, is so very disheartening and frustrating.

Throwback C. Magnon

“In case you didn’t know, I began sending Billy Meier’s error-free, life-saving warnings to Arizonans, on March 5, 2020, when there were five cases in a state that now has…2.09 MILLION cases and 30,400 deaths.’
Question, how many of those were children?

Melissa Osaki

Is there something specific you’re trying to figure out? Please clarify. Thanks

Tim Thomas

How many of those that died or have been incapacitated were children’s parents or grandparents?

Or aunts or uncles?

Or brothers or sisters?

How many of the children now have Long haul for the rest of their lives?

How many are looking at early cancers because of the rampant spread of this virus through the children?

Lots of questions.


For those claiming that SARS-CoV-2 hasn’t been photographed, isolated or purified…

Photos of SARS-CoV-2:

Isolation of SARS-CoV-2

I study viruses: How our team isolated the new coronavirus to fight the global pandemic:


Virus Isolation from the First Patient with SARS-CoV-2 in Korea:

See ‘Cell Culture, Limiting Dilution, and Virus Isolation’:

Isolation and characterization of SARS-CoV-2 from the first US COVID-19 patient:

Isolation and Full-Length Genome Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 from COVID-19 Cases in Northern Italy:

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome:

“Viruses can’t be grown in pure culture as described by Koch’s postulates because they need a cell to grow in.”:


Matt, take a look at this URL (

See: “We designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference sequence (GenBank accession no. NC045512).”

We designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference sequence (GenBank accession no. NC045512).

Critiquing this CDC paper, Dr. Tom Cowan says: [2]

“To me, this computer-generation step constitutes scientific fraud. Here is an equivalency: A group of researchers claim to have found a unicorn because they found a piece of a hoof, a hair from a tail, and a snippet of a horn. They then add that information into a computer and program it to re-create the unicorn, and they then claim this computer re-creation is the real unicorn. (emphasis added)”

Looking at all of the links you provided, I see no evidence of “purified” virus isolation. In other words, the RNA sequence itself free of anything else.

They employ 37 pairs of nested PCRs “based on a coronavirus reference sample”!

That is like trying to determine the number pi using trig functions to estimate the side of polygons that sandwich a circle of known radius. Trig functions require radian inputs ( using RELATION “pi rads = 180 deg.”; so for 30 deg angle, would input 30 x pi / 180). But if looking for pi, how are you going to determine the “input radian value” that you need to determine the side of said polygon to then estimate the length of the circle circumference???


Photographs and links showing the virus has been isolated and identified and yet you ignore this and choose to focus on genome sequencing which isn’t the same thing and is still in its infancy.

As mentioned in the last article, no virus can be studied in a “purified” state, i.e., without host cells and so if people are sending FOIA requests for evidence of pure isolation then of course there won’t be any because that’s impossible. The same can be said for AIDS, the flu, Ebola, etc., etc.

I just think people are turning a blind eye to the facts because they don’t suit their personal circumstances, decisions or actions and they cannot deal with reality. Good luck with that.


We know the virus is highly mutagenic. So it’s sequencng is changing rapidly and this “may” be reflected in the shape of the exosome. So if relying on pictures alone of viral exoxomes, how is one to keep track of RNA sequence mutations?

The immune system is not simply limited in response to the shape of viral exosomes. There can also be chemical and vibrational sensitivity.

If on the other hand have “purified” RNA sequences, one may be able to predict the next mutation interval including the next mutation.

In this way, one can alter the tests and vaccines to match expected mutations. And it may be possible to have the vaccine tune immune system signaling to counter viral mutation without inflammation.

These features are not going to take months but years of research before there can be effective vaccines that are also safe.

Hence the need to develop the ability to rapidly obtain “purified” virus isolates. Judy Mikovits claims to have purified an HI virus isolate back in 2008 for Dr. Luc Montagnier.


Give me a break: Judy Mikovits is one of the people behind the ‘Plandemic’ and has caused many deaths with her pseudoscience claiming that wearing a mask activates one’s own virus and that people are getting sick from their own reactivated coronavirus, with SARS-CoV-2 being one of these. There’s so much information online debunking her false and silly information that I really cannot be bothered to waste time on it or even post links as people just need to do a search with her name. What are you doing here if you believe in such utter rubbish? Are you one of those who only listens to Billy because they think he’s being prompted by people behind the “plan”, i.e., more ridiculous, unsubstantiated, nonsense?


With regard to masking, Judy does have a questionable viewpoint. But she is not partial to the PCR tests nor the covid vaccines. She is a researcher and has her opinions ( If read her books, then can see why powerful organizations want her name tarnished.

Anyone who actually read the BEAM CRs, articles, and books do not limit themselves to short summaries.


Anyone who actually reads the CRs and truly understands the value therein and follows those recommendations would only need short summaries to know that her information is bogus and causes real harm.


Understanding and insight depend on one’s consciousness evolution in terms of experience, knowledge, wisdom …

The Decalogue (p.28 v.67-70) actually says it will take two lifetimes before humans will be able to comprehend the teaching of the seventh Nokodemion herald (BEAM) and a further three lifetimes to reach his current stage of consciousness evolution.

This interview with Dr. Lee Merritt is very interesting (

Dr. Lee Merritt is on the same side of Dr. Andrew Kaufmann, Dr. Tom Cowan, and Sally Fallon Morrell with respect to viruses. She doesn’t believe in the airborne spread of viruses according to the video. There is some mention of viral exosomes. She mentions the Spanish flu of 1918 where researchers took Phlegm from infected people and tried to infect healthy people but failed each time. The same thing was observed with small pox. But in the case of Sars-Cov-2, Merritt says there is evidence of manipulation and a paper trail of money on research to enhance the spread from person to person and targeting of organs. From the interview it is clear she is not aware of the comet tail of Venus that reaches Earth during interior conjunction and is responsible for depositing viruses produced in the tail. The Chinese have records of the interior conjunction of Venus and flu outbreaks since 1200 AD. But those are naturally occurring viruses. In the case of Sars-Cov-2, there is evidence of man-made manipulation with intent to sterilize. Dr. Merritt states most Sars-Cov-2 deaths could have been avoided with early treatment and repurposed drugs used after March 2020 by frontline doctors. She mentions urine as a medicine also used in the army and a possible way (not confirmed) to repair DNA (… Eduard Group). There is mention of wifi hazards and bleach as a sanitizer and a universal antidote.

brigitte de Roch

Hi Michael –

Thank you for the kind words. There are countless reasons to share the blog. I have a few of my own:

The blog is professionally presented, written in simple language, always fresh and up to date and addresses specific points relevant in our lives.

I get to watch my thoughts and feelings in ways I was unaware of before. Thus, I learn a lot about myself which is to my benefit because I live a more knowledgeable and healthy life.

Some people know they cannot find the right information. However, since they do not have the time (or don’t take the time) to do the research they simply don’t bother with it.

You and Melissa not only clarify Billy’s bullet proof information consistently, but the person posting always leaves with more than what he/she came in with.

Thank you both for your infinite patience, your dedication and your true Love.


dalibor moyzes



Has anyone been tracking Joe Biden’s covid infection, well in one week he went from being infected to now covid free. Amazing, too what is available to him (at his age) is not available to all or is it…just a fabrication. What a world we live in!