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Friday, May 10, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Phony “Futurist” Freaks, Flails, Folds, and Flees

Self-described seer – and “honorable man” – reduced to trembling childishness, an infuriated and naked little emperor, clothed only in the cloak of his cowardice

One of our readers, kalikusu, posted a link to a recording where supposed “futurist” Clif High struck a very low note, accusing Billy Meier of hoaxing his evidence, calling him names, etc. You can hear it between 5:28 and 5:48. Naturally I wrote him, several times, and asked him to substantiate his claims, or…apologize.

All of his responses were peppered with more false claims, ad hominem attacks against Meier, and me for calling for accountability from him. Reminding him that his honor, honesty and integrity demanded either an apology or substantiation of his claims, I focused on one thing that High said:

“In spite of your view, i am honorable. If you have proof, like some form that is not simply an assertion, then lay it on me. Convince me he is legit & i will support your efforts. But, words on a book page or photos without provenance don’t cut it.”

Just as I have done with other phony “experts”, so-called scientists, skeptics, etc., I sent High abundant documentation, including the conclusions of independent experts confirming Meier’s authenticity, prophetic accuracy, etc.

His last, and presumably final, response was far less noble, with no pretense of maturity, let alone an apology, substantiation of claims, etc. The exposed, angry, childish charlatan raged:

“you are on my shit list.

i don’t even see your email.

The rule deletes your emails off the mail server after sending this text.

you are on my shit list”

The truth has a cleansing effect. It rips the facades off the phonies, reveals their low nature, lack of character, punctures holes in their inflated ego balloons, and sends them unceremoniously into inglorious retreat.

They don’t take kindly to anyone who dares to confront them.

It’s exceedingly rare that an attempted discussion with such people produces a positive outcome, like the one that Erik and I seemed to reach in my recent conversation with Michael Decon.

Usually, after I write an article about some encounter with a poseur like High, I receive the same question from readers, i.e. “Why do you bother?”

It’s because the cost of not trying to bridge divides, and find other people with platforms who could help spread Billy Meier’s warnings and Creation-energy teaching, seems too great. Certainly, we can’t even hope, let alone pretend, that the prophecies aren’t ceaselessly and unstoppably fulfilling. Informing more people is the goal and the people I usually reach out to have substantial audiences.

For instance, Robin Hanson, who also pontificates on a subject he knows absolutely nothing about, has appeared on intellectual boy wonder Lex Fridman’s show, which not infrequently gets high six-figure viewer numbers. Fridman, of course, has interviewed other big name hucksters, like Avi Loeb, about the now trendy UFO “alien” topic.

So, when Clif High asked me why I was writing him, in addition to the obvious (calling him out), I told him it was because he had an audience. Unfortunately though, it seems axiomatic that when most people get any significant following, their willingness to acknowledge Meier’s vast and unsurpassed expertise is nonexistent.

Doubly nonexistent, if that’s even possible, for someone like Clif High, who fancies himself some kind of a “futurist”. But it was after I sent him links to some of Meier’s hundreds of specific examples of prophetically accurate scientific information that High pulled the blanket over his head. Suddenly, this self-described seer – and “honorable man” – reduced to trembling childishness, an infuriated and naked little emperor, clothed only in the cloak of his cowardice.

After a little background searching I better understood why, when confronted with reality, a phony “futurist” freaks, flails, folds, and flees. In his bio, Clif credits drug taking to his supposed mind expansion, etc.

I guess coming down off that High is a real bummer.

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Terry Carch I Love Erra

” And What a stupid bummer High is! So much for the Emperor Has No Cloths and No Blanket eather!”

Kevin B

Blue Water has called out Cliff High as a fraud

David C

Cliff High for years has needed to be called out. He is followed by many people that really think he is a smart guy. He does not want people to find the truth. Charging people hundreds of dollars for his stupid “Web Bot Reports’, and “Crypto Reports” has mislead many people to invest into something they really do not even understand. Supposedly, he has some kind of “AI” computer system that allows he to see future trends. (I do not even think this is true either) I listened to him in the past before i knew of the Meier’s material. After finding Meier’s information, quickly one can see past Cliff’s “intelligence” and see him for what he really is. Cliff is only out to enrich himself, point blank.


High opened up his mind a few years ago and any sense he had escaped.

Dr. Ron

Simple: Just “call them out” for who and what they are,” the proof is what time and the fulfillment of Meijer Prophecies reveal.

Barry Smith

Maybe he should watch the Phobol Cheng interview. She saw Asket, saw the ships as well as the other groundskeepers who saw Billy talking with Asket. Then there’s the Wendell Stevens investigations, where the plejaren teleported a CIA file to Wendell in Europe. How about Dr.Marcell Vogel who noticed machining on the metal samples , and the were put together in a vacuum. Oh wait, the oval shaped laser hole , you know the ray gun Billy was holding ? There hasn’t been another photo of that ray gun in 47 years. Or maybe the lung disease released by China foretold in Billy’s prophecies. Did Cliff even read anything?

Barry Smith

Can you edit , they were put together in a vaccum. That’s what I meant to write. Thanks

Stan Del Carlo

The indwelling Spirit of the Creation Energy can no longer transmit impulses into the vacuum of the Golem, there is no reciprocating communication, there are zero evolving developments, and now the little Spark seeks take off clearance so it can just fly away, like a white spirit dove heading back home. They are all contaminated by the Choronzonic Prions, and have now self transformed into the: Babblers of The Abyss.

Robert Olson

I listened to Cliff High (hello humans) a few times after Mark Snider (Ohio Exopolitics) mentioned him. I actually thought he was drawing from the BEAM material & messing it up.

Stephen Lane

Quite amusing that both his names suggest he is high, and it turns out that he is!

Grega Thunberg

I used to listen to Clif High occasionally out of curiosity, but he didn’t seem to get many predictions right. Like “the price of silver”, and other things like “crypto currency”. Hey Clif, how is your crypto currency doing?

I do give him credit for calling out David Wilcock, and calling out Gaia TV, and explaining why Gaia TV was such a successful disinfo project. He does have a temper. He got into a spat with David Wilcock and literally challenged David Wilcock to a fight. I thought that was pretty immature.

I have emailed him in the past about Meier, but he didn’t get it. It didn’t click, and he didn’t look deeply into it. They never do.

He does have a big audience.

But, then he started talking about spiritual things, and he gets it all completely wrong. He is speculating. He doesn’t understand that Meier explains all the “woo” better than anyone else in the world. Meier wrote the book on “woo”. And so much more. That is why it’s such a shame, because Clif could learn so much from the Meier material.

I stopped listening to Clif after I realized he is just way off base on his theories about spiritual matters, and this last stunt is the nail in the coffin. His followers will continue to listen to him, unfortunately, because he sounds smart, and believes he is smarter than anyone else.

Eric Goodspeed

Beautifully, philosophically apropos, Grega: “woo” upside-down and backwards is “(o)om”. He did write a book on “(o)om”.


We are a community of knowledge as old time, we are a humble extension of Billy information and teachings. Jesus had 12 disciples of all characters with different traits in each person, is this to be a example on how we should proceed. Meaning supporting cast in survival plan. With new found knowledge is it also my responsibility to give knowledge to others or just for me alone to act on separate from my own circle @MH


Clif is looking for hard proof such as a contact standing with Meier in front of his saucer and then both getting in and flying off while Clif standing nearby scratches his head and wonders how they did that…

Clif’s support for the helical or vortex model for the solar system stands in stark contrast to standard planetary orbital theory.

Emailed Clif asking about Venus and Mercury moving behind the sun and myself repeatedly witnessing Jupiter’s moons moving behind Jupiter and receiving reply the planets never go behind the Sun.

In one of his videos remember seeing Clif talk about Jupiter and Saturn being on the same side of the sun for decades as a cause for extreme weather (very cold winters/ very warm summers). In another video he described James McCanney’s Plasma Discharge Comet Model with planet-sized comets having elliptical orbits around the Sun having their orbits circularized after many passes. Venus the comet becoming Venus the planet recorded by many ancient civilizations is evidence for Venus as a young planet.

Still respect his views even if they differ with mine.

Barry Smith

Reality will always prove Billys writings/teaching, skeptics always expose themselves. You can tell those who read the material from those who dont. Every important question about ufology, space, life, the past /future has been answered via over 40 books written by Edward Meier. The Talmud exsists by Billys time travel with Asket to speak with Immanuel. No other contactee knew where it was, or it was available. It proves time travel to 32AD , actually happened. Billy was told by Immanuel where to look. How come clif didnt predict its finding ? Writings by Immanuel are kinda important to 2/3rds of the planet.


I think even Meier talks about this. There are people who just cannot psychologically handle the mental break that comes with acknowledging that UFOs exist and all religions are false.

Barry Smith

I as well had that time where, the reality of all religions are false sank in. Re-enforced from birth for 40 years was hard to let go. The real freedom then comes, hey I am no longer a slave . Thats what religion is, slavery.