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Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Swiss Volcano Will Erupt; Unknown Polar Lights on Saturn and Jupiter

Environmental demonstrators, state leaders continue to ignore overpopulation as underlying cause of all destruction 

818th Contact, Sunday, 21st August 2022, 9:04 hrs

Billy: There you are. Welcome and greetings. Eva has already asked me why the light is on in my office, whether I might have been in the office working at night, as happens now and then when I cannot sleep. But I was able to answer her question in the negative, and I also told her that you must have been in my office during the night. When I then looked, I found that apparently my computer had also been used and also my chair, because it was not in the place where I always put it when I leave the office.

Florena: You thought correctly, because I was actually in your workroom at night, using your computer.

Billy: That is OK, because there is nothing wrong with that. It was just a question because Eva asked about the light and thought that I had worked through the night again and forgotten to turn off the light and so on. But that was not the case.

Florena: Of course not, because I did not turn it off.

Billy: Which is nothing more to talk about, but what should be mentioned to the contrary is that I have seen on TV how environmental freaks are demonstrating on the streets again and paralysing the traffic. As a rule, it is younger demonstrators of both sexes who demonstrate quite vehemently against environmental pollution, but not against the actual origin that leads to the environment being polluted and destroyed, moreover, that has conjured up and effectively caused climate change. All the demonstrators of both sexes are mainly ranting against car traffic and the like, and thus against CO2, but not against the actual source of the whole disaster. So not a word is said or shouted about the fact that overpopulation is basically to blame for everything, that the unstoppable and unconscionable procreation and birth of offspring is to blame for the fact that environmental pollution is increasing more and more with every new human being born and populating the Earth. All the howling and harm-causing protesters of both sexes do not give a thought to the fact that they of all people are and will be in the future the culprits of the pollution that is taking place. This is inevitable because they are and will be the ones who have, beget and give birth to offspring and will do so in the future. The offspring, however, immeasurably increase the overpopulation, because of which the evil of environmental pollution continues to increase and slowly but surely destroys the whole of nature and its fauna and flora. This is in addition to the fact that the human beings of overpopulation and their emerging desires, necessities of life as well as the urge for luxury give rise to tremendous machinations that lead to the planet Earth being exploited and increasingly hollowed out by companies and corporations and robbed of all its otherwise already rapidly dwindling resources. But all this does not touch the earthling of either sex, because it is very rarely thought of, especially that the more offspring are brought into the world, the more blatant and unstoppable the environmental pollution becomes.

The conclusion of the whole endless generation of offspring is that not only overpopulation is growing very blatantly, but also that environmental pollution is increasing to such an extent that the whole of nature, the fauna and flora, is perishing ever faster and ultimately wiping out life on a large scale and irrevocably. But all the demonstration freaks who go out into the streets screaming for environmental protection instead of using their brains and considering everything that should be considered in principle are not thinking about this. First and foremost, it should be thoroughly considered that the number of human beings is to be limited, namely by a worldwide and perennial birth stop, which would finally put an end to the endless overpopulation. This alone – unless a great epidemic decimates or even exterminates humanity – can stop the endless multiplication of Earth-humans and the environmental pollution that depends on it, which is becoming ever greater and more unstoppable. The more women give birth to offspring – as a rule, inevitably young women and, of all people, environmental demonstrators who are incapable of thinking and seeing the truth – the more overpopulation grows and thus, in turn, very blatantly, environmental pollution. This also results in much more CO2 emissions, which are not only caused by various vehicle exhaust gases, but in large measure by the huge mass of human beings themselves, who produce CO2 through their breathing, which significantly destroys the environment. However, this is not thought of due to ignorance, and it also does not want to be thought of, because the conscience would rebel, because descendants would have to be renounced.

Only the stupid, i.e. the non-thinking, protest against environmental pollution, but not against the true evil, namely against overpopulation and the generation of offspring that precedes it, through which, before the offspring are born, much is already done to pollute the environment. Basically, this is done by their parents, who do this and that for the sake of the expected offspring, whereby a lot is done that already promotes environmental pollution at the time when the offspring is born in the womb. This is because the expectant mother and father are the source of all evils and thus of environmental pollution, because they are also the ones who – among many others – carelessly pollute the environment with waste and rubbish. The authorities and those in power also do nothing against this, because they are sick in the same hospital as those who are demonstratively active in environmental protection and do more harm than good. It’s just that the authorities and rulers react differently and in the opposite way than the demonstrators.

Florena: How right you are. – In general, the leaders and their helpers in the authorities of this world do not do what is necessary and correct. The majority of these Earth-humans work on Earth against the people, because they only think of their might and therefore do the wrong thing against the people. What really happens in the people and among the individual Earth-humans in the negative, unjust, unjust and in need and misery does not concern and touch the leaders of the state, because they only pay attention to their own well-being, their security and remuneration, and they act out their false as well as fictitious sympathy, an artificial compassion, pity and also feign fictitious sorrow, but in reality they do not care about all evil. Besides, I also want to say this, because here on Erra it cannot be understood by our humanity and consequently cannot be comprehended that in your homeland, Switzerland, elements can and are allowed to hold the leadership of the state who do everything to endanger the state in its neutral security. By this I mean that our peoples, who are of course openly informed about our activities on the Earth planet and who are also allowed to make their views known publicly, argue that it is outrageous to tolerate and allow to remain in the leadership of the state such elements of unreasonableness and of endangering the security of the state, who act contrary to everything that guarantees the peace of the state. Not one voice of our peoples of Erra is raised to judge the action of violating neutrality as good, but on the contrary this action is unanimously judged as destroying peace and security. In addition, the question also comes to the fore as to why the people of Switzerland tolerate such useless elements as leaders of the state, who endanger peace, the people and the state, and do not immediately depose them and remove them from office for life.

The neutrality of the peoples of the Plejaren has represented various state leaders of the Federation for more than 52,000 years and preserves their security and the peace of the state, and our humanity cannot comprehend that here on Earth, and especially in Switzerland, useless state leaders and other powerful elements that destroy neutrality and thus the peace and security of the state are tolerated. In addition, all the foundations of life of earthly humanity, nature, its fauna and flora, as well as all the ecosystems of the planet and the planet itself are also being destroyed by the exploitation of its resources in such a way that any reparation is already close to the brink of impossibility. The emergence of worldwide overpopulation and thus of the Earth-humans’ irresponsible excessive procreation and birth of offspring, permitted and uncontrolled by the state, has had the effect that thousands of genera and species of wild life-forms have already been wiped out without salvation and, in addition, has caused environmental pollution so that everything and anything of the naturally viable is rapidly and ever more rapidly approaching total and irrevocable destruction.

Because of the fact that the existing and growing Earth-human overpopulation can continue to run rampant, the environmental pollution is also becoming ever greater and more precarious, whereby Earth-humans themselves, through their greed and irrationality of procreation, are truly the culprits of all evil on Earth with regard to all misery, hardship and environmental pollution.

It is also to be said that indeed no human being is better than another in advocating the military and military defence. And every human being is no more than a murderer who deliberately kills another human being, which is also true when acts of war are carried out. State defence in which human beings are killed, as by revolution or war, etc., is not fit for life and corresponds to every possible way of illogic, lack of understanding and unreason. This is why the majority of Earth-humans are not concerned, because their profession is non-thinking and thus stupidity, as you correctly put it. If the thinking of Earth-humans is defined, then the result is boundless stupidity, that is, illogical, incomprehensible and unreasonable non-thinking, which produces nothing but evil.

Earth-humans here below are guided by thoughtless personal ideas and desires, not by what is necessary and serves the human beings of the nations for peace, love, true progress and real humanity. It is truly no progress when the death penalty is permitted by law resp. when killing is permitted by law, just as killing by war etc. is against all right of life, which must therefore also be understood to mean killing privately, which also corresponds to murder in every case and under all circumstances.

Billy: All that you bring up for discussion is clear to me, certainly also to other earthlings who really know how to think and do so, even if they are few. But that does not have the effect of making things better, because there are too many people who are not capable of thinking, but are stupid and therefore non-thinkers. They are lulled into a delusional religious belief in a non-existent God, do not allow themselves to be taught and do not realise that they alone are responsible for everything and should think, decide and act themselves, without the delusion of an imaginary God and God-creator. That is why they also do not think about the fact that they live on a planet that will one day change the actions of the earthlings with evil Gewalt,[1] e.g. when a volcano or a caldera erupts, as it will in the future, e.g. with the Laacher See, but also with the dormant volcano in Switzerland, of which the geologists etc. have no knowledge. It is already the case that in certain places in the world’s oceans, phytoplankton is overflowing and attracting manta rays en masse. And that this is an omen that the planet and nature will take revenge for all that the earthling is destroying, that does not occur to anyone.

Florena: Unfortunately, the future will prove that, and there also the many unnecessary offices and organisations etc. are of no use, as well as the ideas and wishes of the really incompetent state leaders of Earth, who indulge in their might and set themselves above the peoples who do not dare to resist and depose the incompetents of the state leaders, as we see again and again. But now I must go again, for I came here only because you called, and, moreover, I am to tell you that Ptaah will come and see you this week. It may be Thursday or Friday, in which case Bermunda and all the others will also return. But before I go, I have the following to ask you: In the records of Sfath it is written that together you have also visited various other planets in the solar system …

Billy: … yes, we have, and I have also seen many things that no Earthling has been able to see, such as that planets other than Earth also have polar lights. Even the giant planet Jupiter was no exception, nor was Saturn, and also others. The pole lights and the atmospheres of the SOL planets will bring some more surprises for Earthling scientists that they cannot yet imagine.

Florena: Yes, that will be so, but now it is time for me to …

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William James

I have read much of your posts and they have been informational……..but one question I must ask. Are you and the Plejaren both of the belief that their is no existence of God?


It seems Mr. William James has gone silent. I take great pleasure when religious people are silenced with logic and common sense.

Barry Smith

With respect, God is a term for king/governor/etc created so humans dont have take responsibility for themselves. The foundation of Creation Energy Teaching is self responsibility. This the age of knowledge , the age of belief is slipping into the past .


I believe the term God means “King of Wisdom”.

Stephen Lane

The Plejaren, and all other human beings in the cosmos, have no beliefs. God(s) exist but are creatures of no greater standing than any other human being, both of which are creations of the Creation.


I doubt these young protesters would protest so vehemently if they actually realized their existence on our planet is the number one cause of our destruction.


Billy’s important information about the extinction threat represented by the increase of Phytoplankton may have been echoed, subconsciously, by writer/director Jordan Peele’s new film “NOPE”, as the UFO/Creature in that looks strikingly similar to Phytoplankton:

Phytoplankton NOPE.jpg
Barry Smith

Billy is still trying to help our humanity. I see why he speaks the way he does. Repetition is how we here on Earth , learn things. Going into the subconsciousness, the fact Overpopulation is the root of all our evils, gets the reader poised for the truth of it. It took me a while to understand Billy doesnt babble, every word every sentence has purpose . The reader will eventually think, and start moving in the direction of life, truth/peace, etc. Overpopulation is the cause of our problems, the stupid i.e. non thinkers cant understand that. So the sequel rolls on, empires rise and fall and change towards the good and right waits further down the road. Just thinking out loud.


Over-population has been identified as the main culprit for the depletion of China’s aquifers as China “consumes ten billion barrels of water per day“.

Any suggestion for a cycling multi-year birth-stop followed by a year when births are allowed until global populations stabilize below 529 million triggers an outrage.

bbl to L calculator
1 Barrel (US, Fluid) = 119.240471 Liters
1 Barrel (US, Oil) = 158.987295 Liters
1 Barrel (UK) = 163.65924 Liters
So 10,000,000,000 bbl (US) = 1.19240471e+12 L

This would require 59,620,235.5 or 59,620,236 JMCC 250kW WING Generators.
The max size for a JMCC WING Generator can go to 1000 feet and produce 1000 kW power as per book.

So assuming that translates to 20,000 x 4 = 80,000 L/day, then this would require 14,905,058.875 or 14,905,059 1000 ft JMCC WING Generators to extract China’s current water requirements. Shipping potable water from the poles would alleviate this requirement significantly.

Those calculations should sound an alarm bell in anyone’s head about the extent of the over-population problem and what is needed to meet current needs.

Independent scientist McCanney has a book on Water that everyone should read.

The food scarcity warning in CR251 appears close at hand.


Geothermal as the most abundant energy source on Earth is well known. But is the tech available now and if so, would the people be allowed to access that tech to access that energy?


Such plants still favor central power plants which mean control over power availability.

The JMCC WING Generator has the advantage of scalablity and can be deployed by individuals or by collectives as a grid for distributed power.

Can individuals access geothermal energy independently?


That understanding will be realized only when individuals are forced to produce their daily needs for water, food, energy, shelter, …

Melissa Osaki

I think the planet will have its say long before that happens.

Shiva Balu

Governments would not allow to decentralize power . The reason is greed and power hungry politicians.
Otherwise,technologies like MEG could be allowed.
But we are not evolved yet to use that kind of energy.
In India, almost every household has a borewell. In case of emergency , water can be accessed with hand pump or solar pump installing both would be expensive than just using the grid power.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

A few years ago I read that Holland the Netherland in Europe have ben using geothermal energy and wind turbines for years and I wonder why there is so much resistance against clean safe energy such as what the Netherlands have been doing for quite sometime also solar energy in Denmark too as well.


3-blade-wind and solar are designed-to-fail tech that cannot possibly produce even 10% of their energy design capacity and require more energy to produce than they will ever return during their working life-time which is about 10 years after which they end-up in land fills.

3-blade wind was Buffet’s golden parachute that bought and paid-for government officials allowed at tax-payer expense..


Are there any sources that support this assertion? Not disagreeing with you, just curious…

Gordon Barnes

Hi Michael, there are some of these gei plants used in Sweden and Finland. I watched a BBC news report a few weeks ago that showed a new plant up and running in Finland. Lots of shiny metal pipes and a small group of generators powered just by geo steam.

Far far better than ye old Nuclear.


Gordon B

Terry Carch I Love Erra

“ANYTHING is far safer then nuclear power and fossil fuels including natural gas!”

Michael Ronquillo

There is one in the Philippines as well.

Randy Arena

Actually 20% of California’s electrical energy comes from Geothermal. Unfortunately it is utilized by oil companies for fracking.

John Webster

Although there is a continuance to have rivers dammed to generate electrical power, I think Iceland is a good example of geothermal tech.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

Why won`t the US of A do the same? “NO brains US of A thanks to all these stupid powers that be with all their “STUPID” fosil fuel brains!”

Dan Williams

Hi Terry.
For a few years now I have observed something based upon information which I think came from a CR from 2019 or 2020 regarding how these leaders used truth, half-truth and falsehood in each of their hyperbolic speeches to the masses.
Since this went into 7th gear when the Corona hit, those methods also went into over-drive and what I observed, and i’m sure many others have too, is how the rebellious non-thinking ones among the populace are the real catalyst towards achieving these insidious hidden agendas. One of which is the faux climate change mission that is under no mistake is an evil and catastrophic global fraud cooked up in the after-hours of hotel backrooms like some secret Germanorden liason during so-called climate meetings with every intelligence, institutional, corporate and banking oligarchy of the world whom instead of seeking ways to stop the climate catastrophe instead scribed brand new rites to rob the entire population for vast profits, manoeuvre existing democratic and diplomatic laws to bottle neck humanity to obeying dictatorial measures providing power and control to a chosen few, and use every social institution, tech-giant and media platform to weave such a yarn of lies, propaganda one-size-fits-all belief system built on extreme censorship that eventually it became realisably apparent who they had been targetting this whole time.

In order for them to be able to completely sabotage the climate change movements they had to use old mastered methods to trick the rebellious non-confirmists into believing that every truth was a lie, bases purely on their deep distrust of power. They could therefore utilise their ability to install enormous financial penalty for using energy which they determined caused the worst of climate damage, whilst darting around the world in large multi-million priced corporate jets and big business airliners, caravans of petrol and diesel guzzling limousines and living lavish lifestyles.
This presentation of mass hypocrisy was no accident, for it was nothing more than a Live gallery for the rebellious ones to witness and spread online and amongst their social circles. Just as it was when all the leaders at their G20 orgy walked around without masks and without social-distancing, whilst ordering the same public to do so, which immediately triggered the same demographic.
Quite literally, every single thing they were telling the world to obey those in power did the opposite, prompting the rebellious and i might add, the god-believers, to begin their own propaganda machine in completely denying the existence of Coronavirus, refusal to wear masks or use any precaustion methods and, completely deny any climate change issue.
So what does guarantee? Those rebellious ones and the new orators of apparent wisdom are now the catalyst for what the agenda was in the first place, to ensure people revolt against anything to do with climate change which as a term has now been tainted and associated with falsehood. So not only are the populations rejecting anything relating to the corrupt climate change legislations but they are rejecting personal implementations towards it too. They are therefore willing to scrap alternative energy and refocus themselves on fossil fuels. This, apart from food, water, energy and pharmaceuticals, is by far the biggest source of money for those who sat around that climate change meeting table and due to the collosal collapse of globalisation should those fuel giants suddenly stop using oil etc. the effect of road, rail, sea and air freight, not to mention their global military, there was never ever going to be a complete net zero accomplished by 2030. No, they had to kill multiple birds with one rock, and the objective as it is now across the spectrum is to weave duplicitous propaganda and create false villains and false recessions etc. to manipulate stupid people to manoeuvre and steer themselves away from everything true and real and right, in order to slot back into the state of belief where comfortable ignorance, indifference to mass consumption and willingness to be led by dictators becomes the salt poured over a 1000 self-inflicted cuts.


Some promising news: There is a new technology that uses electromagnetic waves (energy beams) to drill ultra deep holes in record time…
“Quaise plans to drill holes up to 20 km (12.4 miles) deep, significantly deeper than the Kola Superdeep Borehole – but where the Kola team took nearly 20 years to reach their limit, Quaise expects its gyrotron-enhanced process to take just 100 days”

“Quaise is working on full-scale, field-deployable demonstration machines, which it says will begin operating in 2024. It plans to have its first “super-hot enhanced geothermal system” rated to 100 megawatts in operation by 2026.”

“Indeed, if this technology works as expected (and the crust doesn’t find new ways to fight back against our intrusions), and the economics stack up, this new use for gyrotrons could ironically end up putting fusion reactors out of a job.”

Chris Lock

Hungary decided about a month ago to up its geothermal supply to provide 60% of the country’s energy needs, starting slowly but immediately. This is because of the war and its negative effect on energy supplies. It’s doable; we have recently developed better and deeper penetrating technologies to enable this.
The problem is usually that the existing power moguls do not want it. Machiavelli once said that the hardest thing to change is the energy systems and infrastructure. It takes so much and the existing powers do not want that change and smaller powers can do little to effect a positive change.
As with Hungary, it may prove to be that only upon a nationwide or global dilemma will the changes come.

Tom Day

The main sticking point with deep geothermal energy is that, with present technology, drilling becomes increasingly more expensive per metre of depth. Therefore its expensive and time consuming to drill deep large diameter holes (ie. 5km deep) that are required to generate a decent amount of power. Technological breakthroughs in drilling technology are required to make this power supply option more economically feasible – I recall this was stated in a contract report.


The Water resources page has a free link to the Water ebook.


My mistake on the power output of the 1000 ft JMCC WING Generator. The book “McCanney Wing GeneratorTM Distributed Energy National Grid WORLD ENERGY PROJECT” states on pg.10:

“… The next round of investment was to the next level with a 500 foot tall model and finally we would go to the final size of the full scale 1000 foot tall model capable of producing the equivalent of a full size 500 MegaWatt nuclear generator. I had the OK on the engineering end of the project from my private contacts that these were completely feasible to construct on this scale and my own work involved the physics and engineering of a system that could consistently produce this level of energy even at lower wind speeds unlike the 3 blade predecessor “wind turbines” that at most would put out a few megawatts of electricity on a good day and possibly only one tenth of that on an average day.”


“The construction of only 300 of the large 1000 foot WING GENERATOR towers in high wind areas of the United States would provide us with eternal free energy for the cost of maintenance. By contrast it would take over 77 million of the 1.5 megawatt 3-blade generators. We can convert to wind and transport the energy from wind areas to the rest of the country on the currently existing power grid (NO SMART GRID NEEDED). The cost of construction of the WING GENERATOR towers would be less than a few nuclear reactors and the social and economic benefits would be passed on immediately. Conversion to a truly electric transportation system with free electric non- polluting power should have obvious benefits. Clearly this will not exactly be popular in certain circles.

Just did a search on “McCanney Wing GeneratorTM Distributed Energy National Grid WORLD ENERGY PROJECT” to locate the URL to the book!

So 500 MW is the equivalent of 2000 250 kW JMCC WING Generators. So this means 2000 x 20,000 = 40,000,000 L/d atmospheric water for one 1000 ft JMCC WING.

So would need 250 of the 1000 ft JMCC WING Generators to meet China’s current water needs. Reverse osmosis can yield 17,000 gallons/h or 408,000 gallons/d for the 250 kW JMCC WING.

1 US gallon is 3.785 L. So 408,000 x 3.785 = 1,544,280 L/d.
2000 x 1,544,280 = 3,088,560,000 L/d for a single 1000 ft JMCC WING Generator.

So only 3.2377548113 of the 1000 ft JMCC WING Generators could provide the current water requirements for China. Actually only two of the 1000 ft and some of the smaller models would be needed for the work.

If look at the book pg.41-45, will see images of very large ferris wheels already operating. So the tech for the wheels is available now!

Compare 500 MW JMCC WING to Geothermal at under 100 MW.

JMCC WING is no doubt the way to go with Geothermal as backup when the wind isn’t blowing.


1.19240471e+12 L / 40,000,000 L/d = 29810.11775 1000 ft JMCC WING for atmospheric water.

1.19240471e+12 L / 3,088,560,000 L/d = 386.071408682 1000 ft JMCC WING for reverse osmosis water.

China by itself has a very serious population problem. What about India, many African countries, South America … ?

The USA will double it’s population in a generation. Mexico’s population is growing rapidly. Canada’s population at least doubled from the 70’s mainly due to immigration with the immigrants having many children per family.


If look at second image on p.99 of the book Principia Meterologia will see the natural equator-to-pole hydrological cycle that moves water to the poles where it freezes.

So the correct way to replenish depleted aquifers is to transport water from the poles to drought stricken regions near the equator, where the water is applied gradually at night time to plants so the water has a chance to penetrate into the ground and not evaporate quickly, rather than pull it from the atmosphere. In one of the weekly Science hour podcasts, there was mention of the atmospheric generators being effective at the periphery of deserts but not at the center of deserts.

From one of the CRs, we know the phrase “the deserts will win“.

The exercise of the calculations for atmospheric water and reverse osmosis gives an idea on how much in terms of energy potable water sources are taken for granted and how much work the Earth is doing for the hydrological cycle.

Greenland where it is now but once located where Florida is today could be the result of a pole shift or planet-sized comet interaction.

Paul Moechner

“…dormant volcano in Switzerland, of which the geologists etc. have no knowledge.” -Billy

Are there any other references to this dormant volcano in the contact reports or anywhere else? This is the first I heard of a dormant volcano in Switzerland that Billy and/or the Plejaren know about but earth human geologists don’t know about. I’m just curious. 🙂

Al Jedd

Deep geothermal energy please see:-

A little bit of techy stuff from memory. A 3 stage turbine (65 megawatts) has steam at a temperature of 1,860’F and at a pressure of 1,800 lbs/sq inch. The heat exchanger being made of Molybdenum steel.
At the temperatures and pressure from above, the copper migrates to the outer surface and can be easily measured. Also, if a small droplet of water, hits the rotating blades in the turbine; it can ‘throw a blade’ and at 3,000/3,600 rpm can cause a lot of damage to the turbine.
Trainee Electricians are taught that geothermal power station are too expensive to build and Nuclear is the best way….. Madness!

Pollution was mentioned, and an example of this can be found in the Oder river where 300 tons of dead fish have already been scooped out. Germany and Poland search for cause of mass fish die-off in the river Oder.
10 tons of fish were removed from the Oder river, on the date below, and people are urged not to enter the river, as industrial pollution is to blame.

It seems that even more disasters in nature are coming our way.



“Enceladus of Saturn and Saturn itself offer proof that the standard theories of solar system formation are completely false … Enceladus is a new hot young moon … it is still growing (not sputtering away as standard science pretends) … it is involved in a significant electrical discharge with Saturn on an ongoing basis proving that space is not electrically neutral and it is everything explained in my Plasma Discharge Comet Model … it creates the vast E-Ring with the material mainly water that is drawn in but Enceladus is moving too fast in its orbit for all the material to be drawn in and held by gravity so it remains orbiting saturn in a faint very broad ring … ”

Look for the above quote and related pic here (need to scroll down about a quarter of the page).


There have been many humans who have tried to make a difference and while good may take affect for some time, the decadence quickly returns. Technology has brought mankind to this here and now. Giving power and authority to inexperienced young folk also became a tool for evil by manipulators in the system. These children that have been being born have been the image used by countless crooks to gain advantage and create money pools for these societies. The very future of these children has long been calculated into dollars. They are not aware. Please try to consider that they are all but children.

Melissa Osaki

Hi Anita,

I think you’ll find that the children aren’t being blamed for anything. It’s the adults who should know better, but they continue to bring more and more children into a grossly overpopulated world. It will be the children and their children and so on who will suffer greatly. We all share the blame.


I recall the plejaren met an technologically advanced race but not so evolved conscious who they exchanged spritual knowledge for their technologial stuff. But isnt the goal of them to spread the truth so why are they charging for it? or did i misunderstand something.

Melissa Osaki

Trading is not charging. Trading is an even exchange. Humans have been trading since the dawn of civilization. If the Plejaren are trading knowledge for knowledge, I consider that a win win.

Stan Del Carlo

28. And such persons from the number of 144,000 – as well as various others at other times, but also in the number of 144,000 each – were also the ones whom we, as the authoritative inventors, researchers, physicians, technicians, computer scientists and scientists etc. of certain areas on Earth, taught about knowledge, insights and developments etc. in an apparatus-impulse hypnotic manner and without their knowledge, which was made possible for us by our directives.
29. Therefore, when we committed ourselves to this teaching activity, we were only allowed to take care of the distant descendants of the former immigrants of the Nokodemion descendant peoples who were in active life, but we were not allowed to take care of any pure terrestrial human beings who existed from the ground up.

Turned on, tuned in, phasing in and out.

Melissa Osaki

Please also list the contact report #. Thanks.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

I just heard om the newsthat Mchele Gorbichav has just died at the age of 91 the Russian president peace diplomate who Nixon met during the 1980s in Russia who brokered a deal with the US back during the mid-1980s.


The book Water rhymes with Water Wars actually control of Water by the powerful.

We live on a water world yet we are being told water is scarce. The truth is there is a water management problem.

The region between Venus to Mars is rich in H2O, OH, O2. In fact, the Earth actually has water tails. See the top images on p.78 and p.99 of PRINCIPIA METEOROLOGIA of water tail attaching to low-pressure systems that bring water in from the surrounding space.

Randy Arena

Protesters go on and on about Global Warming, Environmental Pollution and recent uptick of disasters (Tsunamis, Famine, Pandemics) yet fail to mention the primary cause: Overpopulation. Until we fix that, all secondary effects will continue to grow. It has to be worldwide and it has to be NOW. If not it will take at least 16 years before we see any result. This is the major evil we face in this world. The Politicians care only of themselves and really do not see any evil as long as they can avoid. This behavior is the reason we don’t evolve in consciousness. As Florena mentioned in this recent Contact_Report_818: Due to the fact that the existing and growing terrestrial human overpopulation can continue to rampage, the environmental pollution is also becoming greater and more precarious, whereby the terrestrial human beings themselves through their greed and unreasonableness of procreation are truly the culprits of all evil on earth regarding all misery, hardships and of the pollution it causes.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

I keep wondering just why nobody wants to bring up the subject of overpopulation, any ideas on TV, radio, internet, You Tub etc?


In the second last paragraph, we are being told that the weather on Earth and other planets in the solar system is a function of the solar wind described in the Plasma Discharge Comet Model (PDCM) and dwarfs the light energy from the Sun. The PDCM is described in the famous 3-part comet paper appearing in Appendix 2 of the book PLANET-X COMETS & EARTH CHANGES.

Billy: … yes, we have, and I have also seen many things that no Earthling has been able to see, such as that planets other than Earth also have polar lights. Even the giant planet Jupiter was no exception, nor was Saturn, and also others. The pole lights and the atmospheres of the SOL planets will bring some more surprises for Earthling scientists that they cannot yet imagine.


“Only the stupid, i.e. the non-thinking, protest against environmental pollution, but not against the true evil, namely against overpopulation” ~ Billy

Just 13 days after Billy made the above statement, Extinction Rebellion protestors glue themselves to furniture in the UK’s House of Commons:

Surveying Extinction Rebellion’s website, despite false claims on their main page to “Tell the Truth”, they only have one article containing the word “overpopulation” and it’s mentioned only in the passing of blue-sky high thinking:

Anyone familiar with the Creation teaching symbols may, like me, feel that Extinction Rebellion’s “Extinction” symbol (pictured below) is oppressive, negative and stressful. Split and move the top and bottom lines in that symbol and we’re not a million moves from a Nazi Swastika. The symbol’s designer, an artist named ‘ESP’, states in the following article that, “As soon as I drew the symbol I knew what it was. It was quite a powerful moment of recognition actually. It felt like it had always existed and was just waiting for me to uncover it.”

Therein highlights the stupid origin of this stupid group, who, like Greta Thunberg, serve as useful idiots for Western governments’ green taxes and being hooked, line and sinker, to Klaus Schwab’s agenda, as whilst the creator, in the above article, acknowledges taking an interest “in the history of symbols at the time anyway, such as cave art symbols, runes, medieval alchemy symbols they completely miss the fact that they copied an ancient alchemical symbol for “Hour”, i.e., an hourglass, which if Extinction Rebellion understood and timed their protests by when holding up traffic would at least reduce pollution in real time as vehicles wouldn’t be left running longer than they needed to:
