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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Wonders of the Oceans We May Never See

The relentless demand for natural resources, especially for batteries, etc., is driven by the ever-increasing overpopulation


A recent article brought home the rarely considered reality of the heavy toll taken on nature, simply by our participating in “modern life”. Even young children are among those who unknowingly and unintentionally contribute to the abuse of nature, because now they too are users of cell phones, computers, etc.

The demand for natural resources, especially for batteries, etc., is driven by the ever-increasing overpopulation, which is completely ignored and even ridiculed by many people. So conditioned are people by religiously, politically and conspiratorially-driven agendas and beliefs, that Billy Meier’s long-forewarned of environmental consequences are completely disregarded.

Perhaps if we understood the importance of caring for the planet and all life-forms, if we contemplated the magnitude and magnificence of what Meier describes below, we’d come to our collective senses.

CR213, December 2, 1986: 

Billy: That is just so among the Earthlings. But back to the sailor’s yarn: since ancient times, sailors have told tales about sea-monsters that they would have seen, and such monsters should have always had such enormous proportions that they should have pulled even large oceangoing vessels into the deep. In particular, these old stories exist about giant squid with enormously long tentacles. Have you ever tried to investigate these stories, and what should actually be thought of these, as well as of these sea-monsters? Are these actually real, or is it all, in the end, just a great sailor fabulation?


134. These sailors’ stories throughout the centuries are familiar to us, and we have, in fact, endeavoured to clarify them.135. And even though many fabulations, as you say, can be found in these sailors’ stories, there existed, and there actually exists, the described sea-monsters, if one wants to call them such.136. At the same time, there are different genera, as well as specific species that developed from these, but so far, these have not yet been discovered, respectively have not been found, by the earthly researchers and scientists.137. And since you speak of squid in particular, I can tell you this, that there are actually such gigantic creatures in the oceans, it is just that they live at very great depths and only rarely come to the surface of the ocean.138. The largest of these giant squids – which we found at great ocean depths, so at a depth of more than 2,000 metres – exhibited a height of 25 metres, from which emerged 10 tentacles, which were 99.6 metres in length.139. But we only found this size among the cephalopods, while other gigantic animals only exhibited sizes of up to 52 meters, such as calamari.

CR 708, May 29, 2018:

Billy: Oh, so, it happens to me sometimes too, when just any thoughts come up that are out of context with the very subject that is being spoken of. But since you mentioned these deep-sea journeys, I would like to say that they have also brought me many insights, for which many researchers would probably envy me if they could find out what I saw in 1947 when, two years after the criminal dropping of the atomic bombs by the USA in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the temperature in some places in Europe, such as here in Niederflachs, was as many degrees as the year, i.e. 47 degrees. At that time, together with your father Sfath, I was able to see a basking shark over 20 metres long, to which Sfath said that only 4 of them were still alive at very great depths. He also had me look at other  in deep ocean waters, some of which looked strange and primeval, but some of these basking sharks were only about 6 to 16 metres in size, such as whale sharks, but also various others, which, as I remember because Sfath specifically drew my attention to them, had 6 gill slits, while other sharks only had their 5 gill slits. Especially in deep ocean waters near Japan, but also elsewhere, I saw large and different species of basking sharks, some of which looked very strange, dangerous and primeval, to which Sfath explained that they were in fact the most distant descendants of primeval creatures that had already made the seas unsafe millions of years ago. But what I saw and was able to observe through the help of Sfath, and later also through diving trips with Quetzal, in many places in the deep sea in all the world’s oceans, all kinds of small and large and very primeval-looking life-forms, no earthly marine scientist can imagine. All the carcasses of such creatures that have ever been washed ashore or caught by fishermen, and which as a rule have only been identified correctly in a very few cases, but the majority have been completely misidentified, is only a vanishingly small and tiny quantity of all the different genera and species of creatures that effectively exist in the world’s oceans. This also includes some that are erroneously thought to have died out a very long time ago. What Sfath and also Quetzal once said about this was that there are still over 12 million undiscovered life-forms on Earth.


15. This is correct, if we are only talking about life-forms that have their habitats in marine waters, inland waters and other special water areas, because the total number of still unknown life-forms in other areas comprises another number that has to be calculated with almost 20 million.

16. These are hitherto undiscovered life-forms of all sizes, precisely from the smallest to the largest living beings, which are found worldwide in wetlands, floodplains, swamps, bogs, in caves, in the soil, in normal land forests, minerals, materials, in other living beings themselves, in the atmosphere, as well as in primeval forests, mangrove forests and in fields, meadows, gardens, in wastelands, deserts, steppes, in and under the ice masses of the glaciers and the Arctic and Antarctic, as well as in the depths of the ice waters, the mountains, the underground and above-ground villages and cities, as well as in human and animal dwellings, etc. exist.

17. Consequently, a total of about 30 million undiscovered life-forms can be assumed, of which the earthly scientists researching in this respect do not even have a clue yet.

18. But now I would like to address you again that you should say and explain something further about what you explained everything with your long monologue during our conversation on 28 April, because I think that further explanations are really necessary.

See also:

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words…

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David Bozman AKA Geosynchronous

Nice article.
H2O and it’s inhabitants is so very important.

David – USA – Ohio

valdinilson de souza martins

Billy Meier is a future that has presented itself in the present.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

I didn`t even know that we have had and still have so many many different species of quid and other strange fish in our oceans until l now. Fascinating.

Barry Smith

Great interview Michael, I so hope people will look into the contact reports for themselves and forget lue Alizondo, and the UFO community, and the stupid UAP bull crap. People don’t understand, these times right now is what the Plejaren have been warning about. Catastrophes will reach proportions barely imaginable to people of Earth. America will be a country of total destruction. Russia doesn’t lose if we make war with them, it’s in the predictions. They may even get help from the ETs.


Fascinating! 🙂

By the way, the blue ‘recent article’ text does not have any attached link.

Keep up the articles!

Melissa Osaki

Thanks. It should be fixed now.

Al Jedd

With headlines in the media as those listed below it’s no wonder that the sea life is slowly disappearing in our oceans, and this may accelerate over time.

Venezuelan oil spill pollutes its coastline

2,500 dead seals found in the Caspian sea Russia.
It’s headlines like this that are sadly popping up time and time again, but it’s a subject that many people do not remember or even care about.

Fukushima (11 years later) gets ready to discharge treated water into the sea
Treated water is then diluted to be released in to the SEA! Similar to what nuclear power stations do to their water.

Produce from Fukushima back on market as controls guarantee safety?
But safety tests go even further, right to the roots of the Anpogaki. The trees that bear the fruit are thoroughly checked too.
8000 trees have already been felled because they are too contaminated.

Where Have All the Snow Crabs Gone?
Eleven billion crabs vanished. Is climate change really to blame?

Our scientists are slowly finding ‘New’ creatures in our oceans/seas etc. These rare ocean creatures have been filmed by a Robot Camera.

The Horseshoe crab has been around for 450- 480 million years and has survived the 5 mass extinctions on earth. Their blood is blue due to the oxygen carriers in the blood which is copper.
However today their numbers are dwindling rapidly due to ………earth humans.–schools/college-of-arts–sciences/departments/biology/project-limulus/horseshoe-crab-history/

A little video

It has been rather difficult this year to mention the wildlife decline in the area where I live, that is I’m shocked/stunned.
The 4 months of drought has decimated their numbers in some cases to Zero. Some pigeons, Feral/Wood Pigeons that have turned up look very disheveled mainly around the neck.
The Parks and Graveyards were able to support a number of different creatures that the climate was able to sustain.

However due to the change in the climate over the decades and more recently the last few summers, which were much higher in temperature and rain fall a lot lot less. To the point that there are no more Hedgehogs for miles around.
Please see

Their main diet consists of slugs and snails, which usually come out at night and/or after rain. The drought mentioned means that large numbers of Hedgehogs died of thirst and/or died of hunger, as slugs and snails prefer to move about in the wet.
Slugs leave their eggs in that slimy trail that they leave behind. Whilst snails regurgitate their eggs through their mouth and burrow into the soil to leave their nest of eggs.

The knock on effect is that people who grow their own food in the garden or on allotments, now does not have their natural predator defense against slugs and snails. To which the gardeners will probably use a lot more Slug Pellets, which may not be good for the environment. I do know of a very few people who go out in the dark and lance the slugs and snails, with flash light in hand.
Every village has it’s Idiot, and typically they throw out Rat poison to get rid of the pesky squirrels. As in their simple minds they think it will kill rats and squirrels and they have no thoughts of the other creatures that reside locally and/or come out at night.

The human race seems hell bent on destroying itself, the planet and all life, though will these creatures listed below, survive the madness of human race?
Considering the large number of forest fires around the world have left dead zones.

Looking at the history of Bigfoot/Sasquatch and the Yeti/Abominable Snowman there is a lot of evidence that supports the fact that these creatures are real.
Although only a few people in the USA have seen a Bigfoot, whilst in Asia there is a wealth of information supporting their existence.

Throughout time the humans of earth, think its ok to go out and kill for fun some innocent wild creatures, which the humans call it hunting.Huh. The UK’s royal family were well known for this.

It would appear that there are possibly 4 hominid types, namely, Sasquatch, Yeti, Almas and Agogwe.

North America
A Bigfoot/Sasquatch was filmed in America back in the 1960’s. A gentleman named Patterson recorded a few seconds on 8mm cine film a large hairy creature walking into the forest and looking behind to see if she was being followed.
The media jumped on it as a hoax, but back in those times any tampering that was done to 8mm film could be seen very easily, as would a person wearing a suit.
I was a kid at the time and it looked real to me on the tv. The creature weighed around 800 lbs and plaster casts were taken of the foot prints left by the creature. Also she had an upper arm length/elbow greater than a human and certainly whets the appetite to what was it. Foot prints made by hoaxers can be easily recognised.

What was revealed was all the dermal ridges and other aspects using Ichnology (the science of foot prints etc).

The Film That Made Bigfoot A Star.–Gimlin_film

Another case is the Minnesota Ice man (or rather the Minnesota Ice Child). This creature was killed by Frank Hansen which happened a few months before the Patterson film.
He put the young creature into a freezer and filled it with water. Once frozen he took the freezer to places of exhibition to make some money (after the murder of an Innocent creature). The FBI was also involved but due to his variations of the events the FBI lost interest.
The reports came to the uk and a number of things were noted.
The creature had many ‘shot’ holes in its body where the blood and plasma rose to the surface as pinkish tendrils.
An expert Ivan Sanderson (a well know Zoologist/botanist/biologist) had a look at it in 1968, and he reported that it was a once alive 10 to 12 year old 250 lb 6ft tall creature.
His very detailed 36 page report, including “the body hairs were too numerous and stood parallel to each other”.
If the hair had been made and fixed to the skin, the punch holes would have been see as the tool leaves a small ‘nick’ mark”.
His report was titled “A Preliminary Description of the External Morphology Of What Appeared To Be The Fresh Corpse Of A Hitherto Unknown Form Of Living Hominoid”.
His report was taken up and reprinted in Peter Byrne’s book,
“The Search for Bigfoot”, Acropolis Books, 1975, and Pocket Books 1976.
And what Wikipedia says.

Then there is the story of Mr Albert Ostman who claims he was kidnapped by a Bigfoot, and together with his utensils were taken to the Bigfoot’s hide out. Where he saw great details of theses creatures, and their 2 children.
After 6 days he was able to escape but kept quiet for years due to being ridiculed for his story.
Years later he read a newspaper article describing a Bigfoot, so he replied and his story came to light.

In the fossil records, flint tools have been found and designated as ‘Mousterian’, and may have led to some confusion in the fossil record. That is to say, were they made by early humans, Neanderthals or Bigfoot?

Russia, China and Mongolia.
In 1661 in Lithuania a Bear-Man was captured by some village people. It was presented to King Jan Kasinir II. His wife tried to tame it but the creature was only able to do the heavy kitchen duties, fetching water and collecting fire wood.

Around the mid 1880’s a well known Lama lived in a monastery of Lamgn, Hegen in Mongolia. He was known as the Son of Almas because his farther was captured by a group of Almas and held prisoner. During his captivity he fathered a child by one of the female Almas.
Later he managed to escape and took his son with him. The boy joined the Monastery as a monk, and was known for his high intelligence and learning.

1914 N.A. Baykov a famous Russian hunter, who later met a Chinese hunter named
Fu T’s ai, who had a domesticated Alma as an assistant and was named Lan-Zhen. Lan-Zhen did much of the heavy work and could understand some commands but could not speak.

1925 When the Red Army was chasing the White Army troops through the Pamir mountains.
Whilst shooting into the caves, a crazed creature came running out and looked like a very hairy human. But was mowed down by machine gun fire.

In 1928 a very old Mongolian woman reported that when an infant, she was kidnapped by a female Alma and was nurtured by this Alma. Some time later the parents came across their child and scared the Alma away.
The old lady claimed that she has never been sick a day in her life. The village people always attributed her robust good health to being breast fed by the Alma.

In 1941 a Dr V.S Karapetian who was a Lt.Colonel in the Russian Army Medical Corps was asked to examine a man sized, fully hair covered suspect spy, that was caught in the mountains.
His examination had to be carried out in the cold. The reason was that the creature could not be examined inside heated building, as it sweated profusely and had great difficulty breathing. The creature never spoke or took food and water offered to it during its captivity. He concluded that this creature was not a disguised man but a wild man of some kind.
Later he learned that the creature had been executed as a spy, “just in case”.

In the mid 1950’s in Kabardina, a female Alma was owned by a priest. When the priest eventually died the bereaved Alma was so incredibly unhappy, she simply sat down in a field waiting to die.
A young man named Khatos Kardanov saw the creature and pitying her, he brought her food. The Alma quickly became attached to Khatos. But the Alma took vegetables from peoples allotments in the village, and soon she became unpopular. Khatos had to slip away to Siberia, and after some time the Alma went back to the forest never to be seen again.

In those parts of Russia, China and Mongolia, Hominoids would be captured and sold for a Kings ransom, as a slave or killed for the body parts, ie aphrodisiacs etc.
Two books dealing with Russian and Chinese sightings are:-
“In pursuit of the Abominable Snowman”, 1970, by Odette Tchernine.
“Still living? Yeti, Sasquatch, And The Neanderthal Enigma”, 1983, by Myra Shackley.

And then we have a creature that was named Zana. After her capture, she was kept in a deep pit for a number of years until her ‘spirit’ was broken. Her story was collected by a Professor A.A.Mashkovtsev who’s work was brought to fruition in the 1960’s by a Dr.Boris Porshnev, a highly qualified academic who also studied hominoids.

He talked to many people who knew her when they were children. This part of Russia is known for its longevity of its inhabitants (100+y.o.), Ten of which attended her funeral in Tkhina where she lived. She could never speak but communicated with grunts, howls, growls and yelps. She did understand orders. She spent her spare time bashing stones together making ‘Mousterian’ tools, which she threw at the barking dogs that she didn’t like.

She bore children from men of the village. The first 4 died when the mother washed the baby in the icy cold stream. So later when another baby was born the women of the village took over and washed the baby with warm water.
She bore 2 daughters and 2 sons, that became Russian citizens. And on death were buried in an unmarked grave near to Zana’s grave. As Muslims do not name mark the grave it was impossible to know which one to exhume for analysis. However they did find the grave of one of her sons named Kvit/Khwit/Gravit.

Was a 19th Century apewoman a yeti? 6ft 6in Russian serf who could outrun a horse was ‘not human’, according to DNA tests

270. Your designation was right; these beings aren’t animals but rather early human life forms, as we already explained to you before.

Below are listed a number of birds that once frequented the gardens/allotments in the UK. I’ve added in () the number of years that they live and snippets of information about the birds.

Tree Sparrow. (2 years). who’s numbers have declined by 95% between 1970 and 1995.
House Sparrow. (3 years). They used to nest near humans. In Yorkshire one nest was found 2,00 feet down a mine shaft.
Goldfinch. (2 years). the popularity of the Goldfinch as a caged bird in the 19th century decimated the population. The capture of Goldfinches is now illegal in the UK.
Chaffinch. (3 years). These birds sing different accents songs depending on their location France, Scotland, England etc.
Blue Tit (3 years) and weight the same as a UK pound coin.
Coal Tit. (2 years) they store their food for later.
Great Tit. (2 years). They give a distinctive two-syllable song.
Longtailed Tit. (2 years).
Robin. (2 years). They think of us as wild Deer/Boars or other grazing animals and are easy to train.
Nightingale. (1 to 3 years). Named more than 1,000 years ago! The male nightingale has one of the most complex and sophisticated verbal sounds in the entire animal kingdom.
Three hours worth of Nightingale songs.

Blackbirds, Females are brown. (3 years). They spread their wings and lay out flat on the ground to sunbath. They usually leave the garden areas in July to return in January/February the following year. Next to the Robin is fairly easy to train.

Starlings. (5 years). Pesky fighting (among themselves) birds. They also mimic the sounds of other birds and fight over the food bowl making a mess.
Nuthatch (2 years). Were known for their ability to walk up or down the tree trunk.
Jackdaw. (5 years). Will nest in anything from a hole in a tree to a chimney.
Song Thrush. (3 years). They smash open the shell of snails. If you find an empty whole snail shell then that was done by Hedgehogs.
Bullfinch. (2 years). A hard bird to keep track of and a hard bird to monitor in scientific surveys. However, they do stand out if you’re lucky enough to see one
Greenfinch. (2 years). The recent decline of these birds has been linked to an outbreak of Trichomonosis, a parasite-induced disease which prevents the birds feeding properly.
Jay. (4 years). The egg thief. They store Acorns for winter and the ones they forget about grow into Oak trees.
Rook. (6 years). A group of Rooks are known as a Parliament. UK has the house of commons and the house of Lords. Maybe that is where the term bird-brain comes from.
Pheasant. (less than a year). They were introduced to the UK for shooting (possibly by the royal family).
Dunnock. (2 years). When 2 males meet they are very animated with lots of wing flicking and loud calling.
Wren. (2 years). It was one of the most common British breeding bird. although it suffered decline due to prolonged harsh winters. Which is not the case now due to the planet warming up.
Great Spotted Woodpecker. (2 years). These birds have air pockets in their skulls to cushion the blows as they drum on a tree or wooden post.
Siskin. (2 years). Siskins can be found in coniferous and mixed woodland across the UK, but are most numerous in Scotland and Wales.
Goldcrest. (2 years). Together with Firecrest’s they are the smallest birds in the UK.
Magpie. (5 years). They are omnivores and will scavenge anything. Including killing birds up to the size of a Wood Pigeon, by dive bombing them and leap off the pigeon just before the pigeon hits the ground and will pluck the bird whilst it is dying. They can be heard by the awful ‘clacking’ sound and are usually found in pairs, this sound is used to scare the small birds out of their hiding place in a tree etc. I have seen Magpies trying to get to the small bird feeding station (seeds etc).
House Martin. (2 years) They migrate south to Europe/Africa in September/October and return to UK in March/April. Though we still don’t know exactly where our UK birds go.
Found around towns and villages. Feeds on aerial insects and so is most frequently seen in areas of mixed agriculture, near water and in the vicinity of woodland. They are on the Red list as numbers are down. Up to 11 house martins have been found to sleep in a single nest, both adult birds and their first and second brood of young. Now that’s cosy.

Swift. (4-6 years ). The oldest known Swift was 21 years old. Within a few days of leaving the nest the fledgling will start their flight to Africa in the company of other fledglings.
Swallow. (2 years, but have been known to be up to 16 years).

Sand Martin. (9 years)Sand martins are the smallest European ‘Hirundines’ (martins and swallows), European population has crashed on two occasions as a result of drought in the birds’ African wintering grounds.

Wood Pigeon. (3 years). It’s chick is known as a Squab.
Feral Pigeon. (3 years). The Rock Dove is the wild ancestor of all domestic and feral pigeons.
Dove (1.5 to 5 years, looked after they can live up to 15 years). The White Dove, Java Dove or Sacred White Dove, is the most historically described dove from Noah through to today.
From my observations that the White Dove is aggressive and will attack and see off other birds in it’s feeding area. They are fairly easy to train.
Following the Dove link in Wikipedia, Wikipedia uses the Death symbol which is the upside down Peace symbol.

Now this year, the following birds have been seen in the gardens to date!
A Robin, may be 2 Robins as its hard to tell them apart.
A couple of Black Caps. 2 Doves but now only 1. 1 Magpie. 1 Black bird. 1 Jay. 1 Blue Tit possibly 2. 2 Collar Pigeons, both are disabled that is, one of their talons are curved inwards and they walk on their knuckles so to speak. About 5 to 15 Feral Pigeons.
But what is really sad to see is Herring Gulls trying to pick up bird seeds with their hooked beak.
Birds with hooked beaks are almost always meat-eaters.
If the Magpies doesn’t get a bird, the waste of space cats will.

A number of countries have been struck by bird flu and is now a huge problem and we’re just one mutation away from it getting much worse.

Thousands of cranes killed by bird flu in Israel.

Nearly 3 million birds culled as UK grapples with ‘unprecedented’ wave of bird flu.
The price of xmas dinner will go up for those who live in a fantasy world.
No doubt some people will take advantage of the situation and up the costs of these birds on the black market, contaminated or not. Xmas wont be so foul this year for many.


Al Jedd

Iraq marks 20 years since the illegal invasion of their country.

The invasion forces owe the people of Iraq for the military’s toxic waste that was being burnt in pits.
Many Iraqi’s are suffering strange illnesses as are some US troops that have returned back to the USA sick.
From the podcast, very disturbing comments are made including “Organs born outside the body”. Biden’s son is also included, who seems to have suffered.

Two other oil/gas (polluting) supplying countries might be becoming buddies, as it appears that Saudi Arabia and Iran will start talks. (This is a turn up for the books).
Whilst Iran and Iraq have signed a joint security document between the two countries. (wonders never cease).

What are called wrongly Manta rays have been washed up on the shores of Gaza city beach. They are actually ‘Mobula’, which gather in the south eastern Mediterranean coast each year between March and April.

Local fishermen have gathered up these creatures that mysteriously have been washed up over the years.

Gaza fishermen celebrate catching dozens of these endangered and vulnerable creatures. Some weighed up to 660 pounds and are sold for their meat in Palestinian.

It may not be known by the Palestinians, that these beautiful creatures are actually in the “Red List Category“. But the fishermen need the money so none are put back in the sea.

Near Meninder, Australia thousands if not millions of dead fish are clogging up this ‘polluted’ river?
Whether its pollution or low dissolved oxygen levels that has caused the mass fish deaths, is yet to be found, Australia has seen some very hot temperatures.

The company 3M in Antwerp, Belgium is producing harmful chemicals, as people cannot work the soil with bare hands, (one should really wear gloves) and where children cannot play in the soil.
These PFAS chemicals are indestructible, and it has been found in the soil and water, which eventually makes its way into the sea.

Some people just disregard nature.


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Al Jedd

Here is an article that may be of some interest to some, and contains a few videos.

This link/copy (from the above) is of a book that is over 100 years old, and it is written in English and French with many illustrations. So if you have a spare afternoon read on.


Al Jedd

Greenpeace gets their rocks off.
Well actually dropping these limestone blocks on to the seabed in an attempt to stop ‘Trawling’ which is destructive to the seabed. So when the trawlers nets get stuck on these rocks, they just put the boat in reverse to collect their fishing nets? Or would they just cut the nets loose?

There seems to be a race developing over deep sea mining of the seabed for minerals, which will cause permanent damage to this fragile environment.

The report with some nice pictures.

A deadly epidemic has developed in the the Mediterranean sea and the Red sea (joined by the Suez Canal) and they are experiencing mass die-offs of sea Urchin’s. These Urchin’s maintain the health of the coral reefs.
This gap in the coral is soon occupied by algae which grows a lot faster than corals.


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Al Jedd

The 8th June is World Ocean Day! But the minority wont be celebrating, as they know the truth.


Al Jedd

We are all living in a very polluted world, nature is fighting back against what the humans of earth have created and nature is going to win…
Floods are still on going around the world due to very heavy rainfall from these atmospheric rivers opening up, which is responsible for many landslides,deaths and suffering.
And the results are that man-made products (chemicals) and human waste(s) are also finding their way through to the sea’s by ground absorption and overflowing rivers etc.

In Europe, yet another Paris Olympics test run in the River Seine had to be canceled! Due the the concerns over water quality, and the river is now closed to public swimming. One test indicated very high levels of bacteria,
A lot of money is invested in these triathlons/sports, so it remains to be seen if money talks and the triathlons are either completely cancelled or will go ahead with backhanders.

It’s the terror knowing what the world is about, causing people to turn away from what is really happening, occupy their time with other activities ( sports, video games, TV and so on ).


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Al Jedd

Japan has begun to release ‘treated’ radioactive wastewater into the ocean, which is from the earth quake damaged nuclear power station in Fukushima.

China is not happy about it ( as most of the world should be, but did ‘They listen’? ) and China will ban all Japanese seafood from Japan!


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Al Jedd

The wonders of the oceans we may never see or hear.
Dolphins have to ‘shout’ to hear each other over the noise pollution (just like humans), research reveals

This is good news for now. France votes to ban deep-sea mining in its waters: Why is this practice so controversial?

Surfers in the UK have to keep an eye open for the warnings about the sea quality/pollution, where some surfers have ingested sea water and developed urinary/kidney/ eye/ear infections, due to the water treatment facilities exceeding their capacity and discharging raw sewage in to the sea, containing harmful bacteria and viruses and so on.
Euronews being what it is, the video of the report is only 5 minutes long (along a 12 hour time line) and someone has not posted/updated the section called ‘Oceans’. When it is updated I will post the video. Below is ‘Surfers against Sewage’. And the minority know it’s all due to overpopulation.

