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Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me…SQUARED

Another preening, posturing, partisan populist pops up to try his hand at persuading the populace

While the case could be made that the sentence imposed in this conviction may be massively excessive, reflective of political partisanship, etc., certainly in comparison to the punishment, or lack thereof, meted out to protestors, conspiracists and even killers on the political left, such is what often passes for justice in the USA, depending on which faction gets to exert its influence in judicial matters:

Proud Boys’ Enrique Tarrio gets record 22 years in prison for Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy

Still, those who make bad decisions, and follow the wrong people, are responsible for the consequences, seemingly unfair as they may be. The fact that there will be an upsurge in populist demagoguery, and an increase in the numbers of impulsive, simple-minded, thinking-incapable followers, was also foreseen by Billy Meier:

Billy Meier, October 20, 2017:

11. The public media of all kinds also will increasingly become a populist factor of might through whose machinations and sense the populations are influenced and steered in a media-populist form, whereby through the media and its might, false information which serves them is spread and the population is led into delusion.

12. Populistically created and steered conspiracy theories and mendacious reporting will increasingly come about and will lead the populace of all countries into confusion and make them believers of all those who, by exploiting the people, attain horrendous profits from the whole of the conspiracy lies and at the same time control the population.

17. In the future the USA and the US governors will be exposed to very frequent threats, which will come from both state and non-state acting persons who are hostile towards the government and state, as well as from great parts of the US population, whereby the US population will split into different population groups for which the basic factors have already been created and consequently the US population already in the current time separates into different groups.

Billy Meier, October 8, 2018:

157. It will come, however, that ill-advised and irrational Trump delusionists will also viciously resort to dangerous acts of violence and underhanded attacks on his behalf to infamously and insidiously target persons who disagree with Trump’s machinations, object to his confused actions and are consequently to be eliminated.

158. So persons are to be brought to harm who publicly intervene against Trump’s dishonest and all-round hostility provoking machinations.

Billy Meier, May 11, 2019:

“Excuse me, because to this I would still like to say that all those who fall prey to him are, from my point of view, simple-minded, i.e. human beings who have no opinion of their own, are incapable of assessment and are indeed also with low intelligence, and hang on other people’s every word and cheer them on, when they get buttered up by them, i.e., when they are cheated with lies, empty promises and deception. This is actually the case when populism is practiced, the way in which this is mastered by Trampeltramp Trump and the way in which all simple-minded people are taken in, who are incapable of their own thinking and decision-making.”

Speaking of the dangers of glib, fast-talkers, another preening, posturing, partisan populist pops up to try his hand at persuading the populace:

Vivek Ramaswamy Is Just Another Disgusting Warmonger

Déjà Vu All Over Again

There’s an old saying, mangled into idiotic immortality by George Bush, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

But that shame long ago exceeded single digits, and is soon to increase once more, since the American people are about to get fooled again – no matter which of the candidates they vote for.


The next best thing to getting outta here, as in going to another planet, is seeing some amazing photos – over 600 of them – of craft that actually have those capabilities and more:


617 of Billy Meier’s still irreproducible, pre-digital era UFO photos
Photo Inventarium


Billy Meier True or Hoax

Billy Meier True or Hoax

WITH PURCHASE OF THE Photo-Inventarium!

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John Webster

In reading / digesting this blog, it was somehow indescribably delightful to let go a good belly o’ laughter when your line, ‘Déjà Vu All Over Again’ crossed my eyes! THANK YOU MH!

Make me laugh once, good on you: make me laugh twice as much, even better on you!

’nuff typed!


Terry Carch "I Want to Move to Erra!

I seem to remember Montgommery Scott( Be Me Up) Scotty say the same thing in one of the Original Star Trek episode but I don`t remember which one “Fool Me once Same on You Fool Me Twice Shame on You” Ha ha ha:-)))

Terry Carch "I Want to Move to Erra!

Thanks. This was long ago when I used to watch the original Star Trek episode back then but I forgot which episode that Scotty mentioned that line.

Phil Marshall

The predictions given by Billy, along with all the info in the material, is generally kept a bit vague on purpose to allow the dissemination of information without government censorship and societal upheaval. This article gives a really good explanation for this:

“Possible Extraterrestrial Strategy for Earth”, James W. Deardorff, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, 1986.…94D.,

The following is an excerpt from this article:


One possibility, given that the extraterrestrial race had somehow studied human society for a considerable time period without our knowledge, and understood human psychology well, is as follows. The extraterrestrial communications could be emplaced in a manner easily accessible to the general public but in a form not acceptable or believable to scientists. Government agencies, upon advice from scientists, would then take no actions, and the embargo would more or less remain intact. Awareness of what was taking place would then proceed very gradually — no faster than humankind in general was inherently prepared to accept the extraterrestrial messages. In this way the extraterrestrial intelligence need make no hasty decision on precisely when or if humankind was prepared to receive their communications, or whether governments could be trusted to forward the communications faithfully to the people in general. There would be no forceful extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs, so that governments would still be free to initiate a nuclear holocaust if they so desired, thus quickly answering the question of whether or not mankind is ethically prepared to enter a new ‘cosmic’ age.

A scenario for this type of extraterrestrial strategy might involve their communicating with just one or a very few recipients scattered about the globe. A recipient would be supplied with a comprehensive message over an extended time period, so that he or she could fully understand it, and would also be allowed to gather extensive evidence on the reality of the events so as to be able to gain some measure of public acceptance of the messages. However, in order that scientists in general should not be alerted, only the recipient would be allowed to partake in the communication sessions and to witness the extraterrestrials themselves. The messages might, moreover, contain vague descriptions of extraterrestrial technological achievements that would read like magic or science fiction. They might even contain a few absurdities purposely added; these, along with the absence of any detailed instructions on how to effect any technological breakthroughs, would help ensure that any scientists who happened to learn about the communications would regard them as hoaxes or fiction. The evidence would also be rejected by scientists because of the demand that tentative acceptance of the reality of an event requires that it either be reproducible or repeatable at will, or have been observed by trusted investigators. Meantime, the messages would get published, translated into various languages, and distributed throughout the world amongst other occult literature. A large number of publishing companies already handle similar literature.

The problem of how that fraction of the general public which comes across the relevant literature could distinguish it, as a likely extraterrestrial message, from the frauds and cults could be part of the extraterrestrial solution rather than a problem. That is, overcoming this difficulty would ensure a large time-scale for the acceptance of the extraterrestrial communications, thereby minimizing any public panic and religious upheavals, and would require judicious use of logic in trying to decide if the message could be essentially true. These attributes, including independent thinking on the part of as many people as possible, and the deduction that our level of technology must be far below that of the aliens, may be prerequisites desired by the extraterrestrials before fully lifting the embargo. A further prerequisite might be that we have reached a level of understanding wherein we would treat them not as gods but respectfully as fellow creatures with a multi-millenium headstart over us.”

David Bozman


One topic the P’s are not vague on is the fact that they keep repeating that they are not affiliated with the 5 other ET groups. For a race who doesn’t like repeating things they’ve already said, they sure want us to know they are not connected with the other ET’s.
They’ve mentioned it so much that I’ve taken notice of the anomaly.

Today a thought hit me regarding that fact. Is the US gov going to do a fake UFO attack AND blame it on Billy’s ET friends.


Terry Carch "I Want to Move to Erra!

Guess what Lue Alezondo is still plugging away on his You Tube videos eh, what a phony bube that Lue is! Yuk!

Chuck Torbyn

You know who was guilty of seditious conspiracy? John Wilkes Booth! You know what an insurrection was? The Civil War! Portland was more of an insurrection than Jan 6! So we’re all of the left supported violence based “peaceful protests”! And guess what; NOT ONE person was held responsible! Meanwhile, somehow, you only castigate Trump. Talk about bias!

Melissa Osaki

I don’t remember when Michael supported any violence based protests. You seem to only see what you want to see based on your left/right paradigm.

John Webster

Chuck, you’d be very welcome in the Alex Jones camp . . where rabble-rousing is a prerequisite to emote your perspectives.

Terry Carch "I Want to Move to Erra!

“Talk about a dummy! Yuk!

Timothy Allen Anderson

You could spend your entire life looking for creational values in any single politician or lawyer throughout Earth human history and STILL not come up with a single one. Don’t waste your life and energy on a fools errand, in the end you will only be disappointed and there will be little enjoyment served back.

Chuck Torbyn

I agree. I don’t really expect such values in any politicians, but still, you know as well as I do that there are people who care, who want to try and make things better. That’s what I see in Trump. I also see how biased news reporting is so that, unless you go hunting for the complete story, the main media will run most of the stories against their opposition and only positive stories for their side. It wasn’t always so. I just want accuracy and honesty in reporting. How can a country last if there’s nothing anyone can believe or trust?

John R Roberts

I thought it was a well balanced article. That quote, I believe was from the TV show Gomer Pyle USMC. George Bush was probably a fan.


Right now I’m supporting RFK Jr. for President even though he’s saying it’s a populist movement. What choice does he have but to call it a populist movement when the establishment Democrat and Republican parties are trying to block any challengers. I don’t think it’s fair to label all populists as the same because they are not.

Terry Carch "I Want to Move to Erra!

RFK is an anti vac supporter against the COVID vaccine due to all of its deleterious side effects which are extremely harmful including the biochipping human life etc. That is why I support RFK because spying on human beings is immoral and un- ethical and forcing people to take the dangerous COVID vaccine against people is against our free will if we don`t want to be spied on using radio RFID chips etc.

Brigitte de Roch

Hi Norm –

Death Threats Made to Bobby Kennedy by Eli Lilly Revealed to New Zealander is a reminder of how dirty and criminal politics and pharmaceutical companies are.
What happens if you vote for RFK and he gets killed those in power?
How will you feel then?

It would be better if RFK lives a long life instead of being eliminated in some mysterious form. There is still too much ugliness out there to think he would make it intact, from what I can tell.

Scott Reed

Michael, please explain to me like I’m a five year old your reasoning for this blog.

Scott Reed

Thanks Michael. After reading more replies and contemplating further I understand now what you’re saying in the article. Things that are happening in our world and how the masses behave is so tiring and depressive to me that it becomes hard for me to think in a neutral-positive way sometimes. I appreciate all you do for the mission and thus humankind.
With loving thoughts.

Enkhtur Byamba

This unfair sentencing will bring more gruntling groups together. Harsh treatmen will raise eye-brows of many into discussion and finding solutions, especially those who are – as described in CR info – underground movements and divisions will gain more supporters, thus consolidate more connections. Many local authorities (sleeper cell members) will be behind them, awaiting their time to wield their influence. Many American goverment folks have no knowledge of past and no extensive readings of how Lenin Communism arose (or came about).