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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Faithful Cult-believers Will Ask, ‘Why Didn’t Somebody Warn Us?’

They never seem to ask, “Why didn’t God warn us?”, though they resort to frenzied payers to the same imaginary, ‘all-knowing’, Sky Daddy who must’ve let the tragedy happen

Swarm of quakes besets Italian town as supervolcano rumbles

Here’s what a recent Google search revealed:

The above quote about an eruption being “unlikely” is by volcanologist Sandro De Vita. However, local resident Felice Galloro acknowledged the likelihood of an eruption but prefers to rely on the fairy-tale deity to save the smoke and suffering, sulfur-filled day, “It will be chaos, we will entrust ourselves to God.”

After some catastrophic tragedy, faithful cult-believers have often chanted the “Why didn’t somebody warn us?” mantra. Strangely enough, they never seem to ask, “Why didn’t God warn us?”, though they resort to frenzied payers to the same imaginary, “all-knowing”, Sky Daddy who must’ve let the tragedy happen, not exactly a textbook example of…logic.

Of course, these events occur as a consequence of humankind ignoring decades of warnings, prophecies and predictions, based on the immutable law of cause and effect, which is indeed an example of…logic (and a law of physics).

Here’s a specific example of of such a prediction, i.e. event that will occur with certainty, from Sfath, in his September 1948 predictions:

224. Also the caldera, that is to say, the super volcano, Phlegraean Fields in Italy, is already making itself more and more noticeable in order to tear open the Earth in the distant future.

So, we can ponder how close the “distant future”, foretold in 1948, is and if it may be drawing nearer than Sandro De Vita’s “near future”. We will also see if delusion and denial are not the exclusive domain of the religiously deluded.

Foretold in 1981

The following is from the Petale Prophecies, November 19, 1981, and also appears in Billy Meier’s book:

A Hundred Atomic Suns

Excerpt from: The Silent Revolution of Truth 2007

Billy Meier’s prophetic warnings about the coming, un-winnable, Third World War with Russia, China, Iran, etc., that completely destroys the US:

The warnings first appeared in the Henoch Prophecies, published in 1987.

The Way to Live

Nobody wants to hear – or be the bearer of – bad news…let alone really bad news. Of course, very few people pay attention, prepare, let alone take action to try to avert or divert those events that have already taken some form and momentum.

The reality is that the most fundamental changes in human behavior, in thinking, are required in order to mitigate the now unstoppable events, to assure humankind’s ultimate, long-term survival and continuing evolution on our world.

Quite obviously, at least to those who are rational and logical, the primitive, mind-enslaving, fear and aggression-promoting belief systems, religions, sects, and dead-end, poisonous political polarization, etc., hold no answers. Neither does the adolescent dependence on a technology-will-save-the-day approach. We are already deeply down a dark hole where the development of AI will prove to be yet another ill-considered, contributing factor to threaten our survival; human beings failed to sufficiently consider their own limitations, morally and ethically, when creating and letting that genie out of the bottle.

There is a way to live, indeed, to survive, thrive, prosper and live in peace, love, freedom and harmony. Not through impotent prayers, superstitions, ridiculous rituals, and desperate hopes but by proceeding to learn that way to live, based in truth, logic, wisdom, and self-responsibility, free of all never-proven-to-be-true beliefs and reliance on outside sources.





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Siro Stehrenberger

Thankfully, those words from PETALE are prophecies and therefore can change for the better.

Paul Johnson

I performed a science experiment with my family to demonstrate the validity of the Billy Meir case to them by printing out a list of pre, during and post ww3 prophecies/predictions from the CRs and made them all sign it and put it into a safe at the beginning of this year. …this is on the list i had them sign.

Hoota Thunk

It pays to work in mysterious ways ;->

Dan Williams

Like for example, the current embroiling war that is brewing in Palestine by Israel and the west. All I have seen in the last two weeks, is the constant and growing god-delusion proselytisation for their gods to ‘save them’ and protect them. Even though it has been a bombardment for 75 years, and as we well know, considerably longer than that, there still exists not one mention of prevention, because this immediately forces the questioning of god power and overall, existence. It is a cowardly and terrifying avoidance to face that concept of a god which does nothing to stop evil but empowers evil to commit it at will, with no boundary and no obstacle and no conscience.

So is a question such as ‘Why Didn’t Somebody Warn Us?’ existing in the brains of such people to ask why preventions were never granted by their gods? Covertly yes it is likely. But overtly I have never witnessed them display any sign of it, and instead cling for dear life onto the opposite extreme of beggarly behaviour and subjugation to be ‘saved’ despite being too stupid to realise ‘saved’ is past tense and ‘save’ is the present act of prevention, neither of which their dear omnipotent god does and never has.

They only form their collaborative deluge of pious god veneration after-the-fact. It matters not what evil is formed and perpetrated by those who venerate the same god, it matters not how much destruction and annihilation is caused, it matters not how many human deaths accumulate into the hundreds, thousands and even millions. Even if the world stood on the ruins of nuclear catastrophe with one non-god believer and one god believer, the god believer would still seek the same deflection. Nothing is ever bad enough, evil enough, barbaric enough, to divert them away from such pathological insecurity and self-interest.

They all want maximum opportunism, maximum available cause to shout and wail and preach whenever these things happen, because based on experience it’s as though this kind of evil gives them fresh impetus to promote god, which then immediately allows them to wash their hands of it and leave down to that god to solve. They will even go so far as to strip humanity and love and decency away from human beings who do everything they are too cowardly to do themselves, onto their god so it gives extra gravitas for self-promotion and validation. The way they behave is truly grotesque.

When there is peace, or when things are good and moving towards the good, they only have themselves and their delusions which simply is not enough to fulfil their needs, so it’s as though they have to breed discord and degeneracy in order to find that spark to give themselves reason and purpose, otherwise they are hollow and unable to give any part of their god belief meaning or substance. Hence why since time immemorial they’ve violated every last one of their commandments day in day out, including thou shall not k*ll.

Trying to maintain the love for the Human Being of this kind in this time becomes more and more difficult. There is sheer unimaginable evil in the actions of these warlords and barbarians, but just as much in the public armies of zealots, the vocal advocates for barbarism across the world who are depleting their humanity faster than rotting fruit.

Thankfully, a large majority of the world at the UN voted to form peace, which ironically singled out the no votes which showed up on a green (and slightly yellow) world map as bright anomalous red stains. It was a poignant visual presentation, showing clearly and without misinterpretation, who the problem is in this world!

Paul Johnson

There is a huge “belief” among Christians that Israel can never be defeated, because they are gawd’s people and they claim Israel becomng a state again in the 1940’s a fulfilment of an old Judaism/christian prophecy, etc.

Since there is going to be a huge falling away from Christianity in the future according to the CRs, it makes me wonder if Israel loses this current conflict, which seems all the more likely due to a growing anti-zionist movement within Israel that i think might be the underlying reason behind why Israel is literally on the brink of a civil war right now. If these things lead Israel to becoming disbanded as a state again for the first time since i think 70 AD, if that will really shatter the faith of a lot of Christians.

As a former Christian and former part-time evangelist called a Soul-Winner, I can tell you from first hand experience that some of the MOST devout Christians are typically only one horrible life tradegy away from losing their faith completely.

This is because suffering a horrible traumatic event causes a lot of Christians to “re-think” their belief systems and thats when they are finally open minded enough to question the logic of their religion. This is why many times the strongest atheists used to be very devout believers of a religion.

From the perspective of Christians they think they remain atheists because they’re angry at god for allowing “fill in the blank” to happen but from the atheist perspective, they are at the point in their lives of recognizing the danger of belief systems and they just want to think rationally.
