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Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

“Waves of refugees in their millions will be unleashed…reaching far into…the USA”: Billy Meier, 1947

“…criminals, antisocial human beings and convicted rapists and murderers, as well as others who will be elements threatening the security of the populations and the order of Europe and America.”

Interesting but…Ineffectual

Tucker Carlson recently interviewed Bret Weinstein about the migrant/refugee crisis. Weinstein is a scientist, professor and the brother of Eric Weinstein, who’s apparently had his 15-minutes-in-the-spotlight as a “UFO expert”.

Certainly both are very intelligent, successful people. Bret Weinstein, a very calm, thoughtful, studied person, described his firsthand experiences observing and interacting with people directly involved in the ongoing humanitarian crisis and tragedy at the Darien Gap – which is clearing a staging area for invading the US.

The interview is well worth watching and educational in a number of ways. But while it touched upon potential threats to our country, Weinstein, and to some degree Carlson, seemed detached and distant from the reality of the clear and present danger to the country. Though both are very well-spoken people, Neither Carlson nor Weinstein are really men of action. To me they came off as ineffectual.

Of course had Weinstein ever deigned to read, let alone respond to, the emails we sent him, in April 2023, with a lot of information regarding the Meier’s material, being as intellectually developed as he is, he might have then found his way to the very specific warnings about the refuge crisis, its origins and – consequences for America – such as these:

From Sfath, in 1947:

5. In particular, large masses of refugees from Islamic countries will enter and settle in the Nordic countries of Europe, especially in Germany, due to calls from an irresponsible ruler who will cause mass exodus of human beings especially from Africa, Arabia and the Near East.


75. Otherwise, the industrialised countries will be flooded with economic refugees and asylum seekers, mainly from the African continent, which will turn everything into an insoluble problem.

76. And this will also be the case when refugees from the Middle East from war-torn countries and from an Islamic terrorist organisation (note Billy: Islamist = Islamist State) will break into Europe, among them many criminals, violent criminals and terrorists.


290. However, all armies and countries involved will then erroneously assume that this Islamic degenerated terrorist organisation will have come to an end, which will by no means be the case, because the view of the future proves that this terrorist organisation will continue to exist worldwide in secret, with thousands of fugitive perpetrators of the original terrorist organisation returning unmolested to their home countries or being sheltered and protected as fraudulent ‘refugees’ in some country or other.

291. In particular, the emerging Union dictatorship and a self-important and power-obsessed, yet incompetent and in various respects insane, state leader in Germany will advocate ‘open hands’ to offer shelter and protection to returnees and fugitives from the Islamic terrorist organisation (note Billy: = IS = Islamic State), as well as millions of refugees from developing countries and from Arabia.

292. This, however, will lead to a certain Islamisation in Europe, but especially in Germany, and will partly be marked by criminality and serious violent crimes.

293. This will especially be the case due to criminal and criminal elements, who will infiltrate Germany as refugees from the Islamic terrorist organisations in Syria and Iraq, etc., due to the unpredictable state leaders and their stupidity, which will not only lead to a peaceful Islamisation, but also to a special criminal and criminal Islamisation (Note: Billy = Islamistisation).

294. But from this will arise catastrophic antisocial conditions and a rapidly spreading criminality and crime subculture, which then cannot be reversed even by all kinds of new laws and regulations and special task forces.


 301.The time will also come in the new millennium when millions of refugees from African, Asian and Arab countries will flood the European states because an unpredictable ruler in Germany and contributor to the dictatorship union will call for refugee behaviour in Africa, Arabia and Asia.

In 1947, young Eduard Albert Meier had already been shown future events that are now clearly upon us:

“All this will inevitably happen while waves of refugees in their millions will be unleashed and already underway, reaching far into South America, Africa, the Orient, the Middle East and the Far East, with the USA and Europe as their destinations, particularly sought out and targeted as wealthy states. Europe in particular will be overrun by floods of refugees, because it is regarded everywhere in the Third World countries as the states where milk and honey flow. But this is why there will be many deaths among the refugees who will not make it to Europe and America, because they will die as a result of loss of strength and illness, or they will otherwise lose their lives because they are unable to cope with everything. However, Europe must prepare itself early and take tough action, otherwise it will be overrun by the floods of refugees. There is still time, but soon the opportunity will be gone.”

In 1948, Sfath made these predictions/observations of things to come:

199. In her further might behaviour, the might-holder will, in total irrationality, call forth unimaginable masses of refugees from Africa, Arabia and Asia, as a result of which millions of refugees from underdeveloped Third World countries and from war zones will migrate and creep into Europe, leading to serious problems as well as to many criminal, felonious and terrorist actions and deeds.
200. But this will not be recognised by her supporters of low intelligence, nor will the fact that all the politicians who are on her side and support her will not recognise the true political problems, for which reason many among them also will not recognise the entire refugee problem.
201. Fundamentally, they will all be egoistic, imperious, self-obsessed and incapable, and therefore they will not recognise the truth and the precarious refugee situation, whereby they will simply ignore the fact that thousands of true and false refugees will lose their lives on their routes of escape to Europe.


In 1949, Meier reported:

“There are things and facts that the human beings of today are not yet able to imagine, such as what I have also mentioned elsewhere in other predictions. This, for example, that the future will bring refugees who, as a result of wars and poverty, unemployment and political turmoil, will burden the world, and mainly Europe and the USA, with problems that cannot be solved to everyone’s satisfaction. And it is estimated that by 2050 there will be some 250 million refugees who will leave their homes because of climate change and seek refuge in northern countries, hoping that they will then have an honest living. However, many will be ‘deported’ back to their original homeland, while among the refugees there will also be many remaining refugees who will be criminals, antisocial human beings and convicted rapists and murderers, as well as others who will be elements threatening the security of the populations and the order of Europe and America. These will see the continents of Europe and America as those in whose countries they hope to find their ‘happiness’ – as in the USA already in early times the Mafia, etc., as well as the immigrant Europeans who massacred the indigenous people with violence and murder and robbed them of their land.”

From Billy Meier, in 1958:

“Through mass tourism from the industrialised countries, these countries will become inundated with economic refugees from the entire world, as a monstrous problem with asylum seekers will become insoluble.”

In 2017, Billy Meier wrote the following:

6. Everything concerning refugees will continue to increasingly climb in the future, wherethrough finally on the Earth 250 to 350 million human beings will leave their homelands as refugees and spread themselves throughout the world. Regarding this especially Europe will bring forward the whole thing as a consequence of the mismanagement through the low intelligence of false humanitarian governors and groups of the population, wherethrough new afflictions and illnesses are called forth and will spread confusion, whereby also the hostility towards foreigners will increase as will the race-hatred, religious-hatred and sect-hatred, the criminality and the felony.

Perhaps of special interest is this statement and how it’s to be interpreted:

In 1987, Meier published this:

191. The USA will set out against the Eastern countries ahead of all other financial states and simultaneously it will have to defend itself against the Eastern intruders.

224. Not only will America, but also all other Western industrial countries which still live at the beginning of the new millennium in the delusion that they could dominate and rule over underdeveloped nations, i.e., Third World countries, will not only soon lose influence over these but must defend themselves against them.

Many people who’ve studied the Meier material have interpreted these statements to mean an invasion of armed troops from the east coast. However, while that may also be, there are already very large numbers of military-age Chinese and other males that continue to cross freely into the US. Obviously, this couldn’t happen without the deliberate, cynical complicity of the current president and other parties, public and behind the scenes, who have sold out the country and its citizens for personal power. That’s called treason.

However, it may now be too late for effective action to protect the country. People’s enthusiasm for embracing anti-life, anti-peace, advantage-oriented, conflict-promoting, poisonous, partisan politics has rendered the masses effectively as dumb as dirt. And with vast numbers of people also believing in imaginary Sky Daddies, saviors, demons and angels, rational thinking, reasoning and evolutive progress are not on the horizon.

While there are various people and groups who are speaking out – and some who are mobilizing and intending to “protect the border” – the prospect of…civil war now looms ever larger, already exacerbated for some time by the polarizing situation with Trump, etc.

Is This the Hurricane Before the…REAL Storm?

Was another one of Billy Meier’s predictions just confirmed? Just recently, Northern Europe was hit by a powerful storm packing hurricane-force winds.

Could that have been what was spoken about in the Henoch Prophecies:

248. Yet Russia will not rest and will attack Scandinavia, and in doing so will embroil all of Europe. And months before that, a terrible hurricane will have swept across northern Europe, causing great devastation and destruction.

Since these constantly-fulfilling prophecies are now effectively predictions, one way or the other, it looks like the Russian attacks will occur with certainty…as the time fulfills.


Thanks to Ashley_Sub-Saharan who also sent this recent article on the storm.

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Ant Virgil

The Illegal Migrant are already here Colorado is over populated with them, Colorado Springs is a prime example south of Denver. Nicaraguans Venezuelans Africans you name it. I moved it got so bad. I moved to Oklahoma. I was the out cast in my own city. Even the Police were Migrants.

Sharon Stephens

Destroying America: United Nations Budgets Millions For U.S.-Bound Migrants In 2024

Wanda J Hernandez

Sadly it is everywhere and it will be a civil war, just around the corner.

David Bozman AKA Geosynchronous

I keep searching for any sub-atomic clues within the reports and such, regarding any clues for a more accurate time on which our lives will be in danger, Even the year would suffice, but I have come up empty handed. So perhaps when they sky starts to glow yellow. Then we’ll know.


Wanda J Hernandez

I tried to sent this information through Whatapp, and it is on hold due to “Terms and conditions”, blablabla. We’ll see.


praise be to AI and all its bamboozled programmers and all their funny beliefs these days
(note sarcasm if not evident)

Simon Walsh

It’s all looking like any day now. Maybe years away. And before the world war starts England is attacked from the East. Not looking good at all. But I wonder if the refugees come first ? Anyone have any thoughts on that ? As he says by 2050 all the millions and millions of refugees flood in. Just wonder what’s first to be. It’s obviously always good to know what’s coming, even if it is all evil and terror.

Vincent Zack

Today during the FIGU Canada meeting we had a special guest “Christian Frehner” one of the Core Group members at the SSSC. Billy is doing just fine. It was a great meeting. The Sun is moving into a Pole Shift soon and the City is going to be the last place anyone should be. The Power grid is predicted to go down so people get ready. Get your solar panels and have at least 3 weeks of food, water, medicine and what ever you think you might need. We are all in this together.


Chris Day

I have been following what has been happening to the sun as well as the earths magnetic field weakening for many years now, Usually a solar polar field reversal has little effect here on earth thanks to our magnetic protection. Is there something unusual about this flip that we should be concerned with or is it likely to produce CME’s and flares directed at earth that the current magnetic field cant protect us (i.e. our weak technology) from? I know eventually we are due a flip here on earth.. If you have any more information or I would like to know more.

Vincent Zack

X class flares. Earth directed flares. We have been very lucky so far but the next phase is about to unfold. There was no date given but we were told to be prepared for such an event.


Simon Walsh

Me to Chris, I’d like to know and hear more. It sounds heavy. It’s all doom at the moment it seems. From war, world war, the sun flares etc etc etc, it’s never ending. Roll on all destruction so the good can prevail. Long time away I know. Heavy times ahead with absolute no escape besides living in neutrality regardless of what comes, which puts me and the most s##t out of luck, as us earth humans say, lol!!

Simon Walsh

Hi Vincent, is this meeting recorded or written up with what was said during the meeting. As it sounds pretty serious, I’d be appreciative if it was possible to find out more on this subject. Thank you. Salome


Hi Vincent

Thank you for your information.

You mention “The Sun is moving into a Pole Shift soon and the City is going to be the last place anyone should be. The Power grid is predicted to go down so people get ready.”

If I look at: 
…I don’t see any warnings about the sun – in the context of the solar cycle, I known that during the center of a solar cycle, the magnetic field on the sun reverses completely. The north magnetic pole switches to south, and south magnetic pole switches to the north. Sunspots which do have Bipolar magnetic configurations, also do a flip from one cycle to another, typically during the transition from one cycle to the next. Sunspots are responsible for violent explosions, known as Solar Flares.

So if I look at solar cycle 25, which is the current one – on this page:
Under “Details” they mention:
“The Prediction Panel predicted Cycle 25 to reach a maximum of 115 occurring in July, 2025. The error bars on this prediction mean the panel expects the cycle maximum could be between 105-125 with the peak occurring between November 2024 and March 2026”

It all seems normal according to science – but I have 3 months stock of necessities.


Robert Dawson

Eddie, you can find some information here:

“Solar Surprise: The Sun’s magnetic poles will flip earlier than expected”

Chris Day

The threat from the sun is ongoing much like the threat from asteroids, It is “normal” according to science but science downplays the risks of nuclear power, asteroid Apophis and other potential disasters waiting to happen, like there was no chance at all.

Currently we are in the midst of the maximum which means any day the sun could send out a killshot that would wipe us out, its just a matter of luck which side its pointing to at the time as we currently have no way to predict it other than looking at the magnetic fields of the sun especially the type of sunspot which is pointing at us at the time. If one pops and a very large flare like this one
that would cause our power grids to be unrepairable damaged, after 2 weeks most nuclear power stations would run out of backup power (if the systems withstood the initial disruption which would be questionable) and would subsequently melt down, when it is mentioned that nuclear power is safe, I often wonder if this is considered.
If you want to monitor CMEs trajectory the enlil spiral is a useful tool:

I always like: for keeping an eye on what happening.
as you can see the chances for X flares are currently quite high and when the sunspots are in an earth facing orientation, which happens periodically, its like someone waving a loaded shotgun in your direction when you don’t know when the trigger will be pulled.


does michael horn agree with this…is this something we should be worried about

Basil Miracle

You said something in your last entry Michael that really made me ask a very simple question.

“While Meier clearly warned, years ago, that an attack on Iran could result in Russia and China attacking the US, another stupid thing you can expect, should the US actually attack Iran and if the blowback from Russia against the US isn’t immediate, skeptics will actually complain and point out that we haven’t been attacked…yet.”

As all of these prophecies become predictions and they fulfill themselves one after another, as they have unceasingly, I wonder at the shear stupidity. So, I would ask any critic of Billy Meier’s who say that this or that hasn’t happened yet; Do you stop believing in trains or buses when they are late to pick you up? Because if one follows that illogic of “Well such and such hasn’t happened yet!”, then you clearly shouldn’t believe in a bus that is late to its stop(I say believe, because they clearly don’t think). Some many of the prophecies have already pulled into the station, so to speak, clearly showing their validity.

Tim Thomas

Which Russian prophecies have become predictions?

I don’t “believe” Michael when he writes
“Since these constantly-fulfilling prophecies are now effectively predictions, one way or the other, it looks like the Russian attacks will occur with certainty”

Do you?

Contact Report 863:

“The prophecy – – Wait, this should actually be said once for the sake of understanding: A prophecy is generally but from time immemorial misunderstood by human beings. This is because a prophecy is actually a threat and not a prediction, but also a reminder that people should not continue to muddle along in the same bad manner as they have done up to now, because otherwise a negative result will result. It is to be said that a prophecy is something that predicts what can happen, especially when everything is done and acted in the same manner as it is done at present and also in the future, so that the result is what the prophecy warns. If, however, the whole course of action changes for the better and everything is henceforth done in accordance with correctness, then a prophecy referring to it will not be fulfilled, for then what was prophesied will not be fulfilled and everything will change into something better, then everything will be good. Now, as far as a prediction is concerned, it is based on an effective certainty of a thing or an event etc. that is unchangeable and will be true and come true or happen with 100% certainty if everything has been done resp. done correctly. On the other hand, a prediction inevitably comes true and cannot be influenced, changed or stopped with the best words, efforts, actions and thus with the greatest efforts or with the highest attainable willpower of thought or otherwise. A prediction is based on something that will come to pass and thus happen under all circumstances, and this also when everything possible speaks against its fulfilment. This should be said and explained once, so that human beings may correctly understand the difference between prophecy and prediction.
What is to be said in clarification with regard to prophecy concerning Russia applies to all prophecies about Russia that I have written, for all of them have become null and void, and that because everything has changed for the best through correct words and correct action. This is precisely because everything has turned out in such a manner that what the prophecies warned about has turned out to be good through a total improvement and transformation. And for the fact that everything changed and resulted for the best and good, a responsible man appeared in the USSR in 1985, who consciously and courageously stood up for the fact that security and, in many cases, freedom and peace were spreading in the West. This happened especially in Germany, but also in East Germany – the GDR dictatorship, which collapsed, made everything possible – which were able to reunite.“

Mary Lynn McKenzie

It’s an invasion and no one is doing anything? It’s like the minds of the masses are shut off? Where is the switch to turn them back on?


When your in the dark it is hard to find the switch.

This is ( in my opinion) the catalyst that is building up to the anger of peoples in America that can be the final straw to have a civil war. When people see destruction in other countries. be it , political, war, famine or overpopulation. The fear of having it come their homeland is unsettling. Eventually it can filter up into Canada ugh.

Robert Dawson

Now, perhaps, present day Americans can better understand and empathize with the indigenous native Americans when our European forefathers first invaded and overwhelmed their country, bringing diseases that the Indians had no immunity for and resulting in genocide of entire tribes. The shoe is on the other foot.

Eusebio Apellido

The “on” switch could be “The Goblet of the Truth”. It does require for folks to not only read but understand and comprehend. So it may require for the masses to pick one up and choose to learn from it of their own volition in order to become wise. Yet with movies, sports, cinema, tic-toc, etc., folks of today (speaking in general and in observation) would rather pick up their phones, because it beeps and tweets for their attention, than read a book.

Paul Johnson

Hey do you guys know any techniques on how to convert the contact reports into something audible? Instead of dabbling into the contact reports(like I have been doing for a few years now), I made the decision to actually commit to reading ALL the contact reports. But I don’t have an unlimited amount of free time so trying to find a way to convert them into some kind of audio book thingy would really help.

So far, I basically take contact reports, copy/paste them into LibreOffice Writer, and use a plugin program to “read the CRs to me” while I’m doing something.

Is there a better way of doing that? I found a youtube channel that does it but it doesn’t cover ALL the contact reports, and I’m starting over with contact report #1 and will be going through them in chronological order.

wish me luck!

David B

I use it to listen while I tinker about doing this or that.
Copy – Paste – Listen


Stephen Lane

The SKiLLsSoLoN youtube channel provides audio contact reports. For instance:

Paul Johnson

thanks. yeah this is the youtube channel I was referring to. those videos are the ones that gave me the idea to do this. Have you seen their ai art of one of the Plejarens talking? so cool.


@Michael Horn, just a slight correction. I didn’t send the article.

I made a tongue in cheek reply to user B. S. in the comments.

Apologies for any confusion caused.


Tim Thomas

Contact Report 863:

“The prophecy – – Wait, this should actually be said once for the sake of understanding: A prophecy is generally but from time immemorial misunderstood by human beings. This is because a prophecy is actually a threat and not a prediction, but also a reminder that people should not continue to muddle along in the same bad manner as they have done up to now, because otherwise a negative result will result. It is to be said that a prophecy is something that predicts what can happen, especially when everything is done and acted in the same manner as it is done at present and also in the future, so that the result is what the prophecy warns. If, however, the whole course of action changes for the better and everything is henceforth done in accordance with correctness, then a prophecy referring to it will not be fulfilled, for then what was prophesied will not be fulfilled and everything will change into something better, then everything will be good. Now, as far as a prediction is concerned, it is based on an effective certainty of a thing or an event etc. that is unchangeable and will be true and come true or happen with 100% certainty if everything has been done resp. done correctly. On the other hand, a prediction inevitably comes true and cannot be influenced, changed or stopped with the best words, efforts, actions and thus with the greatest efforts or with the highest attainable willpower of thought or otherwise. A prediction is based on something that will come to pass and thus happen under all circumstances, and this also when everything possible speaks against its fulfilment. This should be said and explained once, so that human beings may correctly understand the difference between prophecy and prediction.
What is to be said in clarification with regard to prophecy concerning Russia applies to all prophecies about Russia that I have written, for all of them have become null and void, and that because everything has changed for the best through correct words and correct action. This is precisely because everything has turned out in such a manner that what the prophecies warned about has turned out to be good through a total improvement and transformation. And for the fact that everything changed and resulted for the best and good, a responsible man appeared in the USSR in 1985, who consciously and courageously stood up for the fact that security and, in many cases, freedom and peace were spreading in the West. This happened especially in Germany, but also in East Germany – the GDR dictatorship, which collapsed, made everything possible – which were able to reunite. The big ‘thank you’ for this today is criminally provided by those depraved neo-Nazis in the German government who supply weapons etc. to Zelensky and thereby perpetuate the war and murder in Ukraine, costing many thousands of human lives. But all these ethically and morally severely depraved neo-Nazi elements in the government of Germany do not care, because they do not – yet – have to take the rap for their own heads, which particularly concerns certain megalomaniac, inexperienced and partisan as well as lousy neo-Nazi elements in the top incompetent German leadership and Foreign Ministry. However, the fact that America is behind the war in Ukraine in the first place – but covertly and secretly – and that it is arranging everything, is deliberately kept strictly quiet. Namely, it did not fit into America’s craving for hegemony that it could not bring its ‘NATO’ to Ukraine because Russia was against it and vehemently defended itself. Already in the past, contrary to the promise that NATO would not expand against Russia’s borders, this promise was broken and finally everything was thrown overboard, consequently country after country was taken over and NATO spread and settled in – of course secretly arranged by America. So, America’s NATO desire eventually led to war in Ukraine, which, caught up in hegemony mania, wanted to put its NATO on Russia’s doorstep, but Russia resisted until Russia’s leadership ran out of patience and Putin, with their consent, unleashed the war in Ukraine. Of course, this was and is a crime, as every war was and is today, as it will also be tomorrow and into the distant future. But if Russia had not started this war in Ukraine, America would have done so in a much worse way, just think of the crimes of the American military and of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the last world war from 1939 to 1945. Truly the NAZIs did catastrophically bad, inhuman and criminal things, but what America has done in bringing the atomic age into being and developing and using the atomic bomb is far more evil and worse, which will be carried further into the future.“

Chuck Torbyn

And what if Germany had developed the Bomb first?

Mark Rudd

Your cholesterol might be a little lower. But a valid point is raised, can the fulfilled contact reports get an asterisk? We are expending energy on CR’s that are not valid anymore. In the future naysayers can point to them and say that Billy was full of erroneous statements. Just like the “fact checkers” of the Talmud of Jmmanuel.

Tim Thomas

I did notice that. (And figured you’d latch onto that.)

The Henoch Prophecies are still a gray area, although Billy did write the Henoch Prophecies down.

However, they are not the Henoch Predictions.

Melissa Osaki

Michael also hasn’t forced anyone to think or believe anything, and he doesn’t have to change his own thinking and thoughts to fall in line or submit to someone else’s beliefs. I’m not sure why it keeps being harped on whether or not someone believes Michael. Who cares?

Melissa Osaki

For anyone who has trouble recognizing the current and coming fulfillment of the prophecies.

Aside from being warned by Billy about the no longer alterable events, some of the most precise clues can be found in the book, Prophetien und Voraussagen. It is one of the greatest collections of Prophecies and Predictions all in one place. The clues are found in the cosmic and global events, which are a sign of the times.

As mentioned by Bernadette Brand, the answers are there if we take the time to contemplate everything, but each individual must do this themselves.

It will likely be scoffed at by some individuals, but this is for anyone and everyone who wants to take it upon themselves to read and understand everything.  

About the Future Prospects
By Bernadette Brand, Switzerland

“In connection with the contact reports, in which world events are teeming with little dots that make us fear the worst, it seems appropriate to once again refer to the book ‘Prophetien und Voraussagen’ (Prophecies and Predictions) and to take a closer look at it, which unveils many a little dot …

This book is especially recommended to human beings who, in their religious and worldly faith, in their arrogance and self-assurance, ignore all the warning signs and, in the self-righteous opinion that they will ‘rock the boat’, ignore them with a smile on their faces. Life has its own laws and these laws often and repeatedly ensure that those who thoughtlessly indulge in their illusions and self-created fantasies as well as their delusions of power and in their arrogance think that they can turn them into reality and ‘shape’ the future in their favour or according to their will and discretion are caught up by the facts. Stupidity, arrogance, indifference, greed for might and money, irresponsibility, faithlessness and egoism never pay off and ultimately present those affected with their bill.”

Prophecies: Thursday, 4th March 1976, 3:16 hrs

Now it is approaching upon the world, the cruel time, when death and destruction are rushing furiously over the Earth. From the far West – and also from the far East – it is approaching as the very last, deadly warning lesson. It is shaken, the old Mother Earth, badly and wickedly; a mad work of Earth-humans – their insane salvation. Earthquakes will now rip the interior of the Earth apart, destroy human lives, buildings, herds, when the giant warriors come from the deep jungles of Peru, murdering and robbing women, rolling over villages and settlements. This is the last sign of the coming evil time, when the old Inca enemy cries out again, murdering and robbing, breaking out of his centuries-old hiding place in the jungle, where he dwells in leaf huts and in a deep earth tunnel. In Peru, after Udine, the first great quake will also roll, when deep in the bowels of the earth fire and explosions rumble wickedly…

Tim Thomas

I agree.

But prophecies don’t become predictions until they happen.

And shouldn’t be represented as such.

I haven’t seen anywhere where Billy writes or says that the Henoch Prophecies have become the Henoch Predictions.

Especially in regards to the Russian prophecies.

What I know Billy said recently was, “What is to be said in clarification with regard to prophecy concerning Russia applies to all prophecies about Russia that I have written, for all of them have become null and void,”

Can you prove the following claim?

“Since these constantly-fulfilling prophecies are now effectively predictions, one way or the other, it looks like the Russian attacks will occur with certainty…”

Melissa Osaki

Prophecies become predictions when they pass the point of no return, not after they happen. If the people don’t change their thinking, thoughts and deeds by a certain point, it becomes too late, which means that the prophecies will fulfill. Nothing has changed for the better, so we have already passed the point of no return. Billy has already said that the prophecies are now predictions.

Tim Thomas

Where has Billy said this?

All of the prophecies?

Did he say it before he said, “What is to be said in clarification with regard to prophecy concerning Russia applies to all prophecies about Russia that I have written, for all of them have become null and void,”

That wouldn’t make sense.


Germany was not going to win that war due to the nature of the, as Billy puts it, “catastrophically bad, inhuman and criminal things” ongoing in the system that led to inefficiencies, shortages, and replacement of folks with incompetent believers. Many people seem confused at the point where too much belief leaves the person at the mercy of stupid. I wager Billy to be correct that over belief tends to wear down on the intellectual capacity of folks to see things for what they are. Hermann Goering famously said if the Leader wished it then 2 + 2 equals 5 as an example. It’s no wonder there were never enough planes to deliver food to the beleaguered 6th Army in Stalingrad when most of the folks can’t do math properly.

Chuck Torbyn

Germany was definitely losing. The only point I wanted to make was that it seems inevitable the Bomb was going to be created. It was just the US that got there first instead of Germany.

John Webster

Would you not be best advised to REVISE how you use english to make your points better received. ‘exempli gratia’ . . your sentence, “It was just the US that got there first instead of Germany.”

Chuck Torbyn

My English is a problem for you? I was more concerned that America gets blamed for developing the Bomb when Germany was already working on it but fate stepped in and had us do it first! It was only a matter of time before SOMEBODY did it. I just wonder what would have happened if it hadn’t been us. Is THAT clear enough for you?

John Webster

Maybe it’s a question of semantics [the US or Germany] . . . I give you a ‘like’ . . . and include that, the point I offer is, prior to the rise of the Third Reich, there were German physicists influencing the development of ‘the bomb’. So, I was merely questioning your, “It was just the US that got there first instead of Germany.” Let me know if I’m unclear to you. Salome

John Webster

. . . I failed to include, that Germans were in the US working the bomb.

Chuck Torbyn

But America successfully exploded it first! That’s all.

David B

Ring Ring ! “The Government, How can I help you?”
Yes. I would like a refund on my taxes because the 25 billion ya’ll are
spending, every year, to keep our borders secure isn’t being done.

Vincent Zack

Hello Mellissa, Michael and all. In the CR’s it is written that we create a “We” form a second “I”. Does the we form exist on this plane of existence or in another spiritual realm? Can anyone answer this question?



I would image that to be the Arahat Athersata or “the precious one who contemplates the times”. As Mike mentioned he gave Eric Weinstein the Meier material, I got a sense of that from one of his Rogan talk on Time Travel which sounded like a vague version of the Arahat Athersata.


Speaking about the AA:

*247. That is why this knowledge appears to him like a book with seven seals.
248. But this, therefore, is also because the great masses of humans were hardly aware of this power until now, because it was kept secret from them, over millennia, by those who were most exactly oriented (about it), and in the picture.
249. They were often forbidden, under penalty of death, to give away their knowledge, understanding and ability.
250. As the most strictly forbidden knowledge, everything was incorporated into the secret sciences, to which no normal outsider ever had access.*


As Billy is referring to folks ‘in picture’, which means Earth Humanity at least to me, is this the Dark Order?

Robert Dawson

Vincent, that occurs at the pure spiritual levels where the pure spirit-forms are connected in WE-forms or WIR-Gesamtheitsform. Although they exist individually as single spirit-forms, they exist as a unit in the overall WE-form block. An analogy given in the teachings is a drop of color in a pot of clear water – the colored drop exists, but is no longer recognizable as such in the pot of water. This also means that a block only develops as a whole, as a WE-form and can only reach the next level as such.

There are WE-forms in each of the seven pure spirit-form levels, starting with Arahat Athersata up to the last level before merging with the creation, which is Petale.

After the transition or fusion of a pure spirit form WE block into the spirit-energy-block of creation universal consciousness, there are no longer any individual single spirit forms, but only the spirit energy universal consciousness or Schopfung Universalbewusstsein.

Vincent Zack

Thank You Robert. I appreciate your effort…it will take me sometime to truly understand these words. As for what is going on in this world at the moment…I can no longer watch the news, people in my neck of the woods are not in their right mind. So much hate and discrimination, nobody really cares for the poor and destitute. They have no idea of the concept of living in a free and open society. Not a clue about the spirit that dwells within them. I have been so happy as of late and witnessed the lowest act of pure discrimination. It’s overwhelming. On these supposed “News” sites there are bots that spread pure hateful comments turning people against each other. They really don’t want us to unite in a spiritual way. They want WAR!!! Bravo. Where are all the PEACE PROTESTORS???? At one time people really use to care about this world. Everybody is asleep at the wheel! UUhhgg!!!!


Probably goes somewhat to explain roughly how the Sonaer are able to essentially just appear from one place to another without necessarily traveling through space to achieve it. If you consider Billy’s original Great Journey with the P’s to what Ptaah is explaining stuff they didn’t have 30 years back for example in the below CR report:

Mark Rudd

Since it would appear that a worldwide power outage is brewing, are there any books or contact reports that should be purchased or downloaded before the end? Obviously, ALL communications from FIGU would cease, and also solar panels are NOT protected from excess solar electricity.