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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Whistleblowers on COVID-19 Frontlines in NYC, LA Reveal CDC Cover-up



  • Swiss source published how to contain COVID-19 three weeks ago, CDC still hampering
  • Doctor on frontlines in NYC says CDC hampering efforts, putting medical personnel, patents and public at greater risk
  • Respiratory Therapist in L.A. confirms dangerous conditions exist at UCLA, St. Jude, Torrance Memorial hospitals
  • Real incubation up to THREE MONTHS, airborne nature portend crisis for months unless protocols implemented
  • Accurate info first published on February 25, more than three weeks before most info known or implemented

On February 25, Swiss sources provided all the – now confirmed as accurate – information pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, many critical warnings in this information have not yet been heeded.

Within days of publication, a whistleblower physician on the frontlines at a major hospital in NYC, confirmed that the Swiss information was 100% accurate and that the CDC was still hampering efforts of all medical personnel, nationwide, and thereby endangering their health and safety and that of patients and the public as well.

Shortly thereafter, a Respiratory Therapist, working at UCLA, St. Jude and Torrance Memorial hospitals in Los Angeles, reported the same issues at these facilities are posing a great risk to all concerned. Additional information received from the Swiss sources, on March 16, reveal additional details – still unknown to our medical authorities – about the actual scope of the airborne transmission of the COVID-19 virus.

Whistleblowers will interview with mainstream media, provide detailed critically important protocols for all hospitals to protect medical personnel, patients and the public


Please contact: 

Michael Horn

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Karrol Steeves

I just came from the Denver International Airport. My son came home from Australia because there is no work for him. We explained that he would have to go into quarantine which he agreed to. We wore N95 masks to pick him up, we gave him and his girlfriend masks, and hand sanitizer, and took them directly to be quarantined. We had to come home and disinfect our vehicle, clothing, etc.. My son told us that no precautions were taken by the Melbourne Airport, LAX, nor the Denver Airport. No questions were asked about where they had been, no temperature checks. Only a few people were wearing masks and these were Asian travelers yet they are telling us people are being screened. All they cared about were their passports and wanted to know if my son’s girlfriend had a job (she is a French Citizen). It seems the airport personnel are not being protected either. It is going to be very difficult to get this viru under control with such a careless attitude.

Melissa Osaki

That’s quite disturbing, Karrol. Please take care of yourself and I hope that your son and his girlfriend receive a clean bill of health.

Diane Grebe

I agree with Karrol. Here in the US it will take a long time to get this under control. It is so amazing to me that there are so many that just won’t listen and do what they should be doing. I can’t believe at airports they are not checking people’s temperatures at the very minimum. Why do some people have a complete lack of regard for themselves and other people. They do not like having their life disrupted. I have an older brother who is 79 years old with prostate cancer that has metastasized to his bladder. They are controlling it. Well he is going to have his car serviced today. He said he is wearing a mask. He lives in S.C. How do you talk to these people. There are so many mistakes being made that we will have to figure out and also what to do with people who will not comply. This is partly why Italy is in the predicament its in. They just thought it was a bad flu and did not want to alter their precious lifestyles. I used to think it was just my brother’s generation (the baby boomers), but then I saw the college kids on the beaches in Florida and vaping!!!! Nope it’s everyone. We are stupid.

Good luck everyone
Diane Grebe

Barry Smith

Will share this on Facebook. Fingers crossed they don’t block it or take it down. It’s obvious why the virus is spreading in America, airport workers without full masks, no screening, etc. it’s almost like they want to quarantine the ENTIRE country.

Norm DeCindis

If you look at the Russian airports its totally different they are completely covered.

Terry Carch

Hi Norm After not being on the internet ro seven months,I just found out that my avorite ballet dancer who is Russian fro the Bolshoi Ballet has no planned performances untill after April 10th so due to COVID19 so the Bolshoi Threatre is closed and shut down until after April 10th, so I guess Russia is also shutting down too just like the US of A as is everywhere on else here on Earth due to COVID 19.

Mark Leaver

If you want to help out, contact Michael Horn to see how you can help out. There is a lot that can be done.

Enkhtur Sangg Byambaa

I see, in this response situation, former Communist satellite nations and nations with traditional stringent attitude doing well in response activities. And nations with, mostly, ethnically homogeneous nations excelling at it. There is an attitude ‘thing’ is going on also. Our people on earth are too biased and too misunderstanding ‘responsibility’ from derived freedom. Freedom to be lax is one main features of people on this ‘damned’ planet, I guess. And, we earthlings look for someone ( could be anyone from dictator to psycho actor ) who would set order and discipline from God sent messiah, or heaven for that matter; albeit taking responsibility and taking actions thus realizing part of active system being human-conscious Being.

April Mckenzie

Mom found this today…. figured its worth sharing…
I cannot at all testify for or against it’s accuracy… surely not entirely, but it might be helpful to folks… it offers a self-treatment guide/plan… and frankly with the hospital war-zone in a virus cloud, folks may have better luck with this… but I’m surely no doctor and little do I know… 🙂

April Mckenzie

…also note this March 11 article of an overview of a study awaiting peer review:

…the study results basically agree with the Plejaren data given Feb 25 and the further detail given March 16 regarding airborne transmission, how long it lingers in the air and also how long it lives once landing on surfaces…

Tony Vasquez

As the US economy continues to be destroyed because people are losing their jobs, and only purchasing the bare necessities, we’ll see other serious issues arise. How will you pay your rent or mortgage if your job qualifications are in a field that is now considered a luxury or non essential? How will you keep your utilities on when you’re not making any money? How will you feed your family, keep a roof over your head, pay for medical care, and maintain a vehicle?

If you’ve never been through personal financial hardship before, you could be in for a terrible reality check when the cost of your most basic essentials is out of reach. But many of us have been there. We can tell you that it often makes you feel powerless – it’s very difficult, depressing, and humiliating.

If you have prepped for disruptions, you’ll be okay for a while. You will have used up a lot of your stored goods getting through the quarantines, should they occur, and making up for the shortages in stores. This certainly gives you a jump on the crisis, but do you actually have enough for the 18 months to two years of disruption being predicted?

It’s scary for most people to think about surviving an economic depression, especially after we in America have been more or less pampered for most of our lives. But it’s better to face reality now than to be shocked by it later. Knowing ahead of time can prevent financial mistakes you’ll regret for years. Prepare now as well as you can. It’s going to get worse, much worse!

Things are going to look a lot different in 2021 than they did in 2019. More than 75 million Americans have already been locked down, and more states will likely follow suit in the days ahead. Of course our politicians are attempting to put a positive spin on their directives by referring to them as “shelter-in-place” orders, and they are promising us that they are only “temporary”. But less than 300 Americans have died during this pandemic so far, and many medical experts are warning that this is only the very beginning of this crisis. As long as the number of confirmed cases and the death toll are both rising at an exponential rate, these “shelter-in place” orders will remain in effect, and Americans will become increasingly frustrated about having to remain in their own homes.

In addition to California, New York and Illinois, the state of Connecticut has decided to lock down their citizens starting on Monday night, and Pennsylvania has ordered all businesses that are not “life-sustaining” to completely shut down. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, probably permanently!

We haven’t reached the point of a total “national lockdown” just yet, but it will sure start to feel like it as one state after another issues similar orders. The number of confirmed cases in the U.S. will pass the 20,000 mark this weekend, and we just learned that a member of Vice-President Mike Pence’s staff has tested positive.

This pandemic is going to change life in America permanently, and the truth is that COVID-19 is just one element of “the perfect storm” that is now upon us. Economic activity is coming to a screeching halt all over the nation, anger and frustration were already at extremely dangerous levels before this pandemic started, and if these lockdown orders stretch on for many months to come, which I think they will, it is only a matter of time before we see tremendous civil unrest start to erupt. As I mentioned in other comments, I think this pandemic is the beginning of the end of the USA that the Ps talked about that would start in 2020. Read my other comments on this blog for further information about this world shaking pandemic.

Michael Basal

Tony Vasquez, This is very well thought out and explained. I share your perspective and find it exactly correct. Life as we have, most have, known it has ended, Period! I seriously doubt anything will be quite the same ever again. Plus there is also, beyond all of this you have correctly stated, we are also ALL facing, rapidly escalating, abrupt, irreversible climate change now that will only add to this and make even worse, not better. I truly would like to offer any better outlook, but I cannot. We have been long forewarned, by Billy and the Plejaren, of these events we now are living in. As one of Michael’s film titles states; “And Did They Listen?” Answer; NO! To be fair, I personally do not think we ever had a chance, Oh we had choices, but there just were not enough people that found the case earlier and I cannot see anyway there is time left now, regardless..

I am sorry for everyone, especially young people. They have been cheated and most everyone will never even understand why.


Tony Vasquez

How things can change very quickly in our troubled world!There are powers that want to control the world and enslave everyone. They want Martial Law, the CHIP, and eventually the New World Order one world government, and they don’t care how many people they have to kill to achieve their goals. The Ps and Billy have been warning us of theses times since 1975. Those of us that have managed to stay alive are witnessing the time of the Henoch Prophecies.

Just a few weeks ago everything seemed completely normal to most people, but now fear of the coronavirus has caused many unusual things to happen, including the US economy and US stock prices to absolutely crash. The stock market crash of 2020 will forever be mentioned alongside the crashes of 1929, 1987 and 2008, and by the time it is over it could potentially end up being the largest of them all. Close to a third of all stock market wealth in the entire country has already been wiped out, and many experts are warning that the worst is yet to come. Of course, the authorities are going to do their very best to try to prop up the market, but despite the most dramatic intervention by the Federal Reserve that we have ever witnessed, US stocks just had their worst week since 2008. And It will get much worse!

The economy crashing will bring very high unemployment, no jobs/no money. That will bring extreme civil unrest and much crime and civil disobedience. That will bring Martial Law. One of the things that sets the United States apart from the rest of the world is that we are supposed to have certain civil liberties guaranteed to us by the US Constitution. Of course, the Constitution has been absolutely trampled on by many of our leaders for decades, but most Americans still deeply cherish the basic rights which are enshrined in our founding document.

Unfortunately, many of our politicians are convinced that all of those rights can be taken away during a “national emergency”, and these days the bar for declaring a “national emergency” has been set very low. Yes, this coronavirus pandemic is a major threat, and experts are warning that millions of Americans could die. But in the process of fighting this virus, we don’t want to relinquish the freedoms that previous generations of Americans fought so hard to secure for us. As history has demonstrated, once certain freedoms are gone they can be exceedingly difficult to get back. We are now being warned that this pandemic could last 18 months or longer, and losing any of our freedoms for that long, or longer, is absolutely unthinkable.

Unfortunately, some of our politicians are apparently thinking about the unthinkable, Martial Law.

I would like for you to consider very carefully something that California Governor Gavin Newsom recently told the media. Gov. Newsom in a Sunday presser said that martial law was not necessary to combat coronavirus in his state, yet. “If you want to establish a framework of martial law, which is ultimate authority and enforcement, we have the capacity to do that, but we are not feeling at this moment that is a necessity,” Newsom said. At this moment? Does that mean that later on it may become “a necessity”? And why would he even dare to use the term “martial law” anyway? Less than 300 Americans have died during this pandemic so far. Yes, the numbers are rising rapidly, but no politician in their right mind should be allowing the term “martial law” to escape from their lips!

Something else that’s very disturbing – This virus crisis is spreading throughout the nation at breakneck speed, and it is very deadly, but most Americans still seem to believe that this pandemic isn’t actually that serious. In fact, one new survey found that a whopping 62 percent of all Americans believe that the mainstream media has exaggerated the threat of this coronavirus. Well, I always say, “seeing is believing”. You will see this pandemic reach into the millions of victims, and the US economy will be crushed to the point that it will never recover. When will this happen – 6 months to 1 year. Is that serious enough for you! I hope I’m incorrect about this, but I don’t think I am. Prepare, be safe.

Michael Basal

Tony Vasquez,

You are, truly unfortunately, NOT wrong. Setting the Meier case and all that is in it aside for a moment, I saw and warned of much of this to many friends and family long prior to this just from research I was conducting outside the case. Once In found the case, several years ago, any doubt I may have had, CEASED! Incidentally, the cost of my warnings to them was most of my family and friends. I am almost totally alone now. So the 62% of Americans “believing” this coronavirus is exaggerated and overblown is no surprise to me personally. Sadly, from my perspective, way too many are now incapable of any independent thought or critical thinking. I will use a religious term, Very Reluctantly, to describe where I see us right now, “at the gates of Hell,”and starting to enter through them! There is no going back.

Sincerely, Salome to everyone.

Mark Weatherly

I have just completed watching a documentary entitled “Pandemic” on Netflix. The date that this info was garnered for this series (1-6 episodes), was at least several years ago and participants in it said that another flu-like contagion was coming and it would be big, although they could not speculate when. Was there any way to prepare, if no one knew anything about it? At least we have been given guidance from the Pleijarens, who are our ancestors and have had experience with this situation. My thanks and esteem to them, for trying to help through this malady. Mark Weatherly

Barry Smith

contagion is very similar, a movie about a virus from the Guangdong providence going global in 30 days, leading to the government suggesting social distancing, sanitizer, etc. coincidence ?

Barry Smith

After 2020 if nothing changes for the better , America could no longer be a superpower.

Tony Vasquez

That’s correct Barry, but also because of many serious things, including Economic Depression, Martial Law, and civil wars, according to the Ps, the USA will break up into 5 independent areas after 2020. In my opinion, that will happen sooner than later. 5 independent “countries” that will probably not get along very well. This extremely dire pandemic, where one person is dying from it per hour in NYC, that is crushing the US economy, that will bring extreme social unrest and Martial Law, is the first step in that direction. Fasten your seat belt, prepare to crash, there’s no avoiding it!

Barry Smith

Maybe we could put the infected on medical ships, help them recover, meantime the virus can’t continue to spread into neighborhoods . It would be offshore separating it from everyone else = containment. One ship has 1,000 hospital beds, all the needed lab tech, etc.

Tony Vasquez

That might help a little, but in my opinion there are 500k to 1mil infected Americans already, and growing. We will know the numbers better in 2-4 weeks. I think the only thing that can stop this horrific pandemic is a cure or vaccine, which is at least 1 year away. I don’t believe that it has slowed down in China through social distancing. The Chinese ALWAYS lie. Every government lies. They think they have to in order to save their economies. Also, I am totally against unrealistic wishful thinking and false hope pandering related to this pandemic! Trump is the worst offender in that regard.

Nicotiana Al-Wethanani

There are vitamins such as C, D3, Selenium and antivirals such as echinacia, raw chopped garlic and ginger, turmeric, elderberry extract and spirulina that kill virus and boost the immune system. In light of the fact that there is little treatment and no vaccine, the prudent thing to do would be to take vitamins and natural antivirals.

Tony Vasquez

Sorry, there is no scientific clinical proof that any herb or plant can kill a virus. They can strengthen your immune system, which can lessen the symptoms of a viral infection, which is good, of course, but they cannot kill it. Do your absolute best to not contract this bioweapon virus, which IS bioengineered to have HIV, FLU, and PNEUMONIA IN IT. My niece, who is a doctor, and was working in a hospital in NYC, tested positive for the coronavirus 3 days ago. She is very sick today. She is 30 years old and previously healthy. Trust me, there is no cure for it!

Andrew Grimshaw

The Way to Live
496: When one recognises that the nature of the consciousness is identical, in a remote form, to the spiritual consciousness, then the cognition also awakens that a separation from the Creation is not possible, because the spirit which inhabits the human being is one with it, whereby the Creation is also present in the human being. If this inseparableness of the human consciousness, spirit and Creation is recognised, then gratefulness and deference develop for the existence of the Creation and the life, which widens into honouring in dignity, and broadens the human being’s range of vision so much that he/she recognises the creational laws and recommendations and, in striving for higher things, follows them, conscious of responsibility. p 450

Tony Vasquez

COVID-19. Italy 53,578 cases, 4,825 deaths, 789 deaths today. USA 25,896 cases, 316 deaths, 24 deaths in NYC today.

Medical experts are warning that hundreds of millions of people around the globe could eventually catch COVID-19, and if that actually happens, millions of people are going to die. Globally, less than 12,000 people have died during this pandemic so far, and the level of fear we are witnessing is off the charts. The entire western world is shutting down and economic Depression setting in. People are freaking out like we have never seen before. So what is going to happen if the global death toll soon gets 1000 times higher? According to the CDC, in a “worst-case scenario” more than 200 million people could become infected in the United States alone.

Some people that get this virus only experience minor symptoms the entire time, and that is definitely good news,
but many others have been hit extremely hard. Some survivors experienced “blinding pain” for weeks, and many felt like they were constantly being suffocated. And even if you survive after going through all that, there is a good chance that your lungs could be permanently damaged for the rest of your life. In fact, one Belgian doctor says that the lung damage that he has been witnessing is nothing short of terrifying. Also, since this bioweapon has a HIV component, victims could contract HIV AIDS.

Melissa Osaki

Can you post a link to the scientific data that says you can catch HIV if you’ve had COVID-19. Nothing in the data that I’ve read seems to suggest that and I can’t find any doctors who can confirm that either. It’s only a very small sequence and the HIV proteins are said to be what makes the virus bind to the cells more easily.