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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

What Are the Criteria that Reasonable People Use to Determine the Truth?

A cooperative venture with all who want to discover and know the truth about the Billy Meier UFO contacts in Switzerland, ongoing since 1942

This blog is an evolutionary result of the previous debate with and about Antonio Paris of API that he himself has effectively birthed through his expressed willingness to now openly explore the evidence in the Billy Meier UFO contact case. The premise expressed in the title, the focal point, will be the one I am also using in new my cooperative venture with MUFON, which will be linked from here as soon as the page is up on their site.

This discussion is open to all interested parties and especially to all those who have long disagreed with such claims, such as those here, and anyone who, for whatever reasons, think the Meier case is a hoax, isn’t sure, wants to know the truth, etc. For many years, skeptics of the Meier case have walked in the proverbial room, yelled, “It’s a proven hoax!” and stormed out…without ever substantiating their attacks, or the ones they were parroting. Now they’re all invited to come and stay a while, participate discuss, debate but to do so using the criteria that reasonable people use to determine the truth.

This means that we will proceed in a logical, fact-seeking manner. We won’t entertain unsubstantiated claims, or attacks on anyone, pro or con the Meier case. We want to use good, logical, objective, scientifically based and oriented methodologies and thinking in examining the evidence. That includes looking at any solidly based skeptical claims.

We shall also utilize certain very reasonable, reality based, detective-like skills and methods when considering circumstances and circumstantial evidence. Certainly we will want to respect, encompass and utilize any and all criteria that reasonable people use to determine the truth. The processes and criteria we will use in examining the Meier case will of course be applicable for examining any other claimed UFO cases, for those who wish to do so.

Why UFOs?

Why, if I’ve said for over 16 years that the really important parts of the Meier case are to be found in the prophetic information and ultimately in the spiritual teaching, is all this time still spent discussing UFOs? Many of us already take the existence of extraterrestrial life and their flying craft as established facts. But so far the world of science doesn’t, perhaps because they haven’t yet examined the best evidence or used the criteria that reasonable people use to determine the truth. To present incontrovertible evidence for the existence of, and contact with, extraterrestrial life forms would be unprecedented; it would be the most important discovery in all of science…and human history.

The fact of the matter is that this overall (and sometimes deservedly) much maligned, marginalized and tabloidized topic of UFOs has provoked a controversy for a reason. Let’s also realize that the reason isn’t for people to be chasing illusive lights in the sky, and thereby their own tails, nor is it to create careers for speakers and “UFO experts”.

UFOs exist, by definition, and the truth about what they are, who’s responsible for them and the reason for them is exactly what we want to determine. And I think we have a historically unique opportunity to do just that.

The Truth

To find and know the real truth is akin to discovering an inexhaustible treasure, one that is actually…free for all of humanity to partake of. That kind of stuff is not what the proponents of the old profit-motivated model of domination over others are really too thrilled about. Hence, they have seen to it that the term UFO has largely become associated with “evil aliens”, hoaxes, mere entertainment and all sorts of other deliberately misleading disinformation.

The truth is all that matters and will always, ultimately prevail. So let’s come together and see what we’ve actually got here. And let’s start by defining the criteria that reasonable people use to determine the truth and hit the road running by applying them to determining the authenticity of this photograph of the WCUFO, taken in 1981, with a 35mm film camera:

WCUFO extended cupola
WCUFO extended cupola

If we can agree that PhotoShop is a credible tool for this process, then the suggestion is to enhance the brightness of this image and perhaps lower the contrast.

What is the result that you get? Is it similar to what you see here? If so and you’re a skeptic, you now have to debunk…yourself.


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David Scott

The wedding cake disection as posted on your sight blew my mind and shortly their after with no relation or push it showed up . An additional stamp of the truth . It was quite impressive that a simple photo shop enhancement could lead to THAT > . Look , this man is special …. He spent time with Haile Salsasie and I learned of him and his amazing reason for being here from BEAM . That is a small start . I can say from what I have learned that we live in a five sensory system . We can see feel and absorb the others , but the truth is if we were to look at the spectrum or visual for a moment . We absorb or see a best of 40 % an in other areas like magnetics or sonics we see or hear or feel less . We are virtually blind to all the actual afflictions and real flictions that are fair . We suck and and get bad info and suck more then we have to live with the actual suckness of being lied to . Nice world . Vote out the a*****s . Vote in a person that actually cares and can explain how they will do so .

J. Smith


Great blog! I don’t have the Photoshop program on my computer, but can’t it also be used to determine the truth behind the picture of Meier standing in the middle of the spinning UFO? I think that picture would also reveal much and shut down any doubts if there are any.

J. Smith

Okay. I’ll try to find a way to download one of the Photoshop programs and do my own analysis on some of Meier’s photos. I don’t want to get preoccupied with the photos, but I’ll check it out. Many of them are clear as day.

Jeff Tan

Hi all, you can download this one for free called which works the same as Photoshop. Get it here


For those who do not have access to the proprietary application photoshop, there is an open source alternative called ‘gimp’ which can be downloaded at This is actually a far superior piece of software. The site also includes helpful tutorials on how to accomplish the same thing as is performed within photoshop. It’s very easy. You can also check google or your favorite search engine for helpful tutorials. I have performed the same image analysis with this software long ago, as well as other tests against this image with the ‘gimp’ software.

J. Smith

Thanks a lot Tony! I will hold on to this software after downloading it.

Dyson Devine

One more time, with feeling …

How to find the truth:

OM,Kanon 20:38 „Denn es ist dem Menschen entschwunden die Gesinnung der Bemühung, dass die Wahrheit soll erarbeitet werden durch eigene Kraft des Denkens und Forschens und Erkennens“

(The Earth human’s sense of effort towards seeking the truth has disappeared. He has lost the inclination to seek the truth through his/her inherent power of thinking, searching and recognising. )

The problem with trying to force proof on others:

“Bei Menschen Beweise führen zu wollen, ist seit alters her der falsche Weg, darum soll niemals erklärt werden, dass jetzt einmal dieses und jenes bewiesen werden soll.”

(Since time immemorial, wanting to prove something to someone has been the wrong way, therefore it should never be declared that now something or other will be proven.)

Our collective inescapable human requirement for (non-acrimonious) disputation:

“Tatsächlich ist das Gros der Menschen in ein Stadium verfallen, in dem sich das kommunizierende Sichauseinandersetzen mit dem Nächsten sowie das Diskutieren ebenso kaum oder nicht mehr finden lässt wie auch nicht das Sichauseinandersetzen mit den globalen Geschehen, denn diese Notwendigkeiten sind bereits vielen verlorengegangen.”

(Actually, the majority of humans has fallen into a state in which disputes participated in with neighbours, as well as discussions, are just as rarely or no longer to be found, as neither are quarrels with global events, because these necessities have already been mostly lost.)

A word about “authority” and why it’s become such a derogatory word:

Arahat Athersata, p.29

93. „Statt der Zusammenarbeit und der naturgeforderten Führung im schöpferischen Gesetz ist leider eine andere Tatsache zu verzeichnen, nämlich dass sich im Verlaufe der letzten Jahrhunderte die Kluft zwischen den Führern eurer Menschheit und zwischen Mensch und Mensch in zunehmendem Masse dauernd vergrösserte und immer unüberbrückbarer wurde.“

(Instead of the co-operation and leadership demanded by nature working according to creational laws, another fact to note is, namely, that in the course of the last hundred years the cleft between the leaders of your humanity and between human being and human being continually grows in increasing measure and becomes ever more insurmountable.)

For the newbies: the figure (more or less) “+26,000 pages” is often quoted. Only about 3 to 5% has ever been translated out of the German language into English. Billy tells us that we won’t (cannot) truly “get it” until we study the (entirety of the) material carefully, logically and in detail. This has also been my personal experience and I agree with Billy about this 100%.

The Golden Key is simply: strive to strive to learn. Gain knowledge. Process it by way of pensive thought and correct meditation into love/wisdom, an inseparable duality.



Dyson , excellent contributory post .. thx 4 checking in DD … don’t be a stranger 🙂

J. Smith


Is there any photos or videos that Meier has that he can’t or won’t release for whatever reasons? And have you ever seen him display his “spiritual power” as said on the photos of the bended spoons, etc., or “telekinesis”?

J. Smith

SIL! Alright Michael. Just being inquisitive.


I’ve heard stories from CG members of Billy’s demonstration of consciousness-based powers … here’s one from his son Atlantis if you haven’t yet seen this

Marco K.

For anyone using the free software Gimp (, that Tony_diff already mentioned, I found that the values 124 for brightness and 126 for contrast work pretty well.

J. Smith


Which brightness are you using? Is it under the color brightness and contrast? When I use those settings the whole image disappears. I cannot get the background that Prof. Zahi got.

Marco K.

Hello J. Smith,

I used the values mentioned above (124 brightness, 126 contrast) under Color > Brightness and Contrast. Just before it gets all white, you should see it. Make sure, you are using the big picture by right-clicking and choosing save target as… not save picture as… or something like that.


“What Are the Criteria that Reasonable People Use to Determine the Truth?”

Hopefully, no one comes to the table with some preconceived-concessions. I hope instead folks are coming to actual learn in the best fashion with some hard headed analysis and thinking. I don’t believe the point would be to ask people to settle for something or make more concessions.

If so, then the subsequent discussion will do away with much that made the discussion in the first place. The current result we have is the UFO-field filled with fancy titles that are VERY excessive in ambition have been literally a downgrade of downgrade of a downgrade of the original discussion. This obviously is no way a suggestion the future discussion will lead to as technically it is a result of folks not really caring and would rather bully people over a point as pretending to know about UFOs is not exactly the same BEING knowledgeable about the subject.

Moreover, I also hope that decades of privilege did not make some folks naive because the lights in the sky ruse would obviously not fool actual extra terrestrials that have an eye for UFOs.

Matt Lee

The all important criteria among all criterias should be first and foremost
1) An open mind in neutrality without preconceived bias or prejudice.
2) Willingness to engage in and deal with the facts presented and not personalities, titles or emotions
3) Willingness to apply common sense, objective reasoning and logic.
4) Willingness to be open minded about all possibilities outside of the conventional norm and current scientific paradigm.
5) Most of all, the willingness to actually, verily, really, consciously, deliberately and quite literally to think for oneself.
6) Willingness to set aside one’s ego, be big enough to admit one is wrong if indeed one got it wrong and put the quest for the knowledge of truth before self aggrandizement and 15 minutes of fame.
7) Willingness sift the proverbial wheat from the chaff and to put the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle and to strive to see the microscopic within the macroscopic and macroscopic with the microscopic.

Obviously there is much more……………….


Hello Matt.

I would like to know did you free hand this or did you find it somewhere. I would like to read on, if you have a link. Otherwise thanks.

Antonio Paris

Hi everyone … as promised, Antonio here.

Looks like proof is different for everyone. Some people want physical proof, i.e., something they can touch; while others take someone’s testimony as enough proof. For example, there are many reports out there about pilots, military officers, and astronauts seeing and reporting UFOs. Most of us, including myself, take these titles (pilots, officers, etc) for granted and immediately assume that if they saw something then it must be real. These are indeed trained observers and their positions do provide credibility. However, the same can be said that there are many pilots, military officers, and astronauts out there that have zero credibility. So, from my perspective, a report, regardless of who made it, is only one part of the entire puzzle. Keeping it clean as promised, what is proof for you? Thanks!

Antonio Paris

MH, do you or anyone, other than Billy, have the original raw photos?

Antonio Paris

MH, In reference to the previous comment, I meant does anyone have plain scanned photos? When I ran some of the photos on your website, it appears you or someone used photoshop to enhance the photo. This is fine if you were analyzing the photos. However, I would like to analyze photos that have not been uploaded to photoshop.

Example: This photo you uploaded:comment image

Says it was modified by Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh on 2013:12:10 11:51:20

David Scott

Mr. Paris , I owe you an opology . I framed some comments that were not fair and probably compromised your reputation . In the light of your participation I would like to comment that it is a brave decision and its not easy , but you decided to do it . That speaks volumes about your character and I welcome you in as much as a true traveler I walk along with and together ( I will be here for you ) we can find the truth and origin of this endeavour . Welcome my friend . David Scott

Antonio Paris

David … my comments were a bit off too. There are many sides to the UFO argument. My goal is to stay in the middle and work with both ends of the spectrum. I am not a debunker or proclaim to be the best investigator out there. I saw some comments from my supporters and I thank them but also humbled. In short, working together is the best way to answer the questions we all have. That is the only way to find the truth. Lets do this!

J. Smith


Is the photo of the WCUFO with the pole in the background an original photo posted online? I can’t find it anywhere other than on that page linked to Prof. Zahi’s analysis. P.S The WCUFO in that picture is centered unlike the one similiar to it that is more to the right.

J. Smith

Michael, I’m terrible at these photo editing programs! SIL!

Willard Rohm

Are you sure its safe giving away coordinates, if not anywhere near Meier? I myself do not know where it is but my intentions are not to hurt or attempt at assassinating anyone. The coordinates, I see, are right next to FIGU. Maybe when I get off of conditional release or even get the money for a flight out there, could even possibly meet BEAM… Even after what seemed to be a negative comment towards your blog, I still believe in the Meier case and probably will not “knock” your blog again. In fact, good job on taking on these alien/UFO nuts!

Rhal Zahi

Mr Paris.

It is nice to find somebody “in the middle” and open to listen to new ideas. I am glad you are listening here, and you are spending some of your time to look at this.

My investigations on the WCUFO showed me these are objects of 2 sizes: 3.5 meter and 7 meters in diameter. Can I prove they are of extraterrestrial origin? The answer is no. All that I can prove is that they are big, they fly freely, and at night they produce a violet halo. They are not a photo of a model made from a half a meter trash can-lid as anybody can conclude at the first sight.

On the pendulum UFO, I have found it is a big object, dancing around a tree, that jumps in the space. Can I prove it is a flying machine from extraterrestrial origin? I cannot since I have not talked with the pilot of this machine. But I have not seen a capability of jumping in the space of any known terrestrial object, so I found it is very likely it is an ET ship.

Something else that I have found is that it is very easy to be a skeptic of Billy Meier Case. At first look your initial reaction it that it is a hoax (you see a model made from a trash can-lid, or a model in a pendulum, etc). But if you investigate further, you find it is not what it looks like. It seems to me there is an intelligence behind it, putting the evidence in front of our eyes, in a way that an skeptical person can easily found evidence that it is a hoax and he does not need to investigate more, but If you look at the details, you find hidden clues that show you it is more than it looks like, and you start to wander that may be real extraterrestrial human are close to us.

You may find details in my investigations about the WCUFO here:

And the pendulum UFO here:

If you are really interested to know more, check these documents and I am open to talk about them with you in more detail, even by Skype.


Rhal Zahi


Another simple test. All you need is a photo camera (a smart phone would be enough), a Christmas tree ball or a similar reflecting ball (any size would produce the same results), and find a construction near to you that have a wall of size similar to the Carriage House, where Billy was located while he took the WCUFO photos at his parking lot. The size of this wall should be around 9 meters wide. (29 ft). Locate yourself with the camera by the middle of the construction wall. You must be close to the wall. Ask somebody else to hold the reflecting ball in front of you and away from the construction. Take pictures at different distance from you. Record the distances in each photo. Finally compare the size of the reflected wall image in the sphere in the photos, with the size of the reflected carriage house wall in Billy photos. If Billy used a half a meter model (made with a trash-can lid as claimed by the sceptics), the reflecting sphere must be at 1 meter form the photographer, and if it is a 3,5 meter size object, the sphere must be at 6 meter from the camera. (see Annex D in my investigation report). If anybody does not trust that the carriage house size was around 9 meter, go to Google Earth and measure it by yourself using the “ruler tool”. (find details of the Carriage House in Annex C in my report, and the lat and long of Billy property).
Christian Frehner did a test in Billy property. Look at his photo of a reflecting ball in figure C8, page 55 in my report. It was a sphere at 1 meter distance from the camera. This is the distance that the small model should be located, and you may notice the reflected image of the Carriage House wall is very big and the photographer is clearly visible. This is not what we see in the WCUFO photos taken by Billy, where the Carriage House reflection is much smaller and the photographer is not visible.
My investigation report can be found here:
It proves the WCUFO photographed by Billy at his yard was around 3,5 meters in diameter. Too big for him to elevate above the trees in other pictures.



Antonio Paris

I will take some time this week to analyze all the data. Its important you understand, however, I have two full time jobs and a family, which are priority. Have a great weekend!

Matt lee

I just wanted ask Antonio what he is able to do with the Billy Meier material once he has established the authenticity and the truthfulness of the case?
Will you be promoting the case as much as you can or will it remain a personal satisfaction of your own curiosity only and nothing more than that?

J. Smith

I was also wondering the same thing, but I just wanted to observe how it all came together.

Matt Lee

J.Smith I guess time will tell and usually it does in the long run.
Well see what happens.