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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Billy Meier’s Ebola Epidemic Prediction

There are issues about my support for the Henoch Prophecies (HP) and for stating that things like the Ebola information constitute actual, substantial evidence that would prove their authenticity. In order to explain this, a number of factors will be discussed.

The Ebola information doesn’t exist as an isolated piece of information. It exists in a large body of very unambiguous, specific information. And, as Subhabrata has shown, the HP didn’t foretell the existence of Ebola, it specifically foretold the Ebola epidemic. And of course that’s preceded by, “Not only AIDS will occur worldwide in the 1990s, but also epidemics such as the so-called ‘mad cow disease’, i.e., BSE, out of which different strains of Creutzfeldt–Jakob syndrome will develop, lasting well into the new millennium.” That is extremely specific information.

When we consider the validity and authenticity of the information, certain very obvious questions must arise, among them are:

1. Were these specifics common knowledge at the time of the earliest verifiable publication of the HP?

2. For any of the specifics in question, where was such previously published information available?

3. Can Billy Meier’s prior access to that information be verified…not merely assumed, claimed, etc.

Regarding question number 1., if we suspect that the information was retrodicted, added after the events occurred, such as is claimed about the Ebola information, there are several things to consider. Let’s acknowledge that Meier’s prophetic information (of which he isn’t always the actual claimed author) is highly specific. So when he states that there will be an Ebola epidemic we search online for when the first real epidemic occurred.

At this link we find the following (emphasis added):

“The current outbreak in west Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976.”

We see, therefore, in Meier’s prophetic information that the current situation at this point is already greater than any previous “outbreak”. Time will tell if it develops into an even larger…epidemic. But a logical, reasonable – and objective – person would pause and consider the specificity of Meier’s information and how it already appears to be matching the current, developing situation and not any previous one. One could state the many things that Meier didn’t say, such as some people will get Ebola, it will reappear mildly, there will be a false fear about it, etc. But Meier is unambiguous in stating that there will be an Ebola epidemic. 

So a search online today would indicate that in this specific instance there was no prior Ebola epidemic and consequently no information available about an epidemic in 2002. This would answer question number 2. And, therefore, question number 3. is also answered. Both answers would vindicate Meier of backdating the information. That would mean that he actually did publish it by 2002…and most likely initially in 1987, unless actual evidence to the contrary is produced. Of course that evidence would also have to include information about the non-existent previous epidemic, which would appear to be quite a problem for the skeptics.


Now let’s jump to a seemingly unrelated, very specific event that is also included in the HP, i.e. the foretold Russian attack against Scandinavia from Arkhangelsk. As I pointed out in my press release over three years ago, Russia had begun to move its troops and two locations were mentioned, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk. The fact that Meier had indeed predcited Arkhangelsk drew the attention of the formerly skeptical physician/physicist, Dr. Sanford Weinstein. The reason for his reversal in position regarding Meier and his information – and his urging that the US military seriously consider what Meier is saying – is because Dr. Weinstein is a former military man who recognized the specific strategic importance and implications of Russia basing troops in a location that is under year round cloud cover, as well as that is conveniently situated to be an effective launching area for any attack of troops into…the US as well as Canada.

So here we have a highly intelligent (and, as I said, formerly skeptical military man) who not only knows how to think, to use logic and deductive reasoning, etc., but who also understands military strategy. The skeptics may want to yell about “appeals to authority”, as if considering the advice of people who do have some authoritative knowledge and experience should not be both considered and respected. But that is not only foolish; it could be fatal. After all, the military, governments, intelligence agencies, etc., spend huge amounts of money and resources gathering just such intelligence in order to effectively “predict” dangerous situations in advance but also to…prepare for them.

Searching online today, I couldn’t find any previous indications, news, etc., about Russian troop movements to Arkhangelsk prior to 2002, let alone 2011. So, again, questions 2. and 3. in relation to this very specific prediction are answered in the negative. Of course we now also would ask just how Meier would have known that information and have so firmly stated it.

Let’s now include the information from the HP about Russia attacking Scandinavia. Current concerns by Norway and Sweden, as well by Finland, pertaining to Russian military movements echo what is expressed as forthcoming in the HP.

Then of course we have the seemingly unusual – but very specific – mention of Canada being dragged into the foretold conflict with America. Now why would Canada be involved in any way? Certainly in 2002 there was no obvious indication of any serious enmity between Canada and Russia. But we get a clue from the HP:

“The source of this conflict will substantiate the Russian attack on the American State of Alaska and against Canada.”

All one has to do is read the information in and linked from this blog (and other blogs when you use the search term “Canada”) to understand just how tensions have recently developed between those two countries.

So an objective, thinking person would concede that these very specific, recent developments certainly align with the very specific information in the HP. Now let’s introduce some elements pertaining to thinking these things through that the skeptics never consider because they have an agenda to poke holes in the information, rather than to apply reasoning to it in order to discover the truth. And of course the immutable law of cause and effect is clearly to be seen in all of these developments.

Motives & UFO Photos

Not only do the skeptics consistently dismiss how Meier could have otherwise – verifiably – known or come into contact with the information but also why he would be looking for it, publishing it and then…not drawing any attention to it. Human beings all have motives for what they do. While the motives may differ from person to person, some of the more common ones can be boiled down to fame and fortune. Certainly some people also simply draw satisfaction from tricking others, outsmarting them, etc.

In Billy Meier we have an extraordinarily unusual case. We have to remember that this is the same man who’s abundant, stunningly clear UFO evidence has again been authenticated, using the most current, state-of-the-art technologies and protocols that are known and therefore testable or falsifiable. To date, there has been no successful challenge to the new authentication, such as of the WCUFO photos, by Prof. Zahi. In fact, because one can now prove the authenticity of the WCUFO (and thereby the case) for themselves, for many people no further arguments are needed.

But because we live in an age of ever growing specialization, where people are it seems, no longer taught how to see the relationships and connections between seemingly different things, skeptics like to separate and/or completely disregard such relationships, such as exist in this particular case.

So if we shift our attention for a moment to the authentication of the WCUFO evidence – which an un-jaded, thinking person would be bowled over by – we would have to acknowledge that anyone who provided such evidence, such…proof would have no need to take such an unnecessary risk and complicate their own lives by creating what some would see as lesser proof. Now that kind of thinking of course would attract skeptical attacks but let’s bounce back to the information in the HP that certainly has huge military significance. We’ve established that the events themselves hadn’t occurred before the earliest verifiable date of publication in 2002, as is also the case with the…Ebola epidemic.

For anyone who thinks comprehensively, as well as strategically (such as Dr. Weinstein) they don’t need to see the Russians coming through Alaska to read the handwriting on the wall…and to realize Meier’s exceptional, precise accuracy.

Now we could add that Meier foretold the AIDS epidemic in the HP but skeptics would say that it was already underway in the early 1980s. But then we note that Meier had first mentioned it in his 1958 Letter (along with a whole lot of other things). So the skeptics will have to assert that the 1958 information was also retrodicted, etc. But as is also the case in the HP, Meier states that worldwide terrorism, including specifically fanatical Islamic fundamentalism, will be a huge, growing menace. And of course in both these prophecies Meier foretells major advances in genetic engineering and computer technology, again among many other things. These items alone continue to be front page news, with terrorsim of course at unprecedented and apparently growing levels.


Something else that many skeptics are demonstrably short of understanding, considering or possessing themselves is…character. If Meier was indeed someone with a shady record of telling lies, hoaxing evidence, tricking people, etc., it would be reasonable to suspect him of some trickery in these matters. These are things that people rightfully are concerned about and not without good reason since there’s no shortage of charlatans, con artists, etc.

But the results of real, feet-on-the-ground research and investigations (including what I’ve gleaned in my own 14 trips to Switzerland and my own attempts to “trick” Meier four different times with one question about something he had said) have shown an absolute absence of such shadiness, as is even admitted by some of his opponents. For the two-dimensional, online “experts” who have zero actual investigative experience, first hand encounters with Meier, his family, other witnesses, etc., such highly relevant, real life information and experience is not only non-existent, it completely escapes their understanding.

Not only is there a complete absence of Meier seeking monetary or celebrity rewards, he does little to assist the efforts of those who themselves have discovered and report on his credibility, the authenticity of the case, its evidence, etc. While he remains reasonably accessible and willing to answer questions, he does nothing to promote and extol himself and will only rarely comment on things until after the events have long been fulfilled.

Contrast Meier’s steady, ongoing, neutral behavior with that of any psychic or astrologer, etc., who happens to get some prediction right. They have no hesitation about loudly proclaiming themselves as true prophets and seers, while of course completely ignoring all of their failures. So far, the debate is more about if Meier really published all of these things before the events/discoveries occurred…it’s not about their accuracy. That should tell us something. How would one man have such an uncanny record of prophetic accuracy, assuming of course that he didn’t back date all of his prophetic and predictive information, dating back to 1951?

Real Life

The huge error being made by some people is that when they come upon what they think is an inconsistency, i.e. their apparent inability to confirm the actual date of publication of a specific item, they lose the ability to comprehensively consider the preponderance of evidence…if they ever possessed that ability at all.

In real life things can be a bit messy, seemingly inconsistent, unclear, etc. That doesn’t mean that they are faked, incorrect, lies, etc. An intelligent investigator doesn’t ignore the inconsistencies but neither do they dwell anthem, especially when they have an overwhelming body of evidence that can be critically examined, tested, weighed and evaluated, such as uniquely present in the Meier case.

What they will do is keep returning to the problematic information as they work their way through the entire body of evidence. In truth, in real life, some things may not be satisfactorily resolved. That means that in the Meier case something may remain as inconclusive…while other evidence further, convincingly substantiates the entire case.

I would argue that, for any reasonable, objective, logical, honest, scientifically minded person, the preponderance of proof beyond a reasonable doubt is self-evident. The only real reason for the discomfort felt by those who can’t reconcile an item here or there is that they are applying unrealistic, non-real life criteria to something that because it is real contains “imperfect” elements in their eyes.

What they also fatally fail to perceive and understand is that during the time period in which Meier presented all of his prophetic as well as physical evidence there were no home computers, no internet, no easy access to information that then only existed in rarified scientific publications, often only in English, certainly not readily accessible to a Swiss man living in a rugged rural environment far away from libraries and universities and who himself was hugely occupied with providing for his family and doing all of the tasks associated with his contacts with the Plejaren as well as surviving numerous assassination attempts, etc.

For the online armchair experts these factors are irrelevant largely because they absolutely lack an awareness of such “primitive”, pre digital age realities and the everyday hardships that are no longer prevalent that our new technologies have alleviated. They think that an online search is sufficient and superior to doing the actual work that they can’t even conceive of. So they stubbornly and arrogantly want to gloss over it.

Consider that a book published in 1990, or even later, may well have taken two years to prepare, rather than the much shorter times today because so much preparation can now be conducted online and even between different people producing different aspects of it. In a way, the readily available information online has made some people more…stupid.


It’s far less important to “prove” everything than it is to think it through. No matter what, some people will never be able to recognize the truth for what it is. In fact, despite any and all arguments that pertain to real thinking, research, investigation, etc., they will end up accusing those who make those arguments of avoiding the facts, supposed real questions, etc.

The Meier case is certainly intended to encourage the development of our thinking abilities, which need a huge upgrade. Those people who are stimulated to do so will certainly find their way to the spiritual teaching, which is the core of the case. The prophetic information was, in my opinion, given not only to help us awaken to the dead end road that we, humanity, had created but also to establish a clear record of virtually error free prophetic accuracy such as would be sufficient to assure us of both the credibility and intentions of its source and thereby warrant our study of what is the real and true remedy for the human condition, i.e. the spiritual teaching.



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“Not only AIDS will occur worldwide in the 1990s, but also epidemics such as the so-called ‘mad cow disease’, i.e., BSE, out of which different strains of Creutzfeldt–Jakob syndrome will develop, lasting well into the new millennium.”
Considering scientists have not acknowledged the link between BSE and Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome tells me that Billy is way ahead of them on that front. To this day not one freaking link between the two. Feed made from renderings of BSE diseased animals are being fed to all our other animals. It was only after the UK had to put down so much of their cattle that Canada decided not to allow UK renderings to be fed to cattle. But it’s only banned in cattle feed, but not any other animals’ feed. How sick is that? That cattle were fed cattle in the first place. What retard authorized that?

Ryan Dickover

Perhaps a correction, but, according to the BBC the link between BSE and Creutzfeldt-Jakob was made in 1996. I link here to a 2013 article reporting the current infection rate estimate has been doubled to 1 in 2000 Britons:

Prion based infection vectors are still a relatively new phenomena in Medicine as the proteins lack genetic composition…


As of today on Health Canada website:
While BSE is a cattle disease, and hence an animal health issue, the human disease, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD), has been associated with the consumption of products derived from BSE-infected cattle. vCJD is a neuro-degenerative disease that is untreatable, and is always fatal. vCJD is a related, but very distinct disease from classical or sporadic CJD.
While a great deal of scientific research has been conducted on the subject, there is NO CONFIRMED DIRECT LINK BETWEEN BSE and vCJD, and the relationship between BSE and vCJD is not fully understood. There is, however, an accepted epidemiological association between BSE in animals, the exposure by humans to the BSE agent, and the subsequent development of vCJD in humans. There is debate concerning the validity and strength of the relationship.


I suspect that these diseases are manifestations of BSE: Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons and Alzheimers.


When I asked MH this regarding the Ebola verse in Henoch Prophecies: “Michael Horn, you have admitted that Ebola in and of itself is not a strong corroboration and said that we have to consider more at once and not look at individually.” – Oct 5, 2014

He responded with this: “Mahesh, That’s entirely incorrect. I think Ebola is a very strong corroboration, as has previously also been expressed on this page (facebook).” – Oct 5, 2014

This following post is in response to MHs assertion that Ebola information in Henoch Prophecies (HPs) in and of itself (without bringing or referring to anything other than just the Meier’s info on Ebola), can be proved scientifically & “constitute actual, substantial evidence that would prove their authenticity” (Billy Meier’s Ebola Epidemic Prediction, Oct 5, 2014).
“..if we suspect that the information was retrodicted, added after the events occurred, such as is claimed about the Ebola information..”

Objection #1:
I have never claimed that Meier retrodicted it. Can you show me where I have stated that ?
“So when he (Meier) states that there will be an Ebola epidemic we search online for when the first real epidemic occurred…So a search online today would indicate that in this specific instance there was no prior Ebola epidemic and consequently no information available about an epidemic in 2002”.

“The current outbreak in west Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976.””

Meier published the following in CR 215, 1987

“Also, an epidemic known as Ebola will cause many deaths, as well as other unknown epidemics and diseases which will sporadically arise in epidemic proportions and will be new to the human being, causing great concern.”

This long sentence can further be divided into three phrases:

Phrase 1 – Also, an epidemic known as Ebola will cause many deaths
Phrase 2 – as well as other unknown epidemics and diseases
Phrase 3 – which will sporadically arise in epidemic proportions and will be new to the human being, causing great concern

Is Phrase 3 also applicable to Phrase 1 ?
Since Ebola was for the first time identified in 1976 (11 years before Quetzal allegedly gave Meier the HPs), this cannot be considered “new to the human being”. So I guess, the phrase 3 is only applicable to phrase 2, for “other unknown epidemics and diseases”.

So, that leaves us with just the below sentence on Ebola:

“Also, an epidemic known as Ebola will cause many deaths..”

MH: “So when he (Meier) states that there will be an Ebola epidemic we search online for when the first real epidemic occurred.”

Objection #2:
What is your rationale behind searching online for “the first real epidemic (Ebola) occurred” ?

Objection #3:
This HP verse on Ebola is very general and cannot get anymore non-specific than that. No dates, no affected geographical areas, no number of deaths,..etc makes it open-ended; just like the Nostradamus’ quatrains which are open-ended and have been postdicted over the centuries to fit various contemporary events. It can be recycled – meaning it can be reused again and again in order to match the most recent event just like the Nostradamus’ quatrains that have been recycled numerous times. It can be used for the multiple instances (see below) of the outbreak of Ebola that have occurred since 1987. The number of instances would depend upon the number of deaths that we select arbitrarily because Meier’s verse was very open and does not mention any number at all. If 100 is your arbitrarily selected number, then there are 4 instances (1995, 2000-2001, 2002-2003 and 2007). So which one is the HP verse referring to ?

So, the HP verse can be applied to any Ebola outbreak that has occurred since 1987.

Howmany times Ebola reemerged since 1987 ?

25 times (in humans) including the 2014 event. And following is the list of deaths (only deaths that are above number 20 are documented) occurred due to Ebola outbreaks per year, after 1987:

Year – Reported number of human cases/Reported number of deaths among cases

1994 – 52/31
1995 – 315/250
1996 – 37/21
1996-1997 – 60/45
2000-2001 – 425/224
Oct 2001-Mar 2002 – 122/96
Dec 2002-Apr 2003 – 143/128
Nov-Dec 2003 – 35/29
2007 – 264/187
Dec 2007-Jan 2008 – 149/37
Mar 2014-Present – 7470/3431


Upto March 2014, the 2000-2001 Ebola outbreak is considered as the “largest Ebola outbreak ever recorded” (425 people were infected).
And in regards to the deaths, the 1995 (250 deaths) Ebola outbreak recorded the most number of deaths, if measured up to March 2014.

Objection #4:
What is your rationale behind chosing the 2014 outbreak as the which HP was referring to and not the 1995 or the 2001 outbreak ?
Is it just because the number of deaths in 2014 was many times over the previous outbreaks ? But HP verse does not mention any number at all.
What if in future (say 2020) the same Ebola epidemic claims even more people (say 10,000) ?
If we use the same logic, you would be claiming the 2020 event as the one which HP was really referring to, there by ditching the 2014 event. If not, then what is your rationale behind choosing the 2014 event and not the 2020 event ?

It is common sense and known to scientists that in future several new and old diseases will emerge or reemerge respectively. This link ( lists the factors contributing to disease emergence or reemergence. As we have seen from above CDC list, Ebola has reemerged many times throughout the decades. And since Meier allegedly received these HPs in 1987, and that there have been 25 instances of Ebola outbreak in humans, this Ebola verse in HPs cannot be in anyway considered to be a “very strong corroboration” that can be proved scientifically & “constitute actual, substantial evidence that would prove their authenticity”.
“So a search online today would indicate that in this specific instance there was no prior Ebola epidemic and consequently no information available about an epidemic in 2002. This would answer question number 2. And, therefore, question number 3. is also answered.”

False. See above the list of Ebola outbreaks.
“That would mean that he actually did publish it by 2002…and most likely initially in 1987, unless actual evidence to the contrary is produced.”

The burden of proof is on those who wants to claim 1987 as the year in which HPs can be “verifiably published”. If one prove it, then the argument is considered weak.
There are a total of 4 objections and hope you respond to each and every one.

Blake P

It’s funny,Mahesh,that you would be addressing epidemics and outbreaks,considering your patient 0 for the current epidemic of complete trivialization,hard-headedness regarding the case and mockery/disrespect of people who have done more for the case then you will do in your lifetime. You are obviously suffering from megalomania,and even more so,look as if to want to defame people like Michael H in order to somehow establish your mythical position within Figu and the Mission. When you say things like “I can’t wait to deconstruct MH,hehehe” and lumping him in with profiteers like Randy Winters is a joke. Yes these are private conversations you’ve had with people and they have put you on blast,so that people can see your true intentions. If you are a Friend of Figu,then who needs enemies. You continuously pick out the less than 1 or 2 percent of information regarding the case that may have questions about it,and which almost everything you nitpick is unprovable anyway,and completely disregard the other 98% of cooberated information. So are you now smarter than the highly accomplished and credible experts in their field like Prof. Zahi, Prof James Deardorff, or Matthew Wieczkiewicz,a NASA aerospace engineer. I’m quite sure these people wouldn’t put their career and reputation on the line if they weren’t sure of these things and or have specialized knowledge in their field to cooberate.
Hopefully FIGU will get tired of your dishonest intentions and disassociate themselves from your attempt to divide and conquer,and also to position/elevate yourself as someone important.

Phil Maple

Blake P, well said and I totally agree!

I used to think Mahesh was a good person spending his time trying to do good for the mission. Now I think things got to his head and now his starting to become a destructive person to the mission. How sad.

Phil Maple

I forgot to say that this challenge of one-upmanship that Mahesh put to MH is clearly not for the benefit of the mission. It is for the benefit of Mahesh’s ego. What else would the point be of trying to outsmart, topple or dethrone MH if it not for one-upmanship? Sad to see this happen.

I just deleted Mahesh’s Meier website from my bookmarks.


With the usage of logic and rationale, we can observe and disgest many things accurately. Beyond this though, it may be possible to actually to more than what we think we currently can accomplish. Such as love for another, between two people who seem connected in some way. An honest and rigerously sought after love. Surely, we as Humans need this contact with one another in order to familiarize ourselves with the person or substance we are interfacing with and without such contact, we loose the oppurtunity to understand all aspects of the given object or person, lest we remain ignorant of the whole process and its truest workings.


Very sad. I don’t believe the CDC when they say it’s not airborne.

Andrew J.

Liposomal Vitamin C.

Since, according to news, Ebola virus is already spreading, cold and flue season is approaching, I will share with you few snippets of information that may help some people prepare.
Most of you probably know how important Vit C is for the body. When I was cleaning my liver and gallbladder a few years ago, I used to take orally 23 grams of it in powder form per day, without any overdose symptoms (diarrhea). This year I am planning to use this form of vit. C and see how it works.

Dr. Mercola explanation of The Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C:

Home made DIY Liposomal Vitamin C for pennies:–wadrMY

My intent is not to promote the sites that sell them – just to show how inexpensive equipment and supplies can be.

Ultrasonic Jewelry and Eyeglass Cleaner ($28)

Sunflower Lecithin Pure Powder (approx. $10 +shipping)


It’s a good thing you quoted Dr. Mercola’s site instead of because so many in the industry don’t think vitamins can do anything for you. Codex Alimentarius. If anyone ends up in the hospital and contracts the staph infection MRSA – intravenous Vitamin C also works for that.


The Henoch Prophecies read a bit like a Manifesto, and could be construed as very threatening. It is no wonder that some people reject Billy as a threatening and possibly deranged individual. He says that he is the current manifestation of an ancient spirit named Nokodemion. While this may possibly be true, and I don’t argue that it’s not or that he is credible, some of the things he has said as this personality seem quite threatening and even coercive. In fact, he sounds no better than the Yaweh of the Old Testament, when he was cursing and threatening the disobedient Israelites. The fact remains, and if you take all this to its ultimate conclusion, then Nokodemion as the Ur-father of many peoples in the Universe, is perhaps the “All Father” that many of us are praying to. We need to think about all this logically. I do not dispute that the ETs are telling us the truth. If, and only “if” this is the truth, than the ramifications of the truth are truly mind-boggling. And this Billy Meier is no simple Swiss farmer, but truly the Father of the human race. Think about it!


I don’t feel the least bit threatened by Billy. Maybe Caroline thinks that anytime someone speaks harshly, that means they are a bad person? You got to hand it to the Catolicks they sure know how to brainwash.


And not to be redundant, and I choose my words with care, if Billy is truly the manifestation of this ancient spirit who was the creator of many human races, he may very well be out of patience with all of his created people. And he would be the “Father” that our imaginary Jesus Christ (Jmmannuel) was praying to when he was hanging on the imaginary cross in Jerusalem.


Carolyn, I thought you left us for good back into the arms of the Catholic church and all it’s wonderful pedophile priests?


I really should not be commenting on this but it is my understanding at this time…there is no being that created the “many races”. There was, however, a group (ET) that messed with us, went against Creational Laws (whom were exiled from Earth), this has created and continues to effect us here. There is the Ishwish (Master of Wisdom) level of evolution, from what I understand, it is not a level of just one being.


Another aspect of the Henoch prophecies which doesn’t appeal to me personally, is the complete demoralization and the destruction of the “western” world. For my part, I don’t want to live under any Eastern government, so that makes me part of everything that the West is. Why are the western governments being demonised. The West has constantly been under seige for thousands of years from aggressive Eastern varieties of people (I am thinking particularly about the Persian aggression against the Greeks and Romans, the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire and Constantinople, etc, etc.) Why are we white caucasian people being portrayed as the “bad guys” here. IMO Eastern Civilisation sucks. Henoch is clearly against us white people. . . . . as we are to get the worst of what’s coming according to these prophecies.


Maybe it was whitey who started all the crap in the first place and now it’s up to whitey to fix it. I’m not being racist as I’m white.


The white race is going to become extinct, because we don’t care for ourselves at all. Carolyn’s prophecy.


Your spiritform will still live on in potentially other “races” even if your prophecy comes true.

Try not to be too attached to the material form.


I wouldn’t lump all “white caucasian people” together there as far as down through history. The Henoch prophecies speak of “westerners” in terms of todays history. It was the US that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, since we have been bullying the world with mass destruction tactics. That dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima entered us into….(darn, I cannot think of the name of the stage that that placed us in, maybe someone knows and I don’t have the time to look it up) Once again I say that this is my understanding and opinion at this time.

Philip Brandel

It seems we will get the worst of whatever we create individually… no matter ones race! Why cry about the ‘whites’ when currently many other races are most definitely getting the short end of the stick…. seems as the storm swirls ever closer to ‘home’, the depths of our own destruction become ever more apparent. It should at least for those thinking and seeing… reality!
Just as ‘religion’ doesn’t seem that bad unless someone sees the horror in it… yet how can that be when it is the individual that creates it. Good or bad. I suppose we will live and coexist as if it were second nature when we have finally utterly destroyed our environment, cultures, civilization, we will know nothing else, no matter what we fail to think about or change.


May I remind you that most of the big-oil profits are being made by the Arabs and other Arabic-peoples in the Middle East? Short end of the stick? I think not!

Philip Brandel

They only make their money by agreeing with the ‘west’ and being apart of the petrodollar’s system. Big oil profits? I think again that can be denoted to the big wigs that control the ‘west’… Whom also control most of the biggest oil producers in the Arabs.
Also being apart of the ‘west’, it is not hard to see the horror we have created the world over. It is coming home to roost soon enough if we like it or not! No longer will we be able to look at a tv and see the horror we have helped create sitting on our ass. Oh the horror of the American way of life. Might as well go live ‘over there’ at this rate. Will look the same here soon enough at our current rate of denial.


Out of the total of four objections I raised, you have only responded to Objection #2 and have left out the rest. Hope you are not going to avoid them! Following is my rebuttal to your answer to Objection #2.
“After all, Meier was specifically stating an Ebola epidemic, which as you can see from the definition above doesn’t seem to have previously occurred. ”

CDC’s “online glossary states that outbreak can actually be used interchangeably with epidemic and that the former is often preferable merely because it’s a less frightening term.”

Even the two CDC articles I posted in my first post on Ebola, refers to the 2014 event as Outbreak. Moreover, there are countless news articles (found online) where the earlier Ebola outbreaks were referred to as EPIDEMICS.

“But the 1976 Ebola epidemic in Zaire had a fatality rate of 92 percent.” – Washingtonpost, 1998…/dec98/biological.htm

“Ebola Epidemic in Zaire Ends After Killing 244” – New York Times, 1995…/world-news-briefs-ebola…

If you want to go strictly scientific, then the 1995 and 2000 Ebola outbreaks are being referred to as EPIDEMICS in this 2006 science paper.

Understanding the dynamics of Ebola epidemics

Hope you would respond to Objections #1, #3 and #4.

Since you have asserted that – Ebola information in Henoch Prophecies (HPs) in and of itself (without bringing or referring to anything other than just the Meier’s info on Ebola), can be proved scientifically & “constitute actual, substantial evidence that would prove their authenticity” (Billy Meier’s Ebola Epidemic Prediction, Oct 5, 2014) – let us first address all objections suggested by each other and then let us move on to other HPs.

It is not correct to violate the princinples on which we have started our exchange. Either we discuss just Ebola or we discuss a whole lot of prophecies at once. If you want to discuss how a whole lot of HPs fit together and need each other to turn into alleged strong evidence, then your assertion that Ebola can stand on its own is incorrect. So I am asking you once again for the second time – does Ebola info stand on its own or not ?

In this way, the readers will know what criteria & standards we REALLY are using. Since most of us here either never or only for the minimal time participated in a debate, outside other than the pro-Meier groups, it will be a learning opportunity for all of ourselves on how to logically reason, defend & modify our arguments when confronted with strong evidence.


We already have agreed at the start of our exchange that we would stay on the alleged Ebola prediction and not stray away or bring in any new information (irrelevant) to the table. Yet, now you seem to be violating it.

I request you once again to stay on Ebola and demonstrate how it – can be proved scientifically & “constitute actual, substantial evidence that would prove their authenticity”.


and to show that it isn’t a full time job for him discrediting you (MH) and the Meier case. From what I have seen from all the various places on the net he is posting, I would say it is to make a name for himself, using anything you say in a skewed fashion towards that end. Bravo Micheal for this “You pose your challenges to me but I must tell you, since I have absolutely no problem answering such an easy questions as is posed to you, I also have no problem calling out people who pretend to be one thing but really are another.” It is quite clear to me what his position is, from his post on the ice man on his quite colorful website

“For Meier case supporters:

Since the evidence for one of the strongest examples of Meier/Plejaren’s “prophetic” information, is now proved to be most likely not true, people sympathetic to the Meier case should ponder on rest of the alleged “specific, prophetically accurate information”.

For Meier case skeptics or critics:

This would be seen as a just another confirmation of their suspicion. According to them, it is nothing new as since the beginning, they have been claiming that all of the Meier’s alleged prophetic and scientific information could be easily explained away by showing that his source for the prophetic or predictive information, he wrote in his Contact Notes was from newspapers, scientific journals and magazines, not ETs”


Again no relevant response from you! So I am forced to ask you again:

“We already have agreed at the start of our exchange that we would stay on the alleged Ebola prediction and not stray away or bring in any new information (irrelevant) to the table. Yet, now you seem to be violating it.

I request you once again to stay on Ebola and demonstrate how it – can be proved scientifically & “constitute actual, substantial evidence that would prove their authenticity”.”


and when you use Micheal’s comment “When you answer my questions I’ll afford more time for yours. That’s how it works in a…dialogue, discussion, etc.” , Mahesh, it would be of rational mind to also use Micheals question to you in your dissertation.


just to restate Micheals question to you “If the Meier case is authentic, do you still want to pursue what is effectively your position that it…isn’t? Yes or no?”


Carolyn, what a load of bull s***! Honestly woman…(saying this with the full knowledge that men and woman are equal in value)


I agree wholeheartedly with MH when he suggests that some people are allergic to dialogue or debate. They simply want to lecture and batter the rest of us with their skewed point-of-view. Most people on the internet only wish to lecture. If a conversation is to be had between differing points of view, then people need to be a little more tolerant of other peoples’ viewpoints. Otherwise we can’t have a conversation!


Thanks MH.
I got your response which is to avoid at any costs, responding to the objections. This will be my last comment on this blog, since we already have been chatting on fb.


too bad, seems this wasn’t a dialogue or debate but a direct challenge.


Is this on-going convo public on facebook, or private messaging? I didn’t see it anywhere on the facebook wall… Yet, I would like to continue following the discussion…


If there is something positive out of this “outbreak,” that would be making people everywhere aware of the insane nature of biological weapons … and hopefully do something constructive with that knowledge.


From Ghana: Ebola is not real and the only people who have gotten sick are those who have received treatments and injections from the Red Cross