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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Let’s Be Clear about the Mission


Annie Newman forward this new article that reveals more about the inhuman, degenerates in the IS that viciously abuse children in their murderous schemes.


In the face of the recent, unexpected call from Billy Meier and the Plejaren for the formation of a multi-national military coalition to stop the IS, many people have gotten stuck playing the blame game. Some have reacted with predictable finger pointing towards the USA and the CIA, which is certainly not unfounded, though not particularly helpful at the moment. Not only is the atrocious record of US aggression staggering but, as Meier points out, the fraudulent Iraq war is another underlying, causal factor in bringing about the existence and atrocities of the IS.

This singular call to arms from Meier and the Plejaren advocating military action against a specific group has caused, or illuminated, a deer-in-the-headlights paralysis that is symptomatic of the moral confusion that plagues many people. It’s prevalent among those who focus more on their hate for the USA than on standing for the truth and what’s right, good and urgently necessary.


In The Silent Revolution of Truth, while displaying the various weapons in his gun cabinet, Meier explains that self-defense is both a right and responsibility and that using weapons to defend oneself – and others – is an absolute right. One should never use a weapon and take the life of another human being unless they have no other option in order to defend themselves or others. What is being called for is nothing less than global self-defense against a genocidal maniac and his sadistic band of armed militants, now estimated at over 100,000 and growing. And make no mistake about it, Meier’s description of Al-Baghdadi as the contemporary Pied Piper is being proved painfully accurate.

Some people also fall for the latest online conspiracy chatter that Al-Baghdadi is really an Israeli Mossad agent and not an Iraqi. Well that settles it, if this guy isn’t an Iraqi then I guess it’s okay to let him kill any and everyone, which would be a strange irony in itself, allowing an alleged Israeli to embark on a holocaust because he’s not really an Islamic terrorist. The truth is that it doesn’t matter who the leader of the IS is or will be, because of the way in which the leadership is structured. The IS is not just a small band of penniless misfits, nor a bunch of online addicts with phony screen names. While rumors that the CIA, etc., are financing them may or may not be true, it appears that they’ve gotten their hands on some serious money and not from selling cookies.

While one can’t stop an ideology through bombing, etc., it’s quite clear that the nasty old law of cause and effect has delivered unto us that which we didn’t realize we were creating, and there is every reason to recognize the intention and determination, if not the hyperbole, behind the latest threats, which now include the potential use of some type of “weapons of mass destruction”, perhaps even nuclear.

The Weakness of the West

Meier considers the west to be too weak to be effective in dealing with this threat, along with the French who are themselves on schedule to be overthrown from within by radical Islamists, as they faithfully fulfill the Henoch Prophecies. Sure, there are plenty of people going to gyms, taking martial arts and learning how to shoot guns. But that doesn’t automatically equate with being courageous, willing to stand for something, etc. In fact, many people do these things out of fear, boredom or simply wanting to look good.


Take a look around. See all those people frantically texting on their phones? Notice how they look…handcuffed to their devices? So preoccupied with being entertained, amused, high and mindless, in possession of every possible techno toy, we’re cultivating a nation of shallow, self-absorbed individuals who dwell in selfie-satisfied phantasmagoria, safely playing out roles online, believing silly, self-created legends of strength, power and courage. We need to snap out of the video game mindset, pretending to be imaginary super-heroes, worshipping the sports stars we live through vicariously, etc.

Having grown up in the 50s and 60s amidst the civil rights and anti-war movements (though I was no great activist myself), I gag at what many people today – especially in universities and colleges – consider to be pressing social issues. At the forefront of their concerns are topics like: gay marriage, transgender issues, legalizing marijuana and, of course, Harvard’s seminar on anal sex.

When my film, And Did They Listen?, was banned at ASU, I initially thought it was just a fluke, an overreaction by a highly religious person, so frightened at both the content of the film and her inability to rebut a single part of it that she was determined that no one else at the school would see it.

Apparently it was no fluke. I recently submitted the film to Austin, a writer for the Lumberjack student newspaper at NAU. I approached him because he was a science writer for the paper and he recently had a column where he skewered a phony psychic. I figured that at best he could recommend that I present the Meier material at the school, or at the very least he could try to debunk the film, etc.

Instead of either option, I received an email from him that contained the following paragraph:

“I watched the film today. It was quite interesting and I think you did a good job of explaining the background getting your point across. That being said, I can understand why ASU and NAU would not screen it. There were a few politically charged comments about abortion and population control that I am sure these schools would not care to support. Also, you managed to say that the whole thing is not about belief, but still managed to talk about reincarnation and telepathic communication like they are proven phenomena, which they are not.”

Yes, he actually said that those “politically charged comments about abortion and population control” and the fact that I talked about “reincarnation and telepathic communication” were too hot to handle. In other words, where real controversy and discussion were once among the things that people expected from, and went to universities for, now both faculty and students have succumbed to being spineless wimps who don’t want to rock the boat, be confronted by different opinions, or that which they know nothing about. Again, Austin didn’t attempt to debunk anything in the film. He just shivered in his boots at the thought of not being politically correct…in a world where people are publicly beheaded.

Intellectually handcuffed.

Alexandra has a mailing list of well over 75,000 to whom she sends various news items everyday. She went back and forth with me through a half-dozen email exchanges about why she wouldn’t forward the petition information to her list. Of course it was all about the evil US government, Israel, etc. But then in her last, angry email to me she admitted that she actually…hadn’t read either the long or short versions of the petition. It’s simply enough to be angry and not have to deal with reason.

Emotionally handcuffed.

There Is a Key

Those of us who are familiar with the Meier material and its the focus on love, peace, freedom and harmony, are probably among the last on Earth who want to see any further military involvement, etc. But as one person recently commented on my blog, this just may be a case of “you broke it, you fix it” or better yet “you join with others to fix it”. Sure, the idea of American military action “fixing” anything for the better doesn’t seem like such a good, workable idea to many people in the world, especially those who’ve for decades been on the receiving end of covert and overt US military actions. We understand that. (Although it seems that we still have irresistible suicidal impulses.)

But let’s revisit this from Meier’s 1958 Letter:

83.) And it will be that fanatical Islamists carry out bloody revenge on the distant descendants of the Christians, for their earlier crusades when they accomplish their deadly and destructive acts through irrepressible terror all over the world.*

It’s time to wake up not only to this particular prophecy, which is fulfilling itself right under humanity’s sleepy eyes, but to all of the warnings, to the mission and all that it contains. Of special importance is the spiritual teaching, which is the key to help us assure our own very threatened future survival. If events continue to unfold, to spiral out of control, there will be many voices crying out, “Why didn’t somebody warn us?” The truth is that somebody did but too few were listening. And too few troubled themselves to pick up that key, put it in the lock and turn it.


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*New, corrected translation by Dyson Devine.

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Allen Anderson

Thank you Michael,
It seems what little concern may be directed in the right direction by the majority in this world, it is only in dimly addressing the effects, and never acutely addressing the cause.

Luis Sanchez

To add to Michael’s statement. I understand how people from other parts of the world would prefer to not get envovled or even worst somewere in their congnition their bitting their nails and licking their lips for the moment to scream “I told you so!.” So many things wrong with that thinking one…their might be much to give commotion too. I want to point this out as well this may be a case study for the P’s to access on how “we” assimilated during critical momment. I understand many of can reference back to material better then a sports extremist sounding off stats and scores. But that’s not whole part either. Did you take action to help out your fellow man” when the chips down” or just complaining and pointing at the whole scared frightened to grab a shuvel.

Dyson Devine

Please note and correct:
This is the current important (draft) “official” amendment of the above quote, which – in the total absence of anybody else doing it – I ineptly translated/published in 2005 before I could do it any better or get competent assistance:
“83.) And it will be that fanatical Islamists carry out bloody revenge on the distant descendants of the Christians, for their earlier crusades when they accomplish their deadly and destructive acts through irrepressible terror all over the world.”

Also, Achim Wolf, on the German FIGU forum, drew my attention to this (below) this morning, and it needs to be known in English too. It deals with assigning responsibility – a vital concept related to the finding of the true truth – which has been perverted by the Control Group into “PLAYING the blame GAME”.

Billy identifies those basically responsible for the USA/UK vs. Russia tensions as the former. Those not in the thrall of the corrupt corporate media already know that.

“Der ‹Kalte Krieg›, so habe ich mich orientiert, war nichts anderes als eine Folge der altherkömmlichen Feindschaft zwischen den Weststaaten und Russland, wobei ich denke, dass seit alters her das böse Verhältnis zwischen diesen beiden Fronten ständig von Antagonisten und
Machtgierigen gesteuert wurde, grundlegend eben von Europa und den USA aus.”

(As I have orientated myself, the “Cold War”, was nothing more than a consequence of time-honoured enmity between the Western countries and Russia, whereby I think that, since time immemorial, the bad relationship between these two fronts is constantly steered by antagonists and the power-greedy basically just from Europe and the USA.)


J. Smith

Well said Michael. Although I can see where the writer from NAU is coming from on the topics of reincarnation and telepathic communication. We might be more acceptable of Meier’s knowledge than someone like him who’s just now hearing about the case and probably after watching the DVD didn’t delve into anymore information to see what else it was all about. Even though stirring the pot on new topics would be great for presentation he isn’t necessarily wrong on saying what he said about these things generally not being proven fact. I haven’t seen the DVD myself, but if something was said on the lines of being anti-religious that could have also been a trigger because it seems like religion is accepted everywhere in society and challenging it for some people is off limits especially if they’re a believer. Now I’m not defending him because I still feel like he’s displaying some negligent ignorance, but as we know accepting a different reality and outlook on life is extremely difficult for some people.

J. Smith

Well knowing that now Michael he might not want to let you shake things up not even a little bit. The saying that people are afraid of what they don’t know is definitely not a cliche especially if they don’t even want to let you explain yourself.

Andrei Palatkas

You know I actually find it very humorous that when certain people want to wage war over resources they find some Boogey man and get a coalition going but when it comes to actually doing something about the fanatics they whistle and roll their eyes.

Chris L

Well said, Michael. The petition for a halt to ISIS has only 269 votes. People are either preoccupied with a diverse range of far less important matters or completely misinformed (a 1,000+ signatured petition against all GMO foods in the US, which would almost certainly put an end to around 90% of all US agriculture) to see the destruction staring them in the eyes from down the road unless they change their focus and direction.

Chris L

Telepathic communication too hot to handle? There are many reports of experiments attesting to its validity. Many have had these experiences themselves and there is a lot of pro opinion out there among the public. A case of tele-pathetic communication from academia is closer to the truth.


Another case of, “by the time FIGU points it out, it’s likely there’s almost no public support behind the idea” which is why they feel they have to point it out so strongly in the first place. Face it, from a public support standpoint FIGU is at the bottom of the barrel. It just seems that when they point out what needs to happen, it just means it’s probably not gonna happen. I’ve shown this case to dozens of people over the years with almost no success. Can explain it and debate it until I’m blue in the face with legal standard proof, scientific proof and so on… Even show it to them in physical writing with copyright dates and everything, but basically people just think it’s too “harsh” on their moron belief systems and they all take the cowardly route and try to censor anything from their lives that dislodges their beliefs. That’s how insane this world is. This is one irritating planet and I just can’t see why they’d go to so much effort to try and “reason” with a bunch of zombies who’ve utterly forsaken any ability to reason in the first place. Sorry for my lack of faith in humanity. It is a stupid planet. My sentiment has changed very little since before I was 9 which is, I wouldn’t pay a cats turd to live here if it were up to me.


But I like this article and posted it on my facebook and sent it to a few friends anyways. Hopefully it will sink in.


I agree with you Daniel, Wouldn`t even put ANY paw prints on this mindless spinnless planet either! Hell do they even mention over-population too? NA! Even if they did, the governments of the planet do ALL wrong like the Ebola Virus,etc. Sack-em!

kevin pigford

Thank you Michael. With only 269 signatures so far, it’s completely beyond reason to me that anyone would not simply just sign the petition for the heck of it; at least people that I’ve sent it to personally and have explained the reason for the petition. Are there truly only 269 people who are interested in FIGU and for that matter their own lives? I will be purchasing a gun as soon as I can.


Move it to Havard

Darcy Wade Carlile

The smart phone handcuffed ones are searching for the truth, however I read Billy’s new style of writing and realized his explanations mean that no actual searching is required but only a perception of all things that go on, take place and move around us/handcuffed smart phone ones included. The use of rationality and intellect to recognize the truthly truth of all truth.

michael greenup

Daniel, you took the words out of my mouth. I was about the same age when I could clearly see what a bunch of stupid Earth Humans. It has not change but has increased through the years. Maybe the Earth Human needs to go by by. I have no trust in the Earth Humans and they continue to in force that opinion. Things could not be more serious on this Planet and they the Masses are not going to wake up. We are headed back to sticks and stones and Hundreds of years of progression lost. Not to up lifting, can’t help it. The Plejaren were ask to fly around the World to show their existence and they said No because that would make the Religious ones to loose their Minds and Kill them selves. I see nothing wrong with that. It would be the one thing that would save Mother Earth and preserve the Truth.


Michael greenup,I`ve been saying that a along ever since I first heard about the P`s! I think Mother Earth went to sleep at the wheel and just crashed! What else is new?

Corey Müske

As one of the 269 signatories of the petition, let me say that it takes heavy amounts of intellect and rationality to try and understand the Meier case, and to try and live in accordance with the laws and recommendations of Creation. Anyone can possess these attributes, but few people use them, which is why there are so few signatures. Most people are handcuffed, and uninformed about what lies ahead in the future (war, desertification, overpopulation etc.). And when MH comes along, instead of learning to use their intellect and rationality, people choose to stay uninformed by rejecting the information about the Meier case. I’m not sure what the solution needs to be.

I had a dream tonight, that the world became a vast desert, w/o bubbling rivers and streams, and beautiful trees. And it was just as if there was no more pope, it was if the worst of Meier’s prophecies had come true. The dream was so real and clear that I woke up right out of my sleep, and now I can’t go back to sleep. The masses are uninformed, and MH and others are doing what they can to try to reach them, but nothing seems to be working. It’s as if my dream will come true in a matter of time, and the world will be a vast desert. At that time, there will be lots of people looking back in hindsight, clamoring for birth-rate reductions, but it will be at that time, too late.

I often wonder what stories, the time travellers from the future could tell us, and how they view us in these times (what is their past), as they truly know what lies ahead, and just how destructive things will be. Billy says many of the beamships that are sighted around the world belong to future terrestrial humans, so I often wonder this.


You mean ideas about the solution to shake the masses out of their sleepy, apathetic state? Do you have ideas in this regard that go beyond referring potentially interested parties to the Meier material, and continuing to try to implement the spiritual teaching in ones own life?

If so, I’m all ears.


Regardless of what many may think about our personal responsibility here, it will take far more than than our simple and slightly ineffectual attempts to change this place. You may want to tell yourselves it’s enough, but it is not. The truth lies within the reality of the situations that occur. I’m not being negitive, just admitting to the reality of our existence. One must now look deeply at what must be done and after an honest assessment, one can only surmise that things will not change the way they should, it is simple logic and statistical probability. As long as Humans in power have a share of absolute power in any degree, they will never freely release themselves of it. It is simple cause and effect, period. Other things will need to occur to provide an impetus to change, plain and simple, it’s simple logic. All the crying to governments will serve not one iota. YOU must change it and the power is not yet in our (your) hands in a material way. Those in power who know will never give in unless forced to and all the sugar coating in the world will change nothing. If free will is truly the end of the argument, then we as a species are doomed. There is no other possible outcome. Do not bother storing goods and “chattels” for your loved ones as this is ludicrous. Live your lives to the best of your abilities, but as has happened many times in our past, the one’s in power rule you unless you remove them.


My comment was not directed towards Michael in any way, as he is simply doing what must be done within the system of laws that have been set forth. All his efforts in making governments more aware of the coming times is absolutely appreciated.

Philip Brandel

Seems most I talk to about this also have the similar approach of blaming it on the west, and since they cant get past their own governments potentially creating these entities, cannot find a way to want to confront it logically. Twisted and pulled in all directions, but to and from looking within…. Where logic may reside if more could just slow things down, get of their phone, tv, tablet, computer, ect, ect. and just listen to themselves from within.
In the end it truly seems and is continuously apparent that we must not dwell in the past, who did what when. We only have this time to change to the better before we truly fall into the potential worst.
Ones again because of religions and beliefs…. eventually always used and shown within the physical, what they represent in the thoughts created by the thinking creatures of our world. It is a shame more are willing to be led by the leash than see the path we have collectively chosen.
Beliefs, when will the nightmare end. I am certainly no poster child for excellence in many ways but man how can we be so stupid! This crap truly is engrained into our children and as real as Santa Claus, will show the cause and effect for all to see if we care or not.
I for one do hope that many here are preparing and wanting to live! Even if most seem to be the walking dead…. our fellow humans. So mighty we are in our own accord and for and because of no one else. What we have aloud ourselves to be reduced to. So free within and yet coerced as prisoners within the never ending infinite potential we all hold within.

Dyson Devine

Hi Philip.

You wrote, “In the end it truly seems and is continuously apparent that we must not dwell in the past, who did what when.”

For the record, here’s Billy’s view:


Philip Brandel

Hello Dyson, good to hear from you again.
I for one, do agree with Billy’s view.
It does seem so many become revengeful within all of this that they loose the ability to keep a clear and common goal. They are so focused on punishing their leaders that they cant and wont stand up to religious fanatics, religion in general. More layers are being added and not shed as of late in this regard, it seems to me. As well as becoming and living a mind set of constant hate/revenge for all of humanity because there feelings are reflected away from themselves s onto those whom most certainly are in need of punishment for things long past having any meaning, done by our leaders, if we just stood up now.
Got to love the ‘land of the free’, Amerika:). The years ahead are going to be turbulent to say the least! A lot of hate for those whom most seem think deserve it, and for those whom most certainly don’t. If we could just collectively ‘clean the slate’ things would be obvious as to where are troubles need to be freshly addressed.

Greg Dougall

Fantastic article! One thing we could all do to help Michael is to each contact our alma mater or local college or university and get in touch with the person who books guest speakers. My university had Lech Walesa and Toni Morison, but the best was Mike Reiss, one of the head writers of The Simpsons. Anywho, one of the reasons I like Billy Meier is that he says all of his concepts can actually be proven by well though out logic.
For specifics on reincarnation:
For specifics on advanced communications:

FYI, in contact reports 601 and 602, Billy says that if it wasn’t for the evil Bush wars in Iraq, Saddam Hussein would have prevented IS from even forming in the first place, but the U.S. essentially murdered him. Also regarding eastern Ukraine, he said it wasn’t necessarily right what Russia did with Crimea, BUT the U.S. has covert military operatives there from Constellis Group (formerly BLACKWATER) surprise, surprise, and logistical and political support from the CIA and FBI continuing to antagonize Russia. Thirdly, that sanctions are harmful to the world economy and are just another wrong way the USG and EU are going against world peace. Let’s let our elected leaders know that we know exactly which American groups are instigating this new cold war, and tell them to knock it off NOW.


Guess what Greg, The Republicans will take over congress in January 2015 which means MORE WAR MONGERING till Hilary becomes president and EVEN MORE WAR MONGERING!