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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

They Came Here

They came here in these for the past…81 years:


With Tree


 To meet with Billy Meier.

Billy im schwarzen Hemd


Not only so he could take these photos* from inside the craft:


But to warn us and to teach us.

So we could leave behind the Age of Beliefs for the Age of Truth and Knowledge and assure our own future survival.

They didn’t come here to harm us; we do a fine job of it ourselves.

We are very slow learners, stubborn, ignorant, religiously deluded and already a proven danger to ourselves and all else that exists on this planet.

The people were warned…and did they listen?

What do you think?

The Apophis Puzzle: The Meaning of Red

New Confirmation of Billy Meier’s Warnings about Apophis

SETI Sent Evidence of ET Contact by They Fly Productions

As the Time Fulfills (Part 8)

Marching to Oblivion

We Were Warned

URGENT: Another Prophecy Fulfilling

UPDATE on the New IS Planned Holocaust

NASA Engineer: The Billy Meier UFO Case Is Real

New Pentagon Report Corroborates Prophetic Information in Recently Released Film

The Billy Meier UFO Case: Now You Can Prove It to Yourself

Prof. Zahi’s Analysis Report on the WCUFO

Prof. Zahi’s Analysis Report on the Pendulum UFO

Prof. Zahi and Chris Lock’s Analysis on The Energy Ships

Russian Military Movements…and the Henoch Prophecies

*NOTE: All of the above UFO photos were taken in the mid-1970s…long before home computers, CGI, digital effects, etc. Professional analyses revealed that the physical evidence was authentic and irreproducible with the technology of the day.

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Rational thought, only clouded by years of brainwashing: the Plejaren know the dire straits facing mankind and practically all life on planet Earth. Seems like they could’ve made a little more noise to get our attention. Sure, they tried some diplomacy that failed utterly. Sure, plenty of ”proof” of their existence and scientific knowledge was provided. Granted, many of those who are truly in power and running the show were aware of the reality and the message.
My point is a simple one, naturally. Knowing what they know, why would they think they have done enough? They have done nothing less than abandon Earth humans to the fate we’ve created for ourselves.
I’m not saying their actions are incorrect. What I am saying is that their actions do not measure up to what they say they want for us. I think we are being allowed to perish by our own self-willed design. Or, going Malina, if you prefer.
They could have done much more to insure the future of Mankind on this planet. Yet, you may say they have done enough, given us all we need to fix our own problems.
Really? Time is short, the wolf is at the door. What we are left with is platitudes and the insult of abandonment. Please pass the popcorn. This is gonna be fun to watch.

J. Smith

Maybe WE could be doing more…its always easy to pass the blame onto someone else. This isn’t the first time a prophet has passed through the Earth and as history will show you WE never listen….so don’t blame the Plejaren for “not doing enough” lets blame ourselves. They don’t have to do s**t as far as I’m concerned…My grandparents always said “Who don’t hear does feel”.


1 in 3000 solar systems have life
And we are just sitting here, suffering in strife.
The guardian of the treasure offers us his gems
While everyone else just wants pleasure, or condemns
The only solutions to every world danger
Yet we treat our own neighbor as if he’s a stranger.

But they refuse to show themselves in this dimension
Which is why the media refuses to mention
The one man in the world who has good intentions-
To teach us the truth about reincarnation,
The Creational laws, and their implementation.
But no, they leave us to fend for ourselves
To learn from mistakes and live through our hells
Caused by the fight or the might of our thoughts
And if World War 3 starts, It’ll all be for naught.

The Plejaren are safe and they keep their distance
At 500 light years and not much assistance.
A fraction of a second shifted from ours
They’ve chosen to hide behind Pleiadian stars.
These nearly-perfect people seem to be afraid
To help us and teach us while they watch us degrade.
When a digital camera could quell all our fears,
They tell us to wait another 800 years.

By now you’ve detected my sarcastic frustration
With the people who live in the Plejaran nation.
But what can I do with just my own voice?
They refuse to help further and left me no choice.
They love to work in their gardens on Erra,
But won’t get their hands dirty with us earthworms on Terra.
Just like the South must think North Korea is deranged,
In 12 billion years, I guess not much has changed.
They basically said that if we don’t learn
It won’t be their fault if we let the world burn.

J. Smith

As knowledgeable as some here may be about the Meier case even more than me some seem to not be getting the message. Why are we still seeing comments about what the Plejaren should do? Are you guys just stubborn or something?

Philip Brandel

It seems that personal responsibility is harder for some people to get over than even religion. This being a large generalization within itself. As per real self responsibility to oneself and surroundings. The definition of which I would state being, to align oneself to ‘creation’, the naturalist way possible. Being it within the material or consciousness. To take responsibility for every thought, feeling, action and asses it based on the truth of our world within these things, and reacting as neutral positive as possible. Though we are so far gone in our ‘civilizations’ that we will most certainly have to come full circle in many regards.
Ones we have this information(Billys/Plejaren), what more can we truly do, than change on our own. Though once someone accepts this notion they want it instantly, if not yearn for it constantly with little actual work put in within themselves. The list of our ill’s is many fold. And anyone whom thinks they are anywhere close to perfect, is most definitely fooling themselves most of all.
For me as an example, it is a daily struggle to align the thoughts with the actions. Like living in a dream of responsibility sometimes, thinking and doing being very different things? It has been harder for me to conquer in some ways than many other aspects of our ill world. As its importance is monumental to our survival and rarely headed by many, often including myself. I mean this in the aspects of everyday life…. small thing -mainly- that dictate the world around us individually. That if we all did would most definitely change us towards the better…. as over time they would accumulate to where we all want to be. Which at our current rate will be in a few, if not more life times.
It is an interesting thing to think that even within all of this, we each have our certain areas that interest us more than others. That we still, with such great knowledge pick and choose what we are willing to focus on and change within ourselves. Stubborn thinking creatures of earth… Stuck in a delusion of grandeur with as little self work as possible….while expecting the greatest outcome. Seems most of us need to focus on the very basic fundamentals of being a respectable human, before we will actually become one.


Damn..that’s so nice:)


I know what you are saying and the feelings that arise. I still struggle with many things regarding these issues. To me, it simply seems logical that the people here learn the truth of their existence now no matter how hard it may be for the masses. Simple logic would dictate that the truth be known, but many would not understand immediately. Evolution is seemingly very barbaric here and based upon the history of this planet according to the contact notes, we had a lot of help being the way we currently are. But this should not stop us from rectifying these things ourselves, if possible. I often try to send impulses to them with possible middle-of-the-road types of solutions so as not to break their directives while at the same time pushing awareness to the rest and I will probably always attempt to do this even though it will bare little fruit. Being biologically young respectively we mostly lack the interface to the spirit to understand essential truths, but that does not mean that everyone here are young spirits, quite the contrary. Some simply have a knowing naturally while others require a certain nudge. The manipulation of our physical beings is quite grotesque as is evidenced by what is happening and it is natural to feel that someone should at least make certain things right, but for all we know, many of us here could have had a hand in it all, we simply don’t know yet. In the end though, the heads of the religions currently who continue to pursue ancient goals will suffer greatly because they bring destruction to the entire world knowingly and these crimes will bring upon the heads unbelievable suffering. Their power is transient and they know this. We are a world marching towards insanity of the mind. I wish I could say I knew how to fix it in a material way. The weird thing is that much of our problems here stem from simple explainable physical psychology, sicknesses that reside within the actual grey matter of our brains. These pyschological illnesses impair our abilities to acurately bridge the gap with our spirit, hence we become monsters.


Michael,Here are two articles I just read on about the energy grid that you and George Noory might want to check out. 1. From Truth Speak Out Renewable Energy for National Security,08 January 2015 By Benjamin Dancer Speak Out/Op Ed and Encouraging Grid Security with Distributed Generation Posted by Congressman Rosco Barlett(RMD) US House of Representatives August 9th 2012 at 7am Filed Under Discussion Legislation And Rule Making. You and George Noory might want to read these two articles on the web since you are both very concernd about the energy grid problem etc. Unfortunately I don`t use EMail but perhaps you could EMail George Noory about these two articles to George Noory. I just happened to read these articles a little while ago and thought yoy and Niory might be interested in reading these articles.


Michael, I just managed to Email that last post to George Noory. Apparently I do have Email but I don`t like to use it due to privacy concerns unless it is very important and an emergency.


I don’t see any scout ship in 494, Matt.
BTW, in futureofmankind “gallery of the week” photo #176 Mar29, 1975 the light orb does appear to be more like a light than a reflection, but it’s difficult to say for sure.

Matt lee

Hi Chris I just thought it important enough to point out a possible ‘hiding in plain sight’ aspects of those photos that, like it was the case with WCUFO on top of a fence post, the Plejaren by the virtue of their wicked sense of humour had left for us to eventually find.
Since I am on a smartphone I can’t utilise photo software to put an arrow on the particular part of the photos I was referring to but if you are still interested leave me your email address and I’ll do it via a PC.
I don’t think you can post photos in this comment section to my knowledge

Barry Smith

Well at least someone cares if we survive and learn … I can’t say I would go to all that trouble for planet stupid that prefers illusions and Jesus and Santa Claus , and the Easter Bunny over self responsibility … Hours of preparations , many ships , many teachers , knowledge banks , prepared answers for coming questions , etc … All in the air of a war minded planet full of people living in illusions and comfortable being controlled and ignorant of history …

Matt lee

Hey Barry it could’ve been worse had the GIs and Bafath still stuck around not be mention us earthlings nearly being decimated by the detonation of a neutron bomb test.
Couple this with a near actual ET invasion back in 1995 and all I can say is ‘lucky once again’

Antony E

What near invasion was this?

Matt lee

One where a group of ETs were looking for a place to colonise anf thought earth was ideal.
This was foreseen by the Plejaren and one of the reason why they left earth for good upon completion of their mission.
Luckily for us the Plejaren found them an alternative place to live happily ever after.

J. Smith

Is this Mahesh guy another Meier “debunker” or a Michael Horn hater? Maybe he’s jealous and thinks he should have been the representative for the Meier case. About these corroborations its obvious that Meier and the P’s don’t always go into every detail about everything they say pertaining to things we don’t know yet. And when they talk about it they talk as if it is already known to them not as if it is a theory like those people in 1987 that theorized about water deeper into the Earth’s crust, that’s a major difference. So therefore nitpicking about specificity isn’t going to help you debunk the corroboration.

Michael you must have really rubbed that guy the wrong way maybe some roses and a gift card to the nearest spa would do him good! I see he’s dodging the question of whether he thinks the case is real or not, but at the same time making sure you do your job correctly, that doesn’t make sense to me.

Matt lee

Hey Michael why are you making it out as if it is near damn earth shatteringly oh so important as to add fuel to the not so necessary fire?
You are encourging it!
You don’t need this type of advertisement nor does the truth in this particularly dirty context but you are advertising Mahesh’s ability to garner attention.
Can you see it from this perspective this time around for once?
Sometimes you have your moments like obviously we all do.
Just needed to unoffendingly point that out.

Matt lee

I think your continued focus of your might of thoughts on Mahesh’s activities, which I think btw is justifiable up to now, has over run its course but is still being dragged on ad nauseam.
I know I know its your blog and its within your freedom to do whatever you deem is necessary but I think its wipping up some strong emotions on other members here the more the conversation on Mahesh stays current.
Would it not be better to ignore it from now on seeing as nobody here including you is going to change his mind one way or the other or his evasiveness.
Yes I am also disappointed especially when I considered him for many years to be a friend of the truth.
Still hoping that one day through this episode he will come around
I think there are bigger fish to fry out there

Wayne Anthony Sunter-Smith

Ok Now this F%%$#wit stated at the bottom of his rant “We have shown that Michael Horn’s extravagant claims are largely based on wishful thinking, unproven presuppositions and ignorance of even the FIGU material itself, rather then objectivity, critical thinking and decent research. He doesn’t seem to realize these articles and claims do not at all add to the credibility of the case, but rather give the impression of propaganda fueled by blind belief, at least to anyone who spends even a few minutes to check any of his claims.

A few Minutes ?? A few Minutes ? ! You would have to study for weeks ….hours and hours to even get an inkling to be able to have a “right” to comment !

Bob Wiegand

Wayne Anthony Sunter-Smith – interesting, I actually would like to talk to him. See inside in noggin, how he thinks and what he is looking for. Perhaps letting all comments come in may be a good thing – we each come to our own understanding – the truth, well, at first its a frightening thing, but it becomes the very thing which frees us. Impossible it is to hold to ones opinions forever, time seems to act like the ocean, just wears that stuff out 🙂 “TIME WILL TELL”

Matt lee

Referring to your recent link you’ve provided of Mahesh’s blog with your comments

Matt lee

Here in this blog
Now you’ve got members here calling him a*****e and what not
Maybe in hindsight my criticism wasn’t jutified but to me it looked like you were feeding the fire a little more by providing a link to Mahesh’s blog with your comments on there thus drawing attention to it which I thought wipped up some strong emotions in members here.

Matt lee

My mistake it was actually f*****t and not a*****e


Matt, IMO it’s clearer on the computer. You can access the same origibal photos and zoom in on the hi res photo with a + click. As I said it does look like a light of some kind but it’s difficult to conclude it isn’t a reflection off some kind of glass-like or crystal-like sphere, because the color is very similar to the other reflections. It is an interesting phenomenon.

Matt lee

Hey David have you managed to check the other photos as well?
What do you think about those elements?


Matt, you can email me if you want at:

Matt lee

Ok Chris will do but in the mean time let me just put an undeniable arrows to those elements I see in those photos that may be of some future significance to worth bothering about and thanks for your patient interest on it.


We are so young here, clammering about our little sandbox. These other people live to be in excess of 1000 years, and apparently others even longer. We must seem so juvenile, so utterly illogical. Just think, if we make it to these life spans, they will probably be gone and we will have lost an important oppurtunity because they will have moved on. Things are so confusing sometimes, the whys and wherefores. I suppose it’s just time. Seemingly, we are lost in a strange world seeking them out for some odd reason, but we just can’t seem to remember other than the clues that were given. It’s so wonderful at times but then..