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Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Billy Meier: More Constant than the Speed of Light

Pseudo-scientist, Stuart Robbins, proved wrong  – yet again – as scientists corroborate more of Billy Meier’s prophetically accurate information

Scientists announced that the speed of light isn’t always constant, confirming once again what UFO contactee Billy Meier said waaaaaay back in 1979:


27. Now, I am actually interested in your questions and calculations.

28. Present them to us.


Happy to do so, my son. Thus, my first question: Is the speed of light constant of presently 299,792.5 kilometers per second, which is calculated by our earthly scientists, correct?


29. This figure is of correctness.

30. But I notice with your question that you speak of a present constant; what do you want to express with that?

Billy: I have calculated that the light constant steadily decreases within the framework of a certain half-life.


The above information is ironclad, i.e. verifiably published long prior to the “new official discovery”. This prior, copyrighted, online publication alone constitutes a legal standard of proof. Meier’s original publication preempts our scientists by a mere…36 years.

Wendelle Stevens referred to Meier knowing this information even earlier:

“First of all, the ETs do not measure distance in terms of light-years because that is our unique creation. They say the speed of light is neither constant nor does it travel in a straight line (except over very small distances) — being speeded up and slowed down, and bent every which way by magnetic fields of force, which are everywhere.”

About this time, one particular pseudo-scientist might just be feeling kinda pStupid. That’s right, skeptic Stuart Robbins*, the know-it-all and shill for the party line who unambiguously declared Billy Meier to be a hoaxer, fraud, etc., when earlier provided with Meier’s information about the speed of light. He dismissed it as wrong because it hadn’t yet been proved by terrestrial scientists.

Robbins of course will probably now resort to attacking the article itself but I doubt that he’ll attack the Cornell University Library for posting the research report. Then again…maybe he will.

Traitors to the Truth

Now, in light of yet another corroboration of Billy Meier’s specific, voluminous, prophetically accurate scientific information, does my including Robbins on my “traitors to the truth” category really so sound so harsh? Think what’s at stake here as these poseurs and sold out know-it-alls suppress and attack the Meier case. Meier, the same man who has tried for decades** to warn us away from the dead-end path of self-destruction that we, in our moth-to-the-flame, suicidal, religiously deluded, overly entertained, ignorance and arrogance passionately pursue in our own hell-bent, lovable little ways.

Contact 251

According to Mariann Uehlinger, another prediction that has fulfilled as well is sentence 197 of contact 251, from February 3, 1995. The movement of complete Gewaltlosigkeit (non-violence) is, the “Gruppierung” (another group) is the EU and the woman who will reach a powerful Weltmachtstellung (world might position) is Angela Merkel from Germany.

(These references are to this information in our unnumbered English version: “Initial efforts are being made by a new movement to promote total non-violence; while a woman gains a high and influential position among world powers through another group’s formation.”)


*For more about Stuart Robbins’ Greatest Hits, er, Misses, start with my unfortunately overly-optimistic, first blog about him:

Stars in His Eyes

Then use the TheyFlyBlog Search for about 10 pages of more information about just how wrong Robbins and the rest of the skeptics can be…at humanity’s expense.

**For a reality check, please see:

UPDATE on the New IS Planned Holocaust

The Only Way to Stop the IS

URGENT: Another Prophecy Fulfilling

Billy Meier’s Update on ISIS


Thanks to Philip Brandel, Bruce Lulla and Mariann Uehlinger for the information.


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Always cracks me up when Billy addresses Quetzal as, “my son”.

Antony E

Ironic when you consider that in a former life, Quetzal was Gabriel (Jmmanuel’s biological father), I seem to remember


Also remember Quetzal is at least hundreds of years older than Billy. Seems to me it should be the other way around.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Gabriel sat on the mountain top in South America to witness WW3.

Melissa B

Taro, that is so funny. I like reading Billy and Quetzal’s contacts. You can tell they have a special bond with each other. It’s very enjoyable and at times hilarious. =)


Hi Melissa! I love your peace-symbol, do you have a good jpg. with enough resolution for printing?

Melissa B

Hi Stefan, I have the symbol saved on my pc at home and I’m at work right now. When I get home(around 6 pacific time), I’ll see if I can put a link on here so you can print it.

Melissa B

A link I created for the peace symbol. It is good resolution so I hope this works.


thank you very much!


Oh, totally, Melissa. And Antony, I actually was not aware of that fact, which explains much. I haven’t made it through all of the contact notes just yet but I did catch a convo where Quetzal was a little condescending with Billy and Billy sort of put him in his place. I always assumed the “my son” thing was a friendly jab referencing that time.


From that article – ““It’s very impressive work,” says Robert Boyd, an optical physicist at the University of Rochester in New York. “It’s the sort of thing that’s so obvious, you wonder why you didn’t think of it first.”

Apparently, unable to ever think outside his self-imposed box of scientific-religion-emprisonment, Psuedo Pstu Robbins, NASA psuedo-pscientist unextroadinaire, not only shot the obvious down but in the process, shot himself in the foot, yet again.


“Right On Bruce”:))

Matt lee

Michael how did it come by that Angela Merkel is the one?
It looked a little vague to me or maybe I am missing something here

Matt lee

So do you know the name of the group newly formed that gave her that platform to become the prophecised women who achieved influential position among world leaders?

Darcy Wade Carlile

Is she from Saturday Night Live?

Why don’t you make your next episode about how wrong you were about the speed of light?
Comment by Sassyone — January 23, 2015 @ 11:14 am | Reply
I’m pretty sure Stu doesn’t have the balls to post my comment because he’s very much like Phil Langdon who will not post comments that don’t agree with his demented line of thinking.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Speaking of demented, they are wanting to cast a new show “The X-Files”

J. Smith

I don’t know how anyone can attack this blog. Here you have a clear corroboration and then Wendell Stevens’ quote clearly confirming what the P’s said about the speed of light, someone other than Billy. Wendell Stevens someone that none of these so called ‘experts’ seem to have any respect for for the real research he did on the Meier case which they have never done, but are quick to call hoax. I’d love to see someone try and explain away this corroboration…


Since Stu has no balls (and probably shot them off aiming at his foot as Bruce suggested) he will IGNORE it, as per usual.

Matt lee

Well you do understand that its because he’s got a sore foot on top of havong no balls.
Speghetti meatballs anyone?


Matt, Maby this Stu guy must have shot BOTH feet off since this Robbins thinks he knows-it-all. Chef Boy-Yard e anyone?

Matt lee

Terry from now on we’ll have to call him Stew but don’t expect any meat inside.

Darcy Wade Carlile

HAH, hah!

J. Smith

I also posted a comment on his blog, I posted what I said here both it didn’t go through lets see what happens

J. Smith



Hi Michael, I read through the original paper and found that the paper is talking about a phenomenon shared among all waves. Particularly the last sentence: “Beyond light, the effect observed will have applications to any wave theory, including sound waves and, potentially, gravitational waves”. So this paper is not saying that speed of light changes over time in a manner as mentioned by Billy. Although I regard Billy’s case as an authenticated one, it sounds like a bit earlier to me to call this discovery a real “correlation”.


LT, do you have a reference link for the “original paper” you read? The sentence you referred to appears in neither of the articles mentioned in this blog entry:

Also, that sentence appears to suggest that this effect is not limited to light, which does not change the validity of Billy’s statement from 1979.


Taro, the sentence is from “”. I think you get the correct link. It’s the last one right above the “References” section. The key point of Billy’s statement is that the speed of light decreases over time. The paper is talking about “transverse structuring of the photon” will slow down the group velocity. It does not say that the speed of light is not constant in general. It says a particularly prepared photon could show decreased speed. It does not say that speed of light is going to change over time, which was key information from Billy’s statement.


I see what you’re saying now. Also, I missed the PDF link on the Cornell page, thank you for that. I think you may be splitting hairs a little, though. Much of the specifics are way above my level, however, if a particularly prepared photon could show decreased speed then would that alone not suggest that the speed of light is NOT constant in general? Although the paper does not(from my limited observation) suggest the reduction of the light constant over time in the manner that Billy explains, it does confirm his assertion of a variable speed of light, which was Michael’s original point.


Let me just add, I believe what you’re saying is that Billy’s conclusion of a variable speed of light is by itself not enough to illustrate any advanced knowledge until Earth scientists also discover the specific relationship of the light constant over time. A valid opinion, I suppose.

J. Smith

An opinion I can’t agree with because Billy has since beaten them many times with information they never knew about….can’t we all agree that he’s the best scientist living at this point and time or he knows some very good one’s!


I was trying to find his official level of formal education but only that he had troubles in grade school, or to that effect. The stark contrast between his background and the evidence he’s produced is often overlooked by many.

Marco K.

I agree, it’s not the ironclad corroboration of Meier’s material we would like to see. But it is another step in the right direction. I hope some science people will also find out about “pi” not being calculated correctly soon. I’ve been waiting for this one quite a long time, because it will hopefully lead to a little more modesty in science in the future, arrogance has become a plague there. Another fun one will be the discovery that the universe is much older than 14 billion years. Maybe TESS or the James Webb Space Telescope will help, we’ll see.


Couldn`t agree more with MH and Marco K. Thanks guys:))

Darcy Wade Carlile

We only see with our eyes in the material dimension of the universe and so we see a constant light speed value, however we don’t know what the speed of light was originally during the Big Bang nor do we know the speed of light on the far side of the universe.

Melissa B

Lately, it seems like so much of Billy’s information is coming to light one after another. Watching the whole thing unfold makes you really appreciate the superior intelligence behind the entire chain of events. I have no doubt that the Plajaren’s intended for the information to start corraborating itself slowly in order to ease people into it. Now that people are used to the idea that there is most likely other life out there, the corraborations just seem to be snowballing. I have a feeling that we will see many more and as time goes on they will become more and more earth shattering and virtually undeniable. How long it takes for people to rid themselves of their religious and material greedy lifestyles is the big question. Hopefully we can help speed that up collectively.


Melissa, “Seeing is Believing”.


“Pseudo-scientist, Stuart Robbins, proved wrong – yet again – as scientists corroborate more of Billy Meier’s prophetically accurate information”

Not surprising because Robbins is a Pseudo-scientist.


Right On Dennis:))


It’s clear, light speed is only a transient speed coefficient compared to what they use to travel in normal mode. Some are pretty close to understanding it on molecular levels, all theory of course. They (the plejaren) and others have clearly crossed this unknown divide between theory and application, but it may also require a bit of spiritual knowledge as well, at least how they apply it. It’s simply too advanced for us to understand how they harness this energy. I have a feeling equipment is mostly secondary at this point.

Philip Brandel

Feels good to finally have my name at the bottom of one of these blogs. It secretly has been a goal of mine, take it of the list of firsts for me, hopefully not the last though:).
As a rather news junky kinda guy, I will say that it is amazing how much of it correlates to what Billy has said. And though I do not read German, what I have read seems to be sired into my thoughts as a generality. It most definitely is the truth when put in conjunction with real life!
Another one I have been thinking about and just read recently, though was in the news back in 2012 apparently. The article and study went on to talk about how humans only really need 30 minutes of exercise daily. That even compared to an hour it was better for the body. Now again I know this has been talked about in the contact notes…. and maybe for ones I will see if can get it before anyone here, if it hasn’t already been verified and brought to the fore.The corroboration ‘page’ of Michaels is staggering! It is awesome to see all these verifications lumped together, shows what the future holds for some of the more pressing issues we face, if not acknowledge by many now. Though if anything, Michael to me shows what one can accomplish if they put their minds to it!

Philip Brandel

Sorry getting of topic.. with all this. These corroborations are interesting, to say the least!
Found it Contact 371
‘Normal-paced walks of 20 to 30 minutes a day are fully sufficient for the necessary physical exercise. If no walks are possible, then extensive gymnastic exercises for the same length of time are sufficient. Of course, walks or gymnastic exercises can be freely extended even longer, but they should always remain within the framework of what is reasonable and what is consistent with the condition of the skeleton and the constitution of the body. Special exertions are not necessary, but to the contrary, these can cause injury to the body, to its organs, its skeleton, and its joints, and this can be insidiously and quickly irreparable. ‘

Darcy Wade Carlile

Something I should do more often!


Good job Philip!


forto, I read a long time ago that the Plejarens meditate by using their spiritual energy to start the beamships into hyperspace and also when they go into null-space when their ships jump into null-space which is the white light into their ordur(part second out of normal space-time) into the next dimention to their home on Erra if I remember correctly.


forto and MH, Here is an old website that is one of many that I have on my favorite sites Erra-Pleiadians “technical method” making experience of “cosmic bliss”similar to report “OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES”. This website shoud explain what I tried to say in my last blog. I haven`t reread this site for awhile so I for got some of this since this was a few years back. Check it out:))


Michael, This website is an old site without an address. I`l give you what I can because at that time I had a different old computer with the Windows 98 which was just awful. At that time I just typed in Erra so here is all I got unfortunately.shortcut t short report on LYA contacts of Dr.R N Hernandes below/more. This is the best that I can do. Back then I was trying to get and learn as much as I possibly can about the Peiadians/Plejarens and their world Erra,anything I could get my hands on so this might be the wrong info siunce I was trying to learn as much as I could back during the beginning of the twenty-first century aound 2001-2002 etc when there was no http/www for window 98? That`s when I got my first pc. This is old information without the correct web address unfortunately. Besides I now know thanks to you that R N Hernandes is a fraud thanks to you and Billy. I didn`t know all that much back then.Sorry. ((


One other thing is that today instead if taking seven hours to travel between Earth and Erra,it now takes only seven minutes to travel between Earth and Erra due to their farely new technology that they now have from Asket`s people from Timers in the DAL Universe even though the Errans still call their ships Beamships. Too bad they can`t use their WCUFOs on Earth due to all the pollutions that the people of Earth have created and made a mess of too. Just goes to show you how very primitive this world Earth is:((.