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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Might of the Thoughts in Practice

In 2011 lived in Brazil for almost six months, part of the time as the guest of my friend Ricardo Ralston. One evening, unexpectedly, he said that we had to go into Sao Paolo and leave at about 8:30 or 9:00. I wasn’t feeling quite ready for it as it felt like a cold was coming on and all I really wanted to do was try to sleep it off but I decided to challenge myself.

The ride from where we were in up in the mountains in Campos do Jordão was going to take more than two hours. I realized that by the time we arrived I could be down with a full-blown cold and feeling quite miserable. So as we plunged through the night in Ricardo’s Land Rover I made a decision to vanquish my cold by the time I arrived.

In order to do this I envisioned an unending stream of electrons flowing towards me, through the windshield of the car and at the same time that our forward motion plunged us into the vast, inexhaustible sea of universal electron energy. I maintained my focus on this while we conversed as well as when we were silent. I kept intensifying my visualizing this perpetual ocean of energy engulfing us in the car, taking it in breath by breath and increasing my intention and confidence in our arrival coinciding with, and culminating in, my being fully relieved of my cold.

When we arrived in Sao Paolo…that is exactly what occurred.

Red -Hot

Several days ago I decided to take a walk in the forest a few minutes from where I live. It was overcast and there was rain in the forecast but it didn’t look imminent. I didn’t take a jacket or protective gear; I had a thin cotton pullover with a skimpy athletic tank top underneath and a hat. I trudged about three-quarters of a mile up the mountain road and found a nice spot to do some breathing exercises, Chi Gong, etc.

In about 20 minutes I noticed that the temperature had dropped, the wind had picked up and the clouds were darkening. Taking my cue I immediately started my return, just as the first drops of rain were falling. The intensity and volume picked up quickly and I realized that I was going to get quite soaked.

I don’t particularly enjoy being cold and wet and it was at that moment that I remembered the process that I’d done in Brazil. Having no protection from the rain and wind I decided that what I would really be experiencing would be tremendous…heat. I visualized a raging, red-hot fire within and all around me. I redefined the sensation of completely soaked, cold cotton pants clinging to my legs as being one of walking in ever-increasingly warm water. I intensified my projection of this fiery element with every breath I took; each short, forceful exhale fanning the flames and enveloping me completely in their heat.

To keep me from faltering I even imagined that I was getting too hot from this peripatetic inferno. By the time I was almost at my car I noticed that I was actually enjoying the sensations of this redefined wet warmth and wondering why I wasn’t feeling uncomfortable instead.

When I returned home, still smoldering from my un-extinguishable fire, not in the least worse off than when I first ventured out, I changed into fresh dry clothing.

Reference points:

100% complete self-responsibility requires that we:

See things exactly as they are.

Observe and control every thought and feeling.

Remember that we are the smiths of our own destiny.


The following books on the spiritual teaching are in stock here:

The Goblet of the Truth

The Might of the Thoughts

The Psyche


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Here is another topic you might want to discus on your blog for the future should you wish to: Let`s Try Democracy/Op Ed from the website Truthout Fearless Independent News and Opinion 6/10/15


I will be the nudnik here focused on the importance causality has in the every thought, word, action and feeling we have within ourselves and the collective immediately and over time… to maintain a Neutral+Positive approach to all things without allowing yourself to become aroused by the temptation of that which is not Neutral+Positive so that we can at all times strive towards being productive, creative, constructive and successful in LIFE~! The Might of the Thought is unapologetically and inexorably woven into the fabric of the matrix and so into the feelings….stay strong truth seekers. Thank you ~!!


In Hindu Vedas and Budhism this technique of “self-warming” is called as Transmission. It is a technique of meditation – Transmission of pouring of prana (life-force energy – sunlight) through the chakras. Pouring of prana through the forehead chakra – Ajna (Third Eye chakra) is a technique for not only development of the Hypophysis and Epyphysis, but also for triggering “self-warming” processes in a human body. There is also a technique of meditation – Pranayama of pouring of prana (sunlight) through the heart chakra – Anahata, with which not only a heart chakra and a light body is being developed, but also a (fully grown) human body can be fed, without any additional consumption of any other food and watter, for a longer period of time, of course within reasonable physical limitations. Similar technique to Pranayama, when the human body can be fed, without any additional consumption of any other food and watter, for a longer period of time, is also Sungazing – Solar Yoga. The main difference between these two techniques is that at Sungazing one has to stare at the sun, at sunrise or at sunset or “through a three glare”, while Transmission and Pranayama can be practised anytime and anywhere, when only mind (the power of vision, the power of thoughts) has to be applied. All these techniques are regularly being practised by masters Shangrilas. In the comming times of extreme cold and of food and water shortages it is wise for all who want to give themselves a chance to survive to be acquainted with all these techniques! Mr. Horn just in a simple way explained how some kind of Transmission technique, to warm up your body, works. Considering that Mr. Horn very well knows what is coming up in the near future, everyone reading this blog should be wise to the reason why he is sharing this wisdom with us.


Yea, I’ve avoided trying to synchronize Billy Meier’s teachings into old religions and would rather dump them than provide a rickety half-way bridge where people can cling onto believing while just avoiding the hard truth. It’s too jury rigged and leans toward confirmation bias than what is actually there. Of course, this is a lot easier for me in the West with Christianity since I have the Talmud Jmmanuel to reference if I want to go back there so to speak.


Aren’t you the one who claims that the governments of the world. especially the US government, is conspiring together secretly with “evil” ETs from who knows where? Naturally you will have absolutely NO evidence to back up your “extraordinary” claims. Extraordinarily delusional claims I should add. Why don’t you go and spread you rubbish somewhere else, huh?

Andrew Grimshaw

If I may, I would like to say,
It’s the untruths and lies that imprison to this day.
The untruths I can handle and correct,
but the lies I must learn to detect.

From these I need to be freed,
I’m not sure that this is guaranteed.
I can see that it is up to me to find these answers,
No one else can remove for me these cancers.

If only another would point me in the right direction,
So that I may see a path out of this self-inflicted dereliction.
And once I am on the way up to a better existence,
To all my brothers and sisters I will offer my assistance.
My first experience of The Might Of The Thoughts:
Hello Michael,

Andrew Grimshaw here.

Just wanted to let you know about my 1st experience of practising your process, Standing In Spirit. (

I watched your video but was too tired, I thought, to apply it at the time. I have only just started night shift as of Monday and my sleeping isn’t too good at the minute.

After watching, I decided to revisit Being Oneself by Billy, as I am currently going through a slanderous situation from my previous supervisor at my previous job.

It dawned on me that I SHOULD use your process to help handle my reactions to adversarial people.

I stood up and thought and found the tension in my outer pectoral muscles, as if I was preparing to defend and/or attack my adversary. I breathed and breathed and then, wait for it, an audible crunch could be heard in my upper spine. (It was a GOOD crunch, a realigning of my spine.)

From the bottom of my heart and the heady heights of my Spirit, I Thank You.

Love, peace, freedom and harmony are, of course, yours.

‘Til then,


Jacobus,Sorry about that but what can I say about a world that is getting worse and worse and worse.”Who can trust politicians, corporations, the military and so on when all they do is lie and want profits NOT humans!”


We just don’t seem to have any luck with the Tonys around here.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I now know that Tony is a short form of Anthony or Antonio.

Andrew Grimshaw

I clicked on Random Page over at earlier today and was given the following: Contact Report 229 (
This is where Quetzal imparts to us Jeremia’s predictions, NOT prophecies.
I think the following is an apt excerpt in light of some of the comments above:
“…When the prophet of the new time speaks of codex as well as oath and law, only a few loyal ones will gather around him, and most human beings will not want to listen to him. At first, only a few human beings will hurry to pursue the truth when he spreads the teaching of the spirit, for to the many human beings his voice and teaching will go unheard as if in a desert. But contrary to this, the obscure and powerful waters of the world-encompassing god cults, which are incorrect, delusional and fanatical, will spread. And the bogus and so-called messengers of god, god-like and exalted beings, masters, liberators, and kings of salvation will do their ruinous work through falsehood and fraudulence with deceitfulness, fanaticism, greed for gold and charlatanism, and will gather around themselves innumerable mindless believers. And many of the misled and fanatical believers will carry weapons as never before, and with these they will kill and murder countless numbers of human beings, while other fanatics will be driven by their delusional belief to seek to commit suicide as individuals, or in small or larger groups. During all of this the word of the prophet of the new time will go unheard as if called out in a desert, when he speaks of law, of the teachings of the truth and the spirit, true love, peace, freedom, harmony and justice. And he will teach with scorching and sharp words that fallible human beings will incur their own punishment through their delusional campaigns…”
And to finish on a positive note, the following is also an excerpt from Jeremia’s predictions:
“…When the millennium in which the new time prophet dies draws to an end, and when 800 years pass after his death, human beings will have come so far to open their eyes and ears that they will be capable of seeing and hearing. But this will be, because the power of the prophet’s word will begin to take effect over centuries, and will permeate the feelings and thoughts as well as the reason of human beings. It will be a very arduous work that the prophet and his loyal supporters will have to accomplish, however, their dedicated efforts will not fail to be successful. And slowly, the human beings will free themselves from the god cults, and turn toward the truth of the spirit and the Creation. Their heads will no longer be trapped in the delusional teachings of god cults, and they will have their eyes and ears open, thus they will be able to see and hear from one end of the earth to the other, and will be able to understand each other from now on. They will have become cognizant that each blow that strikes the fellow-human being will hurt and injure him. Human beings will form a large community in which each one is a part of the other. True love will create peace and freedom, and will unite humankind. And there will also be one special language beside the many that exist, which will be understood and spoken by all human beings. And this will finally be the start of the birth of the new, the real and true human…”
Hence, The Might of the Thoughts shall triumph yet.

Tyler Rutland

That ending part of the prediction made me almost cry the first time I read it, and it still makes me whimper with relief. I just look around sometimes at the grass and trees when I’m on a walk and think, how amazing will life be when everything is green everywhere again, and the atmosphere is clean, and our bodies are all healthy and supplied with all the good stuff of life?

What a promise… it’s just unbelievable. and to think i actually longed for medieval times recently because of some stupid TV ad showing a cell phone game. seems I forgot all of the disease and religious intrigue and ignorance and dirty pots to piss in.


Hi Tyler as with all the medieval programs on tv, it makes people long for the days of where men were men, and women were property. I freaking hate those shows and I wouldn’t doubt they are part of the campaign to help send us back to the stone ages. It’s no wonder that it’s going to take 800 years to get to where we are going.


Hi Sheila,

A little clarification about years. I found this from CR 115.

Semjase to Billy:

156. So listen, then:

158. But this means that the work of your mission should last for about 800 years in its effect, before that point in time comes when your teaching can become fully effective.

159. In other words, I want to declare with this that the effects of your mission work will last for 800 years and will be preparatory for the point in time in the year 2875, when you, as another person, should step once more from the otherworldly area into the light of this material world.

160. Thus, after your leaving of this world, you should only remain in the otherworldly area for a few years, in order, then, to step into appearance again already in the year 2075, if all the things of the determinations fit themselves together in such a way that no shifts would come about.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I read that report and it starts off with Semjase expressing anxiety towards Billy. I was reading my new book MOT and far into that book I read that human beings should not be anxious of each other. Considering the great mission I can see why she was concerned, it is sort of an extreme situation and not common.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Mait your comment is very pertinent to this topic because wrong headed people is a topic in CR 115. Good work Mait.


Thanks Mait for that link, looks like the 100 year span between 1975 and 2075 will be the most influencial. Good to know.


I once watched a hail storm approaching and used my hands to push it away to the north and south. It ended up hailing to the north and to the south of us, but not here. It may have just been the natural progression of the storm and I did nothing to influence it…because I’ll never know for sure.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Sheila, you should go to the Mid West and shoo all their tornadoes away, however that does no good anyhow because of the monstrous overpopulation.


True enough Darcy. I doubt if anyone actually has that ability because after reading Bruce’s recent translation of CR 622 it says “And already in a few days, namely on the 13th of May, a next such event again arises in the southeast of Germany, with which great destruction will be wrought. Also in the coming time the European windstorms pick up in strength and number, whereby even the center will not remain spared from these.”

My little experiment actually made me feel bad because although my little garden was spared, the hail affected crops which are used to feed LOTS of people. I doubt I’ll do that again.


MH, what you have described is using the force of thought to create the next moment. That is exactly what Jmmanuel suggested in his time.

Can you provide a CR# that describes the dynamics for the process?


MH, FIGU Special Bulletin 55 from August 2010 (by Billy Meier on May 9th, 2010, 11.57 PM):

Very interesting read and something worthy of dilligent effort to realize!



Thank you for sharing, oneno. That is one I have not seen yet. 🙂


last year I had a painful bout with a muscle in my back in the area of my right shoulder blade. When I first noticed it, I thought that I had over-worked myself and decided to take it easy and retire earlier so that I could rest that area of the body. Well that didn’t work even after two weeks. I don’t use Asprin/Tylonol as experience has shown that they NEVER work! By chance I discovered Tony Pantalleresco and his pain formula on Youtube: blend pinapple 8oz, white of citrus fruit 1oz, turmeric 0.25 tsp, hot cyan pepper 0.25 tsp, hot hungarian paprika powder 0.25 tsp, and merigold leaves (20 gold leaves). I made a small batch deliberately for freshness each day for breakfast. The concotion started working within three hours and I had to repeat for five days before the pain was completely gone. Was it a placebo effect? I don’t know. But it has worked repeatedly for all types of muscle and bone aches. Rest and the mental effort for relaxation had no effect for two weeks. The best part is it is all natural, inexpensive, and something one can prepare onself. The hot hungarian paprica powder can be obtained at any Hungarian Deli. This blend is especially good for eye health in concert with regular washing of the eye with NSF grade filtered water.

But going back to the subject of thought, I personally know a man that can use the power of thought to literally control events and behaviour of others present in the vicinity as time flows. However, he does not go to the point where he controls the thoughts of others. For that he merely uses suggestion and allows the listener to make free choice on action.



Who might that be (if the person is already a matter of public knowledge)? I’m also aware of someone long gone that was able apply this “psychic” influence.


Rob, the man is actually doing work similar to Meier and has been active in that role for at least as long as man has been on this Earth. His resources are also far beyond anything Meier together with his helpers can muster both financially and politically. He will be standing along side Meier during the next 800 years to guide mankind towards the Creational truth. He is very well known in Europe. I have no experience with “psychics” so I don’t know what to say there. This man is respected wherever he goes. It is best to keep his name quite. There is a very high probability that you already know this man.

I want to bring attention to the poem found here:

Saturday, January 31, 1976, 01:05 AM

A meteor from space – comet-like,
races close and crashes in the big pond,
the air it burns up as a glowing ball,
in the year of the three-value, with terrible sound,
with terrible howling, gigantic power,
as death-missile it crashes on the Earth.
As concentrated power racing through space,
it brings a deadly destroying seed.
Mountains, they crash and life, it dies;
a death-monster, which now spoils much,
loud cry the people all together in one voice,
their misery upward to Creation in heaven.
They scream and cry and plead to her,
for much blessing and love and help from now on
but they never thought about the great law,
about the love-request, which they broke.
They lived along, passing Creation by,
because all-the-while love was all the same to them.
Only the punishing power of the highest one,
allows a few to find their way back to the greatest One.

This man is constantly connected to that Consciousness and is saturated with “faith” in that Consciousness and draws his strength from the source of that Consciousness.

I know that the word “faith” is looked down upon in this group but it should be noted that the Arabic word “Iman” means “faith” and is pronounced just as the first part of the name Jmmanuel. Not “blind faith” common to religions but “faith” that each and everyone themselves test each time they have a thought and each time they act. This “faith” is based on immutable laws in whatever locality one is operating within. So for example, if the mass of the Earth remains the same and the electrical environment surrounding the Earth remains relatively constant then the surface gravity on Earth will remain at ~9.81 meters per second squared. However, if the Earth passes behind a comet tail at close proximity to experience naptha, fire, brimstone, and deluge for a number of days and gains mass as a result, then the surface gravity can no longer be expected to be ~9.81 meters per second squared after such an event.

Therein lies the application of the word “faith”. It does not mean that one simply accept what one is told. On the contrary, one must test what one “hears and sees” to build one’s faith in the immutable laws through experience and understanding while remembering the fluid nature of the Creation.

When I read the Contact Reports, I see this “faith” in the speech of Billy and his Contacts.


Is BEAM or is not BEAM?


MH, please describe your application of the word “confidence”.

NOTE: I interrupt this comment to say this: Honestly….so what? You’re saying that he’s a public figure, about whom you state all sorts of things including putting him on par with Meier. So unless you post some info for people to reference, I’m not posting comments about some anonymous individual.

The Judas-lineage Matthew

Tammy, all that mu’min means is “Wissender”, i.e. a knowing one. That is it. The meaning of the root AMN is to be certain or sure about something, which logically only comes about through knowledge. Belief always involves some element of doubt and repeated self-convincing – it is not worthy of being related to AMN, which means “es ist so” and therefore WISSEN.


When faith arrives to Earth Humanity and it is ready to perform it’s charge, in fealty to which undying lord does one attribute this faith with? What should faith consign over to the more than 7 Billion souls on this world?


Duke, faith is not to any lord or Lord, but to one self and all life, all distinct, yet whose source is the One.

Note the last two phrases of the poem:

Only the punishing power of the highest one,
allows a few to find their way back to the greatest One.


Well oneo, apparently you missed that I had phrased that with regards to Earth Humanity as a whole but I’ll cite a work from Billy that may explain this a bit better:

The Judas-lineage Matthew

Iman means knowledge, not faith. A mu’min is ein Wissender, not ein Gläubiger. You will find the original Quran in Kelch der Wahrheit with the correct meanings in German.


Are we still talking about an Arabic definition of Iman?


The Judas-lineage Matthew, please use this dictionary:

ein Wissender => more knowing
ein Gläubiger => believer

mu’min is one who’s understanding and actions are as a mirror that reflects the Creation

Read this paragraph translated by James Morris on Ibni-Arabi’s “Listening for God: Prayer and the Heart in the Futûhât” on page three:

“…For I have placed between this servant of Mine and the ‘station of Proximity (to Me)’ (maqâm al-qurba) many veils and immense obstacles, including the goals of the carnal soul; sensual desires and passions; taking care of other people, property, family, servants and friends; and terrible fears. Yet (My servant) has cut through all that and continued to strive until he prostrated himself [clearly more than bodily motions are involved in this sense of sujûd] and drew near (to Me) and became one of the muqarrabûn. So look, O My angels, at how specially favored you are and at the superiority of your rank, although I did not test you with these obstacles nor obligate you to undergo their pains. And realize the rank of this servant, and give him all that he is due for everything that he has undergone and suffered on his path (toward Me), for My sake!”

In that paragraph muqarrabûn refers to angels (think higher than IHWH as angels move back and forth between energy and matter at the command of the Creation).

The Judas-lineage Matthew

I will add that the opposite of a mu’min is a kafir, which has the simple meaning, referable in any Arabic dictionary, of covering up the truth, whether that be by delusional belief, arrogance, or atheism, etc. In this sense, many “takfiri” groups such as ISIS are themselves abysmal kuffar, as they make a mockery of Muhammad’s teaching of peace and turn it into a faggoty pseudomoral hypocritical, and furthermore a murderous and misanthropic cult. A muslim is someone who accepts that they do not yet know, yet through their conscience decides to follow a mu’min out of deference to their greater level of knowledge, thereby assimilating themself into the laws of Creation and the way of peace. The absolute worst kuffar are the hypocrites resp. munafiqun, i.e. delusional hypocrites such as ISIS, the various Christist cults, and also pseudomoralists such as modern “feminists”, etc, who go around spreading a fake morality and representing vices as virtues, and virtues as vices, &c. Al-Islam is not a religion, but a philosophy, and indeed the only philosophy that will bring peace and fairness to the Earth. Those who make a religious cult out of it are its worst enemies. The worst enemy is always the imposter, the false friend who represents him or herself as a patriot and an ally but in truth is undermining one’s own work.


MH, please describe how one acquires “knowledge”.

The IHWH are “King of Wisdom” a.k.a Plato’s Philosopher King.
How did they come to acquire mastry over so many fields of knowledge?

Andrew Grimshaw

Psst… Oneno, is your username the name your parents/guardians gave you or a swapping around and joining of, no one, which just happens to be a palindrome?


Psst… Andrew Grimshaw,

When you were born, did you say to your parents “by the way my name is Andrew Grimshaw”? That name/ legal fiction is not yours but the property of the registering authority namely the Crown/ Vatican created by them for the purpose of fraud to harvest the fruits of your labour in the age of majority by making you think that legal identity name/ fiction is one and the same as you the living man with mind, body, and free will.

In these time where corporations/ governments are “listenning” to all conversation, it is prudent to remind them and everyone else that a mature man has NO NAME only appellations or commonly called names or terms such as “You there”, “Hey you”, “Fred”, “Mary”, and so on. All of their legislation applies only to legal fictions and not to man.

Conduct your own research at www dot detaxcanada dot org. It is the Vatican and the Crown as their agent that imposed the name on man (male or female) to justify fraudulently the confiscation of the fruits of labour of man by making the man believe that he/ she was one and the same as the name.

Just think: Can a name that has no body or mind go out and do work for conversion into remuneration that is then taxed because the Crown has property right to the name they created and attached to the man who actually does the work and who is not anyone’s property?

This site is not a religious site. Why get stuck on names that were required by religions and governments (originating from religions) to enslave you?


Hi Michael,

I think it is unrealistic to expect people to post their real names, unless it is just the first name + some identifier such as initials (in the event of confusion).

Many people have their reason(s) for not using their real names, such as:

* They have a well-paying steady job/business, and they are not ready to jeopardize it.
* They do not want to be know via a simple “google” that their name shows up associated with posts on theyflyblog so their family/relatives/associates can see, as your pages are google-able.

In addition to those you and others have already mentioned. May I suggest that you validate the person privately if they insist on using some pseudonym so that you can get a feel for their background and perhaps know them on a first name basis if nothing else before dismissing posts?

Also, this may be an exercise in futility if someone wants to use a fictitious “real” name anyway.

My 11 cents.

Andrew Grimshaw

If I may, I think a dictionary might help about now.
acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation; general erudition.

And there’s more here:

So I think first one must have at least one of the seven senses (, and then I think one must be able to think, but I might be wrong, I’ve been known to be before.


Re: FLAU Bulletin No. 10 with articles on “Openness and Satisfaction to Ourselves” by Vivienne Legg and “Some Thoughts on the Practice of Concentration that Leads to Meditation.

May i suggest that both authors move away from their use of the word “human” and instead use the word “man”. The word “human” was introduced deliberately to signify “colored” man with the use of the word “hue”. This was done for legislative purposes so that some men could be seen above others thus justifying some men to rule over others.

Please use the word “man” in place of “human”. Many are reading Billy’s writings and it is important that everyone have this understanding that all men (male/ female) have equal rights.

Similarly, the word “man” with clarification (male/ female) should also be used to refer to both sexes instead of using “man/ woman” or “him/ her”.

On the subject of concentration (in FLAU B-10), I would suggest that one make a habit of some type of solitary recreation (walking through a trail, biking on quite roads, rowing in a river or lake, commuting to and from work with special emphasis on the return trip…) for an hour each day paying attention to nature with oneself as part of nature that is being observed. If this activity is repeated as a habit, then that time will flow and your own body will adjust the rigor of the activity after which one retires for the night to wake-up early for meditation completely refreshed and alert to focus. Again, the same way one “is” during that period of recreation, reflecting inward and leaving all thoughts, in that same way conduct your meditation. After a time one will be able to leave the body and thus the noisy brain to experience the fluidal state of your spirit and the Creation.

For the youth who have become aware of the over-population issue, Use a similar strategy whenever your hormonal instincts exert the natural pull toward the opposite sex. At the same time while observing the opposite sex that is pulling your interest, observe yourself during that same time and pay attention to the effect of the stimulus the opposite sex is exerting on you. In this way you will divide the strength of that stimulus and you will find the observance of your responses to that stimulus to be a little more interesting that the object that is stimulating your attention. In this way you will employ a tool to defeat that difficult time and at the same time strengthen your will.

Many times friends and relatives press and encourage me to date such and such or marry such and such. I respond with:

“Don’t you know it, they’re “unly” good for look-ing-at-it, for a little while; After they’re a drag.”

I say:

“Don’t you know it, they’re “unly” good for a look-ing-at-it; for a little while; After ” – slowly – as if I am savoring the thought

and the “they’re a drag” part fast to let them know I’m uninterested and it’s not worth the effort.

Of course, you don’t want to do this if you “really are” interested in the one who is the subject of the discussion.

The Judas-lineage Matthew

Actually the English kabbalistic code is ambiguous with respect to many phonemes, including the value of A as in man, so that man means contextually either a male human being or a human being resp. Mensch in general. People should just learn German which is not plagued by such ambiguities and where there are two words, Mann and Mensch. Mann, like Weib, has the meaning of an imbalance, i.e. Mann means an imbalance to the positive, Weib means an imbalance to the negative. Mensch means an individual which is fulfilling a particular lineage of evolution in order to balance the logos of Creation.