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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Wrong-Headed Human Beings

Just some items to shake your head at this weekend

There are right and wrong ways to use the might of the thoughts, that which emanates from our minds and…heads.

Having lost both, conservatives figure that funding what amounts to mass suicide (or genocide for those who would prefer to live) is a great idea because, at least until everyone’s choked out by the pollution, they can still make money off of it. Is this a great country, or what?

Hey, here’s a great idea! Cremate your body, fill your dead head with anti-freeze and…have a nice someday!

And speaking of heads, more news about the idiot who wants to play musical heads with the desperately willing.

See also:  The Might of the Thoughts in Practice

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These folks are also flanked by the wrong headed legion of UFONauts (or nuts as they really are) that have a passion for the religious devotion to the Lemon Flyers. No other operational UFO in the world is heavily flawed in design, concept, or results as those built here. Of course, most people wouldn’t know that because most information is obviously dys-infer-mentions.

For example, the Mirage Men demo here:

The other head of this dys-functional body of UFOnuts is the Pirates of the Conspiracy-Carribean folks that always find ways to lump everything under Sinatra’s Blue Moon to one meeting place. Of course, such types of discussions are actually taken place when needed as explained by Wendell here regarding the UFO subject during the SALT treaties between the US and Soviet Union.

Wendell’s mention here:


Is there a state that is beyond insanity?


hahaha, don’t remind me 😀 I am doing my best to escape!


It had been one giant criticism of such folks like Howard Hughes’ (who was also a joke in the press for his ‘eccentric’ behavior) Spruce Goose in that it was a giant Hangar Queen that would never fly. Well, one thing the Hughes had proved was that his giant wartime project did actually fly even if the specifications and metrics of it being useful were completely out of proportion to the efforts put into the project.

But, the UFO subject some how ESCAPES this very same criticism even though Hughes had to build a heavy lift plane out of wood that slushes through the water which is a considerably difficult task given the constraints on material and deterioration wood has to go through hitting water and flying at the same time. This is actually an astonishing achievement for a mostly wooden plane!

I guess you can say the ultra super secret UFO Hangar Queens are really the Mother of ALL Lemons because they haven’t really done much or proven to much of anything except crash, perform light shows, take a dive into water, or chase fighter craft. When the discussion comes regarding the funding for these eerily useless types of activities for these crafts, well, it seems this too ESCAPES criticism by the very same folks that allege to be disclosing this information. You would think someone would have thrown a round number how much these craft cost or the maintenance, which must be tremendous for a handful of craft doing Disco shows for the masses. More over, no one makes it a point to show the useless nature of these crafts in doing anything war winnings considering its BOOTS ON THE GROUND that have to deal with disaster after disaster or the endless conflicts on the TV.


You are a comedian. Love it… hahahahaha

Randy Arena

Until the leading thinkers… notice I did not say eminent scientists… become aware / conscious that the main reason for global warming is overpopulation and yes… some of it is natural like cosmic rays create clouds on earth etc etc etc… but I would say about 75% is due to TOO MANY HUMAN BEINGS ON THIS PLANET! We are at a very opportune point in our future… we can fix this… How? Well only three babies per woman. Overpopulation will turn around in about twenty to fifty years… wait another ten years and that will be two hundred years… it is logarithmic like most of nature… it is a power curve… and we have to fix it now… Many feel if they have a baby and it will be well cared for that is helping overall mankind NOT! We need to do this now… a worldwide birthstop or we are headed for a very disturbing future… In only a few years we could be down to three quarters of an inch per person! Think of the children of your children… we thought we were fixing it in the sixties… carrying our ” peace signs ” which were really the sword of Petrus (Peter) the death sign and the opposite is the tree of life… sign (inverted 60’s “peace sign”) really we were perpetuating war which has continued… we have had war over “things” for the last ten thousand years… and in that time… something like two hundred years has been peace… sheesh… lets figure out the problem is NOT carbon dioxide… but too many bodies… We can live good peaceful lives if we only understand this fact: It is overpopulation that causes all the problems, war, famine, pollution, disease, weather anomalies… climate unbalance… lets fix this… it starts with us… forget government… we have to do it ourselves… inside… cognitively…

Ciao, Salome (be greeted in peace and wisdom)


NOTE: We are unfortunately being deprived of an insightfully penetrating comment by Andy because he apparently forgot (memory function located in the brain/head, interestingly enough) that there were qualifying questions in need of answering from him.

Hopefully he’ll remember to answer them so we can peruse his stimulating comments.



I generally try to refrain from opinion in my comments and stick to facts, but your obsession with where Andy works or goes to school is really creepy, dude.


Has anybody notice how these so-called religious fanatics who eagerly run around praying for more babies not less thanks to the stupid ant-abortion gun toting lambastic the more children the better which will make this small tiny planet MORE CROWED? “YIKES,HELP! I need alittle more space to live and breath on this small planet called Earth? Where is the logic for more people not less on Earth? It`s high time for planet Earth to stop making more babies and get it`s act together so we can ALL live to be 1,000 or 100,000 years old like the P`s have said time and time again!

Billy Wilson

MH, you just gave me one of my very rare waken nightmares, Bruce Jenner’s head on a eighteen year old female body. I am still shaking, I could have done without that thought.

Greg Dougall

I get some of my news from Gooogle news nowadays, just because there are no advertisements. One of the articles was on California’s water shortage. I commented, and I’m paraphrasing myself, “All of this is caused by OVERPOPULATION. Population booms in Los Angeles, San Diego (sorry Ron Wilson), Las Vegas, and Phoenix, all make this problem worse. Population explosion = sustainability implosion. Maybe we should start thinking about all the babies that we are mass producing around the world. If we don’t, our kids and grandkids will be born into a world of even more war, scarcity, poverty, sickness, disease, terrorism, starvation, refugees, and pollution. Shouldn’t we look at what the population will be 50 or 100 years from now? Look at how it has grown in the last 50-100 years. I’m not suggesting anything drastic or draconian, just that we should make birth control more accessible and limit the number of births per family, BY CHOICE and logic and rational thinking. If you don’t believe me, look up charts that show population vs. arable land. Guess what? It doesn’t look good, so we better start doing something now.

Philip Brandel

It doesn’t look good, and for somewhere as fricken hot and dry as Phoenix, one would think they would try and conserve their resources better. Seems as far from the thoughts as overpopulation is in many peoples minds….. also is that of conserving and protecting the dwindling and ever more in demand resources at our disposal. As per my hotel room in Phoenix right now having a what seems like 5 gallon bucket flush toilet and dripping shower…. though I ain’t at the Ritz:) Seems interesting that somewhere with such an extreme environment would so thoughtlessly regulate its precious resources. Though I do hail from the land of water…10,000+lakes. Guess being in the ‘handyman’ business and also thinking about these things bigger effects just gets the thoughts going ever more.
See you tomorrow Michael…. looking forward to attending the Munds Park study group.


As I stated in my last blog just look at how many states in the US ban abortion especially in the bible belt south where the more kids the merrier? Where is the logic in having a whole litter of kids? Just think of the cost of rasing that many children to feed and clothes to say nothing of the cost of educating that many children per household? Shoudn`t we put a limit to no more than 3 children per household by way of a birth stop and then a birth check? “The more children per family the worse things will get if we don`t learn to screw our head on correctly!”

Greg D

“Edumacation? All my 12 kids need is a bible ‘fer learnin, and a belt ‘fer whippin. That’ll teach ’em! Te heueh.” ~ a man named Cletus, probably.


Haha Greg. They really need to cinch in their bible belt and perhaps wear a chastity belt?


Thinking out loud.

I think daily of ways to start a world wide population halt, but my experience in life tells me all that will do is make stupid people resist that suggestion and go out of their way to make even more babies. I mean for real !
As time go’s by, I am just blown away about the foolish actions of the human race. Ive always been an attentive type person but much more so now after being awakened with the contact notes. So when I go out into public now, I feel like I’m in a bubble, observing a circus of side show freaks. I want to film it and make a documentary. Maybe title it ” REALLY ? ” or “IDIOCRACY 2” But again my instinct says don’t bother. They will turn it into a Fad or some Youtube craze and act out the foolishness even more because they are empty headed idiots who call watching Honey Boo Boo cramming Twinkies down her face, with her mother cheering her on like a possessed sea lion slapping it’s flippers together, good TV….Gasp…. I know this seems a bit grumpy but I just don’t understand what has happen to the worlds citizens. Personally I believe this will not get better before its too late. It saddens me greatly to see how close we are to total planetary collapse. I think the only thing that will truly change things is an official public ET landing/meeting. The human race is to far gone to be saved any other way.
I know my “thoughts” right now aren’t in the most positive form but hopefully Im wrong.

David AKA. Im calling myself today Mr Grumpy. Just thinking out loud.

Greg D

I’m thinking about a can of white spray paint, and a card board template that says, “7 Year Birth”….


Protesting, anti war demonstrations, standing on street corners yelling or tying yellow ribbons around trees is useless.
It will take far more then that or graffiti to get this concept realized. Do I have a solution ? No sir I do not. China had a grip on their birthing rates but sadly it only worked because force was used.

David AKA Watchdog. USA.



Please answer the e-mail that I had sent you!

Michael Horn,

When are you going to release your new video?



Because on the 26th of April on the FIGU forum you said the following about the book “Photo-Inventarium”:


Yes, it’s a spectacular book. I will soon post a video of a…world class skeptic looking at the photos in amazement!

Also, I carry it but haven’t yet put it in my shop online…soon.

So if anyone’s interested please contact me.”


Did you already post that video?



You need an assistant. I lived in AZ long ago and sure enjoyed living in the mountains. (flagstaff) All I would need is a shed to sleep in and coffee in the morning. I would have no problem leaving everything I own behind to work on the mission. I hold no claims to material things.

David AKA Watchdog. USA



Sorry but I must admit that I didn’t know that you were actually being sarcastic when you made that comment.


Someone doing something promising in the WATER space in California:

Greg D

Back in Der Schweiz, Michael asked me about putting all of the space-related contact reports / excerpts together in one place. If you guys could help me, send me an email to with the contact report number and what the space topic is about. Then maybe we can make an ebook out of it, or a youtube video out of it, or something.

I just emailed a girl at because she wrote about a topic Billy and the Plejarans covered, and wanted to know about things they already know about. Here is the email I sent her, and maybe some of you can find scientists / astronomers and send this to them:

Hi there [name of sciency person],
Take a look at some of these articles, (there are several), and tell me if they are plausible / make sense/ more sense than what we currently understand..

Then let me know your opinion. There are probably more space related discussions (out of 600+ contact transcripts from the last 40 years)

There are also various “discoveries” that this person wrote about before our scientists found them.
Thanks and Best Regards,
~[your name]

Greg D

We need a second or even a third sun so that we won`t have to rely on fossil fuels and nu7clear power. But NOT a sun made in an artificially made lab one. We could ignite a brown drawf sun or a dead sun so that we could use that second or third sun for contiuos and unlimited solar energy along with wind, water, geothermal and clean safe energy etc.


With all due respect. I believe planets, as we do, need a sleep period. 3 suns would disrupt the natural cycle of the flora and fauna life cycles. Many plants use the phases of the sun to time the disbursement of their seeds. The shorter days in the fall tell the plants, that have been here for billions of years, when to do that. Bats and other nocturnal animals, generally speaking, do their feeding at night. Disrupting that might cause an epidemic of mosquito’s or other insects. Im pretty sure everything needs a rest period.

The fact really is about removing greed and being responsible in conjunction with mother nature. The Sun we have now is more then enough to power the entire world. A solar collector grid 10% the size of Nevada (10,000 square miles) would supply enough electricity to power all of the United states. Its not happening quickly because of one factor. GREED. A responsible, people friendly government would have made this a reality long long ago if MONEY wasn’t their GOD. At the turn of the century, 40% of the homes in California used solar hot water heaters. But when natural gas became readily available, solar water heaters faded out.

I have, for the past 5 yrs attempted to bring that concept back into reality by designing a solar hot water heater that doesn’t look like a fort or box some kids built on your roof and ones that are priced properly. A nearly invisible (hidden from sight) collector because I believe that concept today is frowned upon simply because of the aesthetic appearance it has on peoples homes and the initial investment. That huge box on their roof just doesn’t appeal to them. I know this because I have done surveys to understand what it is stopping people from converting back to nearly free hot water. The other factor stopping this is again GREED. The price of modern day solar heaters today is so blown out of sight the people just wont give into it. The designers of solar heaters today hype up the product as if its new aged super technology when in fact its as simple as laying a hose out in the Sun. They also price it based on what they think the customer “would have paid” for that hot water over a 10-15 year period. So in reality, the way this simple concept is currently sold is the customer is paying for their hot water in advance. Most people are smart enough to see that any savings wont come until it earns back the initial investment which again is so over priced its a turn off to people.

So. I hope this made sense and please understand that I mean you no disrespect in your idea. If you remember, The P’s are extremely advanced in technology but they also keep their living environment more in tune with nature. Mother Earth is our home and she is very alive. She has establish her patterns long before we showed up and we should always focus on not disrupting that cycle.

I forgot one factor. Over population. Im sure I don’t need to explain any of that. To many people means to much stress for our planet and our economics.

So in closing, forgive me for being so long winded in this post. Its just a subject that I find quite interesting. A few words from Joni Mitchell song “Woodstock” that are mighty powerful and truthful.

“We are star dust, We are golden, and we need to get ourselves back to the garden”

David AKA Watchdog. USA.