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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Reason for the Paris Attacks: Billy Meier, 1958

Time and again, the people were warned…and did they listen?

Should there be any questions about the specific, prophetic accuracy in Billy Meier’s warnings about Islamist terrorism it should be noted that , even long before 1981, in 1958, Meier stated:

83.) And it will be that fanatical Islamists carry out bloody revenge on the distant descendants of the Christians, for their earlier crusades when they accomplish their deadly and destructive acts through irrepressible terror all over the world.

Which is echoed exactly in this quote in the Daily Mail:

“ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks across Paris, saying ‘eight brothers wearing explosive belts and carrying assault rifles’ conducted a ‘blessed attack on… Crusader France’.”*

The purpose for pointing out these unambiguous corroborations – and inescapable evidence of the immutable Law of Cause and Effect** – is the same as always, to help us assure our own very threatened future survival. It is in no way meant to justify the brutality and carnage, obviously.

For as long as Meier has been attempting to warn humanity of the coming tragic events birthed solely by human ignorance, irresponsibility and the complete disregard for truth, love, peace, freedom and harmony; for as long as people have willingly succumbed to these absolutely delusional, blood-thirsty, death-bring religions and the equally dead-end, power-greedy machinations of politicians and governments, these outcomes have loomed as inevitable, until and unless we actually wake up and make the necessary profound, positive changes in consciousness and direction…in time.

Still, even in the face of this inescapable, in-your-face evidence of the accuracy and the unimaginably altruistic intentions of Billy Meier and the Plejaren to forewarn humanity of the looming, mainly manmade dangers, we get twisted attacks such as this from skeptics:

“How big a douche do you have to be – other than a Republican presidential candidate – to try to capitalize on the terrorist attacks in Paris?  Apparently a douche named Michael because in his blog today, he claims Meier predicted this in 1981.”

Yes, in this magnificently dumbed down world, there are people who actually…complain about being shown the accuracy of the most trustworthy and potentially life-saving information because it’s from Billy Meier! These are often the same people, mostly in the US, who claim that Meier “hoaxed” his evidence and prophetic information. So successful have the efforts of government intelligence disinformation operatives – largely and enthusiastically promoted by the profit-motivated UFOCI and complicit people like Jan Harzen of MUFON, etc. – that the snarling, salivating dogs instinctively go suicidal rather than break the invisible, self-secured chains on their now deranged consciousness.

It’s beyond ironic that a glimmer of recognition about Meier should pop up in a remote newspaper in Micronesia, while the majority of the world’s press dutifully suppresses the truth from humanity, which is done so that the last dollar can be wrung from the hands of the living or dying, so that absolute control (See: Number 40) can be accomplished over every single  human being on Earth – as Meier also said would be the case, almost 60 years ago.

Time and again, the people were warned…and did they listen?


*You can find information on France’s role  in the Crusades here  and here.

**Cause and Effect or Is It any Wonder why “They” Hate Us?

If you want to survive…learn to think: The Might of the Thoughts


See more of the Spiritual Teaching.

Thanks to Bill Wilson for the Micronesia info.


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Terry Carch

As I`ve said before and I`ll say it again “RELIGIONS KILLS! Politicians wine and squeal and lie,coporate 1% steel to sell their larder, the military industrial complex and terrorist are ALL nothing more than rampaging killing machines and to top it all off these snakes are ALL CRIMINALS!”

Terry Carch

P.S. these so-called CRIMINALS steel,behead humanbeings and run off with their tax breaks and lavish themselves with caviar,champain,dimonds,jules,fancy cars, yats, while the rest of us live like slaves,vasals, and so on. How much more crap can we put up with,more killings thiles so-called 1% take EVERYTHING from us just like the Greek,Roman Empire and the Middle Ages did thousands of years ago. I guess it`s history all over again. As the old saying goes history repeats itself again!:(((

Sean Kane

I am still quite not sure about his prophecy/ prediction. For example, he said the SF earthquake is going to happen 100% since he did a time travel. Is that mean the future is already determined? However, he also said it is possible to change the future. It got me confuse…

Rasmus Outzen

There is a clear distinction between prophecy and prediction. While the rise of radical islamism was a very probably prophecy, the SF earthquake is supposed to be a prediction. In other words, predictions are determined as set in stone, while prophecies are just more or less probable outcome of events in the past and the present and even predictions of the future.

You don’t even need to be a Billy Meier or Plejaren in order to prophecise about the future. It is just that sane Earthlings often say “that was predictable” as WikiLeaks pointed out recently in a tweet about the #ParisAttacks, where “we” would have called that “highly probable”.

Here is the tweet that refers to the #ParisAttack that was very probable based on what Daesh (ISIS) had already promised:
“ISIS strategy in France: Provoke a crackdown on Muslims to “Eliminate the Grayzone” #ParisAttacks #AttaquesParis”

On top of that, WikiLeaks had calculated that if 1% of the Muslims in France were radicalised, that would mean 50000 warriors for ISIS, Al Nusra and other radical islamists. This was a warning that injustices commited against Muslims in the West as a result of the terror attack would thus produce future Islamic warriors. An evil cycle of cause and effect that ISIS is already calculating on!

These are prophecies based on Earthling-Wissenschaft. I think we still should rely partially on Earthling-Wissenschaft and not solely on Plejaren prophecies and corroborations.

I personally have not realised to which extent Billy Meier and the Plejaren have focused on what I see as a dire problem of our time: That what is traditionally called the Fourth Estate is now practically dead. That is to say, the media that was unofficially called the Fourth Estate, i.e. newspapers, later radio and television, don’t function as a check on power systems anymore. Only the Internet (that some call “The Fifth Estate”) is left to do that, however only for people who are really seeking truth, unfortunately.

It may well be that it is exactly what the Plejaren know and predicted; i.e. that the Internet would ensure that the prophecies and predictions would never disappear thanks to the Internet and thus will not disappear in a cave somewhere.

I’m a member of the Danish Pirate Party, and while I’m not advertising for it here, it is simply my conviction that our focus on defending the Fifth Estate (i.e. the Internet) against corruption is essential if we are not to become completely under mass surveillance, microchipped etc. I’ll use whatever I learn here to slip into our mass movement, which is literally global. Hopefully in time, we can slip in even more awareness of the prophecies and predictions by Billy Meier. All I fear is that it could backfire if I slip too much into the movement, but whenever someone has talked about Steven Greer or stuff like that, I’ve told them that Billy Meier is the real deal, or at least if anyone is. 🙂
While I won’t advertise for the Pirate Parties, I do recommend mingling in with the Fifth Estate movements one way or another.

It is by the way important to remember that most Muslims are already victims of Islamists. Just see this recent article:
”What happened in Paris on November 13 has happened before, in a shopping district of Beirut on November 12, in the skies over Egypt on October 31, at a cultural center in Turkey on July 20, a beach resort in Tunisia on June 26—and nearly every day in Syria for the last four years.”

paul russell

Hello Rasmus Outzen. I admire your idea of trying to hold onto an uncorrupted internet but I fear it may already be too late for this. Evil is a subtle thing that creeps in almost unnoticed, becoming part of the accepted language of discourse. Be wary and be aware that the internet – if it is still an open forum – remains open to infiltration by propagandists of all sorts. I’m sure everyone is aware of this, just to remind us all to be careful what we consider a good source of information.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I think that pendulum MH advised us about in the forgotten past time is coming here like Apophis meteor, and did they listen? I guess we will be struck on the ear drum nerve and here those sonic sound waves before we are connected with the blast waves that occillate strums through our chest nerves.

chris Lock

Predictions, like the SF quake, are decided events in the future and cannot be changed. Prophecies and much of the future is not fixed and so can be changed or created as we will. So some things about the future are changeble and some are not.

Sean Kane

Thanks for more information. Let’s say if Plejaren goes to the future and sees that ISIS will take over Europe, Is that mean it is unchangeable? Therefore, future is already per-determined? Let’s go back to SF earthquake. On the day of the earthquake, all the cars, people, buildings have to be the exact same location as he visited via time travel?

Or is he meaning that SF earthquake is 100% happening because earth scientist has no way to prevent such thing happen. Therefore, it will be certain.??

I am not very smart on his view of time travel. Even though I had been thinking about it for a while, I still haven’t figure out how’s that make sense.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Sean I think and meditate a lot on time travel according to what the higher evolved humans explained in Billy Meier’s Contact Reports. I think our material bodies lose the truly material form that we have in the present and transformation of that energy is changed to a lesser material form when we leave our time dimension for another time dimension, thus we are rendered not capable of changing the future because we no longer have the hands on things to be able to change it.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Duly noted, this form of time travel is only elementary level or the first baby steps into such travel manipulations.

sean kane

Predictions are 100% certain to occur. But I want to understand why. Did Billy Meier write more on time related stuff?

Oscar Lemus

Hi Michael, once again, you soeak nothing but what has already been repetead countless times before, anyhow i was wondering if you or anyone on here has a link to the predictions and prophecies regarding the distant future mentioned by billy where he mentions that the earth scientists finally discover that the sun is a dying star and that they build some type of artificial sun, and he also mentions half machine people by where we eventually go to war with them and that we will succeed in partially removing the genetic manipulation in our genes by where our lifespans are increased to 200 to 300 years of age, i had this page bookmarked but i seem to not have it anymore.

Oscar Lemus

Let me correct that michael, you speak truth of what has been repeated numerous times, salome everyone.

Ken Smith

When you understand what a Prophesy means and what a Prediction means along with Cause and Effect, then this information will become clear.

“Regarding prophecies and predictions, this is how Billy Meier defines the difference between them:
By predictions it is about a form of future forecast which is created in the way that extremely extensive Kabbalistic calculations lead to very accurate results, or various ways of the future are explored by travels into the future. A process which can take place for example by technical means or by consciousness travels. Also certain forms of future visions are here included.

This makes it clearly understood that predictions arrive with absolute certainty and unavoidability, without the possibility that a change or avoidance still could be possible, because after all by looking into the future, it will happen what actually and irreversibly will occur in the coming time. Predictions are therefore based on logical consistency of already established facts, from which origin and development a very specific effect must result.

The situation is however different with prophecies, which as a rule only have a warning function and which have the objective that something results from particular facts when no correct change is brought about in due time. But if a change is not brought about, then the prophecy becomes a prediction which inevitably must be fulfilled.”

Sean Kane

Thank you.

Like I said above.

Let’s say if Plejaren goes to the future and sees that ISIS will take over Europe, Is that mean it is unchangeable? Therefore, future is already per-determined? Let’s go back to SF earthquake. On the day of the earthquake, all the cars, people, buildings have to be the exact same location as he visited via time travel?

Or is he meaning that SF earthquake is 100% happening because earth scientist has no way to prevent such thing happen. Therefore, it will be certain.??

Darcy Wade Carlile

Predictions are like a deer jumping in front of your car, do you react and avoid it?

Darcy Wade Carlile

I learned to be aware of my surroundings. The truth is real stuff.

David Casteel

Michael…..Keep on speaking the truth, even if it is a “cry in the wilderness”. It breaks my heart to see the mass ignorance and stupidity of Earth humans. With the obvious reality and truth of the Prophets words freely available, they still wallow in their own delusions. Forgive me for sounding pessimistic, but in our blindness, we appear to be headed for the very hell the Prophet has warned us about.

trevor windridge

hi I’m subscribed to receive your blog via email I was getting it but now I don’t when I ask to have it again it just says I’m already subscribed,anyway with billys 251st contact it states how the world will become in the future does that mean that apophis will not hit us?


I’ve tried that, I have been conversing with the Canadian space agency about Apophis and have run into people with huge egos…they know everything, the international space community is looking into it. How long has it been since “they” discovered it, what about 15 years give or take and still nothing has happened.

Anthony Svab

So which one is now on the cards; is it Total Enaslavement – 666 New World Order or is it ISIS invasion of Europe?? It can not be both; it is either one or the other. Which of these two timelines is about to happen?

Anthony Svab

And if we were to decide to get Microchipped, instead of hiding underground for decades and starving and rotting and getting hunted and killed by feds and drones, how is “Total Enslavement” timeline going to end? Is Supercomputer in Brussels eventually going to gain consciousness and terminate all MicrochippedZombies? What happens then? I would really like to know “Total Enslavement” endgame; so to know what to choose. Namely, it seems to be so absurd that we have more chances to survive in the case od the “WWIV” timeline that we have in the case of “Total Enslavement” timeline.

Anthony Svab

Thank You!

Darcy Wade Carlile

Anthony you tell us, you have the power. Research and advice are good to me so long as it is corroborated with the truth.

Bruce Lulla

Don’t know if anyone saw any of the G20 meeting in Turkey today but Putin totally gets its, is completely open to a multinational coalition and says that is the only way and the best way to deal with the IS. Obama, on the other hand, says we will redouble our efforts at lobbing expensive bombs over Syria & Iraq, thereby lining the pockets of my puppet masters.

Anthony Svab

If Putin does read Meier material; why wouldn`t he warn Obama about Mr. Meier when they have a meeting or whenever they talk to each other. Does Obama simply does not want to listen or what is the deal with him? A few years ago I have read an article on futureofmankind page how BEAM or Pleyarans or someone has said how Obama is in line with BEAM mission, like he has also been in his past incarnations. What is the deal with that? Or has in that article someone just passed some lies.


The Left & their worship of PC is causing so much damage to society. PC is part of this Anti-logos. I’m in shock when I look back & decided to back Obama & the Democrats. Billy has some explaining to do when it come to his praise of Obama. Obama sure doesn’t seem like he cares about anything but his Leftist agenda. As does Merkel.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I have great hope that Arnold the governator listened to my post on his Facebook when I sent him my advice on stopping the ISIS petition. Those IS need to learn humanous activity and not death penalty tactics.

Terry Carch

I don`t know if this is elitest or not but I`ve been hearing that ISIS is planning to attack Washing ton D.C. next and I`m al liberalGreen Democrat!:-)))

Terry Carch

I just cinished watching Chrlie Rose of which I hate but one of the panelist came up with the idea of what the US didalmost twenty years ago when Bill Clinton was president. back in the late 90s that we should bomb ISIS the same way we did with Koxovol and Serbia. At least the war with ISIS will only last 1,2,3, years but it would be an intence war most like what the French are doing now with their air power plames. If we can`t get an internation Peace Keeping Force of 300,00 this would be the second alternative. This just an idea. Just keep the bombing raids going until every single on e of these mongsters are gone the same way the US did in Kosovol. At least won`t have to have a Fourth World War and we`d end all this terrorism pretty fast like we did in Kosovol. It`s got possibilities.



France has been formally the lay/secular country since the 18th century. Anyway it’s the country wherein most Christ-focused people used to live, namely Albigenses/Albigensians and Waldensians. They, at the risk of death, in the Dark Ages, despite being hunted down and persecuted by the Vatican troops of the Holy Inquisition, kept spreading the Word of God/the Gospel, copying/rewriting its contents and smuggling it to all European countries because the Bible was one of the most forbidden books by the Vatican!!! If it hadn’t been for them, the Bible might not have survived to be available nowadays!

God bless France and her people so that they will massively return to your throne of grace!!!


To be more precise, you should take into account the fact that all those NWO Agendists responsible for what’s going on in the Middle East are also very “religious” people since they are Illuminatis/Freemasons worshipping Lucipher/Molech and sacrificing people to their god through wars they wage.



There’s no getting around the fact that the same demonic powers are behind the gradual degradation and collapse of Europe these days as during the Dark Ages! But now these powers seem to be more devastating! And we’re in for more turmoil and havoc!!!

Terry Carch

As I`ve said before and I will say again “RELIGION KILLS!”

Darcy Wade Carlile

I agree that religion is the deadly might of thoughts and is pure imagination.


Devil isn’t an imaginary spiritual being to those who really rule the world by pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Degenerate humans need to reincarnate too. I say we include them in our might of thoughts and help them a whole bunch to learn to be neutral beings contrary to repeating their mistakes over and over and over.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Duly noted, not the real truth but the first baby steps to a true human being idea and there is no savior guy/gal.