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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Syrian Returnee Confirms IS Infiltration in Europe

Gives first hand corroboration that Billy Meier’s warning about IS presence is real and underestimated


Americans as well as Europeans and others need to read this new article and finally fully grasp that the agenda of many thousands of psychopathic killers is to infiltrate and wreak havoc in as many countries as they can. Those who support open borders and illegal immigration are playing a dangerous game with not only their own lives but the lives of their fellow citizens. It’s long past the time to “suggest” that the countries, especially in the Middle East, which hold the same basic religious and cultural views open their borders, doors, homes and hearts to the refuges coming from neighboring lands.


The article below is a translation of this video provided by Andreas Mittendorfer. It supports what Billy Meier was told by Ptaah on January 30:

Returnee feels safer in Syria than in Europe

Speaker: We meet Spero Haddad in a suburb of Damascus. Last summer the 25-year-old decided to flee along with friends via Beirut, Istanbul, Izmir. A video selfie brings back memories of crossing the Aegean Sea. He continued to Austria, where he planed to stay, but then first doubts appeared.

Spero Haddad: “I left because my family — we are Christians — had lost everything in the war. I was shocked when I realized how many among the refugees openly pledge themselves to Al-Nusra and the IS.”

Speaker: He paid 3000 euros to human traffickers. These photos remind him of the optimism that he had back then. Afterwards he was separated from his friends and alone in the refugee trek he was afraid to let people know he’s a Christian. Additionally, there were the memories of Hungary that he didn’t get out of his head.

Spero Haddad: “There [in Hungary] we were treated worse than in Syria. That was not the picture of Europe that I had had in my head. The police questionings; the German shepherds; the barbed wire fence. All of that played into the hands of the radicals. The leaders from now on only accepted their own opinions; out of the churches they would soon make mosques. I had to speak like them and think like them; they accepted no backtalk. I was hoping to find freedom in Europe, but now in the trek, those people called the shots of whom I had escaped. “

Speaker: He consulted his mother and then talked to the public authorities in Austria. They didn’t really take him seriously. He didn’t want to continue like that and then took the decision to get back. His mother is glad that he came back. Actually he wanted to get her to join him in Europe. Spero is now once again working as a cutter on TV. War, the IS and refugees are also the big topics there. His colleagues say there are many people like him, but hardly anybody is willing to talk.

Spero Haddad: “It’s not good that Europe opens its borders for anyone. The IS and Al-Nusra want to destroy everything, also in Europe. If you don’t realize that I see a gloomy future for Europe.”

Speaker: One year ago he didn’t think that he would feel safer here in Damascus despite of the war than in the refugee trek to Europe.

It Can’t Happen Here

This new report is yet another warning that there is a danger of “irrepressible terror all over the world” from fanatical Islamist terrorists, as Meier first warned in…1958. Couple this with the warnings from the Henoch Prophecies:

217.Far in the West, it will be different; the United States of America will be a country of total destruction.

218. The cause for this will be manifold.

219. With her global conflicts which are continuously instigated by her and which will continue far into the future, America is creating enormous hatred against her, worldwide, in many countries.

220. As a result, America will experience enormous catastrophes which will reach proportions barely imaginable to people of Earth.

221. The destruction of the WTC, i.e., the World Trade Center, by terrorists will only be the beginning.

…and it should be clear that unless taken seriously and acted upon appropriately, the prophecies will become unalterable predictions. Fortunately, Gen. Michael Flynn understands the seriousness of the situation and has echoed Meier’s call for an international military coalition to confront the IS. Unfortunately, the danger is compounded by the various profiteers in the military-industrial complex, those who profit from trading with the IS for oil, and all the delusional, corrupt, so-called “leaders” who only seek personal gain and power at the expense of the rest of humanity.

See also:

Shocking video shows hundreds of migrants brawling as Paris metro station trashed

Rückkehrer fühlt sich in Syrien sicherer als in Österreich: “Zu viele radikale Islamisten unter den Flüchtlingen”


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dubhaltagh o hearcain

What are the latest developments in the USA regarding the spreading of the spiritual teachings.

dubhaltagh o hearcain

no sorry. That was for you. Does that relate to this monthly show

Matthew Deagle

If you have a question for the show, please write QUESTION in all caps at the top of the comment.

Matthew Deagle

You can also just e-mail them to the e-mail provided above, as Diane did.

Joe Neuro


Here’s a pertinent article to your blog topic by entitled, “Rise of Islamic State was ‘a willful decision’: Former DIA Chief Michael Flynn.” Note the hyperlink “DIA memo” included.

And the written 1935 prophetic book “It Can’t Happen Here” by Lewis Sinclair, whose main theme mirrors the so-called future 2020 U.S. Civil Wars. Your blog readers may freely read it here


matt lee

Well now that the situation has become so acute that we may as well take a stab at any major western city which the IS trrrorists will bomb and still get it right blindfolded.
Now let’s crudely play the guessing game shall we.
New York
Los Angeles
To most listening is too hard than hearing and as a consequence this genie can never be put back in.

David Kamada

Greetings all,
Please help and add your signature to the petition to stop ISIS with an internationally-backed peacekeeping force. And also share and forward it to everyone you can. Go to (a different page than the White House)
Much appreciated!

Adrian martinez

I just signed it. Great job David!

Randy Arena

I can add to that… In Paris year before last 2014… I noticed a marked change in the city I loved… it had really changed since the last time I was there… No Burkas but you could (they are Illegal to wear there) but the attitude was there… Also I met some refugees there in Switzerland on the little bus near Billy’s home… I will wait awhile before returning. Tension is high for those that are sensitive to those types of things… Most Americans… not all mind you… but those who do not travel: think it is the greatest country in the world… but those who know the true story of the wars and why they were instigated… know differently… if you think the IS is just some radical thing that happens over there… talk to some guys in intel… you will see a difference as to what the typical US Citizen thinks… BEWARE! This is not idle chit chat… notice your cities… notice your quality of life… things they are a changing… and we better stop perpetrating wars and thinking we will not get an equal and opposite effect for our “causes” (desquised multinational enforcements) enacted by OUR government when represents us… of which we should allow other countries to handle… on their own… it is about self responsibility… both on a personal level and on a state, nation and global level… stop thinking locally and start thinking globally… and most of all… THINK! IS is the most serious threat we have had in my lifetime.


PS> the only way to deal with IS is to form a multinational combat (yes combat force) peace force beholden to no one country or politician… we can make do this that way… and ONLY that way otherwise… enjoy the stone age folks! Also many in Europe think IS and US are the same thing…

Terry Carch

I just singed the petition too:))

Terry Carch

I don`t understand why Muslim women have to wear Burkas for religious purposes,it dosen`t make any sence to me. I know it`s the godhood thing which to me is also illogical. When will this world ever learn that all this belief n god and religions is a fake make believe nonsence world made out of movies like the Ten Commandments etc like old wives tales like Harry Potter and lord of the Rings etc fairytales.

Sheila Clark

The Burqua is not for religious purposes. I know because I asked. I doubt I would have gotten this response in a room full of people, I’m glad we were alone so she was free with her response. She said it was to cover her face so no man could look at her. Because if they looked at her and found her attractive, she might be raped or even murdered. And it would be her fault. She also said she no longer just had to watch out for the men, she had to watch out for couples who might lure her as she had been recently warned about that. I told her in Canada those people would go to jail. She said it wouldn’t matter because she would still be dead. So sad that our sisters are treated like property and have to worry about this.

Sheila Clark

Correction: Nihab is the face covering. Burqua is the head covering.
Please note that I’m not against anyone covering their hair or wearing a 10 inch wide brimmed hat.

Terry Carch

I agree with you Shelia. Yes we have the same problem here in the US as you do in Canada. My other organization has some Arab women who also were these head scarfs too but I alsso respect them for what they believe and do even though I`m not religious. I was tout by my father that you have to resp ect one another and all the various different culture and religions even if you don`t agree with their ideals and customs. This is the only way that we will survive on earth,however I DON`T approve of what the ISIS fanatics are doing to brainwash and behead people who don`t want to want to do what ISIS wants us to do. To me that is what the Nazies tried to do during the last world war with the Jewish population in Europe during the 1930s and 1940s. This is the same problem here with ISIS brainwashing people with their stupid religious fanatism what has got to STOP!

Jonathan Kestenbaum

I don’t agree with the mixing of these cultures. Western men, if they do behave like that go directly to jail skipping go. We have lived in this way for hundreds of years and it allows for woman to feel confident enough to wear bikinis, swim in the water calmly, it allows men and women the freedom to roam the lands which we own together without feeling like they’re the target for physical contact, and that is why we have drawn up many laws and regulations, as well as many social traditions. This is not just the west, also much of the east have this freedom for women. I just don’t believe we should mix the cultures, maybe it creates terrorism, just putting that out there.

Jonathan Kestenbaum

There is some controversial data which seems to indicate that less woman incarnate in those countries, which in those other countries more woman incarnate in ratio to men. Just saying, the statistics have nothing to do with my personal view that we should not mix the cultures openly.

Sheila Clark

Around here domestic disputes by Muslims are usually handled by Muslim police and no charges are ever laid. That’s why we have so many so called “honour” killings.

Eric Foster

It is not looking good for Europe. At least they are finally acknowledging the fact that this is happening, of course they don´t know the full scale of it yet.
“ISIS war in Europe: 5,000 Islamic State jihadists at large on continent including UK.
A huge army of trained militants are loose in Europe and waiting to strike as the continent faces its highest terror threat in over 10 years, the EU’s police chief warns.”

The swiss are taking it seriously. I bet they are happy about the fact that they have a viable army with almost every household with automatic rifles and trained personel to use them.

Comparing it to France and other EU countries who have desimated their armies and police with cuts and focus on foreign wars instead of protecting their homelands, it is not a surprise that the French army will be taken over and will serve the jihadists.

Also I found it interesting that Donald Trump is echoing Billy´s warnings, unintentionally I assume but still.
“If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS’s ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been President because this would not have happened. ISIS would have been eradicated unlike what is happening now with our all talk, no action politicians.”

Sheila Clark

I like the fact that Trump will not kiss the pope’s ring or arse. Do we know for a fact that Trump is not reading Billy’s material???

Eric Foster

It is hard to say if he reads it. He is the only one willing to work with Putin, stop arming the “moderate” rebels and release the 28 pages that indicate Saudis and other governments financed the 911 hijackers. Its hard to asses the man and would he actually get those things done, whatever the case, I would take him anyday over Hitlary.

Sheila Clark

Me too! Interesting how the Clintons have enriched themselves by simply being politicans. Those career politicians/lawyers who supposedly are there to serve the people. What a joke.

Terry Carch

Well for starters,I`m voting for Bernie Sanders. After all Bernie is Jewisih as I am but I don`t practis Jewdism since I`m not religious and I don`t believe in a god either. These Jewish holidays are just a cultural thing to remind me of who I am and where I came from, nothing more. That is what my father taught me long ago. To me all this religious stuff is just fictions like fairytails such as nursy rhimes and just plain stories and old wives tails etc.

Sheila Clark

And what are you going to do Terry if Hillary beats Bernie in the primaries?

Terry Carch

Well Shelia, I won`t be voting at all in November because I will NOT s7upport the corporate 1% who get away with murder by not paying just as much taxes as the rest of us lowly 99% underdogs who have to pay heavy taxes when the 1% only pay minimal small taxes or else move abroad lock stock and barrel to avoid paying their taxes if at all! Think outsorcing their businesses and their their personal lives and filthy rich income etc,etc,etc! IN otherwords I DON`T approve of these statis-quo billionairs who don`t give I fig leaf for the rest of us who have to p[ut up with their “They got everything and the rest of the 99% have to live in povety,so much for Wall Street and their they got oll the money and we don`t scenarios etc,etc,etc all for thje sake of king and country ballyhoo!

Terry Carch

P.S. But then if I must vote I can put in a write-in ballot for Sanders or Jill Stein on the Green Party or somebody else but then I`m a Green Party which means I can`t vote in the primaries but I can vote in the general elections.

Terry Carch

PPP.S. What I don`t get,understand is why people still cling to such things as a god and religion etc. This just boggles m y mind why people have to have a need for a god and a religion and a bible which we all now is so faulse and full of lies. This makes me wonder if people will ever wake up and relize that all this religious pie-in-the sky stuff is just a lot of false fairytale dust like Sleeping Beauty,Cindrella,Alice in Wonderland,Peter Pan and so on etc,etc,etc.

Matthew Deagle

Billy has written a book on this topic, “Gotteswahn und Gotteswahnkrankheit”, which some day will be translated into English.

Corey Müske

Donald Trump has good ideas about border security, but seems to be a racist who could unleash a catastrophic race war in my country. Perhaps someone else is needed.

Sheila Clark

What proof do you have that he’s a racist? Just because his political enemies say he is, doesn’t mean it’s so. Where is your proof?

Sheila Clark

I checked out Diamond and Silk’s webpage about a month ago, love those gals because they really speak their mind. They have a whole page of people calling them racial slurs on account of their opinions and almost all of those racial slurs were by other African Americans. So who exactly is dividing who?
When you ask people what percentage of Americans are African American, I get numbers like 60% or 70%. The actual number is 10%. I think everyone should be able to vote for who they want regardless of what others say. Just do your own digging to find out what the truth really is.

Corey Müske

Sheila Clark: Donald Trump has burgeoning racist, and xenophobic ideas for my country inside his mind, that are dangerous to the development of Earth, that would develop once he assumed power!

Sheila Clark

That’s a good question Michael. Hopefully all candidates can answer that question. I did find Hillary’s response though:

Sheila Clark

And to be fair:
They are all guilty except for Bernie. But I guess we already knew that.
As a person who hires people, I once declined to hire an American who was an illegal immigrant and the only way to tell for sure was because she did not have a SIN number. It’s illegal to hire people who cannot provide one, the laws are really that simple.

Sheila Clark

Good summary Michael. Thanks for the link.

Matthew Deagle

Trump’s mostly just saying what it takes to get elected by Republicans. It’s not him you should be worried about, but Republicans who are already racist and have been for decades. Ultimately Trump’s main agenda is quite laudable: to strengthen ties with Russia and prevent WWIV, as well as to bring some control on immigration from Islamic countries on account of the huge rise of Islamistic terrorism.

Corey Müske

OK: thanks Michael, Sheila, and Matthew!


Sheila Clark

Corey after reading CR 625 again it says the race wars are started by Nazi organizations, KKK, the FBI and the CIA. So when I think of Diamond and Silk and all the racial slurs slung at them I have to take back my claim that it was done by other African Americans. It’s probably these rotten POS groups mascarading as African Americans. Because I really doubt African Americans are that cruel to one another. But we do know these rotten groupings are perfectly capable of it.

Matthew Deagle

Sheila, the people trying to agitate anarchy are manipulating BOTH left- and right-wing extremists. It is both White supremacists and Black extremists.
Also, even absent such manipulation, in general negative collective influences manifest without regard for race, culture or creed.

Sheila Clark

Thank you Matthew. I like Billy’s idea of using the multinational strike force for peace in putting an end to racism from all sides. It also appears that racism is genetically inherited just like religion is. Maybe that’s where the coming biochip will do the most good by calming both these of these tendencies?

Matthew Deagle

A biochip won’t do any good. It is an unnecessary “solution” where better, less invasive solutions exist, which also will have the terrible side-effect of bringing human evolution to a standstill through monitoring of thoughts, feelings and words, etc. Evolution only happens when one is willing to question and criticize, not when one is afraid to think and speak. Racism is not as big a problem as religion, although certain academics obsess about it while overlooking the latter. The only way to eliminate all these things is selective banishment of certain individuals on the basis of crime-commission and control of widespread mental illnesses and false ideologies. In particular, all the religions and other extremist and/or treasonous organizations must be dismantled.

Matthew Deagle

By the way, “racism” is partly used by agitators in order to get Blacks, etc, whipped up in a frenzy of self-pity so they can be used to disrupt social order.

Sheila Clark

I wouldn’t be so sure about that matthew hodges since its been about 3 years since I was warned by the local health lady (whose son works at NASA) not to bother receiving remote sessions from my health practitioner, because it wasn’t safe. She did’t go into details but I assumed this information could be “picked up” somehow. So the biochip will probably have some sort of behaviour modification involved.

Sheila Clark

Nice to meet you as well Matthew hodges. My practitioner is not a mind reader but I do understand how her technique will ultimately be used for wrong purposes. Her daughter came down with constant pain which made her bedridden and no medical doctors can find the source. So I’ve already seen the result of how some horrible human beings are using it to control people.

Sheila Clark

Yes well you relax there Matthew hodges. Don’t worry about me, I’m just fine. You just have to look at it for what it really is and just be neutral about it.

Corey Müske
randy arena

Saw your addendum… and yes… there are 1500 churches in the USA that have allowed refugees into the United States… without background checks and in some cases no names! This is bad for law abiding citizens… who worked their entire lives to share with someone who screwed up their country and now want to screw up ours… by going against our laws as their first act of illegal visitors… says something about them… no? So many of these are what we call “terrorists” and now have the diminishing freedoms we once had as unalienable… no longer… opps too late… Why do we allow this? Ignorance. Greed. Mock sincerity. Religion.

Salome: Be greeted in peace and wisdom… until we understand it will be war… now civil war!