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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Radio Hosts: “God allowed Orlando killings”

Religiously deluded Zionists excuse radical Islamist acts of violence 

On the afternoon of June 16, Michael Medved attempted to answer a question from a caller to his national radio show. The caller had asked why people pray to God and invoke his assistance after a horrific event like the recent mass murders in Florida, since it would seem that the deity must’ve known about – and therefore allowed – the killings. Medved’s mind-numbingly delusional response was that “God actually controls this world” and that, yes indeed, “he allowed the acts of terror.”

The God of Love and Mercy

For those who don’t know, Medved is a devoted believer in an ancient, bloody, Middle Eastern cult religion that worships a now long-dead genocidal terrorist, Jehovah, aka “the God of love and mercy”. The original followers of this religion, the Israelites, indeed committed terrorism and genocide against an entire people, willingly killing every man, woman, child and infant in their mother’s arms that they could, and stole their lands, as commanded by their loving, merciful God. Their descendants rule those lands to this day, still enslaving the distant descendants of the people that survived the genocide.

Medved’s views are shared by Dennis Prager, another L.A.-based radio host. Prager actually said, “The killing of innocents is good if God says it’s good.” That same, degenerate view supports and excuses the people who follow a different insane cult, with an equally non-existent godby which they justify their barbaric killing of innocents, such as in Paris, Brussels, Orlando, etc.

A Supreme Level of Arrogance

Both Medved and Prager are stubborn supporters of that small Middle Eastern country, whose never-to-be-realized ambitions for world supremacy have only resulted in their attaining a supreme level of arrogance that bespeaks their utter lack of understanding and awareness of the actual destiny that awaits them, forged by centuries of complete disregard for the immutable law of cause and effect*, as also foretold by the Tiberian prophet their forefathers persecuted.

Such is the substance of Zionism, which is not the same as Judaism, although there are Jews along with non-Jews that are Zionists. Unfortunately, anti-Semitism has developed from certain misunderstandings, as well as deliberate falsifications, etc.

Delusional religious indoctrination is the only explanation for what allows these otherwise intelligent men to believe and utter such dangerously imbecilic nonsense to their listeners. And they’ve certainly, proudly pounded such mind rot into their own children’s heads, beginning at an early age when they are defenseless against the illogical, fearful, superstitious nonsense.

Pick Up the Phone, Will Ya?

Of course these beliefs are based in millennia old writings and myths by primitive peoples who’d never seen a match, bicycle or flashlight but presumed themselves to be chosen as the pinnacle of human development by a creator-god. Their supposed god apparently still hasn’t himself discovered such modern day conveniences as the internet, let alone radio, TV – or even a phone – by which he could decisively, globally establish his existence, if not his supposed wisdom, morality, etc., let alone the superiority of one group of human beings over another.

Almost 20 years ago, I sent information to Medved and Prager on the Billy Meier case and I was interviewed by Medved. The depth of his understanding was expressed by his comparing the drawing of Semjase to Yvette Mimeux, a French actress. Medved is also a movie critic who has clearly, long ago, lost his ability to discern reality from fiction.

In 2002, I also sent him a copy of And Still They Fly, containing the Henoch Prophecies which, among other things, contain the specific warnings about Islam attacking France, all of Europe being shaken by the warriors and fanatics of Islam, the recent Russian military movements, the recent Ebola epidemic – and the warning about the two coming US civil wars, which now appear to be absolute certainties.

I recently sent Medved and Prager emails reminding them of all this, etc. But there was not, and will not be, any response from them. Unfortunately, like millions of Americans, as well as other people all over the world, they are afflicted with what Meier refers to as god-delusion and god-delusion insanity. This all-pervasive condition is considered the norm by multitudes of true believers, none of whom understand that believing in a supernatural Guy-in-the-Sky, who controls everything and knowingly allows terrorism and mass murder, is itself a clear sign of insanity.

Quite a Joker

This is the same “God” that gave us the first example of divine child abuse (albeit a grown child) when he gave the famous just-testing, just-kidding  command to Abraham to plunge a knife into his son Isaac. Quite a joker. But Medved and Prager uncritically accept and endorse this hogwash and thereby effectively make the case for radical Islamist terrorism, along with that of Israel and the US. We simply call Israeli and American terrorism by other euphemistic names.

Why should we be at all concerned about the insidious, ever-increasing, worldwide fanatical Islamist terrorism, when it’s obviously part of the “divine plan” by a capricious sadist worshipped by confused and fearful people everywhere, in one cult religion or another? It would also seem that the god of Israel, the god of “this good Christian nation” and the god of Islam are all different one-and-only-supreme beings, with the god of Islam currently proving to be more sadistically successful and negatively powerful than the two other supposed gods. Maybe now we can understand the reason the first one-and-only-god long ago said, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me”, i.e. because the person named Jehovah knew that he wasn’t the only high-tech psychopath vying for control over the human beings of Earth.

So, according to Medved “God allows” radical Islam to “kill the infidels”, which Prager says is “good if God says it’s good”. Their glib gab would also excuse fundamentalist Christian preachers who spew anti-gay rhetoric to incite the feeble-minded in the “name of God”.

 Tapped Here with the Inmates

Such practical things as the clear recommendation from the Plejaren and Meier about how to stop the IS will of course also remain absolutely invisible to these zealots and masters of moral relativism, who have no understanding of the law of cause and effect. You can bet that even though they believe that God’s in on the whole abominable mayhem, they still pray to him to do…something, I guess. And we all know just what a great track record Sky Daddy has for answering prayers.

Hard to accept as it may be, those of us who see that these deities have no existence in reality  are understandably further depressed by the realization that, nonetheless, we are trapped here along with the inmates in a massive insane asylum. As I’ve said before, I have no respect for people’s religious beliefs, since they’re patently insane, never to be proven, and have led to unnecessary bloodshed since their inception. So ludicrous are they that their confused proponents like Medved and Prager end up endorsing and justifying merciless terrorism and killing.

Of course it’s ironic that people like Medved and Prager, and other true believers in Judeo-Christian religions, have no idea of the real truth, let alone the millennia-old warnings by the prophets that they erroneously associate with their religions.

The Antidote

The antidote to this lunacy is to be found in the non-religious, belief-free, spiritual teaching. The teaching of the truth, the spirit and the life as presented by the seven prophets is to be found in The Goblet of the Truth, with additional, in-depth information in such books as The Psyche, The Might of the Thoughts and The Way to Live, all available here.

*429th Contact, July 1 behind the 1th, 2006

In Jerusalem the few still living people will wade in ankle-deep human blood.”

See also: The Obsession

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randy arena

Dear Michael and guests:
Radio hosts and anyone else for that matter in the multinational media have a tremendous responsibility to truthly (in truth) educate the human beings of this planet about the actual truth. Those who do not speak the truth whether they are pathological or otherwise should hold back about making such irresponsible statements, but often as the following article clearly states, cannot. Those that do not understand reality tend to get lost in what they do not see… but believe in their heart is right… but they could not be further from the truth. What is the truth you ask? My friend Billy Meier may have the best explanation: ” Truth is that which is given in reality as evidential, whereas belief is bindingly linked to that which as the unseen (the unconscious) and the unprovable is erroneously assumed to be true.’

Those who know rather than believe are on the “fast track” path to wisdom… those who are not have many lifetimes to go… before we all reach a point of Love, Peace, Harmony and Wisdom where we live.

Salome: be greeted in peace and wisdom

Melissa Osaki

My mother sent me, my brother and sister to church every Sunday too. I hated it and always thought the churchgoers were nuts. It was uncomfortable and boring. Now, whenever I’m around religious people who are reciting bible verses or talking about “Jesus,” I feel extremely uncomfortable. They seem completely insane to me and I try not to feel animosity towards them, but it’s hard. The delusion is strong on this planet and I often wonder how many past lives I might have spewed the same delusion. I like to think that I never fell for religion, but who knows. All I know is that this lifetime came with a strong rebellion against it. The older I get, the more nauseous I feel when I’m around it. I’m not mean to religious people, but I certainly don’t entertain their delusion.
By the way, since everyone else is being fast tracked, I’d like to go too. =) Thanks!

Terry Carch

My mother was obsevent to the Jewish faith but my father and I were atheist as I still don`t believe in a god and religion to this very day but I do believe in the laws of Creation it`s commandments and directives and try to think positive thoughts but certain people that I know still cling to religions and refuse to give up their stubbern religious beliefs in Christ not Immanuel and keep crossing themselves for good luck,flowers and chocolet candies etc. While certain people hold onto pictures of a fake Christ and Cross at home and elsewhere this to me is so false and full of fables,I try not to say anything or interfear as Billy says you can`t do anything to change their thoughts and beliefs,call it pplicy of non-interfearences, it behuves me to do anything but to leave certain alone in their false religious beliefs etc. I keep wondering how in hell are we EVER going to get out of all these stone age beliefs and structures and evolve into a more spiritual evolution and survive if at all? Again please fast track me 800 years so we can all “FINALLY” meet and join our REAL family,friends and neighbors within the Plejaren Federation and quickly very very soon! Peace,Harmony, and Wisdome.Salome,Terry

Michael Freesmeier

Question to MH my Brother. In Tiberian link from above dated 2002 time frame there was a question posted as follows from Norm.
Posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2002 – 02:01 pm

Hi Billy, I was wondering if you are familiar with the theories behind
the so-called New World Order? Part of the theory is as follows.
Secret and not so secret groups and organizations are united in trying
to create a One World Government, that will be secretly governed by
them, while at the same time making it seem Democratic to the rest of
the world. Is There anything you can say about these groups. Thank
You, Norm

ANSWER: Hi Norm,
This is nonsense. It is the imaginary work of people who are trying to
make money by writing fantastic books about something that is not
true. They are claims and theories only.
Yet in a recent bit of info you posted, the New World order was acknowledged by Meier. I know at times he is not to release info due to attempts on his life and such, and if that is the case a simple, I can not comment on that, would be fine. But by answering the question in the manner he did implies it is claims and theories. Which than presents the problem, is he presenting the truth at all times or am I getting the run around. Help me out here MH my Brother.

Matt Knight


Billy was right!

How can secret and not so secret groups be united… Wouldn’t the secret ones have all the control and be secret from the not so secret groups, for just that extra level of added security and control?

Most organisations know hardly anything about the “not so secret groups”, let alone, the ones who seem to be all at “One World” with each other in their joint effort to kill everyone in that “theory”.

As many people work in organisations, it so would defeat said point of the Order as all would then be united and only you, me, MH and a few others here would be left questioning anything. It would be over in other words and the reality is… it isn’t.

The EU dosesn’t seem democratic to me and so the theory as presented to Billy by Norm is “nonsense”, as I would be the “rest of the world” in that “theory”, either, united in world domination, or, lost in what things “seem”, but, I’m not either of those stupid things. Whatever the outcome after the EU referendum in the UK tomorrow, (I voted OUT), things will not be the same in the UK again.

New World Order is wrong because different groups war over resources and land as is indicated by history.

A “One World Government” could be a good thing if all countires were united in peace and we were visiting other worlds and had knowledge and all the highest virtues and laws at the forefront.


Andrew Grimshaw

G’Day Michael,

My thoughts on your comment took me to a recollection of George Orwell’s book, 1984.
Maybe BEAM is saying that the Dark Powers don’t really want a One World Government, maybe they will keep an enemy alive so as to continue the control, suppression and exploitation of rest of us.

Carolyn Snyder

The so-called Dark Powers are always fighting amongst themselves for control anyway.. . . you can always count on them to turn on each other, stab each other in the back, etc. . . . they do not now, nor have they ever presented a united front to the good powers.

Michael Freesmeier

Well it figures I cant find the more recent one, it referred to the Dark Order and that Meier could not talk of it earlier due to attempts on life. But the blog on Oct 16, 2014 on Secret Society Rules Earth does talk about this. Anyway I am confused, on the one hand he confirms it yet in 2002 he denies its existence.. Am I miss reading or missing something here MH ?

Wyatt Clancy

Correct me if I’m wrong.

Secret societies = Bilderbergs, Scientology, Skull and Bones, probably the Vatican, (also Freemasons but they’re probably just a club, nothing sinister)

And the so called Dark Order is the CIA which is mainly controlled by the Skull and Bones Sect. Either way they’re just people good at planning things. Without their dogs of war they would be useless.

matt lee

I don’t presume to know any more than others but merely that because of my preoccupation with this topic I found out through research that you’ve got to start with the Giza Intel and bafath infuenced influential figures to get a good idea about this so called new/old world order.
By starting with the top of the pyramid you can understand the rest.
Prominent names like Warburgs, Harriman, Rockefellers, Rothschilds and many other rich families of the world comes to mind here.
Whatever they are called one thing is certain there is indeed a grand old conspiracy to dominate and rule the world by these people through lobby groups, multinational corporations, banks, IMF, bank of international settlement, World Bank, EU, endowments, non profit organisations, secret service, secret organisations, religious organisations, the government, royal families, CFR, RIIA, CSIS, Skulls and Bones, Vatican, CIA, Jesuits, foundations, open societies, satanic organisations, endowments, various freemasonic lodges, WHO, Zionists, Bilderbergers just to name a few.
Follow the trail of David Rockefeller and read Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope.

Sheila Clark

That’s a very comprehensive list Matt.

matt lee

Thanks Sheila I had to lose a few brain cells along the way trying to squeeze that out but its all good.
I might have to send David Rockefeller an invoice for some compo by forcing me to remember his dirty name but poor fella he’s got way more dead brain cells than I have so that’s compo enough for me.
That old dementia

Carolyn Snyder

Warburgs, Harriman, Rockefellers, Rothschilds. . . . all reptilians incarnating as humans on the earth.

michael greenup

In response to the one world order. I did read in ancient writings and the contact notes to back it up, that they (whom ever they are) will achieve there goal. The very next sentence stated that they would be short lived. All hell would break out. What all tis means to us I really do Not know? How it all plays out is still not certain? But something is going to happen. It looks Not to be to good for us. MG

Sheila Clark

What the Plejaren wish for us is a one world government where all countries have an equal say on matters. If we ever hope to meet our distant space travelling ancestors, it will have to be this way. Not run by secret groups looking out for their own best interests, but in a peaceful world where everyone is equal.

michael greenup

One more to add is Semjase stated that these small societies mentioned above Play a very small role in what is to come. So the question arises to whom or what is really controlling this mess? The international Bansters are a major player but to whom or what is controlling them? The Plejaren avoid answering these kind of questions. To many secrets. MG

matt lee

hi michael greenup I’ll have a stab at it.
the thing that I presume controlling these banksters or the so called cabal is the ‘ideas’ implanted and seeded by the bafath and Giza Intellligences.
you just have to look at our recorded history over several millenias to get an idea at how entensive and insidious GI’s influence was over terrestrial human beings.
not only do you have to look at most cults and religions in one form or another but conquests, conflicts, wars, assassinations, technological transfer to do with wars but also various ancient ‘God playing.
the telenotic mind controlling influence will linger for another couple of hundred years according to Ptaah and billy.
this basically says it all because the telenotic mind controlling influences are transferred intergenerationally.

michael greenup

Hello Matt, I clearly understand what you stated. It does answer a lot of questions. It is the only thing that makes sense to me. Thanks, MG

Philip Brandel

Would it not seem that beliefs and fairy-tales control ‘man’, this world? There does not seem to be anything within the physical that stops us other than ourselves? If the true controllers of this world finally woke up, this would be some place to be. If we finally realized what we were and who’s world this truly is there would be something to say about control and who belongs where. So often it seems we look for what only is believed to be there….. when we are most definitely here and now?

Terry Carch

Good question Philip, I wonder why the performing arts such as opera and ballet stories surround themselves with fake unrealistic belief that aren`t moral or even ethical when it comes to religions and fairtales. I guess when we do read about fairtales there has to be some moral ethical concerns for the well being of the human race but then there are the old wives tale and myths such as good and evil or if you walk under a ladder you will have bad luck which is just a myth. to me religion is nothing more the a lot of myths that just doesn`t exist in my opion due to a lack of evidence and proof of a fake god which to me is a real myth etc. Why do young children believe such stupid fairytale books in the first place even god and religion in the first place? Do we have to have politics,relions, corporations, militaries? Aren`t we supposed to be an advance agrarian spiritual world society like the Plejarens?

Philip Brandel

We are the smith of our own destiny, actions, life?
Children are born ‘neutral positive’ and as it would seem to me, strive and learn within many ways, on the journey of physical, inner being. This journey is heavily dependent on parents and care givers. One needing the other to strive and learn together, forward, continuously.
If only ‘religion’ would vanish and be forgotten forever, then parents would not be inclined to spoil, tread the fruit of individual truths into the dirt of change, illogical delusions that smear reality, ones harmony, respect with, for ‘creation’ and its laws and directives. It seems slowly as parents themselves learn the ways of all that is not worthy of thought, will not press their children into the same mind numbing delusional servitude. A revolving occurrence that continues unabated…. did the religion come from the child or the parent?… or just plainly in humanity continuing its delusion in any thought given? Our politics, religion, corporations, military show the level of ‘spirituality’ we have excepted, as far gone as many do not even understand the hidden truths of what ‘spirituality’ truly seems to mean? As much as we truly could change this humanity that is all of ours in creating, molding, striving for something good, better, to the best of what is possible.

Michael Freesmeier

Thank-you men, I appreciate the info.

Charles VanLoan

Primarily, one love to all, and to all, one love! I realize I’m quite a silent participant in the interactions here. Nevertheless, I observe and absorb everything relative to this forum, everyone’s thoughts, relative posts and interactions. I must state, this forum is a very therapeutic reprieve. There are a lot of participants here who have a more studious knowledge-base of the spiritual teachings than I have. I enjoy reading every single post, truly. I thank you Michael for providing this forum for me and the others to interact with each other! I learn from everyone here and I thank you all immensely for your interactions and participation, it is greatly appreciated and never taken for granted! We are all beautiful and unique snowflakes. When bunched together, it is amazing the shape, the density and the force we can create and are creating my friends. The snowball we have formed is gathering more snowflakes, it is rolling down the hill and is gaining more momentum. Stay strong and stay packed my friends!

As Michael has stated in prior postings and within this particular posting, “We are leaving the Age of Beliefs for the Age of Truth and Knowledge”, I can attest that this statement is very valid. Relative to my daily personal and online interactions with others, I consistently see in droves, individuals leaving religion and the religious influence. It appears that a lot of humans are now being enlightened to the truth, that religion has created and continues to create more harm than good. The individuals leaving religion are now in a state where they are seeking the truth, the truth we all know and are privy to. The individuals I interact with want nothing to do with the religion (or any religion for that matter) they were raised to “accept as truth”. One of the numerous issues I see with religion is that there are a lot of morally correct ideologies interwoven very efficiently within religion (thou shall not steal, thou shall not kill, etc.). I’ve always questioned, why do people really need religion to understand that one shouldn’t kill, one shouldn’t steal, etc.? It is hard for individuals to understand that being a morally correct and well-balanced human doesn’t warrant said human to follow any religion to live a good life, to help your neighbor(s) or to care about the relative and multi-faceted interconnectivities of life. Unfortunately, the journey we face in inspiring and enlightening these individuals “trapped” by religion and leading them to the truth can be quite an arduous one. Nevertheless, our individual/collective efforts are worth it and are working.

I stated awhile back in one of my prior postings that I was extremely hesitant on posting/stating a quote I created relative to religion. I’ve stated it numerous times in my life and have been on the receiving end of countless angry stares and have been involved in heavily debated and heated conversations. All self-created, I accept this. I am the one who created it, I am the one who still states it and I have accepted and continue to accept responsibility for the effects/results relative to the cause I created. Diametric to my not so pleasant experiences, I have observed others agreeing with it. It can be quite polarizing, nevertheless, without further ado.

“Religion is a crutch for the logically crippled”.

I think it goes without mentioning that one can create a variant or multiple variants of the quote which can be received in a more acceptable fashion. I’m not advocating anyone utilize it, I’m merely stating what I say. Being observant in my conversations with others, I’ve felt the moral obligation to adjust the quote in order for it to be a bit more diplomatic and to be received in a conducive and harmonious manner. Other times, I just state the quote as it is. “Religion is a wheelchair for the spiritually misled” is one of the variants I’ve utilized. Point being and relative to religion, when speaking with others who simply cannot accept, utilize nor implement common sense and logic, I reach an over-saturation point and realize that a bitter truth is a better pill to swallow than a sweet lie. I never force nor coerce anyone into thinking what or how I think, I merely do what I can to inspire them into thinking a little bit differently and to think for themselves.

I, like others, was forced to go to church growing up, and I hated every single Sunday and relative holiday. I’d have preferred to sleep in instead of going to a building and “pray” to a false God, a false leader and to falsely implement a delusional ideology I could never accept as being logical. Don’t get me wrong, I have respected and will always respect others. After all, we’re all in this together. I couldn’t explain nor understand from a cerebral standpoint why everything relative to religion never made sense; within my being, I simply knew better. The moment (around 6-7 years of age) I realized that church was illogical, my siblings and I, more specifically my younger brother and I, would start goofing off in church. One of our favorite things to do was to see who was brave enough to fart the longest and loudest in the silent periods when everyone was quiet and should be “praying”. The echoes within the church were quite epic. We soon had our own “following” every Sunday, much to the dismay of our parents. My brother was the victor every single time. I still laugh to this day thinking of those times. This was our little rebellious counteraction to the idiocy of religion, the church and having been forced to go. A bit childish, yes, very much so, however, these were the only times we rather enjoyed going to church. I realize I’m digressing a bit, but it is relative, so I won’t make any apologies for it.

As we all logically understand, religion, and the relative fanatical followers, have collectively and unfortunately delayed the progress of humanity and have created a linear digression, declination and degradation of our existence. Fortunately, we know the solution(s), we have the solution(s), we have the power, and I think we have the moral obligation to keep our momentum moving in an onward and progressive fashion. I’m doing what I can to keep us moving forward. It’s not an easy journey, but it is worth it.

Relative to the digression, declination and degradation of our progression as a species, I’m curious as to how many of you have seen the movie “Idiocracy”. Although the movie is in fact a comedy, it does appear that what Mike Judge created in 2006 is slowly turning into humanity’s documentary, especially when observing the world and our current state of affairs. If you haven’t seen it, I would encourage you to at least check it out. The link is here

I realize this is quite a “novel” to read, so I thank you all for allocating the time in reading my posting. Always keep your eyes on the goal, always stay strong and always know that you all are a very vital part of humanity and this Earth!

All great things for you Michael and for everyone!

Peace, love and wisdom to all, Salome!

Andrew Grimshaw

Thank so very much for your “novel.” Rather enjoyable.
Much logic you possess, yes.
I used to let everyone in church, in my later teenage years, know that I was there only to attract to me the attention of the girls when it came time to sing, going from shrill highs to throaty lows, those where the days.
Assiduousness is my latest learned word, thanks to The Way to Live.
Idiocracy has been added to the list.
Much Love, Peace, Freedom and Harmony to you and yours,

Carolyn Snyder

I didn’t like church when I was a child either! But when I was older I thought it might be more fun to work in the church than in the external world. . . . . Instead of working 5 days a week and going to church on Sundays too, I decided to work Sundays and have the rest of the week off! Hey, nice trade-off if you can get it to work for you. . . . . LOL

Barry Smith

The old thought program we as earth humans must overcome, whatever happens we blame someone else, instead of the man in the mirror. Humans always want to avoid personal responsibility. They always run straight to a god\deity /ruler\king . The shooter made a choice , his thinking is trapped by religion, a system of control with freedom as the enemy.

Jacobus Kotze

Charles VanLoan,

Much respect for farting in Church man!! I think you and your brother both deserve medals of bravery for making yourselves heard… and at such a young age, that shows maturity. I read from your previous post that the echoes within the church were quite epic. Well done you!

This must be the funniest video I’ve seen in a long while. It’s called The Farting Preacher and it has over 3,8million views. Good show.

I believe this is on topic.

Miles Cooke

Hey guys & planet America
The UK has voted to leave the eu, and as insignificant as it might not seem to most of you, this could actually start a domino effect and eventual collapse of the eu dictatorship!!!

Sheila Clark

Let us all hope! I really think it may pave the way for the UK to align with Russia to form the peacekeeping troop.

Carolyn Snyder

That the EU will disintegrate is very likely for several reasons: 1) the strong economies of Europe are sick and tired of working to support the poor economies 2) the EU was created at the beginning as a means of controlling Germany (see the ECSC 1945), which has since become the strongest economy in Europe which every other country is milking for their own profit 3) the economic weaknesses of the weakest economies are going to cause the whole structure to implode.

Melissa Osaki

Yes, I was very ecstatic watching the results last night! I hope it does start a domino effect around the world! People are tired of the corrupt forces working behind the scenes! It’s time for some real change!

Adrian Martinez

It amazes me to hear the media portray this as bad. The western powers are looking at this as bad. Stock markets show the British pound plummeting. If all of these puppets see it as bad…it must be good!! I was taking out the trash last night and had a quick smoke and checked out the news stories and that was the first thing I came across. That was the first I seem of it. I was so happy I almost teared up. What was normally a five minute “taking out the trash” ordeal, turned into a half hour because of all that I was reading about this. I got this sense of hope! I wonder if the peace meditations and those choosing to do the right thing and us that are trying to follow the spiritual teaching had any influence on this? My immediate reaction was “it’s working”. But I calmed myself because I’m not sure if it did. My gut feeling…my immediate feeling was that. Does anyone think it had any part in this decision to break free from the EU?

Melissa Osaki

Hi Adrian, I thought the same thing. I actually had tears in my eyes when I realized that they had enough votes to win. It was truly a magical moment and my heart just swelled up with joy for the people of the U.K. I initially wondered if it could be a result of more people turning towards the spiritual teachings. At some point, we’ll have to start seeing some positive effects regardless of how few and far between they may be. Let’s hope the momentum keeps building!

Darcy Wade Carlile

Good Show MH. I am glad the UK listened to a good loss prevention announcer like you. The EU was caught red handed. Thanks to the Plejaren all seeing technologies that are mounted around the world in Earth orbit ect.

Carolyn Snyder

This is a very good video, Michael, not only summing up the whole Meier case material but also pointing out a significant possible future outcome of the EU dictatorship for the rest of the world and America as well. America too may be nervous about the potential threat from the EU to American supremacy in Europa and the Middle East. . . . . In fact it is in American best interests if the EU does dissolve. Put that into your pipe and smoke it for awhile. . . . .

Jacobus Kotze

I am not sure if anyone has seen the very strange opening ceremony of the Gottard railway tunnel, which took place a couple of weeks ago in Switzerland. I was just like, “WHAT in the world is going on here!?” No, really,
Important guests included Angela Merkel, French President François Hollande, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and Austrian Chancellor Christian K.ern.

I’ll do a quick analysis of the 6 hour and 30 minutes video clip that can be found here:

Well, where can one begin? I think it starts off quite traditionally, with a priest blessing the tunnel with water using a small green bush at 1:07:10. The weird shit begins at 1:58:33 with worker zombies marching into the chamber.

Dead people hanging from ropes 2:03:51
People in under where with winged demon in center 2:05:00
Flying demon guy with womans breasts @ 2:05 :05,
Goat guy 2:09:05
Woman clothed in black, holding a white lamb above her head 2:13:30
Pope with nuns, waving, 2:20:55
decapitated head with blood 2:27:19

Right, halftime, Merkel arrives in Helicopter @2:38:05
Then weird outdoor ceremony begins @ 5:57:56

Once again, zombie workers march in, this time, they start stripping and dancing in under where @ 6:01:57
More dead people, this time hanging from their necks 6:06:18
White ghostly figures floating in front of massive eye 6:07:17
Goat man appears again 6:09:02
Goat girl appears 6:19:56
Goat man has sex with goat girl 6:20:10 and 6:23:34
Goat man does something to lady in red dress immediately afterwards
Lady in red dress gives birth @ 6:24:27
666 hand gesture @6:26:22
arms of a clock moving to “9” and”11″ 6:26:27,people bowing down to the clock
Guy in white tu-tu dress 6:29:15

And then, a standing ovation is given…@6:29:53,
If this is what the psychopathic EU leaders are planning, then I cant see anything good coming from it.

Are they signaling the end of Christianity?

Andrew Grimshaw

I see this as another attempt to hide the truth of life from those who are too easily led and too lazy to educate themselves. Words have meaning/s.
Just like the gender “identification” garbage. People are bombarded with the word, gender and hence forget about the word, sex(es) which covers:
chromosomes, gonads, internal reproductive organs, and external genitalia.

The end of Christianity will occur when the Vatican falls and the secret sciences released to the “ordinary” people.

252. Even today the immeasurable knowledge of humanity, which was collected over monstrous periods of time, lies hidden in the inaccessible secret sciences, and will be defended and kept hidden from the broad masses of humanity by the bigwigs and secret scientists until the death of the Pope.
253. Yet why is that?
254. Quite simply because:
255. Were the masses of humanity to discover the knowledge of the secret sciences – what their monstrous life-affirmative uses, progress and success would bring – then, in the shortest period of time, religions and politics would be exterminated.
256. The financial industry would disappear, (and) war, strife, hunger and every evil of the world would suddenly cease, because, in a peaceful world, no holder of power and maker of capital could any longer begin to make a push for the acquisition of power and the piling up of money (in the financial industry).
257. Where there are suddenly no more wars and is no more strife, no more materials of war would be needed, and where there is no more hunger and other evil, no unscrupulous business-makers can further launch their filthy finances.
258. Where there is no more religion, because the human has finally recognized himself as God, there are also no more Popes, Ministers, bigwigs, Rabbis and Bishops, and so forth, who mislead the people and can demand their worldly possessions.
—> futureofmankind -> Arahat_Athersata: “The Precious One Who Contemplates the Times”

Sheila Clark

I am looking forward to that.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Well what? Come over to my place for tea or coffee neighbor!

Sheila Clark

Lol I definitely will.

Natalie Lough

Yes that was an awful ceremony, don’t understand how Switzerland could come up with something that looks so vile!

Matt Knight

Thanks all for your kind support of our vote to cast off the EU-dictators.

All I can say is that something deep stirred within the true Brit on the 23rd June 2016. Let’s call it human. It could also have been with assistance of ETs as strong impulses as the thought of a Nuclear war with Russia has been on my mind alot of late. No-one wants that and I feel that we were heading directly for that and the more sensitive Brits picked that up.

Make no bones about it. We were heading to Nuclear War and the end of Western civilisation. This referendum was no small thing and is a positive step into the new age.

The Brits have a history of making some smart moves against the odds. Don’t ever underestimate us. Support us in kind. We need it.

The idea of the UK being subservient to the EU is abhorrent to Brits. Especially when those of us who have lived with their regular patronisations, see the absolute mockery of all that is democractic, good, and logical. The liberal, cool, coke-snorting, trendy, I’ll only make love with a London, welcome all immigrants, fashionazis are showing their true corporate-slave colours by complaining and clicking on petitions like EU junkies missing a fix. They think that anyone calling for less immigration want to go a-lynching. We’re not like that in the UK and never will be when we are given the choice. Most Brits know we can do good trades with our former colonies, who we left behind by joining the EU and overcome the easily-startled and manipulated markets and bring some sanity to world trade again.

Scotland and Ireland are talking about having a 2nd referendum to rejoin the EU. They fear going back to a pre-EU era where they weren’t doing so well. That’s democracy I suppose and it’s a shame they cannot discern corporate liars, but, they love their Lord BeJezus Christos. I’ll give ’em two years with an influx of fleeing-from-crimes Polish, Bulgarians and Romanians before they regret rejoining the EU. Even though they were the minority in the UK’s last general election, the way they are run in the UK, which differ from referendums (which are better), Scotland’s smaller number of votes covered a significant number of elecoral territories and helped support Cameron’s Conservative government into power, which lead to the decimation of support and benefits for disabled people, the fracking industry and the selling off the NHS, but, no Brits were questioning Scotland’s involvement in the UK then. WE accepted the vote.

My view is that many in Ireland and Scotland love selling the US their strategic position in the UK wholesale and the US EU are happy, at the moment, to keep paying them off in readiness for biochipping and corporate slavery andwe are not swayed by their prostitution. We made a stand on the 23rd June for humanity and for reason.

It’s a proud moment for me and my country.

Terry Carch

I`ve always dreamed of visiting England and London. I would love to visit there but can`t afford to. How I wish I could live there now. Great job England. Keep up the great work you are doing. Cheero:-))))

Sheila Clark

You deserve a standing ovation! Good job.

Matt Knight

Thanks Terry and Sheila for your kind words of support. Much appreciated.

Sheila Clark

This is Merkel’s first spanking, hopefully followed by many more.

Terry Carch

Jacobus, I just read your AWFUL You Tube blog and guess what “My stomach is CHURNING!” I actually had to laugh at the STUPIDEST You Tube video I have EVER heard of,YIKES YUCK! I think you better warn anybody that this STUPID video is NOT for the quemish and that includes ME! If anybody can sit through six hours of blood and gore I can only wish them “GOOD LUCK!” OUCH!:-((((( nough said MH don`t bother,you`ll just get SICK! “That is the SICKEST You Tube video that I have EVER heard of I`m just so very glad that England finally desided to leave the EU. “The EU are ALL a bunch of rotten shills!”

Terry Carch

Maby now we can finally get the global peacekeeping forces up and going with Russia,China, and the US etc. Guys I WON`T watch that six hour You Tube video! MH if you can tolerate all that blood and gore you are most certainly are welcome to but be warned it`s six hours long and you had better be prepared for a REALLY horrendous horror movie! Yuck! Try to laugh at all the stupid things they did on that awful You Tube video and avoid the dirty stench too while you`re at it ,uh:-((((