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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Scapegoat

Had Obama known the truth he would have never sought the presidency

In a recent bulletin, Ptaah explained to Billy Meier that President Obama has long had to endure the influence and effective control of various powerful hidden parties…under threat of death to his family and himself:

“Had Obama known this prior to his efforts for the US presidency – I have fathomed very exactly – that he would be forcibly manipulated by his counselors, the militarily mighty ones and secret services, as well as all around him, who decide above his authority matters of the military and political issues of the State, then he would never have tried for the presidency. Unfortunately, the whole is not completely aware to him, so he gives into evil whispers, while on the other hand it is clear to him that he has to do a lot of things, therefore being sneakily influenced, because he knows very well, that this is the only way to protect his life and the life of his family. Had he not acted according to the will of those influencing him, who of course remain in the background, he wouldn’t be alive anymore, as much as under circumstances this applies to his family.

This especially, because Obama and his family are Afro-Americans.”*

While the shrill, strident voices of right-wing critics of Obama and what they presume are his policies have a field day heaping scorn and abuse on him, they don’t realize that many of the things that they hate him for are not of his own design. Likewise, neither are drone strikes, torture, etc., that bother the more liberal people.

Of course, whichever incompetent ascends to the presidency isn’t going to rescind any of the powers signed into law by Obama that they too can use in order to further the negative, aggressive agenda.

And while there also were things that Obama may have created in his own right that were not wise, it still boggles the mind that this country fought hard to not find a workable way to make affordable healthcare available to its citizens. But it really shouldn’t be mysterious when one understands that the actual national priorities are for militarization, destruction, world control, etc.

I have long said to people that “they”, the powers that be, call them the Shadow Government, Deep State, Dark Order, etc., showed Obama the Zapruder film. For those who don’t know, it’s the film of the JFK (John F. Kennedy) assassination, meaning that Obama was informed, one way or another, what the price for going against the real powers that be would be. It appears that what Ptaah told Meier corroborates this.

Those powers that be have an agenda, which includes polarization of the citizens of this country to the point of civil war, attempts at martial law, etc., that is proceeding almost ceaselessly. There is also much said in this particular contact about how American policies for world domination may result in provoking Russia to the point of nuclear war that envelopes all of Europe…and the US as well.

Obama did what he could to carry out his personal vision of a better country and a better world. He certainly must be suffering greatly in silence, not daring to say anything and very unlikely to do so once he’s out of office.

Perhaps in retrospect people will better understand and appreciate the great difficulties that Obama faced and his actual good and very principled character and inner strength.

As the breakdown in the US proceeds, we may well see the proliferation of desperate, pseudo “patriots” and Ramboesque, Mad Max mayhem, the demonizing of people of different races, religions and belief systems, the flag-waving and religious hysteria, etc. The long foretold, two coming civil wars may prove to be also be inevitable.

The answer, as has been previously stated, is to delve into the non-religious, belief-free spiritual teaching. It’s the answer because it explains and demystifies how thinking actually works, how we really do create our world – consciously or unconsciously – through our thoughts, feelings and actions. However that may sound, the truth is that few people really do know and understand – let alone apply – this teaching. Now is the time to do so.

For those who want even more specific information that is applicable to how to deal with these times, I highly recommend The Might of the Thoughts and The Way to Live, available here.


*Thanks to Bruce Lulla for the translation.









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Corey Müske

CORRECTION: the words located in the last paragraph that said: “liberate the consciousness of the entire planet Earth if we wanted to” was in reference to the consciounsesses of each man, woman, and child on the planet Earth that free-willingly wanted a liberation of their consciousnes and mind, attain a balanced Psyche, etc. (Mind-apprenticeship to the creative-natural laws and recommendations of Creation, if you will) by reading BEAM’s books.


There have been videos on YouTube stating that the Hidden Gov’t The “Cabal” has been forced to surrender, here is an interesting video that you may want to view.

Marie Moltime

After hearing all of this I fear for Bernie Sanders. He’s a good man. If the country eventually breaks up maybe we can have a state with Bernie as President.

“Had he not acted according to the will of those influencing him, who of course remain in the background, he wouldn’t be alive anymore, as much as under circumstances this applies to his family.

This especially, because Obama and his family are Afro-Americans.”

It makes me wonder if the deep state really has something against blacks, and Native Americans. Look at what they’re doing in Indian Country. They are ripping Indian children from their families with the filmiest excuses. So there seems to be this hate of Indians for “not dying off”. So their children get kidnapped modern day by “child services” and their families virtually never see them again. Kill the Indian save the man. 🙁

Don’t get me started on how blacks are treated. It doesn’t surprise me that they would happily murder him as a reminder of “our place”. Look at what happened in Flint, Michigan. People mysteriously died right before they were to testify in court!

I’m at a loss at what to do because no one is listening and nothing seems to be effective. Major news networks are full of crap. Look at the Democrats. I KNOW Bernie has won every state. This man is literally filling up stadiums and Hillary is barely filling up smaller spaces. How is she winning!? She RIGGED this! If Hillary or Trump gets into office we’re in fucking trouble. Especially for Hillary since she is beyond EVIL! Look at what they did to HAITI. I’m really surprised I haven heard anything from Beam about Haiti. I would love some clarity on that.

Marie Moltime

Clinton already has the Democratic side rigged to her favor. The media is selling her left and right. Ugh. When this all goes south they never suffer. It’s us.

Stefan Loeschl

That is tough, I mean really hard words: “America will be wrecked.” I think no-one of us can really imagine what is going to come…

Don Schneider

Another interesting topic on your blog Michael! It’s good people find out the truth behind Obama’s legacy as we once did about the Kennedy’s. Salome

Eusebio Apellido

Great article Michael. As time draws near to this election cycle in the US, it’s good to know that my intuition to vote (8 yrs ago) wasn’t wrong and that my pineal gland isn’t as calcified as I thought. I’m not a shame to admit, when I voted I was hoping for some real change like seeing Martin Luther King’s dream coming to the for. But a las nothing is ever easy. Perhaps this is a lesson to be learned that one man/woman with one vote cannot pin his/her hopes on another man (or woman). Because voting a person for a position of power will in effect raise their might of thought above any other. Just some food for thought, for those voting coming on November.
Good news is, if I got my democracies right, the US is balanced by three powers – the elected leader, the senate/house of representatives, and the supreme court. Two of which the voting public has some measure of say on which persons gets to fill those seats. Persistence and perseverance is and should always be the way.
Here is an interesting analysis about an interview of the President with Jimmy Kimmel concerning our other-worldly neighbors:
(For future reference, like if the link goes bad, search for: Obama ufo interview)

Terry Carch

Eusebio, I just watched the Youtube video you mention with Jimmy Kimel and Obama. This makes me wonder why Basset won`t touch the Billy Meier case and why Podesta didn`t investigate Billy Meier CR and the fact that the Plejarens are the REAL human benevolent god ETs and why Steven Greer won`t deal with these spiritual good ETs eather. Maby if MH could give a good Youtube video for these three people mentioned, we might be able to get the REAL TRUTH out for once and for all so that tnese nefarious shills would finally let the black cat out of the bag(general public) can finally learn the REALTRUTH and start to realize just how bad this world is getting thanks to all these terrible religions,politics,corporations and military industrial complex with their Dark Black Ops and so on etc.

Eusebio Apellido

Hey Terry, yeah I know what you mean. Before I found myself here I watched prior YouTube video from Basset, Greer and Collier. Where one time I saw Basset mention that 95% or so of what you watch in YouTube about UFO is false. Funny cause Collier scared the daylights out of me with his lizardmen spiel and Greer well he has his thing with his UFO safari-esque shine-a-laser-at-a-passing-satellite thing. Like what it says in the Desiderata, everyone has there say and in some measure contribute in our overall evolution. I say this since initially it’s what got me here afterall (way before I started watching MH’s presentation on Youtube).

Darcy Wade Carlile

Truly, truly, and so on and so on and so on….. I say MH…. Mr. Michael Horn is truly the great Clint Eastwood personality when it comes to be The Good The Bad and The Ugly. No flowers included.

Darcy Wade Carlile

No flowers included actually means no killing. Live and let live. Learn.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Does the badge make you the law? My answer is yes . However does the badge make you the law? My answer is no. Truly the law is both with and without a badge of material elements.

Darcy Wade Carlile Earth is still the wild camp , it is sure good we got the people to pick up the pieces like MH.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Terry Carch

Well Darcy,We`re in the boombocks as far as the Milky Way Galaxy is concerned. I guess this means we might be the yongsters in this galaxy after all. Guess we better shape up or ship out like the Akart if we don`t get our act together and soon.:-((((

David Kamada

As someone who’s not from the USA, I can tell you that Obama has made a big difference in the world with his foreign policy, which in spite of not being perfect or ideal at times, it still contrasts rather dramatically with many of his predecessors’ brazenly aggressive policies and intrigues.
I’m amazed at how easily the American people seem to forget the disaster that was George W. Bush and the huge mess that he left. Pinning it all on Obama, who I believe tried his best to right the many wrongs and make amends, is easier for the overall contentious American people. And despite his honest, strenuous efforts, Obama will leave office not having fulfilled every promise that he made, like closing Guantanamo, implementing strict gun-control legislation and universal healthcare. And how could he? He would have to be Houdini to accomplish all of that with the straightjacket the powers that be and the people have laid upon him.
And while no human being is perfect, the American people should be aware of how fortunate they are to have someone as smart, decent, sensible and hard-working as Barack Obama as President. He is the exception in the long line of corrupt, incompetent, power-hungry fools previously to occupy the Oval Office.

Terry Carch

David, I heard some hours ago that this is the WORSTE presidential politics in the history of the U.S. of A! To put this in contecs, “NOBODY in this country likes Trump and Hilary Clinton as the ONLY TWO CHOICES!” As far as I`m concerned,”:THIS IS THE WORST presiidential race I`ve EVER seen my entire life living here on Earth!” As I`ve said before,if Berni Sanders is not on the ballot in November “I`m NOT voting!”

David Kamada

Hi, Terry. I agree wholeheartedly! Trump and Clinton are far closer to one another in ineptitude and greediness, in my opinion. Clinton’s mask perhaps works better than Trump’s. But they are both chameleons.
Unfortunately, the US political process is so rigged that it’s baffling that most Americans believe their country is a democracy. Although I can’t say that things in my home country, Brazil, are necessarily better, at least we don’t rely on a two-party system nor the electoral college silliness. In Brazil, at least Sanders would we able to found and run his own party and platform.
If I were an American, I’d feel quite frustrated. I do confess that I’m scared and worried about the prospect of the US being governed over the next four years by either of the presumptive main party candidates.
Nonetheless, I still cling to the hope, however slightly, that Sanders will somehow get the Democratic Party’s nomination instead of Clinton. I know it’s a conceit, but who knows? Only time will tell.


Randy Arena

I agree Michael… if the powers that be… understood the spiritual teaching and the true meaning of love, peace, harmony and freedom they would circumvent civil war and understand that Obama and even Putin are following the correct laws and guidelines and examples to prevent these two foretold civil wars… It is amazing how these “clever ones” pull the wool over our eyes and blatantly refuse rights available in many other countries of the world (I.E. affordable health care) or tuition free college for the masses… and abolition of the death penalty… Putin calls Hillary the wicked witch of the west concerning her policy of aggressive action so we will: “stay in power” but you can see it in the commentary of the people that civil war is on the way… it is frustrating to know the truth can be found and indeed that is the excitement and secret of learning it… Salome my friends…

Robert Forrest

Obama did the best he could with a gun to his head and many fingers on the trigger. I can only say what a great man he is for doing so. I do not know that we will ever be able to thank him and his family enough. I know that there are many that disagree. We had a little more peace, although it looks it will not last or catch on. The out of sorts that exists in people today, seems to grow. However hope and working toward the truth and the way things really are. We are lucky to have Billy and the p’s. After all no one has worked harder on this than Billy and his friends. Billy has taken many attempts on his life. We need to support his message. Spread it far and wide. There is one other I would like to mention is MH. He has worked very hard towards helping Billy and the mission in the US and elsewhere. I do what I can, witch is not enough. But that will change soon. I will be putting a lot more work towards all of this. Hope you all can do the same. Salome Robert.

Terry Carch

Here are two articles from that might interest you: 1 Dated 6/13/16 Appeal to China,Russia: Please Do Not Let Venezuala Fall! By Andre Ultchek 2.6/17/16 Undeterred Amid Terror Attacks Europe,US H Bombs Still Deployed There By John LaForge So far nobody seems to be talking about an international peacekeeping force headed by China,Russia and the US “which is NOT NATO the warmonger force!” Nobody is bring up Billy and the Ps idea of a world wide global peacekeeping force and nobody is doing anything about a global peace force!:-((((

Billy Wilson

It really is amazing at what can happen in the name of a god and country even when the air we all depend on is the same. Mr. Obama and his wife are less than 30 days younger than myself and my wife but when comes to my hometown he looks 20 years older just after the last 4 years. Hopefully he changes his mind about living in D.C. when Bill and Hillary return to power.
Billy Wilson

Sheila Clark

Obama was probably the ONLY ethical president you’ve ever had. I doubt his presidentsy will be the last great thing he does. I have good feelings about his future endeavours.

Ian Perry

He may decide to give up trying to do good after what he been through and I don’t blame him if he does.

Terry Carch

Billy Wilson as far as I`m concened the Dark Black Ops seem to be running the show in D.C. and the rest of this world. I just really hope we don`t go down like the Akart did around Procsima Centari less than four light years from us.:-((((

Terry Carch

Here is an idea about getting the message out by Michael Horn or anybody else who can get the UN etc to start a peacekeeping force started by way of You Tube,email,facebook,twitter,instagram,etc any wich way we can get the message out loud and clear even a TV informercial to advertise our idea of an international global peacekeeping force headed by China,Russia and the US,the more the better so peole will ge the idea and corral all those horrorible terrorist and send them on a L type planet like Venus so thses terrorist and nazies will have to suffer with hard labor and no technology like the Ps did with the Bafah(Giza Jerks) fior the rest of their natural lives etc.