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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

ISIS Confirms “Sleepers” in Europe as Billy Meier Warned

Terrorists underplay real numbers, 17,461 already in Europe in January

In what may likely precede greatly increased – but long forewarned – terrorism in Europe, radical Islamists report that “hundreds” of ISIS (or IS) “sleepers” are already in Europe.

However, as Billy Meier also warned, there were already 17,461 IS “sleepers” in Europe, as of the end of January 2016. The much smaller number quoted in the Express may either be a deliberate attempt to underplay the actual numbers, or indicate that the quoted sources are themselves not privileged to the actual figures because of the compartmentalized nature of the cells.

When I attempted to post just the title of Meier’s article about the “sleepers”…the Express censored the comment, lest people learn that Billy Meier has long warned of radical Islamist terrorism overrunning Europe and spreading worldwide.

As Meier has stated in videos here, the real destruction by the IS will far eclipse anything experienced before, also because the so-called “world leaders” serve the interests of the weapons industry and their own lusts for power, which include pushing Russia into a nuclear world war (which will result in the complete destruction of the US as well).

Scientist Confirms Meier’s Environmental Warnings

The real “point-of-no-return” status of the environmental crisis was detailed in an article published by Rolling Stone magazine by Eric Holthaus – to whom I’ve sent Meier’s environmental warnings and other information. While Meier’s source is certainly well outside Holthaus’ paradigm, hopefully he won’t simply…freeze up, bedeviled by the same materialistic concerns that have kept other scientists from speaking up, from daring to announce that, “Hey, somebody out there exists and is trying to help us!”

You Have Reached a Mind that Is No Longer in Service

As I’ve pointed out several times, so far not one scientist, famous skeptic, or media gurus like Stefan Molyneux, Dave Rubin, Vox Day, Glenn Greenwald, Abby Martin, etc. – to whom I’ve sent Meier’s information about a US-provoked war with Russia, worldwide terrorism, the two coming US civil wars, etc., etc. – have dared to utter a peep, even in ridicule, denial, or contempt, because they know that to do so will drive the attention away from them and their political theories, quests for fame and fortune, etc., and lead their audiences to not only discover the Meier material but to ask the question that they should also be asking, “Why didn’t I know about this before?”

The answer to which is, “Now that you know, what will you do about it?”

See also:

Billy Meier on America’s Coming Civil Wars

The Prophetic Warnings, the Press, the Disasters

The Only Way to Stop the IS


Coming soon:

Information Corroborating the Enslaving TTIP Conspiracy

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Gordon Barnes

This sums up any religion for me, and to lighten the mood a bit.

“I refuse to prove that I exist,” says God, “for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.”
“But,” says Man, “the Babel fish is a dead give away, isn’t it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don’t. QED.”
“Oh dear,” says God, “I hadn’t thought of that,” and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.
“Oh, that was easy,” says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white, and gets killed on the next zebra crossing.


Gordon Barnes

Terry Carch

Or how about going the way of Hitchhker`s Guide to the Galaxy?:-))) I salute you the Late Dougles Adams:-)))

Terry Carch

Or how about a good alternative universe say Star Trek Universe? That`s better than dying. Yesterday was the 50th anniversary of Star Trek. How about that idea? I can think of better ways to live other than death and dying. Let`s all think of more positive ideas and ways to live rather than death and dying! It`s high time to think of a more positive way to live instead of all these stupid negatives such as death dying and destruction! There are just so many positive ways to live such as traveling among the stars,galaxies,universes,etc, etc, etc. Why are we wasting so much time worrying about death and dying when we can start to put all our energy and resources into going out into thr stars being colonizing,finding other civilizations, mining the asteroids,etc,et,etc. Time to put our money where our mouth is and stop woring about death and dying! Time to stop all this warmongering talk and start to talk peace,love,freedom,harmony, logic,reason and so on! “Wake Up Guys!”

Corey Müske

Whatever the future holds, whatever comes to pass in the future time, our planet’s people are in this situation 100% together, If we suffer collectively for abandoning our duty to the planet to constrain our population growth, we will have to face it together as a united family of dignified human-beings (the powers that be/masses). If we can learn to take care of our own (other Terran’s) in moments of despair, why can we not be unified as one peaceful people. We can.

Corey Müske

RE: “make your people (humankind) into a single, and peaceful people” = GOTT 11:68

Greg Dougall

Off topic:
“A tenth of the world’s wilderness has vanished in the past two decades”

Andrew Grimshaw

Excuse me for slipping this in now…

“Paris will be destroyed from within”: Billy Meier, 1981(…..excerpt..)
“So for those who still ask, “Why doesn’t Meier predict something ‘new’ so we can see it happen?”, if it isn’t enough perhaps revisit the Henoch Prophecies and see what else was already accurately foretold…and what is still warned of. Then read the predictions of Jeremia and Elia.”

Terry Carch

I think I saw French troops in Paris walking and garding defending Notri Dalm Cathedril this morning Sep 9th this morning on the news? Something must be brewing in Paris. I thought I heard a newscaster say Pirmiere Holland say that France is not taking any chances due to terrists threats? I just turned the news on but didn`t get the whole story etc? You may want to check this out. Peace Terry

Terry Carch

Insidently are there any changes being made with the prophoes and predictions from Billy and the Ps since the 1970e and 1980s? Is there anything new since then that is different etc?

Sastron Aulander

Yes Terry, however none of us are going to bother taking the time to direct you to the sequences of information, because you have not bothered to spell anything properly or use correct grammar, because this is a prime indication that you don’t genuinely care which ever way the wording goes.

Sastron Aulander

Hey All, Terry, the prophecies and predictions are isolated incidents, timewise and geocentric, and it was fanatically written to sensationalise the sequence to instigate action. Apart from that yes, the future for the next thousand years can be calculated by a clairvoyant. Take the time to look at the info they have tirelessly presented at FIGU or FOM website as well as this one to sample source.

Sastron Aulander

“When I attempted to post just the title of Meier’s article about the “sleepers”…the Express censored the comment”. We are tarred with the same brush, somewhat unfortunate, eventually we could be theoretically swamped by the world which on the other hand could be unpleasant too.

Randy Arena

Like the line… you have reached a mind that is no longer in service…


Sastron Aulander

Good one Randy just like that.

Another separate thing I wanted to say was that many of us in the ‘loosely surrounding FIGU interested community’ are undiagnosed clairvoyant, if the cambridge definition of perceiving to know and understand something we have never learnt is used, even if we are not prepared to admit it or face the fact that our own individual behaviour has been interesting, looking now back on it all, we are sincere people who are usually shy of boasting about things that we are good at, often also even identifying as a legitimate talent or skill that we have, we sometimes don’t like the response we get and the consequences of the position they give us, so we keep quiet about the things occurrences that we observe, but with honest good like minded people once we identify them, we are all too happy to offer every possible support and help we can offer in the name of stability, friendship, community etc.

Randy Arena

This reminds me of German history… remember before WW2 (actually WW3 seven years war 1756-1763: #1) all the Jews sought refuge in Germany… look what happened to them in just a few years later… I wonder if the same kind of thing will happen with all the other countries stupid enough to not fully check to see if they are actual refugees… or just folks that what to bum money… disappointing that we don’t learn from our mistakes… no? I guess that’s why we need to still live and die (reincarnation) rather than just exist… as we will evolve to in a few million years in the future… We can still prevent war. Don’t let them trick you into one…

I wonder what Billy thinks about N. Korea…?

Randy Arena

I wanted to clarify my previous statement… War with the IS may be necessary… but global thermonuclear war can be prevented if we allow folks to protect themselves… and not get into other people’s business… such as sanctions etc… plus we have to strive to a Multinational Peace Combat Force (MPCF) beholden to no one country and pro rated per capita to each country rather than use the military industrial complex which I’m afraid the US army is…


Terry Carch

When you die and then are reincarnated your spirit will be taken over by someone else who is alive and living after you are gone forever! That`s number one! Number two, once you are dead, you are DEAD! How can you explain and justify reincarnation when you die after you die and are gone FOREVER? “You cannot come back from the dead? Do you think you can just reawaken and climb out of a coffin after being poisoned with nuclear radiation and cancer and be cured of all your ills and look at a poisoned radiated Earth only to find nothing more than a barren scorched radiated lifeless DEAD moonscaped planet with nuclear black winter and ALL DEAD BODIES? Then expolain to me hou you think you can be reincarnated when after you die that another person will take your place and use your spirit from OTHER past lives whether they are good or bad benvolent or meleolent! Where in living hell can you justify dead and dying when the Ps and other more benevolent ETs can live to be thousands even hundreds of thousands of years old who have learned NOT to do the stupid bad things that planet Earthj has wrought? Is this world REALLY ready to die for all the stupid dangerous sagage warmongering hate and spiteful deranged exotic off world sinister warmopngerin sub-human mindless childish ideas and goals? Please explain your ill- thought logic behind reincarnation,death and dying if this top is so damn quaint and barberous! Thankyou! Why not think and act as all peace-loving spiritual ETs do and NOT like those ETs who would like to take over primative childish sage Earth,Thankyou. Peace Wisdom Salome, Terry

Sheila Clark

Perhaps they are starting to realize it?