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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

ISIS Confirms “Sleepers” in Europe as Billy Meier Warned

Terrorists underplay real numbers, 17,461 already in Europe in January

In what may likely precede greatly increased – but long forewarned – terrorism in Europe, radical Islamists report that “hundreds” of ISIS (or IS) “sleepers” are already in Europe.

However, as Billy Meier also warned, there were already 17,461 IS “sleepers” in Europe, as of the end of January 2016. The much smaller number quoted in the Express may either be a deliberate attempt to underplay the actual numbers, or indicate that the quoted sources are themselves not privileged to the actual figures because of the compartmentalized nature of the cells.

When I attempted to post just the title of Meier’s article about the “sleepers”…the Express censored the comment, lest people learn that Billy Meier has long warned of radical Islamist terrorism overrunning Europe and spreading worldwide.

As Meier has stated in videos here, the real destruction by the IS will far eclipse anything experienced before, also because the so-called “world leaders” serve the interests of the weapons industry and their own lusts for power, which include pushing Russia into a nuclear world war (which will result in the complete destruction of the US as well).

Scientist Confirms Meier’s Environmental Warnings

The real “point-of-no-return” status of the environmental crisis was detailed in an article published by Rolling Stone magazine by Eric Holthaus – to whom I’ve sent Meier’s environmental warnings and other information. While Meier’s source is certainly well outside Holthaus’ paradigm, hopefully he won’t simply…freeze up, bedeviled by the same materialistic concerns that have kept other scientists from speaking up, from daring to announce that, “Hey, somebody out there exists and is trying to help us!”

You Have Reached a Mind that Is No Longer in Service

As I’ve pointed out several times, so far not one scientist, famous skeptic, or media gurus like Stefan Molyneux, Dave Rubin, Vox Day, Glenn Greenwald, Abby Martin, etc. – to whom I’ve sent Meier’s information about a US-provoked war with Russia, worldwide terrorism, the two coming US civil wars, etc., etc. – have dared to utter a peep, even in ridicule, denial, or contempt, because they know that to do so will drive the attention away from them and their political theories, quests for fame and fortune, etc., and lead their audiences to not only discover the Meier material but to ask the question that they should also be asking, “Why didn’t I know about this before?”

The answer to which is, “Now that you know, what will you do about it?”

See also:

Billy Meier on America’s Coming Civil Wars

The Prophetic Warnings, the Press, the Disasters

The Only Way to Stop the IS


Coming soon:

Information Corroborating the Enslaving TTIP Conspiracy

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Matt Knight

More warnings of impending attacks from the French prime minister today, whose figure for the number of sleepers is edging very close to Billy’s in January:

Matt Knight

Done. Would recommend comments NOT include links as these will be rejected, regardless of the material. This can also flag to moderators to look out for and reject any posts that follow with the same subject matter.

Sheila Clark

I saw yours, mine was olive flame.

Terry Carch

MH and Matt,that was what I think I saw on the news yesterday about the French troops walking up to the Cathedral Noltre Daum? But I don`t think I got the whole news etc?

Matt Knight

HI Terry – It was to do with a foiled car bomb attack on Notre Dame. The perpetrators were charged yesterday:

gerald chamblack

here in france , it no longer stops….–arrestation-paris

Terrorist threat: arrest in Paris of a teenager suspected of preparing an attack

Terry Carch

That explains what I saw on the news yesterday but I didn`t get the whole story. I only saw the news for a minute and just happened to see Paris for a minute. That must have been the threat gerald mentioned. I think the reason Paris is the target is because back during the 1950s the French Foreign Legions were at war with a Middle Eastern country for it`s oil but I can`t remember the naof the country?

Billy Wilson

This is and is what the refugees from Muslim countries expect in their culture, and it is not what they are receiving. The cultures they are put into demands they blend in and start working within that culture. Once they get over the trauma of having to live their country how long before the rage starts to kick in from being disrespected. Our world leader need to stop the wars so they can go home and make it possible or the fire will burn bright from the disrespect. When commenting to the news of attacks make the follows of that news understand this basic concept. Link to Billy works on the subject if fitting to that media forum.
billy Wilson

Corey Müske

Billy is very clear that all terrorists need to be banished, separated from society for the rest of their natural lives. If we could put this in motion, things would go much easier for the Earth! Trial and error may teach our planet this is the truth, but why should we collectively always be like salmon that are trying to go against the flow of life, and swim upstream?

Life on this planet would be much more rewarding if we embraced the teaching, and matched our swim to the current of life, to match the vibration of the Earth. 🙂

matt lee

Hey Corey
Just for the sake of the conversation what if the terrorists are us, the earthworms, who are wilfully and unwittingly terrorising the planet and everything living within it yet we just don’t know it.
It definitely does feel like we are all banished criminals living on a prison planet with some of us trying to salvage the prison from other prisoners worse than us.
From this perspective some of us do like to keep the prison orderly.


sounds like we have to separate prisoners on earth depends on their nature of crime, or willing level of redemption. In this way, each prisoner in their resonant state easier in each separate group, allowing better learning and evolution, in a positive condition provided.

Tyler Rutland

Matt Lee reading your comments makes me want to cry.

I work so hard to be righteous. Almost every day of my life I worked hard, except some days when I’m depressed or hopeless or negative for some reason and I act fallible like even Billy has done from time to time, and he admitted it and said he tries not to be fallible all too often.

I have put myself through so many difficult situations, and this is what you have to say today about all of us? “Maybe we are the terrorists.” I’m sorry but, have you been shouting on the street about how you’ll kill entire nations, or been raping any women and children lately, and you need to get it off your chest??? Have you been groping women in the market or lopping peoples’ heads off with a machete?

You .. you just make me want to cry so much. I’m scared tonight and angry from how things are in the world, and I came by here hoping I could find some comfort and companionship among serious, like-minded people … but all I get tonight is, “You’re guilty and belong in jail”.

It’s just so painful and heartbreaking.

Tyler Rutland

Sigh… I feel like a jerk.

Sorry Matt, I was upset when I posted, and probably reacted too extremely. obviously I don’t think you did or do any of those awful things.

We’re good folks, and stand for a good cause, even when we made mistakes.. so should we really call ourselves terrorists?

Adrian Martinez

I think Matts point was that of earth’s perspective. Meaning the people of this world are the direct cause of all the bad things that happen on this world. Ponder on the question… If there were no humans on this planet, how beautiful would this place be? I think that’s what he’s getting at. But… When you add humans…. Humans that are true human beings that live according to the laws of creation… How much better would that planet be? Or at the least, that planet that has humans that life according to the laws of creation, is not going to suffer like our planet is now.

Tyler Rutland

But … to have come so far, and to have opened your senses to so much … To even think that you could call yourself a terrorist after all of that, even by stretching the imagination to its limit …

How can you insult yourself so and betray yourself so, even after all that you’ve been through?

Please, we are not terrorists. I’m not a stranger to beating up on myself mentally and telling myself hurtful untruths until I’m crying, but even *I* won’t tell *that* untruth to myself.

Corey Müske

hi Matt, I understand what you are saying, we will all have to do our part to keep this planet orderly, so we have a beneficial society to reincarnate into, with foundational stepping stones to adhere to. Prisoners or not, this is our earth to respect for present, and future generations to ensure the proper societal foundational stepping stones are in place to ensure our future recovery.

If you are a banished criminal, you should have access to the spiritual teaching to learn from your mistakes, and if you are a law abiding full fledged citizen, you should have access to the spiritual teaching to start your many lifetimes long journey to live in congruency with the laws and recommendations if the Creation inside your place in society.

It shouldn’t be a criminal act to learn.

matt lee

Well put Corey can’t argue with what you said.
This 7 WUV is something we humans will not be able to exterminate for the foreseeable future for the obvious reasons.
If we measure our criminality by the standard of the Plejaren I cannot fathom how there would be a single human being living on earth right now except for Billy who doesn’t belong in their prison planet.
Obviously we have low standards on Terra and thank goodness for that but I’ve come to realise we earth humans must work backwards and from a broken position where from chaos we must reacquaint ourselves with order so truly its a challenge as well as an adventure.
It does feel like we are waiting for our release date from a long prison sentence.

Corey Müske

In the second paragraph it should say “of the Creation”, not “if the Creation”. Sorry.

Corey Müske

Well Matt, based on what you said about how all Terrans would probably belong in a Plejaren prison planet (except for Billy), all I can say is your comment got me thinking, and I am in agreement with you, at least we have their (Plejaren) understanding that they will continue their impulses to our sciences, and medicine to prepare our planet for the future, as well as, their (Plejaren) understanding that this is our planet to clean up, and our planet to enforce our Earth laws, which we would need to modify, to be in harmony with the creative-natural.

Corey Müske

Our crimes of overpopulation, because of the false sense of security that everything “is all right” with no laws limiting procreation pretty much assures future misery, and will not go unpunished, because of cause and effect. Catastrophes will occur.

If we could adjust our Earth laws in time, to reflect these future changes, thus change the causes to positive, thus changing the effects to be more positive for all of humanity, things would go much easier for the Earth.

Hence the concept of “neutralization measures” comes into play, having the foresight to pass laws that would prevent casualties, such as strict planetary birth control.

What you say about the Earth currently being backwards seems to be true Matt, we must not have enough catastrophes “on the books” for neutralization measures yet. 🙁

Adrian Martinez

I love everyone’s insight on this blog…but geez, it’s always a depressing outlook on reality. The doom and gloom way of presenting this materilal, I feel, may push people away. In my small sampling of people I have conversations with, people are sick and tired of all the negativity. What this world needs is a heavy dose of love, honesty, and affection. If we show the beauty of the spiritual teaching to those that have not yet found this material, show them there’s a alternative to religion that is based on no beliefs but only truths…love, equality, honesty, etc, this may push those sick of all the negativity into a teaching that suits their wants.

I don’t know…I sometimes feel showing the horrible disasters that await us if no change happens, may help continue to numb an already scared society. Of course we shouldn’t hide it, but maybe intertwining more of the positives this case provides can be more beneficial than focusing purely on the hell that awaits us.

Corey Müske

Adrian:. See my post under the “UFO disinformation” blog, posted at 2:34 am that is very positive.

I also want to say, that there is something very positive about trying to teach people their obligation to the Earth, to limit their procreation, to stave off catastrophes.


Thank you MH for informing about the Warning of ” 17,461″ ISIS Sleepers number.
It kind of matches UK Independent news saying “…15,000 people being radicalised as new Paris attack…”
It add credibility to it, as I experienced the foretold warning myself.
Now I start to understand that fighting the war is not the solution, rising conciousness so to make the right decision is.

Sheila Clark

Hi ZB keep in mind that Billy said this long before there was any acknowledgement of this truth. Back when the UK independent was either claiming very small amounts or no a sleeper cells at all. The solution is a worldwide Peacefighting Troop whose mandate is to stop wars, murder, torture and rape. It probably won’t fly in the US as the CIA, NSA and Secret Services would be rounded up and then what secret govt is going to run the country?

Terry carch

Here is an article from for 10/10/16 that points us all toward a nuclear war. The Slipper Sope: Rolling downward No brakes,Nucler War by Norman Pollack I heard the ISIS and the Middle East are not afraid to be nuked! What does this say about Isarial,Iran, North Korea, China, Russia,etc,etc,etc? I have friends and very distant relatives in Russia and 1/4th of my ancestors are Russian and 3/4th are Polish. These politicians not only lie,steel but maim and are “CRAZED IGOTISTAL MANIC ZEALOTS!!!” It doesn`t matter what country these shills are from!

Terry Carch

I just heard REALLY HORRIBLE news on c2c just now that Hilary and John McCain are both going to start WW3(4) and that they will bash Russia tio death! Gorbachav just came out with a comment that the US and Russia about to start WW4 and Gorbi said “This is the most dangerous time on Earth`s history since the Cuban Missle Crises since 1961 or 1963? I can`t remember the exact year. This is what I was so afraid would happen since that night on c2c several years ago when Noory interviewed this guy who said we need to plan 3 years ahead for a safe place to hide. As I tried least February or March 2016 to request asylum.immigration,refugee status on Erra or some other safe place to live within the Plejaren Federation friends and allies but the federation wouldn honor my request, I wrote back to figu that there is room for a compromise. Well now that we are on the verge of a nuclear war,maybe now the Plejaren Federation might be willing to accept my request for a safe haven but if that is impossible I told them that there might be worlds far far in advanced of the Plejaren Federation whose federations are far far more spiritual,technically,medicallyscientiically in advanced of the Plejarens who for morally and ethically far far more willing to help me and others from being killed,etc,etc,etc. I think it is time to start to think outside of the box and FIND alternatives as the P`s an the more ethical and moral societies have done millions of years ago in other worlds,galaxies, universes, dimensions and so on. It`s time to get our heads to gether and start to find other alternatrives and solutions to this dispicable crises now looming on Earth. As I have also state one poisbility is the Star TRek Universe as on example of one of many other alternatives if ANYBODY is willingto come up with alternative ideas to save huamanity on Earth but so far so good. “Let`s get our heads and thinking caps together NOW befor ALL hell breaks out with Hilary Clinton who is just as dumb and stupid as Donald Trump! Let`s get a move on NOW!”

Terry Carch

I think there are worlds far more advanced ethical and moral than the P`s who will try to liberate us from the wrath of Hilary and her hatred of the Russians since the Russian people are very much like us now that they no longer in a communist state.I just DON`T know what is wrong with Hilary since she like all of the other ratty rags in DC and elsewhere and those religious fools don`t give a damn out life,peace, love reason,logic and so on etc! You could say these rags arn`t much smarter than you and me,Billy and all of us who blog here.