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Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

The UFO Disinformation for Dollars Scam

Late astronaut’s foundation bilks big bucks from gullible “alien abductees”

In a world that continues to experience one long forewarned upheaval after another, from terrorism, wars and environmental disasters to economic and financial chaos, leave it to profit-motivated charlatans to concoct new scams to peddle idiotic disinformation to distract people from the truth…and make money from it, of course.

Somewhat surprisingly, the foundation started by the late astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, is now a text book – or should we say comic book – example of snake oil, New Age mumbo-jumbo, dressed up in pseudo-academia, attempting to give credence to, and profit from, the completely unscientific, unsubstantiated, lunatic fringe that proudly self-identifies as “alien abductees” and/or “experiencers”.

One shudders to think who’s really behind this psychological soylent green program.

Perhaps having cynically assessed the ease with which people can be misled into mind-numbingly stupid pursuits, like Pokemon, flat Earth theories, etc., the latest irrationality is an Event for Experiencer Liberation Day, which perpetuates the deliberate – and it is deliberate – disinformation campaign started over 100 years ago, as if there weren’t enough con men with their 6,000-year-old Earth and equally looney “flat Earth” cults.

The event features such utterly delusional, notoriety-seeking panderers as Dr. David Jacobs, to perpetuate the concocted mythical “alien abduction” and “experiencers” quackery, which is absolutely devoid of a scintilla of actual scientific proof. While the event will certainly provide “liberation” of people from their money and any remaining rational thinking abilities, it may also be yet another experiment in leading people to be fearful of a (faked) “alien invasion”, and accept being bio-chipped, and other mechanisms of being enslaved and controlled.

Of course it makes perfect sense, doesn’t it, for an advanced race of space travelers to come from hundreds of light-years away just to dick around with primitive, overly entertained, confused and bored human beings on Earth. I’m sure that’s what they must live for. All of this also speaks to the ridiculous self-importance of people with too much time on their hands. Certainly there have been some actual abductions…but they have nothing to do with extraterrestrials, rather only with secret government and military operations designed to frighten and control gullible human beings.

But this is what the Edgar Mitchell foundation is now apparently all about, promoting mind-numbing stupidity for profit and, more than likely, in the service of the secret military. There must be really big bucks to be made to lure a former academic luminary like Dr. Rudy Schild to completely trash his reputation and credibility. Of course there also must be a certain appeal for an IRS Estate Tax Attorney to write himself off; maybe he’s more focused on abductions than deductions these days. You’ll find their Board of Misdirectors here.

You can also view a list of the other profiteers who help to facilitate this blatant hoax, while picking the pockets of their clientele, here. Quite a nice little “support system” for the feeble minded. Understand that every person on that list has chosen to affiliate themselves with a bogus, unscientific fraud, “treating a condition” that actually…doesn’t exist. That quacking sound isn’t coming from ducks but you’ve got to hand it to enterprising Americans, and now others, for whom every darkly insane cloud has a silver lining (we take cash, checks and credit cards). Your eyelids are getting heavy…your wallet is getting light…

Billy Meier’s information about who’s behind the so-called “alien abductions” was echoed in part by a former military man

BTW, the Edgar Mitchell Foundation wasn’t at all interested in the evidence and information about the Meier case, or my being one of over 125 eyewitnesses to the Plejaren craft, or that I’d been forwarded specific, prophetically accurate information from the Plejaren, etc. Apparently I wasn’t enough of a confused “victim” of imaginary evil aliens to warrant a response.

I coined the term UFOCI to clarify that there is a UFO Community and Industry, which has done more than even the governments to conceal the truth about the singularly authentic Billy Meier UFO contacts, still ongoing for almost 75 years, and thereby helped to bring about the fulfillment of the long prophesied events that are now upon us. This industry not only put profits above truth but is plainly suicidal, having long had access to Meier’s evidence and information, choosing to cover it up to make a buck instead.

It should be clear now that the so-called “UFO cover-up” is solely about the Meier case and not any of the distract and disinform nonsense perpetuated by the Mitchell Foundation and organizations like this.

And we wonder why the Plejaren said that basically America is toast after 2020.

P.S. For anyone who really, firmly believes that they’ve been “abducted”, get out a map and see how close you live to a US military base.


What Edgar Mitchell actually stood for was the peaceful use and exploration of outer space. While Edgar Mitchell name is used to draw attention to this foundation, Edgar Mitchell himself emphasized peaceful cooperation in outer space, including with extraterrestrial beings.


See also:

Alien Abductions: Delusional Disinformation

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell to Explore Billy Meier UFO Case?

The Newest in Regard to Matters of Extraterrestrials, UFOs

MUFON BOMBSHELL: “…most of MUFON’s public information was intentionally bogus or redacted…The U.S. State Dept. and the CIA basically control this activity.”

How MUFON Helped the Spread of ISIS

MUFON, UFOCI Force Cancellation of Billy Meier UFO Case Event!

Michael’s YOUTUBE Channel









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Andrew Grimshaw

I wonder about the types of questions.

What sort of questions do these “therapists” ask the “abducted”
so as to treat their disease or disorder;
and I don’t mean, “Will that be cash, check or credit?” 😉

I wait patiently for this Groundhog Day feeling,
to be a thing of the past…….
when all us folks know the might of our thoughts, and

* Neutral (I love that this is positive in itself.)
* Positive
* Equalized

The Way to Live
419) (Meditation posture …..excerpt.)

“The posture is very important with the meditation, regardless of whether it is practiced lying down, sitting or standing. One’s back is always to be held straight like a pillar, so that a painless equalizedness of the body occurs and so that the inner energy as well as the innermost energy can flow easily though the fine-fluidal pathways of the body…….
Calm, peace, love, harmony and control must be brought into the consciousness: that is the entire secret of the meditation.”
Have a great life and lives


Billy Wilson

Andrew, You left out an important part from Billy the “Power for the whole day” by Gerhard H. Eggetsberger. We have to learn how to lock in the energies that we practice so often to acquire.
Billy Wilson

Andrew Grimshaw


I hadn’t seen this article on this topic before now.
Seven easy exercises for substantial results.
I look forward to the results of the PC muscle training.

Thank you 🙂

Andrew Grimshaw

Thanks for the info Billy.
Life changing.
Is BEAM’S reference to this writing in his book that you are working on translating?

matt lee

Billy I would add concentration as one of the most important component to what you’ve mentioned.
It really is the hot knife that cuts through butter.

matt lee

Hey Andrew we don’t have a Groundhog Day in Australia unless the Ozzie’s are grounding all the Hogs today that I don’t know about.
Oh that’s right maybe they are grounded because they are refusing to fill in place all the greyhounds dogs for TAB race betting.

Terry Carch

Hi Andrew thanks for you meditation advice. UNfortunately I don`t have a printer so I wrote all of your meditation adivice in one of my many notebooks I`ve written on Billy and the spiritual teachings that I should review when I get a chance. insidently I`m now also incorporating the Peace Salome Meditation into my regular medtiations in hopes of calming down planet Earth so ALL the [predicted civil wars and nuclear wars will just hop[efully be nothing morethan a prophecie rather than a prediction. Thankyou very much Andrew. Peace, Wisdom and Salome, Terry

Terry Carch

I for got to menton that I don`t have a printer unfortunately that is why I write in a notebook. Thanks again Andrew.:-)

Billy Wilson

Terry, I have several printers but I am old school and you store more of your own energy in the words that have come from your own hand. It is like study of symbols and art when your mind sees the words in your own hand it must be real. I can remember every line on that old chalkboard writing I will not talk in class over and over. And the teachers name Old Ms. Weaver, we never did see eye to eye. She was proof that teachers having tenure is not always a good thing like Edgar Mitchell her theroies made no logical sense.
Peace Always
Billy Wilson

Terry Carch

Thanks Billy I just wish I could afford a printer so i wouldn`t have to write everything down in a notebook. Insidiently I was a fine arts major back in college but I never finished college due to financial dificluties after my father died back in 1995 unfortunately.

Billy Wilson

Terry, The effort and energy expressed by your on hand has far more value than any printer can ever give to anyone, you are creating in the very structure of your thoughts pressed into paper.the world is ours to create not what others want. They want control as in but with just a little effort like that you spend creating words and desisns of thought on paper we as a whole can stop the madness in time as a collective. Write to ever one in a local leadership role and just say no to make they slow down and think about the actions they are taking. Go to the local meetings and stand up for change and just say no to the theories they propose, of time more will follow. No tree stands aone in a forest it just takes the wind to remind them they are in a forest.
Peace Always
Peace Always

Barry Smith

Silly earth humans never pause and consider , if more advanced beings wanted ANYTHING from us barbarians , they dont have to abuct anyone , we broadcast our entire being across facebook, twitter, etc, carried by satellites, that even texas university students can hack .

Sastron Aulander

See now this comment from Barry, to Andrew Grimshaw, I understand, and you notice Barry did the same thing, spelling mistakes, caps lock on for no reason, extra spaces and stuff, doesn’t matter, I get it and I understand what Barry means because it’s in a workable sequence, one event follows the other and it stays within its context until it moves onto the next subject, a linear readable deliverable sequence.

matt lee

Well Barry I had a coworker who was into the NESARA and reptilian stuff extracted from the Dark Web and he firmly believed in the Reptilian and government pact.
I didn’t want to argue or shut him up but instead did a spiritual Judo on him and he thank me for the Billy Meier book.

matt lee

Barry I beg to differ.
Because there actually was a real ET abduction there had to have been a good reason why they abducted people in the first place.
This can only mean one thing abduction = level of technology of the one performing the abduction and in this case not very sophisticated compared to the Plejaren.
I am suspecting that it was done by one of the four ET groups.
Just a guess.

matt lee

Michael what is the difference?
Abduction or contact examination by any other name is still traumatic to those who were subjected to some alien probing.
But then again we humans do make things so much more dramatic with our use of language than what reality warrants.
But I could still do without the anal colonoscopy by alien or no alien.

Randy Arena

They will be toast because they are from a toast fam-i-ly… with respect to the film: My Big Fat Greek Wedding… to those who believe in the flat earth: why is there a different sky in the southern hemisphere than the north? Why are there different seasons. Sheesh…

I am amazed and ashamed at the collective intelligence of the human race at this point in time… Why do we allow incompetents to rule our country, why do we allow them to trick us into disgusting wars… why do they live in denial and see only inches from their face? The truth that will lead us to peace, harmony, love and friendship with other nations?

Come on folks… see the forest for the trees… seek the truth… it is IN THERE.


Matt Knight

We think it’s bad now…

Wait ’til secret military groups start going round with beamship replicas emitting beamship sounds containing tightly-clad women and bearded male actors playing the Plejaren to “update” suscepticle people with some new-agey concocted nonsense teaching.

We’ll have a big responsibility to fight against anyone reporting events like this once Billy isn’t around to clarify any longer… if we survive the environmental catastrophes, WWIV, that is. Even my own past experience with the symbol I mentioned I put down to my flying to close the sun in my consciousness and getting burned – rather than direct impulses.

In my opinion, this may also be a factor as to why the Plejaren left their bases on Earth – so as to leave absolutely no room for doubt or confusion about this and why they also made it very clear that there will be no, zero, nada, zilch, contacts after Billy until we sort ourselves out. Again: the smart move.

matt lee

As Billy said by 2029 his information will be taken as what it is, the truth

Matt Knight

References are our friends Matt as that contradicts the 300/800 year estimates.

If he did say that, it does not augur well for Apophis which may be making some unexpected turns yet. Year of the 3s and all that.

matt lee

Well Matt myself having put some thought into Billy’s year 2029 statement my conclusion is that all the events he foretold leading up to that year with so many corroborations cortoborating it will inevitably lead many people to the only inevitable conclusion that all along he was telling the truth and that his contact case was genuine.
What Billy didn’t mean though was that just because people deemed his information to be truthful doesn’t mean that all of a sudden people will start to study the spiritual teachings then conform their lives to the Creational laws and avert all the foretold disasters to happen.
So taking the 2029 statement at face value may seem contradictory.

Adrian Martinez

This is my biggest issue right now. Knowing of the material…and doing something about it. Or nothing, rather. So, as of recently I started sending tweets to various people trying to get MH on for interviews. Joe Rogan being the primary one. Only because his podcasts are listened to by millions. A lot of his fans seem to take his recommendations to heart. Please shoot him a tweet asking to look into the BEAM case and for MH to be interviewed on his podcast. @joerogan it’s a small part but I’m at least trying to do something other than what I do for myself. Which I must admit is not much and feel I should be doing more.

What I am excited about is how I’m raising my kids. The being saved by Jesus thing started with my family and I put a stop to that immediately. Answering his life questions with truths. If I don’t know I tell him so. I can’t wait to see what kind of man he becomes. My daughter is not even two yet. I can at least say I’m not contributing at all to any beliefs systems. I’ve ended that viscous cycle with my family. Snowball effect, right?

matt lee

Good on you Adrian
I agree we can always do more than what we are doing right now even amidst familial and financial responsibilities and all.
I guess it comes down to each and everyone of us as to what we are and aren’t willing to contribute.
Its important what you do but its equally important what you don’t do and visa versa.
Its not easy seeing as everyone has to look after their family and earn a living.
My child is not 2 either so I understand all the sleepless nights you go through among many others.

Matt Knight

Your comments suggest that Billy made a direct statement about 2029, so, taking this at face value, that there must be grounds for this, or, he didn’t make this statement at all which means you’re putting words in his mouth, which is not correct and why I’m asking for the reference please?

matt lee

Matt I did definitely read about this 2029 statement long time ago and if my memory serves me correct it was Billy who said something to the effect that his information will be accepted as truthful by that year.
I don’t have the reference now as the old English translations of contact notes are tucked away downloaded in an old computer of mind that I don’t have access to right now.
As you may know by now the plejaren contact note section from the future of mankind website is constantly evolving and changing therefore translation put up on that site previously may no longer be available now due to various reasons.
I can’t find it but when I do I’ll post it.

Matt Knight

OK, no problem Matt thanks.
Thinking on this further, I do vaguely remember something about, “When the truth of our contacts with you will be known worldwide” in relation to 2029, but, I couldn’t find the relevant report either. Think it was Ptaah who said it.

Matt Knight

I’m thinking it was a recent CR ’cause I remember thinking that the only dated events up ’til 2029 were the 2 US civil wars & Apophis, both of which must occur as stated by Billy for the world to accept the contacts… See what you’ve started Matt. 🙂

Sastron Aulander

In CR194 Quetzal explains that they will leave permanently and occupy themselves with other things in 2029.
In CR471 and CR475 apophis is mentioned for 13th April 2029
In CR544 end of superpower the said by ptaah.

That is only English translated material and not including questions to beam answered or FIGU SB bulletins or open letters or books or booklets. We have together up to today only been able to translate less than 15% of all available material into English.

matt lee

Yeah Matt I think I’ve started a competition to see who can ward off dementia the longest here and by the looks of it I think I am coming last.
Trying to recall things from my memory gets harder as the years roll on as either I congesting it with too much other useless information or that I might just be skimming through the contact notes these days especially the long ones.

Sastron Aulander

You are passionate matt lee, it shows that you have read and tried to stand.

Terry Carch

Well here is onr VERY VERY STUPID thing that I heard Hilart clinton THINKS she will do is expose the HORY UFO crap to the public! Gess what I just recently heard that “NO” prsident is EVER going to reveal that there ever was or ever will be ETs visiting planet Earth after all we were and are ETS from past incarnations from millions,billions trillions and so on from the Lyran Ring Nebula and beyond etc. Whyu do this stupid caniving sindless politicians and there cabal keep sinning these STUPID UFO crap to try and get control of planet earth and beyond say Mars for example? What a bunch of shills these politicians are, all war an d no peace? Heck, nobody wnats to deal with the REAL issues from Billy and the Ps about the spirual teachings and GOTT and so on!

Taro Istok

It’s truly unfortunate for the memory of a man like Mitchell to be misused like this.

matt lee

Taro its truly unfortunate what may have been for the memories Mitchell may have left had he dug deeper on the Billy Meier case when he had the chance to.
I think Michael offered him an olive branch if my memory serves me correct but it seems Mitchell used it to make pizza out of it.

Taro Istok

I understand. But either way he was a high-profile former Apollo astronaut who supported the alien reality.

matt lee

Well he does deserve credit for that

todd markus

Billy says there are other life forms in our solar system. Primarily bacteria , on Marrs, Venus and maybe someplace else , I cannot recall. The U.S govt, and the 12 secret supreme leaders of the U.S that the special forces soldier michael Horn interveiwed said run the country, should reveal if they know if life is on Marrs or venus or some moon or other around saturn or jupiter. Otherwise within 4 very short and turbulent years ( by 2020 about) there will be a cival war in america and all is lost. All the hard work and effort into becoming the most powerful nation on earth is lost. The global elites who care for nothing but empowering themselves are sitting on this info. They know that if life on MARRS, VENUS OR SOME MOON were to be known it would change everything. The war for profit scam that is run by CIA / Brennan, NSA/ Clapper, FBI / Comey, the bush family, the rothchilds, the betchels, the rockefellers, the ceo’s of lockheed, boeing, general dynamics, northrupp grumann , ratheon , yale skull and bonesman like U.S secretary of state john kerry etc would lose out on billions in revenue and profit b/c the american people would demand peaceful solutions not military ones. And the grip that the religions of the planet have on the psyche of mankind and the wars religion causes would begin to loosen and subside. Its either reveal the truth about life on Marrs and america and the american people survive and have a chance to prosper again, or these sneaky S.O.B’s continue to hide the truth and America is no more. Its that simple. Theresw to much division in America, to many foreigners, and all the jobs and opportunites for regular people are being outsourced to third world countries. All because of these same gredy sob’s running america and the planet . In addition The saudi royal family and their spreading muslim propaganda, terrorism and wahhibism throughout america, canada, europe and the world needs to be stopped. Islam is a very savage and backwards thinking religion. The arab muslim cultures have stagnanted and havent changed much over the centuries . And the citizens of those countries are some of the poorest, and overall unhappy and miserable people on the planet, because of islam. The global elites and the saudi royal family and muslim brotherhood are trying and succeeeding in making western countries be flooded by third world refugees and immigrants so that america, canada, europe, australia,russia etc collapse from within and are destroyed by the mass of third world immigrants and their primitive, backward religion and thinking. Because the arab muslim nations and third worlders could never beat western democracies in a fair fight. A direct military confrontation, so they engineered this refugee crisis with the help of the bush family, george soros, the betchels, the rockefellers, the rothchilds, CIA/ Brennan, NSA/ Clapper, FBI Comey etc etc. Heres another warning that a cival war is over the horizon and americas coming to an end. Kentucky govenor says the blood of tyrants and patriots will be shed. And I remember hearing on the news everytime a reporter asks a U.S soldier or specail forces miss about america when their deployed overseas is that the U.S soldier appreciate america for its safety and stability compared to the rest of the world. But thats all going to change soon and for the worst, because the govt , owned and controlled by sneaky corporate execs want to continue their war for profit scam.

matt lee

Good list Todd
I would just add that their (PTB) time of reckoning is also near and they also know this.
Well at least they can sing to the Elvis Presley’s version of My Way when the end of their rule comes.

Sastron Aulander

Hey Todd, I don’t recommend to look to indications of the layup fulfilling itself, because the layup is a combination of new and yet to occur layups that form yet again a new layup and again until then finally an entirely new position is realised and on top of that then the prophecy is fulfilled, it is not fulfilled until those various combinations have occurred, combined, joined, settled, cleared again and resettled to form a new thing.

It is no new mystery that plenty of heavy duty American dudes with guns if given the correct passcode sequence of words will behave in a predictable straight forward way. The password is a financial collapse, loosing oil reserve currency, harder to get job, have to work harder, longer, sweat longer with less reward and smaller margins of health and oportunity, we are not there yet, which is why I say do not look for this civil war yet ffs we have no evidence for any connection for it yet. And it’s beyond 2020 minimum ok, and politics is the initiator.

Sastron Aulander

The Only evidence we have so far for this civil war stuff is that rich wealthy Americans give all of the Americans money to china businesses because they are cheaper, better value for money, work harder, are more intelligent and sharper on the ball savvy workers with a better grip on their day. So with this evidence, the direct money transfers of millions of americas boys, their best investors, the ones you pay to be proud of, follow the money always as the rule, this eventually will mean most of Americans have no job to go to ever, then eventually the grind will occur over another generation and without work we have revolutions.

Tony Quinn

Hi Matt, when did Billy say by 2029 his information would be accepted?

matt lee

My apologies for the late reply Tony.
I am getting lazy with all this as I only tend to rely on recent comments section.
My fault.
To answer your question is an impossibility right now for me as the old translations are tucked away in my old computer that I don’t have access to.
A search at FOMK didn’t yield any results other that about apophis so I am afraid I can’t answer your question.

Ned Duke

Looks like Quetzel’s mention about the vulnerability of the Internet is coming out:

Of Course, this article about the matrix got it wrong. Meier got it right with “phantasmagoria”.

Andrew Grimshaw

I, personally, couldn’t give two hoots about how much money these self-important-deceivers make. What will be running through their minds on their death beds and… I, personally, haven’t really experienced real hardship, let alone war. Maybe, just maybe, I can get away with not really harming another…

The contempary baby is far from the normal average of this universe. Then life happens as it is laid out by the results of ones last life… So much destruction to be consumed before the babe can create. Want for the cognition that all is because of all the other all is… Some folks just shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.

We are up against the grease of the current machinery, money, and a lot of it and it seems that your get showered in more of it the more you lie and deceive all the more, even and especially yourself. The tucked away in the back of the mind get out of jail free card is played; the whispered handing over of the last self-responsibility, to ——.

We are not that smart, really, or we would have stopped the worst of it from coming into being; we have lifetimes of learning ahead of us. The proverbial is going to hit the fan, and soon; ditch the soylent green dished out all day, every day… Prepare, study, meditate and love all.

——- annihilate religious consciousness destroying deceit ——-

Astronomers have unveiled the most detailed map to date of the Milky Way, after charting the positions of more than 1bn stars with stunning precision.

The map, based on observations from the European Space Agency’s Gaia probe, still only represents about 1% of the Milky Way’s stars, but is already 20 times more complete than any previous observations of the night sky.

Terry Carch

If there is a nuclear war, better to be prepared to go beyond and leave the Milky Way Gaxaxy and move into the DAL Universe for fear of being burned and killed alive due to radiation poisoning and thyroid czncer and so on before 2020! Think about that one! Join the Pljaren Federation or face anihilation!

Robert Forrest

I have always looked upon the ufo thing as, like making a big budget movie. The first day on a film like that is sea of ego that you have to wade through. Everyone thinks they are about to be discovered and become a star. They all can smell it, the money, the fame and all the perks. If they become the faker the film wants you to be, look at me. This is the same for the ufo entertainment industry. They need to sell their products, and like the entertainment industry they have no shortage of actors. No shortage of players trying to get it made and on the shelf. It will keep going because it is entertaining, that’s all most are looking for. So long as there is a buyer there’s a seller. Every entertainment industry project, show, is about profit. They do not want you to make anything off them. So if you pay 5 bucks to learn something, that’s education. If you do the same and walk away with just a smile, that’s entertainment. Fox has combined the two, and calls it news entertainment. Billy gives tons of free stuff, yes he has books for sale. But like any other writers, he worked very hard to do that. So he deserves it. Just like anyone who works. The difference is Billy’s in the future will still be valuable, while most of the rest, will only be good for. When you are out in the wilderness, without any TP. Well folks that’s entertainment.