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Monday, May 20, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

The UFO Disinformation for Dollars Scam

Late astronaut’s foundation bilks big bucks from gullible “alien abductees”

In a world that continues to experience one long forewarned upheaval after another, from terrorism, wars and environmental disasters to economic and financial chaos, leave it to profit-motivated charlatans to concoct new scams to peddle idiotic disinformation to distract people from the truth…and make money from it, of course.

Somewhat surprisingly, the foundation started by the late astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, is now a text book – or should we say comic book – example of snake oil, New Age mumbo-jumbo, dressed up in pseudo-academia, attempting to give credence to, and profit from, the completely unscientific, unsubstantiated, lunatic fringe that proudly self-identifies as “alien abductees” and/or “experiencers”.

One shudders to think who’s really behind this psychological soylent green program.

Perhaps having cynically assessed the ease with which people can be misled into mind-numbingly stupid pursuits, like Pokemon, flat Earth theories, etc., the latest irrationality is an Event for Experiencer Liberation Day, which perpetuates the deliberate – and it is deliberate – disinformation campaign started over 100 years ago, as if there weren’t enough con men with their 6,000-year-old Earth and equally looney “flat Earth” cults.

The event features such utterly delusional, notoriety-seeking panderers as Dr. David Jacobs, to perpetuate the concocted mythical “alien abduction” and “experiencers” quackery, which is absolutely devoid of a scintilla of actual scientific proof. While the event will certainly provide “liberation” of people from their money and any remaining rational thinking abilities, it may also be yet another experiment in leading people to be fearful of a (faked) “alien invasion”, and accept being bio-chipped, and other mechanisms of being enslaved and controlled.

Of course it makes perfect sense, doesn’t it, for an advanced race of space travelers to come from hundreds of light-years away just to dick around with primitive, overly entertained, confused and bored human beings on Earth. I’m sure that’s what they must live for. All of this also speaks to the ridiculous self-importance of people with too much time on their hands. Certainly there have been some actual abductions…but they have nothing to do with extraterrestrials, rather only with secret government and military operations designed to frighten and control gullible human beings.

But this is what the Edgar Mitchell foundation is now apparently all about, promoting mind-numbing stupidity for profit and, more than likely, in the service of the secret military. There must be really big bucks to be made to lure a former academic luminary like Dr. Rudy Schild to completely trash his reputation and credibility. Of course there also must be a certain appeal for an IRS Estate Tax Attorney to write himself off; maybe he’s more focused on abductions than deductions these days. You’ll find their Board of Misdirectors here.

You can also view a list of the other profiteers who help to facilitate this blatant hoax, while picking the pockets of their clientele, here. Quite a nice little “support system” for the feeble minded. Understand that every person on that list has chosen to affiliate themselves with a bogus, unscientific fraud, “treating a condition” that actually…doesn’t exist. That quacking sound isn’t coming from ducks but you’ve got to hand it to enterprising Americans, and now others, for whom every darkly insane cloud has a silver lining (we take cash, checks and credit cards). Your eyelids are getting heavy…your wallet is getting light…

Billy Meier’s information about who’s behind the so-called “alien abductions” was echoed in part by a former military man

BTW, the Edgar Mitchell Foundation wasn’t at all interested in the evidence and information about the Meier case, or my being one of over 125 eyewitnesses to the Plejaren craft, or that I’d been forwarded specific, prophetically accurate information from the Plejaren, etc. Apparently I wasn’t enough of a confused “victim” of imaginary evil aliens to warrant a response.

I coined the term UFOCI to clarify that there is a UFO Community and Industry, which has done more than even the governments to conceal the truth about the singularly authentic Billy Meier UFO contacts, still ongoing for almost 75 years, and thereby helped to bring about the fulfillment of the long prophesied events that are now upon us. This industry not only put profits above truth but is plainly suicidal, having long had access to Meier’s evidence and information, choosing to cover it up to make a buck instead.

It should be clear now that the so-called “UFO cover-up” is solely about the Meier case and not any of the distract and disinform nonsense perpetuated by the Mitchell Foundation and organizations like this.

And we wonder why the Plejaren said that basically America is toast after 2020.

P.S. For anyone who really, firmly believes that they’ve been “abducted”, get out a map and see how close you live to a US military base.


What Edgar Mitchell actually stood for was the peaceful use and exploration of outer space. While Edgar Mitchell name is used to draw attention to this foundation, Edgar Mitchell himself emphasized peaceful cooperation in outer space, including with extraterrestrial beings.


See also:

Alien Abductions: Delusional Disinformation

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell to Explore Billy Meier UFO Case?

The Newest in Regard to Matters of Extraterrestrials, UFOs

MUFON BOMBSHELL: “…most of MUFON’s public information was intentionally bogus or redacted…The U.S. State Dept. and the CIA basically control this activity.”

How MUFON Helped the Spread of ISIS

MUFON, UFOCI Force Cancellation of Billy Meier UFO Case Event!

Michael’s YOUTUBE Channel









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Robert Forrest

One other thing about entertainment is it’s addictive side. Witch I have noticed over the years, is this. They will always dangle something unattainable or nearly so, in front of you. To strive for, just within reach. Although few get the brass ring. Folks will pay for that go around, over and over and over. This is true with sports, but they have more brass rings. There is something that is said often in my industry ” Always leave them wanting more” like a drug. Because that is what it is. Everything Billy has given to us is and will be attainable. His teaching will leave you filled and satisfied. Like food.

Terry Carch

So very true Robert, There is one other issue that also can help too. Think about the Star Trek Universe which doesn`t leave you just plainly entertained all the time The Star Trek Universe as Gene Rodenberry wrote and delivierd sometimes deals with very inportant issues such as race,environment,jutice, free will and most importantly “Hope for a BETTER future!” The Star Trek Universe can be very educational as well as entertaining too. Star Trek deliviers a very positive hopeful benifual future. I also love the Original 1951 black and white The day The Earth Stood Still thanks to the character Klaatu Played by the Late M ichael Rennie who showed me that there are GOOD ETs as well as bad. ” Earth is STILL have savege and dangerously childish!” That is why I love the orginal Klaatu`s famous last lines at the end when he say”Join us of face abliteration(anihalation)!” I`m trying very hard to get Earth to join the Plejaren Federation out of fear of a nuclear war by 2020 else we will ALL be TOAST! Think positive thoughts as the Ps do and not dwell on such stupid entertainment such as relgion,politics, sports, corporations trying to sell you all the stupid junk for a fast buck,etc,etc,etc!


Did anyone catch the news the other day, I don’t recall if it was CNN or not but I only caught a bit of the report which basically stated that were countries in the EU that were opposed against sanctions or imposing more sanctions against Russia. Did anyone hear that?

Gordon Barnes

This question to Michael Horn or anyone who also might know. Having listened to Randy Winters audio tapes he states that the PJ’s have said to Bill that they see a bright future for us in about 800 years one which contains us as humans embracing spirituality and using beam ships to go about our business, is this still the case.


Gordon Barnes


Why wait 800 years when you can have it now, a majority of people I speak with are unhappy with the way things are in the world but if you try to guide them or suggest that they just look a Billy’s material they are not interested. The thing that is unfair in all this is we are ready to take that step, but we have to wait for everyone else to wake up. So we have to suffer because of the majorities ignorance….just doesn’t seem right!!!

Sastron Aulander

Hello Gordon, much work has been put in about this at FOM wiki over years. The answer from me is yes, and then I could speak more detailed, the changes are compound and logical as well as natural and similar to history before, are social, mentality, political, consciousness, revolution, lifestyle, ideas, community etc. there are some interests I could speak about to you privately, some how we get from here to there stuff, and review of history and human being consciousness progression etc.

Sastron Aulander

Eduard was told about the financial bust bigger than any other in confidence and entrusted to not speak about 2020 and some other important things.

“Wenn ich bedenke, was du mir schon 1975 auf meiner Grossen Reise anvertraut hast, dass die Supermacht USA nach dem Jahr 2020 gemäss euren Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnungen ein Ende finden könnte”

Robert Forrest

Thank you trerry, everyone here in the USA grew up with tv and movies. The films and tv shows where a lot morals were written in them, are no more. Some small examples, but pretty nonexistent, compared to today’s film and tv. The ufo thing is huge bucks for entertainment. They can do anything with it. They can turn it into monsters, they can fake documentaries, they can make a fantasy of it. It is a treasure to them, because cgi can make it happen. No building of expensive sets, no huge cast and so on. Film crews like to out do each other, it is one of things they do to get noticed. So theiy will be pushing this stuff for sometime to come. In my opinion the industry is insane as well all that are involved. From those that make it, to those that pay to see it. I suppose that would say something about me. But nothing of what MH has produced. Because he has made films and talks, that have no cgi or the fancy stages, advertising and the like. No tinsel town. I have started to remove myself from the industry. There are more drama schools and programs in the USA than any other place on the planet. The schools of Sybil is how I see them. We award the Sybil’s with gold statues and big bucks. Those that pay to see and love them, are Sybil’s themselves. Because they often repeatedly copy what they see. Sure there are good shows, but few, however they are still just made up to fit some morals. They will tell to suspend your belief. But to just believe is a insane thing to do. Witch is how the whole thing works.

Jacobus Kotze

Don’t worry Terry, if a nuclear bomb goes off, and you are standing in the wrong place at the wrong time, the chances of you feeling any sort of pain are very very slim. You will turn into a pile of radioactive ash before you even realize it, if that makes you feel any better.

Terry Carch

“Better to run and flee PRONTO than die if you want to get OUT in a huff and stay ALIVE BEFORE you become a heep of ash!” Thanks-a -whole Jacobus:-((((

Robert Forrest

I am moving out of California, provided I make it before the first big one hits. But I do not think my new safety would keep me just that. I would have other things to deal with. I just heard a news report that the California drought is going to go on for another 100 yrs. their studies have shown so far. There will be folks moving all overall to new spots. Crops failing and land turning to dust. The population keeps on getting bigger. It’s bad and it’s sad. This is what I mean about Sybil’s, most have many personalities, that fit whatever situation they are in. They learn this from films and theater. There are millions in the USA alone and growing in the world. The highest paid actor in the world is from India. In a lot of ways it’s a religion with studio gods. So folks, The table is set and from wherever you sit you will be served. Many will not realize what they have made for themselves, untill it is time to eat.

Terry Carch

Hi Robert from what I`ve seen today on cable tv, yes California is rally looking like nothing more than a real desert! Everythin g in California is turning weed and dust. Before you know it there California won`t even have a tree for shade! I guess you might call California the state of Death Vally? That is probally why so many celebs are moving out of California. I don`t even listen to the news anymore and the November election is already turnin g into a horror story,a reeat of the 2000 elction all over again only much much worse since Trump and H. Clinton are both a bunch of hawkish neocons who just lie,steal and don`t care if we live or die! All they want is WW4(3) and money so they can run off to Mars and buy a whole bunch of realistate on Mars! “What a bunch of clouns!”

Sastron Aulander

How many under 30’s have any interest or prior had some form of introduction to UFO’s, I don’t believe they make disinformation about it anymore, and based on those statistics maybe even the disinformation campaign was better publicity than the no publicity of over saturated recent audiences to UFO’s and various controversies, much less interest than 30 years ago. But I love you.

Terry Carch

I used to believe in UFOs and channeling before I found out about Billy and the Ps. Now I only believe in Billy and the Ps but I am also very very aware that there are other ETs out there in the vastness of the cosmic universe and other universes too but I only like good kind helpful benevolent friendly human ETs like the Plejarens!

Sastron Aulander

I like you Terry, but I still believe in UFO’s and Channelling, only I now call UFO’s either military, from the future, from the 3 groups, or from the federation, as you say. And call Channelling instead a fine sensitive perception. And I like you Terry, only like benevolent friendly human ET’s like the Plejaren, but also I only like T’s (terrestrials without the extra) that are benevolent, just like you for example terry, that is why I am like you and like you Terry.

Jacobus Kotze

Terry, you say you “believe” in Billy, so then you must be a billeber?

Jacobus Kotze

Sastron Aulander

Something tells me that you like Terry.

I should probably get back on topic.

Robert Forrest

The ufo thing will go on from here on out. It’s what we are striving to do ourselves. So it will not die off. The way it is being presented today as a joke, when this what we are trying to do ourselves. So when you see a personality, putting on a show and performance. To bring to you important guests. Like C2C does all around the country. You can be an inside listener for $ a month. To top it all off with a dating website. They are setting up a entertainment enterprise. Trying to tie you together to keep it rolling. C2C did bring Billy to the listeners. But a tiny revealing of truth, as opposed to the flood of lies. Told every night across the airwaves every night. They will not stop, unless we call them on it. It would have to be big, or they will not listen. George from C2C is not like any of us at all. He is a multimillionaire. So he has nothing really in common with his listeners. If you happen to catch him on other radio shows doing a promo. Sometimes it’s live and that’s when you see the real George. When other hosts are ribbing him over what he does. He then claims he is just an interviewer and does not believe his guests. The When he is doing the show, he is performing. When ever there is a performance, it’s an act of stage. That means there is a script involved somewhere. The information is being funneled right to you. If you think some rich guy is going to have your best interest in mind. Then look to Washington and the rich there. How’s that working for you? I use to think that there would be a way to expose the Billy information, with the industry. But that would take to much away from them and shut down most all of what they do. It will with time as this entertainment insanity can not survive for the better. MH gives podcasts sitting at his computer, coffee houses, small venues, films, books, etc. His presentations are not big. But the information is. In show biz it is often the other way around. Big show, small info. Salome Robert

Terry Carch

Hey Robert guess wehat H. Clinton is going to do the same stupid showbiz disinfo just like Noory and S. F! rieman will do tonight with G.KNapp This world is getting stupiter and stupiter! “How degenerate can this world get? WW4 by 2020 anyone?

Sastron Aulander

Edgar foundation “promoting mind-numbing stupidity for profit”, have some compassion, give the guy a hand and a leg up or atleast something to hold onto. They are office workers, partially automated in their mentality like a robot theoretically would be, turn up, do some work, go home, repeat, and to think, no, no thinking, it’s one foot in front of other, attain critical funds to move on with their lives, pay their rent and afford a Microsoft product for their sofa.

We should not insult them, we should sympathise with their consciousness and understand how to say the right thing to them, work out what they need to hear and then simplify it, so they can pay their rent and afford to have a baby.

Sastron Aulander

So let me get this straight in my mind, its boggling at the moment, they have the information, some even study the available freely in spare time, yet you say, they deliberately suppress the Eduard Meier info.

Do you happen to know why they do this Michael or anyone else here. Is it fear of criticism, is it a community thing where they feel they may be alienated, or is it economic fear they may loose their job, or are they waiting for someone like you to beautifully present it (you have already confidently), or is it the validity that despite the authentications that it just doesn’t fit in well with everything they know and have been taught in life so far, is it too big and too scary beyond the station in life, or is it as was once describe by FLAU that its something called a cognitive dissonance, or many other fears.

I wonder, because you know, there is many things in the Eduard Meier info that we could all use, normal things, everyday things, that would make our lives better, our communities healthy, as well as expand out stronger formats for our society moving forward etc.

Thanks if you have come into that info and can explain this well, Why has the Billy Meier info been suppressed, why? I cant work it out clearly enough.

Sheila Clark

Hi Sastron, my experience has been that the UFO Industry is only concerned with seeking out more victims to line their regressive therapy pockets and sell their alien abduction books. They don’t want to know the truth because there’s no money in it for them. Plus the good ones like Paul Hellyer are side tracked by the disinformation agents like Nick Pope and end up being confused. Add a little religiousness on the side and there’s not much hope left.

Robert Forrest

Sastron to get an idea of the kind of money that is being made. There is a show that was in Las Vegas this summer, it called the electric daisy carnival. The show this year attracted a million fans. At $355 for general admission and $699 for vip. For a 3 day show, that they may have spent maybe 30 million to produce. ( I am guessing more or less )The profits are huge. But nothing compared to the government, that somehow misplaced a trillion plus at the pentagon, Just before 911. A TRILLION PLUS ??? As far as I know it was never addressed after that. This kind of money attracts a lot of folks and will continue for sometime to come. They will want to grow the ufo industry into the same thing. I see C2C starting to move in this direction. With the local theater shows, witch will gradually grow to bigger venues. Higher ticket prices and so on. This is what I see them working toward.

Sastron Aulander

Sheila, I agree with everything apart from Nick Pope. He is a real genuine example of a genuinely paid from tax payer funds bureaucratic (oldest democracy style) british academic administrative clerical worker, who after he left the role found similar employment hard to come by and so decided to pander to the lower interest demands of an audience.

Most Americans do not have any idea about how we role in the worlds oldest democracy when it comes to UFOs, conspiracies or other sensible necessary articles of information, which individuals have to hear when they need it, demand it.

It’s out in the open in the UK, even if not particularly entering into popular culture. If you want to speak to a professor in the UK about UFOs you really can, if you want to have a sensible conversation about reality with UFOs in it, at any intellectual street level, it is possible. The UK just does the UFOCI not even half as well as our north American friends, just as it is with most of everything else.

Sastron Aulander

Sorry I missed the important part about Nick Pope. He is an example of the real genuine coordinates of actual reality when it comes to government level funded investigation. It’s incredibly important that you recognise what I have recognised here, because the actual coordinates of real situation are very bland and boring and particularly mundane, this is real. The unreal disinformation which is what this article by MH is all about, comes from the wild wacko tacko shuckster shill freakster gangster story tellers and entertainers. Not from paid bureaucratic sources. And the American secondary tier government even are not as good at disinformation as the wild entertainers.

Sastron Aulander

Thank you Robert, Matt, Matthew, MH. Fascinating conclusions we reach here about the industries and behaviour.

Sheila Clark

Well Sastron you are definitely wrong about Nick Pope who apparently claimed to have his own abduction. So is he looking for 15 minutes of fame or is he crazy? Either way I don’t trust the little toad or anything he says. I have read articles about him not ever having worked at places he’s claimed he has. He’s a BS artist just like the rest. I mean why does he never mention F35s?

Sheila Clark

Sastron, let me elaborate on your premise that Nick Pope is a truth teller because he’s a taxpayer funded administrative bureaucrat. When you have that job, you sign a non-disclosure contract which means you are not allowed to speak of what you know otherwise you will face criminal charges. Considering that Nick Pope doesn’t have a criminal record this tells me he’s never crossed that line. And if you honestly think that a tax paid administrative bureaucrat will tell you anything secret, you are being delusional.

Sastron Aulander

Maybe you are right Sheila, you have looked at this in much more detail than me. Its the principle I defending more than anything I think, that administrative clerical workers, whether working on UFO’s for official purposes or a coffee shop cafe financial records upstairs, are the same in their mentality, shifty hierarchical jittery, lack of sincerity and the characteristic evolutionary factors we associate with profound human beings. Sheila we both know who the real UFO people are in their character else we wouldn’t be on a BEAM related blog. The plejaren said something interesting once, they said something to the effect of, ‘those that are particularly interested in UFO’s are the ones that have never been to another world in a previous time’ and also I think maybe Sfath in the explanation from Sfath said ‘and we will be stuck with the wannabes because the others will be too occupied with something else’ or something like this. I would have to get a reference.

matt lee

Sastron there are the proverbial reasons why but my conclusions are that there has been a drastic decline in ethical, moral and virtuous standards in the modern era where anything goes these days couple this with the insatiable lust for wealth, fame and fortune and you have people who just don’t give a shit about anything and anyone.
So imagine how difficult it is for these wrongly influenced and wrongly taught people to do the right thing by their conscience.
It ain’t going to happen.
Convenience and laziness is the order of the day and the fact that the spiritual teachings is dauntingly so demanding to people whose standards have fallen so low that asking them to do the right thing is like asking a crocodile not to kill its prey.
Just look around in your immediate circle of people and ask yourself ‘would they take up Billy’s information’?

Philip Brandel

Hey Matt,
Wrote a essay, paper on the Virtues, 12 Leaders, high values recently that you might be interested in reading… would send to you if interested…. was born from our MN discussion/study group.
How ones character is the expression of their values, Virtues. Eventually we will want to co-live with each other within the feelings, thoughts, actions, as much as now many run from their fellow folk now?
Phil B.
Shakopee MN

matt lee

Hi Philip how are ya
Yeah I’d be interested in reading those essays.
Mind you I am also one of those hypocrites who do need those moral, ethical and virtuous lessons from time to time lest I fall off the rail.
My email is new initiations

Thanks Philip

matt lee

Sorry Philip
These pesky little smartphone keyboards
I might have to borrow Dr Greer’s little alien to do my typing.

My email is newinitiation@


Matthew Reed


My opinion of the UFO Industry is that they traffic in mysteries. The Meier Case ends the UFO mystery…it ends the mystery of life after death…it ends the mystery of human origin, etc…Once the mystery is solved, what’s left to speculate about with books, dvds & conferences?

Sastron Aulander

Each and everyone one of you who answered and explained something to me there wrote something that has been valueable to my understanding.

Its come out at me as reading that its a time related phase thing. Like maybe some of the compendiums that occurred in the 19th century. Maybe later.

What i’m interested to know on the back of that (not pre-arranged in anticipation) was the value of health? Does anyone know whether any capitalist has ever worked out that health is more value than non-health? I don’t mean medical, I mean peace not war, sustainability not greeting over indulgence, the facts about UFOs not disinformation about UFOs.

Q: who in the UFO IC has identified that the truth is healthier, holds more weight, bigger power and could earn more and be more economically valuable, greater potency, more money in, than disinformation?
Or is it just rare occasions, and as we all appear to be here, loyal but in small minority.

Sastron Aulander

*greeding spelling error not greeting.

Eduard has chosen on every occasion to not be the centre of a billion dollar industry. Plejaren very careful meticulous that Eduard not assume this position. They could have with tiny little adjustment made him into one of the worlds wealthiest men, not want, dishonourable. He could have instead of doing as he did, learn 5 languages and massive charisma and business skills several interviews a day for 30 years, big long massive budget films, used the beamships for enterprise purposes etc, he did not.

Sheila Clark

BEAM did it all for his love of humankind and you can’t put a price tag on that. The Plejaren along with Billy, know the most effective way of getting this information out there and thankfully it has nothing to do with the crap that is being spewed in the UFO industry.
Sastron since we are all so honest here, now would be a good time to tell everyone your real name.

matt lee

Sheila I am still trying to figure out whether he is on the side of Megatron or Optimus Prime but hey I’ll figure that out once the next installment of IROBOT 2 comes out.
Hey Sastton just joking no offense.

Sastron Aulander

You know my name Sheila, its Sastron, the openly concealed king (no joke).

I have evaluated the Plejaren position very carefully over a very long time (for whatever that matters) and disagree that while they may have known the most effective way of getting the info out, have not necessarily implemented it, and they have all been honest about it. The bottom line is that like all other space faring civilizations, they have very special laws legalese and directives which prohibit them in all kinds of ways, very defined parameters to their engagement with BEAM and Earth. And this is why I dont listen to the UFO BS as you called it, we are the same Sheila you and I, and I like you with all my heart, because like you know that evidently no UFO’s with people from other worlds are doing any of this smack with belt, because they are disciplined by their federation if they do, which nullifies most of the possibilities, and the Plejaren have identified the real times for Earth to BEAM, easter island, tunguska and a handful of others.

This is possible why around 90 million humans from other worlds chose to die on Earth in ancient times, because its a legitimate way of circumventing the federations very strict impartial laws. Like you Sheila like me, that is why I like you.

Sheila Clark

Sastron, the openly concealed king eh? That tells me two things about you. That you have a huge ego and/or that you really think you are a king. Being a king has great responsibility and I don’t think you’re ready because you actually have to have people and perhaps a country that you are king of. Plus you need to have experience which you obviously don’t have (not knowing about non disclosure tells me you’ve never been in a position of authority). You continue to attribute quotes to Billy and the plejaren which have no basis in reality as Michael has clearly pointed out on more than one occasion. Flattery will get you nowhere with me, so tell us your real name and show us the links to your claims. Put up or shut up.