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Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

WikiLeaks: “The name alone scares me.”

UFO warnings about dangerous US policies reached “global intelligence” company in 2006

I just discovered, thanks to Matt Knight, that WikiLeaks has included correspondence from me to Stratfor, a “global intelligence” company. In another one of the emails, John Gibbons of Stratfor wrote, “The name alone scares me.”

In my 2006 email to Stratfor – which I didn’t know “fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations” and “government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency” – I conveyed some of the warnings from Billy Meier about the threat posed to our future survival by US policies. Other people also contacted Stratfor to inform them about Meier’s information.

Now, 10 years later, the prescient nature of Meier’s very specific warnings are ceaselessly, inescapably fulfilling, with indications that they could reach fatally irreversible proportions.

The USA after 2020

In 2012, discussing information first given to him in 1975, Meier pondered that “the superpower USA could come to an end after 2020, if nothing in this country changes for the better by then, and if those who are the USA’s allies continue to dissociate from that country, or even become open enemies of that country, etc.”

In responding to him, Ptaah stated:

“That could be so, but also to consider is that which the Obama followers will do next and which internal and external policies they pursue, because this will also determine that which will happen after 2020.”

It was later clarified that the more correct translation from the German is “the Obama successors”. We are now only a short time away from learning who will directly succeed Obama and what policies they will pursue. It’s also no secret that one of the presidential candidates is already saber-rattling, deliberately and senselessly trying to provoke Russia into a suicidal nuclear war.

As asked several times before, the people were warned…and did they listen? Apparently not.

Maybe Stratfor – and the so-called intelligence agencies – weren’t “scared” enough.


See also:


BillyLeaks Beats WikiLeaks by Two Years

ISIS Confirms “Sleepers” in Europe as Billy Meier Warned

May the American People Know the Truth Before It’s too Late

The New Peace Movement

Billy Meier on America’s Coming Civil Wars

The Prophetic Warnings, the Press, the Disasters

Billy Meier on Putin, the EU, the IS, US Lies (2015)

Billy Meier on EU, Russia, Coming American Civil Wars (2016)









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Wyatt Clancy

I can’t seem to access the email link.

Wyatt Clancy

It works now

Wyatt Clancy

You probably already found this, but i’ll post the link anyway.

randy arena

And Yet They Fly…” it was the first thing Galileo Galilei told the naysayers who claimed the Vatican was the DIRECT center of the entire Universe… and Galileo was exclaiming actual proof of the opposite while the dummies watched through the telescope… Not and yet it moves… as Wikileaks points out very pedantically… They fly around the planet not the Vatican. Wikileaks is using the reference of a recently discovered painting painted 100 years after his death saying it moves… rather than they fly… like birds in the sky. He was describing their orbit around another celestial body… theyfly… they orbit, they move beyond the orbit of the Vatican! Sheesh!

The so-called scientists and pseudo-intellectuals postulate and ponder hither and yon… yet never come to any conclusions because they never really think about the big picture… like… the world has too many human beings for correct quality of life and until we fix that… we will not have quality life with peace, harmony, love and friendship.

What is the big deal? Why does Hillary want war with Russia… does she have some ulterior motive or something to misdirect us from?

Look at the first person she sought out after Ted Dansen… Meg Witman… the lady who spent one hundred and eighty nine million dollars on the California Governor campaign (a job paying $300,000 a year).

Our Swiss friend says… a lady in the presidency would be a good idea… just not Hillary.

Bernie got shafted but recently bought a new home… interesting… he was so quick to allow Hillary the way after obvious voter fraud here in California… We need honesty and change… not the same: good ole boy network…

The world is moving the other way of the pendulum swing… we will now be held accountable for being the multinational police… in which we have no business being a part of… it will now bite us in the fanny…. I’m afraid…

Hillary touting the Russians… we have had peace with them since the sixties… and they are militarily primed and ready… needing oil and we look ripe for the picking…

I don’t see Hillary as Obama… I think… like Bernie… they are polar opposites… but there are those that can’t drag themselves away from their precious cell phones… enough to think for themselves… and the good ole boy syndrome takes over… too bad… enjoy the war… That will be the result IMHO.

Putin is a no nonsense type of guy… he said American (North America) should be able to have the President he wants… this was before the primary election votes were so skewed they had 28% deviation from the normal 2% and then flushed the next day rather than have a second count just to be sure there was no fraud… We should do that… if we ever have another election… but I fear as others… this may be the last election of what we now call the United states… Way to go politicians… I hope it effects you as much as it effects us… maybe not in this life but the next… “if you find yourself riding in the fields with the sun at your face… do not be troubled… for you are in Elysium and you are already dead…”

May you live in interesting times… we can still fix this…


If you ride your horse with the wind at your back and the sun

Ev Vollmer

so written material from was included in corresponce to a “global intelligence company” from/to WikiLeaks stating Billys warnings of possible dire situations USA could/would see if “we”, the USA, does not change its course. Billys concern was responded to by Ptaah in 2012 from the previous discussion in 1974 they had but in the translation of this material from German to English “followers” was not the correct translation, the correct translation should have been “successors”. Is this right?

Sheila Clark

They freaking well should be terrified and if they were honorable they would help to form an international coalition of peacekeeping troops whose mandate is to stop wars, murder, rape and torture.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Sheila I think the world overpopulation catastrophe prevents that from being.

Terry Carch

MH “What the hell is Hilary ang Angela think they are doing to provoke Russia into a nuclear war? Who in the hell do these melvolent sub-huan/non-huamn women thik they are doing to get away with murder by murdering innocent Russian,US,EU innocent human beings into their den/lair with their stupid filthy rotten attitude Even dogs wouln`t do such filthy rotten murdering innocent human live into thier blood thrirsty murder for power and money filth. MH What kind of human stupid women are theses jerks in the first place? JEEZE MH who are these melvolent entitese that reek of such savage behavore like that? Better get Ptaah and Quetzal FAST before all hell breaks out these women Clinton and Merkel are a bunch of REAL FREAKS,YUCK,YIKES:-((((( Hurry before all hell breaks out!!!

randy arena

After the Salome… I wanted to get the Elysium quote of “Gladiator” corrrect… and forgot to end the start of the quote… no hidden meaning… so soulful postulation… just a mistake.


Mait Kingumets

I have thought about this for some time, that why intelligence organizations believe that they are immune to this possible disaster and keep doing the same stupid things?

Terry Carch

This just in from c2c Jerry Corsi said that Russia is pulling out of Alepo now that Asad is in power and Iran issiding with Russia and Corsi thinks there could be a limited nuclear war. Better check this out. I think the only reason why Russia wants Asad there is to keep ISIS out of Alepo etc. Frankly who wants to be in the Middle East anyway since the Middle East is so damn dangerous! Corsi thinks this has something to do with the election which is only two weeks away I heard that .hat Russia is not really interested in keeping Asad there,it is only because if you get rid of Asad then ISIS will come in and destroy everything there. The Russians think this will prevent ISIS from trying to take over the Middle East. At least that is what I heard. As far as I `m concerned it doesn`t matter what country these poliitoans and malitaries are from they are just awful and a bunch of stupid 2 year old babies playing with fire to say nothing of a limited nuclear war etc!

Steve Suggs

Hello Michael, This maybe off topic but maybe not. Have you ever contacted “The False Flag Weekly” (FFW) youtube show? I think this group is ready to hear some truth about UFO’s and ET’s. They might welcome an interview from you and they have a growing audience. No doubt the Intel community is monitoring FFG. Thanks


Hi All, I found this recent interview with Mr. Putin and thought some of you might find it interesting. Basically confirms, for me a least, what Billy is saying about him.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Thanks Joe, I watched that same tube today on my own research and it made a very strong impression on my feelings. My feelings from this video still is resonating in my thoughts now.

randy arena

Wikileaks… We are moving up in the world. Michael this is wonderful! It is a start in the right direction… If Wikileaks and all the clandestine organizations that read this source of accurate truthful information reads this maybe we can steer this planet in the right direction: to peace, love, harmony and friendship!


Salome: be greeted in peace and wisdom.

Sheila Clark

Totally agree. Whatever the US media says about Wikileaks they cannot dispute the fact that Wikileaks has NEVER released anything that was not truthful.

todd markus

if the corrupt global elites like he bush family, the betchels, the rothchilds, the rockefellers, sect of state john kerry , cia brennan, nsa clapper , fbi comey and the spineless so called intellectuals at nasa would reveal that microbial life or fossils exsist on the planet marrs all this could be avoided. But govt goons cant think for themselves, or their afraid of their corporate satanic worshipping masters , like the families mentioned above. And the corporate elite are to petty, self ab sorbed, arrogant and short sighted to make the corect and wise decision about this issue.

Norman DeCindis

I’ve notice that every time Trump mentions working with Russia the Media ridicules him.

How are the people supposed to make an honest judgement when the Media will not report the facts when I comes to almost everything.

Sheila Clark

The bias shown by the media has become blatantly obvious for those who are paying attention. They did the same thing here when they elected Trudeau last year. Apparently “those people” around Obama were instrumental in electing our Canadian PM. So when I hear that Russia is meddling in the US election it makes me laugh because the US has meddled in almost all “democratic” elections around the world, for decades.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hi Sheila, the Prime Minister walked away from the EU bargain table this week. Maybe he isn’t as bad as I think he is. I think I may start to like him.

Darcy Wade Carlile

PS those red cloaks sure resemble the Pope’s clothing.

Sheila Clark

Hi Darcy it was actually Freeland who walked away from the bargaining table on Friday and PM Trudeau is set to fly over there next week to sign the CETA agreement. It is only Wallonia that does not want it to go forward. I’ve recently sent PM Trudeau the links to Bruce’s latest translation about CETA and how it will affect Canadian sovereignty as we will be under the EU dictatorship. So it’s not like he wasn’t warned.

Darcy Wade Carlile

And will they listen?

Sheila Clark
Terry Carch

I totally agree with you sheila yes the US IS mediling in everything and anything globally and the US gov etc are ALL a bunch of “BIG FAT BULLIES”and if these US bullies don`t stop[ soon they will ALL get “CLOBBERED BIG TIME WAR AND ALL etc,etc,etc!”

Sheila Clark

Hi Terry, it always goes back to the Henoch Prophesies…
“195…reflect upon reason, become reasonable and undertake the necessary steps against the insane machinations of their governments and military powers as well as their secret services, and call a halt to the power of the irresponsible you have forsaken their responsibility in all areas.
196. If this does not happen, many small and great nations will lose their independence and their cultural identity and will be beaten down, because the USA will gain predominance over them and with evil force bring them down under its rule.”

Sheila Clark

Correction: the irresponsible who

Terry Carch

Sorry Jacobus but I gotta tell you the honest truth and that is my ancestors were white Russians like Tevye of Fiddler on the Roof who fled the Romanoffs during the 1890s I have very distant relatives in Russia and you have to think of other Russians such as artistis,scientist, doctors and the ordinary everyday Russians man in the street who are no different than you and me accept for the language differences. I won`t go any further than that be please think od other ordinary peop[le from the around this world NOT these stupid politicians who want nothing more than conflict, money and war etc,etc,etc! It doesn’t matter where and what country these peple are from,there are good and bad people everywhere be it contry,earth solar systems, galaxies universes,etc,etc, etc! Russians are very culturaly inclined and they have a whole wealth of arts,culture, hisory Think Toldtoy,Cherkov, Rachmonanorf,tkousky, Opera, Ballet, Theater, Novels, the list is endless. Russia is a very very big country,the biggest in the world. If you don`t believe me check with MH who has been there once etc. So guys would you want to nuke Russia who might just nuke you back and vice versa. Think about that! I just read on Democracy Now that Tennesse just opened up a new nuclear power plant that looks to me like Indian Point! Now just how stupid can they get with this new nuclear power plant in Tennessee plus the state of Georga is going to built 2 more n uclear power plants too! :-(((