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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

“America Will Be Wrecked”

The proverbial sins of the fathers lurk ominously

We Want What’s Yours…or Else

What are the chances that this latest upsurge in American aggression is also fundamentally about the same things that the Iraq War was? A recent article expounds on what Billy Meier casually mentioned 10 years ago. It also reminds us of the coming revolt “against the American hegemony” mentioned in the Henoch Prophecies from 1987*.

American Interests

When we hear the words “American interests” it usually means that some country and its people have been targeted to have death and destruction rain down upon their heads because they have things America wants and feels entitled to take at any cost…usually to them.

America and its citizens have never known the joys of having their country invaded, attacked, firebombed, etc. And so when Billy Meier says that already in 1975, he was told that “the superpower USA could come to an end after 2020, if nothing in this country changes for the better by then” shall we assume that “America will be wrecked” is now a foregone conclusion?

A significant number of, now very disappointed, people voted for Trump because he presented a strong anti-war position. Despite some back-peddling on invading Syria, we already see clear indications that Trump will ultimately do the bidding of the Deep State. He, and most of the people around him, have a lot to lose personally, unless they planned all along to go into the cigarette business.

Parsing the Prophecies

It should be clear to the wisest among us that we can’t outsmart the prophecies. We can, however, learn to understand, and live in accordance with, the law of cause and effect, upon which all of them are based and derived. Religions give lip service to it as The Golden Rule. It was spelled out in grim, specific clarity even longer ago.** Consider also the similarity of what’s said in this article to the Henoch Prophecies.

It’s not only the long warned about alliance between Russia and China but also other countries that will come against the US, as the environment rebels worldwide as well.*** The proverbial sins of the fathers lurk ominously, unwelcome visitors approaching, invited through human greed, ignorance and arrogance.

Or, as Billy Meier put it, “America will be wrecked.” And a lot more of the world as well, if we don’t learn from, and heed, the prophecies and apply the wisdom in the non-religious, belief-free, spiritual teaching.


*From the Henoch Prophecies:

192. In all, America will play the most decisive role, when in the guise to strive for peace and to fight against terrorism it invades many countries of the Earth, bombs and destroys everything and brings thousand-fold deaths to the populations.

193. The military politics of the USA will likewise know no limits, as neither will their economic and other political institutions which will be focused on building and operating a world police force, as it is the case already for a long time [sic].

194. But that will not be enough, and, in the guise of a so-called peaceful globalisation, American politics will aspire to gain absolute control of the world concerning supremacy in economy.

195. And this will point towards the possibility that a Third World War could develop from it, if human beings as a whole will not finally reflect upon reason, become reasonable and undertake the necessary steps against the insane machinations of their governments and military powers as well as their secret services, and call a halt to the power of the irresponsible who have forsaken their responsibility in all areas.

196. If this does not happen, many small and great nations will lose their independence and their cultural identity and will be beaten down, because the USA will gain predominance over them and with evil force bring them down under its rule.

197. At first, many countries will howl with the wolves of the US, partially due to fear of American aggressions and sanctions, as will be the case with many, many irresponsible [ones] in Switzerland and Germany but also of other countries. In part, others will join in because they will be forced somehow to do so or will be misled by irresponsible promoters of American propaganda.

198. Finally, many Asian, African and European states will rise up against the American hegemony, once they recognise that the United States of America is only taking advantage of them for purposes of war, conquest and exploitation.

**217. Far in the West, it will be different; the United States of America will be a country of total destruction.

218. The cause for this will be manifold.

219. With its global conflicts which are continuously instigated by it and which will continue far into the future, America is creating enormous hatred against itself, worldwide, in many countries.

220. As a result, America will experience enormous catastrophes which will reach proportions barely imaginable to people of Earth.

221. The destruction of the WTC, i.e., the World Trade Center, by terrorists will only be the beginning.

***222. Yet all the apocalyptic events will not only be brought about due to the use of unbelievably deadly and destructive weapons—such as chemical, laser and others—and by cloned murder machines; but in addition to this, the Earth and nature, maltreated to the deepest depths by the irresponsible human beings of Earth, will rise up and cause destruction and bring death onto the Earth.

223. Enormous firestorms and gigantic hurricanes will sweep over the USA and bring devastation, destruction and annihilation, as this from time immemorial never before will have happened.

224. Not only will America, but also all other Western industrial countries which still live at the beginning of the new millennium in the delusion that they could dominate and rule over underdeveloped nations, i.e., Third World countries, will not only soon lose influence over these but must defend themselves against them.

See also:



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Corey Müske

When we are reborn into our next lifetime, this could be a very different Earth to be born to. Some countries will have risen, others fallen from being rich and powerful. Some areas of the Earth may be seeping with nuclear radiations (if nukes were used) or from leaking power plants. Effects from overpopulation may be in full effect, countries may have sunk into the ocean, volcanoes may have destroyed population centeres, there may have been heavy earthquakes (heavy casualties), there may be areas of the world where society has collapsed, and there are mass starvation’s, and thirst, for food and drink. People in this time may still pray to a non-existent God, and he will not have an ear for this world, but there will be truth-seekers, and I want to be one of them. Future FIGU will be there for those future people in need of knowledge, and wisdom.

Michael Helfert

Corey, my every day thoughts are along the same lines now. With Trump changing his allegiance to that of the deep state, while maintaining the appearance of a right/left paradigm, I’ve become disgusted with the entire facade. I think FIGU needs to focus most of it’s efforts at this point on building itself as a landed organization that will survive the coming centuries.

Terry Carch

Hi Michael Helfert and Corey,Count me in too. I`m so damn fed up with political corporate military religious ballgame that I run out for ice cream and just laugh at how mindless spinelessly stupid this world is getting,it`s like watching a three ring circus and finding the one act really sucks. Let it bleed and play ball-)) It means I`m fed up with all this stupid football game!!!

Terry Carch

Sorry for my last comment MH but there must be a simpler and better way than this to get on the internet???

Terry Carch

Thanks MH. I thought i did something wrong. Mabye I need to take a refresher course on how to use the internet As you know by now I`m not tech savy. Oh well, thanks.


What is left to say but get out the popcorn and watch everything unfold from the best seats in the house….it’s very very sad but what are we going to do!!!

Matthew Reed

Sorry if this is a bit off-topic:
Perhaps Alex Jones should start posting a disclaimer on his website saying he’s merely “a performance artist”. This could help his followers from taking some of the more absurd conspiracy theories seriously and possibly help in bridging the overly politicized divide in America before it’s too late:

“In Travis County custody case, jury will search for real Alex Jones”–regional-govt–politics/travis-county-custody-case-jury-will-search-for-real-alex-jones/rnbWzMHnFCd5SOPgP3A34J/

Terry Carch

I just found out that it`s the state NOT AARP which means I could be reduced back to $100 a week thanks to the Deep State and their rotten shills for more money for them and less money for me!!! thanks to the states gettin g less money and more for the feds to pay for their rotten warmongering dark shills and cabals,etc,etc,etc!!!

Terry Carch

MH, I tried to remove the third line let me know if it pops up?

Jaime Solano

Here is food for thought. An MIT scholar states that the chemical gas attach in Syria was staged. (See My thoughts several weeks ago were who was behind this staged chemical attack that caused Trump react? Is Trump being manipulated?

Terry Carch

Hi Jamine, I also heard about this fake chemical attack too. I think this has to do with the Deep State,Black Ops and the Military Industrial Complex. Seems to me their trying to siphon money away from people like you and me who don`t chance so these nefarious shills can use the money to funnel into MORE wars,etc,etc,etc!!!

Corey Müske

Jaime, Russian Intelligence indicates the video was staged by the rebels, and they are making more videos (featuring alleged gas attacks) to try and dupe the West into war with Assad, and Russia.

It’s very mischievous if true.

Carolyn Snyder

I think that Assad was not behind the chemical attacks. Who was remains a mystery.

Terry Carch

I just heard on the news that Russia sent war planes into Alaska but I also heard recently that Russia will very soon become a dermocray and later on China will also become a democracy. But I`m wondering if and when the US will ever return to becoming a cemocracy again if ever?

Jaime Solano

Unfortunately our politicians react to these staged events becuase we need to “protect the weak”. We did it in Iraq and left a mess. We staged a fake attack on a US ship in Vietnam. So we got involved trying to protect South Vietnam from “communism”. It is so true that if you ignore the past you are destined to repeat it. Where is the italian and British empires are gone. And we are headed in the same direction. We do not learn and heading head first into self destruction. There is no difference between us and a suicide boomer. If we cannot get our way we will take as many casualties as possible.

Terry Carch

Well Jaime You only need to loot at what is going on in North korea!!! Another ten year war in North Korea???

Terry Carch

MH I just deleted the http again,it`s popping up again but I`ll keep deleting the Http every time I see it. Sorry about that.

Anthony Svab

With USA is unfortunatelly like this; either it gets wrecked for what it is doing to the whole world, hopefully before it manages to take the whole world with itself to hell, or USA is going to wreck the whole world, including itself, because it just does not know how to stop from what it got so used to do. Everyone at least a bit sane knows which of two is the lesser evil … So I hope no one minds if I hope the first option happens, before USA wrecks the whole world… Only americans themselves can still stop both, or rather, stop their criminals in charge before it is to late either for them or for the whole world. I suppose this is one of the reasons why Civil War in USA is unavoidable… because only Civil War, some kind of huge natural disasters or some advanced ET interference can stop USA from wrecking the whole world…

Corey Müske

Jaime and Anthony, the thing is FIGU has since many years published the recommendation of a multi-national peacekeeping troop for peace, I know governments have gotten the message, and I myself have written a paper on this (gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit):

Peaceful partnership with Russia in the fight against terrorism in Syria would be a good start, and this is what Trump initially wanted, but the anti-Russia hysteria, and the negative forces were just too strong. For these reasons, and in general (for hegemony) the US government (and other governments) is/are choosing to contravene peace. It may only take serious calamity and disaster to wake up the US of A.

Andrew Grimshaw

I was wondering…

How many USD did “Jesus” make a month?

Jedaiah Ramnarine

More than the believers would ever want to believe. 🙂 Huehuehue…

Andrew Grimshaw

Were there any “drills” happening on 9/11?

Before It’s News
Tyson Mowry
Published on Apr 19, 2017
“Just found out about Operation Gotham Shield in New York City and New Jersey on April 24th, 25th and 26th. I’m just trying to spread the word.”
Operation Gotham Shield: Improvised Nuclear Detonation Drill

Was there a shooting in a movie theater while a Batman movie was showing?
Was there a reference to Sandy Hook in a Batman movie?

Hope I’m in the wrong and look like I have drunk the Kool-Aid!

Andrew Grimshaw

So, no false flag……. nice, for now…….

I am sick of these satanic cowards and their teensy weensy little “mind”games, I can’t wait to hand them their copy of GOTT, packet of seeds, shovel, box of matches and toilet paper. How much money do you need in the moneyless society that they so desire? And these small in consciousness and conscience, not to mention intelligence, actually think that they possess POWER; they obviously can’t fathom a night sky full of stars from their city haunts or underground bunker. And talking about property, does anyone remember how many lifetimes until the sun engulfs our planet?

Not one of them has thought of the effects of taking another’s life. I for one don’t believe in karma, but I do believe in a Spirit-Form reincarnating into it’s next personality in the exact situation so as to best learn the lessons that were previously not learnt, because the opposite of evolution was all that happened, as a result of one’s past life’s actions and inactions…….

Do we really have to go through all this, again? I really wish I didn’t have to wait hundreds of years to stop gritting my teeth in anger. Well, at least I now know what to focus on next time I do Standing In Spirit!!!

Jedaiah Ramnarine

To be honest, when you think on it, our civilization is not really that old. I’m sure there are some who learn quicker, but you know, Earth just happens to be ‘those kids’ out in the acreage. Don’t be angry at this, it’s still natural to experience trial and error as a civilization.