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Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

“I Go Where the Evidence Leads”

The 20 year-old, still un-kept promise by Dennis Prager

On my travels today, I turned on the car radio and, as luck would have it, the Dennis Prager show was on and Dennis was speaking about atheists, religion, the supernatural and lamenting the materialistic attitude that doesn’t allow people to consider anything that they can’t see, feel, or touch. In fact, he generously gave himself credit for his willingness to have his own beliefs challenged when he said, “I go where the evidence leads.”

Since that’s a position certainly not espoused by the majority of religious people, I immediately dialed the number to call into the show.

Been There, Tried It Before

Actually, it wasn’t just because it seemed like a good opportunity to try to discuss such matters with a radio host. It was also because my first interactions with Prager go back almost 20 years,, to when I lived in Los Angeles, and first tried to bring the Billy Meier extraterrestrial contact case to his attention. For those who may not know, Prager is a highly religious, conservative talk show host, who prides himself on being logical, something rather foreign to most religious people.

In addition to sending him a lot of information, and emailing him, over a number of years, I also managed to have a brief interaction with him when I phoned his show, in the late 1990s. I still have a cassette recording of it and I’ll check the actual date when I return home.

As I recall, Prager had said that he’d indeed examine any evidence I would provide…but he never did. In fact, none of my efforts were acknowledged; no calls or emails were ever returned. All that I did get was a runaround from his call screener at the time, a woman named Eva, as I recall.

So this is just a public acknowledgement of what his current call screener, perhaps a different woman, told me today when she answered the phone, i.e. that I should get in touch with Prager again, and with his producer, Alan Estrin, through email. She said that the overall topic today wasn’t really about the “supernatural” things, which was true, as the rest of the show was mainly about political matters.

Where the Evidence Leads

While the content and implications of the still ongoing Meier contacts – now spanning more than 75 years – are staggering to any fair-minded, logical person, I think that someone like Prager may also want to…keep his word. The best way to do that would be to publicly discuss the evidence with someone as expert in this field as he may be in his. He’s certainly interviewed numerous experts, authors, etc., in many fields about which his own knowledge was less than theirs.

He did say, “I go where the evidence leads.” Hopefully, 20 years is sufficient time to prepare oneself to have their beliefs severely challenged by real, factual evidence. Being courageous enough to do so could be the most important thing Dennis Prager has ever done for this country’s future survival.

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Andrew Grimshaw

Salome Luis,
That was beautiful.
And our Love & Thanks is returned to you in kind. 🙂
– The Silent Revolution Of Truth –

Scott Reed

Prager is a coward.
Enough said.
Scott Reed.